Diversity policy 18 04 16

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Diversity Policy 1.0


Mighty River Power recognises that the sustained commercial success of the business is underpinned by the capability and performance of employees and relationships with key partners, customers, suppliers and the communities within which we operate. As such, the Company has a genuine commitment to and continued focus on investing in growing capability and recognising and valuing difference - as part of driving an inclusive and high performance culture. The Company takes a holistic view of diversity that is anchored around diversity of thought, with difference (what makes people similar or different from one another) recognised and valued in its broadest sense, including: – employee experiences and capabilities, and – family and cultural heritage It is within these two broad categories that we summarise the uniqueness that each individual brings to our business. Mighty River Power also considers the traditional areas of diversity (for example: gender and age), with the focus on removing any perceived or tangible barriers to becoming a part of our business, and to being able to thrive in the workplace. As the way that each employee contributes is informed by this difference, greater diversity enables the opportunity for employees to broaden perspectives and approaches. In turn, this enrichment of our workforce will continue to build on our business capability, increase the potential for new ways of thinking, strengthen overall business decision making and support our ability to understand and engage with our diverse customer base. In considering the workforce composition in this way, Mighty River Power is well positioned to harness and leverage diversity, build a dynamic, highly engaged and productive workforce; and ultimately deliver enhanced business performance now and into the future.


Our Commitment

At Mighty River Power, we uphold the principle of merit, where competence and achievement is rewarded and recognised. We employ the best people we can get, based on the requirements of the job and alignment with the team and business culture. The Company is committed to the principle of equal pay for work of equal value. We are committed to providing an environment in which all employees have the opportunity to develop and grow, and this is part of the Company’s commitment to the wellbeing of our employees.



Practical Application

Mighty River Power’s approach to ensuring an inclusive and diverse work environment is built around: –

our aspirations to build a high performing culture that enables and values diverse inputs, in turn creating broader business opportunities and stronger business outcomes, – our commitment to merit, – a continued focus on organisational development and recognition of the degree to which diversity is critical to business success, – maintaining a strong alignment between our workforce and the customer base we serve, – remaining current with regard to opportunities and challenges in the external labour markets. This approach will be practically applied across our business by: –

ensuring our recruitment and selection, development and talent management approaches have specific process steps to include and evaluate diversity, against business objectives, – encouraging the development of sustainable / transferable employee experiences and capabilities, – enabling the business to build deep and wide talent pools for the industry and communities within which we operate. Board diversity is covered in the Board Charter.


Review and Measurement

At Mighty River Power we believe an inclusive and merit based working environment delivers the strongest business performance and that to be sustainable, this inclusive approach must be integrated into business operations. The Board is responsible for establishing measurable objectives for achieving diversity and annually monitoring progress. Our Policy is transparent and publicly available and each year as part of an annual review, the Company will: – –

review the effectiveness and relevance of this policy, consider the Company’s workforce composition and note key insights and activity being taken to ensure strong alignment to the Mighty River Power approach and practical application, provide an evaluation of the Company’s performance with respect to this policy, including the approaches and measurable objectives, and the progress towards achieving those objectives.


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