August 3 - 2023

Page 10


Merritt Fire Rescue, assisted by BC Wildfire crews and neighbouring municipalities’ fire departments, extinguished a weekend-long wildfire at the former Tolko site on Lindley Creek Road. Photo/Jacob Schultz


An Amber Alert has been cancelled, and charges laid, in the alleged abduction of two Lower Mainland children last week.


Spaxomin (Douglas) and Chapperon Lakes join N’Kwala (Nicola) Lake on Interior Health’s beach closure list.


Story/Page 3

B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix visited the Nicola Valley Hospital last week to meet with Mayor Mike Goetz and Interior Health. /PAGE 10

THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 • themerrittherald • FREE MERRITT HERALD EST. 1905
On-call 24 Hrs.aday:250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 •www.Mer Mon, Tues,Thurs &Fri.:10:00am -3:00pm •Wednesday1:00pm -6:00pm /2113Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC Local &Caring. Proudly supporting our community since 1929. Celebrating each life like no other ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Merritt Funeral Chapel

y a ew m nu es wa k ng d s ance o downtown e emen ar y & h gh schoo P ope y o fe s 2 ca garage oo

MLS#172010 $630,000 New y s ed ca hed a en y 4 bd m am y home w h 2 5 baths on 2 ac e o n des ab e Bench Locat on W h on y tep f om he e ementa y hoo enn cou ts d sc go and ou door a ena h s home of ers the utmos conven ence fo you am y and ch d en The home ea u es a arge p va e backya d w h matu e t ees ceda hedge and cha n ink ence Ca oday o book your appo n men o v ew

MLS#172977 $739,900 Beaut u y des gned and cus om zed home w h pano am c v ew o he va ey K t hen was updated n 2016 w h new cab ne r y gran e oun er ops & SS app ances Ma n floo a so o fe s a o mal v ng and d n ng oom as we as a am y room and 2 p powde The owe floo omes comp e e w h 3 add t ona bed oom , a u 4 pc ba h oom and ecreat on/ heat e oom

208-2514 Spring Bank Ave

MLS#172486 $562,000 Th 3 bdrm 4 ba h home ea u e om o ab e v ng n a beaut u b end o con emporar y and mode n fin shes nc ud ng quar z oun er ops cus om shake cab net y upg aded sta n ess app ances doo n door r dge and a gas stove En oy he 9 ce ng beaut u gas firep ace w h updated feature wa and ove s zed w ndows to take n he tunn ng v ew


3399 Pineridge Drive

MLS#173904 $889,000 c c un v ng 20 m n e Me o L ga L e N c 3 e a h om w a e h dwoo nd o n y fi e T e a c en d n o h p a e a k pa o an a on a a e o o y a - un ea n a d a e s c wn an n m nu s h p a e u n-ke n v y h ng ou e go s w he ou e ud ng u h o oh De awn c y wa m w h Wo d/O o e u n w ha b en m u u y m n n d an p e w h ew nk e Ro s 2011 b nd n w hw an n w s e p um n s a p e w h Pe & C pp S p wa u um ed an s e ed 2023 nd h e s a oo o ng we h e a e wo ou u n s - h n ue p pe o e a be u p un y o v he v e u s e nd s e e o o e

MLS#172777 $898,000 SUMMER W TH A POOL Fan as c 4 bd m 3 ba h home n de rab e re

dent a ne ghborhood on he ben h! New app ances n upda ed k chen w h open con ep ma n v ng a ea Featu ng en a a cond on ng a newer oo underg ound sp nk e new w ed poo shed and ove s zed ng e garage 17 x 33 w th ecure to age o a your toys En oy grea moun a n v ews om th s beau u am y e rea o a home!!

MLS#173808 $4,200,000 EX RAVAGAN WATERFRONT RETREAT on enowned S ump Lake Unobs u ted ake v ews f om h on empo ar y o gan c bu d ea u ng pos & beam ons uc on geo he ma heat ta ked ro k wa s p us a ve od and z nc oo Execu ve v ng a ea w h a beau fu en e a n ng k chen and v ew deck T ans on rom your nc ed b e nfin y poo nto a re esh ng ou door showe be o e en e ng he p mar y u te omp e e w th fi ep a e open o ad o n ng s ng o o fice space

A2 THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 #113-1700 Garcia Street Box 2257 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Your local RE/MAX Legacy Experts - Your Unfair Advantage 250.378.6941 Ray Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-3377 Valerie Kynoch PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-280-0994 Sarah Dickie REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-0835 Jordyn Chenier REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-2353 Brenda Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-8377 Janis Post PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-3672 Karen Bonneteau PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-5178 Breanna Ouellet REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-5820 100 Golden Quill Trail MLS#172053 $1,375,000 MAGNIF CENT LAKEFRONT e reat o res dence at th s 3745 sq t Luxur y 4 bd m home Beau fu cus om k tchen boa ts g an e counte tops gas cook op JennA f dge Rol ng h s & b g open sk es we come you to an ex us ve commun ty of qua y homes a Stump Lake renowned o w nd su fing wate k ng & amaz ng fish ng stocked w h Kokanee and Ra nbow t ou En oy w n er pond ho key, ce fish ng and c o coun r y k ng! 3725 Davidson Road MLS#172227 $1,230,000 We -ma n a ned 55-ac e prope ty ocated 25 m nutes wes of Mer t The n ce y-kep ancher/modu ar home eatu es 3 beds 1 5 baths w h an open-con ept v ng space The open bench and measu es app ox 10 acres and s enced and c o - enced o pasture and/or hay and Fea u es a id ng arena hay ba n 2-s a s ab e seve a run- n she e s a k-and-feed he tage cab n and a too shed 381 Winney Ave MLS#172354 $849,900 Th s beaut u ma ac eage s e up and eady to go Home has 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths and s ua ed on 2 7 a es of fla and wh ch s u y enced or he horses Th s e p ece o pa ad se ea u e an nground poo w h a newe ne poo house, a ge fi e p and a sed ga den beds Prope ty has a d l ed we w/ r ga on sp go and mu tp e outbu d ngs fo add t ona storage 1660 Chestnut Ave MLS#172288 $629,000 Ve y n ce move n ready 3 bed oom p us den 2 bathroom ranche oca ed n a qu e cu -de- ac n a n e ubd v s on w h newe homes The home featu es an open des gn w th k tchen/din ng/ v ng oom sepa ate den/o fice 3 good ze bedrooms a fu ma n bath oom aundr y oom o f the 2-car a tached ga age P va e enced backya d w th overed de k and s o age hed RV pa k ng and mo e 1601 Greig Street MLS#172102 $299,900 1300 sq ft 3-4 bedroom home Bu ld equ ty as you fin sh and add your touch o his par a y restored rom 2021 flood damage “As is whe e is” home w h br ght k tchen w th qual ty M C eek cab nets, shop Lo s o space for a garden in leve fenced back yard RV pa k ng 1788 Nicola Avenue MLS#172598 $775,000 Don’t m ss out on h s 3 bdr m fam ly home ocated on y m nu es rom downtown Me r tt The floor p an has been we executed w/an open concept des gn on the ma n floo 3 bedrooms and aundr y up Home has moder n k tchen 204-1703 Menzies Street MLS#172707 $146,500 N e t e 1 bed oom 1 ba h oom apar men un t n N co a Apa men s Good t e sta er nvestment Home has a g ass pat o door to access the sundeck Bu d ng has sha ed aund y on each floor Apa tmen s c ose o bu ran por a on and corner sto e Tenan s cu ent y pay ng $776 00 mon h y St ata ee s $197 20 mon h y
2213 Parker Drive 1652 Ponderosa Way
1611 Phillips Street MLS#171495 $499,000 Beaut fu 2020 3 bedroom 3 bathroom home ocated n a grea ne ghbor hood The ma n floor nc udes a aund y room and a powder room Upsta rs consists of he master bed oom w th an ensu te and open close two add t ona bed ooms and a washroom 36-1749 Menzies Street MLS171597 $439,000 PREFERRED COMMUNITY of homes! Wa m h tones n h n ce y deco a ed 3 bed 2 5 ba h ownhouse Lovely wh e k tchen eatu ng a gene ous amount o ab ne w th b eak ast counte Ex a a ea fo offi e or p ay oom ups a s Fenced yard w h bbq pa o o en oy on p easan even ngs Pha e 4 Uni bu t n 2006 Roof 2020 2021 hot wa er ank Leve wa k ng d s ance o schoo corne store & pub c t ans 1401 Douglas Street MLS#171678 $499,000 AFFORDABLE EQU TY BU LDER or a first t me home buyer or et ree! We ma n ained side by s de duplex each w th 2 bedr m 16 x 24 detached garage, awned evel enced 20 acre proper ty w th unde ground spr nk ers Separate Hydro & Gas meters pe side
Douglas Street MLS#171046 $439,000 Charac e home w h 3 p us bed ooms o a ed c ose to a oca e ementar y schoo and qu k a es o down own Me t Home ha n ce ouches w h ha dwood floor ng a a ge enced corne lo RV Pa k ng and a 1 car garage Recen upda e nc ude new hot water ank n 2021, u nace 2021, oof n +/- 2016 Home s p umbed o cent a a/c Tenants n p ace 1643 Canford Ave MLS#173233 $550,000 Pr de o owne h p s appa en n eve y de a ! Th s ha m ng 3 bed 2 bath bunga ow spac ous b gh and upda ed New k t hen app ances u na e cen ra a floor ng h/w on demand The yard s eve omp e e y enced and ea u e a ch cken oop app oved by the C y g eenhou e huge garden te a k oom and s o age hed – a a e w red fo powe The hea ed nsu ated shop s 24x26 w h 220V b g ga age doo RV hook up p umbed w/wate and sewe fin hed w th d ywa and floor ng 3313 Boyd Road MLS#173302 $469,000 Amp e oppo tun ty awa ts! nvesto s o handyman spec a Th s famy home oca ed n a g ea ne ghbou hood s ready for you dea Of er ng 4 bed oom and 3 bath ooms a you need s some TLC to make t you own! Bonus s he a ge at a hed doub e car garage w h oom for s o age 6441 Jagpal Way MLS#173324 $879,000 S UNN NG PANORAM C N CO A AKE V WS om ev y floo n h b u 4 d m hom You k t hen t o d map e ab ne w h g an e oun e ops & he e flo Ga den pa o oo s d om d n ng r m o uppe d ck wh ch an a so b a c s d om he gh fi ed v ng m w h 19 e ng En oy ond on ng o h wa m ys and a a t n c woo fi e ace o he co e gh s F nd yo r anc ua y he pac us up a s p ma y bed m w h ak ew 21-1098 Houston St MLS#173594 $245,000 Ve y n ce 3 bed oom 2 ba h oom upda ed & move- n eady manu acu ed home n a qu e pa k The home features an open k t hen & v ng area g ea for enter a n ng you f ends & am y The k tchen of ers cen e eat ng s and a app ances con rete oun e ops upda ed cab nets and t e backsp ash The v ng oom has a n ce gas fi ep a e o keep you warm n he o d wea he & a bu - n en e ta nmen un 5069 Lauder Rd MLS#173621 $899,900 Br ng he en e am y o stay a h s t e p ece o pa ad se House s tua ed on 2 a es and on y s eps away rom Gran s Land ng dock o G mp e Lake Home ha a n ce open on ep ayou w th he k t hen open o he v ng & d n ng oom La ge mas e su e w/ ack+ wash oom Ba ement s a u y fin shed day gh basement w h p ent u gh go geous wood beams t p ed a ge Bunk e oom w/bu n Mu phy bed am y/game oom & a med a oom or mo e n ght 463 Morgan Ave MLS#173613 $681,000 Lowe N co a! G ea anche w th eve y hing on one floo B gh spac ous k t hen w th M C eek cab ne s 3 bedrms p us a den/office 2021 a/c & urnace 2023 HWT G ow you am y he e o downs ze o a mp e es y e Savor your morn ng o fee on sunny ba k deck Large 2 car ga age 8529 Old Kamloops Road MLS# 173562 $1,890,000 LUXURY LAKE L V NG w/ ove 3 ac es o ca you own ea u ng a p va e boa aunch cus om dock hyd au boa Leve akef ont a ea o en er a n fam y & ends nc ed b e des gn g ves pe ta u a ake v ews om eve y floo the 4 bd m & ever y deck 2 gas firep aces Sta nk ate e w fi & new a ond on ng A wonde u add on to h s p oper y he de ached 3 ca ga age w h a 668 sq one bd m ar age house su e above We andscaped a reage w th ma u e ee wa kways and ove y conve sa on a ea 2137 Priest Ave MLS#173693 $499,000 Inve ors Mo tgage He per! Updated home wi h ega su e The home fea ures a 3 bed oom 1 ba h oom su e ups a s and a 2 bed oom 1 bath oom su e downs a s Add ona ea u e nc ude new furna e 2 new Hot wate anks new floo ng, cab ne s, pa n n bsmnt u e upda ed w ndow a ge o n ce backyard deck of ma n su te o s o park ng for you RV toy guest veh c e and tenants 1664 Greig Street MLS#173751 $829,900 A e you ook ng o move n o a home ha s move- n ready we th s he home fo you The home has a o a o 6 bedrooms & 4 5 baths Not to ment on a 2 bed oom n- aw su e w/exce ent tenants Th s home s ocated on a qu et t e s eet & on
2015, RV Pa k ng & wo kshop n he ba k Book a v ew ng oday 8855 Old Kamloops Road
9997 Crabtree Place
$465,000 Love y ranche w th a u 2 ca ga age w th n wa k ng d s ance o downtown Th s home o ers 2 bedrooms a u gues bath and a 4-p ece ensu e o f he mas e w h a walk- n oset Cent a AC o d oak cupboards and n e b g w ndows The 6000 q t o s fla and omp ete y lands aped fenced n the back w h ane access and has a n ce work hop 1626 Greig Street MLS#174021 $475,000 Cu e as a bu ton Th s 2 bedroom 1 bath home has been n ce y renova ed rom the ns de ou The un que floo p an of e s an open concept des gn bu a so has ome added cha m fea ur ng a sunken v ng oom w/gas fi ep ace Tas efu y fin shed h s home w th new am n e floor ng k chen, sta n ess stee app ances new 4 p ece ba h oom 1753 Fair way Place MLS#172581 $ 629,900 ATTN GOLFERS The home eatu es 3 bed ooms he mas e w h wa kn loset & ensu te w h e ted soaker tub ma n bathroom o ers ub/ howe comb na on he k tchen s open o a n ce nook a ea as we as your fam y oom open o your d n ng & l v ng room La ge p va e deck o en oy company w h & a 2 car a ached
Kinvig Street
2249 Coldwater Ave
$849,900 Are you ook ng o a fam y home w h rura v ng and a shop on y m nutes rom town? ook no u her th s prope ty has a !!! Don t m the oppo un ty o ve n h s upda ed 5 bedroom 2 ba h am y home on 1 95 acres La ge de ached 24x48 hop w/fu e ect cal upg ade, p opane heat and a hot on demand system n wo k hop area & he 2 a ge bays are w ed o heat and wa er 18-1901 Maxwell Ave MLS#173642 $469,000 Become par o a g ea ommun ty End un t o e ng comfor ab e v ng n a 2 bed m 2 bath home Open k tchen d n ng fam y oom des gn w th a gene ous amoun o w ndows br ng ng n he day ght Separa e ron v ng oom to v s wi h gues and am y Doub e garage a/c, gas fi ep ace 2021 u nace Fenced comp ex w th we kep andscapng o beau u awns & h ub bed 1605 Pine Street MLS#172717 $149,000 The p oper y o e s wo sheds on he prope ty for sto age The e a e no bui ding schemes/rest ic ons o h s R2 zoned p ope y so you can ente tain he dea o a dup ex, a manufactu ed/ p e- ab home as we as a ame st ck cons ruc on 1651 Lindley Creek Road MLS#168815 $199,900 Bu ld your d eam home on th s large 7,879 sq ft ot w/easy access off L nd ey Creek Road The water and sewer ser v ce un along the road and wi l need to be connected into the lot when bu ld ng 1638 Fir Ave MLS#172019 $199,900 R-2 zoned 7330 sq ft bu lding ot n a newer subdiv sion of qua ity homes Cost savings of a level usab e site No n the flood p a n 2920 Charters Street MLS#171981 $215,000 Bu ld your d eam home in one of Me r tt’s F nest Locat ons This prope ty s 0 4 acres of beaut ful parkl ke flat and The water and sewer has been b ough to he ot ne (not connected) Connec on w need to be ur ther brough nto the proper ty at t me of pe m t NEW PRICE NEW PRICE NEW PRICE SOLD 11337 Mamit Lake Road MLS#172736 $1,095,000 Ove 7 ac e o man cu ed p oper y that back on o crown En oy the v ew ou eve y w ndow n h s 3 bed 3 ba h home Downs a s ha a epa ate en r y – easy o b ng n the wood a workshop co d room and huge ecrea on hea e oom H gh gh s nc ude a shop, doub e garage 4 s a ho e ba n 2 hay sheds ca po t d ng a ena NEW POOL

RECAP: crews extinguish weekend long Tolko blaze

Firefighters have managed to extinguish the fire at the former Tolko mill, located on Lindley Creek Road.

Early on July 31, BC Wildfire Service announced that the fire was extinguished after two days of suppression efforts onsite.

The blazes that were burning at the wood chip piles at the old Tolko mill sent a column of smoke into the sky early afternoon on Saturday, July 29. According to the BC Wildfire Service’s website, the wildfire was first reported as being 0.6 hectares in size.

As soon as the wildfire was reported, Merritt’s Fire and Rescue Department (MFRD) arrived onsite and was joined

by other fire departments from multiple nearby municipalities and a First Nation.

Logan Lake, Princeton, Bx-Swan Lake, Kelowna, Peachland, Lake Country, Williams Lake and Lower Nicola sent their crews to help control the fire spread and prevent further damage.

Aerial firefighting units were deployed to assist in the operation, utilizing a waterdropping helicopter to target the most intense areas of the fire. The combined efforts of ground and aerial crews were crucial in combating the blaze and minimizing its impact on the local community.

Due to potential risks to the community, the City’s Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) was activated as a precaution and to aid response to the fire emergency. Fortunately, there were no evacuation orders or alerts active for the region during the two-day wildfire burn.

As of now, the cause of the wildfire is still unknown. BCWS reported on their website that they are currently investigating the circumstances.

Mayor Mike Goetz appreciated the efficiency of the Merritt Fire Department in handling the incident.

“With quick action of the Merritt Fire Department and the years of experience of our Fire Chief and Acting Fire Chief, they were able to act on the fire immediately,” he said.

The mayor also said he is grateful for all the support Merritt had from other municipalities to control the wildfire.

“We definitely had the best of the best on this fire,” the mayor said. “We are indebted to all the communities that helped us in our time of need, and we as a City say thank you so much.”

INSIDE THE HERALD Online Long time Nicola Valley resident and
Lieutenant Governor of B.C. Judith Guichon recently presented a provincial historical writing award in Princeton, B.C. HISTORIC AWARD Search ‘HISTORIC’ The Nicola Valley Heritage Society, which operates Merritt’s visitor information centre out of the historic Baillie property on Voght Street, recently presented visitor data for Q2 of this year to City Council. TOURISM NUMBERS Search for ‘VISITOR’ Opinion -------------------- 6-7 Sports -----------------------14 Classifieds ---------16-19
A fire erupted early Saturday (July 29) afternoon at the wood chip pile located at the former Tolko mill on Lindley Creek Road. Photo/Herald Staff
Laísa Condé
THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A3
Smoke towers over the city on Saturday (July 29). Laisa Conde/Herald MFRD and other fire crews responded to the wildfire. Photo/Ken Dunn
A4 THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 4 VISIT MERRITT.CA/ARENA OPENS AUGUST 14 Ice RINK ce N I CO L A VA L L E Y M E M O R I A L A R E N A C I T Y O F M E R R I T T I N F O R M A T I O N SummerYoga AUGUST 3 M E E T M AYO R G O E T Z BOOK AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME! C O N T A C T C I T Y H A L L 2 5 0 ·378 · 42 24 MICHAEL .GOETZ@MERRITT.CA N E X T R E G U L A R C O U N C I L M E E T I N G | P U B L I C W E L C O M E ! TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 , 2023 | CIT Y HALL | 6:0 0PM T H U R S DAY S L L S U M M E R Music usic Park in the 4MERRITT.CA/MUSIC R O T A R Y P A R K Rule 857 N E T U P : AUGUST 10 | 6-8PM NOTE: AUGUST 3 IS BOBBY G RCIA 4MERRITT.CA/YOGA StreetMarkets 4MERRIT T.CA /MARKETS S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 SAT U R DAY | AU G U S T 19 + AT U T WEDNESDAY | AUGUST 9 QUILCHENA AVENUE | 9:30AM - 1:00PM SPIR IT SQUA R E | 6: 0 0 PM -9: 0 0 PM ALL SUMMER ummer Y I N + V I N YA S A SATURDAY AUG 12 9 : 0 0 A M – 1 2 : 0 0 P M P R E- R E G I S T R AT I O N R E Q U I R E D $60 / 3 HOUR SESSION T U E S D A Y E V E N I N G S 6:45PM - 7:15PM Aq uaB o a rd F R I D A Y AFTERNOONS 12:0 0 - 12:30PM REGISTER IN ADVANCE $40 / 4 CLASSES q AUGUST 8 - 29 | AUGUST 11 - SEPT 1 4MERRITT.CA/AQUAFIT y F d Summer N I CO L A VA L L E Y AQ UAT I C C EN T R E 4MERRITT.CA/FUNDAYS ummer Fun Days 2 - 4 PM 3 DAYS EVERY WEEK A L L S U M M E R Get Wet Wednesdays Freezie Fridays 4MERRITT.CA/FIRSTAID FIRSTAID F R I D A Y A U G U S T 2 5 - O SummerBreak C R U N C H E R S AUGUST 8 - 17 AUGUST 21 - 31 S E S S I O N 1 S W I M M I N G L E S S O N S 4MERRITT.CA/LESSONS S E S S I O N 2 k R E G I S T E R N O W ! DROP-IN HOCKEY STARTS AUGUST 14 | 8:30 - 10PM PUBLIC SKATE STARTS SEPT 1 W I T H C P R-A A N D A ED S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3 | 1 0 A M | C O U N C I L C H A M B E R S Tax SALE P R O P E R T Y When real property taxes are delinquent (unpaid for 3 years), the City is required by law to submit those properties to auction Owners are notified and must pay delinquent taxes by due date or their properties will be sold. If all taxes are paid, this event will be cancelled. 4MERRIT T.CA / TA XSALE AUGUST 13 - 18 | 9AM-5:3 0 PM Lifeguard uard N AT I O N A L 4MERRITT.CA/LIFEGUARD We provide the training, check us out today! C A R E E R O P P O R T U N I T Y g CERTIFICATION MERRITT.CA


Charges laid in alleged abduction of missing B.C. children

Surrey RCMP this weekend provided new information to the public regarding the safe recovery of two B.C. children who were subjects of a recent 11-day-long Amber Alert and country-wide search efforts.

On July 19, an Amber Alert was issued in the province of British Columbia in relation to two children who were allegedly abducted by their mother after not being returned to their father, their guardian, after a planned trip. The two children were located safely Saturday (July 29) evening near Edson, Alta., and the Amber Alert was cancelled.

“Through investigative efforts, Surrey RCMP Serious Crime Unit identified a rural property in Alberta, just outside of the town of Edson where the children were believed to be,” said Cpl. Vanessa Munn, Surrey RCMP media relations officer, in a Sunday (July 30) press release.

“The Alberta RCMP Emergency Response Team was engaged, as our top priority was to ensure the safety of everyone involved. On July 29, 2023, at approximately 7:20 p.m., the team entered the property where they located the two children and three adults.”

Police noted in their release that the children’s mother was charged with two counts of Abduction in contravention of a custody order, and her boyfriend, travelling with the group, was charged with two counts of

Abduction of a person under the age of 14. Both remain in custody in Alberta awaiting their next court appearance. The Merritt Herald is not naming the adults to protect the identity of the children.

A third adult, believed to be the mother’s father, has also been detained, but police gave no word on charges or the individual’s condition. During the 11-day Amber Alert activation, police received 435 tips from all over British Columbia, Alberta and even as far away as New Brunswick. In each instance, local police were engaged and assisted in following up on the information.

“Surrey RCMP received invaluable assistance from our policing partners in Alberta, who stepped in to provide support without hesitation. We are deeply grateful to the Edson RCMP, Alberta RCMP Major Crimes Unit, Alberta RCMP Emergency Response Team, and RCMP Air Services. Their combined efforts played a vital role in helping us safely locate and recover the children,” added the Surrey RCMP release.

“We sincerely appreciate the assistance from the public, media, and other policing and community partners, who all played an important role in this investigation. The children have been reunited with their family, who are extremely grateful. This is the outcome we have all been hoping for, and it is the direct result of the hard work and perseverance of the investigative team.”

The rural Edson property was searched on Sunday, Surrey RCMP confirmed during a press conference.



TV Room and social room full kitchen with stainless steel appliances, and washe

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The missing children subject of last week’s Amber Alert have been found safe and reunited with their father. Photo/RCMP
THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A5
TO 1 0 PM OPE N U N IT YCAN NABI S .CA We Deliver #10 4 - 2101 Quilchena Ave 2 50 -378 - 0 450 19+ M u s t b e
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JOSHI: Merritt is mesmerizing in more ways than one

generosity will hold a special place in my heart.

If Merritt is mesmerizing for its breath-taking scenic

are warm

It’s been around eight months since I have been a part of this beautiful town, but every experience of people’s

When I was struggling to find a way to pick up my family from the Vancouver International Airport, a gentleman in Roland offered to ease my panic-stricken nerves. More than his gesture, it was his teaching “of passing on the good thing to another” that will remain with me forever. That he didn’t even charge me for the gas completely amazed me. His ‘welcome gift’ for my daughter, a soft toy, was so thoughtful.

The other day I was getting a heavy chair from downtown. Seeing my struggle to reach the nearest bus stop, a kind man

in Colton stopped by to offer me a ride back home. It was a huge relief in the sweltering heat. That he took a de tour especially for me was hearttouching. I couldn’t thank him enough either.

Merritt is blessed to have heart-warming people. Some of them whom we know are Jigar and Shruti. When their good friend suffered a stroke, they were constantly with him until his family arrived in Canada. They also ensured the settlement of the friend’s family smoothly, considering it was their first time in this country.

There are many others who have had these beautiful experiences too. A person who I

know was moving in with her family, and to her surprise, a few good samaritans of the town arranged for brand new furniture and kitchen appliances after pouncing upon her Facebook post. It was unimaginable!

That the people of Canada are generous was experienced first hand by me when one good gesture of footing the bill of the next car had a ripple effect on the next five cars. It was truly unbelievable. It reminded me instantly of Roland’s advice: “Do good and pass it on to others.”

The world will be such a better place if we all practise this in our lives.

VIEWPOINT Community members, teachers, and students SUBMIT YOUR ARTWORK for a chance to be featured each week! Submit your art to Submissions are printed on a first come, first served basis. Alaska
2090 GRANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE 250-378-4241 MERRITT HERALD Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. This Merritt Herald is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact or call (250) 378-4241. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information. Publisher Theresa Arnold 250-378-4241 Editor Marius Auer 250-378-4241
Highway Signpost Forest Watson Lake, Yukon
beauty, its people
and caring largely.
Reporter Laísa Condé 250-378-4241
A6 THURSDAY, August 3, 2023
James and Diane Clark

LETTERS to the editor Canada’s military helicopters should assist in firefighting


Due to climate change, forest fires are becoming more of a problem every year. We need to have more resources available to react quickly and effectively. And Canada’s military has helicopters that are being used mostly to prepare for war. Although this is a necessary and difficult task, during heavy forest fire season these resources could be better used for fighting the more dangerous and potentially immense forest fires. Helicopters may be used with buckets or belly tanks and other uses. And the skill to do these tasks is similar to military tasks.

A very experienced pilot who also flew water bombers in B.C. for 10 years, Peter Lauren has tried to convince the federal and provincial government to implement this idea for many years. The governments have given him little or no response. Understandably it will not be easy to accomplish this. The military will be reluctant because they are heavily tasked, understaffed and underfunded. The federal government will be reluctant because forests are a provincial responsibility. And the provinces are often reluctant to ask for support from the federal government. But perhaps this could be accomplished to work smoothly through the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.

In order to convince the governments to do this, the public has to contact many different politicians and officials to show support for an idea that is overdue for implementation. As many people as possible have to contact public servants such as the following and tell them to get this done.

Contact your MP, your MLA, Minister of Forests, Public Safety, Natural Resources, Minister of National Defence, and Prime Minister.

TEGART: fire and drought bringing extreme hardships

the grazing pastures their cattle normally feed on. For those who still have workable fields, nothing is growing because of severe drought. With dwindling hay crops and not enough feed to get their livestock through the fall or winter months, many ranchers are being forced to sell them off at auction.

are also fears about future growing seasons, as farmers rely on good soil and a healthy ecosystem to grow our food. All of these issues can threaten B.C.’s food security.


From the Herald archives: August, 1963


Forest and bush fires destroyed more than $60,000,000 of Canada’s natural resources during the past 10 years. Across the country, 6,000 fires of this type can be expected each year, according to the All Canada Insurance Federation. Human carelessness causes most forest and bush fires in Canada.


B.C. farmers and ranchers are faced with an absolute catastrophe during B.C.’s worst wildfire season in terms of hectares burned. Among the burned lands are

Ph: 250-378-6181

Some are having to sell the very cows that would bear next year’s calves, so the impact to the beef industry will be felt well beyond the end of wildfire season. Farmers are noting their crops are suffering due to drought, and water access is a key issue. There

Our BC United team continues to call on the government to support our farmers and ranchers through this extraordinarily challenging time. AgriServiceBC has set up a support hotline at 1-888221-7141. But we’re hopeful the Province will consider measures beyond the short-term, including financial assistance and help finding feed, so ranchers can keep their animals through the fall and


Our caucus has also urged the government to declare a provincial state of emergency. This would help farmers and ranchers access vital federal disaster relief and other support programs that could provide critical help to their operations.

What can the rest of us do? Limit our water usage and, as always, do our part to avoid igniting wildfires.

The four worst wildfire seasons in B.C.’s history have come in the last six years. We must do more to protect our precious resources and ensure a bright future for all of us.

Great storefront location with 1300 sq/ft 4 bedroom rental apartment above that has its own meter The property has curbside parking at the front plus parking at back for loading and unloading. 400 amp main for power. The ground floor is approximately 4,500 sq/ft and can be demised into two units with separate roof-mount heat and air conditioning.


The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor.

Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name and address.

Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.

OPINION Speak up You can comment on any story you read @
Fred Trudell and Peter Lauren
THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A7
net www realestatemerritt com M E R R I T T
Isaac 250-378-1586
Voght Street, Merritt, BC
F: 250-378-6184 3499

Kamloops resident splits Lotto Max jackpot


A Kamloops resident is $35 million richer after matching all seven numbers on Tuesday’s (July 25) Lotto Max draw.

Rhonda Malesku, a born and raised Kamloops resident, split the $70 million dollar jackpot for the recent draw with a ticket purchased in Alberta. While at Walmart on Hillside Drive shopping for beach towels, she struck it rich unknowingly. Now, money in hand, she looks to design her dream home, and allow her children to do the same.

“I’ve always dreamed of being able to design my dream home and also set my family up so now I can do both,” said Malesku in a British Columbia Lottery Corporation release.

Malesku was in her home when she discovered she had hit the jackpot. Upon checking the winning numbers online, her reaction caused quite a shock for her husband, who was in the backyard doing yard work at the time, even attracting the attention of neighbours.

“I let out a huge scream and kept saying, ‘I won $35 million dollars!”I opened up the back door and started screaming it outside to my husband Sam and we both started shaking! I was shouting so loud with excitement that the neighbors came out of their houses because they thought something was wrong,” recalled Malesku.

The next to find out was her daughter, who was preparing for work at the time.

“I called my daughter and started screaming

it all over again to her,” noted Malesku, adding family is the most important thing to her. “She immediately dropped everything and came over. We couldn’t even get ready this morning because we were vibrating with excitement and had to help each other put on our makeup.”

Along with building her son and daughter their dream homes in addition to her own, Malesku said she will gift some to other family members as well. She also plans to purchase a travel trailer and a truck and looks forward to travelling to the east coast with her loved ones.

“I’m just absolutely blown away,” she added.

Lotto Max is a twice-weekly draw in which players choose seven numbers between one and 50 in an attempt to match all seven. The odds of doing so is one in 33.3 million. The winning numbers in the July 25 draw were 15, 16, 17,18, 43, 44 and 48. The bonus number, which applies to secondary prizes, was 50.

Long time resident of the Nicola Valley, Cecile Felts, celebrated her Family at a reunion held at Beaver Lake Resort (Winfield-Lake Country) from July 3-7. In attendance were Cecile’s four surviving children: Dennis, Gordon, Tammy and Trevor (Darlene is deceased) plus their spouses. Eight Grandchildren and their spouses and 5 Great-Grandchildren. It was a fun filled time with wonderful memories made.


Parcel Tax Review

Parcel Taxes are imposed for Water and Sewer. The roll is available for inspection at City Hall (2185 Voght St) during the City’s regular office hours.

Any person who owns a parcel and believes that the roll should be amended regarding that parcel may appeal, on one or more of the four following grounds:

• an error or omission respecting a name or address on the parcel tax roll

• an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel

• an error or omission respecting the taxable area or the taxable frontage of a parcel

• an exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed

If you wish to appeal, you must inform the City in writing no later than 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 6, 2023 You may provide this notice:

• In-person at City Hall

• By letter clearly marked PARCEL TAX APPEAL 2023 to Box 189, 2185 Voght St, Merritt BC, V1K1B8

• By emailing parceltaxes@merritt ca

Marius Auer
Rhonda Malesku, a Kamloops resident, split the $70 million jackpot with a ticket purchased in Alberta for the July 25 Lotto Max draw. Photos/BCLC
TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2023 | 5:00PM C O U N C I L C H A M B E R S | C I T Y H A L L | 2 1 8 5 VO G H T S T W W W M E R R I T T C A PANEL This Notice is published under section 94 of the Communit y Char ter Note This is the second week of adver tisement The first adver t was published in the Merritt Morning Market and also digitally adver tised by the Merritt Herald
Online Auctions • Retail Galler y of Ar t, Potter y, Textiles, Accessories 4th Meridian Art & Auctions Online Galler y & Shop: w w w . 4 t h m e r i d i a n . c a Visit in person: Thurs - Sat CALL or check Website for current hours #104 1475 Fair view Rd, Penticton inside the historic Canner y Trade Centre Accepting Consignments: ART, POTTERY, small furnishings unexpected & curious finds

Interior Health closes Spaxomin and Chapperon Lakes


Interior Health is notifying people who use N’Kwala (Nicola) Lake, Spaxomin (Douglas) Lake and Chapperon Lake there is a risk of exposure to cyanobacterial toxin due to the presence of a blue-green algae bloom on the lakes. Spaxomin and Chapperon Lakes join N’Kwala Lake as of July 28 on the health authority’s Beach Closure Advisory list.

Samples of N’Kwala Lake water taken on July 18, July 10 and July 7 tested positive for the presence of cyanobacterial toxin. Interior Health closed the lake on July 13. Water samples taken on July 26 from Chapperon and Spaxomin Lakes tested positive for the same toxin. The advisories are being issued for the entire lakes at this time. Cyanobacteria can produce several types of toxin that can be poisonous to people, pets, and livestock.

“Algae blooms can remain in a water body for weeks to months,” said IHA in a July 28 release. “Once the bloom is no longer present and two consecutive sets of samples do not show the presence of cyanobacteria toxin, Interior Health will review any beach closures and/or advisories.”

Exposure to the cyanobacteria toxin can occur through ingestion of or contact with contaminated water.

The health authority is advising lake users of

the following:

- If you obtain drinking water from the lake, you should use an alternate source, such as bot

tled water. Boiling the water will not remove the toxin.

- Do not swim in the water and avoid contact with the water by avoiding recreational activities such as, boating and waterskiing. If your skin is exposed to contaminated water, rinse off with clean water immediately.

- Use an alternate source of drinking water for pets and livestock.

- Exposure to the toxins can result in symptoms that are visible shortly after exposure including dizziness, cramps, diarrhea, skin rash and mouth blisters (from ingestion).

- If you show symptoms that may be linked to cyanobacteria exposure, contact your physician.

According to HealthLinkBC, symptoms from drinking water with cyanobacterial toxins can include: headaches, nausea, fever, sore throat, dizziness, stomach cramps, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, muscle aches, mouth ulcers and blistering of the lips.

Symptoms from contact with water contaminated with the toxin include skin rashes and irritation of the ears and eyes. Those who come in contact with the contaminated water are reminded to rinse their body with clean water immediately after exposure.

To report other algae blooms please visit the provincial Algae Watch webpage.

Shop One StopLove

“Breaking the Chain of Abuse”

THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A9
VALLEY NEWS Donations can be to made to The Angel’sAnimal Rescue Society by cheque, etransfer or PayPal. We are aRegistered Charity -847488269RR0001
Interior Health first shut down N’Kwala (Nicola) Lake beaches on July 13 due to a bloom of blue-green algae that could expose lake users to cyanobacterial toxin, which has now spread to other area lakes. Photo/Herald File
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B.C. Health Minister stops at Nicola Valley Hospital amidst protests

On July 25, Minister of Health Adrian Dix visited Merritt to better understand the emergency room closure crisis happening in town.

During his visit at the Nicola Valley Hospital, the Herald tried to get comments about his visit and actions that the provincial government are considering to fix the situation, however, the minister was on back-to-back meetings and couldn’t speak to the Herald at the time.

The Herald managed to contact Minister Dix’s communications team and, through an email, the minister addressed the reasons behind his visit to town, along with the meetings he had with nursing and physicians staff, as well as Mayor Mike Goetz.

“I regularly meet with staff and physicians to hear new ideas, and local perspectives, for addressing the complex challenges facing the healthcare system,” he said. “At the Nicola Valley Hospital today (July 25), I talked to physicians and nurses about the challenges that especially face the emergency department here in Merritt.”

In the email, Minister Dix addressed the recurring emergency department closures happening at the Nicola Valley Hospital as unfortunate.

“The Nicola Valley Hospital in Merritt has had nine emergency department closures this year due to staffing shortages,” he said. “While this is contrary to some reports suggesting a higher number of closures, that number is still too high.”

The latest temporary closure announcement made by Interior Health was on July 12, which closed the emergency room for 13 hours, from 7 p.m. Wednesday (July 12) to 8 a.m. Thursday (July 13).

In May, Interior Health Authority told the Herald that staff recruitment and retention efforts for the Nicola Valley were ongoing, with the closures being a last resort measure to address staffing shortages caused by the overall vacancies, short-notice sick calls, and vacation time.

The minister confirmed in the email that the closures are a last resort decision and only occur when no other options are available and that “Interior Health will continue doing their very best to cover shifts when staff are unavailable.”

“We are doing everything possible to recruit health-care workers and stabilize emergency department services in the Merritt region,” he said.

In the email, Minister Dix also addressed the immediate actions that are being taken in Merritt to stabilize emer-

gency services in town, which are:

- Incentivizing work for nursing staff to redeploy to Merritt (e.g. additional travel incentives) to ensure the stability of services, as well as changing the mix of staffing to have additional resources in place to handle sick calls and cases where staff leave the site.

- Adding additional support for locum physicians travelling to the community in order to cover additional shifts and ongoing planning with local physicians to ensure that the workforce and compensation model will meet their needs in a sustainable way.

- Actively recruiting more physicians and staff for Nicola Valley Hospital. To date, Interior Health has recruited 2.16 additional full-time equivalents for emergency departments registered nurses positions.

- Interior Health is exploring all shortand long-term mitigation strategies to ensure consistent and reliable health services coverage in the community.

The Herald also requested a formal interview with the minister, but had not received an official answer by the time this story was published.

On the day of his visit, a small group of Merrittonians were protesting outside of the hospital, making it clear that their concerns were heard. Later that day, Minister Dix gathered with Mayor Mike Goetz to discuss the healthcare crisis.

Mayor Goetz said he had a pleasant meeting with Minister Dix and Susan Brown, president of Interior Health Authority.

“I am glad he came to Merritt, also glad he took the time to talk to the protesters,” the mayor said.

“We have agreed to work together to solve the staffing issues.”

The mayor also added that let the minister know that he “will continue to advocate for the hospital.”

He also said that both of them have agreed to contact each other if any issues arise and work together to get them fixed as quickly as possible.

Minister Dix chats with protesters outside the hospital ER last week. Photo/Georgia Clement
A10 THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS AP P LY TO DAY volunteerBCY @ 604 - 709 - 6687 VOLUNTEER TODAY A N D M A K E A DIFFERENCE I N O U R C OMMUNITY The Canadian Red Cross is currently seeking Client Services, Delivery and Technician volunteers for the Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP) No experience required. Flexible schedules. Need any Plumbing or Heating work done in your home or busi ness ? Allied Piping Services Inc. is a new Plumbing/Heating company in the Nicola Valley, ready to serve your piping needs! We are: Red Seal Certified Licensed in the Thompson-Nicola Licensed in the Okanagan-Similkameen Fully Insured & Bonded 14+ years experience Locally owned and operated Nlaka’pamux ownership Call APS today! 250-550-6487 Read our reviews!

City Council directs staff to explore conference hosting bid

Former Cents player receives league community service award

Mayor Mike Goetz said his time at SILGA 2011, hosted in Merritt while he was a City Councillor, was enjoyable, and sees the opportunity to host again in 2025 as positive.

The City of Merritt wants to host the Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) convention in 2025.

At the latest council meeting held on July 25, council discussed what it seems to be a great opportunity to showcase Merritt to other interior municipalities. According to the council agenda, the City of Merritt was approached by SILGA if they would be interested in bidding to host the convention in 2025.

The annual SILGA convention is an opportunity for local governments elected in the southern interior to work together on topics of mutual interest.

However, this wouldn’t be the first time that the city would be hosting the convention for multiple municipalities. Merritt hosted the SILGA convention back in 2011, which Mayor Goetz remembered as “really enjoyable.”

“It was a bit of work, but it was really worth the time,” he said. “I would be more than happy to throw our name in the hat because every councillor gets a little bit of a job to do and we get to shine a little bit. I think it would be good.”

All city councillors present at the regular meeting shared their positive thoughts regarding the previous edition hosted in town and in favour of hosting it again.

City Councillor Dana Egan expressed her excitement over the possibility of hosting the SILGA convention in 2025.

“In 2011 … It was really well received and I had a blast while catering, and I saw that everybody that was here really enjoyed it,” she said. “So I am in, if we do this.”

In a unanimous vote, council recommended staff look for potential activities around town and write to the SILGA board their interest in hosting the 2025 SILGA convention.

Greg Lowis, director of corporate services and interim Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Merritt, said that hosting the convention is a “fantastic opportunity to put the city of Merritt on the extremely exciting map of Southern Interior Local Government Association convention locations.”

“It would be a good, small, but good economic boost to the area,” Lowis said. “People using our hotels, seeing and learning about what Merritt can offer.”

The British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL) has announced that former Merritt Centennial, Conor Farren, is a recipient of this year’s Kyle Turris Community Service Award.

The honour is presented annually, and named after NHL veteran and former BCHL player, Kyle Turris. Each team choses a player to receive the award at the end of the season.

“This award is given in recognition of players who go above and beyond in their BCHL community,” said the Cents in a release. “Congratulations, Connor, and thank you for contributions to the Merritt

Centennials and our community during your time in Merritt.”

The league also congratulated Farren, noting that he is always the first to commit to community events and engagements, despite not being from Merritt.

“Farren is someone who truly embraced the community in Merritt,” said the league in a release. “You can find him in town during the off-season, maybe on a long weekend. When coaches put up community events, he is always the first to reply with a commitment, getting involved in whatever it is the team may be doing. His community and team-first approach has become contagious to his teammates.”

Farren played for the team for the past two seasons, and is eligible to return once more this fall, pending space on the roster and interest from him.

Conor Farren (R) signs an autograph for a young Cents fan last season. Photo/BCHL Photo/Herald File
Laísa Condé REPORTER@MERRITTHERALD.COM THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A11 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS FREE Deliveryfor Seniors &Those With Restricted Mobility 2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt, BC 250-378-2155 “Friendly,
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A12 THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a • 3 7 8 - 6 1 6 6 • m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a #3416 $418,900 1376 PARCEL STREE T Fresh y renovated 4 bedr m 2 bath home located close to shopping and nearby amen ties Has ecent upgrades such as new furnace H/W tank fresh pa nt floor ng & roof Amp e room or RV park ng w th a arge fenced back yard w th attached garage #3446 $579,900 2601 IRVINE AVENUE Great 3 eve sp t home on the Bench w th sing e garage, RV parking and n ce y landscaped yard Home has 3 bedr ms up country k tchen w th pantry central A/C newer roof and upgraded w ndows 4th bedr m/office down #3448 $2,299,900 6488 MONCK PARK RD Magn ficent water f ont home on N co a Lake Th s beaut fu rancher w th wa kout bsmt offers 5 bed ms 4 baths a ge gou met k tchen w h h gh end app ances vaul ed ce ings fu y fin Bsmt w th un que Tequ a room arge games rm we bar 3 car ga age p us some nego iab e ems #3444 $819,000 3383 WILDROSE WAY New custom bu lt home with 3 bedr ms up 3 down 3 baths open concept v ng d ning & k tchen area overlooks the c ty w th spectacular views The basement s eady & p umbed for a suite GST app es #3442 $949,900 2515 ABERDEEN ROAD Pr vate and peacefu 3 bed m 2 bath home on 3 65 acres w th severa outbu ld ngs Shop s app ox 1000 sq ft Has fenced garden a ea ch cken coop and detached bu d ng w th carport & wo kshop area 2 we s #3401 $625,000 2625 QUILCHENA AVENUE 9 bedrm luxu y execut ve home g eat o a arge fam y Has a ge grand en rance w th sp a sta rcase open v ng/d n ng ooms 4 bed ms & 3 baths up large fam y room Also has 2 bedrm g ound eve su te #3404 $499,000 1840 GRANITE AVENUE Charm ng 3 bedroom 2 bath home ocated in pr me ocat on Th s we ma nta ned p operty boasts beaut fu andscap ng & curb appea Has bonus space o enc osed sunroom Has enchant ng pat o area or summer BBQ’s #3449 $449,900 2945 TELEMON PL ACE N ce y enovated 3 bed m 2 bath modu ar home w th a u bsm in qu et area Open floor p an w th new floo ng, pa nt k tchen counter, taps, door, new Pex p umb ng fence n back yard & more G eat p ace fo young fam ly o et ee #3443 $199,900 2437 CL APPERTON AVE Th s modest modular on ts own ot wi h R2 zon ng has up to 3 bedrms w th space o ga den ng and ane access Cou d be n ce front/back dup ex f you choose to bui d wha R2 zon ng a ows Centra oca on Doug Beech (O wner) 250-378-7392 Don Gossoo Managing Broker Bailee Allen 250-315-9648 Brad Yakimchuk Per sonal Real E st ate C orporation 250-315-3043 Jared Thomas 778-694-6804 #102, 2840 Voght Street, Box 236 Merritt, B.C. V1K 1B8 Moving Real E state BC LTD. CEN T U RY 21 ® 250-378-6166 |1-877-841-2100 #3403 $769,900 1531 COWAN WAY Like new 2 storey home n good area with open concept on main floo spacious k tchen w th Quartz coun ers & S/S app iances gas F/P n v ng oom 4 bedr ms up 3 baths and master bed m w th 3 pce ensu te & W/ c oset Has EV out et for e ectr c ca RV park ng #3425 $655,000 1580 CHESTNUT AVENUE West Coast contemporary 3 bedr m 1705 sq ft rancher w th 10 ft ce ings open concept iv ng d n ng & k tchen Kitchen has huge is and quartz countertops S/S app ances Centra A/C Huge maste bedr m w th 5 pce ensu te & W/I c oset Fu y landscaped fenced back yard #3264 $1 ,800,000 2845 NEIL SON STREE T 15 9 acre s te ocated n Merr tt’s c ty l m ts and border ng the Coldwater R ver Amaz ng opportun ty Has c ty water & sewe connect ons Incred b e potentia fo the future w th a zon ng change Cal for more deta s #3397 $525,000 1769 SPRING STREE T Br ght & cheery basement entry home n good a ea & w th n walking d stance to amen t es 3 bedr ms up & 1 down Home s n top cond t on & ready to move nto La ge l v ng room br ght gal ey k tchen covered sundeck & RV park ng #3477 $679,000 2651 COUTLEE AVENUE Large fam y home c ose o schoo & amen t es 3 bedrms above w th spac ous v ng area arge k tchen and am y room Has 2 bed m n aw su te on g ound eve New roof and ho wa e bo der Fenced back yard #3431 $829,000 2770 PEREGRINE WAY Fantast c v ews f om th s two storey h gh end home featur ng open concept sty e v ng 3 arge bedrms 3 baths zeroscape andscape unfin shed basement and 2 car garage Has beaut u k tchen w th Quar z counter tops s and and F ench doors opening to pat o #3439 $665,000 1524 COWAN WAY Qua ty bu t 1304 sq t anche s very des ab e a ea o o he qua y homes G eat home for e ree o young p o ess ona s Newe home n mmacu a e cond t on & move- n ready w h open k tchen k tchen v ng & d n ng K tchen has a ge s and & W/ pan ry Mas e bed m has 3 pce ensu te Fenced back ya d RV park ng #3440 $235,000 #207, 2295 BL AIR ST Atten ion first t me buyers investors o ret rees check th s out Low maintenance ow s rata ees and a on ground eve 2 bed oom townhouse wi h n-su te aundry app ances nc uded & wa A/C. S rata fees $166 pe mon #3435 $410,000 SL .23, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL In very des rable area th s 9042 sq ft strata lot has fantast c v ews of N co a Lake and mountains Serv ces are to prope ty ne GST s app icab e Ca for more deta ls #3422 $84,900 #25, 1500 SPRING STREE T Th s 1970 one 1 mob e n Spr ng s and MH Park has ust had a renovat on w th new floor ng k tchen cabinets pa nt bathroom new app ances p us new plumbing nsulation drywal & e ectr ca upgrade #3299 $275,000 SL .5, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Great place to bu d your dream home n th s st ata ot deve opment on N co a Lake Fantast c v ews and access to wa er A l se v ces are to the property ne GST s app cab e Ca for more deta s #3298 $285,000 SL 4, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Fan ast c v ews from th s strata ot on N co a Lake per fect fo you d eam home or recreat on retreat Grea v ews and access to water A serv ces are o the prope ty ne GST s app cab e #3441 $759,900 1537 COWAN WAY 2 storey mmacu ate home w th open concept sty e k tchen w th Quartz counters 4 bed ooms up w th ve y nice master bedroom & 3 pce ensu te w th walk- n c oset Back yard s fenced & yard is n ce y andscaped #3408 $999,999 2201 BURGESS AVENUE Beaut fu 4 bedrm fami y home on 0 64 acre n des rab e area Home features open concept floo p an master bedrm has 5 pce ensu te Open k tchen has arge is and & S/S app iances Bonus room ove garage Has detached shop & RV park ng #3429 $300,000 1413 CANFORD AVENUE Don t be foo ed by the exter or th s charming character home has 2 bedrms, 1 bath and s tastefu y updated ns de C ose to schoo s dog park track & r ver tra ls Zoned R2 a ows for a ca riage house or shop n back #3438 $125,000 #9, 3260 SUNSE T STREE T Cute & cozy 2 bed oom mobi e n Sunny V ew T ai e Cou t a 55+ park Has approx 763 sq ft p us a 332 sq ft add t on unheated Home has had some reno’s ove past years Yard s fenced Pad rent s $310 pe month #3406 $549,999 Fantast c fami y home on the Bench c ose to e ementary schoo hosp ta & park On corner lot this home has 5 bedr ms 3 baths arge rec r m w th woodstove Fenced back yard w th RV parking fire pit & arge gazebo 2163 PARKER DRIVE #3450 $375,000 Great ha f dup ex starter home of 1728 sq ft w th 2 bedrooms up and 2 down and a 4 pce bathroom on each floor Fenced yard w red storage shop large carport Located in n ce neighbour hood & c ose to e ementary schoo 2641 JACKSON AVENUE #3413 $249,000 2 bedroom 2 bath home w th oads of potent a on corner ot and centra ocation zoned R2 Needs updated but has good sol d home w th basement Easy wa k to shopping arena post office As s where is 2075 CHAPMAN STREE T #3348 $450,000 LOT 1 , MIDDAY VALLE Y RD Attent on House Bu lders – a Deve opment property w th R3 zon ng (Sma Parce Res dent a ) of approx 5 ac es in size and pr ced to se at c ose to assessment value #3424 $259,900 2707 PEREGRINE WAY This 9903 sq f ot n Grandv ew He ghts subd v s on o fers fantas c v ews or on Moun a n and N cola Va ey C ose to f eeway access & ocal amen t es Ve y des able Bench area w h south ac ng sunny s ope Approved subd Deve opmen house p ans & wo k ng d aw ngs avai #3409 $195,000 #315, 1703 MENZIES ST Why rent when you can own? Great 2 bed oom apartment great for first t me buye s or as an nvestment property Has balcony & sto eage Strata fees $262 94 per month #3419 $989,900 6377 MONCK PARK RD Spectacu a N co a Lake v ew home on 1 05 acres w h open concept w h a wa kout basement and detached garage Home has 2 bed ms up 2 down 3 baths gourme k chen v ng oom w th F/P A/C p aw ng cove ed deck ra sed garden beds ru rees & RV park ng #3427 $949,900 2760 PEREGRINE WAY Spec acu a 4 bed m Bench home w th panoram c v ews Th s custom bu t home had open des gn p an k chen w th S/S app ances & Quartz counters master bedrm w th 5 pce ensu te fu y fin basement w th fam y rm & bedrm #3434 $399,900 #8, 1717 GRANITE AVE Adu t v ng n this char m ng 2 bedr m 2 bath townhouse nest ed in the sen o -or ented Woodlane V lage comp ex Has upgraded floor ng on the ma n and downsta rs is an unfinished bsmt Strata fees are $400 per month REDUCED REDUCED REDUCED REDUCED #3445 $299,900 #204, 2799 CL APPERTON AVE Love y 2 bedr m 2 bath apartment in The V be on the 2nd floor Lots of natural ghts & h gh end fin shes Centra ocat on h gh ce l ngs, n-su te laundry & wrap around balcony Renta a lowed Strata fees are $220 pe month SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD #3451 $529,400 IN CACHE CREEK La ge fam y home w h 5 bedrms 3 ba hs and an n- aw su te w h po ent a fo 6th bedrm Love y andscaped f ont yard w th amp e pa k ng fo RV’ Ma n v ng w th open concept Home has cen ra A/C Back ya d has moun a n v ews



P e o p l e ’ s


It’s time for people to make their choice. Indicate your top picks for the Mer ritt Herald People’s Choice Awards on this entr y sheet, or using our online ballot for m at https://www.mer

VOTE ONLINE! peoples-choice-2023/

c h a n i c a l r e p r o d u c t i o n s a l l o we d E m p l o y e e s o f M e r r i t t H e r a l d a n d t h e i r i m m e d i a t e f a m i l i e s a r e n o t e l i g i b l e A l l b a l l o t s m u s t b e r e c e i v e d o r e n t e r e d o n l i n e by n o l a t e r t h a n We d n e s d ay, S e p t e m b e r 6 a t n o o n P S T S o m e r e s t r i c t i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s a p p l y PEOPLE’S CHOICE 2018 AWARDS MERRITT HERALD PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS 2019 2023 Vote for your favourite business. LIMITED TIME TO VOTE!

N a m e :

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B u t c h e r S h o p

C a n n a b i s D i s p e n s a r y

Ta t t o o S t u d i o

S e n i o r s H o m e

L a n d s c a p i n g C o m p a ny

P l u m b i n g C o m p a ny

A u t o Pa r t s S t o r e

A u t o R e p a i r S h o p

C l o t h i n g S t o r e

C o l d B e e r W i n e / L i q u o r S t o r e

C o nv e n i e n c e S t o r e

D ay c a r e

D o g / C a t G r o o m e r

F i t n e s s Fa c i l i t y

G a s S t a t i o n

G r o c e r y S t o r e

S p a

S a l o n

H o t e l / M o t e l

I n s u r a n c e O f fi c e

L o g g i n g C o m p a ny

U n i q u e B u s i n e s s

B u i l d i n g S u p p l y C o m p a ny

T i r e S h o p

A c c o u n t a n t / B o o k ke e p e r

B a n k S t o r a g e Fa c i l i t y

C a t e r i n g

Te l e p h o n e :

S e l e c t w h o y o u r t o p c h o i c e s a r e i n a t l e a s t 2 5 % o f t h e t o t a l c a t e g o r i e s C o n t e s t c l o s e s



R e s t a u r a n t

P u b

M a s s a g e O f fi c e

P h a r m a c y R e a l E s t a t e C o m p a ny O p t i c a l B u s i n e s s

B u i l d i n g C o n t r a c t o r C o m p a ny

E l e c t r i c a l C o m p a ny

We l d i n g C o m p a ny

C o f f e e S h o p / C a f e

A g r i c u l t u r a l / Fa r m / R a n c h B u s i n e s s H o m e B a s e d B u s i n e s s P E O P L E A N D P L AC E S ( I n c l u d e N a m e & B u s i n e s s N a m e ) L o c a l A r t i s t D e n t i s t D o c t o r C o a c h H a i r D r e s s e r N a i l Te c h n i c i a n C o o k

M e c h a n i c M a n a g e r Pe r s o n a l Tr a i n e r P h o t o g r a p h e r R e a l t o r R e c e p t i o n i s t S e r v e r L o c a l B a n d / M u s i c i a n Te a c h e r / E d u c a t o r ( E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l )

Te a c h e r / E d u c a t o r ( H i g h S c h o o l )

Ve t e r i n a r i a n ( n a m e o f v e t )

Vo l u n t e e r

C l u b / S p o r t s O r g a n i z a t i o n

N o n P r o fi t O r g a n i z a t i o n

B e s t L o c a l E v e n t


B r e a k f a s t

B u r g e r C h i n e s e Fo o d S t e a k P i z z a S o u p

W i n g s

D e s s e r t S u s h i S a n dw i c h


B u s i n e s s O f T h e Ye a r

B u s i n e s s O v e r a l l ( U n d e r 1 0 E m p l oy e e s )

B u s i n e s s O v e r a l l ( O v e r 1 0 E m p l oy e e s )

N ew B u s i n e s s - 2 y e a r ’s o r l e s s i n b u s i n e s s

B u s i n e s s O w n e r


THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A13
C h o i c e Aw a r d s 2
P hy s i c a l b a l l o t s c a n b e d r o p p e d o f f a t t h e M e r r i t t H e r a l d o f f i c e , 2 0 9 0 G r a n i t e Av e n u e , M e r r i t t , B C
We d n e s d ay, S e p t 6 a t n o o n One entr y per household per week
O n l y o r i g i n a l n e w s p a p e r b a l l o t s a n d o n l i n e e n t r i e s w i l l b e a c c e p t e d N o m e

Merritt Marlins take home provincial U13 softball championship

over three days. The Marlins won three of their four round-robin games, losing just one to the Terrace Mariners. Ultimately, despite some very close games, the Marlins came out on top and won their playoff games and the provincial championship banner.

“It was a very exciting game and a great weekend of softball,” said Angela Russell, a representative of Merritt Minor Softball.

“I am so excited for these boys, they worked hard all weekend, never gave up, and persevered through some very emotional ups and downs!”

and moving on to face them again in the finals. Merritt ultimately came out on top, winning the final game in a tight 16-15 affair.

“I super excited for what this brings to the game of softball and to our community,” noted Russell.

For more information on the Marlins, or Merritt Minor Softball as a whole, visit the organization’s website at


U13 Marlins boys softball team, who took home gold from provincials this weekend.

The team visited Prince George for the tournament, playing seven games

The 12 young athletes and their volunteer coaches, Blaine Martens and Brad Denton, visited Carrie Jane Gray Park in Prince George for the games, where they faced stiff competition from teams such as the Barriere Bombers and Terrace Mariners.

The team came back from its sole loss during the round-robin phase to face the Mariners in playoff semi-finals, beating them handily in a mercy game

Merritt Centennials add to scouting staff, look to bolster roster

The Cents have added two scouts to their staff, looking to seek out prospective players in B.C. and across the country. Brian Campbell will serve as the team’s BC regional scout, while John Eminger will take on the role of Toronto regional scout.

The team announced the two hirings in recent press releases.

Campbell recently worked for the Langley Rivermen of BCHL as a scout, and is the owner and director of, a hockey training program. The team said in a release that Campbell’s passion for the sport began at the young age of five, living in Edmonton, Alberta. At the age of nine, his family moved to Vancouver, where his hockey career really took off.

His father, being a former professional soccer player, sought out the best training available. This happened to be Joe McKeekan, founder of Two Way Hockey. Brian soon became one of the elite players of his age group and was chosen to play in the u18 ‘AAA’ All-Star tournament at the time. The following year, he began his BCHL career with the Kelowna Buckaroos and the North West Caps. His final two seasons were spent

with Richmond Sockeyes. Campbell has been training and developing hockey players in the 40 years since.

“Brian takes great pride in the development and mentoring of his students and strives for them to be the best hockey players, on and off the ice,” said Cents head coach Brian Passmore, noting that Campbell is considered one of the top professional power skating coaches in B.C.

“He accomplishes this by forming great relationships with each individual.”

John Eminger, a former Ontario Hockey League (OHL) defenseman with an impressive hockey background, has been appointed as the Toronto regional scout for Merritt Centennials. Eminger resides in Vaughan, Ontario, with his wife and three children. Eminger brings years of playing experience in the OHL, as well as coaching and scouting experience in the Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL) and Ontario Junior Hockey League (OJHL).

“With experience as a coach in the GTHL and as a scout in the OJHL, John is dedicated to discovering and nurturing hockey talent,” noted a release by the team.

For more information on the team, including schedules and season tickets, visit

250-378-4241 or emailing
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story tip? Tell us about it by calling
The U13 Merritt Marlins boys softball team hoists their championship banner after defeating the Terrace Mariners in a close 16-15 game. Photo/Angela Russell shone once again on the provincial sports stage thanks to Merritt’s
Marius Auer Eminger and Campbell join the Cents’ scouting crew as the team looks to bolster its roster for the upcoming BCHL season. File photo from last Cents season. Photo/Christina Jean
A14 THURSDAY, August 3, 2023

Littlesteps Landscaping ‘steps in’ to beautify Merritt properties

Growing up around perfectly manicured lawns and impeccably landscaped properties, Arlene Golish of Littlesteps Landscaping has a knack for property maintenance and beautification – and an unwavering commitment to serving the community.

Littlesteps took its first steps in the Okanagan more than a decade ago, serving the Vernon area initially. When Golish decided it was time to move back home to the Nicola Valley, the business came with her, and Merrittonians suddenly had access to a plethora of landscaping services, and to Golish’s expertise.

“I like being outside, I like seeing the people, and I enjoy looking at their yard when we’re done,” Golish told the Herald. “It looks good, and it’s rewarding. It’s exercise, I get outside, I enjoy the fresh air and the people, and I enjoy what I’m doing.”

Golish serves about 50 regular residential customers in the Nicola Valley, along with a number of commercial and non-profit contracts. While she is the driving force behind the business, Golish works with her son Dalen, along with two employees. The team stresses their attention to detail, low costs, and variety of services.

Arlene herself has two years of formal training in landscape architecture and design and can complete most projects, from designing a full yard makeover and installing a lawn at a new build, to regular maintenance such as weeding, mowing and snowplowing.

Born in the old Merritt hospital, Arlene values the community and the connections she has built in it, including those she has built through her business and personal life.

“It’s very supportive here locally,” said Arlene. “I hit the ground running and never looked back. It’s been received well. Lots and lots of feedback, it’s been positive, and everyone is referring.”

A unique feature of Littlesteps Landscaping is their lower customer cost, which is due in part to more efficient equipment. Arlene and Dalen recently invested in an all-electric equipment setup to accompany their existing gas-powered tools.

Two solar panels on the company vehicle charge dual batteries, providing 650W of solar and running a 1500W inverter. This then powers the batteries for electric trimmers, lawnmowers, and more, allowing Littlesteps to be one step ahead of the competition. The set up was designed and built by Dalen, who has seen many benefits to the new technology.

“It keeps up, and it’s really, really capable,” said Dalen. “There’s almost no need for stored energy when the sun is out, it charges 100 per cent on sunlight.”

Dalen noted the electric equipment is not only quieter, allowing for earlier starts and less noise pollution, but also lighter and easier on the operator. It eliminates some issues seen with gas entirely, such as accidentally spilling fuel.

While Littlesteps said its electric equipment provides cost-savings and a competitive advantage, the company

will still utilize gas machinery until the new technology catches up.

“We’re always going to have gas, we’re not against it,” added Dalen, noting that rain is a challenge for the new electric technology. “We’re just trying to get ahead of the curve.”

As the business moves forward, Dalen will focus on the mowing and landscaping portion of the business, while Arlene looks forward to connecting more with clients through administrative work and otherwise.

For more information on Littlesteps Landscaping, call 250-550-0335, or visit their self-titled Facebook page.

1750 Hill Street ■ Phone: 250-315-3000


Crossroads Community Church 2990 Voght St. • 250-378-2911

Ser vice Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m

Merritt Baptist Church 2499 Coutlee Avenue (at Omre)

Sunday ser vice 10 am, Phone (250)378-2464

Merritt Lutheran Fellowship in St. Michael's Anglican Hall • 250-378-9899

Ser vice Time: 3rd Sunday each month 1:00 p m

Sacred Hear t Catholic Church

Corner of Jackson & Blair • 250-378-2919

Mass Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m.

St. Michael’s Anglican Church 1990 Chapman St • 250-378-3772

Ser vice Times: 2nd and 4th Sundays only - 10:00 a m.

Trinity United Church

Corner of Quilchena & Chapman • 250-378-5735

Ser vice Time ever y Sunday - 10 am

Somang Mission Community Church (SMC) 1755 Coldwater Ave ( The Cadet Hall)

Sunday Ser vice Time: 4:00 pm • 250-280-1268

Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church 1950 Max well St • 250-378-9502

Ser vice Time: Sunday 10:00 am

BUSINESS FEATURE Do you want to nominate a business? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing
NEWSROOM@MERRITTHERALD.COM Arlene Golish is seen mowing the lawn of a regular customer with one of her business’ new electric mowers. Photo/Dalen Golish
THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A15 ■ A p p r o v e d m i n i - s t o r a g e ■ O n - s i t e r e n t a ■ S e c u r e d ■ S a l e o f N e w & U s e d s t o r a g e c o n t a i n e r s
Dalen Golish poses with Littlesteps Landscaping’s truck and trailer combination, built and designed by him to both transport and solar charge the company’s new electric equipment. Marius Auer/Herald

Deadline for placing a classified ad is 5 p.m. on Monday. To place an ad please call 250-378-4241 or email:

ng memory



August 5th, 2022

Saint John, NB

at 2101 Quilchena Ave (Old Barber Shop)

Winter Hours

Monday: 1:00 - 4:00pm

Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

Friday: By Request

Your Recover y Specialists

Meghan Blackmore : (250) 574-4574

Sherr y Peterson : (250) 574-4885



Grief can make us feel like we are going crazy and that we’ll never feel well or at peace again

P: 250-280-1701

In loving memory of Bruce Earle Fraser

Bruce Earle Fraser of Penticton beloved husband of Barbara Fraser, p away peacefully after a leng illness on July 24, 2023 at th age of 85 years

Bruce star ted his life in Gravenhurst, Ontario, oldest son of Earle and Margaret Fraser He attended school there until he entered the Air Force at the age of 17

Emai : merritthospice@shaw ca

Ken was always ‘living the dream,’ as he would happily share – no matter the situation – with a smile on his face and coffee in hand. His warm demeanor, friendly jokes, and brightly patterned Hawaiian shirts will live on forever in the memories of those who knew and loved him. As per Ken’s wishes, no formal service or memorial will be held.

Bruce trained at Cold Lake, Alber ta then was shipped out to Germany where he was driving th fuel trucks for the planes acting as chauffeur to o

On his return to Canada, he moved to Merritt, BC where he was employed with the ambulance, volunteer firemen, drove school bus, and worked as a tow truck driver On his

retirement, Bruce moved to Penticton he resided until his passing ides his loving wife arbara, Bruce is sur vived by his two daughters Gail ( Tim) Ferguson of Trail, BC, Frances (Bill) Hodgson of HavreBoucher, Nova Scotia; one step-son Anthony Wright of Brooks, Alber ta; grandchildren Liam Hodgson, Erik Ferguson, and Lexi Campese; four sisters Sheila, Ruth, Joyce, nd Gail all of Ontario; one ther Pete of Gravenhurst, io; as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and their families Bruce was predeceased by his parents Earle and Margaret Fraser Flowers are gratefully declined

@KamThisWeek Follow us @Merr ittHerald Your Community Newspaper call to place your ad 604.630.3300 THURSDAY, July 27, 2023 A17 PLEAS E RECY CLE THIS NE WSPAPE R Located at 2101 Quilchena Ave (Old Barber Shop) Winter Hours Monday: 1:00 - 4:00pm Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm Friday: By Request Your Recover y Specialists Meghan Blackmore : (250) 574-4574 Sherr y Peterson : (250) 574-4885 In loving memory of In lovi ng memory of CLAUDE BOONE August 4, 2014 “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you” Philippians 1:3 Loving you always Norma, Quentin, Naomi and families www.merritthos ice g Email: merritthosp MERRITT & DISTRICT HOSPICE SOCIETY As I allow myself to mourn, I create an opening in my heart. Surrendering to the strugg means freeing myself to move forward P: 250-280-1701 SCHWAN Sheila Ann Sheila Ann Schwan 73, of Merritt, British Columbia, passed away peacefully surrounded family on November 24, 2022 after suffering stroke. Sheila was predeceased by her parents, Arnold and Grace. She is survived by her sister Rae, two brot Ernie and Earl, her husband, Wolf, and her sons, Christopher vid (Lisa), and her four grandchildren, Dean, Isabel We would like to invite all of Sheila’s family and friends to join us in celebrating her life at the Lower Nicola Hall on September 23, 2023 at 11 AM. 2113 Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC 250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 REGULAR OFFICE HOURS Mon. ri.: Ave., Mer Wednesday: 1:00 p m 6:00 p m w.MerrittFuneralChape International (Canada) ULC Celebrating each life no other Merritt Funeral Chapel In loving memory of C e lebra t io n of L ife JULIUS BELLAI will be held on Sunday, August 6 from 2 - 4 pm at the Station House Museum Paddlewheel Hall, 7813 Okanagan Landing Rd , Vernon, BC CLASSIFIEDS Deadline for placing a classified ad is 5 p.m. on Monday. To place an ad please call 250-378-4241 or email: Scatter me not to restless winds, Nor toss my ashes to the sea. Remember now those years gone by When loving gifts I gave to thee. Remember now the happy times The family ties we shared. Don’t leave my resting place unmarked As though you never cared. Deny me not one final gift For all who come to see A single lasting proof that says I loved... & you loved me.
Announcements Announcements In Memoriam In Memoriam In Memoriam Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Our community sadly lost an important member in Kenneth Scott Couture, who passed away suddenly on July 10, 2023. Ken was an outgoing individual and a source of positivity always, connecting with the
Final Gift
community he loved through his work and otherwise.
Kenneth Scott
In loving memory of In lovi ng memory of JAMES (JIM) EDWARD HUTTON A serivce will be held on Saturday, August 5 at noon at the Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church, 1950 Maxwell Avenue, Merritt, BC 2113 Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC 250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 REGULAR OFFICE HOURS Mon.,Tues., Thurs.&Fri.: 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Ave , Mer Wednesday: 1:00 p m - 6:00 p m ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Celebrating each life like no other On Call 24 Hours ADay Merritt Funeral Chapel
Announcements Announcements In Memoriam In Memoriam In loving memory of In lovi
Lo ving ly rem embere d. June, Llo yd, Tina & Family In Memoriam In Memoriam In Memoriam In Memoriam Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries
who passed on
Though you are no longer here with us, we think of you daily
light will forever shine

OBORNE, Lloyd Francis

March 20, 1933 - July 21, 2023

In the early morning of July 21, 2023, at age 90, Dad passed away at Royal Inland Hospital

Predeceased by his wife Edna, parents Lloyd and Mary (Molly) Oborne, his brothers Wayne and Ken Oborne, grandson David Chambers and son-in-law Alan Lorrette

Dad will be loving remembered by his children Audrey Hilliard (Neil), Barbara Chambers, Gary Oborne (Tracey), Richard Oborne (Shauna), Beverly Lorrette and Pat Clark (Ann) His grandchildren Sara Simpson (Rob), Amy Hilliard (Lee), Stephanie Parsons (Jay), Megan Chambers, Justin Oborne, Kyle Oborne (Amy), Ryan Oborne, Sawyer Oborne, Sienna Oborne, Michael Lorette (Roxanne), Brian Lorette, Allison Paschinski (Craig), Dean Clark (Catherine) and Danielle Clark (Todd); his brother Glenn Oborne (Che Che); and many greatgrandchildren, nieces and nephews Also left to mourn Dad’s passing is his friend Bev Johnson, who will miss reminiscing about the old days with him

Dad was born in Trail, BC on March 20, 1933. He spent some of his childhood in Robson, BC, where he had to take a ferry back and forth to school His family later moved to Eckville, AB where Dad maintained a dairy herd of 15 cows, as well as stocked grain to neighboring farms, all while attending school In the mid 1950’s, he moved back to BC and worked in a sawmill in Lavington, BC In 1957, Dad joined the Royal Canadian Airforce, stationed in Barrie, Ont., where he stayed for 3 years On his return to BC, he worked in Kamloops at the B/A Bulk Plant as a gas-tanker driver Next, Dad was off to Chase, BC to manage the Jade Mountain Service Station. He later moved to Merritt and worked for Craigmont Mines; and then for Highland Valley Copper as an Equipment Operator, retiring from the latter in 1998.

Dad was an avid four-season outdoorsman and enjoyed camping, fishing, hunting and hiking. He loved hiking the mountains around Merritt In retirement he became an avid golfer, gardener and woodworker, building a shed for himself to hold all his wood-working equipment

We love you our Dad, Brother, Uncle, Grandfather and Great-Grandfather

No service by request



Full Time Permanent Position

Bridge River Head Star t / Daycare Program is seek ing an individual to commit to providing high quality care to children aged 0-6 years with interest in work ing in a unique program and ensuring that there is use of best prac tice provided during the program deliver y.


Interim Full-time Permanent

Under the direc tion of the Health Manager the Headstar t/Daycare Manageris to carr y out the daycare managerial roll Must have a valid ECE License and have a reliable vehicle.

Only those shor t listed will be contac ted

For ward Resumes to:

Gar y Forsyth, Administrator Bridge River Indian Band, PO Box 190 Lillooet BC V0K 1V0

Fax: (250) 256-7999

Posting Closing Date: Until Filled



J o b Po s t i n g N o: 3 5 3 8712

Sch o o l D i s t r i ct N o 5 8 (N i co l a - S i m i l ka m e e n) s e r ves t h e t wo co m m u n i t i es of M e r r i t t a n d P r i n ceto n, s i x F i r s t N at i o n s B a n d s, t h e M ét i s co m m u n i t y, a n d t h e Co n a y t F r i e n d s h i p So ci et y I n o u r d i s t r i ct, we re co g n i ze t h at we l e a r n, te a ch a n d wo r k o n t h e a n ces t ra l t ra d i t i o n a l a n d u n ce d e d te r r i to r i es of t h e N l e?e Ke p m x a n d Sy i l x p e o p l e, a n d we a ck n ow l e d g e o u r M ét i s co m m u n i t i es a n d t h e i r co nt r i b ut i o n s to t h e A b o r i g i n a l wa y s of b e i n g, k n ow i n g a n d d o i n g T h e m o u nta i n s, l a kes a n d va l l ey s w i t h i n t h e d i s t r i ct m a ke i t a n at u ra l s et t i n g fo r fa b u l o u s, ye a r- ro u n d o utd o o r a ct i v i t i es We of fe r a wa r m s m a l l -tow n at m o s p h e re w h e re re l at i o n s h i p s a re f u n d a m e nta l to o u r s u cces s M e r r i t t, w h e re t h e of fi ce i s l o cate d, i s i n t h e N i co l a Va l l ey a n d i s t h e h u b of a h i g hwa y s y s te m t h at l i n k s Ka m l o o p s Ke l ow n a a n d t h e Lowe r M a i n l a n d Ra n ch i n g, fo res t r y, h e a l t h, l o ca l g ove r n m e nt, a n d to u r i s m a re t h e m a j o r i n d u s t r i es i n t h e va l l ey O u r St rate g i c Pl a n h a s a “ Su cces s fo r A L L Le a r n e r s” fo cu s, s u p p o r te d by a d e d i cate d s ta f f e n g a g e d s ta ke h o l d e r s a n d p a r t n e r s w h o s h a re a g e n u i n e co m m i t m e nt to t h e d i s t r i ct T h e d i s t r i ct of fe r s r i ch p ro g ra m m i n g to j u s t ove r 2 075 s t u d e nt s, 4 8 % of w h o m a re I n d i g e n o u s We a re p ro u d of o u r o n g o i n g wo r k towa rd s Tr ut h a n d Re co n ci l i at i o n S ch o o l D i s t r i c t N o. 5 8 (N i co l a -S i m i l ka m e e n) i s a cce p t i n g a p p l i ca t i o n s f o r U N CE R T I F I E D Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l T h e d i s t r i c t i s se e k i n g h i g h l y s k i l l e d a n d d y n a m i c i n d i v i d u a l s t o j o i n ou r l i s t o f Ca s u a l, U n ce r t i fi e d Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l . P re f e re n ce w i l l b e g i ve n t o i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h a d e m o n s t ra t e d wo r k h i s t o r y o r vo l u n t e e r ex p e r i e n ce wo r k i n g w i t h ch i l d re n a n d you t h

Re q u i re d q u a l i fi ca t i o n s a n d t ra i n i n g i n cl u d e:

• B a ch e l o r’s d e g re e o r ot h e r p o s t- s e co n d a r y e d u cat i o n

• Re ce nt s u cces s f u l te a ch i n g ex p e r i e n ce a n d/o r t ra i n i n g p refe r re d

• E f fe ct i ve i nte r p e r s o n a l a n d co m m u n i cat i o n s k i l l s

• D e m o n s t rate d i nte res t i n wo r k i n g w i t h ch i l d re n a n d yo ut h Sch o o l D i s t r i ct 5 8 i s wo r k i n g to e n s u re a n i n c l u s i ve, d i ve r s e, a n d re p res e ntat i ve wo r k fo rce Su cces s f u l ca n d i d ates w i l l re co g n i ze t h at co n s i s te nt w i t h t h e U N D e c l a rat i o n o n t h e Ri g ht s of I n d i g e n o u s Pe o p l es (U N D R I P), t h e B C H u m a n Ri g ht s Co d e a n d t h e Ca n a d i a n Ch a r te r of Ri g ht s a n d F re e d o m s, e m p l oy m e nt p ra ct i ces a n d p ro ce d u res at a l l l eve l s m u s t refl e ct a n d d e m o n s t rate a n u n d e r s ta n d i n g of a n d res p o n s e to a d i ve r s e p o p u l at i o n I nte res te d a p p l i ca nt s s h o u l d g o to o u r d i s t r i ct we b s i te at w w w s d 5 8 b c ca, w h i ch p rov i d es g u i d a n ce o n h ow to a p p l y fo r te a ch i n g j o b s i n o u r d i s t r i ct A p p l i cat i o n s m u s t i n c l u d e a Cove r l et te r res u m e co p i es of p o s t- s e co n d a r y t ra n s c r i pt s a n d n a m es of t wo s u p e r v i s o r refe re n ces ( i n c l u d i n g t h e m o s t re ce nt s u p e r v i s o r)

O n l y s h o r t- l i s te d a p p l i ca nt s w i l l b e co nta cte d

PL E A S E N OT E: D u e to t h e vo l u m e of a p p l i cat i o n s re ce i ve d, t h e d i s t r i ct i s u n a b l e to p rov i d e co m m e nta r y o r fe e d b a ck re g a rd i n g a n a p p l i ca nt’s q u a l i fi cat i o n s/a p p l i cat i o n, n o r a re we a b l e to p rov i d e ca re e r a d v i ce/co n s u l tat i o n

A p p l i cat i o n s w i l l b e rev i ewe d, a n d h i r i n g w i l l o ccu r o n a n o n g o i n g b a s i s

TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS To advertise in Employment call 604-630-3300 Catch your next job in our employment section. To advertise in Employment Call 250-378-4241 YouWant It We’ve Got It Find Whatever You’re Looking for in the Classifieds. Check Out Our Website: me rr itth er ald. co m THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A17
T H E BOAR D O F E D U CAT I O N O F SCH O O L D I S TR I C T N O 5 8 (N I CO L A-S I M I LK A M E E N) Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

Success for ALL Learners, Today and Tomorrow


We are currently inviting applications for the position(s) of:

F ir st Nations Suppor t Worker 3259682 Ongoing

Early Child Educator 3529726 Open Until F illed

Relief Education Assistant 3259613 Ongoing

Relief Clerk Typist 3256003 Ongoing

Relief Custodian 3259601 Ongoing

Relief Bus Driver 3255978 Ongoing

Noon Hour Super visor - 3322609 Open Until F illed

Merritt Bench Elementar y; Merritt Central; Diamond Vale

Qualified candidates are invited to apply online at

All applicants must provide a cover letter and resume outlining relevant background and work experience and three (3) professional references for each position they want to be considered

Only those applicants selected for an inter view will be contacted.



The Jake Warkentin Collection - Antique Tractors, Antique Trucks, Farm Implements, Vintage Tools, John Deere Collection, Buggies, Plus Much More!!


Antique Tractors, Motorhome, Forklift, Antique Cars, Truck, Chuckwagon, Tools, Collectables, 2 Post Hoist, Implements, Work Benches, Commercial BBQ, Plus Much More!!



Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.


Garage Sales

July 15-16

July 29-30

Aug 5-6 (tentative)

319 Lindley Creek Road

Saturdays 9-2, Sundays 10-2

Donations gratefully accepted

1. Indicates tire pressure

4. Request

7. Clairvoyance

10. 007’s creator

11. Adult male

12. Scandinavian god of battle

13. Cloths spread on a coffin

15. Breeze through 16. Ladyfish genus

19. It’s good to take them

1. Plant of the nettle family

2. Fit to be sold

3. Rather

4. Collected

21. Noble-governed territory

23. Members of U.S. Navy

24. Card game resembling rummy

25. Affected by injury

26. Member of a Semitic people

27. Left

30. Woman’s cloak

34. S. American plant

35. Prohibit

14. They __

17. Cooking hardware

18. U.S. Army title

20. Iron-containing compound

22. Swiss river (alt. spelling)

27. Former French coin

28. Electronic countermeasures

36. Offense

41. Dish soap brand

45. Ottoman military commanders

46. Ancient Greek City

47. Makes unhappy

50. Discuss again

54. Medical instrument

55. Promote

56. A beloved carb

57. Tag the base runner to get him out

59. Prehistoric people

33. Midway between northeast and east

37. Glowing

38. Tasks which should be done

39. An informal body of friends

40. Intrinsic nature

41. Neural structures

42. Brews

43. Where ships unload


44. Singer

60. Large African antelope

61. Vehicle

62. Georgia rockers

63. Scientific instrument (abbr.)

64. A major division of geological time

65. Attempt

47. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.)

48. Southwest Scotland town

49. Most worthless parts

51. Viscous

52. Put to work

53. Old world, new

58. Swiss river

5. A baglike structure in a plant or animal 6. Patella 7. Ageless 8. Lists of course requirements 9. Pokes at 13. TV network
29. Taxi 31. Helps little firms 32. Woeful
DOWN ACROSS Find yo ur new job right here in yo ur Classifieds. or Call to advertise a job 250-378-4241 Bring Home the Bacon!
advertise in Employment call 604-630-3300 Catch your next job in our employment section. To advertise in Employment Call 250-378-4241 A18 THURSDAY, August 3, 2023
en Until Filled
w w w.doddsauct B id O nline o r A b sen t ee B id s A c c ep t e d DODDS AUCTION 2 50 - 54 5 - 32 59 Photos & lin k to s ale s @ dodd s auc t 3 311 - 2 8 Avenue, Ver non • Subjec t t o ad di t ions & dele t ions C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N ★ ★ ADVANCE NOTICE ★ ★ UPCOMING ‘ON-SITE’ AUCTIONS ONLINE TIMED AUCTION
29 - VERNON Cabin - Westside - Lease Not RenewedEverything Must Go Including 2 Year Old AC System, Furniture, Metal Roofing, Small Bunky Cabin, Appliances, Smoker, BBQ, Boating Items, Outdoor Tools, 10’ Alum. Boat, Water Pumps, Plus More!!
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 A19 L o c a l B u s i n e s s D i r e c t o r y VOLUNTEER Become a VOLUNTEER and HELP your COMMUNITY If you have HANDS to HELP please stop in at the Thrift Shop to pick up an application or apply on our website at The NVHC Auxiliary operates the Thrift Shop and provides many facets of comfort and care to support the community F w E @ ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE SPA SERVICES 6 CLEANING SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES EXCAVATING • Small Job Specialist • Dump Trailer Service • Fencing & Post Pounder • Fully Insured Call Gary Sedore for FREE ESTIMATES: 250-378-4312 Gary ’s Mini Excavating Service email: Cell: 250-315-3174 LICENSED CANNABIS Quilchena Cannabis Co. Call 250-378-5 420 Unit B-1937 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC Quilchena Canna Company 19+MUST BE FINANCIAL Sherrie Burechailo Associate Advisor, Sun Life 236-766-3636 sherrie.burechailo@sunlife com advisor sunlife ca/fds inc 206 4 Coutlee Ave. Ph: 250-378-4943 email: nicplumb@telus net FULLY QUALIFIED TRADESMAN IN: Plumbing, Heating, Bonded Gas F itters. Ser vice work, furnace ser vice and custom sheet metal. N i c o l a P l u m b i n g & H e a t i n g Cer tified Plumbers & Gas Fitters wanted - apply today! P L U M B I N G & H E AT I N G Office Build ngs | Specialty Res dential | High Touch Touch-Ups Post Construction | Hoarding Services and Industrial info@coldcreekclean com • 250-525-0262 See you at the Fall Fair SPOTLESS RESULTS J A N I T O R I A L S E RV I C E S 797 Coldwater Rd., Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Contractor license # LEL0212539 Sam Charette 250-378-7465 Cer tified Master Electrician ELECTRICIAN TREE SERVICE CALL JIM at 250-378-4212 Solutions for your tree problems! ➤Schedule your FREE Estimate JIM POTTER MERRITT TREE SERVICE • Fully insured, certified faller • WSBC covered • Dangerous tree assessment
A20 THURSDAY, August 3, 2023 email: www.royallepag e .ca SERVING MERRITT & AREA FOR 40 YEARS! 3499 Voght Street, Merritt BC, V1K 1C6 250-378-6181 email: Helping you is what we do.™ Visit: www.royallepag e .ca/merritt for a complete list of current listing. Owner/Broker CL AUDETTE EDENOSTE Ph: 250-280-0689 claudetteedenoste@ royallepage ca Managing Broker JOHN ISAAC Ph: 250-378-1586 JENNIFER KIGHTLEY Ph: 250-315-3256 jenniferkightley@ royallepage ca TONY LUC K Ph: 604-217-5825 tjluck@royallepage ca DENISE DESILETS Ph: 250-315-8395 denisedesilets@ royallepage ca KEVIN DUNN Ph: 250-525-0073 1kevindunn@ protonmail com COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 3649 MERRITT SPENCES BRIDGE HWY 8 $997,50 0 MLS #171795 2125 QUILCHENA AVE. $850,0 0 0 MLS#172662 2049 QUILCHENA AVE $255,0 0 0 MLS #173423 1898 BLAIR STREET $635,50 0 MLS#172520 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 312-1703 MENZIES ST $214,90 0 A great 3rd-floor 2-bedroom unit or a first-t me buyer, investment, or someone looking to downsize Perfect or retirees This building has an elevator for easy access a covered balcony and storage space for your outdoor gear b MLS#172467 1434 DOUGLAS STREET $299,0 0 0 A de ght u s ar e home or the firs -t me buyer o a g ea prope y to downs ze Renova ons recen y comp e ed mas er bedroom + 2 othe bed ooms nc udes washe /d yer New V ny P ank F oor ng New Furnace: Cent a A/C eady d n ng oom arge v ng oom soundp oo u y oom a pocke doo s sun deck(s) acuzz ub not nsta ed MLS#171766 241 BIRCH CRESENT Logan Lake - $459,90 0 Attention families and investors! This welllocated family home is in a quiet cul-de-sac and has excellent curb appeal. The home has 5 bedrooms and 3 baths Th MLS#172023 281 POPLAR DRIVE Logan Lake - $479,90 0 This 3-bedroomed, 3-bath home is situated on a beautifu fenced lot with plenty of room for enter tainment. The kitchen has g eat counter space and plenty of cupboard space There are three roomy bedrooms on the main floor with a 4-piece bath and a 2-piece ensuite b i MLS#173021 433 DALADON DRIVE Logan Lake - $749,0 0 0 A bright, beautiful, and well-maintained home ocated n he very desirable “Ironstone Ridge subdivision. This home has 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down, with the convenience of 3 full bathrooms With an outstanding view of Highland Valley you can watch the sunsets over the moun ains to the southwest d h MLS# 172604 SL3-6528 WATERSIDE TR. $275,0 0 0 Looking or a lot that of ers you a view of he ake while only being a shor walk to the lake look no fur ther This fully serviced lake view lot is Iocated in the beautiful Nicola Lakeshore Estates with a monthly strata ee of $125.00. LAKE VIEW h k hi MLS#173128 4472 IRON MOUNTAIN RD $525,0 0 0 If you are looking for a little piece of paradise not oo far rom town, look no fur ther! This 2-bedroom 2-bathroom mobile home sits on 1.49 acres only 10 minutes south of Merrit located on Iron Mountain Rd. This proper y is close o lakes and recreation & is the ideal location or anyone who loves the g eat outdoors f MLS#173130 RURAL 1438 BOSTON BAR TRAIL $599,0 0 0 Th s beau u ny home s s on 10 p va e ac es ocated n Co dwa e Es ates Ranch The home a ows you to k ck back & e ax mak ng every day fee ke a vacat on En oy the com o ts o eve yday e n a cab n a mosphe e eatur ng 10 tongue & groove p ne ceil ngs & t m made from 100-year-o d rec a med barn wood RURAL d MLS#172874 2160 ELLIS ROAD $930,0 0 0 Beautiful flat 8.72 acres located in Sunshine Valley on y 15 m ns f om Merritt. This 2-bedroom 1 bathroom home is nestled in a private setting with a large built-in garage The kitchen is bright & inviting with a large pantry and a patio door to access the large deck with a hot tub that looks out onto your manicured yard MLS#172688 RURAL 5972 BEECH ROAD $980,0 0 0 An exceptional & are proper y located on Beech Road approx. 22 minutes nor th of Merritt. This 14.15-acre proper y consists of a 3 bed, 2 bath beautiful country home that sits west facing with stunning views The home is bright & open with a warm eel with hardwood floors h R d MLS#172350 RURAL 5120 STEFFENS ROAD $1,225,0 0 0 This stunning proper y was designed by an architect, and t s located on over 12 acres and boasts breathtaking mountain views and lots of privacy The home is a spacious one-level rancher with 3 bedrooms and t wo baths RURAL h d MLS#173156 2173 TOMKINSON ROAD $1,576,0 0 0 Breathtaking ‘one-of-a-kind find’ private acreage located n the beautiful Sunshine Valley The se enity you eel when you are at this proper y is rare with spectacular views The home is open concept & with a blaze king wood stove in the living room, so you are super comfy during the winter months l MLS#172509 RURAL 6881 OLD NICOLA TRAIL $2,388,888 Looking or an amazing lakefront proper y you and your amily can enjoy? This beautiful, custom-built luxury home sits on .95 acres and is situated on the east side of Nicola Lake in the exclusive Old Nicola Trails development. d MLS#172203 RURAL 2893 ABERDEEN ROAD $3,10 0,0 0 0 75 Acres Zoned CR1 (Minimum 2-acre parce s) and (SH1 Minimum 5-acre parcels). This proper ty is all flat useable land and eady or development into 2-to-5-acre parcels which are in great demand in the area. ) d (SH MLS#167169 RURAL 2149 NICOLA AVENUE $299,0 0 0 Looking or a star er home af ordable retirement living an nvestment p oper y or housing or staff? This 3-bedroom home with 1 bathroom sits on its own freehold proper y With just over 1000 sq you can bring your updating ideas & create a space that suits your needs There is a detached shop or extra storage with plenty of parking ight beside the garage MLS#172383 32-1749 MENZIES STREET $445,0 0 0 This townhouse unit is located in Sun Valley Cour t. There are 3 bedrooms and 21/2 bathrooms and a 2 car garage new roof June 2023, new furnace with central air 2023, new stove new hood vent, new washer/dryer new laminate flooring upstairs and a water sof ener was added in 2019. Th MLS# 173563 1688 COLDWATER AVENUE $335,0 0 0 Don miss out on this immaculate beautifully decorated 3-bed oom ancher close o schools and shopping This home has had numerous upg ades while maintaining the heritage interior The yard is completely enced and has gorgeous landscaping The backyard has a cozy & private covered deck. Easy access of oad parking on concrete driveway RV parking b d h MLS#170783 1776 ORME STREET $499,0 0 0 This 5-bed home w/ vaulted ceilings on the ma n floor would make a g eat amily home There is a large openconcept kitchen/dinning/living room which would be great or enter tainment or family gatherings Basement is waiting or your ideas with the possibility of additional living area. h fl MLS#173592 2556 CORKLE STREET $556,50 0 Beautifully fully updated 3-bedroom 2-bathroom modu ar home sitting on a 0.33-acre private lot in Lower Nicola. This home has a new kitchen, new flooring new paint, new trim, both bathrooms fully updated, new oof new siding new hwt, furnace & all new appliances This home has been astefully updated and is a must see or all it of ers d h MLS#173228 2669 QUILCHENA AVENUE $699,950 Fantastic Oppor tunity o own a 6-bedroom, 4 full-bath home Overs zed living room with gas fire leading into a large open kitchen and dining area. Four bedrooms the main master bedroom of ers a 4-piece ensuite bath with jet ed tub and walk-in closet. A 2 bedroom and 1 bathroom suite with open concept kitchen/living oom. Own private entrance h O d MLS#173022 1648 FIR AVENUE $729,90 0 Welcome to this 3100+ sq. ft ranch-sty e home with a fully finished basement. There are 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on the main floor and has a self-contained LEGAL 2 BEDROOM SUITE on the lower level. h MLS#172562 2731 PEREGRINE WAY $959,0 0 0 Enjoy the sunrise with a coffee on your deck w th abu ous mountain views! The spacious custom kitchen is perfect or enter taining featuring granite counter tops & a large island, sale will include an appliance credit. h b MLS#172917 1550 WILLIAMS CRES $1,280,0 0 0 Beautiful 2,819 SQFT custom-built ancher home ocated on 1.22 acres This home has been as efully finished from the nside to the outside When you walk into this home you are greeted with a floor-to-ceiling rock wood fireplace that gives the home a warm & cozy eeling d MLS#172972 RURAL The Inn at Spences Bridge The Inn has been fully restored o the beautiful proper ty that it is oday There are 12 rooms 2 suites one is a mangers suite restaurant with a well equipped commercial kitchen, cof ee bar lounge area & outdoor patio area. 3649 MERRITT-SPENCES BRID. $997,50 0 17-1098 HOUSTON ST $180,0 0 0 Lovely 3 bedroom plus office that is move in ready w th a well designed yard space.Bonus eatures or home are vinyl windows electric fireplace in living room, new furnace and hot water tank in 2023 and six appliance come with. Proper y eatures fully fenced yard with plenty of parking d h MLS#173789 1555 CHESTNUT AVE $629,90 0 2018 open concept ancher boasting 10 ceilings open concept p an. w th over 1700 sq of nicely finished living space o include crown molding large island in kitchen, quar tz counter ops throughout, sof close kitchen cabinets high end stainless appliances large pantry with barn door nicely tiled baths generous sized master with large walk in closet,& ensuite 2 additional bedrooms are a good size with loads of morning light. The laundry oom has ons of storage and a laundry sink with access o the double garage h MLS#173815 REDUCED 205-1701 MENZIES ST. $299,0 0 0 Features a large kitchen with attached dining and liv ng area, kitchen has all stainless appliances and open concept means you are always a par of any social gathering 2 good size bdrms master of ers a walk through closet and direct access o 4pc ensuite “Jack and Jill” bathroom. 9’ ceilings throughout. There is a covered balcony/ sundeck for BBQ’s k h MLS#173760 2737 PEREGRINE WAY $949,0 0 0 This home features large windows allowing lots of natura light & spacious eel with the open concept. On the main floor the custom kitchen has tons of cabinetry & granite counter tops with access to a walk-out patio front and back to enjoy the beautiful mountain views f i h MLS#172916 5080 STEFFENS ROAD $899,0 0 0 This beautiful story Lindal Cedar home with a daylight walkout basement s ts on 0.77 p ivate acres located onl 15 minutes north of Merr t. With it’s high ceilings and g and wall of windows you get o enjo the amazing mountain views while still having complete privacy The proper is fully enced with some cross encing of ering a safe place or your animals o g aze There is a 20x30 detached shop with 10f high ceilings that provides lots of space or your o s and storage With a one oom guest cabin you hav a private space or amily & friends MLS# 173917 1925 NICOLA AVENUE $665,0 0 0 This ype of unique proper ty doesn become availab e often. Heritage home has been owned by same family or more han 40 years! Fantastic investment oppor tunity presently configured as a triplex with 3 long term enants b f MLS#173354 Royal LePage Proper ty Management For all rental inquiries, please contact Kevin Dunn or Cr ystal Chandler. Rental Applications are available at our office AND on our website www merrittrealestateser vices com in the “Proper ty Management” tab Phone: 250-378-1996 or Email:

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