MEDIA A RELEAS SE 18 Marcch, 2013
A GEM M of an en nergy savving idea ed its Good E Energy Mon nitor service e (GEM), a w web-based tracking Mercuryy Energy today release and rep porting tool providing re esidential c ustomers with w much greater visibbility of theirr energy consum mption and cost. c eneral Mana ager, Jamess Munro, sa aid GEM is a 'game breaaker' for the retail Mercuryy Energy Ge electriccity industry in New Zea aland and iss exclusive to t Mercury Energy custtomers. ers unparalleled visibil ity of when they are using electric ity, GEM enables "By giving custome o be more in n control of their energ y usage and d gives them m the inform mation to he elp them to reduce their bills," said Mr Mu unro. “Of coourse, it’s up p to the customer to deecide if theyy want to take advvantage of GEM G and ho ow they wan nt to use the eir information. “ m customers s' electricityy and gas m meters in easy-toGEM prresents information colllected from read graphs and sh hows how th hey are doin ng with resp pect to enerrgy efficienccy compared d to similar homes. e a smart ellectricity me eter, For the two-thirds of Mercury's residentiaal customers who have their co onsumption information n can be dissplayed dow wn to daily and half-houurly usage. GEM G also ove erlays local temperature data to s how custom mers how th heir consum mption changes with the seasons, giving g insight into heating coosts. proved servvice to all ou ur residentia al customerrs, but it’s w where they have h an "GEM offers an imp m in plac ce that the p product really comes to o life. Exam mining when electriccity smart meter electriccity is being used will he elp a custom mer determ mine how it is being useed, and give them insight into how to save,” said Mr Munro. ng smart meter data cu ustomers caan see how their bill is tracking daaily. GEM will also “By usin project their estimated monthly electricitty costs afte er the first week w of thei r new billing cycle. If a custtomer’s usa age is tracking above a predetermined thresh hold comparred to their historic levels, tthey can recceive an em mail alerting them to a potential p hig gh bill so th ey have som me advance e warning and the oppo ortunity to aadjust their consumptio on before thhe bill arrive es," he said. mers withoutt a smart meter m will stiill benefit frrom many of the featurres GEM offe ers, Custom includin ng the GEM energy savings tips, si milar home es comparis son, monthlly reports an nd prior year consumption comparison n.
2 "The site contains a wealth of energy efficiency advice. Customers can develop their own energy savings plan by selecting from a library of over 50 detailed efficiency tips. They can even set a savings goal and then track their performance against the target. If they choose to answer a short questionnaire about their household, GEM will focus the energy efficiency advice onto areas more relevant to their individual situation," Mr Munro said. "Smart meters are increasingly becoming the norm, with around two-thirds of our customers now having them. They have delivered a number of benefits to customers already, but these have been largely unseen. GEM represents a step-change in that it makes the advantage of smart meters very visible and very real for customers. GEM is all about giving customers the information they need to be in greater control of their energy consumption and cost." ENDS
For further information please contact: Mercury Energy Communications Team 027 210 5337