Development projects in kenya

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Development Projects in Kenya

Compiled from: Help Missions Development Services

List of Development Projects in Kenya The main objective of development projects in Kenya is to improve the living standards of the people in the community. Most of the development projects that are undertaken in Kenya today are in line with the 8 international development goals dubbed Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that are projected to be achieved by the year 2030, hence Vision 2030. The development projects in Kenya are set to not only improve on the living standards but also make it sustainable. There are quite a number of projects that the government and other bodies have funded in the past and still keep funding currently. There are more that are still in plan and might be executed sooner or later. The following are some of the development projects in Kenya:

Education for all

As part of the goals of development projects in Kenya, the government ensures that every child who has reached the school going age is in school and stays there. This was done by the introduction of free primary education to see to it that every child gets access to basic education. Community Development Funds (CDF) was also released to regions within the country and some of these funds have been used to build facilities in most rural areas as well as urban slums.

Community Awareness

Development projects in Kenya are not just about buildings but about human development too. In the grassroots level, there have been a number of community development personnel who would walk from one home to the other, or organize ‘kamukunji’ to teach the community on a number of issues that affect them on a daily basis, for instance health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS among other opportunistic diseases.


Infrastructure has been one of the main challenges in most places in Kenya. This has been improved to some level and the improvements are still in progress. Many roads have been built while some of them have been renovated. Schools as well as health facilities have also been built, mostly in the rural areas and urban slums. This has given people a chance to get basic education and health services.

Artificial Water Sources

There are some areas in Kenya, especially the North Eastern parts that do not have rainfall for a long time. Introducing artificial water sources like building of boreholes ensures that the communities in these places do not suffer for prolonged lack of water. Apart from domestic use, the water can be used to do some other things like irrigation.


Irrigation should actually be at the top of the development projects undertaken in Kenya. This has been done in a bid to combat poverty and hunger that is common mostly in the Northern parts of Kenya. These areas experience harsh weather conditions especially the hot sun all year round with minimal or no rainfall at all. This has led to the death of many people from lack of food and water. Introducing irrigation to such areas ensures food security while combating poverty as the farmers who embrace this technology can sell the surplus products from their farms.

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