THURSDAY, June 28, 2018 • B1
GRAD 2018
Good evening graduates, friends and family members. On behalf of the Board of School Trustees, SD58, I want to congratulate the graduating class of 2018 on reaching this milestone in your lives. Mr. McNiven mentioned that we have 107 graduates at MSS this year. That works out to 94 per cent — our highest completion rate ever and well above the provincial average so well done class of 2018. I wanted to start tonight by acknowledging Trustees who are her with me tonight. Trustees Brian Jepsen and Gerry Ellingsen. Thank you for all you do for public education. And a special thank you to our student trustee Tyler Thomson who is also a member of the graduating class of 2018. Your voice at the Board table will be missed. Tyler is one of about 12 students Trustees in the province. Four of those 12 are from SD 58. There is a very ancient story that exists across many cultures about two people. The first built their house upon the sand, as their foundation, and when the rains and storms come everything is washed away. The second person builds their house upon the rock, as their foundation, and their home survives the rains and storms. The rock has been seen as a metaphor for community, spirituality and family. The rain and storms are the challenges that life has and will continue to put before you both within our valley and beyond. Some of you have already experienced this through flood and fire and personal loss. For the past 13 years or two thirds of your life, the staff of this school district, have been building your educational foundation, your rock, to make the world a better place, one student at a time. The district has not been alone in this endeavour. The community, including many of those in the audience tonight, have helped you along in this journey as coaches, service club members, spiritual and community youth leaders, to name a few.
And let’s not forget your parents or extended family. You are here tonight because they all wanted to make a difference and in doing so contributed to your success. The foundation we have given you has been broader than math or science, social studies or fine arts; deeper than industrial or language arts. It has been about building citizens of character and integrity, about dealing with loss, celebrating achievement, working together and adapting to change. Tonight, we pass the torch to you a new generation, to blaze your own trail be it to further your education, take time off to travel or enter directly into the work force or maybe its just a few years off to discover what you want to do. What we do know is you will experience and achieve things that we have not yet imagined in our wildest dreams. I also want you to cut your parents some slack tonight. Having had three young adults graduate from MSS I can tell you from experience that tonight is bittersweet, and some are not quite ready to let you go and start the next chapter, even if you are. To quote Dr. Seuss: You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself Any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where you go… I wish you well as you continue life’s journey and ask that you be safe this weekend as you celebrate this major milestone in your life. Thank you. Gordon Swan Vice-Chairman of the Board of School Trustees
2018 on a Job Well Done!
To the Grads of 2018, Congratulations on your well-deserved success! From Merritt City Council and Staff
June 28, 2018
GRAD 2018
Tanveer Bansi
Kennedy Bergstrom
Ericka Boggs
Gracynn Bose
Dawson Brown
Faith Campbell
Dylan Carmichael
Kyler Carruthers
Jensen Cavaliere
Sumeeti Chhabra
Tylar Clark
Cassidy Collins
Shaylyn Cox
Hailey Cullen
Lois Yyen De leon
Sebastian Dexel
Jaydee Dick jr
Emmanuelle Dugas
Cassidy Dunnigan
Emily Etchart-Wagar
Parker Finch
Amy Foster
Teanna George
Thomas Girard
Nkikaxni Grismer-Voght
Anton Gush
Reyan Hamm
Oliver Hardy
Gavin Harris
Drake Henderson-Dumon
Norgaard Ready Mix wish to Congratulate the Grads of 2018!
KAELAN ARMSTRONG Double Congratulations for graduating High School and Level 1 Apprenticeship at Okanagan College at the same time.
Love Gram, Gramps & Dad. Serving the Nicola Valley since 1960.
TO ALL OF OUR BP FAMILY GRADUATES • (250) 378-4222 3939 Crawford Ave., Merritt, BC
THURSDAY, June 28, 2018 • B3
GRAD 2018
Dylan Carmichael Good evening ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, and especially my fellow graduates. It is an honor to stand before you today, to represent the graduating class of 2018. I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to be here today. And to my fellow graduates — congratulations, we finally made it. My name is Dylan Carmichael and I would like to take a few moments to reflect on our pasts; predict our lucrative futures; share some inspirational words of wisdom; make you laugh and hopefully reduce you all to tears. As I look out at the faces of the graduating class, I take comfort in knowing that we all share a common experience — failure. Without it, there can be no success. Each and every one of us is here because we have been willing to fail and each of us has learned to get back up when we have fallen. How many people have learned to ride a bike without ever falling? No one! I still remember learning how to ride a bike to this day, I was really excited because my dad had taken the training wheels off my bike and I was going to learn to ride like a big boy. So up to the road we went — I hopped up on the bike and I managed to go a little way but I leaned just a little too far to the left and down I went. My dad came running over to me and of course, I was crying out for my mom. So, into the house we went and my mom cleaned the cut. Thanks Mom. Well within a few hours I was feeling better, so up I went
to the road again. I didn’t know it at this time, but this is called perseverance. That time I got a little bit further, and I learned not to lean too far to either side. I had learned from my mistakes. However, I did not expect there to be gravel on the road. My bike tire skidded to the side and down I went again. This process repeated for a while but eventually through several more failures, I got the hang of it. Meanwhile, a dozen years later, just to make sure we didn’t forget the important lessons that we learned from failure — we encountered Mr. Sambrook! For those of you who do not know Mr. Sambrook, he teaches Calculus and Physics at MSS. For the first month of class – we swore he was speaking an alien language “What is the derivative of 3x3” We were lost! But we got up, dusted ourselves off, put in the extra effort (remember that perseverance we learned from riding the bike). And we succeeded! By the way…the answer is 9x2. Somewhere along the line, we become afraid to fail. We fear it. But we know that everything we want is on the other side of fear. The American motivational speaker Denis Waitley, describes failure this way: • Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. • Failure is delay — not defeat! It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. • Failure is something we can avoid — only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing! So, with that said, I have this advice for the graduating class “Go forth, take chances and fail. Your future success depends on it.” Today all of our lives change. We are no longer high school students. For many of us that may cause some anxiety. Where do we go from here? What do we do with our lives? Some of us may have an idea of where we will go from here. Perhaps there are aspirations of becoming doctors, mechanics. Others may aspire to be lawyers, teachers, plumbers, veterinarians, or welders. Or perhaps to own a ranch. However, I know many of us today don’t have the same clarity of
Class of
goals. To those that aren’t sure yet, try not to be afraid of the unknown: • keep searching for that passion. • keep seeking, • keep dreaming, and • keep moving forward. Today is a day we have all dreamed of — an important day! But today is no more important than yesterday, and no more important than tomorrow. Our success is not achieved while standing on a podium; while running a race; or taking a test…Our success is the sum of the minutes, days, and years that we work toward our goals. The destination is indeed spectacular. But it is the journey that got us here! Tomorrow, another journey begins. Today is the end of an era. To quote Charles Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” • Late night cramming. • Forgetting a project was due. • Relationship drama. • A new assignment from Mr. Suzuki every day. • Grad kidnapping… although I have been told I look really good in booty shorts. But that is all over-shadowed by: • The laughs we shared; • Times we had together on the weekends; • Seeing our friends and not having a care in world; • Perhaps going out camping or just hanging out at a friend’s place not really sure what else to do in a small town; • Taking selfies on stage while giving the valedictorian speech; • And we can’t forget French Fry Wednesday in the cafeteria. So, now that we are done with high school, it’s time to look ahead into the future. A few years from now we will probably look back at these high school years and talk about our accomplishments: and all the ridiculous things we had to do. We will probably all laugh
Best wishes for your future!
about the things we said and did while we were in high school. But this is the point in the story when we must retire our childhood icons Jessie, Rex, Mr. Potato Head, Buzz Lightyear, and yes — even Woody! Our rooms are emptied and our cars are packed. That defining moment we realize our childhoods are over. Our next chapter awaits. But the bonds, friendships and memories we’ve developed will last “to infinity and beyond.” I have to admit…. growing up…. I always envisioned at this moment Toy Story’s “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” would be playing. As the years go by. Our friendship will never die. You’re gonna see — it’s our destiny. The only thing left to say now is: Congratulations to the graduates of Merritt Secondary School!
Jackson’s Welding would like to congratulate and wish all the
GRADS OF 2018! all the best in their future endeavours!
From Dr. Todd Smith and staff at
Cascade Dental Care #110-1700 Garcia St.
Toll Free: 1-800-665-8711 2562-B Main Street, West Kelowna, BC, V4T 2N5
Jackson’s Welding 1750 Hill Street, Merritt 250-378-4332
June 28, 2018
GRAD 2018
Duncan Hopkins
Jesanna Hughes
Mackenzie Hunniford
Alexandra Hunter
Harlan Hutchison
Abram Jackson
Rebecca Jering
Shailyn John
Navryan Kang
Mackenzie Kelly
Bryanna Kerridge
Holden King
Tanner Komonoski
Ashton Krushelnitzky
Nicola Labounty
Jesse Landerkin
Kaelan Lester
Joshua Letendre
Taylor Letendre
Brody Lidster
Taylia McKeown
Samuel McNiven
Daphne McRae
Makayla McRae
Peyton McRae
Tyler Mosley
Chloe Murphy
Sydney Nagata
Virginia Nazzari
Dakota Ned
Congratulations to our three hardworking grads and the whole class of 2018. 3561 Voght St., Merritt BC
Dream Big The sky’s the limit, we know you’ll go far!
Cameron Wheeler
Kaelan Lester
Travis Spahan
STORE HOURS 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM 7 Days a week DRUGStore™ Pharmacy Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
2760 Forksdale Ave. 250-378-1841
THURSDAY, June 28, 2018 • B5
GRAD 2018
Daphne McRae
to the Upper Nicola Band Graduates for 2018
Best wishes on your future, Grads!
Peyton McRae
Makayla McRae
Devyn Nicholas
Dakota Ned
Francis Michel Jr.
From the Upper Nicola Band - We are so proud of all that you’ve accomplished.
June 28, 2018
GRAD 2018
Jamie Neill
Levi Nelson
Devyn Nicholas
Sebastian Olivera-Flores
Simren Panghli
Jacob Pattison
Gabriel Quigley
Chandler Raymond
Levi Reeves
Natalie Ross
Evan Sahota
Darius Sam
Amrit Samra
Daneeka Saul
Kerragan Selman
Zachary Shackelly
Ethan Sheena-Patrick
Ethan Simon
Travis Simon
Quinton Sloan
Brandon Stevens
Jordan Stirling
Kay-Lee Stirling
Whitney Stirling Chenai
Aaron Taylor
Isabel Van Rossum
Keenan Wudrich
Steven Texmo
Frederick Ware
Tyler Thomson
Taylor Tolman
Caitlin Weisse
Cameron Wheeler
Anthony Tulliani
Zachary Woodcock
Trevor U’ren
Jacob Woodland Photos Not Available: Justin Brown Vanessa Charlie Payton Downing (KLC) Alexander Eves Garth Gilchrist McKayla Nelson (KLC) Donald Saul Travis Spahan-Charlie Natlie Sterling-Moses Caitlyn Walsh
THURSDAY, June 28, 2018 • B7
GRAD 2018
Lower Nicola Indian Band
CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! May your future be bright and prosperous
Lower Nicola Indian Band
Phone: 250-378-5157
181 Nawishaskin Lane, Merritt, BC, VIK 0A7
Achievements June 28, 2018
C.M. Suttie Memorial - $1250 Sumeeti Chhabra
Interior Savings Credit - $1000 Jensen Cavaliere Sumeeti Chhabra Emmanuelle Dugas Teanna George Thomas Girard Nicola Labounty Jesse Landerkin Chloe Murphy Jamie Neill Simren Panghli Natalie Ross Amrit Samra Travis Simon Isabel van Rossum
CUPE - Local #847 - $500 Dylan Carmichael
Jamara Joyal Massage Therapy - $500 Thomas Girard
DOGWOOD DISTRICT AUTHORITY SCHOLARSHIPS - $1250 Faith Campbell Dylan Carmichael Sumeeti Chhabra Emmanuelle Dugas Alexander Eves Parker Finch Xni Grismer-Voght Bryanna Kerridge Sam McNiven Chloe Murphy Jamie Neill Simren Panghli Amrit Samra Ethan Simon Steven Texmo Anthony Tulliana Isabelle Van Rossum
Jamie Gillespie - $200 Parker Finch
Aboriginal Advisory Council Cherish Oppenheim Memorial -$1000 Xni Grimser-Voght Daneeka Saul Alberta Fraser - $1000 Mackenzie Hunniford Amrit Samra Beta Sigma Phi - $500 Bryanna Kerridge
Douglas Lake Cattle Co. - $1500 Sam McNiven Eastern Star - $750 Steven Texmo Elks Lodge #441 - $500 Mackenzie Hunniford Hospital Employees Union - $500 Sydney Nagata
Jennifer Bowden - $500 Bryanna Kerridge Emmanuelle Dugas Jeremy Bain Memorial - $500 Emmanuelle Dugas Kamloops Blazers - $1000 Simren Panghli LNB Construction Inc. Infracon $500 - Erika Boggs $1000 - Gabe Quigley Merritt Centennials Booster Club - $500 Emmanuelle Dugas Jamie Neill Merritt Firefighters/Monte MacLean Memorial - $300 Sydney Nagata Merritt Seniors Centre - $500 Sam McNiven Chloe Murphy
GRAD 2018
Merritt Sikh Society - $500 Amrit Samra Jamie Neill
Patricia Rebekah Lodge #33 $500 Dylan Carmichael
Merritt Volleyball Association Chloe Murphy - $1000 Daphne McRae - $750
Pharmasave - $1000 Hailey Cullen
Mohinder Basi Memorial - $250 Emmanuelle Dugas N.V. Community Arts Council - $500 Bryanna Kerridge Nicola Valley Health Care Auxiliary - $2000 Dylan Carmichael Jamie Neill Kerragan Selman N.V. Kennel Club - $500 Dylan Carmichael Shaylyn Cox Nicola Mason Lodge - $750 Brianna Kerridge Nicola Valley Principals & Vice Principals Association - $500 Bryanna Kerridge Nicola Valley Teachers’ Union Service - $500 Sumeeti Chhabra Tutoring/TA - $500 Thomas Girard Kennedy-Hughes $500 - Trevor U’ren Nicola Valley Teachers’ Union Scholarship - $1000 Bryanna Kerridge Hailey Cullen NVIT - $1000 Kennedy Bergstrom Old Time Fiddlers - $500 Ericka Boggs
GRAD 2018
Rotary Club of Merritt - $1000 Simren Panghli & Amrit Samra Royal Bank Scholarship - $300 Hailey Cullen Save-On-Foods - $500 Anthony Tulliani “Smitty” the Baker Memorial $500 Nicola LaBounty Spectra Energy - $500 Hailey Cullen Natalie Ross Steps Forward Scholarship - $1000 Cassidy Dunnigan STUDENT VOICE AWARDS Student Voice - $250 Xni Grismer-Voght Social Justice Award - $250 Mackenzie Hunniford Human Rights Award – Aboriginal student - $250 Xni Grismer-Voght Suki Randhawa Memorial - $300 Parker Finch Teck Highland Valley Copper - $750 Natalie Ross Tolko - $750 Anthony Tulliani Erika Boggs TNRD - $1000 Chloe Murphy
Principal Karen Goetz, the staff of the Kengard Learning Centre and the SCIDES P.A.C., would like to congratulate…
Danial Almasizadeh, Norma Anderson, Alec Anonson, Ashley Bales, Maxwell Bayman, Kevin Clarke, Natasha Dick, Mark Dixon, Payton Downing, Eden Dunbar, Marie George, Paul George, Parham Ghandi, Leslie (Jeff) Hampton, Hanna Harrison, Justin Irvine, McKenzie Isaac, Rebecca Isaac, Barbara Joy, Mystic Kenzie, Mackenzie Kinley, Laurenne Koller, Jonas Lafferty, Kaelan Lester, Adam Lewis, Zishuo (Evan) Liu, Calvin Lowe, Jacob Mack, Cierra McIvor, Jamie (Jayde) McKelvie, Garrett Mike, McKayla Nelson, Helen Newton, Kaylee Overeem, Ryan Pelchat, Patrick Peterson, Tyson Saul, Miriam Shim, Tralee Sterling, Joanne Street, Charlie Suzuki, Danielle Vinsentin, Ye Min Wu, Yun-Tung Yeh.
THURSDAY, June 29, 2017 • B9
June 28, 2018
Onward & Upward
GRAD 2018
“Success for ALL Learners ~ Today and Tomorrow” Congratulations to the Class of 2018
Wishing the Class of 2018 graduates much success and
The Board of Education of School District No. 58 (Nicola-Similkameen)
happiness on the road ahead.
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
2775 Marian Avenue 250-378-1366
Henry D. Threau
No heat?
HAT’S OFF TO THE GRADUATES! Stoyoma Dental wishes Merritt’s graduating class of 2018 CONGRATULATIONS!
PHONE: 250-378-5877
2088 Quilchena Ave., (beside the Royal Bank) PO Box 3090, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
THURSDAY, June 29, 2017 • B12
GRAD 2018
ns o i t a l u t a r g n o
Nicola LaBounty
Congrats Kiddo! Proud of you!
Dad, Mom, & Jen
We are so proud of you Love, Grandma, Mom, Kris and Dallas.
Congratulations love Ken, Danica, Shelby, Kalea and the Puppies!!
Kyler Carruthers
Congratulations to all of the 2018 Grads!
Navi Kang
Phone: 250-378-2332 2025 Coutlee Ave., Merritt
& Appliances Ltd.
Tanvir Bansi
June 28, 2018
GRAD 2018
s on n o i t a l u t ion t a a r u d g ra n G o r C you
a n n rya
You’ve made us so proud over the years, and we know this is only the beginning.
Enjoy your special day!
Graduating Class of 2018 Go forward in the direction of your dreams.
s n o i lat
You are amazing and we are immensely proud of you! Love Peter, Bal, Jawand Singh, Rajy, Pavan & Sabrina Samra
t! i r m A From all of us at
Call: 250-378-4888
THURSDAY, June 29, 2017 • B13
GRAD 2018
Congratulations Tyler You have learned a lot, but there is still lots of learning for you as you journey through life. We’re so proud of you, we love you! Nan & Grandpa, Dad, Shai, Jessie, Uncle Fred & Deb, Jeena, Kim, Auntie Barb & Uncle Calvin, Alanna & Lyle, Steve-O, Dallas, Carl, Kaylea, Uncle Doug, Roxanne, Sophia.
Thomson’s Truck Parts & Sales Ltd. 250-378-8266 • 2172 Douglas Street
June 28, 2018
GRAD 2018
THURSDAY, June 28, 2018 • B15
GRAD 2018
2018! 250-378-2030 2338 Nicola Ave.
! s n o i t a l u t a r Cong Jaydee Dick Jr. Love Dad, Alix, Destiny, Halen, Presley, Jacob, Gramma, Grampa, Charles, Auntie Steph, Cody, Tony & Kassidy
MSS Grads of 2018 we wish you success and happiness in your future.
t-Valu Glas s e B 2663 Granite Ave., s Merritt, BC 250-378-4531
Congratulations! Wishing all the class of 2018 all the best and a safe graduation. Good luck in the future.
CONGRATULATIONS on achieving your goals. May you always accomplish what you set out to do.
Congratulations! Dairy Queen Mom,Girard Dad and Lois Yyen DeLeon Grads: Anthony Tulliani,Love Thomas and family! Congratulations to our amazing grads! Good luck to you and
Fred Ware all of the 2018 Grads on a bright, successful future! • 250-378-6311
Gracynn So proud
of our “Little Gum Drop”. Go in confidence and make the best of our future!
Love you Grandpa & Gramma Bose
Congratulations to our amazing grads!
Good luck to you and all of the 2018 Grads on a bright, successful future! Anthony Tulliani
Thomas Girard
Lois Yyen DeLeon
3673 DeWolf Way • 250-378-5030
Sebastian Dexel
Jacob Pattison
Save On Foods would like to congratulate our employees and team members children on a job well done.
Steven Texmo
Zachary Woodcock
More photos online at
June 28, 2018
Cassidy Collins
All photos by Cole Wagner and Dara Hill/Herald
Graduating Class of 2018