Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
Construction Traffic Management Plan – Turitea Wind Farm
Document Preparation and Control Marc Gouvernel – Project Engineer (Downer NZ) Document Review Steve Christensen – HSE Manager (Downer NZ) Document Review Duncan Wallbank – Project Manager (Vestas) Document Approval Richard Galloway - CPEng 220228 (Downer NZ)
Project Document Revision 03
Signature Signature Signature Signature
Date 21/06/19
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
Document Version History Version No.
Document Status
Brief Description of Change(s) from Previous Version
Issued for internal review
Issued for internal review
Issued for client review
Issued for client approval
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
Vestas Project Contact Numbers Name Duncan Wallbank Alan Simpson Moran Stark TBA
Position Project Manager Assistant Project Manager Site Construction Manager Site Safety and Environment Officer
Phone +61 472 874 108
Downer Contact Numbers Name Marty Craill
Position Project Manager
Phone 027 406 7886
Marc Gouvernel
Project Engineer
021 831 678  
Steve Christensen
HSE Professional
027 291 1539
Richard Galloway
021 241 6911
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
Contents 1
Introduction 1.1 Purpose and objectives of the CTMP 1.2 Review and updates to the CTMP 1.3 Related Documents 1.4 CTMP - Resource Consent Conditions 1.5 References
6 7 7 7 8 12
Project Details
Construction staging and sequencing
Roading upgrades 4.1 South Range Rd – Pahiatua-Aokautere Rd 4.1.1 Existing Intersection 4.2 Pahiatua-Aokautere Road Eastern site access 4.3 Necessary road improvement for over-dimension loads 4.3.1 South Range Road (SRR) 4.3.2 Improvements to the public road network
16 16 17 17 19 19 19
Pavement Maintenance 5.1 South Range Road
20 20
Construction activities that may generate traffic effects
Construction Traffic Management 7.1 Philosophy 7.2 Roles and responsibilities 7.3 Management procedures 7.3.1 Site Staff 23 7.3.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 7.4 Construction and Temporary Traffic Planning 7.4.1 Construction Pack Planning 7.4.2 Traffic Management Plan 7.5 Implementation
22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25
Mitigation measures 8.1 Site Access Controls 8.1.1 New intersection of South Range Rd and Pahiatua-Aokautere Road 8.1.2 Pahiatua-Aokautere Road Eastern site access 8.2 Construction Traffic Movements 8.2.1 Traffic Volumes
26 26 26 26 26 27
Monitoring 9.1 Traffic 9.2 Driver Comments
28 28 28
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10 Training 10.1 Project Induction
30 30
11 Reporting
12 Review
13 Consultation & Communications
List of Appendices Appendix A - Proposed Construction Access Drawing Appendix B - Proposed Eastern Access Drawing Appendix C - WTG Components Transport Feasibility Study
33 33 33 33
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
This Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) has been prepared in compliance with the Resource Consents for the Turitea Wind Farm Project. The wind farm is located near the city of Palmerston North in the region of Manawatu – Whanganui, New Zealand. The plan incorporates information from the appointed Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor for the project (Vestas-New Zealand Wind Technology Ltd) and also the project’s Balance of Plant (BoP) Contractor (Downer New Zealand). Mercury NZ Ltd (the Employer) have Consent for 60 Wind Turbine Generators (WTG’s), a 220/33kV substation and a 22kV transmission line of approximately 15km in length connecting the wind-farm substation to the existing Linton substation. The first phase of the project involves construction of the northern portion of the consented wind farm (the Northern Turbine Zone). This includes 33 WTGs, each of 3.6MW, at the northern end of the site connected to the substation and transmission lines. The second phase of the project (the Southern Turbine Zone), includes an additional 27 WTGs, with the substation connection being considered at a later date. This second phase of the project will be subject to a new or substantially revised CTMP. Of particular note, is that neither the WTG’s nor the substation in the Northern Turbine Zone require any access from Greens Road. This CTMP therefore only addresses access via South Range Road (SRR). Construction of the Northern Turbine Zone will require the existing South Range Road (SRR), which is a public road in part, to be both re-aligned and improved. Additionally, the existing SRR entrance from Pahaitua-Aokautere Road will also be relocated to provide an entry point to the upgraded SRR.
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Purpose and objectives of the CTMP
The CTMP has been prepared to manage, mitigate and monitor the effects of construction traffic on the local road network during the construction of the Turitea Wind Farm (Northern Turbine Zone). The objective of the CTMP is to detail the best practicable option to avoid adverse safety and efficiency effects caused by construction and to mitigate any such effects should they occur. The CTMP identifies how construction traffic will be managed to: • Protect public safety; • Minimise delays to road users; and • Inform the public about any potential impacts on the road network. The CTMP includes detail on the following: • Construction activities that might create road safety and/or efficiency effects; • Management procedures and mitigation methods; • Roles and responsibilities; • Training of staff in relation to traffic management; • Monitoring methods; and • Methods for managing complaints and keeping compliance records All Contractors and Sub-Contractors engaged on the project shall be required to conform to the requirements of this CTMP.
Review and updates to the CTMP
This CTMP is a live document that will be reviewed and updated during the course of the project to reflect significant changes associated with construction techniques, communication, mitigation or the natural environment. A review process is described in Section 12 of this Plan. The CTMP is considered a core document and will be accompanied by Site Specific TMP’s as the project progresses.
Related Documents
This CTMP should be read in conjunction with the following related documentation: • •
Turitea Wind Farm Transport Feasibility Study (Tranzcarr Heavy Haulage Ltd, July 2018) Transportation Assessment Report (Traffic Design Group Ltd, August 2008)
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CTMP - Resource Consent Conditions
The Resource Consent conditions relating to this CTMP are contained within the following schedule: •
Schedule 3: Conditions relevant to Palmerston North City Council and Tararua District Council.
The Land Use Consent references for both councils are noted below. o PNCC Land Use Consent - RC0068 o TDC Land Use Consent – 1448
Conditions relating to this CTMP are detailed in the table below.
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Resource Consent Conditions
Details At least 40 working days prior to any construction works commencing the Consent Holder shall submit a CTMP to the Roading Manager of the respective Councils, for review in a technical certification capacity. A response should be provided within 15 working days of receipt. Construction activities must not commence until written certification has been obtained. The purpose of the CTMP shall be to set out in detail matters relating to the extent and timing of construction traffic activity, and the traffic management provisions to be put in place during this time to achieve a safe and efficient road network. The CTMP shall be prepared by a Chartered Professional Engineer following community consultation and shall cover at least the following matters: Documentation of who has been consulted and involved in preparing the CTMP, which shall include the: - CLG (Community Liaison Group); - residents on South Range Road, Greens Road, and Kahuterawa Road; - groups representing users of Hardings Park such as the Manawatu Mountain Biking Club; and - traffic engineers from Tararua District and Palmerston North City Councils
Project scheduling
Travel routes
Access details
Roading upgrades, including those referred to in conditions 53-55 Condition 53 The Consent Holder shall, at its own cost, undertake improvements to the southern access route to the site before any use of the Greens Road site access by construction traffic. This does not preclude use of the Greens Road access for investigation and design, to undertake the necessary roading improvements, or as an adjunct to the roading upgrades (such as for spoil disposal or vehicle storage). The improvements to be undertaken are: 53.1 - Benching to improve sight distance on Kahuterawa Road at a location 2.9km south of SH57, in general accordance with Traffic Design Group drawing 8488-3Wl Sheet 13. 53.2 - Widening, benching and pavement upgrades to provide safe two-way movement on Greens Road, in general accordance with Beca drawing 0848RK222 Revision C.
Section 13
Section 3 Section 4 Appendices Section 8.1.1 Section 8.1.2
Condition relates to the Southern Turbine Zone, therefore no details included in this CTMP
53.3 - Seal extensions to provide a continuous sealed surface on Greens Road between Kahuterawa Road and the site access, with provision to ensure the design and construction provide an appropriate surface with respect to tyre noise. Condition 54 The Consent Holder shall, at its own cost, develop a new intersection of South Range Road and Pahiatua-Aokautere Road before any use of South Range Road by construction traffic. This does not preclude use of the existing intersection for investigation and design, or as an adjunct to the reading upgrades (such as for spoil disposal or vehicle storage). The development of the intersection is to include:
Section 4.1 Section 4.1.1
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54.1 - An intersection layout for the duration of construction to the standard of the NZTA Planning Policy Manual (SP/M/001 August 2007) Diagram D layout, in general accordance with either Traffic Design Group drawing 8488-3Wl Sheet 7, Revision B, or Traffic Design Group drawing 8488-3Wl Sheet 8, Revision A. 54.2 - A new length of road connecting the new intersection with the existing alignment of South Range Road, to be vested to Palmerston North City Council. 54.3 - Physically closing the existing intersection once the new intersection and alignment of South Range Road is constructed, but prior to commencement of wind farm construction, subject to necessary approvals from Palmerston North City Council and Tararua District Council. Condition 55 The Consent Holder shall, at its own cost, undertake improvements to Pahiatua Aokautere Road in the vicinity of the eastern site access in general accordance with Traffic Design Group drawing 8488-3Wl Sheet 9, Revision A‌‌or to an alternative standard approved by Tararua District Council, before any use of the eastern site access by construction traffic. This does not preclude use of the eastern Pahiatua-Aokautere Road access for investigation and design, or as an adjunct to the roading upgrades (such as for spoil disposal or vehicle storage).If the Consent Holder elects not to use this access for construction or operation of the wind farm, the Consent Holder is not required to undertake the improvements. 70.6
70.7 70.8
Section 8.2 Section 8.2.1
Traffic flows Vehicle speeds, including specific limits on - South Range Road - Kahuterawa Road - Greens Road Operating hours for each access, including those referred to in condition 63. Condition 63 Vehicles entering or exiting the site shall only travel on Greens Road or Kahuterawa Road at the following times:
Time Period
Light Vehicles
No restrictions
Section 8.2 (SRR only for this CTMP) Section 3 Not covered in this CTMP
Trucks 6:30am to 7:30am; 8:15am to 3:15pm; and 4:30pm to 6:00pm;
Section 4.2
except that trucks shall not use the road when particular events, notified through community consultation, are held, and which involve a peak in the presence of vulnerable road users, such as equestrian or cycling events.
Condition relates to the Southern Turbine Zone, therefore no details included in this CTMP
In addition, the prohibition on access from 7:30am to 8:15am, and 3:15pm to 4:30pm only applies on school days.
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6:30am to 7:30am; and 5:00pm to 6:00pm; Weekends and statutory holidays
except that up to 10 other light vehicle movements may occur outside of these times each day.
No truck access, except that up to 6 truck movements per day may occur on weekends and statutory holidays between the hours of 8am and 6pm.
Measures to ensure trucks use the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road access(es) wherever practical, and to ensure condition 61 is complied with. Condition 61 Trucks shall generally enter and exit the site via the access(es) on Pahiatua Aokautere Road and only use the Greens Road access when it is impractical for that truck to use the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road access(es). Potential reasons for such access to be impractical include: 61.1 - During the initial stage of construction when the central portion of the internal road is being upgraded. 61.2 - When excavations close portions of the internal road. 61.3 - When the crawler crane is in such a position that it blocks portions of the internal road.
Section 8.1.1
Section 8.1.1
Measures to reduce the amount of commuter traffic by construction personnel
Section 8.2
Piloting arrangements and operating procedures for over-dimension turbine component transporters
Section 4.3.2 Appendices
Provisions for accommodating pedestrian, cycle and horse usage of the access roads
Driver protocols, including prohibition on engine braking on Kahuterawa Road and the flat portion of Greens Road, and “one in one out� arrangements for trucks on Kahuterawa Road during particular peak days when more than 40 truck movements per day are envisaged
Disciplinary procedures to be followed in the event that any project drivers breach the driver protocols on any other aspects of the CTMP, including that any project drivers who are the subject of a credible complaint in respect of adherence to the road rules and the CTMP shall have a vehicle tracking system (with driver behaviour functionality) installed in their vehicles Full details of the temporary traffic management plans to be used, including the conditions under which each plan would operate Procedures for communication with the local community and other road users regarding traffic management issues, including notification techniques such as emails, a dedicated website update, text messages, roadside notice boards, and/or newspaper advertisements
Condition relates to the Southern Turbine Zone, therefore no details included in this CTMP Condition relates to the Southern Turbine Zone, therefore no details included in this CTMP
Section 9.2
Section 7.4.2
Section 14
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70.17 Advice Note:
Project contacts including a driver comments free phone number It is only necessary that one CTMP will be prepared to cover roads within both the Palmerston North City Council boundary and the Tararua District Council boundary respectively.
Section 9.2 -
The following parties and / or legislation have been referenced or consulted in the preparation of this report: • • • • • • •
New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) Kiwi Rail Napier City Council Palmerston North City Council Tararua District Council Government Roading Power Act 1989 Local Government Act 1974
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Project Details
Key traffic related details for the project are captured in the Traffic Design Group Ltd Transportation Assessment Report, dated August 2008. Key changes that have occurred since then are: •
The overall number of turbines approved by the Board of Inquiry is less than what was assessed;
The project has been divided into two portions, with this current project only involving the Northern Turbine Zone, and only involving access from the north;
The size of the turbines has increased, such that the 44m blades envisaged for transport to the site will now be 55m long. The turbine components will be landed at Napier Port and trucked via SH2 to Pahiatua and then up to an Eastern Access point on the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road. These effects are detailed in the Transport Feasibility Study undertaken by Tranzcarr Ltd;
The Manawatu Gorge has been permanently closed, meaning traffic flows on the Paihiatua-Aokautere Road have increased from around 1,500 vehicles per day (vpd) to around 4,000 vpd. In response to this, interim safety measures have been installed at the South Range Road intersection to improve safety during the design and planning stage.
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Construction staging and sequencing
Due to the nature, scale and program of the project, the construction will be undertaken on a number of fronts or work faces, such that different construction operations will, at times, be simultaneously progressed across all construction zones. As each construction zone is accessed, the approach will involve: •
Preparatory works – Initial works to enable Establishment Works and Construction Work, such as: o
Site Survey;
Investigations (including geotechnical investigation); and
Establishment works - Progressively opening up and establishing the site, including: o
Land disturbance activities to establish site access, access tracks, construction yard and accommodation areas, laydown areas and spoil disposal sites and associated erosion and sediment controls.
Construction and/or widening of roads/tracks to access construction areas and install sediment control measures (e.g. sediment control ponds);
Vegetation clearance
Establishment of construction yard and accommodation areas;
Establishing full width access tracks/haul roads;
Installing remaining erosion and sediment controls
Main Construction works – Construction works, including: o
Temporary and permanent drainage installation;
Bulk earthwork (including cut and fill activities)
Wind turbine foundations;
Pavements and Surfacing; and
Site reinstatement;
The figure below shows the indicative construction programme and sequencing for the project.
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Task J Office Establishment Intersections Batch Plant Establishment SRR upgrade/Turbine access Foundation Wind Turbine Installation Substation (incl commission) Electric Cabling (incl commission)
2019 O
2020 M
Figure 3 – Indicative construction programme and sequencing
General working hours will be Monday to Sunday from 6am to 9pm. There will however be some construction activities undertaken outside the general working hours. These activities may include; •
Works on the existing Pahiatua Aokautere Road, including construction of site access points at the start of the project.
Afterhours material and plant delivery, including equipment and materials where the transport of oversize loads outside working hours will be less disruptive;
Early morning concrete pours; and
On-site servicing of plant and equipment to minimise impacts on construction programme.
The site will be accessible by the project team 7 days a week with no time restriction.
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Roading upgrades 4.1
South Range Rd – Pahiatua-Aokautere Rd
During the project, all traffic (with the exception of oversize loads) will enter and exit site through the new intersection between the South Range Road (SRR) and PahiatuaAokautere Road. This improvement is important as the intersection is currently located adjacent to a blind corner which makes the entrance and exit dangerous and not fit for construction traffic and the general public. As noted on the construction programme, the construction of this intersection will start in August 2019. In order to improve the existing access and make it safer while waiting for the completion of the new intersection, a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) has been submitted and approved by Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) and Tararua District Council (TDC). Figure 4.1 shows the TMP diagram to improve the access through the existing access. With entrance/exit construction traffic signage and bollards.
Figure 4.1 - TMP diagram for existing access entrance
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Existing Intersection
The existing intersection is used by the land owners who live on the SRR, hunters who have access to the reserve and by the public, although there is very little use by the general public. After the completion of the new access, the existing entrance will be physically closed as required by condition 54.3 of the consent. With the need for heavy plant to operate along and across South Range Road, it is proposed to limit entry to the new access to the PNCC Pest Controller, Ecology Monitoring personnel, iwi representatives, and workers with legitimate access requirements only to reduce the risk of interaction with construction equipment during construction. The personnel concerned will continue to have access following an induction and communication protocols for movement along the road. Existing ‘lifestyle’ landowners on SRR are relocating and public access does not extend into the Turitea Reserve, therefore, limiting access to the general public is considered a workable initiative which provides the safest way to manage the substantial earthworks that are to occur along South Range Road, and mirroring the approach taken with the development of previous wind farms along the Tararua Range.
Pahiatua-Aokautere Road Eastern site access
The current Pahiatua-Aokautere Road has sharp corners and is too narrow for trucks to deliver the 55 metre blades through the main entrance. As such, an Eastern Site Access (Figure 4.2) will be built near WTG 09 (Refer Figure 5.1 for location of WTG 09). This access will be built in general accordance with “Appendix 5: Pahiatua-Aokautere Road – Eastern Site Access (TDG drawing 8488-3W1, Sheet 9, Revision A)”.
Figure 4.2- “Appendix 5: Pahiatua-Aokautere Road – Eastern Site Access (TDG drawing 8488-3W1, Sheet 9, Revision A)”
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This access will not be needed until the turbine components are delivered in February 2020. The detailed design for this access will be designed and reviewed in the interim period, with the details to be included in a revision of this CTMP.
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Necessary road improvement for overdimension loads
In addition to the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road Eastern Site Access, further road improvements will have to be undertaken to facilitate the movement of over-dimension loads to the site.
South Range Road (SRR)
The entire extent of SSR will be improved as the road and corners will be cut and the road straightened to facilitate the delivery of large WTG components. Furthermore, to facilitate site traffic, the road will be widened to 5 metres with a base graded aggregate for roadbed. Additionally, a ditch will be running next to the new access track to maintain erosion control. Please refer to the road cross section figure below.
Figure 4.3 – South Range Road cross section after improvement
Improvements to the public road network
Few improvements to the public road network are needed to accommodate the traffic associated with the wind farm. The extent of road improvements required to accommodate over dimension loads will be determined at the detail design stage with a test-run using the actual WTG blade trailer. All work will then be designed and submitted to the relevant road controlling authority for approval in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Government Roading Power Act 1989 and the Local Government Act 1974. For additional information, please refer to the Transport Feasibility Study for the V112 turbine components undertaken by Tranzcarr Heavy Haulage Ltd on behalf of Vestas which is included as Appendix C of this Plan.
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Pavement Maintenance 5.1
South Range Road
As described in the previous section, the existing SRR will be rebuilt to a much higher standard than it currently is, with a wider cross-section, stronger pavement and drainage to prevent erosion.
Figure 5.1 – Current layout drawing of the turbine and the South Range Road improvement
While envisaged by the consent conditions, a detailed road condition survey and report is not considered necessary for South Range Road as it will be given back in far superior condition than the existing road. Nevertheless, the road will be monitored by the Site Engineers and Supervisors on a daily basis as they travel about the site each day. The road will be kept in a suitable condition to allow public and construction traffic throughout the duration of the Project.
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Construction activities that may generate traffic effects
The new SRR will be constructed off-line from the existing track, with most of the earthwork cut material being used on site. As such, there will be relatively little interaction with general traffic using the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road. The scope for adverse traffic effects associated with construction of the project will be limited in this regard. The construction activities that have the potential to generate adverse traffic effects will be generally limited to: •
Operation of the site access points located along the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road (the new intersection between the SRR and Pahiatua-Aokautere Road and the Eastern Site Access), where there is a risk of potential interaction between a passing public vehicle and a project / construction vehicle entering or exiting the site; and Travel along the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road by construction vehicles (trucks and light vehicles. The increase in number of vehicles using this section of road has the potential to result in temporary delays to other road users.
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Construction Traffic Management 7.1
The overarching philosophy for the management of construction traffic during the Project is to: • Maximise safety of the project staff, pest controller and visitors travelling on site; • Enable construction efficiencies; • Minimise delays to the public and road users; • Minimise disruption to property access; and • Ensure appropriate access for emergency vehicles This will be achieved by a high standard of: • Planning construction traffic movement; • Design of material stockpile/staging areas, taking into account site security access points and temporary traffic management; • Maintenance of roads, signs, and work sites; and • Communication internally within the Project, pest control and monitoring staff.
Roles and responsibilities
General roles and responsibilities for the Project are outlined in the HSE Management Plan. Specific roles and responsibilities relating to the implementation of this CTMP are detailed in Table 7.2. Table 7.2 - Roles and responsibilities Role
Safety Manager
Oversight and advice on the safety of the interfaces with the travelling public
Project Manager
• • •
Ensure the approved CTMP is implemented
Prepare and submit Temporary Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) for local roads
Audit TTM
Site Traffic
Implement TTM on public roads in accordance with approved Traffic Management Plans (refer to section 6.2.2)
Supervisor (STMS)
Maintain TTM records
Traffic Controller
Fulfil manual traffic control roles on-site as directed by the STMS
Project Engineer
Ensure staff are trained to the required level Ensure Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) records / monitoring results are kept and TTM audits undertaken
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Road Controlling
Fulfil obligations as required, including approving TMPs for works within the Local Road Corridor as necessary
Auditing to assess compliance with the TMP
Authority (RCA)
Management procedures
A number of procedures exist to identify and address risks associated with temporary traffic management during construction of the Project as outlined below.
Site Staff
All staff involved in the Project will attend a Project induction prior to the commencement of work to ensure a common basis for approaching their work. The induction will include environmental, health and safety and hazard management in relation to the Project area, along with temporary traffic control (refer to Section 10 of this CTMP). Training will include the following: • Specific training will be provided to those involved in temporary traffic management as appropriate to their role and responsibilities. • Regular toolbox talks will provide a forum to reinforce and educate Project staff around specific temporary traffic control issues and actions during the Project. • The STMS will also conduct briefings on-site prior to every TTM operation (for the intersection upgrade works) to identify hazards pertaining to the work site and controls to be implemented to protect the safety of Project staff and public.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
As a minimum, all personnel working on site must wear standard PPE, including: • • • • •
Hard hat Eye protection Cuff to ankle cover (long trousers and long sleeves) High visibility vest or garment. Safety boots
Construction workers will therefore be clearly visible, and will set a consistently high level of PPE and appearance across the site.
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7.4 7.4.1
Construction and Temporary Traffic Planning Construction Pack Planning
Construction of the Project will be divided into a number of construction activities. As part of the planning process, a construction pack will be developed for each activity comprising:
The design plans and specifications applicable to the activities covered by the construction pack; A Method Statement describing exactly how the work will be undertaken and the hold points for checks, approvals, and records; A Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA) documenting the identification, assessment and mitigation of safety and environmental risks associated with the activity; and Permits required for the respective works, such as an approved TMP.
The construction pack will then be reviewed and signed off by the appropriate Manager, (or their respective delegates), usually within 24 hours and with changes made as necessary for approval. Temporary traffic management requirements associated with work activities will be included in the construction packs.
Traffic Management Plan
Temporary Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) will be required for all work within the live road corridor, namely the upgrades on the Pahiatua-Aokautere Road. The TMPs will be prepared for discrete stages of work within the road corridor and follow the format set in CoPTTM (Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management). They will describe the measures to be implemented to manage the temporary traffic effects associated with temporary road layouts or traffic controls required for specific corridor works. TMPs will be submitted to, and approved by, the Traffic Management Coordinator responsible for the section of road involved, in this case the Road Controlling Authority (PNCC and TDC) for the site entrance access works. The TMPs will be assessed by the Traffic Management Coordinator for compliance with CoPTTM and the ability to avoid adverse effects on the travelling public. TMPs for the project works will be prepared in accordance with the time period outlined in CoPTTM.
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Each day’s work will begin with a Job Start Briefing for each crew, at which point the specific work being undertaken that day will be discussed and documented, including the risks involved and the mitigation measures to be implemented to avoid or mitigate the risks i.e. temporary traffic control measures. Any issues which cannot be solved by the crew will be escalated to the Project Manager as appropriate.
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Mitigation measures 8.1
Site Access Controls
The site access points for the construction area have been selected to enable construction to proceed safely and efficiently, and with appropriate traffic management controls in place to provide for the safe operation
New intersection of South Range Rd and Pahiatua-Aokautere Road
All the traffic will enter and exit the site through the new intersection. A sign-in box will be installed, where every driver will have to stop and sign the Job Briefing to be aware of the daily activity and the vehicle movement plan. Additionally, a site entrance sign will be displayed at the entrance with the relevant information concerning the site and contact persons. The sign-in book will provide the basis for keeping records of the number of light and heavy vehicles entering and exiting the site.
Pahiatua-Aokautere Road Eastern site access
The eastern site access will be closed except when required to accommodate over-size deliveries or if a delivery is required near the entrance. A pre-delivery meeting will be carried out with the transport company and the traffic management personnel to organise the delivery.
Construction Traffic Movements
A large number of construction vehicle movements will be required over the course of the project. Truck movements will be required for the transport of spoil, aggregate, concrete, plant and equipment for the project. Trucks will enter and exit the site as outlined in Section 8.1 above. Some oversize loads may be transported to site outside typical working hours if required, to minimise effects on the public road network. Construction vehicles will use Pahiatua-Aokautere Road to access the project. At peak periods, a total of 100 to 130 staff are expected to be on site at any one time. Staff will travel to site by a combination of single occupant vehicles, while others will carpool with three to four people per vehicle. Assuming an average of two occupants/vehicle, staff will correspond to an additional 130 movements/day during peak times. Project construction yards will have dedicated car parking available for staff. In order to reduce the amount of commuter traffic by construction personnel, the project will encourage carpooling as far as reasonably practicable.
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For construction to proceed efficiently, the appropriate speed controls need to be in place to provide for the safe transit of construction traffic. A speed limit of 30km/h maximum will be in effect until the improvements are completed. The maximum speed limit may be reviewed after the SRR road improvements are completed. Additionally, a site-wide policy for the use of strobes/hazard lights shall be implemented.
Traffic Volumes
The traffic volumes for the construction are typically generated by material / equipment deliveries and waste material removal. However, the average levels of traffic generated by each phase of the construction project are as summarised in Table 8.2. Daily Traffic Movements Phase
Earthwork Fundation Turbine Installation Project Average
Month 0 Month 2 Month 5 Month 0
Month 5 Month 9 Month 10 Month 10
OverDimension Vehicles
4 2
Heavy Vehicles 100 40 40 106
Light Vehicles 50 50 130 135
Table 8.2 – External Traffic Generation
This excludes typical start and finish times where the site sees approximately 70 light and service type vehicles entering and leaving site respectively.
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
Monitoring 9.1
Table 9.1 outlines the temporary traffic monitoring to be undertaken during construction of the Project. Table 9.1 - Construction Traffic Management monitoring programme Monitoring Activities
Check method statement reflects
Prior to approving Work
Project Manager (or
Inspect temporary traffic management layout
As required while site is
Documented check of all temporary traffic
Daily and as layouts
TTM Audit in accordance with CoPTTM
As required, but not less
Project Engineer
Road Condition
Site Engineer
Complaints Register
Mercury Stakeholder
requirements and requisite TMP has been approved
in operation
than monthly
respective delegate)
Furthermore, the site will keep a record of all vehicles travelling in and out of the site during construction, including the date and time, the access used, whether the vehicles is entering or exiting, and whether it is a light vehicle or truck. This record will be submitted to the Roading Managers of PNCC and TDC on a monthly basis.
Driver Comments
A project free phone number of [0800 XXXXXXXX] will operate during the project duration and will be publicised at the entrance to site. The number will also be communicated by Mercury NZ at the monthly Community Liaison Group (CLG) meetings. A record will kept of all calls, and a summary provided to the Roading Managers of PNCC and TDC within 5 working days of any request. The summary will also include a review of the effectiveness of the CTMP.
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
Any complaints will be investigated to identify the driver if possible and the circumstances of the complaint. Any drivers breaching the requirements of the CTMP or road rules will be subject to disciplinary procedures which may include: • • • •
Verbal warning Written warning Probationary measures such as vehicle tracking in their vehicle Removal from the project
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
General training requirements in relation to the construction of the Project are outlined in the HSE Management Plan. Training in relation to temporary traffic management is outlined in Table 9. Table 9 - Training Requirements Qualification/Training Project Induction
Toolbox talks
Initial hour-long
All Project staff, including site staff, office staff
10.1 below for detail)
without an escort
induction (refer to Section
Weekly or Fortnightly
meetings, to highlight key
and anyone who is approved to enter the site
All site staff working on the Project at the time
messages or issues, and receive feedback Site Traffic
NZQA Qualification to
Persons responsible for traffic management
Supervisor (STMS)
intersections are constructed along Pahiatua-
Traffic Controller (TC)
oversee site in live road
associated with the Project while the new Aokautere Road
NZQA Qualification to
All staff undertaking traffic management
intersections are constructed along Pahiatua-
assist with traffic
associated with the Project while the new Aokautere Road
Project Induction
The Project induction will address (but not be limited to) the following matters relevant to this Plan: • Information about the Turitea environment - including those that relate to traffic management and safety of site staff and road users; • Roles and responsibilities of Project staff, including individual responsibilities around traffic management and safety; • Safety hazards, including weather, driving, water, and access with limited communication, amongst others; • Rules and processes to mitigate safety hazards; and • The emergency plan; Only once staff have attended the induction are they approved for general access to the site.
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
In addition to the documentation described in Section 9 (Monitoring), any injury events or serious near misses will be reported immediately to the Project Manager and wider project team.
A review of the CTMP will be undertaken by the Project Management team if required. The review will take into consideration: •
Compliance with the Project consent and designation conditions, the CEMP and management plans;
Any significant changes to construction activities or methods;
Key changes to roles and responsibilities within the Project team;
Results or inspections, monitoring and reporting procedures associated with the monitoring of adverse effects during construction;
Comments or recommendations from Palmerston North City Council and Tararua District Council; and
Unresolved complaints and any response to complaints and remedial action taken to address the complaint.
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Construction Traffic Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-PM-PLN-0012-03-CTMP
Consultation & Communications
In preparing this CTMP, consultation with a number of groups has been taken into account. The key issues raised, and responses are recorded below.
South Range Road residents
Interim 30 km/h speed limit. Lifestyle landowners on SRR are relocating.
Community Liaison Group (CLG)
The new entrance improves safety on PahaituaAokautere Road.
Disruption / Nuisance
Night-time deliveries will be limited as much as possible.
PNCC Roading Manager TDC Roading Manager
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List of Appendices Appendix A - Proposed Construction Access Drawing Appendix B - Proposed Eastern Access Drawing Appendix C - WTG Components Transport Feasibility Study
Downer New Zealand Limited
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Appendix A: Proposed Construction Access Drawing Traffic Design Group drawing 8488-3Wl Sheet 8, Revision A
Downer New Zealand Limited
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Downer New Zealand Limited
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Appendix B: Proposed Eastern Access Drawing Traffic Design Group drawing 8488-3Wl Sheet 9, Revision A
Downer New Zealand Limited
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Downer New Zealand Limited
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Appendix C: WTG Component Transport Feasibility Study Turitea Wind Farm Transport Feasibility Study (Tranzcarr Heavy Haulage Ltd, July 2018)
Downer New Zealand Limited
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Turitea Windfarm
July 2018
New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)
Tararua District Council
Kiwi Rail
Route ex Port of Napier to site. 2.4.1
Ahuriri Bypass.
Hydrabad Road-Prebensen Drive
Prebensen Drive – Sivern Street
Prebensen Drive to SH 2B
SH 2B-SH 50
SH 50A to SH 2 south
SH 2 Waipakurau
SH 2 – Norsewood bypass
SH 2 – Woodville
Pahiatua Township
Pahiatua Mangahao Road to site.
Port Facilities
Overhead Power Companies
NZTA Feasibility Permit Site Map
Tower section West wind Windfarm
Ahuriri Bypass through Rail property to avoid Peanut roundabout
Aerial shot of Ahuriri “Peanut� roundabout with bypass shown
4 and 5
Hydrabad/Prebenson roundabouts
6 and 7
Prebensen/Sivern roundabout
SH 2B intersection
Longlands Roundabout
Aerial photo of Longlands Road roundabout
Entrance to SH50A and SH 2 roundabout
SH50A and SH 2 roundabout view from the north
SH50A and SH 2 roundabout view looking south
Peel St bypass Waipakurau
15 and 16
Norsewood bypass south
17 and 18
SH 2 into Tay Street, Woodville
19 and 20
Tay Street to Station Road in Woodville
21 and 22
Station Road back onto SH 2
SH 2 onto Pahiatua Mangahao Road
SH 2 to Pahiatua Mangahao Road
Pahiatua Managhao Road Arch Bridge
Pahiatua Mangahao Road Rail Crossing
27 and 28
Pahiatua Mangahao Road
29 and 30
Makomako Road bridge crossing
Makomako Road
Start of Pahiatua Aokatere Road.
33 and 34
Pahiatua Aokatere Road
35 and 36
Pahiatua Aokatere Road site entrance #1
37 and 38
Pahiatua Aokatere Road
39 and 40
Pahiatua Aokatere Road
Pahiatau Aokatere Road site entrance #2
42 and 43
Access to Port Storage facilities on Thames Street
Route map from Port of Napier to Thames Street Storage areas
Mercury proposes to develop a wind farm in and around the Turitea Reserve area, on the Tararua Ranges. The site is South East of Palmerston North City. The site location is in an area where there are presently existing wind farms in operation. Tranzcarr Heavy Haulage Ltd from Auckland, have been commissioned by Vestas Wind Systems from Melbourne in Australia, to complete the Transport Feasibility Assessment for the site. Vestas are a supplier to Mercury and are proposing to transport Wind Turbine components from the Port of Napier to site. This assessment has focused on the effects associated with transporting the oversized loads; details of which are annexed to this report. Tranzcarr Heavy Haulage Ltd is an Auckland based heavy haulage operator, working throughout New Zealand and also the South Pacific. Since 2004 Tranzcarr has worked on every major wind farm project in New Zealand, including Te Apiti, White Hills, Tararua, West Wind, Te Uku and Mill Creek; in total, complete transport of some 235 Turbines up to 3.0MW. This includes the longest blades at 49.0m and heaviest towers at 76tonne, and Nacelles at 86tonne, transported to the sites. Tranzcarr has also developed the only fleet of specialised Ultra Heavy Haulage Prime Movers that allows these loads to be hauled on Wind Farm sites with gradients up to 21percent.
Photo 1 - Tower section West wind Windfarm
Tranzcarr have previously looked at many options for the Turitea site, including deliveries from either New Plymouth or Napier. For the purposes of the present inquiry, the focus is haulage from Napier Port.
A site photo, included in Appendix 2, shows the general location of the proposed site, as advised by Vestas Wind Systems, as well as the surrounding road network. Access has been reviewed on the two locations advised and entry is form the eastern side of the Tararua Range via Pahiatua. The State Highway network within the region that would generally be utilised for the strategic transport requirements of the project, includes SH2 between Napier and Pahiatua. Appendix 2 is a photo that details the vicinity of the site and access points. The Pahiatua Track Road links east and west (SH 2 to SH 57) across the Tararua Range to the access network for this project. This road is also a very strategic road of importance to the region. Whilst the Manawatu Gorge Road remains closed, (Permanent closure for the foreseeable future); traffic volumes on this road can be very high and some of the corners and gradients identified elsewhere in this report, will prove to be difficult for the heavy and long loads required. There are three options that could be considered as possible Ports of entry. Wellington is discarded, due to difficulties associated with heavy and high loads exiting of the Port and City, and large traffic volumes. New Plymouth Port was used for the Tararua 3 extension, however for this project the access to the site from the eastern side of the Range, makes Napier the best option. The Napier option is also less kilometres and therefore more efficient to keep up with delivery schedules and cost for transport. The approved route for the heavier loads, has been assessed by the following agencies: • • • •
New Zealand Transport Agency Napier City Council Tararua District Council Kiwi Rail for level line crossings
A more detailed study of the route identifying areas of concern, follows elsewhere in this report. .
New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)
All over dimension and overweight loads hauled on the road network, are controlled by permits issued by NZTA. For this report Tranzcarr applied for approval to haul the heaviest load being part of the Nacelle from the Port of Napier to the site entrance off the Pahiatua Track Road, adjacent to North Ridge Road. A copy of the feasibility permit issued No: NP/S/18/0842 is annexed in this report. This is not a final permit, but does cover the route and provide details on the bridge structures that will need to be crossed and the conditions of travel imposed. Tranzcarr considered the different route options detailed with NZTA and the local councils for the heavy loads on this project.
Tararua District Council
The main State Highway network, travels through the city of Napier and South via Woodville to Pahiatua. The road East from Pahiatua and over the Pahiatua Saddle Road, is controlled and managed by the Tararua District Council. They have reviewed the information approved by NZTA in their route feasibility assessment and a copy of the council permit is included in this report. Travel time restrictions for the local area are set out in the Land Transport Vehicle Dimension and Mass Rule 41001 and its amendments. Section C3.3 Travel time and zone restrictions of the above Rule from NZ Transport Agency Permitting Manual (2nd edition). Prohibited Travel time for loads up to and including 5metres wide Travel is not allowed, at the following times: Monday to Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
0630 - 900am 0630 - 900am 0.00 – 0500am 0.00 – 0500am
1600-1800pm 1600-2400pm 1200-2400pm 1200-2230pm
The travel restriction time between 6.30 and 9.00 hours and 16.00 and 18.00 hours, apply to City areas only. For this project, these restrictions only apply to Napier City. The long blade loads would be better suited to be hauled through Napier to the southern boundary and clear prior to 0630am, to avoid the restrictions above, and also the traffic issues with such a long load being hauled through the City limit.
Kiwi Rail
There are a number of level rail crossings on the route; a permit approval will need to be issued by Kiwi Rail to allow travel. It is not expected there will be any difficulties in obtaining the approval necessary to move. All large over-dimensional and heavy loads need to be recorded into Kiwi Rail, prior to crossing any level track intersection. The bypass at Ahuriri in Napier is also owned by Kiwirail and co-ordination for all loads will be a requirement.
Route ex Port of Napier to site.
The route off the Port and also covering the proposed storage off the Port, is detailed in the following section, 3.0 of this report. The route via the State Highway network is identified here. From our assessment, the following route has been identified as the most practical and appropriate and provides the best transportation outcome for the project, taking in to account the size of the loads and other road users. • • • • • •
Port via Breakwater Road to Ahuriri Bypass Use of over-dimensional bypass at Ahuriri “peanut” roundabout, see Photo 2 Bridge Street to Hydrabad Road Prebensen Drive from Hydrabad Road to SH 50. Napier-Hastings Expressway via SH50A and SH 50 south to SH2. SH 2 south to Pahiatua with exception of bypass routes: i. ii. iii.
Peel Street and The Esplanade (heavy traffic bypass) in Waipukurau. Norsewood bypass to avoid over-bridge. Tay Street to Station Street (heavy traffic bypass) in Woodville.
Pahiatua Mangahao Road to Makomako Road, Pahiatua Aokatere Road to site entrances.
Ahuriri Bypass.
This bypass was installed for the Te Apiti Windfarm Project and is available for use. Coordination with Kiwi Rail is required to gain access on a daily basis and operators need to work in with Train Shunt movements on and off the Port area.
Photo 2 - Ahuriri Bypass through Rail property to avoid Peanut roundabout
Photo 3 – Aerial shot of Ahuriri “Peanut” roundabout with bypass shown
Hydrabad Road-Prebensen Drive
Prebensen Drive – Sivern Street
Photo 6 and 7 – Prebensen/Sivern roundabout, no problems with this route
This route will also be the exit route from the Thames Street storage yard, should this be used as a possible storage area off the Port. This is a large wide road; possible removal of road signs only for long loads to pass through.
Prebensen Drive to SH 2B
Photo 8 – SH 2B intersection
Left turn from Prebensen Drive onto SH 2B South will need to be widened for the long Blade loads. Guard rails on the inside corner with a light Pole (seen in Photo 8), restricts turning circle. The grass area shown in above photo could be sealed to allow a greater turning circle to potentially avoid removal of light Pole and guard rail.
SH 2B-SH 50
This section of the highway network has a number of traffic roundabouts at the following intersections: • • • • • •
Taradale Road Pakowhai Road Evenden Road Omahu Road Flaxmere Road Longlands Road.
With the exception of the last roundabout at Longlands Road, all the other crossings appear to be suitable for the long loads. Some road furniture and street lights will need to be removed to avoid any collisions. At Pakowhai Road, major road modifications are presently underway.
Photo 9 – Longlands Roundabout
The roundabout at Longlands Road, has a very sharp left turn and the long loads will not negotiate this. Light poles and signage will also restrict access. The alternative is to cross over to the wrong side, heading South and use this lane to negotiate the roundabout. The aerial photo below from Google, shows the sharp left turn heading South on SH 50A. Crossing over makes it easier for the long loads. This can be managed by the load escort pilots with the load.
Photo 10 – Aerial photo of Longlands Road roundabout with arrows indicating wrong side access for long loads
SH 50A to SH 2 south
This intersection also has a large roundabout, and this will require some attention for the long loads to negotiate.
Photo 11 – Entrance to SH50A and SH 2 roundabout
Photo 12 – view of route from north around SH50A and SH 2 roundabout (note signage and light pole on outside edge)
Photo 13 – view heading south from SH50A and SH 2 roundabout (note signage and light pole on inside corner)
SH 2 Waipakurau
The SH 2 Highway passes through the Central Hawkes Bay town of Waipakurau. All heavy traffic is required to use the local road bypass, to avoid the main town centre. At the time of this report, the bypass road was closed with major remedial works. The roads used to bypass SH 2 are Peel Street and The Esplanade, when driving South from Napier. These are wide arterial roads, however the inside left corner with light pole, shown in the photo below, will need to be clear to allow the long loads to pass.
Photo 14 – Peel St bypass Waipakurau, view heading south, note light pole.
SH 2 – Norsewood bypass
There is an over-bridge on SH 2 linking the Township of Norsewood. This is a significant obstacle of SH 2 in both directions and affects all OD loads. The bridge has a clearance of 4.80 metres but does have a bypass, as shown in the photographs below.
Photo 15 and 16 – Norsewood bypass south and fence that can be removed at top of bypass to allow access back onto SH 2 once passed the over-bridge
SH 2 – Woodville
The SH 2 Highway passes through the township of Woodville and then South to Pahiatua. There is a heavy traffic bypass to avoid the main shopping area of the town. The bypass to SH 2 - Tay Street, Station Road and back onto SH 2 south.
Photos 17 and 18 – Left turn off SH 2 into Tay Street, Woodville. Some widening of the grass verger area may to required to allow access for long loads. Street signs can be removed
Photos 19 and 20 – Right turn from Tay Street to Station Road in Woodville. Good clearance but note fence on
Photos 21 and 22 – Left turn from Station Road back onto SH 2, note street light on outside of the corners that will need removing for long loads. Street signs that will need removal
Pahiatua Township
From Woodville, SH 2continues South to the township of Pahiatua. There are no problems with the road network until the right turn in the centre of the township, onto Pahiatua Mangahao Road. See photos 23 and 24 - this intersection will require reshaping, to allow the long loads to access and turn right.
Photo 23 – right turn off SH 2 onto Pahiatua Mangahao Road. Note Islands, street signs and trees
Photo 24 – another view of right turn off SH 2 to Pahiatua Mangahao Road
At this intersection, the centre islands will need to be modified to allow the long loads to pass through; some trees and street signs will also need to be removed.
Pahiatua Mangahao Road to site.
Photo 25 -Arch Bridge, 6.1metres wide curb to curb 2.4km
Photo 26 -Right hand bend with Rail Crossing
Photos 27 and 28 - Sharp left turn with good clearance and ample room for long loads
Photos 29 and 30 - Left turn off bridge onto Makomako Road, high railings on outside of turn and light pole on inside will need relocating
Sharp left turn all ok
Photo 31 -Reverse angle photo of left hand corner. Use of all the shoulder for long loads
17.1km Left turn on Pahiatua Aokatere Road.
Photo 32
18.1kmm to 18.5km to site Entrance 1
Photo 33 and 34 - This is left hand bend with immediate right turn and will need to be plotted out for long loads to pass through. Bank on inside will be to close for long loads
Photo 35 and 36 - Inside bank at approx. 18.5km will be a problem. Approx. site Entrance 1 at 18.6km 18.7km
Photo 37 and 38 - 25km right turn very sharp and immediate left turn which will be tight on inside and need to be plotted for the long loads to access
Photos 39 and 40 20.3km Approx. Site entrance 2
Photo 41
The Port of Napier is the best option for receiving all the equipment for the project. The alternatives of Wellington and New Plymouth have more restrictions in terms of large over-dimensional loads being handled. Napier has previously handled Wind Farm equipment for the Te Apiti and Tararua 1 projects. The Port is a major hub for export of timber and seasonal fruit, and has limited space for large quantities of specialised over-dimensional freight. The Port can supply additional storage away from the main Port location, and whist this is not the best scenario, it may be the best option for consideration. Two storage yards in Thames Street, approx. 4.3km from the main Port area, can be made available by the Port for the project. Access to these yards is restrictive and the long blade loads would be best remaining on the Port area proper, whilst other loads such as Towers, Hubs and Nacelles could be stored in these areas. Additional transport will be required to assist the ships discharge and handling of the cargo to be stored off the Port area.
Photo 42 and 43 - showing access to Port Storage facilities on Thames Street
Restrictions negotiating both the roundabouts at Hydrabad Road and the turn into Thames Street, off Pandora Road, will mean long blade loads should remain within the Port area. There is an alternative that can be used via Prebensen Drive, Severn Street and Thames Street, to avoid the roundabout at Hydrabad/Pandora. There are two further roundabouts on Prebensen Drive to negotiate access to be considered. In summary, provided the blade units can remain on the Port for storage, any or all of the other components could be stored in the Thames Street sites.
Photo 44 - Route map from Port of Napier to Thames Street Storage areas
The standard height for all loads on the highway network in New Zealand, is 4.25metres off the ground. Loads that exceed this height, will require an approval from the local lines companies to ensure they have clearance. A number of the loads detailed in this project, will exceed the 4.25metres when loaded for travel and therefore will require a permit approval. There are a number of local lines companies namely: Unison Networks Ltd Scan Power Ltd Central Lines Ltd Powerco Ltd Chorus Network These companies generally allow loads up to 5.4metres in height, to travel with a permit and without the need for an additional escort to supervise the clearance under the wires, across the network. The tower sections are all over-height and could be subject to an escort from the Lines Companies, depending on the trailer configuration used. There will be costs associated with these services provided. Discussions prior to the project commencing, could assist with the network being reviewed and wire heights checked, and potentially raised prior to haulage starting. Need to approach power companies and allow for assistance to overdimension loads; 1st time for tower sections then allow to elevate wires at road crossings
This report makes the following conclusions: • • • • • •
All loads can be hauled from the Port of Napier to site at Turitea. The Port at Napier has capacity and space to handle the proposed cargo loads for the project; this includes some offsite storage facilities. The approved route for the heavy loads, is as detailed in the feasibility permit issued by NZTA and supported by the local councils. There is a need to have temporary works done on the route, to remove road furniture and traffic signals. All overhead Lines Companies will need to be involved in the consultation process, to gain approval for all high loads over the complete route. A simulated drive over the route by a trailer, proposed for the Blade transport, is recommended in conjunction with the Suppliers to review and identify correctly the problem areas. Details mapping of the long loads on the affected corners and roads will also be required.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Downer New Zealand Limited
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