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Welcome to the 2023 Nicola Valley Fall Fair!
We are excited and pleased to be holding our annual Fall Fair in 2023. Holding the annual Nicola Valley Fall Fair is a massive undertaking and would not be possible without the many hours of work by innumerable volunteers. We welcome any and all who wish to volunteer, you can volunteer for one hour or endless hours like some of us do, come on out and meet some new friends and see how the Fair comes together.
We anticipate a bigger, better Fall Fair this year and look forward to seeing lots of new faces and many old friends. Be sure to check out the new categories we have this year and if there is a new category you would like to see please be sure to talk to our team, and we will have your suggestions put into next years catalogue.
We would like to thank our business community for your continued support through donations and special prizes for the fair. Our success depend on your continued support and we are thankful that we live in such a generous community.
We would like to thank our dedicated volunteers for soldiering on with our Giant yard Sales. We have been diligently working toward earning funds to have a washroom facility built. We have our drawings done now, with the help of funding for the TNRD, and they are currently out for bids. Our hope is to have shovels in the ground this fall.
We would also like to give a huge shout out to our community for your support through donations to our yard sales and showing up on weekends to purchase all the treasures we have to offer. We could never do it without you.
Marianne Reimer, President, Nicola Valley Fall Fair Association
Nicola Valley Fall Fair Association
Aim & Mission Statement
The purposes of the society are:
A. To improve conditions of rural life.
B. To stimulate interest in improving the quality of agricultural and other products, and all phases of the agricultural industry.
C. To provide a medium for exchange of information by members and to educate the public.
D. To arrange and hold at Merritt an annual agricultural and industrial exhibition and any other event which will be of benefit to the community and district, and to enter into any contracts necessary to the carrying on of such exhibitions and events.
E. To encourage 4-H Club work throughout the district.
F. To cooperate with any other associations, societies or organizations, whether incorporated or not, whose objectives are not contrary to those of this organization.
G. To promote, encourage and assist the educational, recreational, charitable and community.
Nicola Valley Fall Fair Association
Board of Directors
Tom Rafter Diane Funk Sharon Keyser
2023 Nicola Valley Fall Fair Rules & Regulations
Please take completed Entry Forms to Black’s Pharmacy or Pharmasave . (PLEASE NOTE THESE DROP OFF POINTS DO NOT SUPPLY ENVELOPES) or mail to the Nicola Valley Fall Fair Association at #319 LIndley Cr Rd , Merritt B C V1K-1L4
1. Entry fees are seventy five cents ($.75) per item, except where otherwise stated.
2. Only one person to each entry form, as any prizes awarded will automatically go to the person whose name appears on top of entry form.
3. Any article not enumerated in this prize list can be entered for exhibition purposes only & may be awarded prizes at the judges' discretion, but does not accumulate points for awards.
4. No substitutions of items will be accepted at any time. No new entries or substitutions will be accepted. Entry fees will not be refunded for any reason. The Fair reserves the right to refuse any entry at the discretion of the executive.
5. Separate entry forms must be used for each section.
6. No exhibitor will be allowed to display any award other than that awarded by the judges for the current Fair year. Previous awards may be displayed following judging.
7. All exhibits must be made or grown by the exhibitor since the Fair of the previous year or not previously entered at the Fair, except Photography, Graphic Arts, Wine & Caged Birds.
8. Decisions of the judges are final. Judges will decide upon the prizes awarded, not necessarily first and second.
9. All protests appeals or inquiries MUST BE MADE IN WRITING, stating plainly the cause of the complaint or the inquiry and mailed to Nicola Valley Fall Fair, #319 Lindley Creek Rd, Merritt, BC V1K 1L4 within 30 days of the Fair. A bond of $25 dollars may be requested at the decision of the board. Any dispute or misunderstanding not governed by the Bylaws or rules & regulations of the society shall be referred to Fall Fair Executive, whose decision shall be final.
10. Prize money will be available at the Fall Fair when entries are picked up. If not picked up, prize money will be considered donated to the Fall Fair Association.
11. Gift Certificates must be presented to merchants before the expiry date.
12. Perpetual trophies are the property of the Nicola Valley Fall Fair. Keeper trophies will be awarded to the winners of perpetuals. Exhibits must be in allotted place by time specified. No responsibility will be taken by the Fair for items left on the premises after time specified for removal.
13. Judges make consideration if only one entry in class.
14. Aggregate winners will be awarded on the following point system: First - 3 points, Second - 2 points, Third - 1 point
15. All goods donated to the Fall Fair will be auctioned & all monies so earned deposited in the Fall Fair building fund. All perishables not claimed by removal time will be included.
16. No public admission during judging.
17. The association will not be liable for loss or damage to any exhibit.
18. All those handling livestock do so at their own risk. Exhibitors of animals, machinery and other exhibits liable to cause accidents, injury or damage to themselves, property or persons coming in contact with them shall guard & control their exhibits.