June 22 - 2023

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Gone fishin’

The annual Father’s Day fishing derby at Kentucky-Alleyne park took place on Sunday (June 18). Photo/BJ Moore


Dozens of locals gathered at Spirit Square last week to engage local RCMP officers and Victim Services workers in conversation.



Merritt city council approved a transit agreement that brings on-request bus service to Cook’s Ferry’s Antko 21 reserve.


The Merritt RCMP is seeking to identify the owner of a number of found firearms believed to have been lost in the floods. /PAGE 12

On-call 24 Hrs.aday:250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 •www.Mer rittFuneralChapel.com Mon, Tues,Thurs &Fri.:10:00am -3:00pm •Wednesday1:00pm -6:00pm /2113Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC Local &Caring. Proudly supporting our community since 1929. Celebrating each life like no other ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Merritt Funeral Chapel THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 • themerrittherald • www.merrittherald.com FREE MERRITT HERALD EST. 1905


ki chen d n ng, v ng area hat a take n he cozy co ner gas fi ep a e and a ces o the back pat o A so a huge 2 car garage w h sta r access to he u 6- oot c aw space wh ch o e s ons o storage The ba k ya d s ul y enced and pr vate w h a go geous v ew and pa o 2213

MLS#172010 $630,000


MLS#172977 $759,900 Beaut u y de gned and cu tom

A2 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com legacy.britishcolumbia.remax.ca/ #113-1700 Garcia Street Box 2257 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Your local RE/MAX Legacy Experts - Your Unfair Advantage 250.378.6941 Ray Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-3377 Valerie Kynoch PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-280-0994 Sarah Dickie REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-0835 Jordyn Chenier REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-2353 Brenda Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-8377 Janis Post PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-3672 Karen Bonneteau PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-5178 Breanna Ouellet REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-5820 100 Golden Quill Trail MLS#172053 $1,375,000 MAGN F CENT LAKEFRONT e eat or res dence a h s 3745 sq f Luxuy 4 bdrm home Beau u cus om k t hen boast gran e coun e tops gas ook op JennAi r dge Ro ng h s & b g open sk es we come you o an exc us ve commun y o qua y homes a S ump Lake enowned or w nd su fing wa e sk ng & amaz ng fish ng s ocked w th Kokanee and Ra nbow rou En oy w nte pond hockey ce fi h ng and ross oun y sk ng! 3725 Davidson Road MLS#172227 $1,230,000 We -ma n a ned 55-ac e prope ty ocated 25 m nutes wes of Mer t The n ce y-kep anche /modu ar home eatu es 3 beds 1 5 baths w h an open-con ept v ng space The open bench and measu es app ox 10 acres and s enced and c os - enced o pa ture and/or hay and Fea u es a r d ng a ena hay ba n 2-s a stab e severa run- n she e s a k-and-feed he tage cab n and a too shed 381 Winney Ave MLS#172354 $ 849,900 Don m ss out on the oppo un ty to ive n the count y only 10 m nu es rom town Th s beaut ful smal acreage s se up and ready o go Home has 3 bed ooms, 2 5 baths and s s tuated on 2 7 ac es 1660 Chestnut Ave MLS#172288 $629,000 Ver y n ce move n eady 3 bed oom p us den 2 bath oom anche ocated n a qu e cu -de-sa n a n ce subd vi ion w h newe homes The home ea u e an open des gn w h k t hen/d n ng/ v ng oom separate den/o fice 3 good s ze bed ooms a fu main ba h oom aund y oom o the 2-car a ached garage Pr vate fen ed ba kyard w h cove ed deck and torage shed, RV pa k ng and more 1599 Quilchena Ave
$729,000 Th s hou e has a to a o 4 bed ooms p us a arge o fi e 3 u ba hrooms n- aw su e and be t of a the home has been comp e e y upda ed ns de w h op qua y fin sh ngs The d veway has been comp e e y edone w h b and new cemen wh h o fe s ext a pa k ng You mus v h s p oper y to app ec a e he work and ove put n o the nte o of the home
$299,900 1300 sq f 3-4 bedroom home Bu d equ ty as you fin sh and add your touch to th s pa ial y resto ed from 2021 flood damage “As s where s ” home w th br gh ki chen w th qua i y M l C eek cab ne s shop, Lots of space fo a garden n eve enced back ya d RV park ng
Fair way Place
$ 654,000 The home eatu es 3 bedrooms, he mas er w h wa k- n c o e & ensui e w th et ed oake ub ma n bath oom o fer ub/showe comb na on the k chen s open o a n ce nook area a we as you fam y oom open o your d n ng & v ng room La ge p va e de k to en oy company w h & a 2 car a tached 1788 Nicola Avenue MLS#172598 $775,000 Don’t m ss out on h s 3 bdr m fam ly home ocated on y m nu es rom downtown Me r tt The floor p an has been we executed w/an open concept des gn on the ma n floo , 3 bedrooms and aundr y up Home has moder n k tchen 204-1703 Menzies Street MLS#172707 $153,000 N ce t e 1 bed oom 1 ba h oom apar men un t n N co a Apa ments Good t e sta ter nvestment Home has a g ass pat o door to access the sundeck Bu d ng has sha ed aund y on each floo Apa men s c ose to bu ranspor at on and co ner s o e Tenan s cur en y pay ng $776 00 mon h y S ata ee s $197 20 mon h y 3399 Pineridge Drive MLS#172777 $898,000 SUMMER W TH A POO Fantas c 4 bd m 3 ba h home n des ab e esden a ne ghbo hood on he bench! New app ances n updated k t hen w th open concept ma n ng a ea Fea ur ng cent a a r ond on ng a newe roof unde ground sp nk e s new w ed poo shed and overs zed s ng e ga age 17 x 33 w h secu e s o age o a you oy En oy g ea mounta n v ews rom h s beaut u am y e ea to ca home!! 208-2514 Spring Bank Ave MLS#172486 $579,900 Th s 3 bd m 4 bath home features com o tab e v ng n a beau fu b end of contempo a y and modern fin shes nc ud ng qua tz coun e top cus om hake cab ne r y upg aded s a n ess app ances door n doo f dge and a ga ove En oy the 9 e ngs beau fu gas fi ep ace w th upda ed ea u e wa and over s zed w ndows o ake n the s unn ng v ew 1498 Douglas Street MLS#169184 $365,000 N cely kept 3 bedroom 1 bathroom home located on a arge ful y fenced cor ner lot c ose to downtown En oy the par t a ly covered deck off the back for your mor ning co ees and even ng ba becues 206-2514 Spring Bank Ave MLS#172831 $569,000 Ve y n ce move n eady 3 bed 4 ba h ownhome ocated n he des ed bench a ea w h amaz ng v ew o the va ey & mounta ns The basemen of e s a a ge fam y oom 4-pc ba hroom u y oom & s o age 1560 Chestnut Ave
1601 Greig Street MLS#172102
$ 699,900 Modern anche y e home n a qu e ne ghbou hood Th s home features c ean nes w h a c sp mode n ee The open concep des gn features 9 f ce ng am nate floor ng quar z coun e tops hroughout and vau ed ce ngs or a n ce ouch Exter or nc udes a doub e garage and a backyard pat o
Taylor Place
$565,000 Th s 3 bed oom 2 bath ran he O fe s an open concept
Parker Drive
New y sted ca hed a en y 4 bd m fam y home w th 2 5 ba h on 2 a e ot n des rab e Bench Lo a on W h on y s eps om the e emen a y schoo tenn s cour s d sc go f and outdoo arena h home o fe s he u mo t conven ence or you fam y and ch d en The home features a a ge p vate backyard w th ma u e rees cedar hedge and cha n nk fence Ca oday to book you appo n men to v ew
1652 Ponderosa Way
zed home w h pano am v ews o the va ey K chen was updated n 2016 w h new cab ne y g an te counter ops & SS app ances Ma n floo a so o e s a o ma v ng and d n ng room as we as a am y oom and 2 pc powder The owe floo comes comp e e w h 3 add t ona bedrooms, a u 4 pc ba h oom and rec eat on/ heat e oom 1605 Pine Street MLS#172717 $149,000 The p oper y o e s wo sheds on he prope ty for sto age The e a e no bui ding schemes/rest ic ons o h s R2 zoned p ope y, so you can ente tain he dea o a dup ex, a manufactu ed/ p e- ab home as we as a ame st ck cons ruc on 2725 Grandview Heights MLS#171816 $179,000 PANORAM C VIEWS from th s Bu ld ng Lo 6200 sq ft in a grea ne ghbo hood of newer homes over ook ng the beaut fu Nico a Val ey & C ty of Mer r tt Mun c pa wa er/sewe at ot l ne Sidewa ks & paved street a ready n place 1611 Phillips Street MLS#171495 $499,000 Beau ul 2020 3 bedroom 3 bath oom home ocated n a grea neighbor hood The ma n floor inc udes a aundr y room and a powder oom Upsta rs cons sts o he mas er bed oom w th an ensu te and open c ose two add t ona bed ooms and a washroom 36-1749 Menzies Street MLS171597 $449,000 PREFERRED COMMUN TY o home ! Warm ch ones n th s n ce y de o a ed 3 bed 2 5 ba h ownhouse Love y wh e k hen ea u ng a generous amount of cab ne s w h b eakfas coun e Ext a area o ofice o p ay oom ups ai s Fen ed ya d w th bbq pa o o en oy on p eaan even ngs Phase 4 Un t bu n 2006 Roo 2020 2021 ho water ank Leve wa k ng d s ance to schoo co ner s o e & pub c t ans 1429 Pine Street MLS#169996 $335,700 Cute l tt e 840 sq ft 2 bedroom 1 bath rancher home House has a beau ifu fu ly fenced p vate yard with mature trees, g ape v nes and a beauti u deck Backyard offers ane access and a 20x12 detached garage/storage outbu d ng 1843 Menzies Street MLS172296 $ 279,000 NVEST N MERR TT 3 bed oom we ma nta ned ownhou e w h good enan s who wou d ke o s ay Fenced ya d ron & back Newe 8 x 10 garden shed p u a tached s o age 2019 ho wate tank 2015 roo 2488 Spring Bank Ave MLS#168264 $239,000 Inc ed b e overs zed 70 o an acre o This o of ers g eat bu d ng potent a and s over ook ng the N cola R ve g v ng you end ess mounta n/r ve v ews Lo s not loca ed n the C ty of Mer r t F ood P a n 1638 Fir Ave MLS#172019 $199,900 R-2 zoned 7330 sq ft bu lding ot n a newer subdiv sion of qua ity homes Cost savings of a level usab e site Not n he flood pla n 1401 Douglas Street MLS#171678 $515,000 AFFORDABLE EQU TY BU LDER or a first t me home buyer o ret ree! We main a ned side by s de duplex each w th 2 bed m 16 x 24 detached garage, awned evel enced 20 acre proper ty w th unde ground spr nk ers Sepa ate Hydro & Gas me ers pe side 1651 Lindley Creek Road MLS#168815 $199,900 Bu d your dream home on this large 7,879 sq lot w/easy access off Lindley Creek Road The water and sewer ser vice r un a ong the road and w l need to be connected nto the ot when bui d ng 1986 Douglas Street MLS#171046 $439,000 Charac e home w h 3 p us bed ooms oca ed c ose to a oca e ementar y choo and qui k ac ess o down own Mer t Home ha n e ouches w h ha dwood floor ng a a ge enced corne o RV Pa k ng and a 1 car ga age Recen upda es nc ude new hot wa er ank n 2021 fu nace 2021 roof n +/- 2016 Home s p umbed o cent a a/c Tenan s n p ace 1643 Canford Ave MLS#173233 $575,000 P de of owne sh p s appa ent n ever y de a ! Th s ha m ng 3 bed 2 ba h bunga ow s pa ou b gh and updated New k chen app ances fu na e cen a a floo ng h/w on demand he ya d eve comp e e y fenced and eatu es a ch ken coop app oved by he C ty g eenhouse huge ga den s e ack oom and s o age shed – a a e w ed o powe he hea ed nsu a ed shop 24x26 w h 220V b g ga age door RV hook up, p umbed w/wa er and ewe fin hed w h d ywa and floo ng 2724 Grandview Heights MLS#171849 $169,000 PR ME LOCAT ON 6200 sq f Bu d ng Lo n a des ab e communi y of execut ve sty e homes ove ook ng he beau fu N co a Va ey & C y of Me r t Mun c pa wa er/sewe a ot ine Nea by amen t es Wa k ng d stance o shopp ng es au ant and co fee shops! On y 45 m n o Kam oops 1 25 hr to Ke owna & 1 5 hr to Ch wa k 303-2295 Blair Street MLS#173397 $235,000 nves o s re remen v ng o fir - me buye s ake note We ma na ned g ound floo townhouse oca ed n des ed Sandp pe deve opmen lose to a downtown amen t es The home features an open des gn w h k chen d n ng and v ng room 2 bed 4 p ece bath and a a ge aund y room 110-2295 Blair Steet MLS#173264 $238,200 FEELS L KE HOME n a grea tt e s rata commun ty! War m y decorated br ght 2 bed 1 ba h dwe l ng Wa l a cond t one keeps t cool La ger aund y room wi h space or extra sto age End un t w th ’ s own sta r way, looks ou o peace u greenspace of the schoo fie d NEW NEW 3313 Boyd Road MLS#173302 $499,000 Amp e oppor un y awa s! nves o s or handyman spec a Th s amy home ocated n a g eat ne ghbou hood s eady o your deas O fe ng 4 bed ooms and 3 ba h oom a you i need some TLC o make your own! Bonus the a ge a tached doub e ca ga age w th room o orage NEW 6441 Jagpal Way MLS#173324 $879,000 STUNN NG PANORAM C N OL LAK V EWS om ve y floo n h s beau u 4 bd m home You k c en ea u e s d map b ne s w h g an t co nt r op & hea ed floo s Ga de pa o doo ead om n ng oom o ppe de k wh h an a o be a e sed om he gh fi ed ng m w h 19 ce ngs En oy a con on ng r he wa m day and an au hen wood fi ep a e o th oo e n gh nd you s c ua y n he sp ou ups a p ma bed m w h ake v ws NEW 1502 Douglas Street MLS# $304,900 EXCLUSIVE L ST NG: 3 bedrooms 1 5 ba hrooms ha f dup ex on arge co ner ot Home has had many updates ncluding k tchen floo ing, app iances w ndows, and hot water tank SOLD 1839 Armstrong ST MLS#173398 $419,000 Qui k posse on–g eat ocat on–Ca hedra en r y 3-bed oom 3-ba hoom fam y home o a ed on a a ge 8436 sq t ot w th g eat v ews om your ba kya d The ma n floo o he home of e s 3 bedrooms he maste w th a 2-p e e ensui e and wa k- n c o e a fu ma n upda ed ba h oom w h soaker tub a a ge v ng oom w h wood burn ng fi ep ace ha s open o your d n ng room, ga ey k chen omes comp e e wi h a app ances and nook a ea NEW NEW PRICE

Pizza with a Cop attracts crowds

The Community Policing Office (CPO) in downtown Merritt offers a range of programs encouraging the community to get actively involved in crime prevention and crime reduction. Programs such as Speed Watch and Block Watch are available, as well as training for volunteers. It’s easy to get involved in keeping your community safe, and one program that has lowered the threshold even more since its inception in Merritt last year is Coffee with a Cop.

June 14 saw the first special edition of Coffee with a Cop, as the program made an appearance in Spirit Square outside the CPO, under the name Pizza with a Cop. Rather than building relationships one cup at a time, it was one slice at a time during this well-attended event. RCMP Constable Blake Chursinoff, who runs the CPO together with Community Policing Coordinator Marlene Jones, told the Herald that the change was suggested by Jones after several requests from community members.

“We’ve been doing coffee with a cop now for almost a year. Throughout the year we have had people who want to come and attend an event like this but due to timing on a Wednesday morning they can’t either due to work or life circumstance. So a lot of people had suggested over the last year to try, if it was possible to do, over a lunch hour,” said Chursinoff.

Pizza with a Cop was a success, and both morning and lunch hour events are in the future. After almost one

year of connecting with the community over coffee or pizza, Chursinoff said it’s been a rewarding experience for him personally.

“There are a few people who have been coming regularly every month and I have gotten to know them and they are more than just regular strangers out on the street; they are people that I know their first name and it’s been really good.”

Coffee with a Cop has its origins in California, where it was launched in 2011 to improve trust and build relationships between the community and the police force. It spread to Canada in 2014 and has since expanded around the world, according to the website coffeewithacop.com. Good relationships and trust are a win in any community, and Merritt is no

mutual, for the community as well as the members of the local RCMP detachment. It’s a way to connect and focus on similarities rather than differences.

“It’s broken down that barrier that the uniform can bring to it. It’s been really good, really friendly and welcoming by the community, by the people who attend,” added Chursinoff. He also noted that putting on the events is only possible due to the support of the local detachment. With an attendance of up to 50 people per event it would not be manageable for Jones and Chursinoff alone.

Some of the RCMP members have been surprised just how much they enjoy participating in Coffee with a Cop events. After all, hesitation goes both ways, and allowing oneself of be vulnerable and open to judgement is no easy feat. Expectations and previous experiences could have been a factor in hindering the success of this program, but thankfully, due to the welcoming attitude of the community members who attend and the willingness of the RCMP members to show the person behind the uniform, it’s been a success all around.

As the Nicola Valley braces for another hot summer and the potential emergencies that come with it, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. is reminding people that community members with dementia are more vulnerable than others and need support.

exception. The program has opened new channels of communication, and Chursinoff noted that most of the conversation revolves around policing work, public service, and simply connecting with each other, rather than neighborhood gripes and criticism of the police force.

The benefits of the program are

“We appreciate the community coming out to things like this, at the very least it makes us feel like we’re appreciated and liked,” said Chursinoff. “It’s been really great, I’m looking forward to seeing what goes on in the next year and if any members of the public have any ideas in terms of how we can connect, drop us a line.”

The CPO is located at Spirit Square (2026 Granite Avenue) in downtown Merritt, and can be reached at 250-378-3955 or via email at cpo@merritt.ca.

More than 1000 people have lost their life to B.C’s unregulated drug supply in the first five months of 2023. The latest numbers show that Merritt saw no new deaths from April to May of this year.

THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A3 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS INSIDE THE HERALD merrittherald.com Online
TOXIC DRUG DEATHS Search ‘DRUG DEATHS’ Opinion ------------------ 6-7 Sports -----------------14-15 Classifieds ---------16-19
Dozens of Merrittonians filtered through the Pizza with a Cop event at Spirit Square downtown last week. Marius Auer/Herald
‘It’s broken down that barrier that the uniform can bring to it.’
Cst. Blake Chursinoff, Community PoliCing offiCe

Council approves transit agreement


Merritt’s city council has unanimously passed an agreement that will bring on-request transit service to the Cook’s Ferry Antko 21 reserve near Fox Farm and Coldwater roads.

The new agreement added Antko 21, a 14 hectare Cook’s Ferry Band reserve area adjacent to the south-east corner of Merritt on Fox Farm Road, to the list of locations where BC Transit bus users can request pick up by the transit system’s onrequest bus. The on-request service runs weekdays, offering a shared transit option with more drop-off possibilities than the busses running on set routes and schedules in the city and surrounding areas.

At its June 13 regular meeting, council voted unanimously to pass the agreement, with the exception of Councillor Dana Egan, who was not present at the meeting.

“This agreement would service that area on an as-needed basis, and we are proposing a $500 annual fee for the first year, which would be reviewed at the end of the first term,” said Norm Thompson, the city’s acting director of finance and IT to council. “Riders would pay the transit fee on a per ride basis, as with all transit passengers.”

The agreement between the city, Cook’s Ferry, and BC Transit will see Cook’s Ferry pay $500 per annum to the city for the new service, along with the city keeping all fares paid by riders requesting pick up at Antko 21. The Herald has reached out Cook’s Ferry for comment on the benefit of the new service and the number of individuals and families that could access it.

A representative of the Merritt Transit System confirmed to the Herald that service to Antko 21 is now active, although they have received no calls for pick-ups as of Monday (June 19). The service is available Monday to Friday, with trips operating at 8:45 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 12:45 p.m., and 2:45 p.m. Cash fare for the service is $2.00.

For more information on the new service, call the Merritt Transit Office at 250-378-4080, or visit their website at www. bctransit.com/merritt.

City council approved the transit agreement with Cook’s Ferry Indian Band for bus service to the band’s Antko 21 reserve near Coldwater Road in Merritt at its June 13 regular meeting. Photo/Herald File Marius Auer
THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A5 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS 10 0 ll an block s, top caps, etc . A Assorted CementBlockSALE Call John at 250 -378- 6138 Only $250 L oca l Quilchena Cannabis Co. Formoreinformation stop by Unit B-1937 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC or call 250-378-5 420 Quilchena Canna Company 19+MUST BE Shop One StopLove KAMLOOPS: 743 VICTORIA ST 250-377-8808 CHILLIWACK: 44310 YALE RD • 604-392-9969 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK XL-7XL sizes in stock NEW LINGERIE ARRIVALS & MAGAZ NES Need any Plumbing or Heating work done in your home or busi ness ? Allied Piping Services Inc. is a new Plumbing/Heating company in the Nicola Valley, ready to serve your piping needs! We are: Red Seal Certified Licensed in the Thompson-Nicola Licensed in the Okanagan-Similkameen Fully Insured & Bonded 14+ years experience Locally owned and operated Nlaka’pamux ownership Call APS today! 250-550-6487 Read our reviews! AGM & ELECTION OF BOARD MEMEBERS Wednesday, June 28th, 2023 7:00 pm at the Best Western Hotel Sage Brush Conference Room EVERYONE WELCOME & ENCOURAGED TO COME! MERRITT CENTENNIALS

Drako Charlie, grade 5


MP REPORT: it’s time to dial in the federal spending

Nicola region.

Last year one such issue arose that at the time did not necessarily seem as relevant then as it does now.

In a fiscal update last year presented by Liberal Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, the minister made a commitment that her government would project a balanced budget by 2028.

I did not think much of this at the time, given that this Liberal government has a bad habit of making fiscal promises it has no intention of delivering on.

Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) stated, “The Bank of Canada will have to keep rates higher for longer unless governments do more to dial back their spending.”

In other words, this is yet another admission that the always-be-spending approach currently being utilized by the Liberal/NDP partnership in Ottawa is one of the reasons why many Canadians are now facing crippling high-interest rates with no relief in sight.

Why does this matter?

gages now facing a renewal are in a situation where they can no longer afford the increased payments at these higher interest rates.

From my perspective, we have a situation where the Bank of Canada fiscal policy is financially crippling some Canadian families while benefiting others. This is not healthy for building a stronger Canada.

At the risk of sounding overtly partisan, with this Liberal government there have been so many ongoing failures and ethical lapses it can be difficult at times to keep track of them all.

It is also critically important to keep sight of the real issues that impact everyday Canadians instead of issues that might be big news in Ottawa, but will have little impact around the Central Okanagan-Similkameen-

However, what is very relevant today is a comment that the finance minister made at that time, stating that “as the Bank of Canada fights inflation, we will not make its job harder.”

This was a rare and candid admission from this finance minister, acknowledging that endless government spending does indeed counter the efforts of the Bank of Canada to fight inflation.

Indeed, this week, senior economists at the Canadian

In a word, inequality. For wealthy individuals who have no mortgage payments or other debt, they are not adversely impacted by these higher interest rates. In fact, many with savings or other investment accounts are earning higher rates of interest from these rate increases.

However, for those who have mortgages, particularly variable rate mortgages or other forms of debt, the rise in monthly or bi-weekly payments is well beyond what many can afford.

Even some on fixed mort-

Worse, with last week’s announcement from the Bank of Canada for yet another rate hike, the situation is only becoming more critical for many families who have nowhere else to turn.

Meanwhile, the Trudeau Liberal/NDP partnership in Ottawa continues to add billions in new spending with absolutely zero regard for the inflationary impact this spending is having on many Canadian households.

My question this week: do you think it is time the Federal Government took fighting made-in-Canada inflation more seriously?

A6 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com
Community members, teachers, and students SUBMIT YOUR ARTWORK for a chance to be featured each week! Submit your art to newsroom@merrittherald.com. Submissions are printed on a first come, first served basis.
2090 GRANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE 250-378-4241 MERRITT HERALD Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. This Merritt Herald is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact newsroom@merrittherald.com or call (250) 378-4241. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at www.mediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information. Publisher Theresa Arnold publisher@merrittherald.com 250-378-4241 Sales Representative/Office Administrator Ken Couture kcouture@aberdeenpublishing.com 250-378-4241 Making Advertising Work For You. Editor Marius Auer newsroom@merrittherald.com 250-378-4241
One of the challenges when in the official opposition is overseeing the government to hold them accountable to Canadians.

LETTERS to the editor A call to action on grasshoppers


This goes out to all the people in and around Merritt that cannot have a garden, shrubs, or even flowers with the overrun of grasshoppers in our community.

My husband has phoned the Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD) to put in a complaint about the over-populated grasshoppers in Lower Nicola. He was told by the TNRD that they had sprayed for them back in the 80’s, but have not been able to spray for them since. We now have to go through the government to get them to see what we are up against to get anywhere.

These millions of grassgoppers we are dealing with, we have no chance to grow anything. So, I am asking the community to phone into the TNRD and put a complaint in. I’m hoping that this will help to get this problem dealt with.

TEGART: protecting a vital resource, B.C’s forest industry

The Interior Lumber Manufacturers’ Association’s annual convention in Osoyoos brought people in the industry together for engaging discussions on current issues, with a big focus on building connections and relationships. There were a number of topics covered, from the economic outlook moving forward to reconciliation and bridging the urban vs. rural divide.

have been issued in the Merritt Timber Supply Area in the last six months, and the majority of contractors haven’t worked since February.

It’s heartbreaking to know that 350 direct employees are not receiving paycheques as a result, which is taking a tremendous financial and emotional toll. Local businesses who normally provide services to the industry are also suffering.


There have been some recent opportunities to celebrate B.C.’s forestry industry, which is so important in the wake of the major challenges of late.

Meanwhile, the challenges continue here in Merritt and a lack of cutting permits was one of the key concerns raised at a public meeting organized by forestry contractors. Few permits

In addition to the lack of permits, forestry contractors have also been raising questions about high stumpage rates which, when coupled with low lumber markets, which have

created a perfect storm — in essence, handcuffing licensees and preventing them from moving forward. The contractors say Alberta is averaging a $4.00/ metre stumpage rate and B.C. is averaging a $65.00/metre rate. This obviously makes it difficult to compete.

Our forest industry is hugely important to B.C.’s economy and communities. Employers and workers here in Merritt and beyond need action and certainty now. It’s my hope the government will take concrete steps soon to resolve the delays in issuing permits and get people working again.

Dark skies and torrential rains couldn’t wash out the spirit of a National Aboriginal Day celebration in Lower Nicola last weekend. Hundreds of interested First Nations from as far away as Hundred Mile House, and a large group of non-natives came out to enjoy various examples of native culture and heritage.

The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor.

Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name and address.

Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.

THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A7 www.merrittherald.com
OPINION Speak up You can comment on any story you read @ merrittherald.com
FromtheHerald archives: June, 1997
Johnisaac@telus net www realestatemerritt com M E R R I T T John Isaac 250-378-1586 Ph: 250-378-6181 F: 250-378-6184 www.royallepage.ca/merritt 3499 Voght Street, Merritt, BC
2199 PARKER AVENUE New roof, gutters, and flooring in 90% of the main floor plus new hot water tank 2019. This is a good sized four bedroom 2 and 1/2 bath home with a bench location that backs onto the school park area and has plenty of room for the family Three bedrooms up with ensuite in the main bedroom This home has a large living room with a wood fireplace and dining area that opens onto a 26 x 14 deck that has a single car garage be ow

Seeking local fiddlers

An establishment with over 40 years is in dire need for some fresh blood. The Old Time Fiddlers Association of Merritt are making an earnest appeal to young Merritorians to join them in their pursuit of promoting and preserving folk and country music, keeping it alive and kicking.

At 65, Ross Fairweather, the secretary of the association, is the youngest of the 50-odd member group. And he isn’t pleased with the scenario.

“We really need to reach out to the young people. We are trying that through schools where we can get their involvement and active participation,” Fairweather told the Merritt Herald in his soothing voice during a chat while sipping his coffee.

Fairweather recently came out with his own album, Long Time Coming, that can be accessed through iTunes, Spotify and Amazon Music.

The Old Time Fiddlers Association of Merritt was formed with the sole purpose of promoting and preserving folk and country music particularly through played on the fiddle. Fairweather highlighted the benefits of the $20 annual

Continued Page 9




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A8 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS
Ross Fairweather is the secretary of the Old Time Fiddlers Association of Merritt. Photo/Ross Fairweather
w w w. m o re l l i c h e r t ko w. co m Legal services for your family and your business Real Estate | Wills & Estate | Business Ben van der Gracht 250-374-3344 ext 244 bvandergracht@morellichertkow com Jacob M. Brown 250-374-3344 ext 264 jbrown@morellichertkow com Loc al and experienced i n m o d e r n l aw. PASSING SAVINGS ONTO OUR CUSTOMER WE’RE MORE THAN JUS T ME AT Cheese – Milk – Yogurt – Pies – Eggs – Spices – Baked Potatoes Local Honey – Jarred Salsa & Pickled Items – Perogies – Party Trays 2051 VOGH T S T RE E T, ME RRI T T BC •250 - 378 - 5817 WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT - WE CAN CUT ANY SIZE YOU WANT! T- BO N E S T E A K $24.40/LB M A RI N AT E D S I RL O I N T I P S T E A K $15.74/LB M A R I N AT E D C H I C K E N B R E A S T S $5.50 E AC H OV E N ROA S T E D T U R K E Y $3.20/100G P R IC E S IN EF F EC T JUNE 2 2 - 28, 2 023• W HIL E QUA N T I T IE S L A S T

membership fee.


From Page 8

“We hold jam sessions every other Tuesday evening at 2025 B Quilchena Street. It is an old Armstrong general store, which is converted into a live music venue. It is a historical structure and holds a special place in the community,” remarked Fairweather, who strongly recommended taking a tour when it is open for public from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Wednesday to Friday of the week. “The acoustics are fantastic there. We love playing in there. It sounds so good. It is the best venue to experience live music. I would say it is one of the best venues to play music. It was earlier the Hall of Fame, but now it is known as the Hall of Honour. One will be surprised to see the famous pictures of musicians who are basically Canadians by birth.”

Although the jam sessions are open only to the members, the annual membership gives access to live shows with a $5 discount on the ticket price.

“So that’s covering your membership fees in just a few live shows. The membership fee is literally negligible. We also encourage members to play the instruments through jam sessions as that keeps them going. Once they are keen to pursue it further, they can hire a private instructor to advance into music,” Fairweather added.

Another “most important” aspect of the Association is its bursary.

“We provide scholarship to students specially for pursuing music. That’s an important function of the organization. We also raise a lot of funds through 50/50 draws and stuff like that,” he stressed.

The decline of fiddle players in B.C. is also another concern for Fairweather.

“There are not many around. We just have two very very good players. So, it is a challenge to keep folk and country music at the forefront,” he said.

That’s essentially the reason newer ideas and vigor are what the Old Time Fiddlers Association is seeking in their quest to keep the tradition from dying. You can join their Facebook group, Old Time Fiddlers Association of Merritt, to support the community.

THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A9 www.merrittherald.com
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Fishing with dad

Dozens gathered to cast a line with dad on Sunday (June 18), as Merritt’s own fish and game club and a provincial fishing association teamed up once again to host the iconic Father’s Day Fishing Derby at Kentucky Alleyne park.

A total of 21 youth anglers were registered for the event, with many of them casting their first line and reeling in their first fish with dad by their side. BJ Moore, president of the Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club that organizes and hosts the event, said that some families had three generations involved to help the youngest catch their first fish.

“Weather may have kept some people away, but the rain held off for the most part,” said Moore. “Fish were biting and everyone caught at least one fish. Most caught and release many more than that.”

With loaner rods and plenty of knowledgeable anglers on hand, Moore and the Freshwater Fishing Society of BC, which provides funding and supplies for the event, aided ‘newbies’ in casting their first line. Kids under 18 years of age were permitted to fish in the freshly stocked west pond at Kentucky Alleyne.

Family Fishing Weekend ran from June 16 to 18 across the province, encouraging people of all ages to try their hand at the sport by waiving license requirements for Canadian citizens, making it easier to celebrate together with dad.

For more information on the Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club, including upcoming events, visit the club’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ NicolaValleyFishGameClub.

Coldwater School

Nursery to Grade 7 Registration for 2023 – 2024

Full-time Nursery/Head Start (must be turning 4 years old by December 31, 2023) Full-time Kindergarten (must be 5 years old by December 31, 2022)

 Bus Services from Merritt provided Ncʼɬetkwu”

School Cultural and Language Program

Outdoor Nature Walks, traditional games, music and local stories.

Hands on projects and field trips may include:

 drying fish

 making tule mats

 making hemp

 tanning hides

 hand drums

 gathering tea

 picking berries

 Spius Creek salmon hatching program

 winter fun

 identifying plants


For more information please contact us at Tel: 250-378-9261 or Email: principal@coldwaterschool.ca @FaceBook Coldwater School 709-170th St Merritt, BC VK 1B8


Play Area

Planters, big rocks, sand, Sheeshtkin, and more!

As always the Coldwater School will be following all provincial COVID -19 gu idelines to ensure the ongoing health and well-being of our children

A10 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS
The annual Father’s Day Fishing Derby at Kentucky-Alleyne park’s west pond is held jointly by hosted by the Nicola Valley Fish and Game Club and the Freshwater Fishing Society of B.C. Photo/BJ Moore Photo/BJ Moore
Benefits of our Classes
 strong focus on local culture
 small class size
loving and caring environment
 individual education plans
dedicated teachers and staff
Registration forms can be picked up from the school or we can email/fax them directly to you. DAILY
THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A11 www.merrittherald.com m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a • 3 7 8 - 6 1 6 6 • m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a #3416 $418,900 1376 PARCEL STREE T Fresh y renovated 4 bedr m 2 bath home located close to shopping and nearby amen ties Has ecent upgrades such as new furnace H/W tank fresh pa nt floor ng & roof Amp e room or RV park ng w th a arge fenced back yard w th attached garage #3420 $399,900 1164 HOUSTON STREE T Move n ready 2 bedr m 2 bath rancher w th a fu y fenced & n ce y andscaped ya d Bright l v ng room & for ma d n ng room w th bay w ndows Upgraded A/C furnace & newer appl ances RV parking #3411 $899,000 3383 WILDROSE WAY New custom bu lt home with 3 bedr ms up 3 down 3 baths open concept v ng d ning & k tchen area overlooks the c ty w th spectacular views The basement s eady & p umbed for a suite GST app es #3395 $949,900 2515 ABERDEEN ROAD Pr vate and peacefu 3 bed m 2 bath home on 3 65 acres w th severa outbu ld ngs Shop s app ox 1000 sq ft Has fenced garden a ea ch cken coop and detached bu d ng w th carport & wo kshop area 2 we s #3401 $625,000 2625 QUILCHENA AVENUE 9 bedrm uxury execut ve home great fo a arge fam ly Has arge grand entrance w th spi a sta case open iv ng/d n ng rooms 4 bed ms & 3 baths up arge fam y room A so has 2 bedrm g ound eve su te #3404 $529,000 1840 GRANITE AVENUE Charm ng 3 bedroom 2 bath home ocated n p me ocat on Th s we ma n a ned p operty boasts beaut fu andscap ng & curb appeal Has bonus space o enc osed sunroom Has enchant ng pat o a ea for summer BBQ s Doug Beech (O wner) 250-378-7392 Don Gossoo Managing Broker Bailee Allen 250-315-9648 Brad Yakimchuk Per sonal Real E st ate C orporation 250-315-3043 Jared Thomas 778-694-6804 #102, 2840 Voght Street, Box 236 Merritt, B.C. V1K 1B8 Moving Real E state BC LTD. CEN T U RY 21 ® movingrealestate.c21.ca 250-378-6166 |1-877-841-2100 #3403 $769,900 1531 COWAN WAY L ke new 2 sto ey home n good area w th open concept on ma n floor spac ous k tchen w th Quartz counters & S/S app ances gas F/P n l v ng room 4 bedr ms up 3 baths and master bedr m w th 3 pce ensu te & W/ c oset Has EV out et or electr c car RV park ng #3425 $679,900 1580 CHESTNUT AVENUE West Coast contemporary 3 bedr m 1705 sq ft rancher w th 10 ft ce ings open concept iv ng d n ng & k tchen Kitchen has huge is and quartz countertops S/S app ances Centra A/C Huge maste bedr m w th 5 pce ensu te & W/I c oset Fu y landscaped fenced back yard #3418 $325,000 6411 MONCK PARK RD Located ust 3 hrs rom Vancouver th s 1 05 ac e ot on Nico a Lake s where you cou d en oy the ong hot summers The nearby boat launch and ove y Second Beach means you cou d be on the wate n minutes Th s dream bu d ng lot s wa t ng or you! #3264 $1 ,800,000 2845 NEIL SON STREE T 15 9 acre s te ocated n Merr tt’s c ty l m ts and border ng the Coldwater R ver Amaz ng opportun ty Has c ty water & sewe connect ons Incred b e potentia fo the future w th a zon ng change Cal for more deta s #3397 $525,000 1769 SPRING STREE T Br ght & cheery basement entry home n good a ea & w th n walking d stance to amen t es 3 bedr ms up & 1 down Home s n top cond t on & ready to move nto La ge l v ng room br ght gal ey k tchen covered sundeck & RV park ng #3431 $854,900 2770 PEREGRINE WAY Fantast c v ews f om th s two storey h gh end home featur ng open concept sty e v ng 3 arge bedrms 3 baths zeroscape andscape unfin shed basement and 2 car garage Has beaut u k tchen w th Quar z counter tops s and and F ench doors opening to pat o #3439 $665,000 1524 COWAN WAY Qua ty bu t 1304 sq t anche s very des ab e a ea o o he qua y homes G eat home for e ree o young p o ess ona s Newe home n mmacu a e cond t on & move- n ready w h open k tchen k tchen v ng & d n ng K tchen has a ge s and & W/ pan ry Mas e bed m has 3 pce ensu te Fenced back ya d RV park ng #3430 $659,900 2070 ASPEN STREE T Wel bu l home n n ce ne ghbourhood on cu de sac be ng so d by or g na owne Th s home features 3 bed ms w th potent a for 2 mo e 3 baths open concept k tchen/d n ng and iv ng room w th gas F/P N ce y andscaped & fenced back yard C ose to schoo & odeo ground #3432 $125,000 #29, 1401 NICOL A AVENUE Na u a ght fo days open concept updated & brand new appl ances are ust some of the features n h s ove y 2 bedrm modu ar home n E dorado MH Park Short wa k to tenn s cou ts o go cou se Pad rent $380 95 pe mon #3402 $699,900 2126 PRIEST AVENUE Recent y bu t 3 bedr m 2 bath fam ly home with 2 bedr m ega su te n bsmt plus 32x24 shop 2 car garage & RV park ng Features sunroom off k tchen gas fireplace A/C C ose to shopp ng #3435 $410,000 SL .23, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL In very des rable area th s 9042 sq ft strata lot has fantast c v ews of N co a Lake and mountains Serv ces are to prope ty ne GST s app icab e Ca for more deta ls #3422 $84,900 #25, 1500 SPRING STREE T Th s 1970 one 1 mob e n Spr ng s and MH Park has ust had a renovat on w th new floor ng k tchen cabinets pa nt bathroom new app ances p us new plumbing nsulation drywal & e ectr ca upgrade #3436 $285,000 SL .28, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Bu d your dream home on this 10 516 sq ft st ata ot n new deve opment on N co a Lake Fan ast c v ew and access to the wate St ata fees are $125 per month & month y ut ty fees are $131 02 GST appl es Ca for more deta ls #3299 $275,000 SL .5, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Great place to bu d your dream home n th s st ata ot deve opment on N co a Lake Fantast c v ews and access to wa er A l se v ces are to the property ne GST s app cab e Ca for more deta s #3298 $285,000 SL 4, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Fan ast c v ews from th s strata ot on N co a Lake per fect fo you d eam home or recreat on retreat Grea v ews and access to water A serv ces are o the prope ty ne GST s app cab e #3400 $749,900 1537 COWAN WAY 2 storey mmacu ate home w th open concept sty e k tchen w th Quartz counters 4 bed ooms up w th ve y nice master bedroom & 3 pce ensu te w th walk- n c oset Back yard s fenced & yard is n ce y andscaped #3408 $999,999 2201 BURGESS AVENUE Beaut fu 4 bedrm fami y home on 0 64 acre n des rab e area Home features open concept floo p an master bedrm has 5 pce ensu te Open k tchen has arge is and & S/S app iances Bonus room ove garage Has detached shop & RV park ng #3429 $325,000 1413 CANFORD AVENUE Don t be foo ed by the exter or th s charming character home has 2 bedrms, 1 bath and s tastefu y updated ns de C ose to schoo s dog park track & r ver tra ls Zoned R2 a ows for a ca riage house or shop n back #3428 $2,646,000 LOT 7, MIDDAY VALLE Y RD 3 78 Acres of M-1 (Light Industr a ) and Subject to C ty of Merritt approva of subd v s on Located on truck route Serv ces at ot l ne Ca l L st ng Agent for more deta ls #3438 $125,000 #9, 3260 SUNSE T STREE T Cute & cozy 2 bed oom mobi e n Sunny V ew T ai e Cou t a 55+ park Has approx 763 sq ft p us a 332 sq ft add t on unheated Home has had some reno’s over past years Ya d s fencd Pad rent is $310 per month #3406 $549,999 Fantast c fami y home on the Bench c ose to e ementary schoo hosp ta & park On corner lot this home has 5 bedr ms 3 baths arge rec r m w th woodstove Fenced back yard w th RV parking fire pit & arge gazebo 2163 PARKER DRIVE #3413 $284,800 2 bedroom 2 bath home w th oads of potent a on corner lot and centra ocat on zoned R2 Needs updated but has good so d home w th basement Easy wa k to shopp ng, arena, post office As is where s 2075 CHAPMAN STREE T #3348 $450,000 LOT 1 , MIDDAY VALLE Y RD Attent on House Bu lders – a Deve opment property w th R3 zon ng (Sma Parce Res dent a ) of approx 5 ac es in size and pr ced to se at c ose to assessment value #3424 $259,900 2707 PEREGRINE WAY This 9903 sq f ot n Grandv ew He ghts subd v s on o fers fantas c v ews or on Moun a n and N cola Va ey C ose to f eeway access & ocal amen t es Ve y des able Bench area w h south ac ng sunny s ope Approved subd Deve opmen house p ans & wo k ng d aw ngs avai #3409 $215,000 #315, 1703 MENZIES ST Why rent when you can own? Great 2 bed oom apartment great for first t me buye s or as an nvestment property Has ba cony & sto eage Strata fees $262 94 per month #3419 $989,900 6377 MONCK PARK RD Spectacu a N co a Lake v ew home on 1 05 acres w h open concept w h a wa kout basement and detached garage Home has 2 bed ms up 2 down 3 baths gourme k chen v ng oom w th F/P A/C p aw ng cove ed deck ra sed garden beds ru rees & RV park ng #3427 $949,900 2760 PEREGRINE WAY Spec acu a 4 bed m Bench home w th panoram c v ews Th s custom bu t home had open des gn p an k chen w th S/S app ances & Quartz counters master bedrm w th 5 pce ensu te fu y fin basement w th fam y rm & bedrm #3434 $399,900 #8, 1717 GRANITE AVE Adu t v ng n this char m ng 2 bedr m 2 bath townhouse nest ed in the sen o -or ented Woodlane V lage comp ex Has upgraded floor ng on the ma n and downsta rs is an unfinished bsmt Strata fees are $400 per month SOLD NEW REDUCED NEW Call us for a Market Evaluation of your home.

Merritt RCMP seeking owner of firearms

Merritt RCMP are seeking the rightful owner of a number of found firearms recently seized by police.

Corporal Brock Hedrick of the Merritt RCMP detachment said in a press release Thursday (June 15) that the firearms are believed to have washed away during the November 2021 flooding event that devastated parts of the city and surrounding areas.

“The firearms in question are believed to have washed downstream in the flooding event of November 2021,” said Hedrick. “If you lost some firearms due to the flood and have not yet reported

We a re exci ted to announce D r. Jae Cho w i l l be joi n i ng Cascade Fam i l y Denta l on Ju l y 17t h as a fu l l-t i me dent i s t.

the lost items to police, now is the time to do so.”

While no pho -

tos or description of the firearms were provided with the release, anyone who may have lost their firearms during the flood is asked

to call the Merritt RCMP at 250378-4262, and be prepared to provide proof of ownership.

D r Cho i s th r i l led to be joi n i ng the Me r r it t commun it y! Ra i sed i n Vancouve r, he at tended the Un ive r sit y of B r iti sh Col umbia w he re he ea r ned h i s Docto r of Denta l Med ici ne deg ree. Seei ng h i s patients sm i le b r i ngs h i m i mmense p r ide, and he a l ways st r ives to del ive r exceptiona l results. D r Cho’s t reatment ph i losophy revolves a round patientcente red ca re, w he re you r opi n ions and conce r ns a re a l ways va l ued and hea rd. You r comfo r t and wel l - bei ng a re h i s top p r io r ities. D r. Cho i s excited to wo r k a longside the wonde r ful team at Cascade Denta l to p rovide comp rehensive denta l ca re to the residents of Me r r it t and w i l l be accepti ng new patients.

1Don’t leave purses or valuables inside vehicles over night.

2Lock vehicles when exiting, make it ahabit.

3Ifleaving valuables in a vehicle; hide from sight.

4Park in awell lit area.

hints to help prevent motor vehilcle THIS MESSAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOUBY

Hereafew PREVENTTHEFTS FROM YOUR MOTORVEHICLE 250-378-5104 2151 COUTLEE AVE., coppervalley@uniserve .com

I n D r Cho’s f ree ti me, you’l l of ten fi nd h i m on the golf cou r se, enjoy i ng the outdoo r s and refi n i ng h i s sk i l l s on the fa i r way. He a l so loves snowboa rd i ng, play i ng g uita r, and spend i ng qua l it y ti me w ith h i s bo rde r col l ie, Roy

A12 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS
www.cascadedental.ca #110-1700 Garcia St. (Located downtown in the Railyard Mall) Cascade Family Dental welcomes you to contact us, for your dental emergencies 250-378-4000
New patients always welcome!
Merritt Mounties are seeking to identify the rightful owners of a number of seized firearms that are believed to have been lost during the November 2021 floods. Photo/Herald File
5Report any thefts, damage or suspicious persons to police break-ins:

Merritt area MP to co-chair new cancer caucus

who have experienced cancer first-hand, such as co-chair Peter Schiefke.

“Like millions of Canadians, I know all too well how a cancer diagnosis changes your life,” said MP Peter Schiefke (Vaudreuil–Soulanges).

“The successful treatments I received following my testicular cancer diagnosis in 2011 were the result of significant advancements in cancer research – research that needs to continue to advance if we hope to develop even better treatments and eventually find a cure.”

a new full-service cancer treatment centre at Royal Inland Hopsital in Kamloops.

“Today’s [May 25] announcement of the concept plan approval for the new cancer care centre demonstrates our government’s commitment to deliver world-class cancer care closer to home for residents in Kamloops,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health.

A disease that has touched almost every Canadian’s life in one way or another is the focus of the first federal all-party caucus. In a recent press release from the House of Commons, it was revealed that Conservative MP Dan Albas and Liberal MP Peter Schiefke will co-chair the caucus uniting all parties in focusing to improve cancer care across Canada.

“I know all too well the devastating impact that cancer care has on families as I have a family member who is suffering from breast cancer,” said Albas, who represents the federal riding of Central Okanagan–Similkameen–Nicola. “The strength that is required by my loved one inspires me every day. I am committed to making a difference too, so that we can one day be free of cancer.”

The caucus will be working with healthcare providers and experts across the country, as well as with Canadians

Long wait times for treatment and difficulty accessing support have plagued Canadians before the pandemic, which has only amplified the problems. The new caucus aims to address this, and the provincial government is also in the process of stepping up their efforts for British Columbians. The press release comes at the heels of an announcement from Health Minister Adrian Dix on May 25, 2023 outlining the long-promised build of

“The new cancer centre will deliver access to modern, high-quality comprehensive cancer-care services for patients in their fast-growing community where it is needed.”

Cancer patients who receive care in Kamloops currently have to travel to Kelowna for radiation treatments, a service that will be offered at the new centre at Royal Inland Hospital, which is scheduled to open in 2027. The provincial government’s announcement comes years after it was expected, with former Premier John Horgan promising action on the issue during the 2020 election.

THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A13 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS
MPs Dan Albas (far left) and Peter Schiefke (far right) are the co-chairs of a new all-party cancer caucus. Photo/HoC
Kerstin Auer MERRITTHERALD.COM Did you know your local BC pharmacist can now prescribe for contraception and many minor ailments? They include: With easier access and less time waiting you can feel better quicker Pink Eye Acid Reflux Allergies Dermatitis Headaches Yeast Infections Cold Sores Oral Thrush Shingles Hemorrhoids UTIs And More For relief when you need it , talk to your local pharmacist . Learn more at seeyourpharmacist .ca *uncomplicated UTIs

Merritt Crown race draws global participation

local and international businesses such as Breathebikes and RACE FACE, donated prizes and funds to make the popular event come to fruition. In the past, all the proceeds from the race have gone to non-profit organizations and causes in the Nicola Valley, and while that remains the case, organizers said part of the proceeds now must go towards management costs to ensure the race remains sustainable and welcomes racers for years to come. This year, the Merritt Crown will donate thousands to the Merritt Mountain Bike Association and Nicola Valley Search and Rescue, who volunteered to provide first aid at the event.

Multiple local racers took part in this year’s Merritt Crown, including Andrew Nielsen, who has now been involved with the event in some capacity for five years. While balancing a young family and busy career with racing keeps Nielsen away from the trails at times, he was able to take on the Full Crown this year. He trained for months leading up to the race, often with his young son, Walter, in a shotgun seat on his bike.

Full Crown for the men’s category with a 6:36:07 finish time, while Sonya Looney of Squamish was Full Crown ‘Queen’ with her 8:01:36 time.

Describing the event as an adventure rather than a race, Nielsen said the experience taught him plenty of lessons. From brutal crashes and bent rims, to a bear cutting across the trail just metres in front of him, the excitement made each of the 120 kilometres more interesting than the last.

At the finish line, Nielsen and other racers are welcome by a meal, drink, and a social gathering to celebrate their accomplishments. The ‘race village’ includes event tents, a podium where awards and prizes are presented, and a nearby area for camping. Nielsen noted the Nicola Valley is home to a supportive mountain biking community, and the Merritt Crown event supports the community by drawing people in to ride, meaning trails are always improving.

For more information on the Merritt Crown, including full results, visit www.headsortrails.ca.

Bringing both dread and delight to mountain biking enthusiasts, the sixth annual Merritt Crown endurance race took place on Saturday (June 17), with over 150 racers taking part.

The Merritt Crown began in 2017 as a celebration of Canada’s sesquicentennial anniversary and a venue to promote tourism in the area, and was organized until this year by father and son duo Darch and James Oborne. This year, the two local co-founders handed over the reigns to a new organizer, enjoying the iconic Merritt race they built.

The race’s new organizer, an event management company specializing in mountain biking races, told the Herald the transition has been collaborative.

“They helped keep me updated and keep all the basics of the race, so that the integrity would be consistent with past events, and then from there I pretty much did the planning and the organizing, and it went awesome,” said Kara Delwo, owner of Heads or


The Merritt Crown consists of three options for races, including the Full Crown, a 120 kilometre endurance trail race with three kilometres of elevation change and a 12 hour time limit. Accompanying the Full Crown is the Tiara, with half the distance to go. Participants can also partner up with one or three riders to take on either race option as a relay style race. The race is often described as a brutal but rewarding mix of endurance and navigation, testing even the most experience mountain bikers. This year, 150 racers took part, with 75 taking part in the full race, 55 in the half, and 20 for the relay.

“I would love to keep the integrity of the race the way that they built it, but one of the things that I focus on with Heads or Trails is creating the event side of things, pre-race and post-race, creating a bit of an event village vibe. I would love to encourage that and grow that, and encourage people to stay for a couple of days and camp,” added Delwo.

A number of sponsors, including

“You have to pay attention to your nutrition, fitness, and your bike, what tires you’re gonna run, what pressure you’re going to put the suspension at and the tires at, all of that stuff,” Nielsen told the Herald.

“It’s more than just kind of going out for a bike ride, there’s a lot of planning, even down to how much water you’re going to carry. That adds weight to your bike, too, and ultimately makes it harder, but you definitely

To learn more about the Merritt Mountain Bike Association and its work to promote mountain biking in the Nicola Valley, visit www.facebook. com/bikemerritt.

don’t want to run short.”

Nielsen’s meticulous training and planning led him to a strong 8:54:19 finish time, more than three hours under the time limit, landing him at 20th place of 51 race finishers. Greg Taylor of Coldstream took home the

A14 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com SPORTS Have a sports story tip? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing newsroom@merrittherald.com.
The Merritt Crown race took place this weekend, with over 150 riders from across the country travelling to the Nicola Valley for the endurance mountain bike race. Photo/Merritt Crown
Marius Auer
‘It’s more than just kind of going for a bike ride, there’s a lot of planning, even down to how much water you’re going to carry.’
andrew nielsen
The Merritt Crown race utilizes the extensive trail network in the Nicola Valley maintained by the Merritt Mountain Bike Association.

Panthers take home eighth from golf provincials

The Merritt Secondary School (MSS) Panthers golf team recently returned from its second consecutive provincial tournament appearance, landing in the top ten and bringing pride to the community.

The Panthers competed at the BC School Sports golf provincials from June 5 to 7 in Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island, joining 13 other teams for three days of golf action. The five man team shot a 716 over the three days, landing a solid eighth place considering

their young team and level of competition.

“We had a few player that were new to the actual competition format this year, and we focus a lot on on the younger students, because we actually had three grade nines and two grade twelves, and they’re competing in a senior category,” noted Allyson Paxton, and MSS teacher who coaches the team along with Dave Finch.

“These grade nines really get quite the experience, and for them its a learning experience for sure. We saw drastic changes from their first [ever] round of competition to the

provincials, so we were really impressed with the grade nines and their ability to overcome the nerves and everything.”

This year’s golf team was made up of five players, including Cooper Harrington, Lucas Schmid, Will Hubbard, Nathan van Rensberug, and Andrew Denton.

Paxton added that this year’s and previous provincials appearances, along with strong hometown players turned pro like Roger Sloan, show that Merritt can have success when it comes to golf. Multiple sponsors cheer on the Panthers golf team, including the Merritt Golf and Country Club, who

Paxton said have been invaluable in their support.

“This is the second year in a row that the MSS golf team has made it to provincials, so we’re really excited,” said Paxton.

“It’s more than just the game and how well they do, it’s how incredible these students are, and what they do for our city when they travel.”

Cents complete deadline trade


Completing a trade from last BCHL season’s trade deadline for defenseman Tristan Allen, two new defenseman have joined the Merritt Centennials from the Salmon Arm Silverbacks.

Lynden Hanvold and Nic Leggett will join Cents defensive ranks this coming season as the team completes a trade from last season and looks to rebuild their defensive line.

Hanvold, a 2004 Kelowna native, has played 68 games in the league, registering two goals and eight assists for 10 points total. Last season, he suited up for 41 games and scored two goals, along with five assists, for seven points. He did not register any points during Salmon Arm’s playoff run.

The second half of the trade, the 2005

Kamloops-born Nic Leggett, has only spent one full season in the BCHL, registering two assists for two total points in the 31 games he played during the 2022/23 season. The season prior, Leggett suited up for just two games, also registering two assists for two points in that time. During the Silverbacks’ recent playoff run, he registered one goal and an assist in 14 games. Since joining the league, Leggett has played in 33 regular season games, registering four assists total.

The Cents have also made a number of front office changes lately, including the hiring of Brian Passmore as head coach and assistant general manager, along with Kevin Rabbitt’s move to GM. The team also partnered with Lovell Hockey, a New England based hockey academy, bringing aboard Tim Lovell as director of player personnel and development.

1750 Hill Street ■ Phone: 250-315-3000


Crossroads Community Church 2990 Voght St. • 250-378-2911

Ser vice Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m

Merritt Baptist Church

2499 Coutlee Avenue (at Omre)

Sunday ser vice 10 am, Phone (250)378-2464

Merritt Lutheran Fellowship in St. Michael's Anglican Hall • 250-378-9899

Ser vice Time: 3rd Sunday each month 1:00 p m

Sacred Hear t Catholic Church

Corner of Jackson & Blair • 250-378-2919

Mass Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m.

St. Michael’s Anglican Church

1990 Chapman St • 250-378-3772

Ser vice Times: 2nd and 4th Sundays only - 10:00 a m.

Trinity United Church

Corner of Quilchena & Chapman • 250-378-5735

Ser vice Time ever y Sunday - 10 am

Somang Mission Community Church (SMC) 1755 Coldwater Ave ( The Cadet Hall)

Sunday Ser vice Time: 4:00 pm • 250-280-1268

Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church 1950 Max well St • 250-378-9502

Ser vice Time: Sundays 9:00 am and 11:00 am

THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A15 www.merrittherald.com
The 2023 MSS golf team was comprised of three grade nine students and two seniors, including Cooper Harrington, Lucas Schmid, Will Hubbard, Nathan van Rensberug, and Andrew Denton. Photo/Dave Finch
■ A p p r o v e d m i n i - s t o r a g e ■ O n - s i t e r e n t a ■ S e c u r e d ■ S a l e o f N e w & U s e d s t o r a g e c o n t a i n e r s CONTAIN-IT STORAGE



Patricia Lunzmann

July 15, 1945 - June 1, 2023

Patricia (Pat) Lunzmann passed away peacefully at the Nicola Valley Hospital on June 1, 2023.

Pat was born on July 15, 1945 to the pioneering Bell family of Chilliwack, BC. A tomboy, she spent her youth on the family farm on Chilliwack Lake Road, where she learned to tend gardens and raise livestock, and also developed a lifelong affinity for horses.

When she was 22 she met the love of her life, Leonard Lunzmann, and the pair were wed in 1968. They soon completed their family with daughters Loretta and Lang, and in 1976 bid the Fraser Valley farewell, moving to Aspen Grove, a place they would call home for the next twenty years.

A generous, kindhearted woman, her home was open to anyone and everyone, including the niece and nephews who came to live with her for several years.

After moving to Merritt, Pat was perhaps most well known for her volunteer work within the community An active member of Citizens on Patrol and Speed Watch, she made numerous friends among the local law enforcement and volunteers. No doubt this was partly due to her love of baking, with her homemade goodies plentiful and always on offer Indeed, her baked beans are still the stuff of family legend.

A true character, Pat leaves an empty space in the hearts of her friends, family, and fellow community volunteers.

Pat was predeceased by her beloved husband Len, and sisters MaryLou Hampton and Connie Driver She will be lovingly remembered by her half brothers Walter and Mike Halbauer, children Lang Mackenzie, Loretta Smith (Dave), grandchildren Dalton, Miranda and Brenden, and great grandson Benjamin, as well as nieces Denyse (Theo), and Josie (Royce), nephews Jim and Slim, grandnieces Katy, Morgan (Clint), Randi, Jessica, and Brooke, grandnephews Daniel, Stephen, and Christopher, and great grandnephew William.

A Celebration of Pat’s life will be held on Saturday, July 15 at the Seniors Centre in Merritt at 1:00

Andre “Andy” Joseph Bisson

June 7, 1943 – June 18, 2023

Passed away peacefully at RIH in Kamloops

He spent many years in Cassiar,BC before moved to Merritt in the late 1980s to work with Emcon highway maintenance crews He loved it here and stayed.

He was a member of the Knights of Columbus He enjoyed baseball, bowling and curling over the years, as well as hockey, he supported the Merritt “Cents” where he was a goal judge for many years

Over the last few years, he was fighting a losing battle with dementia He had brain surgery on his 80th birthday, after a fall at home that he never recovered from

Andy was well know & well loved in this community and will always be remembered for a quick smile that lit up his face

He leaves behind his loving wife, Joan, John(Candice),Jacqueline, Joey, Johanna (Dayle), Francis (Debbie) Ron (Wendy), Sisters, Brothers, grand & great grand children and many extended family Funeral mass to be held at the Sacred Heart Parish in Merritt Monday, June 26

at 11 AM Luncheon to follow

Donations to Canadian Food for Children or a charity of your choice in lieu of flowers

Douglas Blackburn

April 12, 1949 - May 31, 2023

Mr Douglas Blackburn passed away in Merritt, BC on May 31, 2023, aged 74 years

Lovingly remembered by his wife Irene; daughter Nancy; sons Brian (predeceased), Brent and Clint; grandchildren Sarah and Ashley; great grandchildren Wyatt and Brantley; nieces, nephews, as well as many friends and relatives

DO NOT STAND AT MY GRAVE & WEEP - By Mary Frye (1932)

Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow

I am the diamond glint on snow

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn rain. When you wake in the morning hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush of quiet bird in circling flight

I am the soft starlight at night

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there, I do not sleep.

Do not stand at my grave and cry

I am not there, I did not die!

No formal service by request at this time Should friends desire, donations may be made to Liver Cancer Foundation. On-line condolences may be expressed at www.MerrittFuneralChapel.com

In Loving memory of Julius Bellai

May 27, 1936 - May 27, 2023

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Julius Bellai affectionately known as, Csampi (Chimbee) and Paka Born Gyula Bellai Barcs, Hungary on May 27, 1936, Julius passed a y on his 87th birthday-May 27, 2023, at the Jubilee Hospital in Vernon BC Julius leaves behind his family-wife of 60 years Elizabeth Bellai, his son Les Bellai and his daughter Jessica Bellai Julius will be deeply missed by his four grandchildren, Ben and Tanner Bellai, Kristopher and Jordyn Bell and numerous family members both in Canada and Hungary Julius was a devoted husband, loving father, and adoring grandfather He is leaving behind a legacy of resilience, hard work and unwavering love Julius embarked on a remarkable life journey, fleeing his home country during the Hungarian revolution in 1957, that led him to build a new life in Canada His determination to support his family brought him to operate several businesses that helped him and Liz create an enjoyable life together filled with wonderful family memories His many years of living across BC- in Merritt, Williams Lake and the Okanagan has brought him numerous friends that became family He will be dearly missed and remembered by all who knew and loved him

A Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday, August 6 from 2 - 4 pm at the Station House Museum Paddlewheel Hall, 7813 Okanagan Landing Rd., Vernon, BC

PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. @KamThisWeek Follow us @Merr ittHerald A16 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com
Located at 2101 Quilchena Ave (Old Barber Shop) Winter Hours Monday: 1:00 - 4:00pm Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm Friday: By Request Your Recover y Specialists Meghan Blackmore : (250) 574-4574 Sherr y Peterson : (250) 574-4885 www.merritthospice.org
l: merritthosp ce@shaw ca
Death is the biggest and most overwhelming question of life When you are with someone who is nearing death, it can be hard to know what to say.
2113 Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC 250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 REGULAR OFFICE HOURS Mon.,Tues., Thurs.&Fri.: 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Ave , Mer Wednesday: 1:00 p m - 6:00 p m www.MerrittFuneralChapel.com ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Celebrating each life like no other On Call 24 Hours ADay Merritt Funeral Chapel CLASSIFIEDS Deadline for placing a classified ad is 5 p.m. on Monday. To place an ad please call 250-378-4241 or email: publisher@merrittherald.com Announcements Announcements In Memoriam In Memoriam Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries

Patricia Alexandruk

September 30, 1969 - June 9, 2023

We are heartbroken to announce the sudden passing of Patricia (Hill) Alexandruk.

Tricia is survived by her loving husband of 21 years Robert Alexandruk, mother Fay Hill sister Lisa Racine (Ron), nieces Kendra and Alyssa, father-in-law Fred Alexandruk. She is sadly predeceased by her father Michael Hill, stepmother Patricia Lee Hill, mother-in-law Anne Alexandruk.

Tricia was born in Powell River and graduated high school in 1987. After graduation she went on to obtain her Pharmacy Technician designation and later her Dental Assistant certification. Her work in dentistry allowed her to share her compassionate spirit with the communities she served. Tricia was instrumental in starting the Stoyoma Dental Clinic in Merritt which she managed devotedly Tricia’s radiant and generous personality acted as a beacon of light to everyone she met. She was a beautiful example of family, friendship and love, and will be missed every minute of every day

A celebration of life will be held June 24, 2023, at 1:30 PM PST at Crossroads Community Church in Merritt BC, which will be live streamed to reflect her widespread impact. A gathering in Powell River will follow at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Angels Animal Rescue Society in her memory

Ronald David Joseph Bouchard

March 24, 2957 - June 8, 2023

The family of Ron Bouchard sadly announce his passing on June 8, 2023. Ron was born March 24, 1957 in Penticton, BC and lived in Merr since 1960. From a young age, Ron enjoyed hunt & fishing in the Nicola Valley While he was a solitary man who kept to himself, Ron could carry on a lengthy conversation when the opportunity presented. He is survived by his children Marc (Brittany), Michelle, grandchildren Tristan & Emma, brother Roger (Vickie), sister Carol (Angelo), nieces & nephew Nicole (Matt), Hailey (Tom) and Joel (Sam) and great nephews & nieces Mason, Linden, Ellason, Gracynn & Avalynn. Ron is predeceased by his parents Ray & Betty A family gathering at one of Ron’s favourite lakes will be held to honour his life In lieu of flowers, a donation to the BC SPCA in memory of Mr Ronald Bouchard would be appreciated.

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightening they

Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Coldwater Indian Band School Job Posting EDUCATION ASSISTANT

The Coldwater School is inviting qualified applicants to apply for the position of Education Assistant.


• Completion of Grade 12 or equivalent

• Education Assistant Cer tification preferred, but not necessar y

Valid BC Class 5 driver’s license with clean driver’s abstract

• Experience wor king with school age children in a classroom setting

Experience assisting in multi-graded classrooms an asset

Food Safe Cer tificate

• F irst Aid Cer tificate (or be willing to get)

Ability to communicate effectively using cour tesy and tact in the routine exchange of information.

Duties and Responsibilities will include:

Provides assistance to the teacher and students

• Collaborates with Teachers on strategies and accommodations that suppor t student learning Assists in preparing the classroom and other school facilities for student learning and activities Assists in the super vision of students in and outside the classroom, including field trips

• Wor ks individually with students in the classroom as assigned and under the guidance of the Teacher, to include reading to students, listening to the reading of students, assisting students with assignments and the reinforcement of overall Teacher expectations of students. Assists in preparing materials for suppor ting student learning and ability as assigned and under the guidance of the Teacher

Par ticipates, as required or directed, and as a team member in periodic meetings with Teachers, students and parents/guardians to plan and revise educational programs and activities.

Preference will be given to those applicants who: Have a minimum of two years’ experience

• Have Aboriginal ancestr y (as per Special Program with the BC Human Rights Tribunal)

How to apply

Submit a resume with the following: References

• Copies of required cer tificates

• Copy of valid driver’s license and current driver’s abstract *Successful applicants will be subject to a vulnerable sector criminal record check.*

Closing Date: On-going until this position is filled. Only Shor t Listed Applicants will be contacted. Postion will star t in September 2023. Please send your application to: Principal, Coldwater School Box 4600, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 • Fax: (250) 378–9212 Email: principal@coldwaterschool.ca

Nlaka’pamux Health Services Society Employment Opportunity


Nlaka’pamux Health Services Society is currently looking for an On-call Home Care Assistants to work with our Elders Home Care Team serving to support communities within the Nlaka’pamux Nation

Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (28-35 Hours per week/1hr lunch)

Our ideal candidates are those who would like to add extra hours to their already existing work schedule or would like to maintain their skill level while working casually Hours are available immediately

REQUIREMENTS: HCA Diploma from a Canadian university or equivalent institution Registered with BC Columbia Care & Community Health Worker Registry Valid BC Class 5 Driver ’s License, First Aid/ CPR Level 1, or willing to obtain

For full detailed listing send request to the HR Manager at: elliott a@ nlxfn com or phone: (250) 378-9772 / Fax: (250) 315-0283

This posting will remain open to maintain a position registry; please apply early Preference will be given to persons of Aboriginal ancestry as per Section 16(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act

PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. YouWant It We’ve Got It Find Wha tever You’re Looking for in the Classifieds. Check Out Our Website: http://classified.van.net vancourier.com me rr it th er ald. co m THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A17 www.merrittherald.com
Home Care Assistant
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
Obituaries Obituaries

Coldwater Indian Band School Job Posting TEACHER

The Coldwater School is inviting qualified applicants to apply for the position of Teacher


Bachelor’s degree or higher qualification in education

• Valid BC teaching cer tificate required (or be in application of) Experience integrating technolog y in class lessons

• Experience with F irst Nation schools an asset

Experience in developing and implementing IEP’s

• Excellent communication, leadership and interpersonal skills

Knowledge of the BC curriculum and experience with Saxon Math, Readwell, and Reading Master y are an asset

Willing to continue to gain new knowledge and skills, be flexible, positive and a team player

F irst Aid Cer tificate or willing to obtain

Criminal Record Check

Preference will be given to those applicants who:

• Have knowledge of Nle?kepmx language and Nle?kepmx culture

• Have classroom teaching experience

Have experience at the Primar y and Elementar y levels

• Have experience with formative assessment practices is an asset

Have additional professional experience and/or post-secondar y courses in ear ly childhood education, ear ly learning and ear ly literacy

Have Aboriginal ancestr y (as per Special Program with the BC Human Rights Tribunal)

Salar y - Comparable to area schools

How to apply

Your application por tfolio must include the following documents:

• Cover Letter Resume

• Copies of valid required cer tification

Three references

*Successful applicants will be subject to a vulnerable sector criminal record check.*

Closing Date: On-going until this position is filled. Only Shor t Listed Applicants will be contacted. Postion will star t in September 2023.

Please send your application to: Principal, Coldwater School Box 4600, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 • Fax: (250) 378–9212

Email: principal@coldwaterschool.ca

Coldwater Indian Band School Job Posting BUS DRIVER/MAINTENANCE

The Coldwater School is inviting qualified applicants to apply for the full-time afternoon position of Bus Driver/Maintenance Wor ker


• Completion of Grade 12 or equivalent

• Must have a valid Class 4 Driver’s license and current driver’s abstract

• Ability to communicate effectively using cour tesy and tact in the routine exchange of information Physical ability to perform the required duties (e.g lift and carr y 50 lbs.)

• Experience operating a 35 passenger bus and following all BC motor vehicle laws and regulations F irst Aid Cer tification (or be willing to get)

Duties and Responsibilities will include:

Transpor ts students to and from school in accordance with defined routes

• Performs all bus maintenance and required travel logs

• Performs a variety of minor maintenance and repairs, as well as grounds keeping tasks in and around school buildings according to approved position description and schedule

• Basic maintenance of the school heating and cooling systems

Preference will be given to those applicants who: Have a minimum of two years’ experience

Have Aboriginal ancestr y Salar y - Comparable to area schools

How to apply

Submit a resume with the following:

• WHMIS Cer tificate

3 references

Copy of valid driver’s license and current driver’s abstract

*Successful applicants will be subject to a vulnerable sector criminal record check.*

Closing Date: On-going until this position is filled. Only Shor t Listed Applicants will be contacted Postion will star t in September 2023

Please send your application to: Principal, Kathy Oppenheim Box 4600, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 • Fax: (250) 378–9212

Email: principal@coldwaterschool.ca


We are currently inviting applications for the position(s) of:

Food Processor, Slicer, Beer Signs, Over 10 TVs w/Mounts, Stereo Equipment, Mixing Board, Yamaha 5-pc Drum Set, Fender Squier Bass Guitar, Stage Speakers & Lighting, Over 80 Chairs, 60 Stools, 35 Tables, Booths, Shelving Units, Computers, Desks, Printers, MFC Machines, Folding Tables, Patio Furniture, Patio Heaters, Dishes, Glassware, Surveillance System w/Cameras, Framed Pictures, Huge Selection of Smallwares, Plus Much More!! Viewing - ‘On-Site’ - 3110 Lakeshore Rd, Kelowna 2 Days - Thu/Fri (Jun 22/23) - 9 am - 5 pm

‘OFF-SITE’ in Armstrong - 40’ Container Viewing by Appointment Only

June 24 from 9am to 3pm, Estate Sale at 1839 Ar mstrong St Ever ything must go Full home items as well as tools, shop, gardening, craft supplies and much much more 1839 Ar mstrong Street

Qualified candidates are invited to apply online at https://www.makeafuture.ca/bcschools-and-districts/nicola-similkameen-school-district-no-58/

All applicants must provide a cover letter and resume outlining relevant background and work experience and three (3) professional references for each position they want to be considered . Only those applicants selected for an inter view will be contacted

June 24-25

July 15-16

July 29-30 Aug 5-6 (tentative)

319 Lindley Creek Road Saturdays 9-2, Sundays 10-2 Donations gratefully accepted

Reliable Towing Merritt Ltd. 2900 Pooley Ave the following vehicle will be auctioned on July 6, 2023 for non payment

1995 Ford Contour VIN 1FALP6539SK104370

Debtor: Cameron James Smith

Amount owing: 1,729.18

2017 Hyundai Elantra VIN KMHD84LF7HU365745

Debtor: Shae Lawson

Amount owing: 10,332.00

To advertise in A18 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com
your next job in our employment section.
for ALL Learners, Today and Tomorrow
3259682 Ongoing Relief
3259613 Ongoing Relief Clerk Typist 3256003 Ongoing Relief Custodian 3259601 Ongoing Relief Bus
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3322609 Open Until F
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Nations Suppor t Worker
Education Assistant
visor -
Bench Elementar y
en Until Filled Route ME18 Blair Coutlee Jackson May Or me & Quilchena Ave 118 Papers Diamond Vale area Thursday's Deliver ies Paid Per Paper Great First Job Any age ok Can have papers delivered to your door or they can be picked up at office Please feel free to call or stop by the Office for more info 2090 Granite Ave (250) 378-4241 DoddsAUCTION AUC TION B id O nline o r A b sen t ee B id s A c c ep t e d DODDS AUCTION 2 50 - 54 5 - 32 59 Photos & lin k to s ale s @ dodd s auc t ion com 3 311 - 2 8 Avenue, Ver non • Subjec t t o addi t ions & dele t ions C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N ‘ON-SITE’ - RUNAWAYS LOUNGE - KELOWNA **Lease Not Renewed / Everything Must Go** ONLINE TIMED AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 24TH Lots Starts Closing - 9:00 am HUGE SELECTION OF FURNISHINGS & EQUIPMENT Partial List Includes: Walk-In Coolers, Chest & Upright Freezers, Prep Tables, Convection Ovens, Stove, Grills, Fryers, Bar Sinks, Stainless Tables, 3-Bin Sink, Glass Washers, Beer Glycol Chillers, Stainless Shelving, Metro Like Shelving, 20 qt Mixer, Wine Barrels, Bar Taps, Beer Tap Handles, POS System, Robot Coupe
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Garage Sales Garage Sales Legal/Public Notices Legal/Public Notices Find BIG Savings... When You Place Your Ad in the Classifieds!
THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 A19 www.merrittherald.com L o c a l B u s i n e s s D i r e c t o r y F ww E ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE info@desertdivasanddonsspa com SPA SERVICES GET YOUR BUSINESS NOTICED! IF YOU’RE READING THIS, THEN YOU KNOW IT WORKS! Call Ken or Theresa to reserve your spot at 250-378-4241 This is a full colour business card size space on a 1, 3, 6 month or more contract ADVERTISING CLEANING SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES EXCAVATING • Small Job Specialist • Dump Trailer Service • Fencing & Post Pounder • Fully Insured Call Gary Sedore for FREE ESTIMATES: 250-378-4312 Gary ’s Mini Excavating Service email: garylsedore@gmail.com Cell: 250-315-3174 LICENSED CANNABIS Quilchena Cannabis Co. Call 250-378-5 420 Unit B-1937 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC Quilchena Canna Company 19+MUST BE 206 4 Coutlee Ave. Ph: 250-378-4943 email: nicplumb@telus net FULLY QUALIFIED TRADESMAN IN: Plumbing, Heating, Bonded Gas F itters Ser vice work, furnace ser vice and custom sheet metal. www.nicolaplumbingandheating.com N i c o l a P l u m b i n g & H e a t i n g Cer tified Plumbers & Gas Fitters wanted - apply today! P L U M B I N G & H E AT I N G 797 Coldwater Rd., Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 electrifriendscontracting@outlook.com Contractor license # LEL0212539 Sam Charette 250-378-7465 Cer tified Master Electrician ELECTRICIAN TREE SERVICE CALL JIM at 250-378-4212 Solutions for your tree problems! ➤Schedule your FREE Estimate JIM POTTER MERRITT TREE SERVICE • Fully insured, certified faller • WSBC covered • Dangerous tree assessment
A20 THURSDAY, June 22, 2023 www.merrittherald.com Royal LePage Proper ty Management - For all rental inquiries call Kevin or Crystal at 250-378-1996 or email: proplepage@gmail.com email: rlpmerit@telus.net www.royallepag e .ca SERVING MERRITT & AREA FOR 40 YEARS! 3499 Voght Street, Merritt BC, V1K 1C6 250-378-6181 email: rlpmerit@telus.net Helping you is what we do.™ Visit: www.royallepag e .ca/merritt for a complete list of current listing. Owner/Broker CL AUDETTE EDENOSTE Ph: 250-280-0689 claudetteedenoste@ royallepage.ca Managing Broker JOHN ISAAC Ph: 250-378-1586 johnisaac@telus net JENNIFER KIGHTLEY Ph: 250-315-3256 jenniferkightley@ royallepage ca TONY LUC K Ph: 604-217-5825 tjluck@royallepage ca DENISE DESILETS Ph: 250-315-8395 denisedesilets@ royallepage ca FRED SINGER Ph: 250-318-8392 fred singer@royallepage ca STEVE BL ANKEN Ph: 250-819-2918 steveblanken@ royallepage ca DELIA JONES Ph: 250-682-8350 or 604-613-6235 www.deliajones.com KEVIN DUNN Ph: 250-525-0073 1kevindunn@ protonmail com 312-1703 MENZIES ST $214,90 0 A great 3rd-floor 2-bedroom unit for a first-t me buyer investment, or someone looking to downsize Perfect for retirees fi MLS#172467 1434 DOUGLAS STREET $299,0 0 0 A de gh u star er home or the firs - me buyer or a great p operty o downs ze nto On y 2 hours f om he ower main and With n ne-o -sigh o D amond Va e E emen a y Schoo about ha f a b ock away Large New y Fenced Ya d New Roo 2019 and lots o New Dis nct ve Renos ecen y comp e ed MLS#171766 2149 NICOLA AVENUE $310,0 0 0 Looking or a star ter home af ordable retirement liv ng an investment proper y or housing for staff? This 3-bedroom home with 1 bathroom sits on its own freehold proper y & is within walking distance to downtown & close to city bus pickup MLS#172383 1475 COWLEY STREET $334,90 0 Looking for a nice clean home! Look no fur her his n ce y updated 1/2 duplex has 3 bedrooms with 1 bathroom & it is located on a quiet cul-de-sac near schools & bus stops There is new vinyl flooring in the living oom & entrance area. h h MLS#173126 1688 COLDWATER AVENUE $345,0 0 0 Don miss out on this immaculate beautifully decorated 3-bedroom rancher close to schools and shopping This home has had numerous upg ades while maintaining the heritage interior f l d d MLS#170783 2226 GRANITE AVENUE $369,90 0 Charming home close o all amenities! This 1050 sq. f rancher has had new vinyl windows and the oof edid, a new furnace siding, complete plumbing update including the water line o the city main since approx. 2017 h MLS# 172789 29-1901 MAXWELL AVENUE $425,0 0 0 Nice layout with a sitting room at the entry that features a gas fireplace The central living area has an open concept with a good-sized kitchen plenty of counter and cupboard space, and an island. Living room with sliding door opening onto a back-yard patio f MLS#173018 1298 DOUGLAS STREET $449,0 0 0 This 3-bedroom manufactured home with a full basement has a on of potential including the oppor tunity o add a 2-bedroom basement suite The home did suf er some flood damage but a lot of the emediation work has been done including mold remediation, a new HWT, and a efurbished furnace b h MLS#173323 2199 PARKER DRIVE $540,0 0 0 New roof gutters and flooring in 90% of the ma n floor p us new hot water tank 2019. This is a good-sized four-bedroom 2 and 1/2 bath home with a bench location that backs onto the school park area and has plenty of oom or the family Three bedrooms up with ensuite in the main bedroom fl MLS#173165 2126 PRIEST AVENUE $699,90 0 Enjoy this great newer 2020-built amily home c ose to all amenities and within walking distance o downtown. Features include a sunroom of the galley-style kitchen, a gas fireplace upstairs in the large living room as well as one in the basement suite MLS#171582 2669 QUILCHENA AVENUE $699,950 Fantastic Oppor tunity to own a 6-bedroom, 4 full-bath home! Oversized living room with gas fire leading into a large open kitchen and dining area. Four bedrooms the main master bedroom of ers a 4-piece ensuite bath with jetted tub and walk-in closet. f l b h h ! MLS#173022 1648 FIR AVENUE $729,90 0 Looking for a mor tgage helper? This home has a selfcontained LEGAL 2-BEDROOM SUITE currently vacant! The lower level also of ers a large rec room and hobby oom for added living space upstairs Welcome to this 3100+ sq. f ranch-style home with a fully finished basement. h MLS#172562 1741 SUNFLOWER AVENUE $790,0 0 0 Wonderful near new amily home ( no GST ) in a g eat bench ocation. Many wonderful features include a large open kitchen with quar tz counter ops a breakfast island, soft-close drawers and a separate wine cooler b h MLS#171628 2737 PEREGRINE WAY $949,0 0 0 This home eatures large windows allowing lots o natura ligh & spacious eel with the open concept. On the main floor the custom kitchen has ons of cabinetry & g anite counter ops with access to a walk-out patio front and back to enjoy the beautiful mountain views h MLS#172916 2731 PEREGRINE WAY $959,0 0 0 Enjoy the sunrise with a cof ee on your deck w h fabu ous mountain views! The spacious custom kitchen is perfect or enter aining, eaturing granite counter ops & a large island, sale will include an appliance credit. f b MLS#172917 241 BIRCH CRESENT Logan Lake - $459,90 0 At ention amilies and investors! This well- ocated family home is in a quiet cul-de-sac and has excellent curb appeal. It is situated conveniently close to schools and amenities l d MLS#172023 325 PERIDOT DRIVE Logan Lake - $395,0 0 0 Incredib y well kept 1700 sq.f anch style home on a eve 15 of an acre!!! This 3 bedroom home has 2 bathrooms Mostly enced yard has a greenhouse a garden shed and an additional 14x24 heated workshop PERFECT or the hobbiest o use as a mancave/sheshed MLS#173407 8 JADE COURT Logan Lake - $368,0 0 0 Welcome home!!! This 1488 sq.ft anch style 3 bed 2 bath home has undergone a beautiful acelift. Upgrades include kitchen, bathroom, exterior and flooring 23’x12’ deck perfect for enter aining!!! This beautiful home sits on a level .13 of an acre b d b h MLS#173410 SL3-6528 WATERSIDE TR. $260,0 0 0 Looking or a lot that offers you a view of he ake while only being a shor walk to the lake look no fur ther This fully serviced lake view lot is Iocated in the beautiful Nicola Lakeshore Estates with a monthly strata ee of $125.00. RURAL h k h l MLS#173127 SL3-6528 WATERSIDE TR. $275,0 0 0 Looking or a lot that offers you a view of he ake while only being a shor walk to the lake look no fur ther This fully serviced lake view lot is Iocated in the beautiful Nicola Lakeshore Estates with a monthly strata ee of $125.00. RURAL h k h l MLS#173128 537 WILD ROSE DRIVE $299,90 0 This 4.6-acre proper y is located just 15 m nutes rom downtown Merrit in an area of small acreages Bring all your oys o explore this amazing area full of pothole lakes unlimited quadding horseback iding side-by-siding and tons of fishing nearby Call or fur ther details! RURAL MLS#171247 4472 IRON MOUNTAIN RD $525,0 0 0 If you are looking or a little piece of paradise not oo ar om own, look no fur ther! This 2-bedroom 2-bath oom mobile home sits on 1.49 acres only 10 minutes south of Merrit located on Iron Mountain Rd. This proper y is close o lakes and recreation & is the ideal location or anyone who loves the grea outdoors MLS#173130 RURAL 1438 BOSTON BAR TRAIL $615,0 0 0 Th s beaut u ny home s s on 10 pr vate acres oca ed n Co dwa er Esta es Ranch The home a ows you o k ck back & re ax mak ng eve y day ee ke a vaca on En oy he com or s o everyday e n a cab n a mosphere ea u ng 10 f ongue & g oove p ne ce ngs & r m made rom 100-yea -o d ec a med ba n wood RURAL d MLS#172874 3225 PETIT CREEK ROAD $799,90 0 Plenty of oom for your horses or? on this pr vate 5.6-acre proper y with a lovely 3 bed, 3 bath Chalet style home featuring open concept living/ dining kitchen, granite counter tops in kitchen & all 3 bat RURAL MLS#170 050 SOLD 481 K ANE VALLEY ROAD $898,0 0 0 Welcome to the 4 seasons recreational parad se This 1 1 2 story 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home sits on 10 acres with endless trails & access o crown land & lakes right out of your backyard. Bring your motorized toys horses or your hiking shoes o enjoy the endless countryside you have ight at your finger tips RURAL Th MLS#172498 2160 ELLIS ROAD $974,90 0 Beautiful flat 8.72 acres located in Sunshine Valley on y 15 m ns from Merritt. This 2-bedroom 1 bathroom home is nestled in a private setting with a large built-in garage The kitchen is bright & inviting with a large pantry and a patio door o access the large deck with a hot tub that looks out onto your manicured yard MLS#172688 RURAL 5972 BEECH ROAD $980,0 0 0 An exceptional & rare proper y located on Beech Road approx. 22 minutes nor th of Merritt. This 14.15-acre proper ty consists of a 3 bed, 2 bath beautiful country home that sits west acing with stunning views The home is bright & open with a warm feel with hardwood floors h R d MLS#172350 RURAL 5120 STEFFENS ROAD $1,225,0 0 0 This stunning proper y was designed by an archi ect, and s located on over 12 acres and boasts breathtaking mountain views and lots of privacy The home is a spacious one-level rancher with 3 bedrooms and wo baths RURAL h d MLS#173156 2173 TOMKINSON ROAD $1,576,0 0 0 Breathtaking ‘one-of-a-kind find’ private acreage located n the beautiful Sunshine Valley The serenity you feel when you are at this proper y is rare with spectacular views The home is open concept & with a blaze king wood stove in the living room, so you are super comfy during the winter months l d MLS#172509 RURAL 6881 OLD NICOLA TRAIL $2,388,888 Looking for an amazing lakefront proper ty you and your amily can enjoy? This beautiful, custom-built luxury home sits on .95 acres and is situated on the east side of Nicola Lake in the exclusive Old Nicola T ails development. d MLS#172203 RURAL 2893 ABERDEEN ROAD $3,10 0,0 0 0 75 Acres Zoned CR1 (Minimum 2-acre parce s and (SH1 Minimum 5-acre parcels). This proper y is all flat useable land and ready for development into 2-to-5-acre parcels which are in great demand in the area. d SH MLS#167169 RURAL COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 3649 MERRITT SPENCES BRIDGE HWY 8 $1,10 0,0 0 0 MLS #171795 2125 QUILCHENA AVE. $850,0 0 0 MLS#172662 2049 QUILCHENA AVE $255,0 0 0 MLS #173423 1898 BLAIR STREET $635,50 0 MLS#172520 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 1550 WILLIAMS CRES $1,280,0 0 0 Beautiful 2,819 SQFT custom-built rancher home located on 1.22 acres This home has been astefully finished from the inside o the outside When you walk into this home you are g eeted with a floor-to-ceiling ock wood fireplace that gives the home a warm & cozy eeling l d MLS#172972 2556 CORKLE STREET $590,0 0 0 Beautifully fully updated 3-bedroom 2-bathroom modular home sitting on a 0.33-acre private lot in Lower Nicola. This home has a new kitchen, new flooring new paint, new trim, both bathrooms fully updated, new oof 2016, new siding 2016, hwt 2017 furnace 2017 & all new appliances d l MLS#173228 1925 NICOLA AVENUE $665,0 0 0 This ype of unique proper ty doesn become availab e often. Heritage home has been owned by same family or more than 40 years! Fantastic investment oppor tunity presently configured as a triplex with 3 long term enants b f MLS#173354 NEW NEW NEW NEW

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