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INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................4


The purpose of this document is to provide an inventory of Mercury’s greenhouse gas emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO14064-1 international standards for carbon accounting and reporting. Using these recognised frameworks ensures transparency, robustness and a consistent approach that will facilitate benchmarking with similar organisations and within the energy sector.

The report includes details of the unique emissions factors associated with Mercury’s geothermal generation facilities and its involvement in emissions trading and forestry offsets to communicate the comprehensive nature of Mercury’s response to the climate change challenge.

The document will also facilitate the additional disclosure of Mercury’s carbon footprint, review of risks and opportunities related to climate change, educate and inform interested stakeholders and meet some of the requirements of our annual submission to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

The CDP is a global voluntary carbon reporting programme that enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their environmental impacts. CDP’s network of investors represents over US$110 trillion in assets and uses CDP data and insights to make better-informed investment decisions.

Public disclosure of carbon data and the associated management of climate related risks and opportunities also enables Mercury to reflect the requirements of the Financial Standards Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

TCFD was established to develop voluntary, consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders. TCFD considers the physical, liability and transition risks associated with climate change and what constitutes effective financial disclosures across industries.

Mercury will disclose annually through CDP and use the resultant review and scoring to improve the management and reporting of our various responses to climate change.

Prepared by: David Chua – Sustainability Strategy Analyst

Signed off by: Lucie Drummond – GM Sustainability

DATE: 28 June 2022

DATE: 30 June 2022

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