Merritt Herald - January 8, 2015

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LOWER N ICFLEA MARKET PAGE2 me r r Wi t the ra ld . com



N Wi co l aV a l l ey ’ sN ew sV o Wi c eS Win c e1905

b c c la s s Wi f Wied . com



M a s s Wi v es n o w f a l lb l a n k e t sN Wi c o l aV a l l e y B yM Wi c h a e lP o t e s t Wi o THEHERALD

r e p o r t e r@m e r r Wi t t h e r a l d . c om

Am a jo rsnow s to rmth a th Wi t th eN Wi co l aV a l l e ySund a ys awa two -d a yto t a lo fb e tw e en30and 50c en t Wim e t r e so fth ewh Wi t es tu f f a c cumu l a t eWinth ev a l l e y . H e a v ysnow f a l lcon t Winu ed Mond a yw Wi thb e tw e en10and20 c en t Wim e t r e se xp e c t edb yth a te v e n Win g ,a c co rd Win gtoanEn v Wi ronm en t C an ad aw Win t e rs to rmw a rn Win gfo r th eM e r r Wi t ta r e a . Mond a y ’ ssnow f a l lb l an k e t ed th ec Wi t yth rou ghou tth e mo rn Win g hou r sun t Wi lapp ro x Wim a t e l y1 :30 p .m . D e sp Wi t eth esnow f a l l ,a l lo fM e r r Wi t t ’ ss choo l sr em a Win edop enon Mond a yandbu s e sw e r erunn Win g . “ [ I t ]m Wi gh tb eal Wi t t l eb Wi ts low e r ou tth e r e ,bu tw e ’ r eop en , ”S choo l D Wi s t r Wi c t58sup e r Win t end en tS t e v e M cN Wi v ento ldth eH e r a l d. Th eN Wi co l aV a l l e yIn s t Wi tu t e o fT e chno lo g yw a sa l soop enon Mond a y . A l lp r Wi v a t eandpub l Wi ce l em en t a r ys choo l sWinn e Wi ghbou r Win g Kam loop s ,h ow e v e r ,a lon gw Wi thThomp sonR Wi v e r sUn Wi v e r s Wi t y ,w e r ec lo s ed . Down town M e r r Wi t tr e c e Wi v ed abou t30c en t Wim e t r e so fsnow b e tw e enSund a yand Mond a y ,L Wi s a Co ldw e l l s , mo rn Win gp r ep a r edn e s s m e t eo ro lo g Wi s tfo rEn v Wi ronm en t C an ad a ,s a Wid . Mo s to fth ep r e c Wip Wi t a t Wionw a s e xp e c t edtosub s Wid eb yT u e sd a y mo rn Win g .C loud ys k Wi e sandt em p e r a tu r e sho v e r Win gn e a rth ef r e e z Win gm a r ka r ee xp e c t edtoendth e w e e k ,Co ldw e l l ss a Wid . A l thou ghth Wi sh e a v ysnow f a l lWi s ar a r Wi t yfo rth eM e r r Wi t ta r e a ,Wi tWi s no tunp r e c ed en t ed . Co ldw e l l ss a WidonJ an .14 ,1971 th eM e r r Wi t tr e c e Wi v edaon e -d a y snow f a l lo f31c en t Wim e t r e s . Sh ea l sos a Wid42c en t Wim e t r e sf e l l onth ec Wi t yonD e c .29 ,1996 . Th eh e a v ysnow f a l lo c cu r r eda l l a c ro s sth esou th e rnIn t e r Wio r .


J o h nL ambu s e sa nA T Vt op l owt h ep a r k Wi n g l o ta tV a l l e yC o u r to nG a r c Wi aS t r e e tM o nd a y . T h eN Wi c o l aV a l l e yr e c e Wi v edb e tw e e n30a nd 50c e n t Wim e t r e so fs n owo v e rt h ew e e k e nd a ndM o nd a ym o rn Wi n g .M Wi c h a e lP o t e s t Wi o /H e r a l d

B e tw e en25and35c en t Wim e t r e s o fsnowf e l lth rou ghou tth eO k a n a ganandC a r Wiboor e g Wion s ,andWi t w a ssnow Win gWine a rn e s tWinth eK oo t en a y s ,Co ldw e l l ss a Wid . Sh es a Width er e a sonfo rth e h e a v ysnow f a l lWi stwo fo ld . Th esou th e rnIn t e r Wio rr e c en t l y r e c e Wi v edab l a s to fA r c t Wi ca Wi rf rom th eY u kon .Th en ,w a rm , mo Wi s ta Wi r fo rmth eP a c Wi f Wi c mo v edWino v e rtop o fth eco lda Wi r . “Th etwofo r c e sh a v eju s tcon t Winuou s l yr e f r e sh edth em s e l v e s .

Co lda Wi rk e ep scom Win gWin ;w a rm , mo Wi s ta Wi rk e ep scom Win gWino v e rtop andw e ’ v eend edupw Wi thtwod a y s o fv e r yh e a v ysnow , ”Co ldw e l l s s a Wid . AM Win Wi s t r yo fT r an spo r t a t Wion t r a v e lad v Wi so r yw a sWi s su edfo rth e Coqu Wih a l l aH Wi ghw a yon Mond a y mo rn Win g ,ad v Wi s Win g mo to r Wi s t sto con s Wid e ra l t e rn a t erou t e so ra l low fo rlon g e r th an -u su a lt r a v e lt Wim e b e tw e en Kam loop sand Hop e b e c au s eo fh e a v ysnow ,b low Win g snowandl Wim Wi t edv Wi s Wib Wi l Wi t y .

B a c on Ch e e s eb u r g e r

As Wim Wi l a rad v Wi so r yw a sWinp l a c e on H Wi ghw a y97Cb e tw e en M e r r Wi t t and K e lown a . RCMPS t a f fS g t .Sh e Wi l a Wh Wi t e e r a l dt r a f f Wi cpo l Wi c eon l y to ldth eH r e spond edtoacoup l eo fv eh Wi c l e Win c Wid en t sonth eCoqu Wih a l l aH Wi gh w a ysou tho fM e r r Wi t ton Mond a y mo rn Win g .Bo thw e r em Wino rand n e Wi th e rWin vo l v edWin ju r y . Wh Wi t es a Widpo l Wi c ead v Wi s ep eop l e no ttot r a v e lth ero ad sdu r Win gcon d Wi t Wion ssu cha sth e s e . Sh es a WidWi ft r a v e lWi sab so lu t e l y

n e c e s s a r y ,m a k esu r ey out a k ey ou r t Wim e ,h a v ew Win t e rt Wi r e sandb r Win g food ,w a t e r ,b l an k e t sandac and l e fo rh e a tWinc a s ey ou rv eh Wi c l eb r e a k s downo rv e e r so f fro adWin toa d Wi t ch . Th epub l Wi cc an mon Wi to rth e l a t e s tfo r e c a s t sandw a rn Win g sf rom En v Wi ronm en tC an ad aa tw e a th e ro f f Wi c e . g c . c a .H Wi ghw a ycond Wi t Wion sc an b e mon Wi to r eda td r Wi v eb c . c a . En v Wi ronm en tC an ad aad v Wi s e s po s tpon Win gnon e s s en t Wi a lt r a v e l un t Wi lth ew e a th e rWimp ro v e s .

Buy yOne , ,Ge t One

Boxo f D Wi l ly -Ba rs



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E A LD E A L $ M

F o ra l Wim Wi t e d t Wim e ! A tpa r t Wic Wipa t Wingloca t Wion s

Va l Widun t Wi lJanua ry 31 ,2015

*Equa lva lueo rle s s .Fo ral Wim Wi tedt Wimeon ly . Va l Widun t Wi lJanua ry31 ,2015

o rDQ Sandw Wiches

2 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015


Lower Nicola launching year-round ea market THE HERALD

Bargain hunters, crafters and collectors rejoice: handmade and hand-me-down products will be sold year-round at the new Lower Nicola Flea Market. The market is slated to open Jan. 25 at 10 a.m. and run at least one Sunday a month at the Lower Nicola Community Hall. Between the end of May and beginning of October, the market will THE PROVINCE

Slow down, move over penalties stiffen Drivers who fail to slow down and move over for people working roadside now face a fine. Changes to the Motor Vehicle Act require drivers to slow down and move into a far lane, if available, when passing official vehicles with flashing blue, red or yellow lights and stopped roadside. The legislation went into effect Jan. 1 and now applies to vehicles used by maintenance workers, utility workers, land surveyors, animal control workers and garbage collectors as well as emergency personnel. In zones where the posted speed limit is 80 km/h or higher, drivers are required to slow to 70 km/h. In zones where the posted speed limit is below 80 km/h, drivers must drop their speeds to 40 km/h. Those who fail to slow down and move over face a $173 fine and three demerit points.

move outdoors to Lower Nicola’s Smith Pioneer Park. The flea market is a non-profit event run by the Lower Nicola Community Association, which just formed its three-person flea market committee in December. Market manager Diane Van Hoof said it was a challenge to get everything prepared for their Jan. 25 launch over the holidays, but as of Tuesday, they had eight stalls booked by vendors offering a variety of items, from baking to crocheting to crystals. The hall can accommodate 27 stalls.

Van Hoof said the plan is to run the market long-term. “We’re hoping we can build it up throughout the year, and hopefully it’ll be a big success,� she said. “We have a lot of interest.� Vendors offer homemade, home grown or baked, and yard-sale type items. Vendors offering products that aren’t home-made, such as those sold by Avon or Scentsy, are also allowed. Non-profit societies and school groups can also set up stalls to sell their wares as fundraisers.

Vendors can apply for a stall at each Sunday market or for specific dates that they choose. Proceeds from the market will be split: half will go to the flea market committee to cover costs associated with the market and the other half will go to the Lower Nicola Community Association for hall and park maintenance. For more information or to register for a stall, see the Lower Nicola Flea Market event page on Facebook or contact Van Hoof at 378-3481. The market runs until 3 p.m.

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L o c a l sh o l dm em o r Wi a ls k a t e f o r f r Wi e n d

F Wi n du so nF a c e b o o k : f a c e b o o k . c om / m e r r Wi t t h e r a l d

F o l l o wu so n T w Wi t t e r : t w Wi t t e r . c om / M e r r Wi t t H e r a l d

G O O DM O R N I N G !

O p Wi n Wi o n-6 7 H e a l t h -1 7 S p o r t s -1 8 C l a s s Wi fi e d s -2 0 T O D A Y ’ SH E R A L DF L Y E R S S e l e c t e dd Wi s t r Wi b u t Wi o n * V Wi s Wi o n sE l e c t r o n Wi c s * R e dP l um * C o o p e r s C e n t u r y2 1 J y s k * P h a rm a s a v e * S a f ew a y C a n a d Wi a nT Wi r e * E x t r aF o o d s * S o u r c e * L o n d o nD r u g s * Sm a r t s o u r c e * P r o c t e r&G am b l e *

L ow e rN Wi c o l ar e s Wid e n t sg a t h e r eda tt h eS h u l u sA r e n ao nD e c .20f o ra nWi n f o rm a ls k a t et or em emb e rt h e Wi rf r Wi e ndL aw r e n c eB o s e ,w h op a s s edaw a yo nN o v .16a f t e ratw o y e a r b a t t l ew Wi t hc a n c e r .T h eg r o upsp o r t edam em o r Wi a lt uq u eh o n o u r Wi n gB o s e ,w h ow a sk n ow nt ow e a rt h Wi sp a r t Wi c u l a rp Wi e c eo fh e ad g e a r .P Wi c t u r edWi nt h eb a c kr ow , f r oml e f t ,a r eS Wi o u x Sw a k um ,D a n Wi e l l eM cD o u g a l l ,R a y l e n eH ump h r e y ,N o l a nW a l l e r ,R o x a n n eM cK Wi n n o n ,R y a nM a n n ,M e l Wi s s aP Wi n y o na ndI v a nSw a k um . I nt h ef r o n t , f r oml e f t ,a r eL a nd a nSw a k um , T y s o nSw a k um ,D a y t o nM cD o u g a l l ,B r y s e nP Wi n y o na ndT e a g a nSw a k um . M Wi c h a e lP o t e s t Wi o /H e r a l d

B yM Wi c h a e lP o t e s t Wi o THEHERALD

r e p o r t e r@m e r r Wi t t h e r a l d . c om

M e r r Wi t ton WianLaw r en c eBo s ewan t edto r e tu rntoh Wi shom e town . Sad l y ,th e30 y ea r -o ld whog r ewupWin M e r r Wi t t wa sn e v e rab l etodoso . Bo s ehadb e enf Wigh t Wingcan c e rfo ra lmo s ttwo y ea r sb e fo r epa s s Wingawa y Win No v emb e r . H esp en th Wi sla s te Wigh t y ea r sWin Man Wi tobaand hadb e end Wiagno s edw Wi th s tag efou rr e c ta lcan c e r WinF eb rua ryo f2013a f t e r ha v Winganem e r g en c y co lono s cop yWinCa rman , Man . Tha tsumm e r ,wh en h ela s tspo k ew Wi thth e H e r a l d,Bo s ewa sl Wi v Winga tth eL enno xB e l l Lodg en ex tto W Winn Wip eg ’ s H ea l thS c Wi en c e sC en t r e andcommu t Wingtoth eS t . Bon Wi fa c e Ho sp Wi ta lth r e e

t Wim e saw e e kfo rch emo th e rap y . Th ecan c e rsp r eadto h Wi sl Wi v e r ,h Wi slung sand b ra Win ,andch emo th e rap y t r ea tm en t sb e cam eWin e f f e c t Wi v e . Bo s epa s s edawa yon No v .16 ,andh Wi sfun e ra l wa sh e ldWin Man Wi toba . Som eo fh Wi sf r Wi end s f romth eLow e rN Wi co la a r eaw e r en ’ tab l eto ma k e th et r Wiptoa t t endth e fun e ra l ,soth e yga th e r ed a tth eShu lu sA r enaon D e c .20fo ranWin fo rma l s ka t etor em emb e rth e Wi r lo v edon e . R y an Mann ,who g r ewupw Wi thBo s e ,o r ga n Wi z edth em emo r Wia l .Th e twobo thl Wi v edonth e R o c k yP Win e sR e s e r v eand p la y edho c k e ytog e th e r . Ano th e ron eo f Bo s e ’ s f r Wi end s ,I v anSwa kum , sa Widh eandBo s ewou ld a lwa y shangou tWinth e

sam eg roupo ff r Wi end s . Swa kumsa WidBo s ewa s anea s y go Winggu ywho a lwa y shadasm Wi l eonh Wi s fa c e . Mannsa WidBo s elo v ed ma k Wingp eop l elaugh . “E v enw Wi thh Wi sWi l ln e s s Winth eend ,h ewa sa lwa y s laugh Winganda lwa y s s ta y edv e rypo s Wi t Wi v e , ” Mannsa Wid . “ I td e f Win Wi t e l yd Widn ’ t s lowdownh Wi ss en s eo f humou r , ”Swa kumsa Wid . I thadb e enal Wi t t l e mo r ethanad e cad es Win c e Mannla s tsawBo s e ,bu t th etwohad manag edto commun Wi ca t ev WiaF a c e boo kwh Wi l eBo s ewa ss Wi c k . Wh enSwa kumf Wi r s t h ea rdtha tBo s ehad fa l l enWi l l ,h et ra v e l l ed to Man Wi tobatos e eh Wi s f r Wi end . Swa kumsa Widh ek ep t Wintou chw Wi thBo s eon F a c eboo k ,andwa sa l so

ab l etoa t t endh Wi sf r Wi end ’ s fun e ra l . Swa kumsa Widwh enh e r e conn e c t edw Wi thBo s e , Wi twa sv WiaF a c eboo kand th etwop Wi c k edupr Wigh t wh e r eth e yl e f to f fa f t e r y ea r sw Wi thou tan ycon ta c t . “B e s tbudd Wi e s ,ta l k Wing e v e ryda y , ”Swa kumsa Wid . Ra y l en e Humph r e y r em emb e r sca t ch Wing ga r t e rsna k e sw Wi thBo s e wh enth etwow e r eWin e l em en ta rys choo l . Ano th e ro f Bo s e ’ s f r Wi end s ,A l l Wi sonC Wi s co , s en th Wimp Wi c tu r e so f fam Wi l Wia rs Wi t e sf romh Wi s hom e town ,su cha sth e s choo lth e yw en ttoand th ehou s eh eg r ewupWin . “ I twa sn ’ tlonga f t e r Is ta r t eds end Wingtho s e p Wi c tu r e stha th epa s s ed awa y , ”C Wi s cosa Wid . Inhonou ro fth e Wi r f r Wi end , MannandSwa -

kumhadsom etuqu e s mad eupw Wi thBo s e ’ s nam eandda t e so fb Wi r th andd ea thonth em , wh Wi chw e r eg Wi v entoth e p eop l ewhow e r ea tth e m emo r Wia l .Twov e r s Wion s o fth etuqu ew e r e mad e —ab la c kon eandag r e y v e r s Wion .Th eb la c kon e a l soha saho c k e yp la y e r onWi t . Swa kumsa Width e y cho s eth etuqu eb e cau s e Bo s e ,aho c k e yfan ,wa s knownfo rw ea r Wingon e . Humph r e ysa Widsh e mad eBo s etwob ead m eda l l Wion swh enh ewa s a l Wi v e . On ewa saV an cou v e rCanu c k ss ymbo l ,and th eo th e rwa sacan c e r r Wibbon .Sh esa Widsh e a s k edtha tth ecan c e rr Wib bonb ebu r Wi edw Wi thh Wim . “ Im Wi s sh Wim , ” Hum ph r e ysa Wid ,“bu th e ’ s wa t ch Wingo v e ru s ,Iknow tha tfo rsu r e . ”

MERRITTFUNERALCHAPEL AD Wi v Wi s Wiono fS e rv Wi c eCo rpo r a t Wi o nI n t e r n a t Wi o n a l(C a n a d a )ULC

C e l e b r a t Win gl Wi v e sw Wi thd Wi gn Wi t y Mon ,Tu e s ,Thu r s &F r Wi 10 :00 am-3 :00pm W edn e sd a y1 :00pm-6 :00pm

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250 -378 -2141

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J a n .6 H e ad l Wi n e s A v a Wi l ab l ea t n ew s s t a nd s t od a y .



IVE PAGE 3 N Wi co REP HO l aV CKEY a l l ey ’ STAN sN ew D INGS PAGE sV o 9 Wi c eS Win c e1905 b c c la s s Wi f Wied . com



SW IMM I NEWY NGINTHE EAR D o n n Wi n gS a n t ah a t sa s a nd nd a l s ,H aw a Wi Wi a ns a ndw h Wi r t s Wi n t e rb o o t s ,ad b r a o v z es e n o u l ssw amWi L nN a k Wi eo c o l nN a ewY e a r ’ sD u s h a e yt rWi o nt h en ewy e a r . J o l l yM e r r Wi t t o n Wi a n sf d ow a c ed nt h em Wi ldb u tc a t e yp r t Wi a c Wi a n lb l y e a c hw e a -3Ca t h e ra t ndw ad edb r t a h v el e l yWi a k n eo t o nT h u r sd a y . T h ep o l a rb e a rsw Wimt p l a c o ea o k tK o k a n e eB ab e a o c u t20m h , Wi n u t e sn M e o r r r t Wi t h to o f nN Wi c o l aL a k e . T h eg r o upm ad easp f o raf l a s h ews e c o nd s , a l l lt a u h g ew h Wi n g a y . T h e nWi tw a sb a c kt b ot e a h c e hf o raq u Wi c kt a ow ndw e l o a f rm f upb yt h ef Wi r e . Ab o u t30p e op l eg o a t nt h e h r es ed h o r et ow a t e c v e ht n t ,w h e h Wi c ho r g a n Wi L z a e rC n g l o a Wi l l sc Wi e a l l edaf u a n ndb ,c r r a z a y v ew a yt os t n a ewy r tt h e e a r . P o l a rb e a rsw Wim sa r N ea ewY e a r ’ sD a yt r ad Wi Wi t nc Wi o n omm u n Wi t Wi e sa c C r a o s n s ad a .T h Wi sy e a rm V a a r n k c ed o u v e r ’ s95 t ha p n o l n a u rb a l e a rsw Wim ,w e h s e t r Wim ea a t n ed2 ,000r e t v o e l o l kt e r s h ep l u n g eWi n t B oE a y . n g l Wi s h

P o l Wi c e Wi n v e s t Wi g a t eN ewY e a r ’ sE v es t a b b Wi n g

B yEm Wi l y e Em Wi l yW s e s s e s l e THEH W l / H e r a l d ERALD a s k n ew edfo s r o om@m rano e r r th Wi t t h e e r rp a l d . c e om r Th son em P o . l Wi c anto ea r eloo l l tu d Widno rn k Win m Wi edaw c ena eh gfo tknowtdpo f e rtwo t a e ralo yf romth h c th eWin a o lm rth enf t emand s rud t anw abb e ep l tah e r e edWinth s r a sonth s Wi tWinth toh n eb e e yw Win eb a Wi rth sb a 31 gfo c e a konD r . c a ea er k c r . k . Wi s gh k e tshou c . ld P o “H l e Wi r H . c es esu ekn Th a Wid en em sp ewh e c anw tth e w ’ a de Th ew s ld e a h showth wh sa c ego em au e m encu th apon en s tupto b enth eh Wi ta Win sap t kn afo emth e ldfb tN go ent a rlo Wi r t co Win - th r edoo l Wi c gaf edc aAp b k Wi loodru cou -b e f e ew lte a r r a ,on em on M Wi l c a l Wi endtot r k thasm tm enpun eo nn en en Win f t z s Wi CTs gdown h a e a k th l sS ch lb eh eho c t edh l r an a ad h P e c e o . e k l sp tw e adn WimWinth b ,soh Wi r h . Wi c e Wi l t es Wi a a t t l Wi e ,andth Wimto a v a Width ed rth ewh e kn ro edt s el en r em e tos “Th e ntwounha a f tf ty ent topth e r eWin Wi e m a oh s e r ,andth pp .Th a g chl Wi l ju edth ed a cou e Wi sen s known pun re eb e f e t te sf l emto a end pun t e e ed romth et r edth Win s mbu chtoth Wi e aa l gth aon v woundo abou l l e esu e lan s an . y em , y sr ”RCMP wogu e c Wi t eandpo c Win eand an ch Fw nh e adandt Wi s sf t m abwouneh Win l S Wi a g c c t gs .No e l e ,F . “H emm h a Wid e l D ed em . rm Wi so dw Win Widn - w r Wi gs e en ’ r tth a esom t Wid ed ecou . Win ,th s e k P e r t Wi Wiou o l em t l h Wi d Wi Th ’ c w n v s e a e an g em s a w sWi a e e a s an r s ansu Wi ec l yh h a l s e ,andw a l f and r f edabou h e e ,bu e ldntw r l hou Wi l edanon f ed e tb ra th h t r en e f t e c ’ MERR e a tg au t rth - thcou ITT HERALD en s e eh tWi Win b eWin r ts wh gs ego a Winkno topp Wi c t Wid chh abwoun enh th en Wi ed t app s , c ep , k edp en an d m R u n n Wi e edWinth r s c o n v r e c n e f o rM e e r r Wi k t t t r a c t e ed t a a f yh k t , eh Win e ”F rnoon a el WimWin gs rd l em a , t a Wid e . ,andt . p Wi a c k tu esom r Th e s , em ”F e l anw emm a Win st ho MER gs a k P sp ento o ER a l Wid Wi Wi t c . a ea lWinK RR r es R II t Wi am l lloo TT loop fo T rth THE k Win sfo esu g ra sp e RALD c t sbu r e ta l e a r s eno Win F am Wi l yo fD gad a r c Wi eC t l a r k ed e f e n d sN C RR e e f o rmA s c t c r Wip t Wion . D -DAY MEMOR IES PAGE3



N Wi co l aV a l l ey ’ sN ew sV o Wi c eS Win c e1905

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b c c l a s s Wi f Wied . com

By M Wi c h a e lP o t e s t Wi o K am loop s .H ew a s on THEHERALD eo fth el a s t toc r o s sth r e ef p o r Win t e r@ Wi shlWin me r r Wi t t h e ebu r a l d . c o twh m enth e c r owd ,wh Wi chh adam a s s e db a c ka t Me r r Wi t th e ldWi t sf th ou M es r t t hannua a r t Wi n g l Wi l n eWinV A o gh tP a r k ,s aw S Coun t r yR S unSund a hWimh yandth e ad A Win ee gto v en t t h ef Win Wi sh ,e GE v e r y on e s awp eop l eo fa l la ch g e sp e e r a ed r t .Obo Wi c Wip a t rnee eWin P v enw e n tRO b a c kto th e5K ,10Kandh o a gab l f -m Wi a tw r a thonrun Wi thBu GA t ch s . j e r . Into t a l ,th AM PAG RAM e r ew e r eab Bu t ch ou e MS t30 rs ta 0pa r t edru r nn Wing m a r a th on m s MSU t Wi c Wip an E t s ,s e a Wide U r v e n wh to r U e r n gan h Wi e Wi z r e e 5 SU rM tWi t C r ar eda CC y ta t g e66a h nds a CE Wid 5 e J o r g en ra s en . E l h Wi sd S aug S ht d e r . w a s S S b ca co Wi gWin sp Wi r a om t Wionf o r Th e5Kh m ad157runn h Wim . e rs ,and t h e10Ka t t r a c t ed100p “Sh ar e ’ t sdo Wi c Wip neth an t s . eI r onm an[ t r Wi a th Th Wi r t y th r e ep eopl lo er n]a ant ndsh heh el a l f edth ewa y .[Sh e ]s a Wid , m a r a thon . ‘D ad ,wh ydon ’ ty ourun ? ’s oId Wid , ” F o rm e rR o t a r yC s lubo a WidBu fM t c he e r r . r Wi t t b cc las pr e s Wi den tD a r ch Obo rn F a ep m Wi s l Wi a e r t sc Wi c Wi am Wi eou f ttorunasw Wi e e l l . d pa . t edWi nth eh c a l f -m a e r o l athonr enA s s e l t a Wi m c n e .Th eand h e H ere Wi gh t y e a r 68 y e a r -o ldWi sana v ldd Wi drunne aug h t r ,h e rP a v a Wi Wig n g o ef Win Wi sh edth e5K comp l e t Win gth r e em r a a c r eto a thon g e th sWi n 53 e r .H e rhu sb andG r a em e d a y sju s ttw ow e e k sa go . W Wi x y e h ena a r -o l sk dsonI ed ands s a a cw e r eno t howh em an a g e st oruns f a rbeh o mu Wind .E chWin v enh e rmo th e r Win l aw , su chasho r tp e r Wiodo B e rn ft Wi c Wi me eA , Obo s se l t Win r n e ,82 e ,to o kont h e5K an sw e r ed ,“Y ougo t r t a adoWi c ea tth twh eCoun Wi l e t r yR un . y ou ’ r ey ou n g . “Th Wi sw a sh e rf Wi r s t5Ka ndWi tw a s “R e l a t Wi v et ot omo r r o Wi w ,I r s tt ’my Wim edo oun Wi n g , gWi ” ourf tto g e th e r , ”H e l en h eto ldth eH e r a l d . s a Wida bou trunn Win gth er a c ew Wi t hh e r Ano th e rr e l a t Wi v d e au l yy gh oun t e r . gru nn e r tot a k ep a r tWinth eh a l f -m a r a t hon w a s 78 y e a r -o ldB ru c eBu t ch e rf r om S e e ‘ C o u n t r yR u n ’P a g e3


RS NAT N Wico ION l o l a PAG aV a E2 ALCH l ley 5 AM ’ ssN PS e Nw FA sV LL CAT FA o Wice IR ALO S Wince GUE INS 190 I DE 5

OFFTOTHERACESS e v e n y e a r o l dC al v Wi nL Wi t t l e l e a d sap r a c e a sa c ko t t fr r a c u t n e n dp e r sWi a r t Wi nt c Wi h p e a 5Ka n t sf r tth oma eM l l e w r a r l Wi t k tC so o fl u n Wi t f ea r yR n df u no r oma nS u sf n d a raw a y .T a h ya e sO n t a r Wi o .I a nW e b s t e r / H e r a l d

M o th e ro ft r Wi p l emu r d e rv Wi c t Wim ss a y sB Wi l lC -54p r o t e c t sv Wi c t Wim s ’r Wi gh t s

B yEm Wi l yW e s s e l w e–th ef am Wi l Wi e so fv Wi c t THEHERALD Wim sa l l o ld M a x ,andf Wi v a e c r y e o s a sC r -o ldCo an n ew ad s r a–h o r om don @me . Wi a r v r Wi t eb t h e n r e a g ena l ,Wi d . c om tg s kWin e t sr g o y a la s s en C l tandb a r k eandG ecom a l f th e o s th r :p a v eop ewo antho l ef r k oundnotc ed s ew Wi th m F l am r aw Wim en . Wi l t Win ym a ld a l l emb Wi so y rd e e r so r s , w faw Wi thP r Wim om eM an Win Wis t r e e rS spon t th eph s Wib es l en t eg a t em e tb en e t ts t wh e rsup a o y s s ech . “T po r Wi h t ld Wi sth sWisab r enw an H e Wi r l lth em a rpe u a tr rd er r em ,A edb Wind t to sth y r n e yG e a r ecu en er r r a en lR In2011 t l yWi ob np ,th l a c th e;th eB e Wi c rf .C ou ec a .R r th t san ommu e e rWi v Wi nM dp ewBo - N r e o r v r Wi Wi a nc t rd tWin20 Wi Wi cho a lr l sonandC e v 08a Wi ewboa r e rd an n Wi s g t ad ya Wi an H sawho r an t e edS r Wi t l a er ge th ch e c o e sp Wiv en e e bo sth a k rne Win a tv ep gupWinsupp s Wi cor c r t o Wim t e t c edv sm - M Wi a s t Wi t t o e Win s r r .Inf to Wi s fth t e rJ a c eN t ,Wi am tWi o t t e s Moo s Wion r s[ eonth Win Wi t ]d toth e s eb ecommu e r Wi v l l e [ s ] C ;an rWim n mo Wi dthef t yf Wi r n e th a r l l omth yR am a nar e Wi - f spon eP em s o Wibl Wind r t o rn eR ert e e f a r o ha l r yf tv m Wi Wi v c ey t Wim e l s C a Wi r e s .Th sofv oqu e Wi ys c t Wim Wi a t l yth amp sf Win e a s l l y A ch c yg t . Wi e m at tmo a t te r Wi r cf et r —Wi a Wim c Wi l Wi e ch t tw yw Wi l he lhop r e an e g fu e sw l l Wi ysoonb l lbr Win toh gv e h Wi c e t Wim a l , ew ”r s ’r e a Wi sbe ad gh sas t s Wi n gh t a t e em ld Th t .Tha h en ea el tr aw c tw , e l tp ”th e a ou s e rm es ed Wi ldch ta Wi s s t Wion an e n tob m en g eth ts a l a an ys e c . ew Wi ththo b yC l s a eo w r a k sr fp eandh e eop v o l k e e eda rcou r e f l t e e s a roppo Win s er ,S Th e t v eb Wi a s ew Wi c t Wi Wi l y la onf sf lsoadd o r rtho om f oundn s ef r e s oundno s e sWim o tc r b Wim t G a l Win a l a l l t yr ,onth e C spon l a r k e’ ev s Wib sf l Wi e c . am t Wim Wi c l s r ’ad y ,wh Wim an Win v os c o a e l c l sWinth a a yr Wids c yw e spo h el eb ewa n e s Wib g Wi s lef s l a t Wionsu r Theb omannua Wi r l lp r ound a l s s s Win edWi Wi g l t t e4d ss e a Wi con r v Wi c n Wi gn e dr . c a e e . a ad- tho rb y . h e a r Win g s stoh ef oundno e a r Win tcr g se Win v Wi m e gWinth Wina r yth l l r yr e Hou e e e spon s eof Co A l l anS mm S cho on cho sl enbo enbornw a t e s rn y e ’ a sr r s Wib , wh equ a l sf e ,Win ound e Wi s chD ttot c lud Win a r r an c gth Wi s eC f e l a r a l tth s tm a r k e e ’ r on sf eWi thw snol am Wi l Wi thav y no e g a l toap tc o t eo r WimWi f242t n a l s l y yr ch o Wi e a spon t r m Wi emb cf s Wib ob a c l Wi l e eb l Wi r Wi ga t ss yWinS yr t Wiont a yw e a son 3 Wil e l on k Wi lco r o k t , Wi f r ym r 4andw e c ta e mb nWimb e Wi l r lnowb so a fthe M l - o fm er e en v Wi ew t an a ld . wa edb Wi so ya rd sapp e rf an r o rt o c v eWinth commun edb h e mu yth ecu r Wi eB t r yWi r .C en fah tr . c Wi e omm gh v Wi ews r Wi Wi t skof t e y eandr s t em f end . de epo e r R r r so t edon b fh e v Wi Wi sa ewB ndC e f o o a r l rdWinF e l ar k e “Wh ’ sc eb e a h ru Wi v ld a e tWi so r a sb en ry rec ,bu , e Win th ap gp e a sf r Wi s opo t sth r omaf s edWi Wi M rdr a swh e c Wi ad l Wi t Win y a ,and y t 10 AR s g . y e a r e -o tt ld K ob ec a Wi t l a ynne r r Wi edou C ,e t r Wi e t g .C a h t t Win y l H ea ga a r r k n e dc ’ sf l a am s s Wi Wi f y Wi I fth n gtho eb sew Wi l lb M Wi th a s s e sWi t ADN sth l yoppo Wi rdr e ad s e sth a t mo l en v g ea th sw yv Wio e l E l l ,s e n th a y Win Wi s to g r S Wi e d Wi f f e r Ss en t l y sh T eh h a sf amWi eM l yWinth eS e l k Wi r ka e r e r a . r Wi t t

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C Wi t yf a c Wi n gs s t t a a f f f s s h h o o r r t t a a g ef o rs umm e r FEATUREHOMES

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www. r oya l lepage .ca/me r r Wi t t www . rea l t or . ca S e e u l ea lE t h e u r s da y ed Wi t Wi o n ot h eM e r r Wi ttH e ra ld .

Tue sda y .



S e c o nd a r y ySc h o o lc l a s so f20 13h Wi h Wi t tt h h es t r e e t sf o rt h e Wi rg g r r a a n n d dm ar c hd o wnV o g h tS S t r e e e to nF r Wid a yf o rc omm F e o n r c tM em e n cMu t . F u l “I l s r t t ’ ay o san r r . yo Wi t ’ sn npa ewa o o t g t e3, h Wi h Wi Wi na n n g ent gagadv a m n o nyw r ur ep Wi e “ w n ; a h Ihay ; n s ay o s t t tM ,”s She o s da y Wi e a ns a r WidWi M s It r a r Wi Wi e Widt l Wi g t Wi c l t l ret t hWi Wi t w l o bb bWi nB n eea n h k tru S l e kI ej l . e abu e ’e a Em tos a o a o u Wi bth l u yW “ . sy j o I cont nhe o ’ me sv ’ e l r s e le e s e , , e t admWi l Wi /H Wibu r me edo one u . u . re e, c e , wb c r cssr a l d ed Wi n Wi s d s t w o wha b n h Wing e t t e Wi

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Besu retog Wiveusa ca l lWi fyouwa n ttorese SKFOR rveyou radve ERRESA r t Wisemen tWinth Wisspo t .

250 -378 -4241

• P o l Wi c e Wi n v e s t Wi g a t e N e w Y e a r ’ s E v e s t a b b Wi n g

P o l Wi c ea r e l o o k Wi n gf o rtw om e na f t e ra l o c a l m a nw a ss t a b b e d Wi nt h eb a c ko nD e c .31 .

• 6 8 s p e c Wi e s s p o t t e d Wi n b Wi r d c o u n t T h ef e a t h e r sw e r ef l y Wi n go nD e c .14a t t h ea n n u a lC h r Wi s tm a sb Wi rdc o u n t ,w h Wi c hWi s e x a c t l yw h a tm emb e r so ft h eN Wi c o l aN a t u r a l Wi s t S o c Wi e t yw a n t edt os e e .

• H u n t e r s p r o t e s t s h Wi f t f a v o u r Wi n g n o n r e s Wi d e n t s A sB .C .h u n t e r sp a c k edr o om st op r o t e s tr e g u l a t Wi o n sg Wi v Wi n gg u Wid e o u t f Wi t t e r sa ndt h e Wi ro u t o f -p r o v Wi n c ec l Wi e n t sal a r g e rs h a r eo fb Wi g g am e p e rm Wi t s ,t h ep r o v Wi n c Wi a lg o v e rnm e n ta r g u e st h a t t h es h Wi f tWi sb e Wi n ge x a g g e r a t ed .

• T a l e n t a n d a t h l e t Wi c d e v e l o p m e n t AFun e ra lP r e P lann Win gad v Wi so r

w Wi l lbeava Wi lab lea tthe Me r r Wi t tFune ra lChape l onthese condandfou r th F r Widayo fthe mon th ,be tw eenthehou r so f10am3pm(o rbyappo Win tmen t ) . AP e r sona lP lann Wing Gu Wide w Wi l lbep rov Wided .

4 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 Energy EfÅciency Requirements for Part 9 Buildings


Effective December 19, 2014 - Sections 9.36 B.C. Energy EfÅciency Requirements for Part 9 Buildings Beginning December 19, 2014 applications for building permits must comply with the new requirements for energy efÅciency in housing, small commercial and industrial buildings. There are signiÅcant changes which will affect many trades relating to standard building practices. Please ensure you review all documentation and are familiar with new requirements as described in the referenced documents below.


This year is the first time that the number of visitors has exceeded 20,000 for the Nicola Valley Heritage Society Visitor Information Booth (VIB) at the Baillie House. A total of 20,589 people stopped

at the Baillie property in the first 11 months of 2014. This was an increase of almost 3,560 visitors over the same period in 2013. Visitors tell us that our site is unique in their travels within B.C. and in other

provinces or the U.S. The friendly greeting from our staff and volunteers keeps bringing people back to Merritt’s downtown core. Visitors are always surprised when they are offered free coffee and tea.

Illustrated guides can be downloaded from the Homeowners Protection OfÅce website: Section 9.36 ‘Energy EfÅciency’ can be downloaded from the B.C. Codes website: For more information, please visit the Canadian Builders Association website at

SUMMARY OF CITY OF MERRITT SNOW REMOVAL POLICY This procedure outlines the responsibility of the City, residents, businesses and contractors as it pertains to snow removal in Merritt.


The City of Merritt is seeking Requests for Proposals from qualified proponents for the managing of operations of the City owned Claybanks RV Park. The successful proponent would be responsible for managing the day to day operations of the Claybanks RV Park on behalf of the City under a three-year term contract for the period of April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2018. RFP documents are available on the City’s website: and on the BC Bid website. Completed proposals must be received in a sealed envelope and labelled: RFP #1-15 - Claybanks RV Park by 4:00pm, Friday, January 30, 2015 at:


PROVISION OF JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR CITY PUBLIC FACILITIES The City of Merritt is seeking Requests for Proposals from qualified proponents for the provision of janitorial services for some of the City owned public facilities for a two-year contract for the term of March 1, 2015 to February 28, 2017. RFP documents are available on the City's website: Completed proposals must be received in a sealed envelope and labelled: RFP#2-15 - Provision of Janitorial Services by 4:00pm Monday, February 2nd, 2015 at: City of Merritt P.O. Box 189, 2185 Voght St., Merritt, BC VIK IB8 Attn. Leisure Services Manager

City of Merritt P.O. Box 189, 2185 Voght St., Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Attn. Leisure Services Manager Any and all inquiries regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing to: Larry Plotnikoff Leisure Services Manager, City of Merritt

Any and all inquiries regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing to: Larry Plotnikoff Leisure Services Manager, City of Merritt

The City of Merritt reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, modify the terms of the proposal at any time, to waive defects in any proposal document and to accept the proposal which it may consider to be in the best interests of the City. The lowest cost proposal or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted.

The City of Merritt reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, modify the terms of the proposal at any time, to waive defects in any proposal document and to accept the proposal which it may consider to be in the best interests of the City. The lowest cost proposal or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted.

NOTE: For purpose of this procedure “Area 1” is designated by heavy black line and “Area 2” is all remaining streets.. Service Level based on Snow Accumulation: 0 – 5 cm: Area 1 only sanded AS PRIORITY 5 – 20 cm: City streets are graded and sanded in the following time frame: Area 1 – within eight (8) hours Area 2 – within thirty (30) hours Over 20 cm: Exceptional Snowfall – will call out such manpower and equipment as may be available and required to maintain city streets in as passable conditions as possible. Priorities: No.1 Emergency access routes to essential services such as hospital, police, fire, ambulance, City services. Dangerous roadways including hills and intersections. No.2 Schools; No.3 Downtown Business Core; No.4 Highway Commercial properties; No.5 Residential properties Disposal: Residents, businesses and contractors are not permitted to blow or plow snow from private property onto right-of-ways, streets, lanes or walkways. Residents and businesses in areas with City sidewalks adjacent to roads shall be permitted to place snow from the walk on the road. Sidewalk Clearing: Every owner or occupier of residential zoned property shall remove snow or ice from sidewalks or pathways abutting the said property within twenty-four (24) hours of accumulation except for weekends and holidays. Every owner or occupier of real property shall immediately remove snow, ice or rubbish from the roof or other part of a structure adjacent to a highway or pathway or sidewalk where such snow or ice or rubbish presents a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Every owner or occupier of commercial or industrial zoned property shall remove snow or ice from sidewalk or pathways abutting the said property by ten (10) a.m. of any day and, as needed, following the accumulation of snow or ice. Complete copies of this procedure can be obtained at City Hall during regular business hours.

Movies at the Civic Centre


FriGay,, -aQ 16 - 6 pm SatXrGay, -aQ 17 - 2 pm & 6 pm Admission $5 CASH 2NLY 2NL< CoQcessioQ C i 1 $1 CASH 2NL< 1950 Mamette Avenue CIT< CI C IT< 2F 2F ME MERR MERRITT ERRIT RRIITT RR ITTT LLeisXre eis SerYices DeSartPeQt

For Pore iQforPatioQ caOO: CiYic CeQtre: 250-315-1050 ATXatic CeQtre: 250-378-6662

Next council meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015 Council agendas and minutes at

City of Merritt + 2185 Voght Street, Box 189 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 + Phone: 250-378-4224

THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 • 5


All hands on deck after snowstorm mild end to 2015,� he said. Ostraat said there is $72,050 earmarked for snow removal in the 2015 provisional budget. He said the City of Merritt budgeted $71,370 for snow removal last year, but only spent about $55,000. The remaining funds are simply stored as surplus funds and not rolled over for subsequent snow removal budgets, he said A full crew was

The City of Merritt has been working to keep city streets clear in the wake of a snowstorm that dumped between 30 and 50 centimetres on the Nicola Valley early this week. “We probably plowed at five, six o’clock this morning [Monday] and if you got up at 8 [a.m.] you probably wouldn’t have even noticed we were there, it was snowing so strong,� public works superintendent Darrell Finnigan said. He said the public works department was able to plow the entire town at least once on Monday. Finnigan said the public works department has two plow trucks and a grader to clear the snow and contracted a third plow truck for Monday’s snow removal. He said the city has two utility work machines to clear sidewalks. There was snow removal in the downtown core on Monday night and loaders and trucks were still hauling it away on Tuesday morning to basins in

Collettville. Public works manager Sean Boven said Tuesday his department was continuing the cleanup and expected to have a good handle on it by the end of that day. “I think our response was really good. I’m happy with it,� Boven said. Finnigan said the

city hired dump trucks and another loader to haul away snow on Monday night. City of Merritt financial services manager Ken Ostraat said he might add more funds for snow removal and sanding in the 2015 budget depending on the costs associated with dealing with this week’s snowstorm.

Another option he’s considering is discussing the possibility of setting up a snow removal reserve fund with city council. Funding for snow removal has a tendency to even out over the course of a year, Ostraat noted. “We might have a bad start to 2015, but we might have a really

“Breaking the Chain of Abuse�

Adopt a Pet Please make an appointment to visit Ph: (250) 378-5223 E: View other future best friends @



BOARD MEETING DATES Regular Meetings of the Board of Education will be held as follows: January 14, 2015 February 18, 2015 March 11, 2015 . April 15, 2015 . . May 13, 2015 . . June 10, 2015 . .

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. Merritt Princeton . Merritt Princeton . Merritt Princeton

Meetings are held in the School Board OfďŹ ce and start at 6:00 p.m.



Benny is approximately 2 years old, neutered Scarlette is approximately 1 year old, spayed Tikaani is approximately 1 year old, spayed male, Shepherd cross. He is a nervous boy female, Husky / Malamute cross. She weighs female, Husky / Malamute cross. She is the sister to Scarlette. She is kind, sweet, gentle, and needs a gentle, quiet home with a conďŹ - approximately 50 lbs. She is very sweet, slight- slightly timid and loyal and loves her people dent female canine companion. Benny would ly timid, affectionate and loyal. We are hoping and children. Tikaani walks nice on a leash do best in a home without children and not in to adopt Scarlette and Tikaani together as they and knows some of her basic commands. She Donations desperately needed for spay and neuter services. will require life experiences, a gentle person, a the city. provide much comfort to one another. canine friend and a rural environment.

Donations can be to made to The Angel’s Animal Rescue Society at The Interior Savings Credit Union, Account #1193739.

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MERRITT HERALD M Advertising: Publisher: Editorial: newsroom@merrittherald com *Â…\ÊÎÇn‡{Ă“{ÂŁĂŠUĂŠ >Ă?\ÊÎÇnÂ‡ĂˆnÂŁn Ă“ä™äĂŠ Ă€>Â˜ÂˆĂŒiĂŠ Ă›iÂ˜Ă•i]ĂŠ*°"°ĂŠ ÂœĂ?ʙ]ĂŠ iĂ€Ă€ÂˆĂŒĂŒ]ĂŠ ° °

Are you an Aboriginal Youth between the ages of 16-24? Are you looking for a job? Do you want to go back to school? Do you need tutoring? Are you looking to get Tickets in First Aid, Food Safe, etc.? Are you looking for something else?

If you said YES to any of these questions, then Conayt may be able help you.

For more information contact: Charlene Joe or Dorothy Spahan at: 2164 Quilchena Ave. (250) 378-5107 or



By Herman Kneller

The year 2014 has just become history. What a history it is! The weather has been very unstable in places. Lots of snow (like what we’ve just experienced here), and rain and wind. These things we can’t control. They are in God’s hands.

can see so many things that we need to be thankful for.

We generally live a pretty blessed life here. We have fairly pleasant weather, we have the things we need to live. Look at the plenty and good food we have The rain stops, the snow melts and available to us. All of these things do not we go on our merry ways, but what just happen. They are provided for us by happened to mankind? the Creator. We need to remember to give Him thanks for it all. The Book says of the end time, that man’s mind will be only evil continually. Let’s for a moment look at where we The Earth will be Àlled with violence. Has live. It may not be perfect, but look at the that not been the role of 2014?? government. We have the healthcare system and all the things that make life What can we expect of 2015? What peaceful and content. can we expect when we turn the page of the calendar? Will that change things? The place to Ànd the tools to make life Sadly, it’s not that easy. Change can only here worth while is in the Book of Life, the come from within the heart and mind of Word of God, the Bible. With what is going a person. on in the world, it would be a good time to read the Word. There, you will Ànd a friend When we look away from some of the in Jesus, who cares for us and provides for bad things that have happened or are still us. He also has given us some rules to live going on, we need to look away for a bit E\ 7LPHV DUH JRLQJ WR JHW ZRUVH 1RW WR and look at where we are. When we really worry. God will look after His people. look at ourselves, at our surroundings, we

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See ‘City’ Page 8

Conayt Friendship Society

Simon Cisco shovels his elderly neighbour’s driveway on Monday after a downfall of between 30 and 50 centimetres of snow. Michael Potestio/Herald

By Michael Potestio

shovelling their driveways created a problem for public works during the snowstorm, Finnigan said.

plowing the streets on Sunday and all plowing equipment was in use all day on Monday, Finnigan said. Piles of snow on the street left by people

6 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015


U.S. ripping us off on water VICTORIA – The U.S. has Canada over a barrel on water as well as oil these days, but the tide is TOM FLETCHER B.C. turning. Last week VIEWS I mentioned a new book called The Columbia River Treaty – A Primer by members of Simon Fraser University’s climate adaptation team. This slim volume makes the case that B.C. has ended up with a shockingly bad deal from this 1964 treaty, which concerned itself entirely with flood control and hydroelectric power. In those days there was little or no environmental assessment. Agriculture, fish habitat and aboriginal impacts were ignored. More than a decade after the disastrous flood year of 1948, once Ottawa stopped its bureaucratic delays, U.S. public and private power utilities paid B.C. $254 million to build three dams on the Columbia system. Those dams (and one at Libby, Montana that mostly floods B.C. land) hold back the huge spring runoff from the Rockies and then dole out water for power production in B.C. and for the 15 hydro dams previously built downstream in the U.S. The U.S. payment was for half the power over 30 years, which B.C. didn’t need at the time. Then our American cousins cut us another cheque for $64 million, an estimate of the value of flood protection from 1968 all the way to 2024. Boy, did we get taken. The SFU team calculates the value of that flood control to the U.S. at more like $32 billion.

See ‘Water costs’ Page 7

Publisher Theresa Arnold publisher@

Good news stories to ring in new year Emily Wessel Merritt MUSINGS Even at the dawn of a new year, it seems the bad news doesn’t stop: a volatile domestic situation that left nine people, including two children, dead in three Alberta cities; a homicide to end the year in Kamloops; even a stabbing in Merritt. But as always, there are plenty of stories about the good things people do as

Production Dan Swedberg production2@

Advertising Sales Terresa Rempel sales2@


well that can tip the scales in the other direction. One of those stories is a recurring one in Manitoba. A couple who won a $50 million lottery jackpot five years ago made their annual major donations to various charities in that province over the holiday season. They spread joy to the tune of $100,000 at the Dream Factory, a Winnipeg-based charity that makes dreams come true for kids with life-threatening illnesses, and nearly a matching amount to Winnipeg Harvest, that city’s largest food bank. They’re known as the “Sagkeeng Santas” as they come from the Sagkeeng First Nation, a community of about 3,300 people

northeast of Winnipeg. Even as multi-millionaires, the couple stays true to their roots by donating to causes that hit close to home in the communities they once called home. Further east, in Toronto, a remarkable woman is helping fellow burn victims with a trailblazing technology. Basma Hameed camouflages scars with cosmetic tattoo treatments. The 29-year-old was badly burned by hot oil in a kitchen fire when she was just two years old, and spent the next two decades undergoing all kinds of procedures on her burned face. However, none of them were successful in restoring her natural colouring back

Editor Emily Wessel newsroom@

RANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE (250) 378-4241

Reporter Michael Potestio reporter@

to her skin. She was told the hope of covering up her burn scars was low and her money was better spent on a vacation so she could relax than on more cosmetic procedures. But when Hameed had successful cosmetic tattoo treatments to replace the eyebrow she’d lost to the burns, she decided to experiment with the procedure on the burn scars. In 2011, she opened the Basma Hameed Clinic in Toronto to offer paramedical tattooing procedures full time. She now operates two busy clinics (the other is in Chicago), and she also oversees a training academy for those who want to perform the “pigment transplantation” procedures.

Sports writer Ian Webster sports@

She also operates a charity called Basma Hameed Survivors Foundation, through which she connected with 17-year-old student Samira Omar, who has burn scars on her face, neck and head she says are from a brutal bullying attack. Hameed has told media that the ratio of patients who want “permanent makeup” procedures, such as fuller eyebrows or tattooed eyeliner, versus those who want to correct skin discolouration is about one to one. Her patients typically need between eight and 20 treatments, which, as anyone who’s had a tattoo knows, is no picnic.

See ‘Canines’ Page 9

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Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

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THURSDAY ,J a n u a r y8 ,2 0 1 5•7

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YOUR OP IN ION W a t e rc o s t s S a yn ot os l u d g e Wi n h Wi g h Wi nB .C . ,S u n s h Wi n eV a l l e y v a l u e Wi nU .S . F r omP a g e6 Tha t ’ sno te v enth e wo r s to fWi t .Th eK oo t e na y sw e r eon c eth el ead Wingf ru Wi tandv eg e tab l e g row Winga r eaWinB .C . , b Wigg e rthanth eO kana gan .NowWinth eA r row La k e sando th e rr e s e r vo Wi r s ,l e v e l sr Wi s eandfa l l d rama t Wi ca l l ytos t ead y th ef lowsou th .Inadd Wi t Wiontoth ela r g ea r ea s p e rman en t l yf lood ed b yth eM Wi ca , Dun can and Hugh K e en l e y s Wid e dam s ,th Wi sr end e r s mo r e o fB .C . ’ sp r Wim ebo t tom landWimpa s sab l e . B .C .Wi spa Widp r e c Wi s e l y z e rofo rth Wi ssa c r Wi f Wi c e , wh Wi l eW a sh Wing tons ta t e ha sd e v e lop eda$5 b Wi l l Wion -a y ea rfa rme con om yu s Wingou rs tab l e Wi r r Wiga t Wionsou r c e .Tha t ha sh e lp edth e Wi rt r e e f ru Wi tg row e r spu shsom e O kanagano r cha rd Wi s t s ou to fbu s Win e s s . A sU .S .b Wi l l Wiona Wi r e s con t Winu etoban k ro l l en v Wi ronm en ta la t ta c k son B .C .andA lb e r taen e r gy p ro j e c t s ,Wi t ’ swo r thno t Wingtha tlongb e fo r eth e t r ea t y ,th eU .S .m Wi l Wi ta r y Windu s t r Wia lcomp l exhad w Wip edou tth eCo lumb Wia R Wi v e rsa lmonrun s .Th e U .S .A rm yCo rp so f Eng Win e e r sandWi t sp r Wi v a t e pow e rpa r tn e r sdamm ed e v e r y th Wingth e ycou ld f Wind ,ex t e rm Wina t Winga f Wi sh e r yb Wigg e rthanth e F ra s e rtha thadsu s ta Win ed abo r Wig Wina lp eop l eon bo ths Wid e so ftoda y ’ s bo rd e rfo rthou sand so f y ea r s . B .C .En e r gy M Win -

Wi s t e rB Wi l lB enn e t tand SFU ’ sJ on O ’R Wio rdan bo thd e s c r Wib edto m e th e Wi rexp e r Wi en c ea tth e Co lumb WiaR Wi v e rBa s Win con f e r en c e ,h e ldla s t O c tob e rWinSpo kan e . Th e Wi r ma WinWimp r e s s Wionwa stha tAm e r Wi can s , Win c lud Wingt rad Wi t Wiona l t r Wib e s ,wan ttho s esa lm onrun sr e s to r ed .V a s t amoun t sha v eb e en sp en tonha t ch e r Wi e sand hab Wi ta ttosp e edr e co v e r y b e lowth eG randCou l e e dam ,wh Wi chs tand sl Wi k e ag Wian ttomb s ton efo r m Wig ra to r yf Wi sh e r Wi e sabo v e Wi t . Shou ldth eAm e r Wi can se v e r manag etog e t sa lmonabo v eth e Wi rb Wig g e s tdam ,Wi tw Wi l lla r g e l y b euptoB .C .top ro v Wid e su f f Wi c Wi en tcoo lwa t e rto k e epth ema l Wi v e .Tha t s e r v Wi c eha sanWin c r ea s Wingv a lu etoth eU .S .a s w e l la sanongo Wingco s t toB .C . B enn e t tsu rp r Wi s ed som eWinSpo kan ewh en h esa Width eU .S .n e ed s topa y mo r efo rth eb en e f Wi t sf romth eCo lumb Wia R Wi v e rT r ea t y . Th ef loodcon t ro l ag r e em en texp Wi r e s Win2024 .Th et r ea t y r equ Wi r e s10y ea r s ’no t Wi c e fo re Wi th e rcoun t r yto ex Wi t .C l Wima t esh Wi f t sa r e exp e c t edto ma k eB .C . wa t e r mo r eWimpo r tan t thane v e r . Y ou r mo v e , Un c l e Sam . T omF l e t c h e rWi sl e g Wi s l a t u r e r e p o r t e ra n dc o l um n Wi s tf o r B l a c kP r e s s . Tw Wi t t e r :@ t om f l e t c h e r b c

DearEd Wi tor ,

Th eN Wi co l aV a l l e yWi sabou t tob e com eth en ewdump Win gg roundfo rhum anw a s t e , un l e s sth ep eop l ewhol Wi v eh e r e a r ep r ep a r edtof Wi gh tands top Wi t . Wh y ?Abbo t s fo rd ,M Wi s s Wion , W e s tK e lown aandP e a ch l and don ’ tw an to rknowwh a ttodo w Wi thWi t ,andsoth e y ’ r ep a y Win g T Wimb ro( a l soknowna sB Wio C en t r a l )n e a r l y$3 .5 m Wi l l WionWin con t r a c t stot ru c kth e Wi rs ew a g e h e r e . How mu ch ?O v e r9 ,000 tonn e so fs ew a g es lud g e p e ry e a rfo rf Wi v ey e a r sf rom Abbo t s fo rda lon e ,and mo r e com Win gf rom O k an a gan S Wim Wi l k am e en —a l ltop rop e r t Wi e sWinth eN Wi co l aV a l l e y ,som e r Wi gh tn e x ttoy ou . Wh enandwh e r e ?R Wi gh t now .I t ’ sb e enu s edonR e yand N Wi co l ar an ch e sfo ry e a r s .I tWi s cu r r en t l yb e Win g“ app l Wi ed ”to 2988Sun sh Win eV a l l e yR o ad , andWi sdu etob edump edon D r yL a k e ,ju s tabo v eLow e r N Wi co l a ,Wine a r l y2015 . Th a t ’ s9 ,000tonn e so f hum anw a s t e ,r Wi gh tupb eh Wind Low e rN Wi co l ath Wi scom Win gy e a r , ju s tfo rs t a r t e r s . Anem Win en th yd ro g eo lo g Wi s t s a y sth e r eWi sa“ s t ron gl Wi k e l Wi hoodfo rth e r etob eah yd ro g eo lo g Wi c a lconn e c t Wionb e tw e en th e(M Wi l l e rE s t a t e s )w e l land th ea r e awh e r eth eapp l Wi c a t Wion o fb Wio so l Wid sWi stoo c cu r . ” Whos t and stoga Win ?An y on ewho ’ st r y Win gtog e tr Wido fWi t ( v a r Wiou sl e v e l so fgo v e rnm en t ) andtho s ewhos t andtop ro f Wi t f romWi t —Winou rc a s e ,T Wimb ro andsom er an ch e r s ,app a r en t l y . Whos t and stolo s e ?E v e r y on ee l s e .No m a t t e rwhoy ou a r e ,th Wi sa f f e c t sy ou . I fth Wi sp ro c e ed s ,M e r r Wi t t anda r e aWi sr ap Wid l ygo Win gtob e knowna sas ew a g edumps Wi t e . Wh a tdoy outh Win kth a t ’ sgo Win g todotoou rp rop e r t yv a lu e s ?

A r eWin v e s to r sgo Win gtow an t toWin v e s th e r e ?W Wi l lbu s Win e s s e s w an ttolo c a t eh e r e ?W Wi l ltou r Wi s t sb ea t t r a c t edh e r ea st ru c k s lo ad edw Wi thr e e k Win gs ew a g ero l l p a s tth em ? Wh a tWi sWi t ?I t ’ ss ew a g e s lud g e ,wh Wi chWi sat r e a t ed m Wix tu r eo fhum ane x c r em en tand an y th Win ge l s eth a tgo e sdowna d r a WinWinal a r g eu rb anc en t r e l Wi k etho s eWinth eO k an a gano r Low e rM a Win l and . Wh yd Widn ’ tIh e a rabou t th Wi s ,y ou m Wi gh tw e l la s k ?I fy ou w an ttoapp l ys ew a g es lud g eto l and ,y oudon ’ tn e edtocon su l t w Wi tho rWin fo rmth epub l Wi c .And y oudon ’ tr equ Wi r eas Wi t eWin sp e c t Wiono re v enp e rm Wi s s Wion . Y ouju s th a v etoh Wi r ea “qu a l Wi f Wi edp ro f e s s Wion a l ”who s a y sth a ta l lr e gu l a t Wion sw Wi l lb e fo l low ed ,th ensubm Wi t sth ep l an toth eM Win Wi s t r yo fth eEn v Wi ron m en t ,and ,un l e s ssom eon e ob j e c t s ,c anb e g Wins lud g e dump Win gWin30d a y s . Th e r eWi snogo v e rnm en t w eb s Wi t eth a tt e l l sy ouwh e r e s ew a g eWi sb e Win gapp l Wi ed . Th ego v e rnm en tt a k e sth e wo rdo fth e“qu a l Wi f Wi edp ro f e s s Wion a l ”andth eown e r -op e r a to r s . How mu chdoy out ru s t b Wi g mon e ytoloo ka f t e rth e s a f e t yandc l e an l Win e s so fy ou r w a t e r ,so Wi landa Wi r ? Inth eU .S .Winth e1990 s , wh enWi tw a sm and a t edth a t w a s t eshou ldb eapp l Wi edto l andr a th e rth andump edWin w a t e r ,P ow e l lT a t e(whoa l so wo r k edfo rth etob a c coand ph a rm a c eu t Wi c a lWindu s t r Wi e s ) r e -b r and edhum anw a s t ea s “b Wio so l Wid s . ” Ah Wi gh -pow e r eds lud g e lobb yg r ewup ,andnows ew a g es lud g e ,wh Wi chth eEn v Wi ronm en t a lP ro t e c t WionA g en c y o r Wi g Win a l l yc a l l eda“h a z a rdou s m a t e r Wi a l , ”h a sb e enr e ch r Wi s t en eda sb Wio so l Wid s ,andth a t ’ s howWi t ’ sb e Win gso ldtoy ouand m e . Th eSun sh Win eV a l l e yR o ad

L andApp l Wi c a t WionP l ans a y s , “Odou rWi sno te xp e c t edto b eacon c e rn . ”Bu tth a t ’ sno t wh a tr e s Wid en t ss a yabou tth e s t Win k Win gp Wi l eo fhum anw a s t e , wh Wi chWi ss ch edu l edtodoub l e Wins Wi z eWin2015 .I ta l sos a y sWi t ’ s a“b en e f Wi c Wi a lr eu s eo fC l a s s Ab Wio so l Wid s ”and“ av a lu ab l e sou r c eo fn Wi t ro g en ,pho spho ru s and m Wi c ronu t r Wi en t s . ” Wh a tWi sr e a l l yWins ew a g e s lud g e ?W er e a l l yc anno tb e c e r t a Win ,andth a tWi son er e a son w eshou ldb ewo r r Wi ed .Co rn e l l Un Wi v e r s Wi t yd Widane xh au s t Wi v e s tud yo fb Wio so l Wid sWin2009 , wh Wi chIu r g ey outor e ada t h t tp :// cwm Wi . c s s . co rn e l l . edu/ c a s e .pd f . I fw edon ’ ts topth Wi sWimpo r t a t Wiono fs ew a g eWin toou r v a l l e y ,w e ’ l lb ea l low Win gth e p e rm an en tpo l lu t Wiono fou r l and ,w a t e randa Wi rb ym a s s Wi v e qu an t Wi t Wi e so fo th e rp eop l e ’ s w a s t e . Wh a tc anw edo ?O r gan Wi z e andf Wi gh t .Th er e s Wid en t so f G r e a t e rV Wi c to r Wi ad Wid( Win2011 and2013 )andth e ys topp ed th eapp l Wi c a t Wiono f“b Wio so l Wid s ” tof a rm l and sth e r e .Sw Wi t z e r l andju s tb ann edth ep r a c t Wi c e a l to g e th e r . I fy ou ,too ,th Win kw eshou ld t a k ec a r eo fou rowns ew a g e and m a k eo th e rp eop l et a k e c a r eo fth e Wi r s ,w r Wi t eJ a c k Wi e T e ga r t ,y ou r MLA . D em andth a tM e r r Wi t t ’ sc Wi t y coun c Wi lt a k eas t and .Gotoa coun c Wi lm e e t Win g .S Wi gnth ep e t Wi t Wion( th e r e ’ son ea tK u Wip e r ’ s ) ands Wi gnth eon l Win ep e t Wi t Wiona t ch an g e .o r gc a l l ed“STOP !Th e u s eo fs ew a g es lud g e… ” .Go toth eF r Wi end so fth eN Wi co l a V a l l e yp a g eonF a c eboo k . F o r mo r eWin fo rm a t Wion ,con t a c tG eo r g Wi aC l em en ta t250 378 -1654 . S topWi tnowb e fo r eWi t ’ stoo l a t e . A l Horne Merr Wi t t

Speakup Y oucancommen tonan y s to r yyouread@ me r r Wi t the ra ld .com


H E R A L DQ U E S T I O N O F T H EW E E K Tovo te , goon l Wineto me r r Wi t the ra ld .com

Tovo te , goon l Wineto me r r Wi t the ra ld .com A reyoucon ce rned abou ttheu seo f b Wio so l Wid sWinthe N Wi co laVa l le y?

P R E V I O U S Q U E S T I O N Wha t ’ syou rnew yea r ’ sre so lu t Wion? MORET IME ONA HOBBY :40% MOREEXERC ISE : 20% SAVE MORE MONEY :20% MORET IME W ITH FAM ILY/FR IENDS : 20%


Th eM e r r Wi t tH e r a ld w e l com e sy ou r l e t t e r s , onan ysub j e c t ,add r e s s ed toth eed Wi to r . L e t t e r smu s tb es Wi gn ed and Win c lud eth ew r Wi t e r ’ s n am e ,add r e s sandphon e numb e rf o rv e r Wi f Wi c a t Wion pu rpo s e s . L e t t e r sm a yb eed Wi t ed f o r l en g th ,t a s t eandc l a r Wi t y .P l e a s ek e ep l e t t e r s to300w o rd so r l e s s . Em a Wi l l e t t e r sto : n ew s r oom@ m e r r Wi t th e r a ld . com .

John Wi saac@ te lu s .ne t

www . rea le s ta teme r r Wi t t .com

www . roya l lepage .ca /me r r Wi t t

3 bed room s and fu l l ba th on uppe rfl oo r .L Wiv Wingroom ,k Wi tchen and 2 p Wiece on ma Win . Fenced backya rd ,v Winy lw Window s , Good ren ta lp rope r ty .

$108 ,000

S to ref ron tw Wi th e xce l len t down townloca t Wion , pa rk WingWinf ron t and back ,2 ,000squa refee to f u seab lespace , goodtenan t sWin p lace .

$175 ,900

room3 ba th home w Wi th new s Wide bys Wide dup le xw Wi thca rpo r t s , 5 bed c a nt oc h e c ka l lm y l Wi s t Wi n g s l Wiance s , g ran Wi te coun te r top sS ea sytoren tou tandp ro fe s s Wiona l ly app A l s oa d v e r t Wi s e do n : Wi th a n Wice m Wix o ft Wi le wood and managed , wa she rd rye rhookup s w rpe tfloo r Wing ,goods Wi ze ,n Wicefin Wi sh and sepa ra te me te r s fo r each ca andg rea ta rea . un Wi t .

8 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015


City crews work to plow streets after storm From Page 5 He said the snow that lands on someone’s property is supposed to remain on said property, and that shovelled snow scan be piled on one’s lawn or close to the curb of the sidewalk if there is no lawn. Snow that lands on the sidewalk can be pushed to the curb or the edge of the road. Environment Canada removed the winter storm warning for the Merritt area on Tuesday and no more snow was expected this week. Unless there’s another snowfall, the public works department is now back into a routine maintenance mode of sanding and plowing as required, and conducting everyday public works operations. “But when we have an event like this, it’s all hands on deck. Snow is our number 1 priority,” Boven said.

The entrance to the Royal Bank gets salted on Monday. Michael Potestio/Herald

This car was cloaked in snow by Monday afternoon. Michael Potestio/Herald


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THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 • 9


Youth form Interact club Schoenborn slated By Emily Wessel THE HERALD

Thirteen-year-old Marius Auer wants to contribute to his community, and is bringing other Merritt youths together to help in that goal. It’s Auer’s passion for Merritt and making life a little bit easier for those who live here that led him to hold an information meeting on the Merritt Rotary Interact Club on Tuesday. The non-profit club is open to youths aged 12 to 18 and simply aims to make a positive difference in the community. So far, his ideas to help Merritt include raising money for the food bank and the cold weather shelter, as well as holding a clothing drive. However, what the service club ends up doing to raise money for local causes is up to its membership, Auer said. Auer said he was inspired to start up an Interact club in Merritt after attending a Rotary Club of Merritt meeting as his mother’s guest.

“I was too young to join, so I asked about Interact,” he said, adding he researched the club and its goals online. “This would be a good thing for all the kids in Merritt to do some good things in the community.” About 25 people — many of them youth and some adult members of Merritt’s two Rotary clubs — gathered at the library to learn more about the Rotary Interact startup in Merritt. Volunteer work was evidently nothing new to the youths who attended the session, as nearly each one raised her or his hand when asked who had experi-

ence volunteering. The service club for youth is active in 110 countries and has over 250,000 members worldwide. Every Interact club carries out at least two projects a year: one that helps their school or community and another with an international focus. Some initiatives taken on by other Rotary Interact groups include sending school supplies to schools overseas, building a memorial for soldiers, and supporting Ebola prevention awareness. Andrea Inwards is the assistant governor for Rotary’s area one, which includes clubs

Canines bring hope to cancer patient From Page 6 But this cosmetic pigment transplantation uses tattooing in a new way that offers hope and confidence to burn victims that other treatments, such as laser scar lightening and skin bleaching creams, cannot, and as Hameed’s clinics are proving, that’s worth it for many people. In Arizona, 16-year-old Anthony Lyons is getting plenty of encouragement in his fight against leukemia from four-legged friends. As he goes through chemotherapy at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, he gets visits from therapy dogs to help brighten his days. Hearing how much he enjoyed visiting with the pooches, the teen’s family friends set up a Facebook

event called “Photo Doggies for Anthony” for people to post pictures of their dogs in support. The page went viral and thousands of people from around the world have posted pictures of their dogs. However, with great publicity comes great trolling, and on Monday night, the page was taken down. The page administrators got it going again on Wednesday to continue allowing Facebook users to add pictures of their dogs to the more than 500,000 on the site so far. So there you have it — we may hear more about the bad than the good, but the good is everywhere. Sometimes it feels as though we have to look a little harder for it.

in Kamloops, Cache Creek, Clearwater and Merritt. She was on hand at the information session as a facilitator for the startup. Inwards said the club’s autonomy is its biggest strength. “The club and what you do is up to you,” she said. “Your projects are totally yours.” The only other Interact club in the area is the Kamloops Hybrid Interact Club, which Inwards said has about 20 members. “You’re working with people who care about the same stuff as you and who have the same values, and that’s really cool,” she told the meeting attendees. The next local Rotary Interact meeting takes place on Jan. 20 at 6 p.m. at NVIT. For more information, check out the Merritt Rotary Interact page on Facebook or email

for B.C. Review Board hearing Convicted child killer Allan Schoenborn is slated to once again appear before the B.C. Review Board. In 2008, Schoenborn killed his three children — 10-year-old Kaitlynne, eight-year-old Max and five-year-old Cordon — inside their Merritt home. He was found not criminally responsible by way of a mental disorder following a trial in B.C. Supreme Court in Kamloops. He has been in custody at the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Port Coquitlam since 2010. At a B.C. Review Board hearing last year, Schoenborn had a request for escorted community access

denied. Review Board staff told Kamloops This Week it’s not yet known whether he will seek similar access this year. Schoenborn’s hearing, which will take place at Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, is scheduled for Feb. 12. The upcoming hearing will be the first under Bill C-54, the Not Criminally Responsible Reform Act, which allows

the Review Board to extend a sentence by three years instead of one. The bill is intended to enhance victims’ rights and their role in the hearing process for a person found not criminally responsible. The bill was actively supported by Schoenborn’s ex-wife Darcie Clarke. — Kamloops This Week



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894 Coldwater Road, Merritt, B.C.

NOTICE OF AMENDMENT ELECTORAL AREAS “L”, “M” & “N’ Notice is hereby given that effective January 1, 2015, that Electoral Areas “L”, “M” and “N” will be known respectively as Electoral Areas “L” (Grasslands), “M” (Beautiful Nicola Valley – North) and “N” (Beautiful Nicola Valley – South). Letters Patent containing the amendments may be viewed at the offices of the Thompson Nicola Regional District located at 300 – 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC during regular office hours (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday except statutory holidays) or phone 250-377-8673 for additional information. This synopsis is published in accordance with Section 15 (b) of the Local Government Act. Carolyn Black, Corporate Officer

2015 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE The 2015 schedule for Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors Regular Meetings is as follows. Meetings are scheduled for 1:15 pm in the Boardroom of the TNRD Civic Building located at 300 – 465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9 unless otherwise posted. January February March April May June

16 5 & 26 12 and 27 23 14 and 28 18

July August September October November December

16 20 – Out of Town (Sun Peaks) 17 8 and 22 5 and 19 10

Please visit the TNRD website at for more information and to view Board agendas when published.

10 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015


Friends & Neighbours No gas pipeline conversion

Local volunteer sports several hats for healthcare auxiliary

to oil, B.C. vows By Tom Fletcher BLACK PRESS tÆ

The B.C. government has adopted a regulation to prevent natural gas pipelines from being converted to carry oil to the North Coast. Natural Gas Development Minister Rich Coleman announced the regulation Tuesday, covering six pipelines proposed to link to liquefied natural gas export facilities in the Prince Rupert, Kitimat and Squamish areas. He said other pipelines could be added if necessary. The move comes after the Energy East proposal to switch a gas pipeline to carry oil from Alberta to refineries in Quebec and New Brunswick. Chief Barry Nikal of the Moricetown Indian Band endorsed the new regulation, but other aboriginal leaders and the NDP aren’t satisfied with a cabinet order that could be quickly changed. Stikine MLA Doug Donaldson says Coleman first promised legislation to prevent oil sands crude from being carried in pipelines built for gas at a public meeting in Moricetown in April 2014. In November, Donaldson presented his own private member’s bill to have the legislature endorse the move, after Coleman said he would use regulation instead. “We do not want to see this used as an end run by Enbridge Northern Gateway to be using any proposed natural gas pipelines to transmit diluted bitumen from the Alberta tar sands to the North Coast,” Donaldson said. He was supported by Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief John Ridsdale, who visited the B.C. legislature before joining anti-oil pipeline protesters on Burnaby

Doug Donaldson, NDP MLA for Stikine, says regulation is not enough, and the government promised legislation. Black Press files

Mountain. “The proposed routes are actually all in our major spawning beds,” Ridsdale said. “And you’ve got to realize that the water that comes from Wet’suwet’en territory also goes to the Fraser River and to the Skeena River. So what we’re doing is protecting everything on behalf of British Columbians.” Ridsdale is the highest ranking member of the Tsayu Clan, one of five clans and 38 house territories of the Wet’suwet’en. The Tsayu have rejected both oil and gas pipelines crossing their

territory, and another house, the Unist’ot’en, has built a settlement with the help of outside environmentalists in an effort to block any pipeline development. The regulation prevents the “automatic conversion” of pipelines, Aboriginal Relations Minister John Rustad said in a statement. It covers the following proposed projects: +WI[\IT /I[4QVS to supply the Shell-led LNG Canada project at Bish Cove near Kitimat 8ZQVKM :]XMZ\ /I[ Transmission Project, to supply PETRO-

NAS-led Pacific Northwest LNG at Lelu Island 8IKQNQK <ZIQT 8QXM lines Project, to supply Chevron-led Kitimat LNG 8IKQNQK 6WZ\PMZV Gas Looping Project, to supply Douglas Channel LNG, a Texas private proposal for Kitimat -IOTM 5W]V\IQV Woodfibre Gas Project, an expansion of an existing gas line to a former pulp mill site near Squamish ?M[\ +WI[\ +WV nector, to supply Prince Rupert LNG, led by BG Group, which has delayed its decision to proceed.

Judy Hughes has been involved with the Nicola Valley Health Care Auxiliary for two years and currently fills multiple roles. She began volunteering with the coffee wagon and continues to do so twice a week, serving coffee, tea, juice, and cookies to patients at the Nicola Valley Hospital and Health Centre. She enjoys interacting with the patients and feels that they appreciate the service provided by the auxiliary. Hughes also fills the first vice president role on the executive. Within this role, she holds meetings when needed, steps in when the president is away, and supports the president in acting as a hospital liaison. Hughes also volunteers at the Thrift Shop once a week. Hughes thinks


Judy Hughes began her volunteering with the Nicola Valley Health Care Auxiliary on the coffee wagon at the local hospital. Photo submitted

attending a conference in Clearwater. During the conference, there was a power outage. Despite the lack of power, she found it to be a positive experience, throughout which she was able connect with her fellow auxiliary members.

highly of youth volunteerism and her granddaughter, Laurenne Koller, is an excellent example of the contributions youth make to the auxiliary. Koller is also a volunteer at the Thrift Shop and was inspired to get involved by her grandmother. One of Hughes’ fondest memories with the auxiliary was

— Submitted by Brittney Parks


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The special season of giving to charities, from Thanksgiving in


2 October running into Christmastime each year, is a great time to help the needy and the less fortunate. A quick analysis shows that charities like the United Way, sponsorships by large business houses and institutions with deeper pockets have contributed admirably to food

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banks, shelters, and a host of affiliated and unaffiliated missions. Such endeavours care for the needy and the homeless, single mothers and children in our communities. In particular, the holiday seasons call us to rethink philanthropy in a new light by disposing a bit of our personal



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wealth and portfolios. The biblical gospels record that “Jesus went about doing good.” It focuses in just a few words the ministry of compassion by the Son of God and the purpose of existence of many Christian charities in the wake of Jesus’ own ministry while on earth. He did good and





told others to do likewise. The Gospels consistently tell us that Jesus touched lepers with His own fingers, anointed eyes of the blind, and all these when He was at times asked to speak a word of healing from a distance. This lesson is worth emulating by His follow-


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Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014, 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between January 3, 2015 and January 11, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on all eligible Chevrolet vehicles. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer vehicle or Chevrolet Cobalt or HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014, 2015 model year Chevrolet car, SUV, crossover and pickups models delivered in Canada between January 3, 2015 and January 11, 2015. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $1,500 credit available on all eligible Chevrolet vehicles. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer pick-up truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive): $1,000 credit available towards the retail purchase, cash purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014 or 2015 model year Chevrolet light or heavy duty pickup(except Colorado); delivered in Canada between January 3, 2015 and January 11, 2015. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited by law. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice. †$2,750 is a combined total credit consisting of a $750 Holiday Cash (tax inclusive) and a $2,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 Trax which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $2,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ‡$8,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $4,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 Silverado Light Duty Double Cab, $1,000 Holiday Cash for Truck Owners (tax inclusive) and a $3,000 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 Chevrolet Silverado Light Duty (1500) Double Cab, which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,000 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. *†$5,000 is a combined total credit consisting of a $1,000 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) on 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LTZ, a $750 Holiday Cash (tax inclusive) and a $3,250 manufacturer to dealer cash credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 Cruze LTZ which is available for cash purchases only and cannot be combined with special lease and finance rates. By selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing this $3,250 credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Discounts vary by model. ~Visit for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by model and conditions. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After complimentary trial period, an active OnStar service plan is required. ††Based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and last available information at the time of posting. Excludes other GM vehicles. Maximum trailer weight ratings are calculated assuming base vehicle, except for any option(s) necessary to achieve the rating, plus driver. The weight of other optional equipment, passengers and cargo will reduce the maximum trailer weight your vehicle can tow. See your dealer for additional details. ‡‡2014 Silverado 1500 with the available 5.3L EcoTec3 V8 engine equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission has a fuel-consumption rating of 13.0L/100 km city and 8.7L/100 km hwy 2WD and 13.3L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 4WD. Ford F-150 with the 3.5L EcoBoost V6 engine has a fuel consumption rating of 12.9L/100 km city and 9.0L/100 km hwy 2WD and 14.1L/100 km city and 9.6L/100 km hwy 4WD. Fuel consumption based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ++Whichever comes first. See dealer/manufacturer for details. Based on 2013 Large Pickup segment and last available information at the time of posting. +Based on 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control and StabiliTrak. WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. *^Government 5-Star Safety Ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New Car Assessment Program ( ^Whichever comes first. Limit of four ACDelco Lube-Oil-Filter services in total. Fluid top-offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc., are not covered. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ^^Whichever comes first. See dealer for details. THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 • 11


Uniting ways, means toward biblical charity ers. If we do any good, let us do it ourselves. Let us give alms with our own hands, a kind look, a smile or a word. It would enhance the value of the gift. Let us take time to talk to the recipients about their goings on and their lives by sitting where they sit. In His lifetime, there was scarcely a village which was not gladdened by the sight of Jesus appearing as He “went around doing good.” He was never put off by dangers or difficulties. He sought for people to do good – and so must we.

See ‘Giving’ Page 15

12 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015


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THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 • 13

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3 top tips for driving through a Canadian winter

CAR CARE Why new car technology has changed vehicle maintenance To meet consumer demands for lower l pricing and improved gas mileage, car manufacturers are changing the way they make engines. Many are using thinner, lighter materials and this change has placed increased demand on antifreeze/coolant to protect the cooling system from freezing, from boiling over – and from corrosion. “If you want to get years and years of reliable life from your new car, antifreeze must perform at a whole new level,� says Colin Dilley, director of technology at Prestone Products Corporation, a leading name in this field. “In fact, for almost 20 years we didn’t have to make any changes to our formula, which protected all makes and model of cars and light duty trucks. But to meet the needs of today’s vehicles we have added a new inhibitor package called Cor-Guard to prevent corrosion�. “So many dissimilar metals and alternative lightweight materials are combined in new engines today,� Dilley continues, “including



cast iron, steel, cast aluminum, and aluminum alloys, so a whole new fluid was needed to inhibit corrosion. If you have a new car especially, always make sure that the antifreeze/coolant has the proper combination of high quality inhibitors.� Without it, two main problems could arise, he said. First, an improperly protected cooling system can result in perforation of the engine block at a hot spot due to cavitation corrosion, and if coolant seeps through to the combustion chamber, it can destroy an engine within minutes. This also contributes to poor heat transfer, higher coolant temperature and higher oil-and-engine head temperatures, which can lead to overheating and increased engine wear. “For all makes, models, and fluid colours,� Dilley points out, “a specialized anti-corrosion agent in your antifreeze/coolant prevents corrosion and provides longer engine life, letting you enjoy that new car feeling for longer. ZZZ QHZVFDQDGD FRP


+DYH WKH ULJKW HTXLSPHQW Have you put your winter tires on yet? When conditions get slick or icy, all-season tires may not be enough to maintain control. A recent study conducted by Western Financial Group found that only one quarter of Canadians have winter tires on their vehicles when the season begins. In fact, just over half (56 per cent) say that they make the change before setting out. N only do those who lack winter tires put themselves at risk, they also endanger oth“Not ers ers,� says Shirley Parchoma, an insurance expert with Western Financial Group. “You likely wouldn’t drive without working brakes or a seatbelt. Similarly, winter tires should lik be a major priority. In fact, in certain places, drivers with winter tires receive discounted aut automotive insurance.� 3UHSDUH IRU WKH ZRUVW FDVH VFHQDULR From increased traffic accidents to vehicle failures, winter driving presents more risks than driving in other periods of the year. While you may not be able to prepare for every possibility, you can take certain precautions. For instance, you should carry a winter emergency safety kit in your vehicle. “Only one third of Canadians follow that advice,� observes Parchoma. She points out that according to federal government guidelines, safety kits should include items such as energy bars, water in plastic bottles, blankets, extra clothing, a first aid kit, a small shovel, a scraper, a snowbrush, a wind-up flashlight, road flares, and a tow rope. “It’s such a simple thing, so try not to overlook it.� 8QGHUVWDQG \RXU SURWHFWLRQ While it may sound obvious, many drivers do not fully understand their insurance coverage or what to do in the case that they should need it. As many as 55 per cent of those surveyed said that emergency road services are not covered. Do you know if yours are? Additionally, drivers should make sure that they have collision coverage in the winter months. If you are parking your car on streets and in lots frequently throughout the winter, talk to your broker about the coverage needed to ensure that your vehicle is protected.



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14 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015

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THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 • 15


Giving from a faith-based perspective From Page 11 Christ’s perseverance and the unity of His purpose are also hinted at and the practical application of the subject may be summed up by the words: “He has left us an example that we should follow in His steps.” In the Holy Bible, the concept of goodness is inseparably linked with personal faith in God. The redemptive love of God is one aspect of the quality that the Scripture calls “God’s goodness.” For example, Psalm 100:4,5 bids its readers to “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, to give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever.” That ought to lead sinners to repentance. The Apostle Paul wrote in the New Testament: “Do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?” (Romans 2:4). Other aspects of God’s goodness are His mercy, compassion or pity that shows kindness toward persons who have persisted in sinning (Exodus 3:4-6). The supreme expression of God’s goodness is, however, still the amazing grace and inexpressible love that shows His kindness by offering to save sinners who deserve only condemnation. Yet, God made provision to save them at the tremendous cost of Christ’s death on the cross (Romans 3:22,24; 5:5-8). God’s faithfulness to His purposes, promises, and people is a further aspect of His goodness and praiseworthiness. Humans lie and break their word. God does neither. In the worst of times, it can still be said: “His compassions never fail…great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22,23). In Christ, the believ-

ers are created for good works (Ephesians 2:10), and receive a good conscience (Acts 23:1). This is also the rea-

son for urgent exhortation to bear fruit in good works, to seek to do good, and to do it to everyone.

The goodness of the Lord impels us to do good works. We have been saved and called to serve.

Narayan Mitra is the pastor of Merritt Baptist Church.

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16 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015


B.C. smart meters cleared in Ontario debacle


11th ANNUAL Wine Tasting Event

By Tom Fletcher BLACK PRESS tÆ

Ontario has become notorious for bad energy policy decisions, from leaky nuclear plants and brownouts to a costly green energy subsidy deal with Samsung to a pair of hastily cancelled gas-Åred power plants that helped push former premier Dalton McGuinty from ofÅce. So it was no surprise to weary Ontario electricity ratepayers when Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk wrapped up 2014 with a report condemning the province’s wireless smart meter program for a $1 billion cost overrun and failure to reach the program’s goal of reducing power consumption. Unlike BC Hydro’s wireless meter program, Ontario used the smart grid’s realtime consumption data to offer discounts for off-peak power consumption, hoping to ease the load on its outdated power grid while giving customers some relief from soaring rates. But few embraced the incentive to run their clothes dryers late at night to save money. Diehard smart meter opponents in B.C. jumped at the bad news from Ontario. Their theories of sudden billing surges, vague health concerns and even smart meter surveillance have all been debunked, but here they had a credible voice saying they are a waste of money. Alas for them, Lysyk held up B.C.’s smart meter program as the model Ontario should have followed. The Ontario government “did not complete any costbeneÅt analysis or business case prior to making the decision to mandate the installation of smart meters,”

Anti-smart meter protester Sharon Noble greets delegates at B.C.’s 2012 municipal convention in downtown Vancouver. Wireless meters have been blamed for bee deaths, human illness and house fires. Black Press files

the auditor wrote. “This is in contrast to other jurisdictions, including British Columbia, Germany, Britain and Australia, all of which assessed the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of their smart metering programs.” Lysyk’s report also

noted BC Hydro developed its business case in 2006, updated it in 2010 as meter technology evolved, and implemented it in 2011 with a plan to recover costs over 20 years. BC Hydro’s savings come mainly from reduced electricity theft, faster location

of power outages and more accurate load management. B.C. also responded to the anti-smart meter holdouts with an optional fee to cover manual meter readings for those who insisted the cellphone-like data transmissions are a threat to their health.

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me r r Wi t the ra ld . com


b c c la s s Wi f Wied . com

H av easpo r t ss to ryt Wip ?T e l lu sabou tWi tbyc a l l Win g250 -378 -4241o rem a Wi l Win gn ew s room@m e r r Wi t th e r a ld . com

R e s o l v e t oa s k y o u r s e l fw h y y o u ’ r en o th e a l t h y D R . C O L I NG A G E Sp Win a l COLUMN Ha v eyouev e r no t Wi cedhowo f ten ch Wi ld r ena sktheque s t Wionwh y ? Anybodywhoha s k Wid so rWi sa round themenoughknow s tha ttheya skwh ya lo t .A l thoughhea r Wing th Wi sque s t Wiono v e rand o v e rcanbef ru s t ra t Wing ,Wi tWi showk Wid s lea rnWimpo r tan tl Wi fe sk Wi l l s . Un fo r tuna te ly ,I be l Wiev etha ta sw e g rowWin toadu l thood , w eseemtos topa sk Wingo the r so rou r se lv e s th Wi ssameque s t Wion .I fee ltha ta l lo fu sneed tocon t Winua l lya skwh y o fou r se lv e sand/o r o the r swhoa r eknow l edgeab leabou tou r spe c Wi f Wi ccon ce rn . F o rexamp le ,one o fthe mo s tcommon newy ea r ’ sr e so lu t Wion s Wi stolo sew e Wigh t .W e thenlookfo rtha t mag Wi cp Wi l lo rse c r e t d Wie ttha tw Wi l l make Wi thappen .In s tead , w eneedtoa skou r se lv e swh yw ea r e o v e rw e Wigh tWinthef Wi r s t p la ce . I fw elookWinthe m Wi r ro randa skou r se lv e stha tque s t Wion , thean sw e r maybe ano the r“wh y”que s t Wion ,su cha s“wh ydo Icon t Winueto make Winapp rop r Wia tel Wi fe s ty le

‘ ‘

andd Wie ta ryde c Wi s Wion s whenIknowth Wi s w Wi l lp r ev en t mef rom lo s Wingw e Wigh t ?”S Wim p lya sk Wingou r se lv e s “wh y”can makeu s seetheha r shr ea l Wi ty . T osu c ce s s fu l ly so lv eanyp rob lem ,Wi t f Wi r s tha stobeb roken downWin toWi t sba s Wi c componen t s .F o r examp le ,Wi fyouwan t tolo sew e Wigh to rbe gene ra l lyhea l th Wie rWin 2015 ,s Wimp lysay Wingso won ’ t makeWi thappen . Y ouha v etos Wi t downandf Wigu r eou t wha tob s ta c le sex Wi s t Winyou rl Wi fetha tWi s p r ev en t Wingyouf rom a ch Wiev Wingyou rgoa l . Someexamp le s o fob s ta c le stha t my pa t Wien t sha v eexpe r Wi en cedw Wi thbe com Wing hea l th Wie ra r el Wi s ted be low ,a sa r esome po ten t Wia lso lu t Wion s . I syou rch ron Wi c ba ckpa Winp r ev en t Wing youf romex e r c Wi s Wing ? Seeyou rch Wi rop ra c to r toadd r e s stheroo to f th Wi sph y s Wi ca lp rob lem . On lythenw Wi l lyoube ab letobeph y s Wi ca l ly a c t Wiv elong te rmand beones tepc lo se rto a ch Wiev Wingahea l th Wie r l Wi fe s ty le . I syou rspou sethe onewhodoe sthe g ro ce ryshopp Wingfo r thehou seho ld ,and Wi sheo rshepu r cha s Wingunhea l th yfood s tha t makeyouga Win w e Wigh t ? I fso ,thenbo th youandyou rspou se shou ldseeanu t r Wi t Wion Wi s ttof Windou twha t k Wind so ffood sshou ld bea vo Widedsohea l th Wi e rfoodcho Wi ce scanbe madea ttheg ro ce ry s to r e .

‘E v e r y on en e ed stor e a l Wi z e th a tou rw o r kando th e r comm Wi tm en t sa r eno tn e a r l ya s Wimpo r t an ta sou rh e a l th . ’ — HEALTHCOLUMNIST COL IN GAGE DR.

I syou rspou seo r a r ethepeop leyou a s so c Wia tew Wi thv e ry seden ta rypeop le whop r e fe rno ttobe a c t Wiv e ?I fy e s ,then youneedtobeg Win a s so c Wia t Wingw Wi th peop lewhop r e fe rto leada c t Wiv el Wi fe s ty le s . I tWi saknownfa c ttha t anyonewhoex e r c Wi se s w Wi tho the r s ,ra the r thanWind Wiv Widua l ly ,Wi s mu ch mo r el Wike lyto con t Winuedoso .I tWi s mo t Wiva t Wingtoha v e o the r sex e r c Wi s Wingw Wi th you . A r eyou“ toobu sy” toex e r c Wi seandtake thet Wimetop lanand p r epa r eyou r mea l s aheado ft Wimeso youdon ’ tha v etoea t p ro ce s sedo rtake -ou t food ? Th Wi sWi sacom monex cu se ,bu tno ta va l Widone . Ev e ryoneneed sto r ea l Wi z etha tou rwo rk ando the rcomm Wi t men t sa r eno tnea r ly a sWimpo r tan ta sou r hea l th .A f te ra l l ,Wi f

youdon ’ tha v eyou r hea l th ,Wi twon ’ tbe longun t Wi lyouwon ’ t ha v eyou rjob . Doyoucon sume a l coho l mo r ethan youshou ld ? Doyou a s so c Wia tew Wi tho th e r swhor egu la r ly con sumea l coho l ?I f y e s ,thenyouneedto r edu cetheamoun to f a l coho lyoucon sume o rcea sed r Wink Wing a l coho l . I fyou rf r Wiend s won ’ tdothesamea t lea s twhenyoua r e a round ,thenyou needtof Windsome newf r Wiend s .A l coho l canaddalo to fca lo r Wie stoyou rd Wie ta ry Win take ,nev e rm Wind thedamageWi tdoe sto you rbody . A sw e l l ,Wi fyoua r e d r Wink Winga l coho l ,Wi tWi s un l Wike lytha tyoua r e a l soea t Wingw e l land ex e r c Wi s Winga tthesame t Wimeto makeupfo r theex t raca lo r Wie syou ju s tcon sumed . Doyousmoke ?

a c cumu la teandlead o fa ch Wiev Wingthenew Doe syou rspou se v e ra l lr e su l t y ea r ’ sr e so lu t Wion . smokeWinyou rhome ? totheo Doyoua s so c Wia tew Wi th o the r swhosmoke T I C K E T SO N whenyoua r ebe Wing S A L E N O W ! t h so c Wia l ?I fy e s ,thenWi t 1 1 A N N U A L Wi sun l Wike lytha tyou Wi n e T a s t Wi n g E v e n t w Wi l lev e rbeab leto qu Wi tsmok Wing .Y ou needtode c Wideon ce andfo ra l ltha tyou a r ego Wingtoqu Wi t smok Wing . Y oua l soneedto con v Win ceyou rspou se tha tsheo rheshou ld qu Wi ta sw e l l ,o ra t lea s tgoou t s Wideto smoke .Andf Wina l ly , youneedtoa skyou r f r Wiend stono tsmoke whentheya r ew Wi th T U E S D A Y , you .I ftheyr e fu se , JANUAR Y2 0 ,2 0 1 5 f Windnewf r Wiend s . 2 5 0 3 7 8 4 6 1 8 Ihopeev e ryone 2 0 9 9G a r c Wi aS t r e e t ,M e r r Wi t t ha sahea l th yand I n c l u d e sa s s o r t e da p p e t Wi z e r s&b 2 5 localandWinternatWionalwWinesoth T I C K E T S$ p ro spe rou s2015 . T I C K E T SN E A R L YG O N E ! ! How ev e r,Ia l so hopetha tev e ryone w Wi l ltakethet Wimeto lookWinthe m Wi r ro r anda skthem se lv e s wh ytheya r el Wiv Wing unhea l th yl Wi fe s ty le s andwha tchange s theycan makeWinthe Wi r Ca ro l ynPa laga , MS c ,Aud(C ) l Wiv e stha tw Wi l lbene f Wi t them . M e r r Wi t tH e a r Win gC l Win Wi c On lythencana Ad Wi v Wi s Wi o no fC a r o l y nP a l a g aA u d Wi o l o g yS e r v Wi c e sL t d . pe r sonb r eakdown AuthorWizedby: he ro rh Wi snewgoa l WCB Ca l l Monday-F r Widay fo r2015Win toWi t sba s Wi c FWirstCanadWianHealth componen t sands ta r t VeteransAffaWirs mak Wingthesma l lWind Wi v Widua ll Wi fe s ty lechang - 2076AGran R egWisteredunder WiteAvenue , Me r r Witt e stha tw Wi l lg radua l ly (Loca teda tN Wico laVa l leyCh Wi rop rac t Wic ) theHea rWingAWidAct(B.C.)

How’syour hear Wing? Askan Aud Wio log Wist.

315 -9688

GOESSMAN DENTURE CL IN ICS P r o f e s s Wi ona l ,p e r s ona l Wi z edd en tu r es e r v Wi c ed Wi r e c t l yt oth epub l Wi c Den tu re s

Pa r t Wia l Den tu re s

Re l Wine s

Den tu reove r

Repa Wi rs

Wimp lan t s

Se rv Wingyouloca l ly

10 -2025 G ran Wi teAvenue , Me r r Wi t t

TO L L FREE :1 -888 -374 -9443

Ca l lnocha rgefo ranappo Win tmen t


F r Wi e n d s & N e Wi g h b o u r s P lea seb r WingthemWinto :

Th eM e r r Wi t tH e ra ldWi slook Wingfo r COMMUN ITY -SUBM ITTEDSTOR IES abou tyou rF r Wi end s& N e Wighbou r s .


Ph :250 .378 .4241 Fax :250 .378 .6818 r epo r t e r@me r r Wi t the r a ld . com www .me r r Wi t the r a ld . com 2090G r an Wi t eA v enue ,P .O .Bo x9 ,Me r r Wi t t ,B .C .

1 8•THURSDAY ,J a n u a r y8 ,2 0 1 5

www .m e r r Wi t t h e r a l d . c om

me r r Wi t the ra ld . com

b c c la s s Wi f Wied . com

HERALDSPORTS C e n t s s t u m b l e Wi n t o N e w Y e a r w Wi t h t w o l o p s Wi d e d l o s s e s H av easpo r t ss to ryt Wip ?T e l lu sabou tWi tbyc a l l Win g250 -378 -4241o rem a Wi l Win gspo r t s@m e r r Wi t th e r a ld . com

D r u b b Wi n g sa t t h eh a n d so f t h eC o q u Wi t l amE x p r e s sa n dW e s tK e l ow n aW a r r Wi o r sb o o k e n dan a r r oww Wi no v e r t h eT r a Wi lSm o k eE a t e r s B yI an W e b s t e r THEHERALD

s p o r t s@m e r r Wi t t h e r a l d . c om

Wh e th e rth e yw e r e s t Wi l lfu l lo f Ch r Wi s tm a stu r k e y ,o rju s tab Wi ttoofu l l o fth em s e l v e sf o l low Win g ap a Wi ro fWimp r e s s Wi v ev Wi c to r Wi e sp r Wio rtoth eb r e a k , th eM e r r Wi t tC en t enn Wi a l s d Wi sp l a y ed l Wi t t l eapp e t Wi t e f o rw Winn Win gho c k e ya f t e r th e Wi rr e tu rnf r omth e ho l Wid a y s . Inth e Wi rf Wi r s tg am e b a c k ,onN ewY e a r ’ s E v e ,th eC en t sp l a y ed a r gu ab l yth e Wi rw o r s t60 m Winu t e so fth es e a sonWin f a l l Win g8 -1toth ev Wi s Wi t Win g Coqu Wi t l amE xp r e s s . Th r e en Wi gh t s l a t e r , a tR o y a lL eP a g eP l a c e Win W e s tK e lown a ,th e C en t enn Wi a l sd Widn ’ tp e r f o rmawho l e lo tb e t t e r a sth e yw e r eb l an k ed5 -0 b yth eW a r r Wio r s . Inb e tw e entho s e tw oemb a r r a s s Win g lo s s e s , th eC en t sm an a g edto squ e e z eou ta4 -3hom e Wi c ev Wi c to r yo v e rth ec e l l a r -dw e l l Win gT r a Wi lSmo k e E a t e r s ,whoa r e1 -8 -0 -1 Winth e Wi r l a s t10g am e s . Th Win g stu rn edu g l y e a r l ya g a Win s tth erun and gunE xp r e s s ,a s M e r r Wi t tsu r r end e r eda sho r th and edgo a lju s t 1 :28Win toth eop en Win g

p e r Wiod .T oaddWin su l tto Win ju r y ,th eCoqu Wi t l am s co r e rw a sf o rm e r C en t enn Wi a lB r end an L amon t . M e r r Wi t tc ap t a WinS am J ohn sonm an a g edto d r awh Wi st e ame v enf ou r m Winu t e s l a t e r ,bu tth e E xp r e s sw ou lds co r e th r e emo r et Wim e sWinth e p e r Wiod —a l lth er e su l to f ho r r endou sC en t s ’m Wi s cu e sWinth e Wi rownend . Th eb l e ed Win gd Widn ’ t s topth e r e ,a sCoqu Wi t l am add edano th e rt r o Wi k a o fgo a l sWinth es e cond p e r Wiod ,andon ef Win a lon e f o rgoodm e a su r eWinth e th Wi rdtomo r eth anm a k e upf o ran8 -5hom e Wi c e lo s sto M e r r Wi t tb a c kon D e c emb e r7 . Coqu Wi t l am ’ stop l Win eo fL amon t ,Co r y M a c k WinandB r en t Sup Win s k Wih adaf Wi e ld d a ya g a Win s tth eC en t s , r a c k Win gupe Wi gh tpo Win t s Winto t a l .M a c k Winand Sup Win s k Wicu r r en t l ys Wi ton e andtw oWinth eBCHL s co r Win gr a c ew Wi th65and 54po Win t sr e sp e c t Wi v e l y , wh Wi l eth e20 y e a r -o ld L amon tWi s18 tho v e r a l l w Wi th41po Win t sa l lto ld . C en t s ’s t a r t Win gn e t m Wind e rJ on ahImooand h Wi sr ep l a c em en tAn thon y Pupp losu r r end e r edf ou r


P e n t Wi c t o n 38 29 6 2 V e r n o n 37 23 11 1 W e s tK e l ow n a 39 20 14 0 M e r r Wi t t 37 20 15 0 S a lm o nA rm 36 15 13 3 T r a Wi l 37 13 22 0 ISLANDD IV IS ION

1 2 5 2 5 2

61 49 45 42 38 28

T e am


N a n a Wim o P ow e l lR Wi v e r V Wi c t o r Wi a A l b e r n WiV a l l e y C ow Wi c h a nV a l l e y

38 26 11 40 18 14 37 17 12 35 18 13 41 15 24

0 0 1 1 1

1 8 7 3 1

d e f en c em anJ a k eC l Wi f fo rdh a scomm Wi t t edto s p o r t s@m e r r Wi t t h e r a l d . c om a t t endA r Wi zon aS t a t e Un Wi v e r s Wi t yandp l a yfo r Ano th e rM e r r Wi t t th eSunD e v Wi l sm en ’ sWi c e C en t enn Wi a l sp l a y e rh a s c k e yt e amb e g Winn Win g s Wi gn edonth edo t t edl Win e ho ep t emb e r . top l a yNCAAD Wi v Wi s Wion WinS Th eAm e r Wi c an -bo rn 1s cho l a r sh Wipho c k e y C l Wi f fo rd ,who s ep a r en t s n e x ts e a son . nowl Wi v eWinT o r on to ,Wi sWin Tw en t y y e a r -o ld THEHERALD

C h Wi l l Wiw a c k L a n g l e y P r Wi n c eG e o r g e C o q u Wi t l am S u r r e y

36 22 12 39 20 14 37 18 15 38 15 18 39 7 29

1 1 0 1 0

1 4 4 4 3

46 45 40 35 17

h Wi ss e conds e a sonw Wi th th eM e r r Wi t tC en t enn Wi a l s . In88c a r e e rg am e sWin th eBCHL ,th es Wi x foo t on e Win ch ,198 -pound b lu e l Win e rh a ss co r ed 11go a l sandadd ed23 a s s Wi s t sfo r34po Win t s ,to goa lon gw Wi th79 m Win u t e sWinp en a l t Wi e s .

E a r l Wi e rth Wi ss e a son , th eC en t sannoun c ed th a tD Wi e goCu g l Wi e t t a h adcomm Wi t t edto L a k eSup e r Wio rS t a t e Un Wi v e r Wi s t y ,B r andon Duh a Wim etoB r ownand J o shT e v e stoP r Win c e ton .

S e e ‘ A S U ’P a g e1 9

v s M e r r Wi t tC e n t e n n Wi a l s v s

T ra Wi lSmokeEa te rs


S e e ‘ C e n t s ’P a g e1 9

M e r r Wi t tC e n t e n n Wi a l s

53 44 42 40 32

T e am

W e s tK e lown as co r ed f ou rt Wim e sonf Wi v em an ad v an t a g eoppo r tun Wi t Wi e s tom a k eM e r r Wi t tp a y d e a r l yf o rth e Wi rWind Wi s c r e t Wion s . J u s t l Wi k eWinth eg am e a g a Win s tCoqu Wi t l am , M e r r Wi t tsu r r end e r edth e f Wi r s tgo a lv e r su sW e s t K e lown aa t1 :28o f th ef Wi r s tp e r Wiod ,th en f e l lb eh Wind2 -0onth e W a r r Wio r sf Wi r s tpow e rp l a y o fth en Wi gh ta t15 :49o f th eop en Win gf r am e . A f t e ras co r e l e s s s e conds t an z a ,Winwh Wi ch th eC en t sou t sho tth e W a r r Wio r s17 -9bu t cou ldn ’ tbu yago a l , th Win g sf e l lap a r tWin th ef Win a l20m Winu t e s . F ru s t r a t Wionbo Wi l edo v e r , anda sM e r r Wi t tp l a y e r s p a r ad edtoth ep en a l t ybo x ,W e s tK e lown a p r o c e ed edtof Windth e b a c ko fth en e tb eh Wind ab e s Wi e g edPupp loth r e e t Wim e sw Wi thnor ep l y . F o l low Win gS a tu rd a y ’ s shu tou t lo s s ,P Wi e r c eto ld Q101 ’ sp l a y -b y -p l a y b r o ad c a s t e rD a v Wid A shb au ghth a th Wi st e am go tsu c k edWin tot a k Win g s tup Widp en a l t Wi e sWinth e th Wi rdp e r Wiodandp l a y Win g s e l f Wi sh l y .

C l Wi f f o r dc omm Wi t s t oA r Wi z o n aS t a t eS u nD e v Wi l s B yI an W eb s t e r


Cu g l Wi e t t aWinth ef Wi r s t p e r Wiod ,Co l WinG r ann a r y Winth es e condandN Wi c k F Wid an z aWinth eth Wi rd . C en t s ’d e f en c e m anCo l eA r cu r Wi ,ou t o fth e l Win eups Win c e l a t e No v emb e r ,r e co rd ed ap a Wi ro fa s s Wi s t sWinth e w Winandw a scho s en th eg am e ’ ss e conds t a r b eh WindEd e r e r . Imoo ,b a c kWinn e t , h adagoodg am eWinp Wi c k Win gupth ew Win .P o s s Wib l y h Wi sb e s ts a v eo fth es e a sonc am eWinth eop en Win g p e r Wiod ,a sh ew en t l e f t tor Wi gh ta c r o s sth ec r e a s e tos t e a lasu r ego a law a y f r omth eSmo k Wi e sand k e epth es co r ea t1 -1 . “D e sp Wi t eb e Win gdown WHA THAPPENED ! M e r r Wi t tC e n t e n n Wi a l s ’h e a dc o a c hL u k eP Wi e r c e( l e f t ) l o o k st oh Wi sa s s Wi s t a n t f o ragoodp a r to fth e f o ra n sw e r s ,b u tJ o eM a r t Wi nc a no n l yc l o s eh Wi se y e sd u r Wi n gt h e Wi rt e am ’ s8 -1d e r a Wi lm e n ta tt h e g am e ,w ef oundaw a yto h a n d so ft h ev Wi s Wi t Wi n gC o q u Wi t l amE x p r e s so nN ewY e a r ’ sE v e .I a nW e b s t e r / H e r a l d no t l e tWi tg e taw a yf r om u s .Th a t ’ sapo s Wi t Wi v e , ” pu c k s topp e r s . ef Wi r s tp e r Wiod ,andWi t go a l sap Wi e c e ,onan Wi gh t th Wi e r c es a Wid . D e sp Wi t eth ec lo s en e s s P s tu sd e a r l y .Th e y ’ r ea wh ene v e r yM e r r Wi t tp l a y - co A sf o rEd e r e r ’ sg am e es co r ebo a rdand e amth a tt a k e sad v an - onth e rWinth e l Win eupn e ed ed t Winn e r ,th eco a chadd ed , t sc r ed Wi t edtoe a ch w a g eo fy ou rm Wi s t a k e s . ” 35sho tot a k ea lon g loo kWina t “Th e r e ’ sno tm an ygu y s t e am ,F r Wid a y ’ scon t e s t A g a Win s tth eSmo k e m Wi r r o rwh enWi tc am eto whoc anm a k eth ew a t e r w a sa l Wi s t l e s sa f f a Wi r ,w Wi th E a t e r sonF r Wid a yn Wi gh t , p l a y Win gw Wi thh e a r tand bo t t l ejumpwh enth e y Wi t t l esp a r k l eandno ta th eC en t sn e ed eda l a t e l Win t e l l Wi g en c e . f Wi r eth epu c k lowb lo c k e r who l e lo to fWin t en s Wi t y . th Wi rd -p e r Wiodgo a lf r om “ J u s t l Wi k eWinCoqu Wi t s Wid e . ” f t e rth eN ewY e a r ’ s Wi ch a e lEd e r e rtof Win a l l y A l am ,w ego tWin toag am e M P oo rd e f en s Wi v ep l a y E v ed eb a c l e ,th eC en t s taw a yth e Wi roppo o fp l a y Win gr Wi v e rbo a t t yp e pu anda l a c ko fd Wi s c Wi app e a r edtob ep l a y Win g n en t s ,whow e r ef o r c ed ho c k e ya g a Win s t[ th e p l Win ed Width eC en t sWin no tto lo s er a th e rth an Wi th17 y e a r -o ld E xp r e s s ] . Wh eny oup l a y togow a g a Win s tth eW a r r Wio r son p l a y Win gtow Win . a l l -upgo a l Wi eB r o c k th a tg amb l Win gs t y l eand c S a tu rd a y ,a sth e Wi rc r o s s Inadd Wi t Wionto e f eb v r eb e tw e enth e Wi tw o r k s ,Wi t ’ sw ond e r fu l . L Conn e c to rr Wi v a l sh ada e r e r ,M e r r Wi t ts co r e r s p Wip e sb e c au s eo fWin ju r Wi e s Ed Th Wi st Wim e ,w em ad e e yd a yonth epow e rp l a y . a g a Win s tT r a Wi lw e r eD Wi e go h thth e Wi rr e gu l a r som es tup Widm Wi s t a k e sWin tobo

N ICO LAVA L L EYM EMOR IA LAR ENA 2075 Mame t teAve . , Me r r Wi t t

Lang le yR Wi ve rmen

THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 • 19

Check out the Kane Valley ski trails this ‘Chili Sunday’ Come and join us for Chili Sunday on Jan. 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Kane Valley. This annual event is open to all. It’s a fun way to get to know some new people, share some food, ski some trails, and celebrate this unique recreational spot in the valley. For over 40 years, people have been crosscountry skiing in the Kane Valley. It started out with some local hardcore nature lovers in the ’70s who skied some of the old logging skid trails in the area. Over the years, it has developed into over 50 kilometres of wilderness trail systems. The trails are well mapped and marked.

The Nicola Nordic Ski Club is a nonprofit society. All fees collected go directly to the grooming of the ski trails and the maintenance of the equipment. All the rest of the work is done by volunteers. Through hundreds of volunteer hours, community involvement, and the industry support of Tolko, Rotary, VSA and the Ministry of Forests, the incredible vision and hard work of community members has led to this unique ski area. If you don’t ski, but want to come and join us, please do. Chili Sunday is a free day for all, so take advantage of us, but for

that day only please! If you are interested in learning how to ski, a group lesson will begin at 11 a.m. Round up some skis and come give it a try. Bring enough chili for your group and add it to the communal pot over the fire pit at Parking Lot 3 (approximately four kilometres up the Kane Valley Road on the right). Bring your own dishes. The club will supply the buns, cookies, hot drinks and the fire to warm up by. For more information, including updates on trail conditions, visit — Submitted by Kate Anderson

WINTER FUN The Parno family from Merritt took advantage of the excellent snow conditions at the Kane Valley ski trails on Saturday. Pictured (from left to right) are dad Don, seven-year-old Sarah, 11-year-old Cameron, mom Jennifer and family pet Buster (complete with requisite stick). Ian Webster/Herald


BEAUTY ON ICE! Vancouver figure skater Shaelynne Macaulay, who has family living in Merritt, wowed the crowds with a pair of exhilirating second-intermission performances at the Merritt Centennials’ home games on Wednesday and Friday of last week. The local Nicola Valley Skating Club is resuming its activities this Friday with the start of its second session of instruction at the Shulus arena from 3:15 to 5:15 p.m. For more information, contact Jill Starrs (378-0114) or Diana Lorenz ( Ian Webster/Herald

ASU recruiting heavily in the BCHL From Page 18 Arizona State University has been recruiting heavily for next year ever since it was announced in November 2014 that the Sun Devils men’s hockey program would be receiving NCAA Div. 1 status for the 2015-16 season. Up until this year, the

ASU men’s hockey program has been competing in the lower-tiered American Collegiate Hockey Association. The Sun Devils won the 2013-14 ACHA national title with an impressive record of 38-2-0. Under the guidance of head coach Greg Powers, ASU is 147-258 since his tenure began in 2010.

Clifford is the fifth BCHL player to be signed by Arizona State University this season. Victoria’s Matt Kennedy, West Kelowna’s Jordan Masters and Trail’s Charlie Zuccarini have also committed to ASU for the 2015-16 season, while Victoria’s Brett Gruber has committed for 2016-17.

It was a very quiet period for local minor hockey over Christmas and New Year’s. On the final weekend of league play before the holiday break, the Fountain Tire atom development team hosted Winfield. Led by Max Graham’s seven-goal effort, the Jr. Cents blasted the visiting Bruins 10-2. Other Merritt marksmen were Corbin Vaughan, Wyatt Smith and Lucas Schmid. All four players also picked up one or more assists, as did Jalen McRae, Preston Laupitz, Cortez Charters, Robert Sterling and Karson

Peat. Sharing the win in net for the Merritt atom team were Manjot Panghli and Nathan Willey. Also on the final weekend before the break, the Ramada peewee reps notched a pair of victories over Kamloops and Penticton by scores of 6-1 and 13-3 respectively. Talon Zakall paced Merritt’s attack against Kamloops with four goals, while Sajjin Lali and Matthew Newman recorded singles. In the one-sided affair versus Penticton, Spencer Vaughan tallied five times, Zakall,

Anthony Michel and AP call-up Max Graham twice, and Newman and Lali once each. Goaltender Bryce Garcia picked up the win over Kamloops, while Troy Holmes backstopped the victory against Penticton. The peewee Jr. Cents followed that up with an excellent fourth-place finish at a holiday tournament in Salmon Arm. Merritt opened the eight-team tourney with a hard-fought 4-4 tie against Vanderhoof. In their other two preliminary games, the Ramada team fell 5-3 to Winfield and

defeated the host’s “B” squad 13-2. Merritt’s 1-1-1 record in round robin play took them to the bronze medal game, where they lost out to Salmon Arm’s “A” side by a score of 4-1. The tournament scoring summary had Vaughan again ‘redhot’ with seven goals and two assists over the four games. Other marksmen were Zakall (1G, 8A), Graham (4G), Breanna Ouellet (1G, 4A), Newman (2G, 2A), Lali (1G, 1A), Gar-rett MacDonald (1G, 1A), Atrayu Johnny (1G, 1A), Caleb Brack-ett (1G) and Michel (1A).

Cents look to rebound this weekend against Surrey and Trail From Page 18 “There’s just no excuse for that,” he said. Pierce promised that practices this week would be all about learning how to work. “Somehow, the players seemed to have forgotten that over the holidays.” True to his word, Monday’s practice went 45 minutes without a puck on the ice. “It was old school,” Pierce said. “I don’t like to do that, but sometimes the players have to be reminded that they’re

fortunate to be here, and not take things for granted.” The Centennials have a great chance to rediscover their winning ways and rebuild some confidence this weekend as they travel to the Lower Mainland to take on the Surrey Eagles Friday night, then host the Smoke Eaters at home again on Saturday. The Eagles sit at the very bottom of the BCHL standings with just seven wins this season, although three of those victories have come in the team’s last 10 games.

Going into this weekend’s action, Merritt finds itself in fourth place in the Interior division, nestled between the Warriors in third and the Salmon Arm Silverbacks in fifth. Only the top four teams in each division make the BCHL playoffs, which begin the first week of March. Injuries will be a factor as the Cents begin their regular-season stretch run as both Devin Oakes and James Neill could well be lost for a substantial period of time, and Matt Foley may have his season end

early as he is scheduled for surgery on his wrist. As the January 10 trade deadline fast approaches, Pierce did not deny that he has been making and fielding phone calls in an attempt to shore up his depleted ranks. “We’re probably being more active than we have been in the past, but it’s never an easy thing to do. There’s a lot of teams trying to get better, and many of them have more assets than we do at this time. “The market’s tough. There’s a lot of buyers.”

s THURSDAY, January 8, 2015



Approved mini-storage

Have an event we should know about? Tell us by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing


On-site rentals




Sale of New and Used storage containers




is hosting their annual Chili Sunday Jan. 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome! There will be a group ski lesson at 11 a.m. The trails fees are waived for this day, so come on out and play. The fire pit at Parking lot 3 on Kane Valley Road is the meeting place. Bring some Chili to add to the communal pot, (and your own dishes) the club will provide the buns and hot drinks. For more information check out our website or call 250 378 9674

Jan. 25, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lower Nicola Community Hall. Barter for new, renewed and homemade items. Contact Diane Van Hoof at 378-3481 for more information.

Society every Thursday for bingo. Doors open at 4:30 and bingo starts at 6 p.m. Everyone welcome to come and play bingo! 2164 Quilchena Ave.

FISHING DERBY The Nicola Valley Fish & Game Club would like to invite you to their annual Mamette Lake Ice Fishing Derby. It will be held on Sunday Jan. 11 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. There will be 50/50 for goods, prizes and increased cash prize for biggest fish. Free coffee and hot chocolate and hot dogs will be available by donatioin. Purchase your ticket at Ponderosa, Gun-Fishin or at the fishing derby. If you would like further information you can contact Ed Collins 250-378-2547 or Paul Komonoski at 250-3784904.

NICOLA VALLEY FILM SOCIETY Presenting “TRACKS� Rated PG on Monday, Jan. 19, 7:00 p.m. at the NVIT LECTURE THEATRE. For more info phone 3783974.

ALZHEIMER AWARENESS MONTH To help promote awareness of the disease, the Merritt and District Hospice Society has partnered with the Alzheimer Society of provide an information session on Alzheimer’s disease and advance care planning. Tara Hildebrand from the Alzheimer Society of B.C. will talk about the progression of the disease, coping and managing strategies, and self-care. Also, the importance of a power of attorney and having a representation agreement. This information session is free to the public on Tuesday, Jan. 20 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Merritt Civic Centre, Room 2. For further information, please contact Jill Sanford at 250-378-4577.

SHELTER LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS The Nicola Valley Shelter and Support Society is seeking volunteers to fill shifts at the Extreme Weather Response Shelter located at 1937A Quilchena Ave. from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and 9 p.m. to midnight daily. Volunteer application packages are available at the Community Policing Office (250-378-3955) at 2013 Quilchena Ave.


VOLUNTEERS Join Conayt Friendship NEEDED

THE NICOLA VALLEY COMMUNITY BAND Fall season of practices on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the music room at MSS. info: James 250-378-9894.

1750 1 17 7 Hill Street Q Phone: 250-315-3000

The Navy League is in need of officer’s and volunteers to help out with our growing Cadet Corps. Our children are age 9 to 13 and we meet every Wednesday night from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. If you have past experience or are interested in becoming a part of our Corps please contact us. Ellen 250-280-6944, Sue 250-378-9880 or email at


Merritt Baptist Church 2499 Coutlee Ave. (Corner of Coutlee and Orme) t 4FSWJDF 5JNF 4VOEBZ 4DIPPM 4VOEBZ B N

Merritt Lutheran Fellowship JO 4U .JDIBFMhT $IVSDI t 4FSWJDF 5JNF SE 4VOEBZ FBDI NPOUI Q N

Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church .BYXFMM 4U t 4FSWJDF 5JNF 4VOEBZT B N


Sacred Heart Catholic Church $PSOFS PG +BDLTPO #MBJS t Mass Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m.

MERRITT SENIOR New season has started, CENTRE

come at 7 p.m. Located at Colletteville school. New members are very welcome. For more information contact: Ellen 250-378-9899 or Barb 250-389-2678.

RISING FROM THE ASHES Fire relief fundraisers for Earth Walker Spiritual Shop. You can either donate money to the bank account set up at CIBC or drop off your bottle donations to the bottle depot.

LIVING WITH LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Living with the Loss Support Group Wednesday 7 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. #122025 Granite Ave, Merritt - Call Marilyn at 250-3783513.

KNITWITS Love to knit or crochet? Come on down to Brambles Bakery Thursday evenings bring your yarn and needles and join in the fun.(1st Thursday of the month)

Seventh Day Adventist Church

Weekly schedule is as follows: Monday: Crib & Whist 7 p.m. Tuesday: Bingo 1 p.m., Duplicate Bridge 7 p.m. Wednesday: Carpet Bowling 1:30 p.m., Court Whist 7 p.m. Thursday: Floor Curling 1 p.m. (third week - shut-in lucheon) Friday: Rummoli & Games 7 p.m. All seniors welcome.

MERRITT MINOR HOCKEY Register for the 2014/15 season at Call 250378-6827 for more information.


St. Michael’s Anglican Church $IBQNBO 4U t 4FSWJDF 5JNF 4VOEBZT B N


HELP US REACH OUR GOAL Would you like to see a movie theatre in Merritt, then the Merritt Community Cinema Soceity can use your help!

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Tuesday - Darts: 7 p.m. Friday - Frosty Friday - 5 p.m. Saturdays - Meat draw: 2:30 p.m.

HELP RED CROSS Looking for volunteers to help 2 hours a week in the morning. If interested please call 250-378-5276

Phase 2 has started. Goal to reach $144,000 for design & architect fees

7 Day Weather Forecast for Merritt, BC - Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015 - Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015 Fri. Jan. 9

Sat. Jan. 10

Sun. Jan. 11

Mon. Jan. 12

For more information call Rich Hodson 250-378-6794

If you would like to help donate to this wonderful cause please make cheque payable to Merritt Community Cinema Society and mail it to: 1952 Eastwood Ave., Merritt, BC V1K 1K3

Phone 250-378-4241 with any events that you may be hosting or email:

Thurs. Jan. 8

Contents are insurable

Tue. Jan. 13

Wed. Jan. 14

Mix of Sun and Clouds

Mix of Sun and Clouds

Mainly Cloudy

Scattered Flurries

Mainly Cloudy

Mix of Sun and Clouds


High: 0ËšC Low: -3ËšC

High: 0ËšC Low: -3ËšC

High: -1ËšC Low: -4ËšC

High: -1ËšC Low: -3ËšC

High: -1ËšC Low: -4ËšC

High: -1ËšC Low: -5ËšC

High: 0ËšC Low: -5ËšC

Stain Glass by

Almerina Rizzardo

• • • •


Available at Creative Company 4XLOFKHQD $YHQXH 0HUULWW %& Monday - Saturday Ph: 250-378-0813

THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 • 21

Help Wanted Help Wanted Your community. Your classifieds.

Your community. Your classifieds.

Help Wanted

6&+22/ ',675,&7 12 1,&2/$ 6,0,/.$0((1



7KLV LV D PRQWK SHU \HDU KRXUV SHU GD\ SRVLWLRQ 6DODU\ DQG EHQHILWV ZLOO EH LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH & 8 3 ( /RFDO &ROOHFWLYH $JUHHPHQW For a complete listing of the job description and qualifications please visit the district’s website at ZZZ sG58 Ec ca FOLFN RQ -REV 6XSSRUW 3RVLWLRQV DQG VHDUFK XQGHU Âś&XUUHQW -RE 2SSRUWXQLWLHV¡ DQG IROORZ WKH SURPSWV -oE CoGe 7961 7 Applications, including a detailed resume with a minimum of three references, will be accepted until January 23, 2015.







Information Disability BeneďŹ ts Free Seminar Speakers: Dr. Alison Bested, on ME/FM, CFS, other Julie Fisher, Lawyer, Long-Term Disability and CPP Annamarie Kersop, Lawyer, Injury & No-Fault BeneďŹ ts Date: Mon. Feb.9, 2015 at 7 pm Where: Hyatt Regency Vancouver RSVP: 604-554-0078 or ofďŹ

Lost & Found Lost On Dec 25/Christmas Day. Ring with Purple Stone. Sentimental Value Only (250) 378 - 4911

Employment Childcare Experienced live-in nanny for 2 children 4yrs and new born. Residing in Merritt, BC. Preferably bilingual English/Punjabi. Minimum wage and beneďŹ ts. E-mail resume to

Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. SignUp online! 1-866-399-3853

Help Wanted


ASSOy WithiQ or CaOO 250-378- 556 SALMON Arm logging company looking for fulltime contract logging trucks, or drivers. Steady year round haul, home every night. Drivers must have bush experience. Please email or call 778-489-0118

Trades, Technical

EXPERIENCED CLASS 1 Drivers, F/T, P/T for California & Arizona produce hauling, excellent pay and beneďŹ ts, safety bonus and home time. Call Jerry or Bill 1-877-539-1750.

PLUMBER/GAS FITTER (2nd, 3rd, 4th year or J/man) required for Grand Forks company. We provide residential service, renovation, and construction services to our clients. If you are self-motivated, a problem solver, and have good communication skills - we need you. Please send detailed resume to or fax to 250-442-3327.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Administrative Clerk N.M.V. Lumber Ltd. is looking for an organized and proactive full-time administrative clerk. Duties include, but are not limited to: reception, shipping/receiving, data entry, maintaining supplies inventory, providing administrative support to management and other general ofďŹ ce duties. QualiďŹ cations for this role include: at least 2 years ofďŹ ce administration experience, strong computer skills, a pleasant telephone manner, excellent math skills, excellent verbal and written skills, ability to work independently and multi-task and a strong attention to detail. Some bookkeeping experience would be an asset. Fax your resume and cover letter to 250-378-5820 or via email in PDF format to ofďŹ

No phone calls please. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.




Merchandise for Sale


Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Heavy Duty Machinery

Apt/Condo for Rent

- CERTIFIED GM TECHNICIAN - TICKETED BODYMAN Vancouver Island Busy GM dealership looking for two full time positions to be ďŹ lled immediately. Very competitive pay scales, beneďŹ ts, and exible schedules. See our community online at

Send resume to


Help Wanted

• SAW FILER • ELECTRICIANS • MILLWRIGHT/WELDER - Surrey B.C Searching for highly motivated and ambitious individuals to work and be challenged in their ďŹ eld. Competitive Wage & Good BeneďŹ t Package Offered! Please forward your resume: Fax:(1)604-581-4104 Email: Visit:

LARGE FUND Borrowers Wanted Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don’t rely on credit, age or income. Call Anytime 1-800-639-2274 or 604-430-1498. Apply online

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

A-STEEL SHIPPING DRY STORAGE CONTAINERS Used 20’40’45’53’ and insulated containers all sizes in stock. Trades are welcome. 40’Containers under $2500! DMG 40’ containers under $2,000 each. Also JD 544 & 644 wheel Loaders & 20,000 lb CAT forklift. Wanted to buy 300 size hydraulic excavator. Ph Toll free 1-866-528-7108 1-778-298-3192 8am-5pm Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 newspaper?

Lower Nicola Indian Band Wellness Counselor Job Posting Reporting to the Director of Human Services, the Counsellor is responsible for the development and delivery of programs for the Lower Nicola Band community members aimed at education, prevention, counselling intervention and follow-up. As an active member of the Community Services team, the Counsellor will be a professional role model supporting the Lower Nicola Band’s Vision of personal and spiritual growth. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES: s Design and deliver education and prevention strategies. s Develop, organize and present /facilitate workshops and education sessions to all community & band members on various topics (approximately 5/6 workshops per year) s Facilitate prevention & intervention programs. s Provide one on one, group and family counselling covering an array of issues. s Actively participate in case management with all members of the Community Services team. s Design short/ long term planning objectives in consultation with clients. s Refer clients to other community service agencies for additional service when required. s Establish support services aimed at preventing relapses. s Maintain conďŹ dential client documentation. s Maintain statistical records of client contact plus complete a clinical intake package for each new client. EDUCATION/ QUALIFICATIONS: s Degree or Diploma in Counselling, Social Work or related ďŹ eld s Registered with the correlating governing body (IE: RSW) preferred s Preference of a minimum of three years counselling experience. s Preference given to those who have worked with First Nations people SKILL REQUIREMENTS: s Proven ability to lead and work well with other individuals in a team environment to ensure high quality program delivery. s Flexibility and motivation to ďŹ ll time with other duties in the LNIB Health Centre when required s Solid analytical skills required to design and evaluate programs. s The capacity to act as a liaison and effectively associate with other institutions and organizations. s High level of communication and human relation skills required to diffuse confrontational situations and maintain motivation. s High ethical standards required to ensure a high level of professionalism is maintained s Ability to speak or willingness to learn the Nlaka’pamux language a pre-requisite. Start Date: ASAP Salary: Salary will be negotiated based on experience Applicants must be willing to submit to a criminal Record Search Deadline for submitting application: January 16th, 2015 by 12:00 p.m. Apply by submitting your cover letter and resume to: Lower Nicola Indian Band Bridget LaBelle, Director of Human Services Email 181 Nawishaskin Lane Merritt BC V1K1N2 OR by fax 250-378-9137

, 1 , 1- , 9


Misc. Wanted Jerrys Antiques & Things is also Buying Rocks Gems Stones & Lapidary Equipment Give us a call and we may buy it all. (250) 838 - 0644 Private Collector Looking to Buy Coin Collections, Silver, Antiques, Native Art, Estates + Chad: 778-281-0030 Local

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent

NICOLA APARTMENTS Clean one and two bedroom. Starting at $600/month. NO PETS

MOVE IN BONUS 1/2 month free rent


KENGARD MANOR Spacious 1 & 3 bedroom apartments.

F/S, heat and hot water included. Starting at $625/mth Move in bonus - 1/2 month free rent

For appointment call


SUMMIT APARTMENTS Brand new 2 bedroom apartments References required. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. 250-280-7644

NICOLA APARTMENTS Clean one and two bedroom. Starting at $600/month. NO PETS

MOVE IN BONUS 1 month free rent

250-378-9880 Homes for Rent For Rent: 3bedrm, Newly Renovated house, large yard. $1,000/mth 604-454-4731

Apt/Condo for Rent


100 2FF 1ST M2NTHS RENT for sXccessfXO aSSOicaQts

1HZO\ UHQRYDWHG XQLWV ´COaSSertoQ MaQor¾ 2775 COaSSertoQ AYe 3OHDVH FDOO Auto Financing Need a Vehicle?

Auto Financing Call the

$vaiOaEOe 24 ‡ mycreditmedic ca

Guaranteed Approvals r (PPE $SFEJU r #BE $SFEJU r /P $SFEJU r %JWPSDF r #BOLSVQU


Call Steve Today 1.855.740.4112 t

22 • THURSDAY, January 8, 2015 Rentals

Real Estate

Suites, Lower

Houses For Sale

Your Local

Large 2 bedroom ground level suite for rent. Close to shopping. Private entrance, driveway & Patio. $825.00 month includes utilities. Non smokes only.315-4660. Working or retired person(s) only.

Home and Land Packages Springbank Ave, Merritt

Completely Serviced City Services Turn Key STARTING FROM

$249,900.00 Call 250-573-2278 Toll Free 1-866-573-1288

7510 Dallas Drive, Kamloops

Houses For Sale

Houses For Sale







MoQ to Fri : 8 aP - 5 SP Sat : 8 aP SP


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POXPEiQg, HeatiQg, BoQGeG Gas Fitters Service Work & Furnace Service. Custom Sheet Metal $WODV 59 3DUWV 5HSDLUV


Use the equity in your home to consolidate debt, top up RRSPs, or tackle renovations 1 Ca ll Ha rry Ho wa rd (250) 49 0-6 73



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Why do th the hard work yourself, have someone else do it for you.



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Prop P roperty erty Main Maintenan tenance ce

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FREE CONSULTATIONS 2 FULL TIME DENTISTS & ORTHODONTIS T ON SITE Call 250-378-4888 to book your HOURS appointment. 2731 Forksdale Avenue, V1K 1R9

Dr. Sunil Malhotra

Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday and Saturday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Dr. Jaspal Sarao



Location: 2865C PooOey AYe HacN EOectric




t in this spot.

Be sure to give us a call if you want to reserve your advertisemen

ASK FOR TERRESA r 250-378-4241

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