Wildwood: Cheryl Luckett 2023

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lebrate Southern roots an ospitality, interior designe heryl Lucke integrates re freshingly traditional elements with influences of global culture to create comfortable, approachable spaces Fondne for texture and un pected color informs her cu ation of cla ic silhoue es flect a range of inspiration This spring, Cheryl join Wildwood’s legacy with her Sought after for designs that celebrate Southern roots and hospitality,

interior designer Cheryl Luckett integrates refreshingly traditional elements with influences of global culture to create comfortable, approachable spaces. Fondness for texture and unexpected color informs her curation of classic silhouettes to reflect a range of inspirations.

In 2022, Cheryl joined Wildwood’s 120-year legacy with her debut collection of furniture, lighting, and accessories. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Cheryl has long sourced from the Rocky Mount-based brand, sharing in Wildwood’s design vision and commitment to craft.

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Pulling from Southern traditions and her African-American roots, Cheryl Luckett for Wildwood radiates familiarity and history. Cheryl’s love of

fashion, inherited from a family of seamstresses, melds with childhood

impressions of artistry that flow through each piece. Her charming designs are tailor-made to infuse decorated spaces with warmth and grace.

“When I design anything, I’m trying to reflect who I am,” says Cheryl. “So, you’ll find a lot of color, pattern, and textures like lace, pen shell, and Kuba cloth. There’s a whimsical, yet familiar nature to these pieces. It’s been

my honor to cultivate truly treasured homes, and I hope everyone can see themselves in this collection.”

wild wood home .com

nd er ef s. nuto ns. ns r

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Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction

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Chastity Lamp - 12578 Sophisticate Console Table - 295608 Buttercup Brass Box - 295625 & 295624

wild wood home .com

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Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction

Kn it Pic k L a m p

B utto ned Up L a m p Ste rlin g B lu e

32 x 5.8 x 5.8


22 x 7 x 7


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A Tisk e t A Ta sk e t L a mp

A Tisk et A Ta sk et L a m p

Oy s t er


31 x 7.5 x 7.5


31 x 7.5 x 7.5

wild wood home .com


Bam bo oz le d L a m p

V enise Lam p



30 x 8.5 x 8.5


26 x 10 x 10


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Link e d I n

L ink ed In

B l ue

29 x 7.5 x 7.5

B lack


29 x 7.5 x 7.5

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction


Ujam a a L a m p

Ujam aa L a m p

B ro w n

31.5 x 5.8 x 5.8



32 x 5.5 x 5.5


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Pomp a nd C irc um sta n c e L a mp

Po m p and Circ um stanc e L a m p

B l ack S h a d e

White Shad e

35 x 6 x 6


35 x 6 x 6

wild wood home .com


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Ujamaa Lamp - 12576 Socialite Console Table - 295607

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction

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Chastity Lamp - 12578 Sophisticate Console Table - 295608

wild wood home .com

Chastity Lam p

Ga rd e n Pa r ty L a mp

B lue

C era m ic

30.5 x 8 x 8


33 x 7.8 x 7.8


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Writ ing s o n the Wa l l L a mp

Vo gue Lam p

B ras s

B lack

27.5 x 9 x 8


27.5 x 7.5 x 6

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction


Parkwa y L a m p

Pa rk way L a m p

Arab i an Sp ic e

Navy B lu e

25 x 9 x 9


25 x 9 x 9


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Parkwa y L a m p

Pa rk way L a m p

Spi cy Mu s ta r d


25 x 9 x 9


25 x 9 x 9

wild wood home .com


Savo ir Fa ire L a mp

Savo ir Faire L a m p

W hi te

B lack

32 x 8.5 x 10


32 x 8.5 x 10


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Savo ir Fa ire Va s e

Savo ir Faire Vase

L arg e


15.8 x 7.5 x 8.5


11.8 x 7.8 x 8.5

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction


lebrate Southern roots an ospitality, interior designe heryl Lucke integrates re freshingly traditional elements with influences of global culture to create comfortable, approachable spaces Fondne for texture and un pected color informs her cu ation of cla ic silhoue es flect a range of inspiration This spring, Cheryl join Wildwood’s legacy with her - 12 -

wild wood home .com

nd er ef s. nuto ns. ns r

Pomp and Circumstance Lamp - 12581 Buttercup Brass Box - 295625 & 295624 Commencement Console Table - 295610 Commencement Accent Table - 295615

Soph is tic a te C o nso l e Ta b l e

So phistic ate Co nso le Table

B l ack


31.5 x 48 x 20


31.5 x 48 x 20


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Social ite C o nso le Ta b l e

So c ialite Co nso le Table

B l ack

31.5 x 48 x 16



31.5 x 48 x 16

wild wood home .com


Soc ia lite E nd Tab l e

So c ialite E nd Ta ble

B l ac k


26.8 x 20 x 16


26.8 x 20 x 16


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Gra nd sta nd Pla n t Sta n d

Gra ndstand P la nt Stand

Tal l

Shor t

28.3 x 12 x 10.5


24.3 x 12 x 10.5

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction


Vogue Lamp - 12586 Sophisticate Console Table - 295609

cel ho Ch f m g f F exp ra ref T W

lebrate Southern roots an ospitality, interior designe heryl Lucke integrates re freshingly traditional elements with influences of global culture to create comfortable, approachable spaces Fondne for texture and un pected color informs her cu ation of cla ic silhoue es flect a range of inspiration This spring, Cheryl join Wildwood’s legacy with her - 17 -

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction

Bu tte rc up Bra ss Box

B utterc up B ra ss B ox

L arge


9 x 12 x 7


6.5 x 8.8 x 5


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Your Se r v e Tra y

Yo ur Ser v e Tray

Gras s cl o th L a r g e

Grasscloth Small

3 x 24 x 16


2.5 x 20 x 12

wild wood home .com


Your Se r v e Tra y

Yo ur Ser v e Tray

Pen S h e ll La r g e

Pen She ll Small

3 x 24 x 16


2.8 x 20 x 12


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B ox ed In

Box Ste p


Pen S h e ll

4 x 12 x 8


5 x 12 x 6

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction


Boxe d I n

Garden Par ty B o wl


5 x 12 x 6

Mu lti


7.3 x 14 x 14


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Golden Glo ry C ha nd e l i e r

Vo gue Ac c ent White

22 x 24 x 24



wild wood home .com

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Boxed In - 295604 Socialite Console Table - 295607

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction

K n i t Pi c k L a mp

Butto ned Up Lamp

A T i s k e t A Ta s k e t L a mp

A T i s k e t A Ta s k e t L a mp

B a mb o oz l e d L a m p

32 x 5.8 x 5.8 12590

Sterling Blue 22 x 7 x 7 12598

Oyster 31 x 7.5 x 7.5 12588

White 31 x 7.5 x 7.5 12587

Green 30 x 8.5 x 8.5 12592

V e n i s e La mp

Linked In Lamp

L i nk e d In L a mp

U j a ma a L a mp

U j a ma a L a m p

White 26 x 10 x 10 12577

Blue 29 x 7.5 x 7.5 12582

Black 29 x 7.5 x 7.5 12575

Brown 31.5 x 5.8 x 5.8 12576

White 32 x 5.5 x 5.5 12584

Po m p a nd Circumsta nce L a mp

Po mp and Circumst ance Lamp

Ga rde n Pa r ty L a mp

Ch a s ti ty L a mp

Wri t i ng s o n the Wa l l L a m p

White Shade 35 x 6 x 6 12581

Black Shade 35 x 6 x 6 12581-2

Multi-Color 30.5 x 8 x 8 12585

Blue 33 x 7.8 x 7.8 12578

Brass 27.5 x 9 x 8 12583

Vo g u e La mp

Parkway Lamp

Pa rk wa y L a mp

Pa rk wa y L a mp

Pa rk wa y L a m p

Black 27.5 x 7.5 x 6 12586

Arabian Spice 25 x 9 x 9 12593

Navy Blue 25 x 9 x 9 12595

Spicy Mustard 25 x 9 x 9 12579

Tofu 25 x 9 x 9 12580

Savo i r Faire L a m p

Savo ir Faire Lamp

Savo i r Fa i re Va s e

Savo i r Fa i re Va s e

Go l de n Gl o ry C ha n d e l i e r

White 32 x 8.5 x 10 12573

Black 32 x 8.5 x 10 12574

Large 15.8 x 7.5 x 8.5 295602

Small 11.8 x 7.8 x 8.5 295601

22 x 24 x 24 12600

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wild wood home .com

So p h i s ti c a te Con sole Ta ble

So p histicate Co nso le Table

So c i a l i te Co ns o l e Ta b l e

So c i a l i te Co ns o l e Ta b l e

So c i a l i te E nd Ta bl e

Black 31.5 x 48 x 16 295609

Natural 31.5 x 48 x 16 295608

Black 31.5 x 48 x 16 295607

Natural 31.5 x 48 x 16 295606

Black 26.8 x 20 x 16 295614

So c i a l i te End Ta ble

Grand stand Plant Stand

Gra nds ta nd P l a nt Sta nd

B utte rc up B ra s s B ox

B utte rc up B ra s s B ox

Natural 26.8 x 20 x 16 295613

Tall 28.3 x 12 x 10.5 400071-CUSTOM

Short 24.3 x 12 x 10.5 400070-CUSTOM

Large 9 x 12 x 7 295625

Small 6.5 x 8.8 x 5 295624

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Yo u r Se r ve Tra y

Yo ur Ser ve Tray

Yo ur Se r ve Tra y

Yo ur Se r ve Tra y

B ox Ste p

Grasscloth Large 3 x 24 x 16 295621

Grasscloth Small 2.5 x 20 x 12 295620

Pen Shell Large 3 x 24 x 16 295623

Pen Shell Small 2.8 x 20 x 12 295622

Pen Shell 4 x 12 x 8 295616

B ox e d I n

Boxed In

Ga rde n Pa r ty B o wl

Vo g ue Ac c e nt

Tan 5 x 12 x 6 295604

Leopard 5 x 12 x 6 295603

Multi 7.3 x 14 x 14 295617

White 16 x 7.5 x 6 295600

Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction

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Vogue Accent - 295600 Linked In Lamp - 12575 Socialite Console Table - 295607

wild wood home .com

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Che ry l Luck e tt Colle ction

lebrate Southern roots an ospitality, interior designe heryl Lucke integrates re freshingly traditional elements with influences of global culture to create comfortable, approachable spaces Fondne for texture and un pected color informs her cu ation of cla ic silhoue es flect a range of inspiration This spring, Cheryl join Wildwood’s legacy with her

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