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from January 20 - 2022
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Obituaries Announcements
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Celebratethe lives of lovedones with your stories, photographs and tributes
Ernest Lebrun
June 27, 1934 -January 11,2021
It is with heavy hearts and the fondest of memories that we announce the passing of Ernest Lebrun, at the age 87. After ashort battle of pneumonia, he passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Tuesday, January 11th, 2022, at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, BC.
He leavesbehind his twosisters, Irene Chartrand, and Lorraine (Laurent) Fortier of Timmins, Ontario. Daughters, Kim (Terry) Johnston, Lynn (Francois) Chasse andAngel (Mark) Corson, Nancy&(Gaston) Fortier.Grandchildren: Troy (Natasha)Johnston, SabrinaJohnston, Kourtney(Steven) Byrd, Damien, and Brady Corson (Eric, Anne-Rene &Jason Fortier). Great Grandchildren: Cole, Brooke, Aydea, Kingston and Cayden and numerous loving relativesand friends.
Ernest wasborn June 27th,1934, in Timmins Ontario to Bertha and Wilfred Lebrun. He wasthe youngest boy, of eight children. He met Dorothee (nee Brabant) and wed in 1959 in Spragge, Ontario. TheymovedtoTimmins where Kim and Lynn were born, where he worked as agoldminer.Later moving to Merritt where Angel wasbornand thegirls were raised. Working at Craigmont Mine as aMiner,and then at the School District as aJanitor from approximately 1974 until his retirement. He met Elaine Sime with whom he livedwith for 10 years and enjoyed travelling and staying in California for afew months multiple times ayear.Helater movedback to his hometown of Timmins, Ontario in 1991, where he met his partner Germaine Gauthier and livedwith for 22 years. He movedtoKamloops in 2012, where he livedhappily until his passing.
Through the years, he enjoyed broomball, bowling, travelling, dancing, wood working, drawing, painting, bingo and the casino. Having fun with family and friends, he really enjoyed making people laugh as he wasquite thejokester.He had avery kind heart and will be dearly missed by all who knewand lovedhim.
The family wouldliketoextend ourthankstoDr. Dongatthe RoyalInland Hospital and special thanks to the compassionate and helpful nurses: Lesley, Heather,Kate and Brandi and numerous other staff.
AMemorial service will be held in the spring in Merritt, BC.
In lieu of flowers donationscan be made to Kamloops Hospice.
Arrangements entrusted to Alternatives Funeral &Cremation Services 250-554-2324. Condolences may be expressed to the family from www.myalternatives.ca
Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries

Carl David Lind
March 22, 1965 -December 30, 2021
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Carl David Lind. He wasborn in Haney, BC, then resided in Merritt, BC until 1992. From 1992-2011 he livedin Revelstoke, Sorrento and Kitimat. In 2011 he movedto Campbell Riverwhere he resided on his sailboat for the past 10 years until his passing.
He movedmanytimes to continue his career in forestry.Hestarted his career in Forestry with ML Brown Lumber Ltd. In 1983 as askidder operator;shortly thereafter in 1985 he transitioned to afaller,this wasthe occupation he truly loved. He remained an active faller from 1985 until his passing. He waswell respected in his occupation as afellowfalling partner,but most commonly abull Bucker.Carl always putthe safety of his fellowemployees and crew first; and his impeccable safety record of 38 years speaks for itself.
He wasadventurous and quick witted and lovedall forms of vehicles, and recreational vehicles especially if theywent fast. He neverasked for much but wasalways the first to lend ahandtoanyone. He wasstrong, hard working and a man of morals and ethics. After ahard day’swork, he enjoyedhis music and an occasional ice-cold Corona while socializing with his sister Carolyn and brother-in-lawAlinthe shop. (Lovingly referred to as Al’sCluttered Shop).
He also thoroughly enjoyed his time spent with his nephews and niece
At his sister Connie’sSalt Mine (landscaping in the weed patch…his words not ours). He grewvery close with them during the past 5years, and he wasproud of alltheir accomplishments.
Carl wasmechanicallyinclined, further enhanced from the years of teachings by his heavy-duty mechanic father,David Lind.
He wasafantastic problem solver and could always MacGyver anything.
During thepast 2weeks our family gottomeet manyof his sailboat/marina neighbour’sand theyall mentioned howhehelpedthem with mechanical sailboat issues and howmuchtheywill miss him.
Carl waspredeceasedbyhis mother Dianne Lind in 2017, and his brother Earl Lind in 1988.He leavesbehindtocherish his memories his father David Lind; sister Carolyn Lind (Al Figenshaw) and sister Connie Rauch, nephews Chris Rauch, MikeRauch; and niece Jennifer Rauch ;and his3 children Cody Earl Lind, Steavie Taylor Lindand Colton James Lind
He will always be lovedand sorely missed
As per Carl’srequest there will be no service
Obituaries Obituaries
To our brother Carl withSisterlyLove Living on your sailboat, alife yousoloved Endless sunrises, and sunsets sent from above Youwereahumble man to your core Eternal memories for us to adore Todayaswehonouryou, we walk along the sandybeachshore Seals, salt air, wavesand the beautiful ocean, we couldn’t askfor more We hearyourwhispersinour ears Be strong, don’t cryIamstillhere As the ocean tide washes in and out Your life well lived, without adoubt Your love of the forest, it brought yousuchpeace The beauty of Nature, wildlife, anda fresh spring breeze Youweremischievous and lovedto have fun But neverbeforethe work wasdone Ashoreline and ocean as faras onecan see Gone from our physical presence, our hearts will remember thee Your smile, bright blue eyesand bear hugs we will surelymiss With time we willgraduallybegin to heal from this Ason, brother, uncleand friend We will honour youuntil the end Sail on CARL GiveHeavens Sail ome on Hell ❤

Merritt Merritt Funeral Chapel Funeral Chapel
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Mon.,Tues., Thurs.&Fri.: 10:00a.m. -3:00 p.m. Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m
Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri.: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m www.MerrittFuneralChapel.com www.MerrittFuneralChapel.com
2113 Granite Ave.,Merritt, BC2113 Granite Ave., Merritt, BC2113 Granite Ave., Merritt, BC 250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379
In Loving Memory Lora Jeanne Graham
January 13, 1978 -January 9, 2022
It is with great sadness we announce the sudden passing of Lora Graham on January 9, 2022.
Lora is survivedbyher loving children, Brock, Mason and Payton Moffat, her brother Niel JJ Graham, nephewLandon Graham, parents Niel and Trudi Graham, Grandmother Lorraine Graham as well as manyAunts, Uncles and cousins.
Lora fought along battle with addiction buther fight is nowover.
Those of us left behind hope she has found peace at last.
No service by request.
In loving memoryof WRIGHT, Harold DeWayne
January21, 1928 ~January3,2022

On January 3, 2022Harold Wright passed from this worldatthe age of 93. Harold wasborn January21, 1928 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Heissurvivedbyhis loving wifePatrecia Wright (of 74 years) anda beautiful family who will miss himdearly. DaughterPatty-Ann(Stan)and Michael (Lynne). GrandchildrenTeri-Lynne (Oscar), Michael (Tanya), David(Tina), and Sherilyn (Jeff). Great grandchildren Katie(Seth), Kristie (Harrison), Cheyenne,Colten, Cody (Emily), Brett, and Allison. Great-greatgrandchildren Jace,Noah, Liam, Ezra,Abigail,Kensley andJudah. He is predeceased by his brother Jack and hissisterOleva, andinfant sonDavid whilesurvived by twobrothers Joe and Loren. Haroldmoved to Ashcroft, British Columbia with hisfamilyin1976whereheplantedroots within the communityand quickly becameloved by all.His love and passionfor peopleand Jesusshone throughevery aspect of hislife. He pouredhis life and love into the community, his family andthe church. He became everything to everybody -ifyou knew him, youknew compassion and youfeltthatwhereverhewas,thatwas home. As ayoungman Harold joined the navy andafter he finishedhis tour withthe navy and was discharged,hespent manyyearsworkingand managing sheep and cattle ranchesinCalifornia. In June1965heseizedanopportunitytomanage acattle ranchinRichterPass in Osoyoos hencethe move to Canada. In 1968 afterbecoming good friendswitha loggingcontractorinCawston,his alwayspresent sense foradventuretook himfromranching to logging.Moving between Cawston, Keremeos and Princeton, he continued workingfor differentlogging contractors. In 1973with afew dollarsand adream, he boughtsomelogging equipmentand startedhis owncompany. (Spentmoretimeworking on the equipmentthanrunning it).1976 broughthim to Ashcroft where he logged and developed much of theVenables,Twaal and Blue Earth Valley’s as well as Pimainus and the InkikuhinHighlandValley.Heretired in 1987. Thelogging company is still operational in theMerritt area andmanaged by his grandsonDavid. In hisretirementheboughtthe Ashcroft Honda shop. Hecouldnever do “nothing”. He devoted his lateryears to helpinghis sonand daughter on theirpropertiesfencingand sprayingweeds (hehated weeds) rightupuntil adiagnosis of Parkinson’sand itsaffects left himunable.Alwaysthe adventurer it washappy trails,whetheritbeasheep,cow or skid trail. Even though he will be missed more than wordscan explain,weknowhis legacy andhis home wasbuilt foreternity. Heartfelt thankstothe staff of Jacksonhouse,they areamazing. Inlieuof flowers,please donatetothe Jackson House. APrivateGathering will be held at alater date. Onlinecondolences maybemade at www.tvfh.ca

Grief can make us feel like we are going crazy andthat well never feel well or at peace again. The More You GIVE

by Teresa Piercey-Gates
The moreyou give, the moreyou get, The more youdo unselfishly The more youlive abundantly. The moreof everything you share, The moreyou laugh, the lessyou fret. The more you’ll always have to spare. The more you love, the more you’ll find That life is good and friends are kind. For only what we give away, Enriches us from day to day.
Pennies From Heaven
by Charles L. Mashburn
Ifound apenny today, Just laying on theground Butit’snot justapenny, This little coin I’ve found. “Found”pennies come from heaven, That’s whatmy Grandpa toldme He said angels tossthem down; Oh,how Ilovedthatstory. He said when an angel misses you, They tossa penny down Sometimes justto cheer youup, Make asmile out of yourfrown So don’tpass by that penny, When you’refeelingblue It maybea penny from heaven That an angel tossed to you.
February F b 5, 5 1941 1941 –J January 14, 14 2022 2022
Passed away peacefully in The HamletsatWestsyde.
BorninWilliams Lake to Graham and Betty Kinloch. The family then moved to Dareld whereSandy attended schools in the area as well as BarriereHigh School.
He attended Vocational School in Nanaimo where he received his Auto Mechanic Licence and was hired by Syd Smith in Kamloops. Sandy married Sharon in 1966 and they purchased Fortune CentreHome Service Station in North Kamloops. After abrief stint in Williams Lake at Cariboo Gulf Station they moved to Merritt in 1977 and bought Merritt Shell Service, and started BCAA Merritt Towing. They also opened the rst car rental service in Merritt, Rent AWreck,and built storage units on Pooley Ave known as Sagebrush Storage.
Sandy was an avid vintage and classiccar collector,and a renowned mechanic.
His love of ying resulted in the purchase of two planes and a membershipinthe MerrittFlying Club.
Sandy then moved to Tsawwassen to manage aservice station, and later worked for BCAA as roadside assistant.
He leaves to mourn, his son Jay (Jill),grandchildren Hannah and Gracie nephews Tony (Noni) and Michael (Claire), nieces Dardie, Josephine, Penny (Tony), Belva, Jack (Michelle), Jeff(Teresa) andCam (Kindra).
Sandy is also survived by his step-grandchildrenTyla and Sheldon, grand nephews Charlie, Sam and Hudson, and grand niece Alexandria.
Predeceased by his parents, sisters Pidge and Barb and brotherMickey and adearfriend Trudy.
Atthe family’s request, there will be no service.
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Employment Employment Employment
School District No. 58 is acceptingapplications for Hot Lunch Program Coordinator at Merritt Bench ElementarySchool. 5daysper week |4hours per day. Musthavecompleted food safe course. Previous experience dealing with students and running akitchen wouldbeanasset.
If interested, please send your resume along with three references to Dena McDermott at dmcdermott@365.sd58.bc.ca or on-lineat www.sd58. bc.ca,click on Jobs,Support Positions, and Current JobOpportunities (Job Code 3170309).
School District No. 58.(Nicola-Similkameen) is currently accepting applications for the position of Relief Education Assistant. Applicants must have or be currently enrolled in the Education Assistant Certification program. CPI and POPFASD arerequired courses in order to gain aregular position in the District. This is an ongoing posting and applications will be kept on file for six months.
Please apply online at www.sd58.bc.ca (Job Code 3064466 forMerritt and 3064470 forPrinceton) by providing adetailed resume with aminimum of three professional references to:
Attention: LindseyHenderson Manager of Human Resources School District No. 58 (Nicola-Similkameen) P.O. Box 4100, 1550 Chapman Street Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 humanresources@sd58.bc.ca Only those applicants selected foraninterviewwillbecontacted.
Employment Employment
Nooaitch Indian Band
2954 Shackelly Road Merritt, BC V1K 1N9 Ph: 250-378-6141 Fax: 250-378-3699
The Homemaker reports to the Nooaitch Social Development Worker and is responsible for providing home services for Elders/ Disabled clients of the Nooaitch Indian Band. Ahomemaker represents an important enhancementtoElder and Client care: a dynamic, enthusiastic, and reliable individual committed to home services is key. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: •Toprovide professional homemaking services to pre-approved clients as directed by the Social Development and the Scw’exmx Community Society registered nurse. • Maintain cleaning duties based on the evaluation provided by the Scw’exmx Community Society registered nurse. Duties may include but arenot limitedto: vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, dish washing, dusting, cleaning and disinfecting the bathrooms, kitchen area and overall upkeep of living areas. •Toestablish aprofessional working relationship with the client(s) and follow aschedule, based on evaluation from the nurse. •Toperformassigned duties and responsibilities with respect for client(s) privacy and condentiality; adapt to avariety of situations; and respect and accept different values and standards of living. •Tomaintain arecordofhours and duration of service for each client(s): recordservices provided at each visit; report incidents; provide time sheets as per Nooaitch Indian Band Policy. •Conduct all work in accordance with safety procedures QUALIFICATIONS: •Must have the ability to performtoperformoutlined cleaning tasks with minimum supervision. •Must possess physical ability to performall cleaning/janitorial tasks. •Must be self-motivated, be on time with limited supervision. •One to threeyears’ experience in homemaking support environment an asset. •Class 5Drivers’License is essential •Must provide Criminal RecordCheck upon employment Deadline to apply: Friday, February 11, 2022 Please submit your resume, covering letter, and references to: Nooaitch Indian Band Human Resources 2954 Shackelly Rd. Merritt BC V1K 1N9 or nooaitchbandmanager@nooaitchband.ca socialdev@nooaitchband.ca
School District No. 58 (Nicola-Similkameen) is accepting applications for the position of Relief Clerk Typist for all Merritt schools. Aminimum typing speed of 55 words per minute is preferred. Relief Clerk Typist positions areon-call positions. Salaryand benefits will be in accordance with the C.U.P.E. Local 847 CollectiveAgreement. Please apply online at www.sd58.bc.ca (Job Code #3064259) by providing adetailed resume with aminimum of three professional references. Please forwardto:
Attention: LindseyHenderson Manager of Human Resources School District No. 58 (Nicola-Similkameen) P.O. Box 4100, 1550 Chapman Street Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 humanresources@sd58.bc.ca Only those applicants selected foraninterviewwillbecontacted. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.58 (NICOLA-SIMILKAMEEN)
School District No. 58 (Nicola-Similkameen) is accepting applications for a TemporaryFirst Nations SupportWorkerfor Merritt for 7hoursper day, 10 months per year starting January2022toJune30, 2022. The successful applicant will be responsible for providing social/emotional support, communicating with students and parents/guardians,tutoring, and cultural education. Electronic application submissions areaccepted at www.sd58.bc.ca {click on Employment, Current JobPostings,(JobCode#3166764)and followthe prompts}. Applications, including adetailed resume with aminimum of three references, will be accepted until January21, 2022.Please forwardto:
Attention: LindseyHenderson Manager of Human Resources School District No. 58 (Nicola-Similkameen) P.O. Box 4100, 1550 Chapman Street Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Only those applicants selected foraninterviewwillbecontacted.
Catch your next job in our employment section.
Legal &Public Notices
Legal &Public Notices
Reliable Towing Merritt Ltd.
2900 Pooley Ave the following vehicle will be auctioned on February 3, 2022 for non payment 2001 Mazda Protege VIN# JM1BJ225010478754 Debtor: Angela Adams Amount owing: 3,558.21
1993 Ford Festiva VIN# KNJBT05H5P6102249 Debtor: Oliver Windsor Amount Owing: 1,708.56
Job Description: Full Time The Friendship Center is seeking an Aboriginal Head Start Coordinator forour Licensed Child CareFacility on the campus of Nicola Valley Institute of Technology.The coordinator will be responsible for developing and overseeing the day-to-day operationsofthe Head Start program.
Qualifications: Basic ECE License to Practice AdditionalQualifications:
• Strong leadership skills • Knowledge and experience with Head Start programs • Management or supervisoryexperience • Experience with proposal writing &reporting to funders • Knowledge of Indigenous cultureand Metisculture • Knowledge of community resources • Maintains Licensing standards as well as Aboriginal
Head Start Principles • Valid First AidCertificate
Required Experience:
• Strong knowledge and experience in Early Childhood
Development • Skills in administrationfunctions such as Microsoft Office • Experience managinga childcare facility • Experience with program development • Knowledge of Outdoor Education for young children Join our team in this exciting adventureofopening an Urban Head Start Program on the NVIT Campus. Rate: $33.00 per hour plusbenefits As per Section 16 of the Federal Charter of Human Rights Act, preference will be given to applicants of AboriginalAncestry. We thankall applicants for their interest, however,only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. Resumes will be reviewed on February 1st, 2022
Please submit cover letter and resume to: Executive Assistant, Conayt Friendship Society, PO Box 1989, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8. E-mail to: executiveassistant@conayt.com
Thanks forwearing a mask,for everyone!
Legal &Public Notices Legal &Public Notices
To advertise in Employment call 604-630-3300 To advertise in Employment Call250-378-4241
circulation@kamloopsthisweek.com 250-374-7467250.378.4241 circulation@merrittherald.com
The purpose of Pest Management Plan (PMP) No. 260-Mosq-22/27 is to reduceoverall mosquito annoyance for City of Merritt residents, workersand visitorsbycontrollinglarval development using an Integrated Pest Management(IPM) approachtocontrol. The PMP focuses on larval mosquito control initiatives and uses public education, physical site modification and biologicalcontrols to reduce larval mosquitopopulations and conserveorenhance natural mosquitopredators whereverpossible, and includes the use of non-persistent, bacterial larvicides. This Pest Management Plan is arenewal of the soon to expire (22 April 2022) PMP covering this program. The proposed duration of the PMP is from 15 April 2022 to 14 April 2027. Larvicide products proposed for use include VectoBac 200G (PCP #18158) or equivalent, which contains thenatural-occurring soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var.israelensis, and VectoLex CG (PCP #28008) or VectoLex WSP (PCP #28009) made with the related bacteriumBacillus sphaericus. These products are classified as bio-rational products, they do not accumulate in the environment and provide species-specific control of mosquito larvae. They are non-toxic to other organisms including insects, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, wildlife, manand domestic animals.
Mosquito larvae require stagnant or non-flowing waters, temporaryorpermanent, to develop.Development habitats include river or lake level influenced floodwaters, marshes,ponds, ditchesand catch basins. When physical alterations (drainage, filling)are neitherpractical nor desirable, developing larvae will be treated using the appropriate larvicides. Applications of larvicide productssuchasVectoBac and VectoLex will be made using aerial (helicopter) and ground-based, hand-broadcast, or backpack applicator methods. All applications will be conducted within, and adjacent to, the community of Merritt. Total treatment area is not exceed500 hectares of public lands in each year of the PMP. This Pest Management Plan for larval mosquito controlisbeing prepared for the City of Merritt by Duka Environmental Services Ltd., abiological services firm, with extensive experience in integratedpest managementplan developmentand local mosquito controloperations. Informationonproposed treatment areas, annual mosquito control program operations andthis PMP are available to the public by request from Duka Environmental Services Ltd. 19732 –68thAvenue, Langley, BC V2Y 1H6 (604)881-4565, Facsimile (866) 759-5902,oremail; duka@telus.net. ForVectoBacorVectoLex product information please see the manufacturerswebsite www.valentbiosciences.com.
Apersonwishing to contributeinformationregarding aproposed treatment site, relevant to the development of this Pest Management Plan, may send copies of the information to Duka Environmental Services Ltd. (agents for the City of Merritt) at the contact addressesabove within 30 days of the publication of this notice.The identity of any respondentsand the contents of anything submitted in response to this notice and application will becomepartofthe public record.