THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 • • FREE MERRITT HERALD EST. 1905 The Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo and Nicola Valley Fall Fair events are happening this weekend in locations across the city. /PAGE 15 The City of Merritt has announced Cynthia White as their new Chief Administrative Officer. NEW CITY CAO RODEO/FALL FAIR /PAGE 10 First responders in the city are asking residents to ensure their house address numbers are clearly visible from the road. HOUSE NUMBERS /PAGE 3 SADDLING UP The 13th annual Nicola Valley Ranch Rodeo took place last weekend at the rodeo grounds. This weekend, the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo and Nicola Valley Fall Fair are in full swing. Story/Page 15 On-call 24 Hrs.aday:250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 •www.Mer Mon, Tues,Thurs &Fri.:10:00am -3:00pm •Wednesday1:00pm -6:00pm /2113Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC Local &Caring. Proudly supporting our community since 1929. Celebrating each life like no other ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Merritt Funeral Chapel
e backya d w h mature ees ceda hedge and cha n nk ence Ca oday o book your appo ntment to v ew
MLS#173324 $879,000 STUNN NG PANORAM C N COLA LAK V EWS om ve y oo n h s beau u 4 bd m home Y u k c n ea u e so d map c b ne s w h g an t co t r op & hea ed floo s Ga den pa o doo ead om n ng oom o pe
MLS#174307 $729,900
ensu te hat ea u es custom e work The owe floo come comp e e w h 3 add t ona bed ooms a u 4 pc bath oom and ec ea on/thea re oom Great p ace o the
MLS#173904 $889,000 11 a e o o y g u 20 m u o Me o o an ak ! N e 3 b d 2 b h home w h p qu ha w d a d c un fin h s he e ne n po h v e ba k a nd a ne a g ag L s o e - ou d e e o an c s o own nd m u e T p a s n-k y a d e e h n y u ee oe w h h ho s n d a u n ng o J hn D e e awn a o e S a w m w h he W od/O c d a na e wh h a ee me c ou ma n a ed nd u da d w h a n w a Th oo 2011 b a d new hw nk a d d hwa h p mb g u da d w P x & Co e Se wa s pump nd n p c d 2 a d e e g od p du g w on e T e e w b d ng - s a u qu o y o s a b a u o po n o e p a u a e y e a d p e o h s s
p ed a ge Bunk e room w/bu n Mu phy bed am y/games oom & a med a room o mov e n gh
A2 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 #113-1700 Garcia Street Box 2257 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Your local RE/MAX Legacy Experts - Your Unfair Advantage 250.378.6941 Ray Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-3377 Valerie Kynoch PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-280-0994 Sarah Dickie REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-0835 Jordyn Chenier REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-2353 Brenda Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-8377 Janis Post PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-3672 Karen Bonneteau PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-5178 Breanna Ouellet REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-5820 3725 Davidson Road MLS#172227 $1,200,000 We -ma n a ned 55-ac e prope ty located 25 m nutes west of Mer t The n ce y-kept anche /modu a home featu es 3 beds 1 5 baths w h an open-concept iv ng space The open bench and measu es approx 10 acres and s enced and c os - enced o pa ure and/or hay and Fea u es a r d ng a ena hay ba n 2-sta stab e evera run- n she te s ack-and-feed he tage cab n and a too shed 204-1703 Menzies Street MLS#172707 $146,500 N ce t e 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apa men un n N co a Apar men s Good i le tar e nve men Home has a g ass pa o doo o a ces he undeck Bu d ng ha sha ed aundr y on each floor Apa tment c ose o bus t anspor a on and corne tore Tenant s cu rent y pay ng $776 00 mon h y St a a ee $197 20 month y 2213 Parker Drive MLS#172010 $630,000 New y s ed cathed a ent y 4 bd m am y home w h 2 5 baths on 2 acre ot n des rab e Bench Loca on W th on y s eps f om he e emen ar y schoo tenn s cour s d go and ou doo a ena th s home of e s the u most conven en e for your fam y and ch dren The home eatu es a a ge p va
Ponderosa Way
1643 Canford Ave MLS#173233 $550,000 P de of owne sh p appa ent n ever y de a ! Th s charm ng 3 bed 2 ba h bunga ow s pa ou b gh and upda ed New k chen app ance fu nace en a a floo ng h/w on demand The ya d eve comp e e y fenced and eatu es a h ken coop approved by he C ty g eenhouse huge ga den s e ack oom and s o age shed – a a e w ed or powe he hea ed nsu a ed hop 24x26 w h 220V, b g ga age door, RV hook up p umbed w/wa e and sewer fin shed w h d ywa and floo ng 21-1098 Houston St MLS#173594 $245,000 Ve y n ce 3 bedroom 2 ba h oom upda ed & move- n eady manu actu ed home n a qu e pa k The home fea ures an open k tchen & v ng area g eat or en er a n ng you end & am y The k tchen of e s cen re eat ng s and a app ances conc ete coun e ops upda ed cab ne s and t e backsp ash The v ng oom has a n ce gas fi ep a e to keep you wa m n the co d wea her & a bu - n en e ta nment un 5069 Lauder Rd MLS#173621 $899,900 B ing the ent e fam y to s ay at h s l t e p ece of parad e House s s ua ed on 2 ac e and s on y eps away om G an s Land ng dock o G mpse ake Home has a n ce open concep ayout w h he k chen open o the v ng & d n ng oom La ge ma e u te w/ Jack+J wash oom Basemen a fu y fin hed day gh ba emen w h p en fu ght go geou wood beams r
463 Morgan Ave MLS#173613 $681,000 Lowe N cola! G ea anche w th eve y h ng on one floo B gh spac ous k hen w h M C eek cab nets 3 bedrms p us a den/o fice 2021 a/c & urnace 2023 HWT G ow you am y he e o downs ze o a s mp e es y e Savor your morn ng co fee on sunny ba k deck Large 2 car ga age 2137 Priest Ave MLS#173693 $499,000 nvesto s, Mor gage He pe ! Upda ed home w th ega su te The home eatu es a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom su te up a rs and a 2 bedroom 1 ba h oom su e down ta rs Add ona fea ures nc ude new u nace 2 new Ho wa e anks new floor ng cab nets pa nt n bsmn su e upda ed w ndows, a ge o n e backya d deck o ma n u e ot of pa k ng o you RV, oys gues veh c es and enan 1664 Greig Street MLS#173751 $829,900 Are you ook ng o move nto a home hat s move- n eady we h s s the home o you The home has a ota o 6 bed ooms & 4 5 ba h No o men on a 2 bedroom n- aw su te w/exce en enan s Th home s oca ed on a qu e e s ee & on y a ew m nu es wa k ng d ance o down own e emen a y & h gh schoo P ope y of e s 2 ca ga age, roo 2015 RV Park ng & wo kshop n he back Book a v ew ng today 2249 Coldwater Ave MLS#174043 $465,000 Love y ancher w h a fu 2 ca ga age w h n wa k ng d stan e o down own Th s home o e s 2 bed oom a u guest ba h and a 4-p ece ensu e of the maste w h a wa k- n c ose Cen ra AC so d oak cupboa ds and n ce big w ndows The 6000 sq f ot s flat and comp e e y andscaped enced n he ba k w th ane access and has a n ce wo k shop 2572 Kinvig Street MLS#173952 $839,900 A e you ook ng or a am y home w th u a v ng and a shop on y m nu es f om own? Look no fu he h s p oper y has t a !!! Don m ss he oppo un y to ve n th s updated 5 bed oom 2 ba h fam y home on 1 95 ac e Large detached 24x48 shop w/ u e ec r ca upg ade propane hea and a ho on demand sys em n workshop a ea & the 2 a ge bays a e w ed fo hea and wate 18-1901 Maxwell Ave MLS#173642 $469,000 Become pa t of a g eat commun y End un o fe ing om o ab e v ng n a 2 bedrm 2 ba h home Open k chen d n ng am y oom des gn w h a generous amoun of w ndows b ng ng n he day gh Sepa ate f on v ng oom o v s t w h guests and fam y Doub e ga age, a/c gas fi ep ace 2021 fu nace Fen ed omp ex w h we kept andscapng o beaut u awn & shrub beds 306-1701 Menzies MLS#174192 $299,000 A n nve o /F s t me home buye ! N ce and ean - 2 bed oom 2 ba h oom orne apa ment o a ed on he 3rd – op floo o The Summ apa ment bu ng Th home ea u es a ce a k chen w h ot o cab ne and cen e and and ea ng ba a app an es n uded open o n ng and v ng oom 2 bed ooms mase bed oom nc ude an ensu e and wa k- h ough c ose The e s a n e pa o us o f he d n ng a ea to en o he v ew he m n h a a $225 00 2896 Scott Place MLS#174157 $609,000 A ver y c as y home on a mos 10 000 q t co ne ot oca ed on S o P a e on he ou h ea t ben h o own Th s 4 bed 3bath home s mmacu ate and eatu es many update n ud ng pa n floo ng, k chen and bath oom a we as a u y fin hed ba emen The k t hen b gh and open w h an s and, and en h door open ng o a ove y covered pa o N ce 2 a pa k ng under ca por he ya d w ea y ac ommoda e RV pa k ng o a shop 2476 Ir vine Ave MLS#174188 $725,000 Spa ous am y home n g eat am y ne ghbo hood! Th s 3 bed oom 3 ba h home s tu nkey ready The a ge k chen o fer p enty o coun e and cab net space en oy your mea s n the nook o he k tchen o down o mo e forma d nner n he d n ng oom A e wards s back and e ax n the f on of he gas firep ace o maybe en oy a mov e n the heater oom downs a s! The wa k ou ba ement has su e po ent a o pos b y mo e oom or bedrooms needed 11337 Mamit Lake Road MLS# 172736 $1,095,000 Ove 7 a es o man cured prope ty that backs on o c own w th end ess ra s to Gu chon C eek and beyond The 3 bed, 3 bath home ha a new oof fu nace wood stove and p essu e ank Downs a s ha a sepa a e ent y – easy to br ng n he wood a wo kshop cold oom and huge ecreat on heat e oom 309-2295 Blair Street MLS#174235 $240,000 Super cute ground eve apartment Th s very wel kept and c ean home has park ng r ght in front a n ce outdoor patio seating area and no sta rs The wal a/c unit keeps the who e p ace coo Updates inc ude floor ng ght ng door hardware pa nt cei ng fan n master and key ess entry system The 2 bedrooms are east facing and very qu et w th no road beh nd 1625 Canford Ave MLS#174236 $389,000 Are you ook ng o buy n o he market o a s a te o nve tment home? Or do you s mp y want to downs ze? Th s s he per e t hou e o you! Th s home has over 1000 sq f o v ng space wh ch has been omp ete y enova ed Home has new e ec i a p umb ng k tchen ba h oom and floor ng L v ng oom ea u es a gas /p and arge ron w ndow 1550 Douglas Street MLS#174359 $245,000 We hought ou ec ect c home deco we come you to h s 3 bedrm 2 ba h es dence Cozy ba beque pat o us of s t ng oom Wood tove o he p w th hea b s Grea sta er home c ose o e ementa y schoo , corne s o e & dayca e 2016 Roo 2016 H gh Effic ency Fu nace updated doors & w ndows P vate back ya d w h above g ound poo and a ey a ce Beg n you ourney as a homeowner SOLD 1401 Douglas Street MLS#171678 $499,000 AFFORDABLE EQUITY BUILDER fo a first ime home buyer o re i ee! We ma nta ned s de by s de dup ex each w th 2 bed m 16 x 24 de ached ga age, awned leve fenced 20 ac e p ope y w th underground sp nk e s Sepa ate Hyd o & Gas meters per s de 208-2514 Spring Bank Ave MLS#172486 $562,000 Th s 3 bdrm 4 bath home features com o tab e v ng n a beau fu b end of ontempo ar y and modern fin she nc ud ng qua tz coun e top cus om shake cab ne y upg aded s a n ess app ances door n door dge and a gas tove En oy he 9 f ce ngs beau fu gas fi ep ace w h updated ea u e wa and over s zed w ndows o ake n the s unn ng v ew 152 Coldwater Road MLS#174310 $1,399,000 Don t m ss h s rare oppo tun y o own you own P va e Pa ad se and on y m nu es rom Mer t !!! Th go geous p ope y of e s 12 85 acres wh ch s comp ete y set up fo you an ma s Home s a beaut u custom bu 4 Bed oom 3 5 Bathroom Home eatu ing g and ent ance map e/s ate floor ng, open con ept ma n floo v ng, g p en fu w ndows and gas f/p 2202 Cleasby St. MLS#174513 $ 464,990 Wel ma n a ned c ean move- n eady 3 bed oom 1 ½ bath oom ranche on a a ge 9000 sq f co ne o andscaped w th mature t ees flowe and vege ab e ga dens underground p nk e s n a grea oca on The ya d s andscaped and has unde g ound sp nk e s and o s o space to en oy garden ng There a one ca garage and ots o pa k ng n he d iveway 36-1749 Menzies Street MLS171597 $439,000 PREFERRED COMMUN TY of homes! Wa m r ch tones n h s n e y decorated 3 bed 2 5 bath townhouse Love y wh te k chen featur ng a gene ous amoun o cab nets w h break a t counter Ex ra a ea for ofice o p ayroom upsta Fenced ya d w h bbq pa o to en oy on p easant even ngs Phase 4 Un bu n 2006 Roof 2020 2021 hot wa e tank Leve wa k ng d stance o schoo co ne s ore & pub c rans t A&B-2099 Blair Street MLS# 174241 $479,000 ATTN NVESTORS – Mor gage He pe - N ce and nea fu dup ex o aed wa k ng d s ance o down own Mer t and a amen t es Each de ea ures: 2 bed ooms 1 fu bath oom w h soake ub/shower combo open k t hen to v ng oom des gn sepa a e aund y area and ots o b ght w ndows The o s fenced s de ya ds w h ca por and ex a park ng & underg ound p nk ng o keep you yard ook ng g ea ! 1611 Phillips Street MLS#171495 $499,000 Beau i ul 2020 3 bedroom 3 bath oom home ocated n a grea neighbor hood The ma n floor nc udes a aundr y room and a powder oom Upsta rs cons s s o the mas er bedroom w th an ensu te and open c oset, two add ona bedrooms and a washroom 1788 Nicola Avenue MLS#172598 $775,000 Don t m ss ou on th s 3 bd m fami y home loca ed on y m nutes f om down own Mer i t The floor p an has been we executed w/an open concep design on the ma n floor, 3 bed ooms and aund y up Home has mode n k chen 3399 Pineridge Drive MLS#172777 $869,000 SUMMER WI H A POOL Fan ast 4 bd m 3 ba h home n des ab e resden a ne ghbo hood on the ben h! New app ances n upda ed k chen w h open oncep ma n v ng a ea Featu ng cen ra a cond on ng a newe oo unde g ound spr nk er new w ed poo shed and ove s zed s ng e garage 17 x 33 w h e u e s o age or a you oys En oy g eat moun a n v ew om h s beau fu fam y et eat o ca home!! 100 Golden Quill Trail MLS#172053 $1,375,000 MAGN FICENT LAKEFRONT et ea or es dence a h 3745 q f Luxuy 4 bd m home Beaut u custom k chen boas s g an te oun e ops ga cook top JennA r dge Ro ng h & b g open sk e we come you o an exc us ve commun y o qua i y homes at S ump Lake enowned fo w nd surfing wa er sk ng & amaz ng fish ng s o ked w th Kokanee and Ra nbow out En oy w n e pond hockey ce fish ng and cross count y sk ing!
come to h s beaut u y de gned and cus om zed home w h unobst u ted pano am v ews of he va ey Th un que floor p an s no your s anda d home En oy he arge uxu ous maste bed oom
th wa k- n c oset + 4-p ece
9997 Crabtree Place
6441 Jagpal Way
de k wh h n a o be ac e sed om he gh fi ed ng m w h 19 ce ngs En oy a con t on ng f r he wa m day and an au hen wood fi ep a e o h oo e n gh nd you sa ua y n he spa ou ups a r ma ed m w h ake v ws
Fair way Place MLS#172581 $ 629,900 ATTN GOLFERS The home ea u e 3 bed ooms the mas e w h wa kn c ose & ensu e w h e ed soake ub ma n ba h oom o fe s ub/ showe comb nat on he k tchen open to a n ce nook area a we as your am y oom open o you d n ng & v ng oom Large pr vate deck o en oy company w th & a 2 ca at a hed 1571 Bann Street MLS#174566 $699,000 Great fam y home w th a mo tgage he per!! 4687 sq t w h 4 bedrooms upsta r n the ma n home area w th a down ta rs office p u a 2 bed oom su te w h k chen & fam y oom downs a s o g na y se up as ega u e as a owed n h s R2 zon ng N ce ou door decks Cen ra A/C 2 Natu a Gas Fu naces unfin shed basemen space o med a room hobby p ace & torage NEW NEW PRICE POOL 2241 Burgess Ave MLS#173527 $1,395,000 Th s me cu ous 3 bedroom 2 ba h on 6 acre w h tunn ng backyard oas s s eady o you o ca home! No de a s we e m ed om he cu tom m wo k h gh end ght fix u e and aucets to he Pa e Oak ha dwood floo s that un th oughou the ma n o for a sw m n he heated ng ound poo e ax n the ho ub o en oy an even ng fi e a the bu n na u al ga firep t wh e d nner s cook ng on he che s BBQ POOL 2259 Burgess Ave MLS#174308 $1,395,000 I ’ s Poo t me and h s home w make you ee ke oun y n he y The backya d s the pe fec space o hos ng arge fam y ga he ngs & en er a n ng gues s w h ts a ge 47 acre pr vate ba kyard, 20 x 40 hea ed ng ound poo and ho ub Th s home o e s 3 bedrooms w/3 5 baths and a mos 3000 sq t o l v ng space POOL ACREAGE
First responders take issue with house numbers
Address numbers in the City of Merritt must be at least 15 centimetres high, and in contrasting colours to the base colour of the building or structure. Marius Auer/Herald
Merritt first responders are reminding Nicola Valley residents to ensure their address signs are clearly visible from the public roadway, following a number of cases where lack of visibility slowed response time.
Representatives of the Merritt Ambulance Station, Merritt Fire Rescue Department (MFRD), and Community Policing Office (CPO) sat down with the Herald to talk address identification.
“I’ve been here since ‘87, so it’s something that’s kind of accumulated over the years, and I’ve always wanted to address it,” said Mae Webster, a community paramedic at Merritt’s ambulance station. “It is an issue, and it does delay our calls anywhere from two, up to 10 minutes because of the house numbers being in a place where we can see them.”
Webster added that larger, easy to read numerals free of obstructions in a contrasting colour to the building make it easier for emergency crews to find residences when responding to calls. She noted that the issue of address identifica-
tion comes up often at the ambulance station.
“I hear the crews being really frustrated about finding addresses,” she said.
Dave Tomkinson, Merritt’s fire chief, said the city has reminded residents of address number requirements through public education efforts several times, but that the issue is still relevant. He said that while some emergency responders are local and may be able to find their way despite poorly or improperly marked addresses, some paramedics come to Merritt from other localities.
“Maybe that’s a benefit for our local RCMP and firefighters, that most of us live here, but you might have paramedic crews that are coming in from out of the city,” said Tomkinson.
Tomkinson added that the city has clearly defined bylaws dictating the requirements for address markings, which he believes are sufficient for quick identification of residences in Merritt when followed correctly.
The City of Merritt’s Fire and Safety Regulations Bylaw No. 2272, 2019, states the following under ‘Address Identification’:
Johnny’s on the Rez
10.1. All buildings or structures on any lot or parcel of land within the municipal boundaries shall be properly identified with numbers facing the city road which accesses the property, indicating their city address as designated by the City of Merritt.
10.2. All address numbers in the City of Merritt shall be a minimum of 15 centimetres high, with a 1 cm stroke in contrasting colours to the base colour of the building or structure. Address numbers shall not be obstructed by shrubs, trees, beams, or any other material that would impair quick and easy identification.
Webster added she saw a recommendation online to type one’s civic address number into a word processors using the specified requirements before printing and pasting it on the building. By viewing it from street, it can be determined whether the numerals should be made larger for easier identification. Illuminated and reflective numerals are preferred, but not required.
For rural addresses near Merritt, the Thompson Nicola Regional District offers
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Poorly visible addresses could increase emergency response time
RCMP respond to calls and areas for a number of different reasons, which only increases the
From Page 3
double-sided, reflective white and green, vinyl covered aluminum address signs with four inch high numerals, in compliance with Transport Association of Canada standards. They are required to be visible at night from the property’s public access road, similar to the city’s requirements.
Tomkinson noted long driveways must have them at the end of the driveway, both in and out of city limits. He added that address numerals are important for not only identifying residences, but also for wayfinding.
“We have pretty elaborate mapping in our vehicles, but it’s like any type of technology, it can fail, we can lose satellite communication, and things like that,” explained Tomkinson. “GPS can be wrong, the data that’s available and new streets that are added and things like that can make information available online unreliable.”
The MFRD’s computer aided dispatch mapping system is updated every six months, so roads and addresses added between could be missed and needed to be located physically. This issue is compounded by different anomalies with city planning and addresses, including with street direction and corner lots.
Address identification is just as important for police, who may be responding to an area for a number of different and dynamic reasons.
“The reasons police are attending a neighbourhood can really vary, it’s a wide scope, maybe more so than other first responders, and those situations can change really quickly,” said Marlene Jones, coordinator of Merritt’s Community Policing Office. “It’s important for the safety of the first responders attending into those neighbourhoods that you do use this as a priority, and that you make sure that yours [address sign] is visible.”
Jones noted that the issue of address signs often doesn’t come up until they are needed by first responders, which could be too late.
“They may not be responding to your place, but it may be important for direction of travel or something like that, that a first responder can easily see what your address is,” she said.
Jones added that businesses also sometimes overlook the requirement of clear address markings. While some businesses have been in the same location in the city for decades, those new to the city, or first responder agencies having to call to other agencies, will want a physical address.
All three representatives agreed that the need for clearly marked addresses is key to ensure quick and accurate response by emergency services, both to businesses and to private residences.
need to have addresses visible, said CPO coordinator Marlene
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Photo/Herald File
by Leonard Robertson
ALBAS: essential to look at post-wildfire mitigation
ways and there are far too many stories to mention in the space of some 600 words in this column.
However, I would like to ask that people take a moment to recognize that some residents will return to a family home that is no longer there.
People in this situation face a challenge that cannot be easily put into words. If you know someone who has been displaced from these fires, please reach out and do everything that you can to help out.
While I was not an elected official in 2003, it is an important question. I have heard from some involved in the 2003 wildfire and many involved in our current fire situation.
From the reports that I have heard, communication is vastly improved today. Evacuation orders and alerts happen more proactively and are better communicated in real-time.
Fire activity can have a serious impact on drainage that can enhance flood risks -- as we have past observed in Merritt and Princeton, B.C.
Another concern is fire contaminants entering local reservoirs during periods of intense rain.
somewhat abating, and some evacuation zones have been lifted.
This is good news.
We owe immense gratitude to our incredible firefighting community and our other emergency responders who came from far and wide across, not just British Columbia but other parts of Canada and from other countries, and continue work incredibly long hours under difficult, dangerous and demanding conditions.
Our community has come together in many extraordinary
Another group of citizens was not displaced or evacuated by the fire, but lost work due to business closures and other travel restrictions. For those in this situation, they have lost income at a time when many have bills at an all-time high and those bills do not go away at the end of the month.
Any donations you can make to a local food bank or other organizations that help those in need will be greatly appreciated.
I was asked recently: “What has changed from the Okanagan Mountain wildfire in 2003 to the McDougall Creek wildfire of 2023”?
Unfortunately, there are still processing problems getting large groups of citizens evacuated and onto emergency assistance programs quickly and efficiently. This is particularly important for those who are financially struggling and cannot afford any additional funds out of pocket.
In some areas of my riding, such as with the Crater Creek fire (located west of Keremeos), Chief Keith Crow of the Lower Similkameen Indian Band has publicly questioned why some actions were not initiated sooner. From my perspective, these are important questions that need to be answered.
I also believe it is essential that we look at post-wildfire mitigation going forward.
These are all factors I believe we must be proactive on and in a timely manner.
I am also curious if, in the future, there will be a formal review of provincial wildfire situation. There are certainly many accolades to be shared, along with a few challenges.
On a positive note and based on my experience, communications between different levels of government, including first responders, civil servants, and elected officials, has improved dramatically. This is important as obstacles must be identified quickly so they can be addressed.
My question this week is to anyone who is impacted by these wildfires:
What would you like to share with your elected officials about this still unfolding experience?
VIEWPOINT Community members,
SUBMIT YOUR ARTWORK for a chance to be featured each week! Submit your art to Submissions are printed on a first come, first served basis. ʻModel Graderʼ
2090 GRANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE 250-378-4241 MERRITT HERALD Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. This Merritt Herald is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact or call (250) 378-4241. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information. Publisher Theresa Arnold 250-378-4241 Editor Marius Auer 250-378-4241
teachers, and students
As I write this week’s report for the first time in almost a week,
our region,
hit many parts of
smoke is
Reporter 250-378-4241 Sales Representative/Office Administrator Roger White 250-378-4241
A6 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023
Laísa Condé
LETTERS to the editor
The time to get ready for the next inevitable firestorm is now
Reflecting on several years as a volunteer fireman, living in a fire department, I would like to share a few observations.
Almost all of the fires we responded to were grass fires – that could’ve been prevented.
Keeping that grass short and green is an important first step in fire prevention.
Perimetre fire-guards and fire-safe zones around developed areas are also very important.
We are at the end of another absolute wildfire disaster, and a few issues need to be discussed, and decisions made about priorities, jurisdictions, and who should pay for what.
As a first priority, the time to respond to a fire, is the very minute it is discovered. Everything else is of secondary priority.
The Martin Mars water bombers were an incredible weapon to fight
forest fires, but more efficient aircrafts, firefighting equipment, and techniques give us more and better choices today.
Cost per mile travelled to deliver that water is the principal equation.
A helicopter may seem extravagant, but proximity, time-and-distance are big factors.
To get size and quantities in better focus, 1,000 hectares is about four sections of land, four square miles, or 10 square kilometres.
A cubic metre of water is about 1.3 cubic yards, 35 cubic feet, 220 imperial gallons, or 1,000 litres.
The time to get ready for the next inevitable firestorm is today – not two hours or two days after it hits us.
Thanks for listening.
Andy Thomsen Kelowna, B.C.
SUTTON: 4-H to display projects
Hello everyone! Labour Day weekend our 4-H Club will be showing our animals, so come on down to the rodeo grounds. Our final 4-H event of the year is coming up at the BC Ag Expo in Barriere.
From September 21-25, our members will be showcasing all their hard work. The beef members judge animals, show their steer, heifer, cow calf pair on halter and then auction their project at the end.
Please support our local 4-H-ers and check out, or even come on over to Barriere to cheer us on!
From the Herald archives: August, 2008
Merritt residents are up in arms over the decision to locate the new recycling centre in a public park.
At its July 22 meeting, council decided to convert the Main Street Park, located at the corner of Main Street and Canford Avenue, into a new recycling centre.
The vote was unanimous, except for Coun. Peter Samra, who was absent.
The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor.
Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name and address.
Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.
Lovely 3 bedroom plus office that is move in ready with a well designed yard space Inside has open plan for good sized kitchen and living room. Bonus features for home are vinyl windows, new fur nace and hot water tank in 2023 and six appliance come with. Fully fenced back and side yards with plenty of parking and picture per fect landscaping all around
OPINION Speak up You can comment on any story you read @
THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 A7 Johnisaac@telus
www realestatemerritt
M E R R I T T John Isaac 250-378-1586 3499 Voght Street, Merritt, BC
The Nicola Valley 4-H Club has operated in the area for decades. Photo/Arthur Sutton
Ph: 250-378-6181 F: 250-378-6184
#17 - 1098 HOUSTON ST.
Fate of city-owned compost facility up for debate in future meeting
Merritt City Council opted to receive more information from City staff before making a decision on the future of its compost facility at its meeting last night.
The Merritt Compost Facility located on Airport Road was purchased by the City of Merritt in 2015 for $300,000 from its previous owners, The Good Earth Company. The site’s assets include composting equipment and biosolids inventory, which treats the city’s wastewater.
Rick Green, City of Merritt’s director of engineering and public works, said after a few inspections done at the compost facility, he noticed the City needs to think about upgrades to the site.
“It’s gonna take some investment to bring this site up to proper working order, so that we have a safe environment for staff that’s working up there,” he said to council.
According to a City report attached to yesterday’s (August 22) council meeting agenda, there were four solutions brought to the council by City staff to fix the City Compost Facility’s safe working environment and site operation.
In the report, the first option would be to continue to operate the compost site as a city facility and address the site safety and work environment issues as budget allows, meaning that a significant amount of money would be required in a shortterm to bring the site up to standards.
The second option would be contracting hauling services to pick up and haul the biowaste to another facility for processing. The third option would be upgrading the City’s internal hauling capacity and haul to another facility.
As for the last option, the city would request proposals for the site’s lease and operation as a private service and continue hauling city biowaste to this site for disposal.
In the meeting, Mayor Mike Goetz reminded that the compost facility has a lot of history behind it and that he doesn’t feel the council has all the information on that.
“I think making a decision tonight would be a little erroneous on our part,” he said.
Green said that all the options will take some work to properly get the amount of money that each of them would cost.
“We haven’t been able to deep dive
all those costs at this point because we’re dealing more with the concept of ‘do we want to push forward and run the facility and bring it up to standards or not’,” he said.
According to the City staff report, the city spends between $200,000 to $300,000 to operate the site annually, with revenues partially offsetting the costs at approximately $75,000 annually in recent years.
City council voted for a motion to
move the matter to a Committee of the Whole meeting in the near future to analyze all the information about the compost facility and the possibilities of its future use.
CUPE BC’s 100,000 members provide the public services and education that build strong communities.
A8 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS PASSING SAVINGS ONTO OUR CUSTOMER WE’RE MORE THAN JUS T ME AT Cheese – Milk – Yogurt – Pies – Eggs – Spices – Baked Potatoes Local Honey – Jarred Salsa & Pickled Items – Perogies – Party Trays 2051 VOGH T S T RE E T, ME RRI T T BC •250 - 378 - 5817 WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT - WE CAN CUT ANY SIZE YOU WANT! S O U V L A K I C H O P S $6.49/LB P O RK T E N D E RL O I N $7.37/LB 6OZ B U RG E R PAT T I E ’S $3.65 E AC H MARINATED CHICKEN BREASTS $5.50 E AC H P R IC E S IN EF F EC T AUGUS T 21 - SEP T E M BER 6, 2 023• W HIL E QUA N T I T IE S L A S T P E O P L E ’ S Merritt Herald 2022 People’s Choice AWARD BE S T B U T C H ER S H OP Online Auctions • Retail Galler y of Ar t, Potter y, Textiles, Accessories 4th Meridian Art & Auctions Online Galler y & Shop: w w w . 4 t h m e r i d i a n . c a Visit in person: Thurs - Sat CALL or check Website for current hours #104 1475 Fair view Rd, Penticton inside the historic Canner y Trade Centre Accepting Consignments: ART, POTTERY small furnishings unexpected & curious finds Shop One StopLove KAMLOOPS: 743 VICTORIA ST • 250-377-8808 CHILLIWACK: 44310 YALE RD • 604-392-9969 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK XL-7XL sizes in stock NEW LINGERIE ARRIVALS & MAGAZINES
• Full-time Kindergarten – must be 5 yrs by Dec 31, 2023
• Bus Services provided to all areas of Merritt
• 3 & 4 year old Program (K4 must be 4 yrs old by Dec 31, 2023)
• Home Visiting Program
• Transportation provided for all Head Start program
• Mom’s & Tot’s Services 0 to 6 years old
• New BC Curriculum
• Nle?kepmx
• Cultural Studies
• Field Trips
• Learning Assistance Program
• School supplies provided
• Joyful Literacy
• Full-Size Gymnasium
• Library
• Baseball/Soccer Field
To Register for KINDERGARTEN to Grade
Nicola Band School Ph: 250-378-5527 201 Horn Rd., Merritt, BC FOR MORE INFORMATION
7 Lower
Lower Nicola Band School
City of Merritt announces hiring of new Chief Administrative Officer
Marius Auer
After an extensive search for its new chief administrative officer that began early last month, the City of Merritt has announced Cynthia White will take over the position on Monday (September 4).
Sean Smith, the City’s previous CAO, departed the top job at city hall for a role in the private sector last month.
The City said in a release White hails from the Northwest Territories, from a small community of 2,500 people near the northern Alberta border. She recently lead the municipality of Fort Smith, N.W.T as its senior administrative officer. The city noted her scope of work in Fort Smith was varying, including housing, climate, community facilities, economic development, recreation programs, roads, water, sewer, infrastructure, and bylaw.
“Ms. White accomplished a lot in her tenure at Fort Smith,” said Christine Carlson, the City’s director of human resources. “Her prolific results combined with a passionate community-oriented approach made her the ideal candidate for the City.”
White will work alongside council members to oversee city operations, including overall business planning, fund development, and operations management. Mayor Mike Goetz said in the release that White’s devotion to the community is evident, noting his confidence in White’s leadership and her ability to “steer the City of Merritt toward a productive and progressive future.”
“We are thrilled to have Cynthia join us,” said Goetz. “We are impressed with her diverse background in municipal oper-
ations, community health and wellness, infrastructure development, and community safety and security.”
He added that White earned the respect of her peers through her dedication to her team, and her unwavering commitment to community welfare. White also previously served as a constable with the RCMP, along with holding two Master’s degrees: one in occupational therapy and the other in rehabilitation science.
White also holds certifications in public sector procurement, asset management planning, and leadership.
“I am very much looking forward to working with the City of Merritt,” commented White. “It looks to be a great community with a great team, with abundant amenities and expansive outdoor opportunities.”
The City noted White will tackle projects spanning different domains, with an initial focus on infrastructure, such as the Middlesboro Bridge reconstruction. She will also address social issues in the city, from housing to health and wellness.
“She [White] is equally passionate about driving economic development, building innovative sectors, improving amenities, and making the city of Merritt the ideal hub to live, play, and do business,” added the release.
White, who was family ties on Vancouver Island, noted she looks forward to relocating to the more central location Merritt offers, with its convenient access to both the coast and the Interior.
The new CAO will commence her work Sept. 4, 2023, although she planned to commence remote work for about a month before relocating with her family.
Cynthia White will serve as the City of Merritt’s new chief administrative officer starting Sept. 4, following Sean Smith’s departure in July. Photo/City of Merritt
NEWSROOM@MERRITTHERALD.COM A10 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS CAN NABI S STO R E E VE RYDAY F ROM 9 AM TO 1 0 PM OPE N U N IT YCAN NABI S .CA We Deliver #10 4 - 2101 Quilchena Ave 2 50 -378 - 0 450 19+ M u s t b e Looking for work? We canHelp! Helping British ColumbiansFind& Keep Jobs Our Programs andServicesare Free! P: 250-378-5151 E: @workbcmerritt Job Search Resources Job Coaching CareerPlanning Resumes&CoverLetters Interview Preparation 1on1 Employment Workshops Internet /Copy/ Fax Computer workstations Skills Training ShortTerm Certification WageSubsidyProgram Self-Employment Program CareerAssessments DisabilitySupports Assistive Technology WorkClothing& Gear *eligibility conditions apply
Success for ALL Learners ~ Today and Tomorrow
ELEMENTARY STUDENT REGISTRATION For “NEW” Elementary schoo students, please register your ch ld on l ne or at your neighbourhood schoo from Monday to Fr day August 28 to September 1 2023 Schoo s wil be open from 9:00 – 11:30 a m and 1:00 – 2:30 p m Cal ahead to make an appointment
KINDERGARTEN: To register, a child must be 5 years of age, on or before December 31, 2023 and a birth certificate, immunization record, Care Card, and proof of residence shou d be presented Kindergarten start dates wil be arranged through the schoo
A l students in this program attend Co lettv lle Elementary Schoo (Grades K-7), and Merr tt Secondary School (Grades 8-12)
New students register on line or at the school from August 28 to September 1 2023 Counsel ors wi l be available and students are to make an appointment
THE COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTRE o f f e r s c o u r s e s f o r G r a d e 1 0 t o 1 2 s t u d e n t s t o c o m p l e t e t h e i r D o g w o o d D i p o m a A o n g w t h a c a d e m c c o u r s e w o r k s t u d e n t s w i h a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o p a r t i c p a t e n a n O u t d o o r a n d b a s e d l e a r n i n g p r o g r a m h a v e a c c e s s t o a d d i t o n a l s o c a e m o t o n a s u p p o r t s a n d t r a n s t i o n p a n n n g i n t o t h e a d u t w o r l d N e w s t u d e n t s c a n r e g i s t e r b y c a l i n g 2 5 0 - 3 7 8 - 2 1 5 7
SCIDES – 250-378-4245 or 1-800-663-3536
South Central nter or D stance Education School offers BC M n stry approved educat ona programs for students of a l ages anywhere in the prov nce of B C
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 – Adjusted hours: 10:00 a m – 12:00 noon
Please check the School Bus Schedule and w th your school for bussing nformation
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 ONLY: Busses w ll p ck up students one hour LATER n the morning and return students beginning at noon
Days in Session 192 - Number of Non-Instructional Days 185
August 28 - August 30 2023 Mon to Wed Summer Institute
September 5, 2023 Tuesday SCHOOL OPENING School hours 10:00 a m to 12 noon (Bus schedu e to be adjusted for the first day of school )
October 2, 2023 Monday National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Statutory Holiday
October 9 2023
October 20 2023
November 13 2023
November 17 2023
November 17 2023
November 17, 2023
November 21 – 22, 2023
December 22 2023
Thanksgiving Day
Non-Instructional Day (Professional Development Day )
Remembrance Day Statutory Holiday
MSS & PSS First Term Report Cards go home
Merritt & Princeton Elementary Schools Report Cards go home
Commun ty Learning Centre Report Cards go home
- Wed A l Schools – Shortened day for Parent/Teacher interviews. (Schools closed 1 hour early each day.)
Last day of school before Winter Break.
Dec. 25 2023 – Jan 5 2024 Winter Break
January 8 2024 Monday Schools reopen after the break
February 2 2024
February 16 2024
February 19, 2024
March 8, 2024
Friday MSS Grade 9 to 12 & PSS Report Cards go home
Friday Non-Instructional Day (Professional Deve opment Day )
Monday Family Day
Friday Merritt, Princeton E ementary Schools and Merr tt Secondary Grade 8 Report Cards go home
March 8 2024 Friday Commun ty Learning Centre Report Cards go home
March 12 – 13 2024
March 15 2024
March 18 - 28, 2024
March 29, 2024
Apri 1, 2024
Apri 2, 2024
Friday A l Schools – Shortened day for Parent/Teacher interviews.
(Schools closed 1 hour early each day.)
Friday Last day of school before Spring Break.
Friday Good Friday
Monday Easter Monday
Tuesday Schools reopen after the break
Apri 12 2024 Friday MSS Grade 9 to 12 & PSS Report Cards go home
May 20 2024
Monday Victoria Day
June 27 2024 Thursday Last day of classes
June 28 2024
• Collettville Elementary 250-378-2230
• Diamond Vale Elementary ......250-378-2514
• Merritt Bench Elementary 250-378-2528
The StrongStart Early Learning Centres
• Nicola - Canford Elementary 250-378-2172
• Merritt Central Elementary .......250-378-9931
• Merritt Secondary School 250-378-5131
• Diamond Vale Elementary • Merritt Central Elementary • Nicola-Canford Elementary S t r o n g S t a r t s a f r e e , s c h o o l b a s e d , d r o p - i n e a r y e a r n i n g p r o g r a m f o r c h i l d r e n f r o m b r t h t o 5 y e a r s o l d a n d t h e i r p a r e n t s , g r a n d p a r e n t s o r c a r e g i v e r s T o g e t h e r t h e y s h a r e e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e s a n d s o c a l i n t e r a c t i o n s w t h o t h e r c h i l d r e n a n d a d u t s n a p o s t i v e a n d o p e n - e n d e d p l a y e n v i r o n m e n t S t a r t u p d a t e : S e p t e m b e r 1 1 t h ,
Fami ies l ving beyond the regu ar school bus routes may be el g ble for transportation assistance for the 2019/2020 schoo year and are asked to make appl cat on before September 22 2023 regardless of whether transportation assistance was received in the past Appl cat ons after this date w l be approved as of the date the application is rece ved and wil not be retroact ve Transportation Ass stance forms can be picked up at the School Board Office in Merritt 1550 Chapman Street Transportation assistance must be renewed each year Also banking informat on w l be required as payments w l be through e-transfer
Parents are rem nded that road/weather cond t ons may cause delays/cance lat ons to the regu ar bus run(s) In extreme c rcumstances, notice of de ays w l be announced over the loca rad o stat on and the schoo w l attempt to contact parents by phone, in order that ch ldren do not wait extended time periods at a bus stop
The “School Act”:
A parent of a ch ld who s requ red to enro l n an educationa program under Section 3 (Div s on 4 – Home Education)
(a) may educate the ch d at home or e sewhere n accordance with this Div s on, and
(b) must provide that ch d with an educationa program
A parent of a chi d who is requ red under the above Section to prov de the ch ld with an educationa program must reg ster the ch d on or before September 30 in each year w th
(a) a school of the parent’s cho ce that is operating n Brit sh Co umb a
(a 1) f the chi d s an elig ble chi d a school referred to n paragraph (a) or (c), or a francophone schoo of the parent’s choice that s operating n the francophone school d strict n wh ch the parent resides,
(a 2) f the child s an immigrant ch d a schoo referred to n paragraph (a) or (c), or a francophone schoo of the parent’s choice that is operat ng in the francophone school distr ct n which the parent resides but only if the francophone educat on author ty respons ble for that school permits the parent to reg ster that child, or
(b) REPEALED 2006-21-8 effect ve June 30/06 BC Reg 195/06
(c) an ndependent schoo operating n Br tish Columbia ”
To register or to obtain further nformat on, telephone the school of your choice or write to the Superintendent of Schools, School Distr ct No 58 (Nicola-Sim kameen), Box
4100 Merritt B C V1K 1B8
THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 A11
2 3
M E R R I T T S C H O O L B U S S C H E D U L E 2 0 2 3 - 2 0 2 4
our District website at: or the Distance Education website at:
BUS NO 20582 COLDWATER/KINGSVALE AM DRIVER: KEITH PM 7:47 Patchet Road 3:45 7:49 1438 Coldwater Road 3:48 7:50 835 Coldwater Road 3:47 7:54 Op e’s 3:32 7:56 Spahan 3:30 8:01 Fox Farm/Coldwater 3:22 8:02 Mailbox 3:20 8:15 Merritt Secondary School 3:10 8:20 Central Elementary 3:13 8:25 Collettville Elementary 3:00 BUS NO A17581 14 MILE/NOOAITCH AM DRIVER: SHANE PM 7:22 Shackan Comm Hal (4943 Hwy# 8) 4:20 7:23 Shackan Road 4:21 7:25 Chief Anthony Joe Br dge 4:15 7:32 Dot Ranch (west) 4:06 7:40 3681 Highway 8 4:00 7:41 3392 Highway 8 3:58 7:48 2985 Highway 8 3:55 7:49 Nooaitch Band Ha l 3:50 7:52 Church Hill 3:47 7:55 Shackelly/Petit Creek 3:44 7:58 2760 Petit Creek 3:41 8:01 Sunshine Valley West (Spius) 3:39 8:07 Sunshine Valley East (Miller Estates) 3:37 8:09 Marshall Road 3:35 8:12 Nicola Canford Elementary 3:33 - Coy e Road 3:28 8:27 Merritt Secondary School 3:15 8:29 Centra Elementary8:33 Co lettvil e ElementaryBUS NO 20584 NICOLA LAKE/QUILCHENA AM DRIVER: SANDRA PM 7:48 Quilchena Reserve 3:55 7:49 Lakeview Store 3:52 7:50 First driveway past Lakeview Store 3:53 7:51 Saddleman Road 3:52 7:52 Old Nicola Trail 3:50 7:56 Huber’s 3:48 7:57 Quilchena Store 3:46 8:10 N co a Ranch Store 3:35 8:20 Merritt Secondary Schoo 3:20 (Front AM/Back PM) - Merritt Bench Elementary 3:10 8:22 Central Elementary 3:05 8:25 Collettv lle Elementary 3:00 BUS NO A17580 MAMIT LAKE AM DRIVER- RANDY PM 7:39 Left F e d Cider House 3:51 7:40 Mamit Lake Trailer Park 3:50 7:41 9311 Mamit Lake Road 3:49 7:42 9552 Highway 97C 3:48 7:43 Schmidt Driveway 3:47 7:44 9689 Mamit Lake Road 3:46 7:45 Beech Road 3:45 7:48 Steffens Road 3:40 7:52 8 Mile Corner 3:35 8:02 131E Highway 97 C 3:24 8:05 Lower N cola Fire Hal 3:21 8:06 Band Office (181 Hwy 8) 3:20 8:07 158 H ghway 8 3:19 8:08 Hard Hat Ranch (#56 Hwy 8) 3:18 8:10 780 H ghway 8 3:15 8:15 Merritt Secondary School 3:10 8:20 Merritt Centra Elementary 3:00 8:25 Collettville Elementary 3:05 BUS NO 20580 LOWER NICOLA AM DRIVER: SONYA PM ROUTE A 7:29 Shuter’s 7:31 Mamit Lake Road 3:27 7:33 LNIB Office 3:30 7:35 Lower Nicola Fire Hall 3:32 7:37 Horn/Swakum Road 3:33 7:43 Saskatoon & Hummingbird 1st stop 3:43 7:45 Hummingbird-Yap Skim 2nd stop 3:44 7:46 Yap sk m-Aberdeen 3rd Stop 3:45 7:47 2725 Aberdeen Road 7:52 Nicola Canford Elementary 7:54 Earnshaw (Smith Pioneer Park) 3:39 7:55 Whinney 3:40 7:58 Cork e & Woodward 3:53 7:59 Smith & Dodding 3:55 8:00 Turner 3:38 8:01 Coyle Place 3:36 8:03 Lower Nicola Trai er Park 3:34 8:16 Merritt Secondary School (in back) 3:20 8:21 Coquihalla Middle School 3:10 8:30 Merritt Bench Elementary8:40 Collettville E ementary 2:55 BUS NO A3580 DOUGLAS LAKE AM DRIVER: JUD PM 7:18 Home Ranch 4:16 (2664 Home Ranch Lane) 7:28 Cattle Guard – Douglas Lk Rd 4:13 7:34 McRae Turnaround 4:06 (9511 Spahomin Cr Road) 7:33 9452 Spahomin Road 4:00 7:32 9439 Minnie Lake Rd 4:59 7:30 Junction-Douglas Lake Rd 3:56 & M nnie Lk Rd 7:40 Diamond G Ranch 3:55 7:43 Corral Road 3:52 7:50 The Q 3:42 7:57 Hil side Road Hea th Centre 3:40 8:25 Merr tt Secondary School 3:13 8:27 Central Elementary 3:12 8:30 Collettville ElementaryPM ONLY - Nicola Canford Elementary 2:40 1st Stop - Saskatoon & Humm ngbird 2:45 1st Stop - Hummingbird-Yap Skim 2nd Stop 2:47 - Yap Sk m-Aberdeen 3rd stop 2:49 - 2725 Aberdeen Road 2:51 - Nicola Canford Elementary 2:57 2nd Stop - Horn/Swakum Road 3:00 - Band Office (181 Hwy 8) 3:02 - Central Elementary 3:12 - Merr tt Secondary School 3:13
Nicola Valley residents encouraged to apply for new small grants
Nicola Valley residents are eligible to apply for a regional grant that looks to increase neighbourly connections in a variety of community driven ways.
Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG) is a non-profit organization, funded and supported by the Vancouver Foundation, that distributes small grants throughout the province in an attempt to create more social connections in communities across B.C.
“The grant can be anywhere between $50 to $500, and individual people can apply for this grant to create an event or provide an opportunity for themselves and their neighbours to connect with each other,” said Yunuen Perez-Vertti, NSG’s coordinator for emerging communities.
“How people connect with each other and what builds community is really up to the person and the community itself.”
The small grant program started in the Vancouver area in 1999 after the Vancouver Foundations identified a need to create connections between neighbours and communities in a grassroots way, following research that showed isolation was becoming a concern. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, NSG was expanded to cover the whole province.
Perez-Vertti said neighbourhood block parties, information sharing sessions, bringing in experts for talks, little free libraries, and anything that builds connections between neighbours are all eligible for funding. Past NSG supported projects in Merritt include the seed exchange program at the community garden, a Canford Avenue cleanup effort, last year’s Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo weekend street market revival, and a recent vermicomposting workshop.
The grants are available to any individual, regardless of age or immigration status, and the application process is hassle-free.
“We pride ourselves on the fact that this is one of the most accessible grants,” added Perez-Vertti. “A nine year-old to a 99 year-old should be able to fill out our application, and the process should be pretty easy.”
The online application process asks applicants to describe their idea for their event or initiative, and give a sample budget. Perez-Vertti said help with the application process is always available, including applications in Punjabi, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Tagalong, and Spanish.
Once the applicable application period closes, applications are reviewed by a committee of local and regional residents. Merritt is a part of NSG’s Thompson-Cariboo region, which includes the Nicola Valley, Kamloops, Revelstoke, and areas in between.
“Decisions of who gets the grants are made at the local level by a Neighbourhood Small Grant committee composed of residents of the communities in the region,” added PerezVertti. “This year, our committee has two members who reside in Merritt. One has been a committee member for three years, and the other joined this year.”
Applications for NSG’s current funding cycle will be open from Sept. 7 to Oct. 12, although funding is limited and spread between communities, so applications could close early.
For more information on NSG, visit, or email Perez-Vertti at yperezvertti@
Neighbourhood Small Grants supported a Canford Avenue clean-up event earlier this year with a grant. Photo/NSG
A12 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS Ne ed any Plumbing or Heati ng work done in your home or busi ness ? Allied Piping Services Inc. is a new Plumbing/Heating company in the Nicola Valley, ready to serve your piping needs! We are: Red Seal Certified Licensed in the Thompson-Nicola Licensed in the Okanagan-Similkameen Fully Insured & Bonded 14+ years experience Locally owned and operated Nlaka’pamux ownership Call APS today! 250-550-6487 Read our reviews!
THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 A13 m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a • 3 7 8 - 6 1 6 6 • m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a #3416 $418,900 1376 PARCEL STREE T Fresh y renovated 4 bedrm 2 bath home located close to shopping and nearby amen ties Has ecent upgrades such as new furnace H/W tank fresh pa nt floor ng & roof Amp e room or RV park ng w th a arge fenced back yard w th attached garage #3446 $569,900 2601 IRVINE AVENUE Great 3 eve sp t home on the Bench w th sing e garage, RV parking and n ce y landscaped yard Home has 3 bedrms up country k tchen w th pantry central A/C newer roof and upgraded w ndows 4th bedrm/office down #3448 $2,299,900 6488 MONCK PARK RD Magn ficent water f ont home on N co a Lake Th s beaut fu rancher w th wa kout bsmt offers 5 bed ms 4 baths a ge gou met k tchen w h h gh end app ances vaul ed ce ings fu y fin Bsmt w th un que Tequ a room arge games rm we bar 3 car ga age p us some nego iab e ems #3444 $819,000 3383 WILDROSE WAY New custom bu lt home with 3 bedrms up 3 down 3 baths open concept v ng d ning & k tchen area overlooks the c ty w th spectacular views The basement s eady & p umbed for a suite GST app es #3464 $289,900 1714 DOUGL AS STREE T Attent on nvesto s Th s 3 bedroom home s c ose to schoo s and on a corner lot that s b gger than most with a enced yard 2 bedrooms up and 1 n the basement Has 100 amp power upg ade Has v nyl w ndows & room for an RV #3456 $549,900 125 COYLE ROAD Water front rancher on 0 93 acres on Gu chon Creek Immacu ate 2 bedrm 1248 sq ft home s move- n ready N ce country kitchen w th M Creek cab nets Master bedrm has 3 pce ensu te & W/ c oset Ya d s fenced & n ce y andscaped #3455 $265,000 1686 DOUGL AS STREE T Townhouse w th NO STRATA FEE Great opportuni y for first t me buye s o nvestors 1650 sq f 3 eve townhouse w th 3 bed ooms & 2 baths New am nate floo ng & some updates have been done Ac oss rom the schoo #3449 $449,900 2945 TELEMON PL ACE N ce y enovated 3 bed m 2 bath modu ar home w th a u bsm in qu et area Open floor p an w th new floo ng, pa nt k tchen counter, taps, door, new Pex p umb ng fence n back yard & more G eat p ace fo young fam ly o et ee #3443 $199,900 2437 CL APPERTON AVE Th s modest modular on ts own ot wi h R2 zon ng has up to 3 bedrms w th space o ga den ng and ane access Cou d be n ce front/back dup ex f you choose to bui d wha R2 zon ng a ows Centra oca on Doug Beech (O wner) 250-378-7392 Don Gossoo Managing Broker Bailee Allen 250-315-9648 Brad Yakimchuk Per sonal Real E st ate C orporation 250-315-3043 Jared Thomas 778-694-6804 #102, 2840 Voght Street, Box 236 Merritt, B.C. V1K 1B8 Moving Real E state BC LTD. CEN T U RY 21 ® 250-378-6166 |1-877-841-2100 #3403 $769,900 1531 COWAN WAY Like new 2 storey home n good area w th open concept on main floo spacious k tchen w th Quartz counters & S/S app iances gas F/P n v ng room 4 bedrms up 3 baths and master bedrm w th 3 pce ensu te & W/ c oset Has EV out et for e ectr c ca RV park ng #3264 $1 ,800,000 2845 NEIL SON STREE T 15 9 acre s te ocated n Merr tt’s c ty l m ts and border ng the Coldwater R ver Amaz ng opportun ty Has c ty water & sewe connect ons Incred b e potentia fo the future w th a zon ng change Cal for more deta s #3465 $525,000 1769 SPRING STREE T Br ght & cheery basement entry home n good a ea & w thin wa k ng d stance to amen t es 3 bedrms up & 1 down Home is n top cond t on & eady to move n o Large v ng room b ght ga ey k tchen covered sundeck & RV park ng #3457 $749,000 1531 COWAN WAY Beaut fu 2 storey home w th open concept style ma n floor w th spacious k tchen & a ge v ng/ d n ng oom Gas F/P n v ng room Has had some upgrades 4 bed ms up 3 baths Doub e garage EV out et Fenced back yard RV park ng #3477 $679,000 2651 COUTLEE AVENUE Large fam y home c ose o schoo & amen t es 3 bedrms above w th spac ous v ng area arge k tchen and am y room Has 2 bed m n aw su te on g ound eve New roof and ho wa e bo der Fenced back yard #3454 $649,000 2198 CL ARKE AVE Rare y ava ab e ful dup ex 3 bed m 2 bath a s de 90 s bui d centra locat on ong term tenants Each un t has a a ge fenced back yard & carpo t w th storage C ose to schoo & amen t es #3459 $175,000 #71 , 2776 CL APPERTON AVE Mass ve doub e w de modu a n D amond Va e MH Park Features 2 spac ous bedrooms 2 fu baths expans ve l v ng din ng and k tchen areas p us mud room fo coats & boots Has covered deck Qu ck possess on poss b e #3435 $410,000 SL .23, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL In very des rable area th s 9042 sq ft strata lot has fantast c v ews of N co a Lake and mountains Serv ces are to prope ty ne GST s app icab e Ca for more deta ls #3452 $669,900 1670 BANN STREE T Amaz ng fam y home featu es the k tchen a i s hea t surrounded by a v ng oom & d n ng room to e ther s de + a sunken 2nd v ng room 5 bed ms up 3 baths (2 ensu tes) The basement s unfinished 3 bay garage #3298 $285,000 SL 4, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Fan ast c v ews from th s strata ot on N co a Lake per fect fo you d eam home or recreat on retreat Grea v ews and access to water A serv ces are o the prope ty ne GST s app cab e #3441 $719,900 1537 COWAN WAY 2 sto ey immacu ate home w th open concept sty e k tchen w th Quartz counters 4 bedrooms up w th very n ce maste bedroom & 3 pce ensu te with wa k- n c oset Back yard s enced & ya d s n cely landscaped #3458 $659,900 2540 CL APPERTON AVENUE Large fami y home w th 4 bedrms up and a 2 bedrm su te at ground leve p us 1 bedrm nlaw su te Huge fami y room & v ng room upsta s Fenced back yard G eat nvestment p operty #3408 $999,999 2201 BURGESS AVENUE Beaut fu 4 bedrm fami y home on 0 64 acre n des rab e area Home features open concept floo p an master bedrm has 5 pce ensu te Open k tchen has arge is and & S/S app iances Bonus room ove garage Has detached shop & RV park ng #3461 $599,900 1580 CHESTNUT AVENUE Spac ous 3 bedrm 1705 sq ft rancher w th 10 ft ce l ngs open concept l ving, k tchen & d n ng rooms K tchen has huge s and Quartz countertops & S/S k tchen app iances Centra A/C B vac pre-w red for hot tub Fu y landscaped #3450 $375,000 Great ha f duplex starter home of 1728 sq ft with 2 bedrooms up and 2 down and a 4 pce bathroom on each floor Fenced yard wired storage shop arge carport Located n n ce ne ghbourhood & close to elementary schoo 2641 JACKSON AVENUE #3429 $300,000 Don t be fooled by the exterior th s charm ng character home has 2 bedrms 1 bath and is tastefu y updated ins de C ose to schoo s dog park track & r ver trai s Zoned R2 al ows for a car iage house or shop n back 1413 CANFORD AVENUE #3348 $450,000 LOT 1 , MIDDAY VALLE Y RD Attent on House Bui ders – a Deve opment p operty w th R3 zon ng (Sma l Parce Res dent a ) of approx 5 acres n s ze and p iced to se l at close to assessment va ue #3424 $259,900 2707 PEREGRINE WAY This 9903 sq f ot n Grandv ew He ghts subd v s on o fers fantas c v ews or on Moun a n and N cola Va ey C ose to f eeway access & ocal amen t es Ve y des able Bench area w h south ac ng sunny s ope Approved subd Deve opmen house p ans & wo k ng d aw ngs avai #3409 $195,000 #315, 1703 MENZIES ST Why rent when you can own? Great 2 bed oom apartment great for first t me buye s or as an nvestment property Has balcony & sto eage Strata fees $262 94 per month #3419 $949,900 6377 MONCK PARK RD Spectacu a N co a Lake v ew home on 1 05 acres w h open concept w h a wa kout basement and detached garage Home has 2 bed ms up 2 down 3 baths gourme k chen v ng oom w th F/P A/C p aw ng cove ed deck ra sed garden beds ru rees & RV park ng #3427 $949,900 2760 PEREGRINE WAY Spec acu a 4 bed m Bench home w th panoram c v ews Th s custom bu t home had open des gn p an k chen w th S/S app ances & Quartz counters master bedrm w th 5 pce ensu te fu y fin basement w th fam y rm & bedrm #3434 $399,900 #8, 1717 GRANITE AVE Adu t v ng n this charm ng 2 bedrm 2 bath townhouse nest ed in the sen o -or ented Woodlane V lage comp ex Has upgraded floor ng on the ma n and downsta rs is an unfinished bsmt Strata fees are $400 per month #3451 $519,000 IN CACHE CREEK Large fam y home w th 5 bedrms 3 baths and an n- aw su e w th potent a o 6 h bedrm Love y andscaped front ya d w th amp e pa k ng fo RV s Ma n v ng w th open concept Home has cen ra A/C Back yard has moun a n v ews #3404 $499,000 1840 GRANITE AVE Charm ng 3 bedroom 2 bath home located in pr me ocat on Th s we ma nta ned property boasts beaut ful landscaping & curb appea Has bonus space of enc osed sunroom Has enchant ng patio area for summe BBQ’s Call us for a Market Evaluation of your home. #3463 $449,900 2438 COLDWATER AVE N ce y enovated 3 bedroom rancher w th a new add t on on the back of home w th a free stand ng wood stove & vau ted ce ings Has had some upgrades of floor ng k tchen cab nets & counter & bathroom fixtures RV park ng NEW #3442 $949,900 2515 ABERDEEN ROAD Pr vate and peacefu 3 bedrm 2 bath home on 3 65 acres w th severa outbu d ngs Shop is approx 1000 sq ft Has fenced garden area ch cken coop and detached bu ld ng w th carpo t & workshop area 2 we s NEW
It’s time for people to make their choice. Indicate your top picks for the Mer ritt Herald People’s Choice Awards on this entr y sheet, or using our online ballot for m at https://www.mer
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O n l y o r i g i n a l n e w s p a p e r b a l l o t s a n d o n l i n e e n t r i e s w i l l b e a c c e p t e d N o m e
N a m e :
A d d r e s s :
C i t y : E m a i l :
B u s i n e s s C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e
B u t c h e r S h o p
C a n n a b i s D i s p e n s a r y
Ta t t o o S t u d i o
S e n i o r s H o m e
L a n d s c a p i n g C o m p a ny
P l u m b i n g C o m p a ny
A u t o Pa r t s S t o r e
A u t o R e p a i r S h o p
C l o t h i n g S t o r e
C o l d B e e r W i n e / L i q u o r S t o r e
C o nv e n i e n c e S t o r e
D ay c a r e
D o g / C a t G r o o m e r
F i t n e s s Fa c i l i t y
G a s S t a t i o n
G r o c e r y S t o r e
S p a
S a l o n
H o t e l / M o t e l
I n s u r a n c e O f fi c e
L o g g i n g C o m p a ny
U n i q u e B u s i n e s s
B u i l d i n g S u p p l y C o m p a ny
T i r e S h o p
A c c o u n t a n t / B o o k ke e p e r
B a n k S t o r a g e Fa c i l i t y
C a t e r i n g
Te l e p h o n e :
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We d n e s d ay, S e p t 6 a t n o o n One entr y per household per week
R e s t a u r a n t
P u b
M a s s a g e O f fi c e
P h a r m a c y R e a l E s t a t e C o m p a ny O p t i c a l B u s i n e s s
B u i l d i n g C o n t r a c t o r C o m p a ny
E l e c t r i c a l C o m p a ny
We l d i n g C o m p a ny
C o f f e e S h o p / C a f e
A g r i c u l t u r a l / Fa r m / R a n c h B u s i n e s s H o m e B a s e d B u s i n e s s P E O P L E A N D P L AC E S ( I n c l u d e N a m e & B u s i n e s s N a m e ) L o c a l A r t i s t D e n t i s t D o c t o r C o a c h H a i r D r e s s e r N a i l Te c h n i c i a n
C o o k
M e c h a n i c M a n a g e r Pe r s o n a l Tr a i n e r P h o t o g r a p h e r R e a l t o r R e c e p t i o n i s t S e r v e r L o c a l B a n d / M u s i c i a n Te a c h e r / E d u c a t o r ( E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l )
Te a c h e r / E d u c a t o r ( H i g h S c h o o l )
Ve t e r i n a r i a n ( n a m e o f v e t )
Vo l u n t e e r
C l u b / S p o r t s O r g a n i z a t i o n
N o n P r o fi t O r g a n i z a t i o n
B e s t L o c a l E v e n t
B r e a k f a s t
B u r g e r C h i n e s e Fo o d S t e a k P i z z a S o u p
W i n g s
D e s s e r t S u s h i S a n dw i c h
B u s i n e s s O f T h e Ye a r
B u s i n e s s O v e r a l l ( U n d e r 1 0 E m p l oy e e s )
B u s i n e s s O v e r a l l ( O v e r 1 0 E m p l oy e e s )
N ew B u s i n e s s - 2 y e a r ’s o r l e s s i n b u s i n e s s
B u s i n e s s O w n e r
A14 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023
e o
0 2 3
p l e ’ s C h o i c e Aw a r d s 2
P hy s i c a l b a l l o t s c a n b e d r o p p e d o f f a t t h e M e r r i t t H e r a l d o f f i c e , 2 0 9 0 G r a n i t e Av e n u e , M e r r i t t , B C
c h a n i c a l r e p r o d u c t i o n s a l l o we d E m p l o y e e s o f M e r r i t t H e r a l d a n d t h e i r i m m e d i a t e f a m i l i e s a r e n o t e l i g i b l e A l l b a l l o t s m u s t b e r e c e i v e d o r e n t e r e d o n l i n e by n o l a t e r t h a n We d n e s d ay, S e p t e m b e r 6 a t n o o n P S T S o m e r e s t r i c t i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s a p p l y PEOPLE’S CHOICE 2018 AWARDS MERRITT HERALD PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS 2019 2023 Vote for your favourite business. LIMITED TIME TO VOTE!
63 rd Pro RODEO & 46 th Nicola Valley FALL FAIR
Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo weekend events returning for 63rd year
Some traditions never die in a town like Merritt.
The countdown has begun for what is considered one of the oldest running rodeos in British Columbia, as finishing touches are being added to the 63rd Annual Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo.
Scheduled to take place during Labour Day weekend, from September 1 to September 3, this year’s rodeo promises a captivating lineup of events that will keep rodeo lovers on the edge of their seats. The rodeo celebration kicks off with
the big return of the rodeo westernthemed parade on Friday, September 1, at 6:30 p.m., featuring local families in agriculture. Adrenaline junkies and rodeo enthusiasts will hold their breath on Saturday, September 2, as riders cling to raging bulls or bucking horses for the required eight seconds when the rodeo kicks off at 1 p.m.
Peter Spencer, president of the Nicola Valley Rodeo Association, defines the pro rodeo as “a festival celebrating the Western and ranch heritage of the Nicola Valley.”
“It’s much more than just simply what’s going on in the arena,” he said.
Spencer said that the main goal of the weekend-long event is to bring
NVRA PResideNt
PeteR sPeNceR
Merrittonians and neighbouring communities together to have a great time and rid themselves of some of the worries they have faced in the past, such as the 2021 flood and the wildfires.
“We felt it was important to show that we’re still here. We’re still capable of putting on a big show, and that which the people support, which the community supports,” he said. “I think each year there’s a different thing, but the last 2022 and 2023 (rodeo) is to demonstrate the resilience of the community and that the community is still very much together.”
Beyond the arena, the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo offers a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere that reflects and integrates the region’s landscape and culture. Attendees will be able to enjoy live music performed by local musician Ross Fairweather and Patrick Spencer and Coldwater Road
See PLETHORA Page 16
‘It’s much more than just simply what’s going on in the arena.’
THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 A15
D O W N TO W N M E R R I T T: # 1 2 0 1 7 0 0 G a r c i a S t . R a i l y a r d M a l l 2 5 0 - 3 7 8 - 5 2 1 7 Like us on 20 0%SUMMERCLEARANCE OFF a l l s u m m e r p r o d u c t s a r e r e d u c e d to c l e a r TRIBAL
Plethora of activities for rodeo goers to attend this pro weekend
From Page 15
before and after rodeo performances.
The event will also bring the Merritt and District Chamber of Commerce’s street market to the rodeo grounds on Saturday morning. There will be a pancake breakfast on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. and a cowboy church at 10 a.m.
Mary MacGregor, secretary and rodeo manager of the Nicola Valley Rodeo Association, said attendees can also expect big names in the rodeo world to participate at the event.
“Haven Meged is coming, he’s a world champion. Jeremy Buhler is coming, Levi Simpson is coming,” she said. “Those are world champion team ropers.”
MacGregor also said that the 63rd annual pro rodeo will offer new attractions such as the ladies’ breakaway roping and the boy’s steer riding.
She also said that there will be a special presentation daily at the end of the rodeo in memory of Ty Pozzobon, a beloved world-class bull
rider from Merritt who took his own life in 2017.
“The bull riding this year is presented in memory of Ty Pozzobon,” MacGregor said. “Luke and Leanne Pozzobon, his parents, are going to be presenting a prize to the high point bull rider each day.”
She also said Jayson Charters will be coming to the rodeo as the “mascot hype guy” after being absent for a few years.
MacGregor hopes those who come to the event “enjoy the last weekend of the summer with your family and have a good time.”
“It (the rodeo) gives the community a chance to bond with the rural residents and people who make their living from the land in the Nicola Valley, along with the people who live in the city.”
The 63rd Annual Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo
When: September 1 to September 3
Where: Nicola Valley Rodeo Grounds – 499 Lindley Creek Rd., Merritt, B.C.
Cost: From $15 to $65, buy tickets online, www.nicolavalleyrodeo. com.
Last year’s Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo attracted thousands of spectators, participants, and sponsors for the 62nd annual event. This year promises to be even bigger and better. Marius Auer/Herald
A16 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 RODEO/FALL FAIR WEEKEND ep ember 2, 2023 SATURDAY • 19+ Event Merritt Civic Centre • 7pm 1950 Mamette Avenue, Merritt Tickets online or at Purity Feeds • $25 BOBBY GARCIA & 6 MORE STRINGS Part of the proceeds will go to the DAN CE D ANC E September 2&3, 2023 SATURDAY & SUNDAY Nicola Valley Rodeo Grounds, Merritt Tickets online or at Purity Feeds Adults • $25 | Family Pass $65 Kids over 6 and Seniors • $15 R O D EO Here’s what to do in Merritt Labour Day Weekend!!! 6 3 r d N I C O L A V A L L E Y P R O R O D E O THE REAL WEST Bring your lil cowpokes and enjoy the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo—a high quality action-packed family event that honours the ranching and rodeo heritage of the Nicola Valley And get your boot-scoot on, at the adults-only dance on Saturday night. Rodeo 2023 MAYOR + COUNCIL + STAFF AT CITY OF MERRITT NICOLA VALLEY PRO SEPTEMBER 2 + 3 + 46th ANNUAL NICOLA VALLEY FALL FAIR 63nd ANNUAL WELCOMES
Nicola Valley Fall Fair invites spectators of all ages to take part
Continuing to build its post COVID-19 pandemic restriction return, the Nicola Valley Fall Fair will hold its annual exhibition this week once again.
The two-day event, held at the Merritt Exhibition Grounds on Lindley Creek Road, is an iconic part of Merritt history and the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo weekend. The fall fair provides an opportunity for entrants to exhibit their agriculture skills, and other hobbies, to the
The fair looks to raise interest in the agricultural industry, in particular improving the quality of agricultural and other products. While focusing on the exhibition of the community’s projects, it also puts emphasis on preservation and improvement of food and other necessities, a practice which was once a way of life, and necessary for survival.
With hundreds of exhibits displaying varying subjects, the preparation that goes into putting on such an event is extensive.
“I have a binder, and I have it written down on each
page what needs to be done that day, and what we’re going to do the next day,” said Kathy Reimer, convener and long-time volunteer with the fall fair. “It all, of course, depends on help. Right now there is six or seven of us working up here.”
As a volunteer driven event, Reimer said even an hour help from community members is greatly appreciated. From the ironing of table cloths, to maintenance of the Exhibition Grounds, there is something to do for volunteers of all ages. The same can be said for the actual
See FALL Page 18
The main exhibition hall at the Nicola Valley Fall Fair building last year. Marius Auer/Herald
THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 A17 RODEO/FALL FAIR WEEKEND T here’s a lways some th i ng NEW a t 2776 VOGHT STREET, MERRITT 250-280-4499 merly S nake O il Enterprises) New & Used items arriving weekly FURNITURE • APPARE L • G I FTS Meet our STYLISTS GE MM A L O R I email: c her y lm@t t • 250-315-0007 Railyard Mall •114-1700 Garcia St., Merrit t Bagel & Coffeehouse Hours Monday - Friday: 7:30AM - 3:00PM Saturday & Sunday: Closed Pro u d to su pp o rt t he 2023 N.V. Pro Ro deo & t he N.V. Fall Fair Ask about our C ATERING SERVICES & C HRISTMAS BAKING!
Fall Fair held for 46th year, youth urged to participate
From Page 17
exhibition, too.
At the Fall Fair, locals can submit entries in a variety of categories, including canning, baking, fruits and vegetables, homecrafts, photography, livestock, and much more. Entries are shown to both onlookers and judges over the two-day fair. Reimer hopes the fair will attract younger generations, keeping the tradition alive.
“We again have the colouring contest for kids, so hopefully they get more involved this year,” added Reimer. “We had some last year, but it would be nice if we had lots of kids. We need them to be interested.”
Those attending the fall fair also have the option of visiting other nearby attractions, such as the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo happening right next door to the Merritt Exhibition Grounds. Stock cars from the Merritt Speedway will be on hand for viewing, along with the rodeo, and a planned ‘vendor village.’ The rodeo parade and rodeo dance will also return this weekend as a part of the festivities.
For the fall fair, the coming days are their busiest, besides the flow of traffic through the event over the weekend. Thursday and Friday will see the bulk of entries be submitted in preparation for the weekend, although Reimer said the sooner the entries are submitted, the better. Entries are open now, and can be changed later to add more items.
Reimer and her fellow volunteers look forward to greeting the community this Saturday and Sunday, beginning at noon and 9:30 a.m., respectively.
“When you open the door and everybody comes in, I think it’s the best feeling,” she noted.
For more information on the Nicola Valley Fall Fair, visit www.facebook. com/nicolavalleyfallfair. To get involved, contact Reimer at 250-378-7270.
The 46th Annual Nicola Valley Fall Fair
When: September 2 to September 3
Where: Merritt Exhibition Grounds, 319 Lindley Creek Rd., Merritt, B.C.
Cost: From free to varying entry fees. More information is available by contacting the fall fair or checking the guide distributed in the Merritt Herald.
A spectator browses the art section of last year’s fall fair. This year’s fair will feature a smiliar section, with new artwork to take in.
Marius Auer/ Herald
C h e m i s t r y i n a b o t t l e
F O R A G E &
A H a y d a y o f Fa r m P ro d u c t s
T h e Fre s h n e s s o f t h e g a rd e n i n a j a r.
H a n dc ra f t e d
I d e a s
D A I R Y G O A T S ,
A18 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 RODEO/FALL FAIR WEEKEND N i c o l a Va l l ey Fa l l Fa i r A s s o c i a t i o n p re s e n t s t h e 46th ANNUAL FALL FAIR S AT U R DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 n d & 3 r d S a t u rd ay : n o o n to 7 p m & S u n d ay : 9 : 3 0 a m to 2 : 3 0 p m F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N P H O N E 2 5 0 - 3 7 8 - 7 2 7 0 O R 2 5 0 - 3 7 8 - 9 9 2 9 C o m e c h e c k o u t a l l o f o u r ex h i b i t s at t h e N V Fa l l Fa i r. We a re l o c ate d j u st p a st t h e ro de o g ro u n ds o n Li n d l ey C re e k R o a d . FLOWERS E x t ra v a g a n z a o f C o l o u r BAKING A n A ro m a t i c G ro u p W I N
S ,
A V I E S &
S Fo r A n i m a l 4
Trick, & more!
l e m e n t a r y a n d S e c o n d a r y
H O T O G R A P H Y Ti m e H e l d b y a P h o t o
I E S Fo r t h e H o b b y E n t h u s i a s t s
A R T S A P i c t u re s q u e G ro u p o f A r t i s t s
S h o w o f G re a t G a rd e n i n g
out to the Fall Fair Building and help us wr ap up the 2023 Nicola Valley Fall Fair Come down and check out all the exhibits Volunteers Always Welcome!
P & S W I N
O U L T R Y &
O W Smallest, Best Dressed, Unique, Best
See Fall Fair booklet for details
Contest Deadline:
September 1, 2023
Jugnauth family wins Merritt Centennials annual golf tournament
A potential Merritt Centennials returnee and his family won the team’s golf tournament fundraiser this past Saturday (August 26) on the greens of the Merritt Golf and Country Club.
Damon Jugnauth, who spent last season with the Centennials, won the tournament alongside his fellow family members. The Jugnauth family shot a 47 to take the top prize at the annual fundraiser. The score was enough to best 14 other teams competing.
The shotgun start best-ball style tournament included two starts, a luncheon and dinner, sports memorabilia auctions, and an opportunity to connect with Merritt Centennials players, staff, and alumni. Green fees were comped by the local golf course, along with
numerous other contributions from local sponsors. The event is one of many put on by the Cents to raise funds for the community owned team.
Next, the Cents will hold their first ever ‘Burst the Hearse’ event, which will include a zombie walk in support of the Merritt and District Food Bank. Participants will dress as zombies while hitting the streets of Merritt, as the team collects donations of food and other goods for the food bank’s Christmas hamper program. The event will take place on October 27, followed by the Centennials Icebreaker event and parents weekend the next day.
The Cents season begins on Sept. 22, 2023, with a home game against the visiting Powell River Kings. For this season’s schedule, or to contact the team, visit The Cents can also be reached by phone at 250-378-3604.
Sights and results from the thirteenth Nicola Valley Ranch Rodeo
Ranch hands and cowboys alike took the reigns this weekend at the Nicola Valley Ranch Rodeo, showing off their ranching skills to a crowd of eager spectators.
The thirteenth annual ranch rodeo took place at the Nicola Valley Rodeo Grounds in Collettville on Saturday (August 26), organized by the Elliott and Martindale families, along with the support of a number of volunteers and sponsors.
The Nicola Valley Ranch Rodeo is comprised of 14 teams, all area ranches,
competing in events such as sorting, branding, doctoring, cow milking, bronc riding and horse racing.
After the dust in the riding arena settled, the final results were as follows:
Top Hand: Adian Cox
Top Ranch Horse Competitor: Adian Cox
Bronc Riding:
1st: Greg Vowk
2nd: Caleb Poss
3rd: Will Peters
Ranch Rodeo:
1st : D Bar D
2nd : Stump Lake Ranch
3rd : DLR Alkali Lake Ranch
4th : Beaver Ranch
Photos by Marius Auer/Herald
SPORTS Have a sports story tip? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing
Damon Jugnauth (second from left) poses with his family members and golf team after the Jugnauth team took the top spot at this year’s Merritt Centennial golf tournament. Jugnauth is on the Cents roster, having spent most of last season injured. Photo/Merritt Centennials
THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 A19
Brian Dougherty rides for cancer research in honour of mother
For rider Brian Dougherty, this end of August is all about cycling for a good cause.
Brian Dougherty, chief operating officer of Horizon Contracting Group, was in Merritt Sunday after leaving Squamish and managing to reach his goal of $15,000 in donations for the Tour de Cure.
Tour de Cure is a cycling fundraiser event that supports cancer care innovation across B.C. through the BC Cancer Foundation.
Dougherty said he started to get involved in fundraising events for BC Cancer Foundation after his mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
According to Dougherty, the agency offered great help while his mom was being treated for the disease, with different treatments that helped prolong the quality of her life for the time she had left.
“She (my mom) wanted her request before she passed away, that if there was going to be a cancer agency that we were to support in the future years that we (my family) support that one,” he said.
Dougherty said the event made him realize that there is a big community that
have dealt or are dealing with cancer, which inspired him to join.
“Being part of something with that many people and the stories that were told and sharing, you know, similar experiences and realizing that I’m far from the only person that has gone through something like that,” he said
Dougherty reminded that there are always creative ways to be part of something and doing something for great causes like cancer treatments’ innovations and research.
“I work on creative ways to incentivize generosity from others so that we all can play a part in helping, you know, prevent this disease from hitting other people that we care about in the future.”
1750 Hill Street ■ Phone: 250-315-3000
Crossroads Community Church 2990 Voght St. • 250-378-2911
Ser vice Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m
Merritt Baptist Church 2499 Coutlee Avenue (at Omre)
Sunday ser vice 10 am, Phone (250)378-2464
Merritt Lutheran Fellowship
in St. Michael's Anglican Hall • 250-378-9899
Ser vice Time: 3rd Sunday each month 1:00 p m
Sacred Hear t Catholic Church
Corner of Jackson & Blair • 250-378-2919
Mass Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m.
St. Michael’s Anglican Church
1990 Chapman St • 250-378-3772
Ser vice Times: 2nd and 4th Sundays only - 10:00 a m.
Trinity United Church
Corner of Quilchena & Chapman • 250-378-5735
Ser vice Time ever y Sunday - 10 am
Somang Mission Community Church (SMC) 1755 Coldwater Ave ( The Cadet Hall)
Sunday Ser vice Time: 4:00 pm • 250-280-1268
Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church 1950 Max well St • 250-378-9502
Ser vice Time: Sunday 10:00 am
COMMUNITY Do you have a community story idea? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing
Brian Dougherty (L) started his cycling journey August 25, in Squamish and was in Merritt on Sunday (August 27).
A20 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 ■ A p p r o v e d m i n i - s t o r a g e ■ O n - s i t e r e n t a ■ S e c u r e d ■ S a l e o f N e w & U s e d s t o r a g e c o n t a i n e r s
Deadline for placing a classified ad is 5 p.m. on Monday.
To place an ad please call 250-378-4241 or email:
CHRIS STOLLER Inloving memory of
God saw y o u getting tired
W hen a cure was not to be.
So He clos ed His arms aro u nd y o u And whispered , “Come to Me”.
W ith tearful ey es we watc hed y o u
As y o u slowly slipped away.
And tho ug h we love y o u dearly
W e co uld n’t make y o u s tay.
Yo ur golden heart s topped beating
In Loving Memory Rose Marie Moldowan
April 14, 1934 - August 11, 2023
Memorial Service September 8, 2023 at Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church, 12.00 noon, 1950 Maxwell St., Merritt BC
Edna Gladys Garcia “Pat”
December 14, 1942 - August 15, 2023
It is with profound sorrow that we announce our Sister, Aunt, friend Gladys Garcia passed away peacefully on August 15, 2023, aged 80 years.
Survived by her brother Mike Garcia, many nieces & nephews, great nieces, great nephews and many friends and relatives.
She is predeceased by her Mother Julia Moon Garcia. Her Father Alphonse Garcia. Her sisters Mary, Adeline, Margaret Her brothers Frank, Bob, Walter A Celebration of Life will be held on September 9, 2023 at 12pm-4pm at the Legion in Merritt, BC.
Located at 2101 Quilchena Ave. (Old Barber Shop)
Yo ur tired hand s p ut to res t.
God’s broke o ur hearts to prove to us
He o nly takes the bes t from
your loving wife
Edward Arthur Morris
Edward Arthur Morris passed away suddenly in Royal Inland Hospital on August 17, 2023. He is survived by his wife of 53 years Nadene (Dean) Morris He was predeceased by his parents, We Morris, mother, Martha Blenkarn, step-father Keith Blenkarn, sister Elaine Behringer, brothers, Richard Morris and Gordon Morris He leaves to mourn: his sister, Carol (Harvey) Kozak, brothers, Clifford Morris, Stefan Morlock, Eldon Morris, Calvin Morris, and many nieces and nephews
Ed was born and raised in Vancouver and at a very early age started delivering the morning Vancouver Province Even at an early age he took time to visit an elderly gentleman who lived alone He left school at an early age and made his way north and eventually ended up in Fraser Lake where he was employed as an assayer at Endako Mines Dean, the school librarian, and Ed met and were married in Cloverdale, where she grew up.
Ed was transferred to Craigmont Mines and was the last person to turn out the lights Ed spent a year in Faro, Yukon. He ended his work life with the City of Merritt and was presented with a plaque from the mayor and council, which read “18 years of exemplary service to the residents of the City of Merritt”
Ed loved sports: baseball, swimming, learning to curl on “natural” ice in Fort Fraser But, the love of his life was badminton. Ed helped teach the children in the Collettville gymnasium Tuesday and Thursday evenings The Merritt Herald reported “Morris is affectionally referred to as ‘Mr Badminton’ in the Nicola Valley A competitive player until the age of 19 while growing up in Vancouver, he has always loved the sport
Despite being a septuagenarian, he can still dazzle on the court with his placement of the shuttlecock, his quick reflexes, and occasional timely smashes.”
He enjoyed coffee with the boys; an excellent conversationalist who was always well informed and loved to talk to people An avid reader, a book a day; the Merritt Library’s circulation numbers will drop. He enthusiastically helped with the cooking and baking, all the while devotedly caring for his wife You will be missed. A celebration of life will be held in the spring.
We are currently inviting applications for the position(s) of:
Qualified candidates are invited to apply online at
All applicants must provide a cover letter and resume outlining relevant background and work experience and three (3) professional references for each position they want to be considered .
Only those applicants selected for an inter view will be contacted.
Your Recover y Specialists
Hours Monday: 1:00 - 4:00pm Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
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Meghan Blackmore
574-4574 Sherr
to the last moment of your life,
will do all we can, not only
but to live until you die ” Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement P: 250-280-1701 2113 Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC 250-378-2141
1-800-668-3379 REGULAR OFFICE HOURS Mon.,Tues., Thurs.&Fri.: 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Ave , Mer Wednesday: 1:00 p m - 6:00 p m ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Celebrating each life like no other On Call 24 Hours ADay Merritt Funeral Chapel
for ALL Learners, Today and Tomorrow
and we
to help you
POSITION JOB CODE CLOSING DATE F ir st Nation Suppor t Worker 3259682 Open Until F illed Relief Education Assistant 3259613 Ongoing Relief Clerk Typist 3256003 Ongoing Relief Custodian 3259601 Ongoing Relief Bus Driver 3255978 Ongoing Noon Hour Super visor - 3322609 Open Until F illed Merritt Central; Diamond Vale
Announcements Announcements In Memoriam In Memoriam Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries In Memoriam In Memoriam In Memoriam Obituaries Obituaries Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
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i n
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5 3
The LNIB Development Cor por ation is seeking qualified individuals interes ting in an appointment to it s Board of Direc tor s The LNIB Development Cor por ation’s Board of Direc tor s will consis t of at leas t t wo elec ted LNIB Member s and three non- LNIB Member appointees Appointment s shall be decided by the LNIB Chief & Council and confir med at the LNIB Development
Cor por ations’ Annual Gener al Meeting scheduled for September 26, 2023
Required Skills and/or Experience to Ac t as a Direc tor for LNIBDC:
• Protec t as set s and provide financial over sight (the abilit y to inter pret / analy ze financial s tatement s and make infor med decisions for a moder ately sized entities)
• Organize s tr ategic planning and monitoring
• Contr ac tual awarenes s and under s tanding (the abilit y to under s tand and inter pret the various legal contr ac t s and agreement s involving LNIBDC and any of it s subsidiar y busines ses)
• Gener al commercial awarenes s of the Fores t and Natur al Resource Indus tries and/or land management in British Columbia
• A gener al under s tanding of the Gover nance role of Board of Direc tor s and their duties and fiduciar y responsibilities
• The abilit y to comfor tably inter ac t with the LNIB Band Council LNIB s taf f executives from various busines ses and cor por ations and senior Gover nment of ficials
• Be willing to ser ve on various commit tees and/or wor king groups
• Availabilit y to at tend Board meetings during “ nor mal” wor king hour s
• Be involved in Board member recr uitment and per for mance evaluation
• Selec t suppor t and review the per for mance of the Gener al Manager
• Respec t and/or an awarenes s of Nlaka’pamux cultur al values and heritage
For more infor mation, please contac t:
LNIB Development Cor por ation’s Gener al Manager Don Gos soo at (250) 315 -9277 or Don Gos soo@lnibdc com
Commencing: A s soon as the appointment has been confir med
Term of Of fice: To be deter mined
Per Diem: $10 0 0/month plus mileage when applic able
Please send your writ ten E xpres sion of Interes t outlining how you meet the above criteria along with your C V or resume to: Don Gos soo@lnibdc com no later than Friday September 8th 2023 4:30 pm
Scw’exmx Community Health Services Society
Employment Opportunity
As a Medical Assistant you will be responsible for provid ng administrative support to ensure the efficient operation of the medical office You will support doctors and patients through a variety of tasks related to patient care management, organization, and communication
• Organize and schedule appointments
• Update and file medical records and insurance reports
• Ass st during medical examinations
• Produce and distribute correspondence memos, letters, faxes, and for ms
• Prepare and clean treatment rooms and medical instruments.
• Experience as a Medical Assistant would be an asset
• Knowledge of office procedures
• Excellent time management skills and ability to multi-task and prioritize work
• Social perceptiveness and service oriented
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Strong organizational and planning skills
• Proficiency in MS Office and patient management software would be an asset
Competitive salary and full benefits
E-mail Resume and References to:
Towing Merritt Ltd. 2900 Pooley Ave the following vehicle will be auctioned on September 7, 2023 for non payment 1997 Dodge Ram 1500 VIN 1B7HF13Y9VJ514794 Kevin John Kachowski Amount owing: 1,726 80 2019 Ford Mustang VIN 1FA6P8CFXK5183746 Debtor:
Jody Johnson
Amount owing: 3,810 35
To advertise in Employment call 604-630-3300 Catch your next job in our employment section. To advertise in Employment Call 250-378-4241 YouWant It We’ve Got It Find Whatever You’re Looking for in the Classifieds. Check Out Our Website: me rr itth er ald. co m PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. A22 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 VALUE ADDED LUMBER REMANUFACTURING PLANT PRODUCTION WORKERS (FT/PT) • Wages: starting $20 to $25 • Steady day shift work • Students welcome to apply • No experience necessary • Will train TRUCK DRIVERS WITH CLASS 1 Local steady work LICENCED SECURITY GUARDS Excellent medical & dental plan
submit resume in person to 1195 Houston Street, Merritt B C
Please T H E BOAR D O F E D U CAT I O N O F SCH O O L D I S TR I C T N O 5 8 (N I CO L A-S I M I LK A M E E N)
J o b Pos t
8712 Sch oo l D i s t r i ct N o 5 8 (N i co l a - Si m i l ka m een) se r ves th e t wo co m m u n it i es of M e r r it t a n d P r i n ceto n, s i x F i r s t N at i o n s B a n d s, th e M ét i s co m m u n it y, a n d th e Co n a y t F r i en d s h i p Soci et y I n o u r d i s t r i ct, we reco g n i ze th at we l ea r n, tea ch a n d wo r k o n th e a n ces t ra l t ra d it i o n a l a n d u n ced ed te r r ito r i es of th e N l e?e Kep m x a n d Sy i l x peo p l e, a n d we a ck n ow l ed g e o u r M ét i s co m m u n it i es a n d th e i r co nt r i b ut i o n s to th e A b o r i g i n a l wa y s of b e i n g, k n ow i n g a n d d o i n g T h e m o u nta i n s, l a kes a n d va l l ey s w ith i n th e d i s t r i ct m a ke it a n at u ra l set t i n g fo r fa b u l o us, yea r- ro u n d o utd oo r a ct i v it i es We of fe r a wa r m s m a l l -tow n atm os p h e re w h e re re l at i o n s h i ps a re f u n d a m enta l to o u r s ucces s M e r r it t, w h e re th e of fi ce i s l ocated, i s i n th e N i co l a Va l l ey a n d i s th e h u b of a h i g hwa y s y s tem th at l i n k s Ka m l oo ps Ke l ow n a a n d th e Lowe r M a i n l a n d Ra n ch i n g, fo res t r y, h ea lth, l oca l g ove r n m ent, a n d to u r i s m a re t h e m a j o r i n d us t r i es i n th e va l l ey O u r St rate g i c Pl a n h a s a “ Succes s fo r A L L Lea r n e r s” focus, s u p po r ted by a d ed i cated s taf f en g a g ed s ta keh o l d e r s a n d pa r tn e r s w h o s h a re a g en u i n e co m m itm ent to th e d i s t r i ct T h e d i s t r i ct of fe r s r i ch p ro g ra m m i n g to j us t ove r 2 075 s t ud ent s, 4 8 % of w h o m a re I n d i g en o us We a re p ro ud of o u r o n g o i n g wo r k towa rd s Tr uth a n d Reco n ci l i at i o n S ch o o l D i s t r i c t N o. 5 8 (N i co l a -S i m i l ka m e e n) i s a cce p t i n g a p p l i ca t i o n s f o r U N CE R T I F I E D Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l T h e d i s t r i c t i s se e k i n g h i g h l y s k i l l e d a n d d y n a m i c i n d i v i d u a l s t o j o i n ou r l i s t o f Ca s u a l, U n ce r t i fi e d Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l . P re f e re n ce w i l l b e g i ve n t o i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h a d e m o n s t ra t e d wo r k h i s t o r y o r vo l u n t e e r ex p e r i e n ce wo r k i n g w i t h ch i l d re n a n d you t h Re q u i re d q u a l i fi ca t i o n s a n d t ra i n i n g i n cl u d e: • B a ch e l o r’s d e g ree o r oth e r pos t- seco n d a r y ed ucat i o n • Recent s ucces s f u l tea ch i n g ex pe r i en ce a n d/o r t ra i n i n g p refe r red • Ef fect i ve i nte r pe r so n a l a n d co m m u n i cat i o n s k i l l s • D em o n s t rated i nte res t i n wo r k i n g w ith ch i l d ren a n d yo uth Sch oo l D i s t r i ct 5 8 i s wo r k i n g to en s u re a n i n cl us i ve, d i ve r se, a n d rep resentat i ve wo r k fo rce Succes s f u l ca n d i d ates w i l l reco g n i ze th at co n s i s tent w ith th e U N D ecl a rat i o n o n th e Ri g ht s of I n d i g en o us Peo p l es (U N D R I P), th e BC H u m a n Ri g ht s Cod e a n d th e Ca n a d i a n Ch a r te r of Ri g ht s a n d F reed o m s, em p l oy m ent p ra ct i ces a n d p roced u res at a l l l eve l s m us t refl ect a n d d em o n s t rate a n u n d e r s ta n d i n g of a n d res po n se to a d i ve r se po p u l at i o n I nte res ted a p p l i ca nt s s h o u l d g o to o u r d i s t r i ct webs ite at w w w sd 5 8 b c ca, w h i ch p rov i d es g u i d a n ce o n h ow to a p p l y fo r tea ch i n g j o bs i n o u r d i s t r i ct A p p l i cat i o n s m us t i n cl ud e a Cove r l et te r res u m e co p i es of pos t- seco n d a r y t ra n sc r i pt s a n d n a m es of t wo s u pe r v i so r refe ren ces (i n cl ud i n g th e m os t recent s u pe r v i so r) O n l y s h o r t- l i s ted a p p l i ca nt s w i l l b e co nta cted PL E A S E N OT E: D ue to th e vo l u m e of a p p l i cat i o n s rece i ved, th e d i s t r i ct i s u n a b l e to p rov i d e co m m enta r y o r feed ba ck re g a rd i n g a n a p p l i ca nt’s q ua l i fi cat i o n s/a p p l i cat i o n, n o r a re we a b l e to p rov i d e ca ree r a dv i ce/co n s u ltat i o n A p p l i cat i o n s w i l l b e rev i ewed, a n d h i r i n g w i l l occu r o n a n o n g o i n g ba s i s
A24 THURSDAY, August 31, 2023 Royal LePage Property Management - For all rental inquiries call Kevin or Crystal at 250-378-1996 or email: email: SERVING MERRITT & AREA FOR 40 YEARS! 3499 Voght Street, Merritt BC, V1K 1C6 250-378-6181 email: Helping you is what we do.™ Visit: for a complete list of current listing. Owner/Broker CLAUDETTE EDENOSTE Ph: 250-280-0689 claudetteedenoste@ Managing Broker JOHN ISAAC Ph: 250-378-1586 JENNIFER KIGHTLEY Ph: 250-315-3256 jenniferkightley@ TONY LUCK Ph: 604-217-5825 DENISE DESILETS Ph: 250-315-8395 denisedesilets@ KEVIN DUNN Ph: 250-525-0073 1kevindunn@ 312-1703 MENZIES ST $214,900 A great 3rd-floor 2-bedroom unit for a firsttime buyer, investment, or someone looking to downsize. Perfect for retirees... This building has an elevator for easy access, a covered balcony, and storage space for your outdoor gear MLS#172467 1434 DOUGLAS STREET $299,000 A delightful starter home for the firsttime buyer or a great property to downsize. With 3 bedrooms & 1 bath. MLS#171766 32-1749 MENZIES STREET $439,000 This townhouse unit is located in Sun Valley Court. There are 3 bedrooms and 21/2 bathrooms and a 2-car garage. MLS#173563 1688 COLDWATER AVENUE $335,000 Don’t miss out on this immaculate, beautifully decorated 3-bedroom 1 bath rancher close to schools and shopping. This home has had numerous upgrades while maintaining the heritage interior. MLS#170783 1776 ORME STREET $499,000 This 5-bed & 3 bath home w/ vaulted ceilings on the main floor would make a great family home. MLS#173592 2556 CORKLE STREET $556,500 Beautifully fully updated 3-bedroom 2-bathroom modular home sitting on a 0.33-acre private lot in Lower Nicola. MLS#173228 205-1701 MENZIES ST. $289,000 This home has 2 good size bedrooms, master offers a walk through closet and direct access to 4pc ensuite “Jack and Jill” bathroom. 9’ ceilings throughout. There is a covered balcony/sundeck for BBQ’s MLS#173760 1925 NICOLA AVENUE $665,000 Fantastic investment opportunity presently configured as a triplex. The original conversion potentially allows for the home to be restored to a 2-level family dwelling with an attached in-law suite or rental dwelling. Lots of wonderful original features. MLS#173354 2625 IRVINE STREET $644,900 This beautifully updated home provides a spacious & modern living with 4 bedrooms & 2 baths, along with a desirable central location close to schools, parks, shopping & more! MLS#174320 1298 DOUGLAS STREET $429,000 This 3-bedroom manufactured home with a full basement has a ton of potential including the opportunity to add a 2-bedroom basement suite MLS#173323 Royal LePage Property Management For all rental inquiries, please contact Kevin Dunn or Crystal Chandler. Rental Applications are available at our office AND on our website in the “Property Management” tab. Phone: 250-378-1996 or Email: 537 WILD ROSE DRIVE $299,900 This 4.6 acre property is located 15 minutes from downtown Merritt in an area of small acreages. RURAL MLS#171247 NEW SL1-6528 WATERSIDE TR. $275,000 Fully serviced lake view lot located in the beautiful Nicola Lakeshore Estates RURAL MLS#173128 1475 COWLEY STREET $325,000 This nicely updated 1/2 duplex has 3 bedrooms with 1 bathroom & it is located on a quiet cul-da-sac near schools & bus stop MLS#174570 NEW 2669 QUILCHENA AVENUE $699,950 Fantastic Opportunity to own a 6-bedroom, 4 full-bath home with a 2 bedroom and 1 bathroom suite with open concept kitchen/ living room. Own private entrance. MLS#173022 SL3-6528 WATERSIDE TR. $260,000 Fully serviced lake view lot located in the beautiful Nicola Lakeshore Estates RURAL MLS#173127 1898 LANGLEY ROAD $575,000 This 1798 sq. ft rancher has tons of windows to enjoy the view to the private yard with inground pool and entertaining space outdoors. 2 bedroom & 2 bath MLS#174240 1550 WILLIAMS CRES $1,280,000 Beautiful 2,819 SQFT custom-built rancher home located on 1.22 acres. This home has been tastefully finished from the inside to the outside. With 3 bedrooms & 3 baths MLS#172972 241 BIRCH CRESENT Logan Lake - $459,900 Well-located family home is in a quiet culde-sac and has excellent curb appeal. The home has 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. MLS#172023 281 POPLAR DRIVE Logan Lake - $479,900 This 3 bed, 3-bath home is situated on a beautiful fenced lot with plenty of room for entertaining MLS#173021 433 DALADON DRIVE Logan Lake - $739,000 A bright, beautiful and well maintained home located in the very desirable “Ironstone Ridge” subdivision. This home has 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down, and 3 full bathrooms. MLS#172604 5080 STEFFENS ROAD $899,000 10.77 private acres located only 15 minutes north of Merritt. 2 bedrooms & 3 baths and a one room guest cabin you have a private space for family & friends. MLS#173917 4472 IRON MOUNTAIN RD $525,000 If you are looking for a little piece of paradise not too far from town, look no further! This 2-bedroom 2-bathroom mobile home sits on 1.49 acres only 10 minutes south of Merritt located on Iron Mountain Rd. This property is close to lakes, and recreation & is the ideal location for anyone who loves the great outdoors MLS#173130 RURAL 1438 BOSTON BAR TRAIL $599,000 This beautiful tiny home sits on 10 private acres located in Coldwater Estates Ranch. The home allows you to kick back & relax, making every day feel like a vacation. Enjoy the comforts of everyday life in a cabin atmosphere, featuring 10 ft. tongue & groove pine ceilings & trim made from 100-year-old reclaimed barn wood. RURAL MLS#172874 The Inn has been fully restored to the beautiful property that it is today. There are 12 rooms, 2 suites, restaurant with a well equipped commercial kitchen, coffee bar, lounge area & outdoor patio area. 3649 MERRITT-SPENCES BRID. $997,500 MLS#173674 2160 ELLIS ROAD $896,000 This 2-bedroom 1 bathroom home is nestled on flat 8.72 acres located in Sunshine Valley only 15 mins from Merritt. MLS#172688 RURAL 5972 BEECH ROAD $980,000 This 14.15-acre property consists of a 3 bed, 2 bath beautiful country home that sits west facing with stunning views. RURAL MLS#172350 5120 STEFFENS ROAD $1,225,000 12 acres and boasts breathtaking mountain views and lots of privacy. The home is a spacious one-level rancher with 3 bedrooms and two baths. RURAL MLS#173156 2173 TOMKINSON ROAD $1,576,000 Breathtaking ‘one-of-a-kind find’ private acreage located in the beautiful Sunshine Valley. The home is open concept & has 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. MLS#172509 RURAL