Waipipi Wind Farm Community fund CPI adjustment Mercury will provide $25,000 plus CPI per annum for the purposes of the Waipipi Wind Farm Community Fund CPI adjustment is calculated using Stats NZ figures. The equation takes into account that the Fund year falls across different quarterly periods. If you’d like to know more about how this is calculated, email waipipiwindfarmcommunityfund@mercury.co.nz Fund year (November to November*). Each year’s “amount available” covers funding rounds opening in March and October) 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022- 2023 2023 - 2024 current year
Amount available $25,000 $26,233.40 $28,130.93 $29,720
*Date of Commencement of Operations was 1 November 2020
The Mercury Building, 33 Broadway, Newmarket 1023 PO Box 90399, Auckland 1142
New Zealand
PHONE: + 64 9 308 8200 + 64 9 308 8209 FAX: