Turitea Wind Farm Construction Noise Management Plan

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

Turitea Wind Farm Construction Noise Management Plan T90-VAWT-PM-PL-0019 Document Preparation and Control


Tom Evans – Technical Director (Resonate Consultants)

Michelle Flawn – Environmental Advisor (Downer NZ) Document Approval


Marty Craill – Project Manager (Downer NZ)

Duncan Wallbank – Project Manager (Vestas)

Project Document Version


Rev 04


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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

Document Version History Version No.


Document Status

Brief Description of Change(s) from Previous Version




Issued for client review




Updated to address Mercury comments and include input from Resonate




Document reference added and minor edits. Issued for client review




For client approval

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Contact Details Name




Duncan Wallbank

Project Manager (Vestas)

+61 472 874 108


Alan Simpson

Assistant Project Manager (Vestas)



Moran Stark

Site Construction Manager (Vestas)



Marty Craill

Project Manager (Downer NZ)

027 406 7886


Steve Christensen

HSE Professional (Downer NZ)

027 291 1539


Michelle Flawn

Environmental Professional (Downer NZ)

021 583 347


Valentino Cabadonga

Quality Professional

021 814 756

Valentino.Cabadonga@downer.co. nz

Marc Gouvernel

Project Engineer

021 831 678  


Contract Correspondence Company address:

Level 4, 265 Wakefield Street, Marion Square, Wellington 6141


As Above


As Above

Project Web/ Site Address:


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PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................6


DOCUMENT SCOPE .................................................................................................................................7




Compliance with Resource Consent .................................................................................................. 8


Responsibility of this plan ................................................................................................................... 9


Management plan review.................................................................................................................... 9

PROPOSED WORKS ...............................................................................................................................10 3.1

Project Overview ............................................................................................................................... 10


Timeframes ....................................................................................................................................... 10


Hours of Works ................................................................................................................................. 10


Construction Activities ...................................................................................................................... 12


Noise Sensitive Receptors ............................................................................................................... 12

CONSTRUCTION NOISE ........................................................................................................................13 4.1

Noise limits ....................................................................................................................................... 13


Key noise-generating activities ......................................................................................................... 13


Predicted construction noise levels .................................................................................................. 14


Clearing and vegetation removal .............................................................................................. 15


Earthworks, drainage works and compound construction ........................................................ 15


Batching plant ........................................................................................................................... 16


Roadworks, hardstands and foundation construction .............................................................. 16


Electrical works – cabling and substation ................................................................................. 16


Wind turbine erection and installation ....................................................................................... 17


Out of hours warm up works and packing up ........................................................................... 17

4.4 5



Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 17

MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES AND MITIGATION MEASURES .........................................................18 5.1

Notification and Consultation ............................................................................................................ 18


Training of Personnel........................................................................................................................ 18


Management and Mitigation Options ................................................................................................ 18


Working hours ........................................................................................................................... 18


Site management measures ..................................................................................................... 18


Plant and equipment management measures .......................................................................... 19


Noise Barriers and Enclosures ......................................................................................................... 19


Temporary Resident Relocation ....................................................................................................... 19


Monitoring Requirements ................................................................................................................. 20

ACTIVITY SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION NOISE MANAGEMENT PLANS..............................................21 6.1

Preparation of an ASCNMP .............................................................................................................. 21


Exclusions from an ASCNMP ........................................................................................................... 22

COMPLAINTS ..........................................................................................................................................23 7.1

Managing Complaints ....................................................................................................................... 23

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Complaints Register ................................................................................................................. 23

ANNEX A — SOUND POWER LEVELS FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANT ......................................................24 ANNEX B — TYPICAL WORST CASE CONSTRUCTION NOISE CONTOURS ............................................27

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

1 PURPOSE Vestas are constructing the Turitea Wind Farm Project (the Project), with Downer New Zealand Limited carrying out all associated civil works and bulk earthworks for the Project. The Consent Holder is Mercury NZ Limited (Mercury). The Project is situated on privately owned farmland and reserve area adjoining the existing South Range Road (SRR) alignment that runs along a ridgeline on the Tararua Range south east of Palmerston North. As required by the Contract Documents, Resource Consents and Vestas / Downer Environmental Management Policies, a number of Environmental Management Plans are required. These documents are incorporated into the overarching Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). This Construction Noise Management Plan (CNMP) is subordinate to the CEMP and addresses Resource Consent Schedule 3; Conditions 14 to 16. As required by the Resource Consent, this CNMP has been prepared in general accordance with NZS 6803 1. The principal purpose of this CNMP is to demonstrate how Downer and Vestas will manage the potential construction noise impacts associated with the construction of the Project to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Contract and Resource Consent Conditions. This CNMP highlights the minimum standards that must be complied with, the nature of the construction activities and machinery associated with the project works as well as best practicable options for management of construction noise associated with the project works. It is intended as a guide for those undertaking the works.


New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction Noise

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

2 DOCUMENT SCOPE This CNMP has been prepared to fulfil the requirements of the Resource Consent Conditions, specifically Schedule 3: Conditions 14, 15 and 16 which state: 14. Noise from all construction work shall be measured and assessed in accordance with NZS 6803, and shall comply with the noise limits for long-term duration set out in that Standard. 15. A CNMP shall be prepared prior to the commencement of any construction works and shall be properly implemented at all times. The CNMP shall be generally in accordance with section 8 and the relevant annexures of NZS 6803, which detail the relevant types of construction to which the CNMP is to apply, and procedures that will be carried out to ensure compliance with that Standard. 16. The CNMP shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified and experienced acoustic consultant, and shall be submitted to the Environmental Compliance Managers of each respective Council for review, acting in a technical certification capacity. A response should be provided within 30 working days of receipt. Construction activities must not commence until written certification has been obtained.

The primary objective of this CNMP is to provide a framework for the development and implementation of methodologies to avoid or reduce adverse construction noise on the health and amenity values of residents. In summary, this will be achieved by: •

Compliance with the construction noise performance standards,

The development of Activity Specific Construction Noise Management Plans (ASCNMP’s) where compliance with these standards cannot practicably be achieved,

Monitoring of noise levels at locations where there is a risk of the criteria being exceeded,

Implementation of effective temporary noise mitigation measures, e.g. barriers, where appropriate,

Utilisation of permanent noise control measures (where these can be practically constructed early in the construction programme), and

Communication and consultation to be undertaken with affected residents.

In order to remain effective, this CNMP will be updated as appropriate (with the necessary approvals) throughout the course of the Project to reflect any significant changes associated with any construction methodologies or techniques or the surrounding environment.

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

2.1 Compliance with Resource Consent Resource Consent Schedule 3: Condition 15 and 16 detail requirements for the CNMP, including that the CNMP has been developed in accordance with NZS 6803. The relevant requirements of the Consent Conditions and NZS 6803 are described in Table 2 below, which also notes how these requirements have been met in this CNMP. Table 1: Resource Consent Requirements Relating to CNMP Reference Consent Condition 14

Requirement Noise from all works shall be measured and assessed in accordance with NZS 6803, and shall comply with the noise limits for long-term duration set out in that Standard. A CNMP shall be prepared prior to the commencement of any construction works and shall be properly implemented at all times.

Where addressed Section 4.1 Section 4.3 Section 5.6

Consent Condition 15

The CNMP shall be generally in accordance with section 8 and the relevant annexures of NZS 6803, which detail the relevant types of construction to which the CNMP is to apply, and procedures that will be carried out to ensure compliance with that Standard.

Consent Condition 16

The CNMP shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified and experienced acoustic consultant, and shall be submitted to the Environmental Compliance Managers of each respective Council for review, acting in a technical certification capacity.

NZS 6803 Section 8.1

Noise management planning

NZS 6803 Section 8.2

Noise reduction at source

NZS 6803 Section 8.3

Community relations

NZS 6804 Section 8.4

Site factors

This CNMP addresses the requirements of NZS 6803. Section 4.1 details and adopts the NZS 6803 noise limits, and Section 5 prescribes management and monitoring procedures as per NZS 6803. This CNMP has been coauthored by Tom Evans, Technical Director at Resonate Consultants and a Member of the Australian Acoustical Society. Section 5 of this CNMP addresses the noise management requirements of Annex E of NZS 6803 as required by Section 8.1. Section 5 of this CNMP documents measures to control noise at the source as required by Section 8.2, Annex B and Annex F of NZS 6803. Section 5 of this CNMP addresses measures to manage noise impacts on the community as required by NZS 6803. Section 4 of this CNMP details predictions of construction noise that take into consideration relevant site factors.

Consent Condition 15

This document

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2.2 Responsibility of this plan The Vestas Project Manager has the overall responsibility for meeting the requirements of this CNMP. The Environmental Representatives will implement the plan, including all required monitoring and lead the review of results with appropriate communication to Local Authorities. Please refer to the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for more detail on the roles and responsibilities.

2.3 Management plan review Commitment and continuous improvement to the Environmental culture by management is critical to its success and continuation. As part of continuous improvement, changes to the CNMP may be appropriate during the course of the project. These changes may be a result of: •

Any significant changes to construction activities or methods

Key changes to roles and responsibilities within the Project

Changes in industry best practice standards or recommended controls

Changes in legal or other requirements (social and environmental legal requirements, consent conditions and relevant policies, plans, standards, specifications and guidelines)

Results of inspection and maintenance programmes, logs of incidents, corrective actions, internal or external assessments

The outcome of investigations into discharges of contaminants.

Reasons for making changes to the CNMP will be documented. A copy of the original CNMP document and subsequent versions will be kept for the Project records, and marked as obsolete. Each new/updated version of the CNMP documentation will be issued with a version number and date to eliminate obsolete CNMP documentation being used. Any relevant revisions to the CNMP will be submitted to Mercury and the relevant Council’s Environmental Manager for review and approval at least 10 working days before becoming operational. Relevant revisions would include: •

Changes to construction methodologies that result in an increase in predicted noise levels above those stated in this CNMP, such as the use of noisier plant and equipment than currently envisaged

Changes to working hours, such that noisy works are regularly proposed outside of the hours of 7:30 am to 6 pm Monday to Saturday

Any outcomes of noise monitoring that indicate that the predictions in this CNMP are under-predicting noise levels at sensitive land uses by at least 3 dB.

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

3 PROPOSED WORKS 3.1 Project Overview Downer are required to carry out all civil works and bulk earthworks to support and enable the installation of 33 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) by Vestas at the Turitea Wind Farm Project. The scope of these works also includes the construction of access roads, laying the foundations for each wind turbine generator, drainage and electrical work. In addition to this, Downer will also be responsible for the construction of the substation and the operations and maintenance building. Vestas will be responsible for the construction, installation and commissioning of the 33 WTGs at the site. This includes craneage of the turbine components and electrical works at the WTGs themselves. A site map of the wind farm is provided in Figure 1, including the nearest surrounding Noise Sensitive Receptors and key site features such as the WTG locations, batching plant, compound, substation and access roads that will be constructed.

3.2 Timeframes The project works are planned to commence in August 2019 and continue until the end of 2020. The project works will not occur continuously in the vicinity of individual receivers. Each Noise Sensitive Receptor will be subject to varying noise levels throughout the construction period.

3.3 Hours of Works Construction hours are not defined by the Resource Consent for the project, however NZS 6803 provides limits for construction noise at various time periods throughout the week. The noise limits are least stringent between the hours of 0730 to 1800 on weekdays and Saturdays, hereafter described as Standard Working Hours. Some minor works are likely to occur outside of these Standard Working Hours including warming up vehicles and packing up activities undertaken at the end of each construction day. Additionally, crane lifts for WTGs may need to occur outside of Standard Working Hours to coincide with safe low wind periods. In addition, there may be ad hoc occurrences where additional construction activities will be required outside of Standard Working Hours. Where such an activity could have the potential to result in construction noise levels exceeding the NZS 6803 noise limits for the designated hours, an Activity Specific Construction Noise Management Plan (ASCNMP) will be prepared and submitted to Mercury for approval prior to commencement of the activity. The ASCNMP will detail the measures required to be implemented during the works for noise levels from the activities to achieve compliance with the applicable noise limits.

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Figure 1: Site map

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

3.4 Construction Activities A general overview of the scope of work associated with the Turitea Wind Farm Project is listed (but not limited to) below; •

Establishment and dis-establishment of temporary site facilities, plant, storage areas and accommodation (including a mobile concrete batching plant)

Pubilc road (off-site) improvements necessary to undertake the works

Establishment of two new site access points from the public road and internal site access roads including the upgrade of of the existing SRR alignment which is a public road

33 WTG’s inclusive of all structural, working and electrical components, accesses, safety systems and lighting.

33 WTG structural foundations

Crane hardstands and componentry laydown areas at each WTG site

Aviation lighting

Windfarm substation and all associated infrastructure and equipment

Windfarm substation building and all associated infrastructure and equipment

Operational and maintenance facilties inclusive of carparking, hazardous substance containment and security

Windfarm collection system inclusive of 33kV cabling (trenched) and switchgear

Windfarm earthing system (trenched) tying the WTG foundation earthmats and substation earthgrid to achieve overall earthing compliance

Windfarm communications network

Windfarm fibre optic network (trenched) connecting all WTGs to a central SCADA

Installation of equipment for SCADA monitoring and interface with the Employers SCADA system

Installation and commissioning of 3 temporary meteorological stations

Installation and commissioning of 3 permanent meteorological stations

Site reinstatment as necessary in alignment with existing landowner agreements

Permanent site fencing and lighting

3.5 Noise Sensitive Receptors The Noise Sensitive Receptors are those properties located along and near the project alignment as shown in Figure 1. The sensitivity of each property is typically determined by the distance from the construction activity and the nature of the construction activity. The Noise Sensitive Receptors adjacent to the Project site are residential in nature. Please note, dwellings where the Consent Holder has reached agreement with the landowner are not considered Noise Sensitive Receptors for the purpose of this CNMP and are not shown on Figure 1.

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

4 CONSTRUCTION NOISE 4.1 Noise limits In accordance with Schedule 3, Condition 14, construction noise levels from the Project are to comply with the recommended long-term duration limits stated within Table 2 of NZS 6803:1999. The specified noise limits have been reproduced below. Table 2: Construction Noise Limits Time of week

Time Period

Noise limit Leq



Sundays and public holidays


0630 – 0730 0730 – 1800 1800 – 2000 2000 – 0630 0630 – 0730 0730 – 1800 1800 – 2000 2000 – 0630 0630 – 0730 0730 – 1800 1800 – 2000

55 70 65 45 45 70 45 45 45 55 45

75 85 80 75 75 85 75 75 75 85 75

2000 – 0630



The above limits must not be exceeded when measured at or within the notional boundary of any Noise Sensitive Receptor. For the purpose of clarity, this condition does not apply to dwellings in respect of which the Consent Holder has reached agreement with the landowner. NZS 6803 also sets forth limits for long-term duration construction works in industrial and commercial areas. However, as the closest Noise Sensitive Receptors are residential land uses, compliance with the limits above will result in compliance with the limits for industrial and commercial land uses.

4.2 Key noise-generating activities A list of the predominant noise generating activities are summarised in Table 2 below: Table 3: Noise Generating Activities Noise generating activity


Typical worst case sound power level for activity dB(A) LWeq

Clearing/vegetation removal Earthwork operations, drainage works and construction of compound

Tree felling Off-road fill transport Operation of large earthmoving plant Vibratory rollers for fill compaction

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119 117

dB(A) LWmax

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Noise generating activity


Typical worst case sound power level for activity dB(A) LWeq

Batching plant Hardstands, roads, foundation construction including local road works

Operation of the mobile batching plant at the location shown in Figure 1 Vibratory rollers for road base course and surfacing works. Road improvement works at:

dB(A) LWmax











 South Range Road & PahiatuaAokautere Road intersection  Pahiatua-Aokautere Road eastern site access  South Range Road upgrade Electrical works – cabling and substation

Wind turbine erection and installation Warm up works and packing up on site conducted outside Standard Working Hours

Operation of large excavation plant Trenching Concrete pouring Concrete pouring Operation of large cranes Operation of large vehicles Operation of light and large vehicles including trucks

The typical overall sound power levels are based on consideration of construction plant and equipment expected to operate simultaneously during each phase of works. Details on sound power levels for items of plant identified by Downer and Vestas are included in Appendix A to this CNMP. Note that the typical overall sound power level for each phase is based on the loudest combination of activities that may occur during each phase, and is not based on all listed equipment operating simultaneously. From Table 2 and Appendix A, it can be seen that the overall Lmax sound power levels are not expected to exceed the overall Leq sound power levels by more than 8 dB. As the Lmax noise limits set forth by NZS 6803 are at least 15 dB higher than the Leq noise limits, this means that compliance with the noise limits will be controlled by the Leq construction noise levels. Therefore, the assessment in this CNMP focusses on the prediction of Leq construction noise from the Project works.

4.3 Predicted construction noise levels The construction noise levels for the above phases have been predicted using a three-dimensional environmental noise model of the site and surrounds, developed in SoundPLAN Version 8.0 environmental noise modelling software. The model was developed including: •

Noise Sensitive Receptor positions, positioned at 1.5 m above ground

Site layout provided by Vestas and as per Figure 1

2 m spaced topographical contours for the site and surrounds provided by Vestas

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Construction activities occurring in the typical areas shown in Figure 1, with typical construction spectra based on previous data collected by Resonate

Construction source heights of 4 m above ground.

The noise model implements the ISO 9613-2:1996 2 prediction algorithm. The ISO 9613-2 algorithm predicts typical downwind noise levels or noise levels that are typical of a mild ground-based temperature inversion. When winds are not blowing from the construction area to the receivers, predicted noise levels would be lower than predicted within this assessment. Noise contour maps showing the typical worst case predicted construction noise levels for each construction phases are included in Annex B. Note that these contours show the maximum predicted construction noise level at each location that would occur throughout the works, typically when works are occurring in the closest area to that location. There will be extended periods of little or no works across the works area and, therefore, extended periods where the construction noise levels will be markedly lower than shown in Annex B. The outcomes of the predictions are discussed below.

4.3.1 Clearing and vegetation removal Predicted noise levels from clearing and vegetation works are shown in Figure B1 in Annex B. For Standard Working Hours, the noise limit of 70 dB(A) is expected to be achieved at a distance of 100 – 150 m from the works. Given the nearest Noise Sensitive Receptors are much further from the site, these works will be able to be carried out during Standard Working Hours. Additionally, noise levels from the works are expected to be 55 dB(A) or lower at approximately 550 m from the works such that the works will be able to occur during the following hours if required: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays

0730 – 1800 Sundays.

It is not anticipated that significant clearing and vegetation works will be required outside of Standard Working Hours but, where they are, they will be planned to occur during the hours above. Works outside of the above hours may exceed the relevant 45 dB(A) noise limit at two Noise Sensitive Receptors (MP66 and MP103) depending on the type of works and their location. If clearing and vegetation works are required during these hours, then an ASCNMP will be prepared as detailed in Section 6.

4.3.2 Earthworks, drainage works and compound construction Predicted noise levels from earthworks, drainage works and compound construction are shown in Figure B2 in Annex B. For Standard Working Hours, the noise limit of 70 dB(A) is expected to be achieved at a distance of approximately 100 – 120 m from the works. Given the nearest Noise Sensitive Receptors are much further from the site, these works will be able to be carried out during Standard Working Hours. Additionally, noise levels from the works are expected to be 55 dB(A) or lower at approximately 550 m from the works such that the works will be able to occur during the following hours if required: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays

0730 – 1800 Sundays.


International standard ISO 9613-2, 1996, Acoustics – Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors, Part 2: General method of calculation Document Library Number: DI-PM-TP019

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It is not anticipated that significant earthworks, drainage works or compound construction activities will be required outside of Standard Working Hours but, where they are, they will be planned to occur during the hours above. Works outside of the above hours may exceed the relevant 45 dB(A) noise limit at one Noise Sensitive Receptor (MP103) depending on the type of works and their location. If such works are required during these hours, then an ASCNMP will be prepared as detailed in Section 6.

4.3.3 Batching plant Predicted noise levels from the batching plant are shown in Figure B3 in Annex B. The predicted noise levels are lower than 45 dB(A) at all Noise Sensitive Receptors, such that the batching plant could operate at any time of day. However, it is anticipated that the batching plant will only operate during Standard Working Hours.

4.3.4 Roadworks, hardstands and foundation construction Predicted noise levels from roadworks, including the local road upgrade works, and the hardstand and foundation construction are shown in Figure B4 in Annex B. For Standard Working Hours, the noise limit of 70 dB(A) is expected to be achieved at a distance of 100 m from the works. Given the nearest Noise Sensitive Receptors are much further from the site, these works will be able to be carried out during Standard Working Hours. Additionally, noise levels from the works are expected to be 55 dB(A) or lower at approximately 500 m from the works such that the works will be able to occur during the following hours if required: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays

0730 – 1800 Sundays.

It is not anticipated that significant roadwork activities will be required outside of Standard Working Hours but, where they are, they will be planned to occur during the hours above. Works outside of the above hours may exceed the relevant 45 dB(A) noise limit at two Noise Sensitive Receptors (MP66 and MP103) depending on the type of works and their location. If roadworks are required during these hours, then an ASCNMP will be prepared as detailed in Section 6.

4.3.5 Electrical works – cabling and substation Predicted noise levels from electrical works for cabling and the substation are shown in Figure B5 in Annex B. For Standard Working Hours, the noise limit of 70 dB(A) is expected to be achieved at a distance of approximately 100 m from the works. Given the nearest Noise Sensitive Receptors are much further from the site, these works will be able to be carried out during Standard Working Hours. Additionally, noise levels from the works are expected to be 55 dB(A) or lower at approximately 450 m from the works such that the works will be able to occur during the following hours if required: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays

0730 – 1800 Sundays.

It is not anticipated that electrical works will be required outside of Standard Working Hours but, where they are, they will be planned to occur during the hours above. Works outside of the above hours may exceed the relevant 45 dB(A) noise limit at one Noise Sensitive Receptor (MP103) depending on the type of works and their location. If such works are required during these hours, then an ASCNMP will be prepared as detailed in Section 6.

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4.3.6 Wind turbine erection and installation Predicted noise levels from turbine erection and installation works are shown in Figure B6 in Annex B. For Standard Working Hours, the noise limit of 70 dB(A) is expected to be achieved at a distance of approximately 120 m from the works. Given the nearest Noise Sensitive Receptors are much further from the site, these works will be able to be carried out during Standard Working Hours. Additionally, noise levels from the works are expected to be 55 dB(A) or lower at approximately 500 m from the works such that the works will be able to occur during the following hours if required: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays

0730 – 1800 Sundays.

Turbine installation works may be required outside of Standard Working Hours due to the requirement for low wind conditions and, where they are, they will be planned to occur during the hours above. If turbine erection and installation works are required outside of the above hours, noise levels may exceed the relevant 45 dB(A) noise limit at one Noise Sensitive Receptor (MP103). This exceedance is only relevant to installation works at WTG 09 and WTG 10 on Figure B6. If turbine installation works are required during these hours at these two turbines, then an ASCNMP will be prepared as detailed in Section 6.

4.3.7 Out of hours warm up works and packing up Predicted noise levels from warm up works and packing up activities that may be carried out prior to and immediately after Standard Working Hours are shown in Figure B7 in Annex B. It can be seen that noise levels from these warm up and packing up activities are expected to remain below 45 dB(A) at Noise Sensitive Receptors. Therefore, warm up works will be able to occur during the following hours if required: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays and Saturdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays and Saturdays.

4.4 Summary On the basis of the above, it is not expected that the construction noise limits will be exceeded during the construction works for Turitea Wind Farm for the nearest noise sensitive receivers that do not have an agreement in place with the Consent Holder. Works will be able to be carried out during Standard Working Hours with the implementation of the standard mitigation measures detailed in Section 5. The proposed warm up and packing up activities will also be able to be carried out immediately before and immediately after Standard Working Hours as required. If required during construction, works will also be able to be carried out during the following hours with predicted noise levels achieving the designated noise limits: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays

0730 – 1800 Sundays.

In the event of activities required outside of the above hours, it is generally expected that works would be able to be conducted subject to the implementation of specific mitigation measures to ensure that noise levels at Noise Sensitive Receptors remain at or below 45 dB(A). If required, these would be detailed in an ASCNMP, which will be prepared as detailed in Section 6.

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

5 MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES AND MITIGATION MEASURES Noise management and mitigation measures that will be implemented throughout construction of the Project are outlined below. The measures have been developed in accordance with NZS 6803. Note that not all measures will necessarily be implemented at all times as it will be dependent on the works being carried out at the time, the timing of the works and the location of the works with respect to Noise Sensitive Receptors.

5.1 Notification and Consultation Mercury are leading all stakeholder and community engagements via their Community Liaison Group (CLG). Mercury will also be responsible for providing up to date information on the project via their website, through local print media and any other means as required. Vestas, as the EPC Contractor, and Downer, as the Balance of Plant contractor, will assist in this process if requested but will not routinely be involved in this area. Vestas and Downer will inform Mercury of works occurring outside of Standard Working Hours to assist with the notification and consultation process.

5.2 Training of Personnel All personnel on site will be made aware of the importance of operating in the least disruptive manner. All personnel working on the Project shall be familiar with, and responsible for, implementing this CNMP. Noise risk and mitigation aspects will be outlined in detail in the project induction that all staff and contractors must complete. Noise matters will also be regular topics at the daily, weekly and monthly tool box meetings.

5.3 Management and Mitigation Options The following management and mitigation options will be implemented where reasonable and feasible, and as required to achieve the construction noise limits.

5.3.1 Working hours Works will be scheduled to Standard Working Hours (0730 – 1800 Monday to Saturday) wherever feasible. Where works must occur outside of Standard Working Hours, preference will be given to scheduling these works during the following time periods: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays

0730 – 1800 Sundays.

5.3.2 Site management measures •

Plant and equipment will be located to take advantage of barriers provided by existing site features and structures.

Traffic flow, parking and loading/unloading areas will be planned to avoid the need for reversing near residential areas.

Loading and unloading of materials is to occur as far as possible from residential areas.

Site access points, roads and construction traffic routes will be located as far as possible from residential areas.

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Commercial in Confidence

Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

Vehicle warning devices, such as horns, will not to be used as signalling devices.

Construction traffic will be restricted to designated roads.

5.3.3 Plant and equipment management measures •

Low noise plant will be selected and used wherever practicable.

Bored piling will be used in preference to impact/driven piling.

Noise levels of plant and equipment will be considered in rental decisions.

Noisy items of plant will be fitted with well-maintained silencers or mufflers that meet manufacturer specifications where applicable.

It will be ensured that truck tailgates are cleared and locked at the point of unloading.

Delivery vehicles will be fitted with straps rather than chains for unloading near residential areas, wherever possible.

Where plant is identified as being particularly noisy such that it may cause annoyance at residences, action will be taken to reduce emissions. This may involve the fitting of mitigation devices such as silencers, enclosures or isolation pads.

Plant will be maintained to ensure that noise and vibration emissions remain as low as practicable.

5.4 Noise Barriers and Enclosures In areas where the Project noise limits may be exceeded, noise barriers will be used where they provide effective mitigation (i.e. break acoustic line-of-sight and are close to either the source (preferable) or the receiver). In some cases, it may be suitable to construct permanent noise barriers to mitigate effects from temporary noise, although due to the anticipated location of permanent barriers and the significant separation between noise sources and Noise Sensitive Receptors, it is expected that the opportunity for this is limited. Temporary noise barriers will be: •

Utilised for those areas where a noticeable noise reduction can be achieved at a Noise Sensitive Receptor and where necessary to achieve the Project noise limits.

Constructed of suitable material, typically plywood. Alternative barrier construction may include, but not limited to, fibre cement, shipping containers or mass-loaded vinyl

Constructed so that they contain no gaps between boards, and

Of sufficient height to interrupt line-of-sight between the receiver and the source.

Enclosures will be used: •

When a noise barrier is not sufficient to achieve compliance with the Project noise limits; and

Where most appropriate, e.g. stationary plant such as generators or pumps.

5.5 Temporary Resident Relocation Where all practicable noise management and mitigation measures have been implemented, but compliance with the Project limits is still not achievable, relocation of affected receivers may need to be considered. This will be documented in the relevant ASCNMP for any such works, for Mercury to agree with any such landowner. It should be noted however, that temporary relocation is not expected to be required for any works currently assessed within this CNMP.

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Commercial in Confidence

Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

5.6 Monitoring Requirements Monitoring will be undertaken: •

As and when required during critical phases of construction (i.e. when potential exceedance of the Project noise limits is predicted, e.g. night works); and/or

In response to reasonable complaints about noise or re-radiated noise (due to vibration) being received. Generally, a reasonable complaint involves a complaint from a member of the public in relation to a noise/vibration issue that can be correlated to construction works on the project.

Any noise monitoring will be undertaken by a suitably qualified and experienced acoustic/vibration specialist, or a member of the site Environmental Team with suitable qualifications/experience. The noise monitoring will be conducted in general accordance with the methods set out in NZS 6801:2008 Acoustics – Construction Noise, summarised below: • • •

With a sound level meter of at least Class 2 (but preferably Class 1), At 1 metre from the most exposed façade of a receiving building and at 1.5m above ground where this is not possible, measurement at a representative position at a similar distance to construction, and Shall be measured by suitably trained Project staff or external experts as required.

Reporting of the noise monitoring results will be made available to Mercury and/or as committed to within an ASCNMP.

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Commercial in Confidence

Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

6 ACTIVITY SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION NOISE MANAGEMENT PLANS Works assessed within this CNMP are predicted to comply with the applicable construction noise limits as long as they occur during Standard Working Hours or during the hours of: •

0630 – 0730 weekdays

1800 – 2000 weekdays

0730 – 1800 Sundays.

Where works are proposed outside of these hours, new activities are proposed that are noisier than the activities assessed in this CNMP and/or activities are proposed closer to Noise Sensitive Receptors, an ASCNMP will be prepared.

6.1 Preparation of an ASCNMP As part of the Vestas/Downer construction planning procedures a ‘Work Pack’ methodology is used. This operation utilises a documented iterative procedure to plan the works. This planning includes an assessment of construction activities and methodologies at an initial stage to confirm what subsequent management plans and or approvals are required and or have been completed. These potential additional plans can include: •

Traffic Management Plans;

Temporary Work Designs;

Ecological surveys or mitigation; etc.

As part of this process an assessment will be made of the potential construction noise for any activities that would require an ASCNMP. Where it is predicted that the levels from a particular activity will or will likely exceed the limits set out in the noise standards, an ASCNMP will be prepared and submitted to Mercury for review and to assist with consultation and notification requirements. The ASCNMP will include: •

A description of the activity (including duration), plans and machinery that is expected not to comply with the noise limits.

Provide predicted levels for all receivers where the levels will not be compliant with the noise limits.

Describe the mitigation measures proposed to reduce the noise levels as far as practicable, including any options that have been discounted due to practicality, cost or any other reason.

Description of alternative mitigation of the impacts that is acceptable to affected parties (e.g. temporary accommodation during the specific activity).

Methods and frequency for monitoring and reporting on construction noise.

Contact numbers for key construction staff, staff responsible for noise assessment and council officers; and

Procedures for maintaining contact with stakeholders, notifying of proposed construction activities and handling complaints about construction noise.

Wherever possible the ASCNMP will be submitted at least 7 working days prior to the proposed works commencing, and works will not commence until approval from Mercury has been received.

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Commercial in Confidence

Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

6.2 Exclusions from an ASCNMP The following works will not require an ASCNMP as they are classed as emergency works and are not required to be assessed by NZS 6803: • •

Any works necessary in an emergency to avoid injury or the loss of life, property and/or to prevent environmental harm. If the works are for the delivery of materials required outside of standard hours by New Zealand Police or other authorities for safety reasons.

Where any such works occur, Mercury will be given prior notification where possible.

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Commercial in Confidence

Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

7 COMPLAINTS Mercury NZ Limited (Mercury), as the Client, are leading all stakeholder and community engagements via their community liaison group. Mercury will also be responsible for providing up to date information on the project via their website, through local print media and any other means as required. Vestas will assist Mercury in this process as directed with the support of other Contractor’s engaged on the project (if required).

7.1 Managing Complaints A procedure for keeping records of public complaints and any action taken in response shall be maintained in accordance with Consent conditions Schedule 1: Condition 19-21. In this regard Mercury has set up a phone number (0800 201 520) and an email address (turiteawindfarm@mercury.co.nz) for members of the public to register inquiries or complaints. When an environmental complaint is received directly by Contractor/s, it will be communicated to Mercury and vice versa if received through Mercury’s 0800 number or website. Upon receipt of the complaint, a response will be made within 2 hours on the same working day during business hours of 8am to 6pm, or within 24 hours for calls received outside of business hours. The BOP Contractor/s stakeholder manager will manage all enquiries and complaints that arise in consultation with the Head Contractor, and all site staff shall be briefed on what to do in the event that they receive a complaint.

7.1.1 Complaints Register A Complaints Register will be controlled by Mercury. It will contain all complaints received for the Project. Vestas and the BOP Contractor/s will submit all data from completed environmental Complaints investigations as soon as possible. Details of all complaints received throughout the site will be summarised to on-site staff members during Tool Box sessions. The Complaints Register will be discussed at regular meetings held between the BOP Contractor/s, Vestas and Mercury.

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Commercial in Confidence

Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP

ANNEX A — SOUND POWER LEVELS FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANT The likely construction noise emissions are expected to be relatively consistent along the length of the works, with the same or similar plant and equipment and methodologies utilised. The table below sets out ‘activity’ noise levels based on data obtained by Resonate from previous projects and those within the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Update of noise database for prediction of noise on construction and open sites. An overall sound power level for each phase has also been assumed based on the loudest typical source(s) operating for each works phase. Note that this is based on typical combinations of plant and not necessarily all plant listed in a phase operating simultaneously if this is not a realistic situation. Table 4: Construction Noise Source Sound Power Levels Phase

Clearing and vegetation removal

Earthworks, drainage, compound construction

Batching plant

Typical plant items

Assumed sound power level, Leq 116

Assumed sound power level, Lmax 124




Tub Grinder & Mulcher






Typical overall sound power level



D6 Bulldozer



Large excavator



CAT 637 motorscraper



140H CAT grader



Vibratory roller



Truck & trailer



Typical overall sound power level



Mobile batching plant



Typical overall sound power level



D6 Bulldozer

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Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP


Hardstands, roads, foundation construction, local road improvements

Electrical works – cabling and substation

Turbine installation

Typical plant items

Large excavator

Assumed sound power level, Leq 110

Assumed sound power level, Lmax 117

Bored piling rig









Truck & trailer



Water cart



Concrete pump



Concrete vibrator



Concrete truck



Vibratory roller






CAT 637 motorscraper



Typical overall sound power level



Large excavator






Concrete pump



Concrete vibrator



Concrete truck



Truck & trailer



Typical overall sound power level



Lattice crane



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Commercial in Confidence

Construction Noise Management Plan Turitea Wind Farm TWF-VES-PM-PLN-0014_04-CNMP


Typical plant items

Assumed sound power level, Leq 113

Assumed sound power level, Lmax 116

Truck & Trailer



Tow vehicle



Typical overall sound power level



Truck & trailer



Light vehicles



Idling excavator



Typical overall sound power level



200T mobile crane

Out of hours warm up works, packing up from site

The sound power levels for individual items are based on the source operating continuously and are therefore not likely to be representative of the sound power level over an entire day as, at times, equipment will be stood down or idled while other activities are undertaken. However, it is possible that the loudest equipment above could be operating for at least 30 minutes continuously, which is the basis for the construction noise limits presented in Table 1. Therefore, adopting these sound power levels provides an indication of the typical worst-case construction noise levels that could be expected to occur at the site.

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Commercial in Confidence

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