Welding equipment

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Compiled from: Amity Equipment Ltd. www.amitykenya.com

Several ways of using welding equipment Welding is a process of joining tiny pieces of metal, sometimes large ones to form one whole item. This process of joining materials is done with the use of a welding machine. The equipment provides pressure and heat onto the surfaces that needs to be joined which later cools and becomes a strong joint. There are various ways that welding equipment can be used. This is because there are various types of welding available. These include:

1. TIG (tungsten, inert gas) Welding

Also known as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), this is a type of welding that uses a non consumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld. It requires a lot of skill and expertise from the operator of the welding equipment used in this case. TIG welding is known for producing a superior standard of finish without too much effort.


2. MIG (metal, inert gas) Welding

Also known as gas metal arc welding, this is the most widely used and easy to master form of welding for both commercial and home use. It is mostly used to fuse mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium. The welding equipment used for this form of welding is preferred by most welders because it works faster and it is easy to handle.

3. Stick Welding

Also referred to as shielded metal arc welding is the most basic of all welding types. It can be used for manufacturing, construction and repairs and is suited mostly for heavy metals. Stick welding uses an electrode that slowly melts the materials that are supposed to be joined. The electrode has a flux that protects the puddle of the welding equipment from atmospheric contamination.


4. Gas or Acetylene Welding

This type of welding consists of mixing oxygen and acetylene gas to produce a flame from the welding equipment that is capable of melting steel. It is mostly used for maintenance and metal cutting. It can also be used for brazing softer metals like copper and bronze or for welding delicate parts like refrigeration pipes.

How to handle welding equipment Handling welding equipment can be so tricky, especially for the first time, but the good news is that there are guidelines that, if followed, will make the experience a worthwhile one. The guidelines to be followed are as below:

1. Understand the demands of the job Using a welding equipment means there will be some work you will be doing with it. It is therefore important to know and understand the demands of the job. Anyone willing to become a welder must be self motivated as sometimes the welding job means you will be freelancing, not just sitting in your office all day long. You also need to know that welding involves being around hot metals, bright lights and too much noise all the time so you need to get prepared.


2. Find welding training programs near you

In order to know how to handle a welding equipment, you have to learn how. There are several training programs that train technical courses like welding, carpentry and many others. You can find one such training program and enroll for it. Here you will learn how to weld, know about the different types of welding and the kind of welding machine that is used for each type.

3. Be an apprentice

Welding is a technical thing which means you need to get hands on experience. Using a welding equipment is not something that you can learn from reading a book, you need to get hands on http://www.amitykenya.com

experience in order to master the art of welding quite well. There are so many welding workshops that would be willing to take in apprentices; all you have to do is hunt around for such workshops and you will be good to go.

Visit www.amitykenya.com for more details


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