DRAFT Turitea Construction Traffic Management Plan

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Construction Traffic Management Plan Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) Turitea Transmission Line

This Construction Traffic Management Plan is the property of Electrix Limited. This document is not to be reproduced to third parties without written authority from Electrix.

Job Manager: Customer: Electrix Job No: Date of Issue:

Kevin Small Mercury P.0242015.1.01 2nd July 2019

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Distribution Register Name



Angie Crafer

Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng)

Chartered Engineer

Kevin Small

Project Manager

Peer Reviewer & Approver

Emma ComrieThomson

Environmental Consultant (Electrix)

Peer Review

Chris Singleton







Amendment Register Issue No 01

Issue Date 2 July 2019

Description Version 1

Author Emma Comrie-Thomson

Management Plan Approval The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Turitea Transmission Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) and agree with the approach it presents. Changes to this CTMP will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives. Name



Kevin Small

Job Manager


Chris Singleton

Client - Mercury


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Assessment of Environmental Effects


Construction Environmental Management Plan


Community Liaison Group


Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management


Construction Noise Management Plan


Construction Traffic Management Plan


Palmerston North City Council


Site Environmental Management Plan


Site Traffic Management Supervisor


Tararua District Council


Temporary Traffic Management Plan


Vehicles Per Day

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Chartered Professional Engineer Statement











Summary of Transmission Works Site Access Routes Traffic Flows 4.4.1 Truck Movements Signage Storage of Materials Hours of Operation Construction Programming Kahuterawa Road and Greens Road Upgrade


10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13



Monitoring Pedestrians/Cyclist and Horses Temporary Traffic Management Plans Greens Road Private property access

15 15 15 15 16










Behaviour Disciplinary procedures


19 19





List of Figures Figure 1: General location of the site (Figure 1-1 of AEE)............................................................................................. 8 Figure 2: Transmission line route and access roads to site. ........................................................................................ 9 Figure 3: Driveways to 241 Kahuterawa Road. ........................................................................................................... 16 Figure 4: Entranceways to 131 and 132 Greens Road. ............................................................................................... 17 Figure 5: Linton Substation access.............................................................................................................................. 18

List of Tables Table 1: Consent conditions relating to CTMP ............................................................................................................. 6 Table 2: Estimated Truck Movements. ....................................................................................................................... 11 Table 3: Vehicle restrictions: Greens Rd and Kahuterawa Road. ............................................................................... 12 Version: 1.0 DATE: 02/07/2019

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Table 4: Proposed Project programme. ...................................................................................................................... 14 Table 5: Vehicle access through Greens Road. ........................................................................................................... 16 Table 6: Contact details for Project Management. ..................................................................................................... 19

List of Appendices Appendix A - Temporary Traffic Management Plan: Greens Road ................................................................................. Appendix B - Complaints Form .......................................................................................................................................

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1. Background This Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) (required by Schedule 3: condition 70 of the Resource Consent) details the procedures to be implemented to manage, remedy and mitigate potential adverse traffic effects during construction of a new 12km long 220kV transmission line to connect Transpower’s existing Linton Substation to the “Plantation Substation” at Mercury’s Turitea Wind Farm (the Project), near Palmerston North. Consent conditions in relation to the CTMP are summarised in Table 1 below, along with the relevant section of this CTMP in which these matters are addressed: Table 1: Consent conditions relating to CTMP



CTMP Section


At least 40 working days prior to any construction works commencing the Consent Holder shall submit a CTMP to the Roading Manager of the respective Councils, for review in a technical certification capacity. A response should be provided within 15 working days of receipt. Construction activities must not commence until written certification has been obtained. The purpose of the CTMP shall be to set out in detail matters relating to the extent and timing of construction traffic activity, and the traffic management provisions to be put in place during this time to achieve a safe and efficient road network. The CTMP shall be prepared by a Chartered Professional Engineer following community consultation and shall cover at least the following matters:



Documentation of who has been consulted and involved in preparing the CTMP, which shall include the CLG, residents on South Range Road, Greens Road, and Kahuterawa Road, groups representing users of Hardings Park such as the Manawatu Mountain Biking Club, and traffic engineers from Tararua District and Palmerston North City Councils.



Project scheduling.



Travel routes.



Access details.



Roading upgrades, including those referred to in conditions 53-55.

N/A 1


Traffic flows.



Vehicle speeds, including specific limits on South Range Road, Kahuterawa Road and Greens Road.



Operating hours for each access, including those referred to in condition 63.



Measures to ensure trucks use the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road access(es) wherever practical, and to ensure condition 61 is complied with.


A separate CTMP is to be prepared for the upgrade of Greens Road and Kahuterawa Road for use by construction traffic


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Measures to reduce the amount of commuter traffic by construction personnel.



Piloting arrangements and operating procedures for over dimension turbine component transporters.



Provisions for accommodating pedestrian, cycle and horse usage of the access roads.



Driver protocols, including prohibition on engine braking on Kahuterawa Road and the flat portion of Greens Road, and “one in one out� arrangements for trucks on Kahuterawa Road during particular peak days when more than 40 truck movements per day are envisaged.



Disciplinary procedures to be followed in the event that any project drivers breach the driver protocols on any other aspects of the CTMP, including that any project drivers who are the subject of a credible complaint in respect of adherence to the road rules and the CTMP shall have a vehicle tracking system (with driver behaviour functionality) installed in their vehicles.



Full details of the temporary traffic management plans to be used, including the conditions under which each plan would operate.



Procedures for communication with the local community and other road users regarding traffic management issues, including notification techniques such as emails, a dedicated website update, text messages, roadside notice boards, and/or newspaper advertisements.



Project contacts including a driver comments free phone number.


Chartered Professional Engineer Statement

Lachlan Beban and Angie Crafer (Chartered Professional Engineer) from Flow Transportation Specialists have reviewed this document throughout the development of this CTMP.

2. Location The Turitea Wind Farm site is located approximately 10 kilometres south-east of Palmerston North primarily along a 14-kilometre ridge in the northern Tararua Ranges. The environment includes a number of existing wind farms to the north. The Turitea Wind Farm is located within the Turitea Reserve (owned by Palmerston North City Council (PNCC)) and on adjoining private farmland. The site is located within the PNCC and Tararua District Council (TDC) municipal boundaries and comes under the jurisdiction of the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council (Horizons). The general location of the site is shown in Figure 1. The approximate route for the transmission lines are shown Figure 2 along with the direct roads that will be used for access to site.

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Figure 1: General location of the site (Figure 1-1 of AEE).

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Figure 2: Transmission line route and access roads to site.

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3. Purpose of the CTMP The CTMP will, as far as reasonably practicable, avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of construction traffic on the safe and efficient operation of the surrounding road network. It includes: • • • • • •

A description of the construction works to be undertaken, including site access routes The timing and extent of construction works, including hours of operation Temporary Traffic Management to be implemented Project contacts Consultation and Communications methodology Driver protocols, including disciplinary and complaints procedures

4. Construction Operations Summary of Transmission Works Works involved in the construction of the transmission network consist of the installation of poles and cables between two substations to connect the Wind Farm to the national grid. These works will be undertaken on private and public reserve land (Turitea Reserve), with machinery and materials transported to and along the transmission route. To facilitate this, it is proposed to construct or upgrade access tracks, which will also require access for machinery and materials for the construction of the tracks. Cables and poles will be delivered and installed progressively throughout the project. This installation will also cross Greens Road, which will be managed in accordance with the Temporary Traffic Management Plan (TTMP) provided in Appendix A. No over-dimensional nor overweight loads are expected in relation to the transmission works, with the largest loads being carried in 40-foot shipping containers.

Site Access Access to the transmission work sites will be from Greens Road, Kahuterawa Road, Harts Road and Pahiatua-Aokautere Road (via South Range Road). However, until improvements are carried out on Greens Road; Harts Road, Kahuterawa Road and South Range Road will be utilised. The improvements on Greens Road (and Kahuterawa Road) will include widening tight bends on the hill section, re-grading the surface, and sealing portions of the road to improve traction. The details of these works and driver protocols along the local roads will be outlined in a separate CTMP for the Greens Road and the Kahuterawa Road upgrade, once detailed engineering design plans have been finalised and approved by Council. Should the works at Greens Road and Kahuterawa Road influence this CTMP a review will be carried out.

Routes Vehicles and goods will be coming locally from Palmerston North or Wellington or Auckland. Greens Road and Kahuterawa Road will be accessed from State Highway 57. Version: 1.0 DATE: 02/07/2019

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Harts Road will be accessed from State Highway 57 and Turitea Road. South Range Road will be accessed from State Highway 57 and Paihiatua-Aokautere Road.

Traffic Flows The site will keep a record of all vehicles travelling in and out of the site during construction, including the date and time, the access used, whether the vehicles is entering or exiting, and whether it is a light vehicle or truck. This record will be submitted to the Roading Managers of PNCC and TDC on a monthly basis. Reporting will be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 3: Condition 73 of the Resource Consent. A significant amount of construction vehicle movement will be required, particularly truck movements to transport fill, aggregate and concrete to site during construction of the project. Proactive measures to reduce construction traffic will be rolled out across the project. These will include practices such as: • • •

• •

Limiting site access movements / plant deliveries to off-peak periods; Ensuring, where possible, trucks arrive full and leave site full (removing waste etc.); Where possible, using resources available within property boundary e.g. quarry (subject to appropriate authorisations being in place (e.g. landowner agreements, and where relevant, resource consents)); Development and distribution of site access plans specifying permitted access movements, times and procedures; and Avoiding peak traffic flow periods where possible.

All site-based personnel, truck drivers in particular, will be made aware of the sensitive areas around the project (e.g. low speed areas, narrow sections of road). Drivers will be required to take extra care while passing these areas and be extra vigilant of children, cyclists and horses etc. This requirement will be included in safety briefings once detailed planning is underway.


Truck Movements

Electrix has estimated the movements that will access site from each road, this is summarised in table 2. • • •

Numbers are movements in and movements out i.e. 1 trip = 2 movements; Numbers do not include light vehicles; and Numbers do not include movements required for the upgrade of Greens Road.

Table 2: Estimated Truck Movements over the duration of works.

Kahuterawa Rd

Greens Rd

Harts Rd

South Range Rd


Civil works


















Plant and Equipment












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Signage Traffic control and warning signs to be used on-site will conform to the standards specified in the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM).

Storage of Materials All materials will be stored on-site. No material will be stored within the public road reserve at any time.

Hours of Operation In accordance with Schedule 3: condition 63 of the Resource Consent, vehicles entering or exiting the site will only travel on Greens Road or Kahuterawa Road following their respective upgrades (required pursuant to Schedule 3, Condition 53 of the Consents) at the following times: Table 3: Vehicle restrictions: Greens Rd and Kahuterawa Road.

Time Period

Light Vehicles

Trucks 6.30am to 7.30am; 8.15am to 3.15pm; and 4.30pm to 6.00pm.


No restrictions

Except that trucks shall not use the roads when particular events, notified through community consultation, are held, and which involve a peak in the presence of vulnerable road users, such as equestrian or cycling events. In addition, the prohibition on access from 7.30am to 8.15am and 3.15pm to 4.30pm only applies on school days.

6.30am to 7.30am; and Weekends and statutory holidays*

5.00pm to 6.00pm; Except that up to 10 other light vehicle movements may occur outside of these times each day.

No truck access, except that up to 6 truck movements per day may occur on weekends and statutory holidays between the hours of 8am and 6pm.

*Light vehicle access is allowed at any time for the purposes of site security and site supervisors (associated with the monitoring of health and safety and environmental effects). Additionally, light vehicle and truck access is allowed at any time for the purpose of maintenance / emergency response, to carry out emergency maintenance works or to respond to a health and safety matter that cannot reasonable wait until a weekday.

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Construction Programming Preliminary programming of the construction works has identified an overall work programme of approximately 12 months. The detailed programme is still to be drafted and will be available on request. An indicative schedule is illustrated in Table 4 for information.

Kahuterawa Road and Greens Road Upgrade Kahuterawa Road and Greens Road upgrade works will be scoped, and once detailed engineering design plans have been finalised and approved by Council, a separate CTMP will be submitted for approval prior to the commencement of works.

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Table 4: Proposed Project programme.

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5. Traffic Management Monitoring Traffic will be monitored with the recording of: • • • •

All vehicles travelling in and out of the site 2 during construction. Reporting will be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 3: Condition 73 of the Resource Consent; Any record where truck access was required outside of the prescribed limits for the purpose of carrying out emergency maintenance works or responding to a health and safety matter. Pavement surfaces on Greens Road shall be inspected by a suitably qualified engineer as required and reported as per Schedule 3: Condition 75 of the Resource Consent; and Records will be kept by Mercury regarding calls received on the 0800-phone number (0800 201 520) about driver behaviour.

Pedestrians, Cyclists and Horses As part of the Te Araroa trail (New Zealand's long-distance tramping route) Kahuterawa Road is likely have tourists and trampers on the road. On all roads, workers accessing the site will need to be aware of the potential presence of pedestrians, cyclists and horses on the road. This will be reflected in the site induction for all Electrix (and subcontractors) workers. This is in accordance with condition 70.12.

Temporary Traffic Management Plans Specific temporary traffic management plans (TTMP) will be required for the works for the stringing of the transmission line over Greens Road only. This will be managed in accordance with the Temporary Traffic Management Plan (TTMP) provided in Appendix A, through use of Manual Traffic Control to stop traffic as required including a 30 km/hr temporary speed limit applied either side of the worksite.

Greens Road Once Greens Road has been widened, as part of the requirements under the Resource Consent (Schedule 3: Condition 62), in total, no more than 5,800 truck 3 movements associated with the transmission network installation shall occur through the Greens Road access during construction, with the maximum permitted daily totals of vehicle access through the Greens Road access outlined in Schedule 3: Condition 67, as shown in Table 5. Construction traffic movements on Greens Road (following its upgrade) will be addressed in the CTMP for Greens Road.

Site is being defined as anywhere beyond a public road. A truck is defined by the Board of Inquiry decision as “a vehicle with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 3,500kg which requires a 2,3,4, or 5 drivers licence to operate.”

2 3

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Table 5: Vehicle access through Greens Road.

Period First 5 months of construction, including construction of the Greens Road upgrade, the central link of the internal road, the Browns Flat substation, and the roads and platforms for turbine strings F, G, H, J and K; but excluding investigation and design, may be extended with the written approval of Council if circumstances beyond the Consent Holders control delay construction in accordance with the requirements of the CEMP

Remainder of construction period

Vehicle Type

Max. number of vehicle movements


34vpd except for up to 4 occasions of 60vpd in the circumstances described in Schedule 3: Condition 61)

Light vehicles



0vpd except for up to 6 days of 40vpd when crane is moving, and 60vpd if an unforeseen circumstance closes the internal road for a whole day or more

Light vehicles


These requirements will be reflected in the site induction for all Electrix (and sub-contractors) workers accessing the site and will be monitored as described in Section 5.1.

Private property access Access to private properties along the roads illustrated in Figure 2 (to be used for site access) will be affected by construction traffic. The timing for their use is dependent on establishment works approvals from Council. An indicative timeframe is given with each property description. Electrix is working with all property owners on a weekly basis. •

241 Kahuterawa Road: There are 2 access points for this property: 1) is the drive way to the house (seen below in Figure 3); 2) the other is a heavy transport access point for stock and other farm requirements. The project vehicles will be using this access for all needs on this property. There is good line of sight for this access making it safe for entry or exit onto Kahuterawa Road. Access will be from July 2019 until July 2020.

Figure 3: Driveways to 241 Kahuterawa Road. Version: 1.0 DATE: 02/07/2019

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132 Greens Road: This access is at the top of the rise on Greens Road. There is some restriction in visibility due to it being at the top of a crest in the road. The driveway splits into two with one path going to the house and wool shed/ stockyards and the other going up to Browns Flat where the top-dressing airstrip is located. Heavy trucks use this driveway on a regular basis for farming operations. Access will be from October 2019 until July 2020. 131 Greens Road: There is a single driveway that goes to the farm sheds and farm house. This property is directly across the road from the entrance to 132 Greens Road (see Figure 4). There is some restriction in visibility due to it being at the top of a crest in the road. The project will be creating a new track that will come off this driveway 200 to 400 m before the house and going either to the right or the left to avoid driving past the house. Options are being discussed with the owners. Access will be from October 2019 until July 2020.

Figure 4: Entranceways to 131 and 132 Greens Road.

146 Harts Road: Transpower (Linton substation). This property is at the end of Harts Road. There is ample room to enter and exit Harts Road and the entrance and driveway is constructed for heavy vehicles used in Transpower’s business. The site is accessed is via a locked gate (Figure 5). Access will be from July 2019 until July 2020.

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Figure 5: Linton Substation access.

6. Consultation and Communication As part of the requirements under the Resource Consent (Schedule 1: Condition 14), Mercury has facilitated the formation of a Community Liaison Group (CLG). This group is made up of various community members from a pool of invited stakeholders 4 including: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council; Palmerston North City Council; Tararua District Council; Rangitane o Manawatu; Rangitane o Tamaki Nui a Rua; Owners of private land containing turbines; Residents in the Kahuterawa Valley (Kahuterawa Road and feeders including Greens Road); Residents in the Turitea Valley (Turitea Road and feeders, including Ngahere Park Road); Residents on Pahiatua Track (Pahiatua-Aokautere Road and feeders); Residents on Makomako Road; Manawatu Mountain Bikers; and Mercury.

Monthly CLG meetings were initiated in May 2019. As part of the group’s discussions (and terms of reference), construction traffic impact has been discussed and remains on the ongoing agenda. Upon submitting it to Council, the Draft CTMP will be made available to all stakeholders on Mercury’s mailing list and the CLG for feedback. The CTMP will also be available to the general public via the following website; www.mercury.co.nz/windupdates The Plan will be a living document and will be updated to incorporate schedule changes. 4

Not all stakeholders invited are represented at Community Liaison Group monthly meetings. Version: 1.0 DATE: 02/07/2019

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7. Contact Details for Project Management Table 6: Contact details for Project Management.






Environmental Manager

Emma ComrieThomson


Ph: 021 755 509


Construction Manager

Jon Edwards


Ph: 021 953 336


Project Manager

Kevin Small


Ph: 021 312 796


HSEQ Assessor

Alison Gardiner


Ph: 021 822 900


Environmental Resource Manager

Mark Henry


Ph: 027 479 7592


Consents and Compliance Manager

Mason Jackson


Ph: 027 230 8567


8. Driver Protocols Behaviour The Electrix Environmental Manager is responsible for undertaking a site induction with all transport operators contracted to transport materials to the site. The induction is to cover (but not be limited to): •

• • • • •

the route of travel (including the requirement to enter and exit the site via the access(es) on Pahiatua-Aokautere Road and only use the Greens Road access when it is impractical (for reasons noted in condition 61) to use the access(es) on Pahiatua-Aokautere Road, provided that Greens Road has been widened); requirement for and use of possible communication systems; requirements to abide by local speed restrictions for dust and detritus management; requirement for courteous driving; requirement to report hazards on the transport route; and discussion with workers on driver protocols, including prohibition on engine braking on Kahuterawa Road and the flat portion of Greens Road, and “one in one out” arrangements for trucks on Kahuterawa Road during particular peak days when more than 40 truck movements per day are envisaged.

Disciplinary procedures In accordance with the Resource Consent Schedule 3: Condition 70.14, disciplinary action will be followed in the event that any project drivers breach the above protocols. In addition, any drivers who are subject of a credible complaint, in respect to adherence to New Zealand Road Code or breaches of this CTMP, shall have a vehicle tracking system (with driver behaviour functionality) installed in their vehicles.

9. Complaints Procedure The procedure for keeping records of public complaints and any actions taken in response will be carried out in accordance with the Resource Consent Schedule 1: Condition 19-21. In this regard Mercury has set Version: 1.0 DATE: 02/07/2019

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up a phone number (0800 201 520) and an email address (turiteawindfarm@mercury.co.nz) for members of the public to register inquiries or complaints. The publicity of this information has been communicated via advertisements in local newspapers. When an environmental complaint is received directly by Electrix, it will be communicated to Mercury, and vice versa if received through Mercury’s 0800 number or website. Complaint Form The Complaint Form (Appendix B) will be used for all site-specific activities throughout the Project. The Electrix Environmental Manager will ensure that the details of the investigations and any follow up actions are completed and recorded for each complaint. The form will contain but not be limited to: • • • • • • •

Name and address of complainant (if provided); Identification of the nature of the complaint; Date and time of the complaint and alleged event; Wind and weather at the time; Activity occurring on the site at the time; Details of whether the compliant was or was not able to be verified; and Any remedial actions undertaken.

The Electrix Environmental Manager will commence an inquiry within 1 hour of receiving the complaint. Contact will be made with the complainant (if details have been provided) within the same working day an interim response advising that investigations are continuing is acceptable. A formal written response will be provided to the complainant and appropriate regulatory authorities within 10 days of complaint receipt. Complaints Register A Complaints Register will be controlled by the Mercury. It will contain all complaints received for the Project. The Electrix Environmental Manager will submit all data from completed environmental Complaints Forms as soon as possible. The Electrix Environmental Manager will summarise all complaints received throughout the site to onsite staff members during weekly Tool Box sessions. The Complaints Register will be discussed at regular meetings held between the Electrix Environmental Manager, Electrix Construction Manager, Mercury and Electrix Project Manager.

10.Updates to Plans During the works the CTMP and TTMPs will be reviewed by the Project Manager and Contracted STMS. As a minimum, a one-off review, three months following construction start will occur and then as required, to ensure that the documents remain relevant for use. Any changes to these plans will be recorded and version controls shall be strictly adhered too.

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Appendix A - Temporary Traffic Management Plan: Greens Road

RCA consent (eg CAR/WAP) and/or RCA contract reference TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN (TMP) – FULL FORM Use this form for complex activities. Refer to the NZ Transport Agency’s Traffic control devices manual, part 8 Code of practice for temporary traffic management (CoPTTM), section E, appendix A for a guide on how to complete each field. Organisations /TMP reference

TMP reference:

Contractor (Working space):

Principal (Client):



Mercury Energy

Contractor (TTM):


Traffic Management NZ

Palmerston North City Council

Location details Road names and suburb and road characteristics Greens Road, Turitea Traffic details (main route)

House no./RPs (from and to)

Road level

Permanent speed


Level LV



Peak flows

Greens Road – 18, 6% Heavy.

0700-0900 and 1600-1800 Monday to Friday

Description of work activity This TMP is for Electrix to install a new HV power line and lay power conductors across the road at the location stated above. Works are expected to take 5-6 months to complete, working from 8am to 5pm. Planned work programme Start date




End date




Consider significant stages, for example:

Where works are expected to affect the carriageway, all traffic from both directions will be stopped while running conductors.

 road closures

Minimum lane width to be no less than 2.75m.

 detours

L1 Mobile Operation to be used for the set up and the removal of the worksite.

 no activity periods. Alternative dates if activity delayed


Road aspects affected (delete either Yes or No to show which aspects are affected) Pedestrians affected?


Property access affected?


Traffic lanes affected?


Cyclists affected?


Restricted parking affected?


Delays or queuing likely?


Traffic control devices manual part 8 CoPTTM

Section E, appendix A: Traffic management plans Page 1

Edition 4, November 2018

RCA consent (eg CAR/WAP) and/or RCA contract reference Proposed traffic management methods Once on site, the TMP will be implemented as follows; 

A traffic count to confirm traffic volumes are at an appropriate level for set up to begin

Identify public safety and site safety hazards and how they will be addressed and place on the hazard document for ‘toolbox’ briefing

STMS to check the TMP is appropriate to the worksite. Where the TMP is not suitable, halt proceedings until the necessary actions have been taken

All vehicles are to have correct signage and flashing beacons. They also need to have continuous and appropriate communication with the STMS and each other on an agreed channel at all times

Layout Procedure Signs are to be installed on the left hand side of the road, then the right hand side of the road as required. Signs should be erected by travelling around the road network in a clockwise direction setting up each side road as they are passed. All turns in and out of side roads will be to the left which is easier and safer: The first sign erected must be the advance warning sign. Installation (includes parking of plant and materials storage)

The remaining signs are placed in order from the advance warning sign until the end of works sign is reached as per the approved TMP. The vehicle then makes a loop on a single direction carriageway or simply turns around on a bidirectional carriageway to make the next run. This process will continue until the sign network is complete. Tapers and delineation devices must only be placed once all signs have been installed. Before any construction, equipment or materials are brought onto the worksite a drive through check of the worksite will be made in all directions including all side roads. This check must confirm that the worksite is: – safe – to the minimum standard shown in the approved TMP and that:   

the restriction to traffic flow is reasonable the signs and delineation devices give clear messages to road users, and the signs and delineation devices are securely erected and will remain in their correct position under the expected traffic volumes and weather conditions.

Installation of the site will be done under a mobile closure with appropriate work vehicles and crew. On completion of the site set up, the STMS shall undertake a drive-over inspection to check that the site is safe, legal and complies with the TMP. The STMS then may give the okay for the work crew to enter the worksite and carry out the work. Closures, as per TMD01. The site will be attended during the day by a minimum of a Level 1 STMS. Attended (day)

All staff on the site shall be briefed on the traffic management requirements before starting any work on site A site safety / tailgate meeting is to be held at the start of each day and all hazards, the control measure implemented to control the hazards are to be noted on the Hazard ID form. The Hazard ID form must be signed by all staff and sub-contractors on the work site.

Attended (night)

No planned night works.

Unattended (day)

Site not to be left unattended.

Unattended (night)

N/A No detour required.

Detour route

Does detour route go into another RCA’s roading network?


No (delete either Yes or No)

If Yes, has confirmation of acceptance been requested from that RCA?


No (delete either Yes or No)

Note: Confirmation of acceptance from affected RCA must be submitted prior to occupying the site. Traffic control devices manual part 8 CoPTTM

Section E, appendix A: Traffic management plans Page 2

Edition 4, November 2018

RCA consent (eg CAR/WAP) and/or RCA contract reference Breakdown Procedure Removal of the site will commence as soon as the client has finished with their work. The removal of TTM measures must be in the reverse order of installation, i.e. delineation devices, direction and protection signs, end of works signs, and then finally advanced warning signs.


The last signs to be removed from the site must be the advanced warning signs. The STMS will carry out the final check and sign off before leaving the site. Breakdown shall be done with appropriate work vehicles and crew.

Proposed TSLs (see TSL decision matrix for guidance) TSL details as required Approval of Temporary Speed Limits (TSL) are in terms of Section 6 of Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017, Rule 54001/2017 (List speed, length and location) Attended day/night

A temporary maximum speed limit of 30km/h is hereby fixed for motor vehicles travelling over the length of 400m situated between GREENS RD/2.300 and GREENS RD/2.500 on Greens Rd, Turitea

Unattended day/night

No TSL required.

Times (From and to)

Dates (Start and finish)







---------------------- ------------------------

Diagram ref. no.s (Layout drawings or traffic management diagrams)



Will the TSL be required for longer than 12 months? TSL duration

If yes, attach the completed checklist from section I-18: Guidance on TMP Monitoring Processes for TSLs to this TMP.


Positive traffic management measures Positive Traffic management measures must be installed when installing TSL’s of less than 70kph in areas where there are permanent speed limits of 100kph. Positive traffic management to be installed: 

Placing cones from the TSL to the taper

Once the site has been installed additional measures available to the STMS if required are; 

Narrowing lane widths adjacent to the working space by the use of Side Friction cones

Close spacing of delineation devices

Cone offset delineation (where cones are placed either side of a lane(s), the cones on one side are placed longitudinally offset from the other by a half cone spacing).

Traffic control devices manual part 8 CoPTTM

Section E, appendix A: Traffic management plans Page 3

Edition 4, November 2018

RCA consent (eg CAR/WAP) and/or RCA contract reference Contingency plans Generic contingencies for:

Major Incident A major incident is described as:


 major incidents

 Fatality or notifiable injury - real or potential

 incidents

 stop all activity and traffic movement

 Significant property damage, or

 secure the site to prevent (further) injury or damage

 pre planed detours.

 Emergency services (police, fire, etc) require access or control of the site.

 contact the appropriate emergency authorities

The STMS must immediately conduct the following:

 render first aid if competent and able to do so  notify the RCA representative and / or the engineer  under the guidance of the officer in charge of the site, reduce effects of TTM on the road or remove the activity if safe to do so  re-establish TTM and traffic movements when advised by emergency authorities that it is safe to do so  Comply with any obligation to notify WorkSafe.



An incident is described as:

The STMS must immediately conduct the following:

 excessive delays - real or potential

 stop all activity and traffic movement if required

 minor or non-inquiry accident that has the potential to affect traffic flow

 secure the site to prevent the prospect of injury or further damage

 structural failure of the road.

 notify the RCA representative and / or the engineer  STMS to implement a plan to safely remove TTM and to establish normal traffic flow if safe to do so  re-establish TTM and traffic movements when it is safe to do so and when traffic volumes have reduced.



If because of the on-site activity it will not be possible to remove or reduce the effects of TTM once it is established a detour route must be designed. This is likely for:

When it is necessary to implement the pre-planned detour the STMS must immediately undertake the following:

 excessive delays when using an alternating flow design for TTM

 Notify the RCA and / or the engineer when the detour is to be established

 redirecting one direction of flow and / or

 Drive through the detour in both directions to check that it is stable and safe

 total road closure and redirection of traffic until such time that traffic volumes reduce and tailbacks have been cleared.

 Remove the detour as soon as it practicable and safe to do so and the traffic volumes have reduced and tailbacks have cleared

The risks in the type of work being undertaken, the risks inherent in the detour, the probable duration of closure and availability and suitability of detour routes need to be considered.

 Notify the RCA and / or the engineer when the detour has been disestablished and normal traffic flows have resumed.

The detour and route must be designed including:  pre- approval form the RCA’s whose roads will be used or affected by the detour route  ensure that TTM equipment for the detour signs etc are on site and pre-installed.

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RCA consent (eg CAR/WAP) and/or RCA contract reference Note also the requirements for no interference at an accident scene: In the event of an accident involving serious harm the STMS must ensure that nothing, including TTM equipment, is removed or disturbed and any wreckage article or thing must not be disturbed or interfered with, except to:  save a life of, prevent harm to or relieve the suffering of any person, or  make the site safe or to minimise the risk of a further accident; or  maintain the access of the general public to an essential service or utility, or 

Other contingencies to be identified by the applicant (i.e. steel plates to quickly cover excavations)

prevent serious damage to or serious loss of property, or

 follow the direction of a constable acting in his or her duties or act with the permission of an inspector. Weather The STMS will suspend or re-evaluate the methodology of the works if weather conditions e.g., rain, fog etc., will adversely affect safety, i.e., If CSD (3 x PSL) is not achieved during site set-up, or sign visibility not achieved after site set up. Work can recommence only after the all clear has been given by the STMS.


STMS to evaluate whether light conditions are good enough for daylight operations. If not, an artificial light source may be needed or work be suspended until light conditions are suitable.

Work running late

Where the work may run over permitted hours, the STMS will: 

Contact TMC on page 7.

Authorisations Parking restriction(s) alteration authority

Will controlled street parking be affected?

Authorisation to work at permanent traffic signal sites

Will portable traffic signals be used or permanent traffic signals be changed?

Road closure authorisation(s)


Has approval been granted?



Has approval been granted?



Has approval been granted?



Has approval been granted?


Not required.

Not required. Will full carriageway closure continue for more than 5 minutes (or other RCA stipulated time)? Not required.

Bus stop relocation(s) – closure(s)

Will bus stop(s) be obstructed by the activity?

Authorisation to use portable traffic signals

Make, model and description/number

Not required.

NZTA compliant?


Not required.

EED Is an EED applicable?


Traffic control devices manual part 8 CoPTTM

EED attached?


Section E, appendix A: Traffic management plans Page 5

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RCA consent (eg CAR/WAP) and/or RCA contract reference Delay calculations/trial plan to determine potential extent of delays Public notification plan Not required. Public notification plan attached?


On-site monitoring plan The first inspection must take place as soon as the equipment has been installed as per the approved TMP. This verifies that all devices are correctly in place, no item has been omitted, all equipment meets its condition requirements and no conflicting messages exist between permanent signs, temporary signs or other devices. Monitoring the Site: Constant monitoring of the worksite and a minimum of 2-hourly site checks must be carried out to ensure the site is:

Attended (day and/or night)

fit for purpose

suitable for the nature and duration of the work

installed, set up and used correctly.

The STMS must ensure that: 

all traffic management devices function properly for the full duration of their installation

the visibility and effectiveness of all devices and signs is maintained

damaged equipment is repaired or replaced, as appropriate, and

suitable equipment is available at short notice in case of un-programmed removal, alteration or installation of a closure is necessary.

Level 1 - The STMS (if not remaining on site) is to be within 30min travel time of the attended site at all times, the site will be delegated to a qualified TC. Unattended (day and/or night)


Method for recording daily site TTM activity (eg CoPTTM on-site record) STMS to complete on-site record forms attached to TMP. Site safety measures Personal Safety Hard Hats, High Visibility Clothing, Long Sleeves, Long Pants, Safety Footwear, Safety Glasses and Cut Resistant Gloves at CoPTTM standards. All vehicles to have flashing lights and hazard lights. STMS to wear a yellow high visibility vest compliant with CoPTTM specifications. All other TMNZ personnel to wear orange/blue reflective overalls. Visitors to site are to report to the STMS who will advise of site specific safety procedures and any hazards. Plant and equipment Plant and equipment is to be positioned off the live lanes as far as possible within the work area. Hazard light and flashing beacons to be used on all vehicles within the work area. All non-plant vehicles to be park off site.

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RCA consent (eg CAR/WAP) and/or RCA contract reference Other information All TMP changes are to be recorded and the TMC informed immediately of any significant modifications (e.g. change of detour) to TTM measures not included in the approved TMP. All other changes are to be noted on the TMP and TMC to be advised as soon as possible or no later than the following working day. Site specific layout diagrams Number



Manual Traffic Control Setup


L1 Mobile Operation

Contact details 24/7 contact number

Name Principal

Mercury Energy Glen Twining – geln.twining@mercury.co.nz

027 685 2549


Palmerston North City Council Pat Howard – pat.howard@pncc.govt.nz

027 491 8937

Engineers’ representative


Contractor TTM Contractor

Electrix Jon Edwards – jon.edwards@electrix.co.nz


Aaron Frickleton Arona Williams Brett Flyger John McGregor Kelly Shelford Leticia Claxton-Tume Maytrix Turnbull Paul Mather Shanan Beals Vaughan Kimura Zach Cook



Expiry date

85251 108688 55825 118001 111986 63254 108696 79250 117990 60495 75089


28/09/2020 22/02/2021 23/08/2021 06/10/2021 19/04/2021 28/05/2020 22/02/2021 09/11/2020 06/09/2021 19/05/2021 22/10/2019




ID no.


Expiry date

027 953 336 0274460095 027 520 9861 021 945 102 027 446 8059 027 491 9000 204 147 0639 022 464 7286 027 765 8993 027 446 0009 027 768 6993

TC Others as required TMP preparation Sameera L.A.


Preparation Name (STMS qualified)


This TMP meets CoPTTM requirements TMP returned for correction (if required)


Traffic control devices manual part 8 CoPTTM


Number of diagrams attached



Section E, appendix A: Traffic management plans Page 7

ID no.



Expiry date

Edition 4, November 2018

RCA consent (eg CAR/WAP) and/or RCA contract reference Engineer/TMC to complete following section when approval or acceptance required Approved by TMC/engineer (delete one)

Acceptance by TMC (only required if TMP approved by engineer)




ID no.


Expiry date




ID no.


Expiry date

Qualifier for engineer or TMC approval Approval of this TMP authorises the use of any regulatory signs included in the TMP or attached traffic management diagrams. This TMP is approved on the following basis: 1. To the best of the approving engineer’s/TMC’s judgment this TMP conforms to the requirements of CoPTTM. 2. This plan is approved on the basis that the activity, the location and the road environment have been correctly represented by the applicant. Any inaccuracy in the portrayal of this information is the responsibility of the applicant. 3. The TMP provides so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and fit for purpose TTM system. 4. The STMS for the activity is reminded that it is the STMS’s duty to postpone, cancel or modify operations due to the adverse traffic, weather or other conditions that affect the safety of this site. Notification to TMC prior to occupying worksite/Notification completed

Type of notification to TMC required

TMC to be notified of works by way of email confirmation 48hrs prior to the commencement of the planned work.

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Date Notification completed


Section E, appendix A: Traffic management plans Page 8

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TMP or generic plan reference


Today’s date

On-site record must be retained with TMP for 12 months. Location details

Road names(s):

House number/RPs:


Working space Person responsible for working space



Where the STMS/TC is responsible for both the working space and TTM they sign above and in the appropriate TTM box below

TTM STMS in charge of TTM


Worksite handover accepted by replacement Name Tick to confirm handover briefing STMS

TTM ID Number

Warrant expiry date Signature


ID Number

Warrant expiry date Signature


Warrant expiry date Signature



Delegation Worksite control accepted by Name TC/STMS-NP

ID Number

Tick to confirm briefing completed

Temporary speed limit Street/road name (RPs or street numbers):

TSL action



TSL speed: Length of TSL (m):



TSL speed: Length of TSL (m):



TSL speed: Length of TSL (m):



TSL speed: Length of TSL (m):

TSL installed TSL remains in place From:


Street/road name (RPs or street numbers):

TSL removed TSL action TSL installed TSL remains in place



Street/road name (RPs or street numbers):

TSL removed TSL action TSL installed TSL remains in place



Street/road name (RPs or street numbers):

TSL removed TSL action TSL installed TSL remains in place



Traffic control devices manual part 8 CoPTTM

TSL removed

Section E, appendix A: Traffic management plans Page 9

Edition 4, November 2018

TMP or generic plan reference

Worksite monitoring TTM to be monitored and 2 hourly inspections documented below. Items to be inspected

TTM set-up

2 hourly check

2 hourly check

2 hourly check

2 hourly check

2 hourly check

TTM removal

High-visibility garment worn by all? Signs positioned as per TMP? Conflicting signs covered? Correct delineation as per TMP? Lane widths appropriate? Appropriate positive TTM used? Footpath standards met? Cycle lane standards met? Traffic flows OK? Adequate property access? Add others as required

Time inspection completed: Signature: Comments: Time

Adjustment made and reason for change

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Appendix B - Complaints Form

Complaint Form Name of site area: Complaint source: (circle)


Electrix Project Team member


Regulatory Authority

Complainant’s name: Complainant’s address:

Complainant’s email and phone number:

Complaint received by:

Nature of complaint:

Wind and weather at the time:

Activity occurring on the site at the time:

Describe any remedial actions undertaken:

Details of whether the compliant was or was not able to be verified:


pg. 1

Prevention: (what actions will be taken to prevent recurrence) Action

By Whom


Have the environmental hazards been controlled (avoided, remedied or mitigated) and sent on to the Environmental Manager to update the environmental risk register?



Additional Information:

Complaint form completed by:


Project Manager signature:


Copy sent to: (circle)

Electrix Project Manager Electrix Project Leadership Team Electrix Project Coordinator Electrix Environmental Manager Mercury Project Manager


Electrix Construction Manager Electrix Project Engineer Mercury’s Environmental Team Mercury Project Co-ordinator

pg. 2

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