1 minute read


We spend Mercury money wisely, using good judgement in line with the law, our policies and the standards we set for ourselves.


• Only use company funds for legitimate business needs.

• Each of us is responsible for following company policies and processes at all times and for ensuring we have the appropriate authority before we enter into contracts or commit company funds.

• If you are unsure what Delegated Authorities you have, or don’t think you have sufficient Delegated Authorities to do your job, talk to your manager.

• Legally binding contracts which protect Mercury from legal, commercial and reputational risk are required before company funds can be committed.

• For further information, refer to our Delegations Policy and our Energy Markets Risk Management Policy

Q. How do I know what authority I have to spend money on behalf of Mercury?

A. Check our Delegated Authorities Database and speak to the Finance team.

Q. What are the rules for entering into contracts?

A. Read our Delegations Policy and ask the Finance team.

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