LAMP SoCal: June 13–17, 2016 2016 Registration Participant Information Full Name: Male ● Female Nickname (for name badge): Date of Birth: Email Address: Grade: Please indicate the grade you will be ENTERING, Fall ’16.
Home Phone: Participant Mobile Phone: Languages Spoken: Did you attend LAMP SoCal last year? Yes No How did you hear about LAMP SoCal? Roommate Preference: Special Needs, Medication/Dietary Requirements: Member of which parish/community? Parent/Guardian Contact Information Parent Name: Email Address: Parent Name: Email Address: Emergency Contact:
Phone: Phone: Phone:
Mentor Information Please tell us about the music or liturgical minister OR music teacher that is inspiring you to attend LAMP SoCal.
Name: Organization: Email: Musical Interests Check all that apply: Vocalist: Check all that apply: Instrument:
How well do you read music? Excellent Somewhat
Phone: Title:
Soprano Piano Woodwinds Brass Strings Not at all
Alto Guitar
Tenor Drums
Bass Bass Please specify instrument. Please specify instrument. Please specify instrument.
Do you receive private instruction? Yes No
What musical ensembles at your parish are you a member of? A few of my favorite songs or musical artists are:
Liturgical Ministry Interests At my parish, I am involved in the following ministries: Musician/Vocalist ✓ Lector Altar Server/Acolyte ✔ Art & Environment Liturgical Movement/Dance
Eucharistic Minister Sacristan ✓ Hospitality (Usher/Greeter)
How many years have you served as a liturgical minister? How frequently do you serve as a liturgical minister? Are you a composer of music or spoken word (including non-religious)? Are you an artist or designer? If so, what medium?
Part of the LAMP SoCal experience are daily liturgies prepared and lead by small groups of participants. This year, we will be celebrating EVENING PRAYER, TAIZÉ, RECONCILIATION, EUCHARISTIC ADORATION and MASS. Please indicate your experience with the following (check all that apply): I have attended.
I know what this is, but have never attended.
I DO NOT know what this is.
Evening Prayer Taizé Reconciliation Eucharistic Adoration Mass
Tell us about yourself: Select one of the following prompts and write 250 or more words: You may also submit your response via video, see the SUBMISSIONS page for instructions. U What are three reasons why it is important for youth to serve as ministers and leaders in Catholic parishes? U Describe one of the most memorable occasions you experience at Mass or other religious gathering (such as Catholic wedding, funeral, baptism, quinceñera, etc). Explain why you think this touched you. U Explain three things you would change about your parish and/or the Catholic Church and describe what affect it might have. U What is the cultural heritage of your family and how does that affect your participation at church, school or with your friends?
Sending Your Registration: Once you have completed all of the required fields, press this button to submit your registration: You will then be taken to the page for deposit/payment. Material Submission: The following materials are requested from all participants, so that our preparation team can design sessions that specifically meet the talents and passions of those attending. Please prepare and gather the following and upload via the website: LAMPSOCAL.ORG/SUBMISSIONS
• Two (2) letters of recommendation, from mentors/leaders in your music or liturgical community. These could include your pastor, parish life director, choir director, youth minister, confirmation coordinator, music private instructor, band director or similar. o Suggested guidelines and prompts available HERE o Suggested length: 300–500 words o Preferred format: .PDF (common word-processing formats also accepted)
• Audio sample, un-produced—via a “Voice Memo” app on your phone OR a live recording from worship/ministry setting. o Two contrasting styles or genres § liturgical, praise and worship, psalm, contemporary Christian, etc. § your favorite musical style (radio-friendly) § suggestions and sheet music may be found HERE o Non-music ministers may proclaim a reading from sacred scripture o Suggested length: 2–4 minutes o Preferred format: .MP3 or .AAC o Un-compressed formats (.WAV, .AIFF) are NOT accepted o Maximum file size: 10 MB
• DEADLINE for submissions of materials is: SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016
THANK YOU for joining us this summer. We are excited to be with you in song, spirit and prayer! For updates and to meet other participants, please follow LAMP SoCal on the following platforms: FACEBOOK.COM/LAMPSOCAL INSTAGRAM.COM/LAMPSOCAL Questions regarding registration may be directed to: DALE@LAMPSOCAL.ORG