ASM meeting minutes 2016

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Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Thursday 3 November 2016 at 10.30 am Vodafone Events Centre, 770 Great South Road, Manukau, Joan Withers (Chair) Mike Allen Prue Flacks Andy Lark James Miller Keith Smith Patrick Strange Mike Taitoko None Nicky Ashton, Future Director Mercury Executive Management team Approximately 300 shareholders, Mercury staff and other guests

Opening of Meeting

The Chair opened the meeting after announcing that it had been duly convened and constituted and that a quorum was present. The Chair welcomed shareholders to the meeting.


Notice of Meeting

The Chair referred to the Notice of Meeting dated 30 September 2016 which had been sent to shareholders.


Agenda of Meeting

The Chair introduced the agenda for the meeting and outlined the voting procedures, and in particular that voting at the meeting would be by way of poll.


Chair’s Address

Joan Withers delivered the Chair’s address, which was also released to the market.


Chief Executive’s Address

Fraser Whineray delivered the Chief Executive’s address, which was also released to the market.



The meeting was opened for questions about the business. A number of questions were asked by those attending the meeting and were responded to by the Chair and the Chief Executive.


Ordinary Business and Resolutions

The resolutions were introduced and moved by the Chair. Resolution 1 concerned the re-election of Joan Withers. Prue Flacks therefore chaired the meeting for the introduction of Resolution 1. Joan Withers chaired the meeting for the introduction of Resolution 2 and the remainder of the meeting. The directors standing for re-election (Joan Withers and James Miller) each addressed the meeting. Each resolution was opened for discussion. The Chair put the following resolutions to the meeting, with voting by way of poll. 1. Re-election of Director: Joan Withers The Chair moved that Joan Withers, who retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the Company. The resolution was passed with 1,011,464,642 votes for and 1,098,198 against.

2. Re-election of Director: James Miller The Chair moved that James Miller, who retires by rotation and is eligible for re-election, be re-elected as a director of the Company. The resolution was passed with 1,011,030,893 votes for and 1,373,333 against.


Other Business

There was no other business.



Shareholders were invited to join the directors and management for tea, coffee, orange juice and light snacks. The meeting closed at 11.45 pm.

Minutes prepared by:

Minutes approved by:

Tony Nagel

Joan Withers

Company Secretary


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