June 29, 2023

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THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 • themerrittherald • www.merrittherald.com FREE MERRITT HERALD EST. 1905 Five kittens were rescued from a wood waste crib thanks to attentive staff at the TNRD Eco-Depot in Lower Nicola. /PAGE 10 Two Lower Mainland men last seen fishing at Stump Lake on June 20 are still missing following an RCMP search. MEN STILL MISSING KITTENS RESCUED /PAGE 5 The provincial government has announced it will fund the entirety of the Middlesboro Bridge rebuild project. BUILDING BRIDGES /PAGE 3 ‘A scar on thE community’ The City of Merritt has received more than $9million in provincial Middlesboro Bridge. Page 3 Kamloops - 259 Tranquille Rd. 250-554-1501 Merritt - 2013 Quilchena Ave. 250-378-9686 Salmon Arm - 420 TCH 250-833-1414 Westwood Mixer & Smoke Port Coquitlam - Unit 101 2748 Loughheed Hwy 604-944-2838 www.lemonadestand420.ca 19+MUST BE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK



ki chen d n ng, v ng area hat a take n he cozy co ner gas fi ep a e and a ces o the back pat o A so a huge 2 car garage w h sta r access to he u 6- oot c aw space wh ch o e s ons o storage The ba k ya d s ul y enced and pr vate w h a go geous v ew and pa o 2213

1753 Fair way Place

MLS#172010 $630,000

a e ot n des rab e Bench Lo a on W h on y s eps om the e emen a y schoo tenn s cour s d sc go f and outdoo arena h home o fe s he u mo t conven ence or you fam y and ch d en The home features a a ge p vate backyard w th ma u e rees cedar hedge and cha n nk fence Ca oday to book you appo n men to v ew

1788 Nicola Avenue

MLS#172598 $775,000

MLS#172581 $ 649,900

The home eatu es 3 bedrooms, he mas er w h wa k- n c o e & ensui e w th et ed oake ub ma n bath oom o fer ub/showe comb na on the k chen s open o a n ce nook area a we as you fam y oom open o your d n ng & v ng room La ge p va e de k to en oy company w h & a 2 car a tached



1652 Ponderosa Way

MLS#172977 $759,900 Beaut u y de gned and cu tom zed home w h pano am v ews o the va ey K chen was updated n 2016 w h new cab ne y g an te counter ops & SS app ances Ma n floo a so o e s a o ma v ng and d n ng room as we as a am y oom and 2 pc powder The owe floo comes comp e e w h 3 add t ona bedrooms, a u 4 pc ba h oom and rec eat on/ heat e oom

A2 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com legacy.britishcolumbia.remax.ca/ #113-1700 Garcia Street Box 2257 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Your local RE/MAX Legacy Experts - Your Unfair Advantage 250.378.6941 Ray Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-3377 Valerie Kynoch PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-280-0994 Sarah Dickie REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-0835 Jordyn Chenier REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-2353 Brenda Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-8377 Janis Post PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-3672 Karen Bonneteau PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-5178 Breanna Ouellet REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-5820 100 Golden Quill Trail MLS#172053 $1,375,000 MAGN F CENT LAKEFRONT e eat or res dence a h s 3745 sq f Luxuy 4 bdrm home Beau u cus om k t hen boast gran e coun e tops gas ook op JennAi r dge Ro ng h s & b g open sk es we come you o an exc us ve commun y o qua y homes a S ump Lake enowned or w nd su fing wa e sk ng & amaz ng fish ng s ocked w th Kokanee and Ra nbow rou En oy w nte pond hockey ce fi h ng and ross oun y sk ng! 3725 Davidson Road MLS#172227 $1,230,000 We -ma n a ned 55-ac e prope ty ocated 25 m nutes wes of Mer t The n ce y-kep anche /modu ar home eatu es 3 beds 1 5 baths w h an open-con ept v ng space The open bench and measu es app ox 10 acres and s enced and c os - enced o pa ture and/or hay and Fea u es a r d ng a ena hay ba n 2-s a stab e severa run- n she e s a k-and-feed he tage cab n and a too shed 381 Winney Ave MLS#172354 $ 849,900 Don m ss out on the oppo un ty to ive n the count y only 10 m nu es rom town Th s beaut ful smal acreage s se up and ready o go Home has 3 bed ooms, 2 5 baths and s s tuated on 2 7 ac es 1660 Chestnut Ave MLS#172288 $629,000 Ver y n ce move n eady 3 bed oom p us den 2 bath oom anche ocated n a qu e cu -de-sa n a n ce subd vi ion w h newe homes The home ea u e an open des gn w h k t hen/d n ng/ v ng oom separate den/o fice 3 good s ze bed ooms a fu main ba h oom aund y oom o the 2-car a ached garage Pr vate fen ed ba kyard w h cove ed deck and torage shed, RV pa k ng and more
Quilchena Ave
s hou e has a to a o 4 bed ooms p us a arge o fi e 3 u ba hrooms n- aw su e and be t of a the home has been comp e e y upda ed ns de w h op qua y fin sh ngs The d veway has been comp e e y edone w h b and new cemen wh h o fe s ext
a pa k ng You mus v h s p oper y to app ec a e he work and ove put n o the nte o of the home
1601 Greig Street
$299,900 1300 sq t 3-4 bed oom home Bui d equ y as you finish and add you ouch o th s par t a ly es ored f om 2021 flood damage “As s where s ” home w h br ght k tchen w th qua ty M l Creek cab nets, shop, Lots of space or a ga den n eve fenced back yard RV
Don’t m ss out on h s 3 bdr m fam ly home ocated on y m nu es rom downtown Me r tt The floor p an has been we executed w/an open concept des gn on the ma n floo , 3 bedrooms and aundr y up Home has moder n k tchen 204-1703 Menzies Street MLS#172707 $153,000 N ce t e 1 bed oom 1 ba h oom apa ment un n N o a Apa tments Good e s a te nves men Home has a g ass pat o doo to access the sunde k Bu d ng has shared aund y on ea h floo Apar men s c o e to bus anspo tat on and o ner s o e Tenan s cur en y pay ng $776 00 mon h y S rata fee s $197 20 mon h y 3399 Pineridge Drive MLS#172777 $898,000 SUMMER W TH A POO Fantas c 4 bd m 3 ba h home n des ab e esden a ne ghbo hood on he bench! New app ances n updated k t hen w th open concept ma n ng a ea Fea ur ng cent a a r ond on ng a newe roof unde ground sp nk e s new w ed poo shed and overs zed s ng e ga age 17 x 33 w h secu e s o age o a you oy En oy g ea mounta n v ews rom h s beaut u am y e ea to ca home!! 208-2514 Spring Bank Ave MLS#172486 $579,900 Th s 3 bd m 4 bath home features com o tab e v ng n a beau fu b end of contempo a y and modern fin shes nc ud ng qua tz coun e top cus om hake cab ne r y upg aded s a n ess app ances door n doo f dge and a ga ove En oy the 9 e ngs beau fu gas fi ep ace w th upda ed ea u e wa and over s zed w ndows o ake n the s unn ng v ew 1498 Douglas Street MLS#169184 $365,000 N cely kept 3 bedroom 1 bathroom home located on a arge ful y fenced cor ner lot c ose to downtown En oy the par t a ly covered deck off the back for your mor ning co ees and even ng ba becues 206-2514 Spring Bank Ave
$569,000 Ve y n ce move n eady 3 bed 4 ba h ownhome ocated n he des ed bench a ea w h amaz ng v ew o the va ey & mounta ns The basemen of e s a a ge fam y oom 4-pc ba hroom u y oom & s o age 1560 Chestnut Ave
$ 699,900 Modern anche y e home n a qu e ne ghbou hood Th s home features c ean nes w h a c sp mode n ee The open concep des gn features 9 f ce ng am nate floor ng quar z coun e tops hroughout and vau ed ce ngs or a n ce ouch Exter or nc udes a doub e garage and a backyard pat o
Taylor Place
$565,000 Th s 3 bed oom 2 bath ran he O fe s an open concept
Parker Drive
New y sted ca hed a en y 4 bd m fam y home w th 2 5 ba h on 2
1611 Phillips Street
$499,000 Beau ul 2020 3 bedroom 3 bath oom home
bed ooms and a washroom
ocated n a grea neighbor hood The ma n floor inc udes a aundr y room and a powder oom Upsta rs cons sts o he mas er bed oom w th an ensu te and open c ose two add t ona
$449,000 PREFERRED COMMUN TY o home ! Warm ch ones n th s n ce y de o a ed 3 bed 2 5 ba h ownhouse Love y wh e k hen ea u ng a generous amount of cab ne s w h b eakfas coun e Ext a area o ofice o p ay oom ups ai s Fen ed ya d w th bbq pa o o en oy on p eaan even ngs Phase 4 Un t bu n 2006 Roo 2020 2021 ho water ank Leve wa k ng d s ance to schoo co ner s o e & pub c t ans 1429 Pine Street MLS#169996 $335,700 Cute l tt e 840 sq ft 2 bedroom 1 bath rancher home House has a beau ifu fu ly fenced p vate yard with mature trees, g ape v nes and a beauti u deck Backyard offers ane access and a 20x12 detached garage/storage outbu d ng 1843 Menzies Street MLS172296 $ 279,000 NVEST IN MERRITT 3 bed oom we ma n a ned townhouse w h good tenant who wou d ke to tay Fenced yard ont & ba k Newe 8 x 10 ga den shed p us at a hed orage 2019 hot wa er ank, 2015 oo 2115 Nicola Ave MLS#172191 $229,000 Exce en Loca ion! Large 9000 sq flat easy access o w th lane access and 2 b ocks from he down own core o Mer r t Br ng your bu ld ng deas to fe w th his o purchase A measurements are approx mate 2488 Spring Bank Ave MLS#168264 $239,000 Incred b e ove s zed 70 of an ac e ot Th s ot offe s grea bu ld ng potent a and s ove ook ng he N co a River g v ng you end ess mounta n/r ver v ews Lot is not ocated n he Ci y o Me r tt Flood P a n 1401 Douglas Street MLS#171678 $515,000 AFFORDABLE EQU TY BU LDER or a first t me home buyer o ret ree! We main a ned side by s de duplex each w th 2 bed m 16 x 24 detached garage, awned evel enced 20 acre proper ty w th unde ground spr nk ers Sepa ate Hydro & Gas me ers pe side 1986 Douglas Street MLS#171046 $439,000 Charac e home w h 3 p us bed ooms oca ed c ose to a oca e ementar y choo and qui k ac ess o down own Mer t Home ha n e ouches w h ha dwood floor ng a a ge enced corne o RV Pa k ng and a 1 car ga age Recen upda es nc ude new hot wa er ank n 2021 fu nace 2021 roof n +/- 2016 Home s p umbed o cent a a/c Tenan s n p ace 1643 Canford Ave MLS#173233 $575,000 P de of owne sh p s appa ent n ever y de a ! Th s ha m ng 3 bed 2 ba h bunga ow s pa ou b gh and updated New k chen app ances fu na e cen a a floo ng h/w on demand he ya d eve comp e e y fenced and eatu es a ch ken coop app oved by he C ty g eenhouse huge ga den s e ack oom and s o age shed – a a e w ed o powe he hea ed nsu a ed shop 24x26 w h 220V b g ga age door RV hook up, p umbed w/wa er and ewe fin hed w h d ywa and floo ng 303-2295 Blair Street MLS#173397 $235,000 nvesto s et ement v ng o fi s - me buyers ake no e We ma na ned ground floor ownhou e ocated in de ed Sandp per deve opmen c o e o a down own amen e The home ea u e an open des gn w h k chen d n ng and v ng oom 2 bed 4 p ece ba h and a arge aund y oom 110-2295 Blair Steet MLS#173264 $238,200 FEELS LIKE HOME n a g eat t le stra a commun y! Wa m y decora ed b igh 2 bed, 1 bath dwe ng Wa a r cond t oner keeps t coo Large laundr y oom w th space for ex ra s orage End un t w h t’s own s a way ooks out to peacefu g eenspace o the school fie d 3313 Boyd Road MLS#173302 $489,000 Amp e oppor un y awa s! nves o s or handyman spec a Th s amy home ocated n a g eat ne ghbou hood s eady o your deas O fe ng 4 bed ooms and 3 ba h oom a you i need some TLC o make your own! Bonus the a ge a tached doub e ca ga age w th room o orage 6441 Jagpal Way MLS#173324 $879,000 STUNN NG PANORAM C N OL LAK V EWS om ve y floo n h s beau u 4 bd m home You k c en ea u e s d map b ne s w h g an t co nt r op & hea ed floo s Ga de pa o doo ead om n ng oom o ppe de k wh h an a o be a e sed om he gh fi ed ng m w h 19 ce ngs En oy a con on ng r he wa m day and an au hen wood fi ep a e o th oo e n gh nd you s c ua y n he sp ou ups a p ma bed m w h ake v ws 1839 Armstrong Street MLS#173398 $419,000 Qui k posse on–g eat ocat on–Ca hedra en r y 3-bed oom 3-ba hoom fam y home o a ed on a a ge 8436 sq t ot w th g eat v ews om your ba kya d The ma n floo o he home of e s 3 bedrooms he maste w th a 2-p e e ensui e and wa k- n c o e a fu ma n upda ed ba h oom w h soaker tub a a ge v ng oom w h wood burn ng fi ep ace ha s open o your d n ng room, ga ey k chen omes comp e e wi h a app ances and nook a ea NEW PRICE 2920 Charters Street MLS#171981 $215,000 Bu d your dream home n one o Mer r tt s F nest Loca ions Th s proper ty s 0 4 ac es of beaut u pa k ike fla and The wa er and sewer has been brought to the o l ne (no connec ed) Connect on w l need to be fur her brought n o he p ope y a t me of per mi 2560 Coldwater Road MLS#169613 $519,000 Th s s ice of and has s unn ng mounta n v ews and ser v ces n place on 12 8 ac es B ing your vis ons o u a iving and create your d eam homestead Acreage backs on to crown and whe e r ding and hik ng s l mi less 8533 Old Kamloops Road MLS# 172891 $699,000 2 92 Ac e LAKE FRONT PROPERTY n a commun ty o fine homes on renowned Stump Lake Bu d he home you have a ways des ed on he upper pa t o the acreage wh ch offe s pano am c v ews o he ake sur rounded by beaut fu ro ng h s NEW PRICE NEW PRICE SOLD 6528 Waterside Trail SL12-MLS#171260-$275,000 SL13-MLS#171259-$280,000 SL10-MLS#171262-$285,000 New ba e and wa e f on s a a commun y n he beau u N co a Lakesho e Es a e En oy s unn ng panoram c v ews o N co a ake You w en oy yea -round rec ea on w h easy acce to c own and beaches p va e dock and a the wa erspor s you can mag ne 1605 Pine Street MLS#172717 $149,000 The prope ty o fers two sheds on the prope ty o storage There are no bu d ng schemes/ est ct ons for h s R2 zoned prope ty so you can enter a n the dea o a dup ex a manu actured/ pre- ab home as we l as a rame s ick const uct on
36-1749 Menzies Street MLS171597

Province to fund Voght bridge rebuild

right on top of us. It’s something we have to deal with right now.”

The minister also noted the new Emergency Management Disaster Act, a piece of proposed legislation that will be tabled in B.C.’s legislature this fall, will incorporate a recognition of the realities of climate change, and place greater emphasis on risk identification and mitigation for municipalities. The new regulations will also require local governments to cooperate and collaborate with First Nations, and add increased accountability for local governments to be more aware of and prepare for climate related risks.

Merritt Mayor Mike Goetz said during the funding announcement event that climate change is a reality whether people choose to accept it or not, pointing out the bridge as a “scar” on the community caused by changing climates.

A major thoroughfare in Merritt lost to flood waters will soon be reconnected thanks to new funding announced by the provincial government.

The City of Merritt is receiving more than $10 million in funding that will allow for the construction of a new Middlesboro Bridge, one built to withstand high water flow such as the rates seen during the November 2021 flooding event that destroyed the original bridge on Voght Street. B.C. Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Bowinn Ma visited the site of the washed out bridge on Monday (June 26) to announce the funding.

“We know that climate change will continue to accelerate and river flooding will likely become more frequent as a result,” said Ma in a press conference at the site. “That’s why it’s imperative that we act now to shore up important infrastructure and reduce the risk of future disasters like the one endured by the people of Merritt.”

The new bridge will be approximately 1.5 metres higher than the original structure, and built to withstand a one-

in-200-year flood event. The new design will increase water volume by 65 percent compared to the original bridge. The new bridge is proposed to accommodate two lanes of vehicle traffic, along with one lane dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists. The original bridge had an undersized walkway and no cycling lane or shoulder.

Pedestrians and motorists alike could be crossing the new bridge within the next two years, with the preliminary engineering process complete and procurement underway. Construction is expected to begin in summer 2024, with completion slated for early 2025.

Ma noted during the press conference that the new bridge project is one of many funded by the province for the City of Merritt, including rebuilding dikes and banks along the Coldwater River, road repairs, park restorations, water-well restoration and a new running track. With over $12 million in Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) funding already supplied to the city, Ma said more is on the way.

“It used to be that we talked about climate change as something that would impact the lives of our children and our grandchildren, that if we didn’t deal with it now they would be left to deal with it,” said Ma. “What we’re seeing today, is that’s no longer the case. It’s right here,

“Recovering from a natural disaster is a long process of damage assessments, funding applications, design development and requests for proposals long before any construction can commence,” said Goetz.

“While the city has been able to make a number of major repairs, seeing the scar of the missing Middlesboro Bridge has been a painful daily reminder of that harrowing event. I’d like to thank the province for providing the funding to repair this important transportation link, which will not only ease transportation routes for our residents, but also revive our commercial corridors.”

Goetz also noted that several other flood recovery and mitigation projects have been completed, including the Canford Avenue rebuild, a transitional housing program, and wastewater treatment plant repairs. When asked about a timeline for ensuring all residents displaced by the flood are back in their homes, Goetz said a timeline was not possible due to complexities such as funding, a new floodplain, and slow moving government processes.

With the Middlesboro Bridge project now funded, the city shifts its focus to diking, housing, and other recovery and mitigation initiatives that could lessen the impacts of a future flooding event. For more information on the city’s ongoing flood-related projects, visit www.merritt. ca/flood.


The Coldwater Indian Band, along with two other local First Nations bands, have received more than $100,000 in provincial funding through a program aimed at helping communities adapt to the realities of climate change.



Literacy Merritt and Nicola Valley have announced that a number of their key offerings will continue throughout the summer months, with children of all ages able to participate in a number of literacy based events and programs.

Search ‘

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Classifieds ---------20-23
Mayor Mike Goetz addresses media and elected officials near the site of the washed out Middlesboro Bridge on Monday (June 26) as Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness Bowinn Ma and Councillor Adam Etchart look on. Marius Auer/Herald
NEWSROOM@MERRITTHERALD.COM THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A3 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS EverOpenyday 11am - 9pm Wings and Things | Alter native Crusts | Panzerottis | Bread Basket | Sweet Treats | Chicken Bur ger Own| Create Your Own (236)575-2236 - Local number 2302 Nicola Ave, Merritt, BC Website: www.pizzapizza.com PEOPLE S Merritt Herald 2021 People s Choice AWARD Best Pizza 1 Large Pizza 3 toppings/3 drinks $1749 2 Medium Pizzas 2 toppings/4 Combo/4 drinks ......... $2499 .ca FREE DELIVERY with your first order
Marius Auer

Men still missing near Stump Lake

After a search by the RCMP’s Under Water Recovery Team over the weekend yielded negative results, the search for two missing Lower Mainland fisherman at nearby Stump Lake continues.

The search didn’t return no results, though, as Merritt RCMP Detachment Commander Josh Roda said fishing gear and jackets were found floating well under the surface. The men and their aluminum fishing boat remain missing, presumed drowned by police.

“They did an extensive search of the north end of the lake where the debris was found, which unfortunately turned up nothing at this point,” Roda told the Herald.

While the search team has moved on to another assignment after spending Friday (June 23) to Sunday (June 25) searching, they plan to continue the search on Wednesday (June 28).

Merritt Mounties said in their original release that they were notified in the early morning hours of June 20, 2023, that two fishermen hailing from the Lower Mainland were missing on Stump Lake. The fishermen had been last seen by friends, fishing on the lake late into the evening, utilizing a small aluminum

boat. When the pair failed to return after dark, friends began to search for them, eventually calling police once their search was unsuccessful.

“We are not releasing the names of the missing fishermen at this time,” added Roda. “We want to give the families privacy while they try to comprehend what took place.”

Those recreating at the Stump Lake area who find debris that they believe may be associated with the missing fishermen are asked to contact the Merritt RCMP at 250-378-4262.

The two missing men were last seen fishing late into the night of June 20 at nearby Stump Lake. Police suspect the men have drowned. Photo/Merritt RCMP
THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A5 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS Celebrating history, culture & community! MLA Jackie Tegar t Fraser Nicola 2–2152 Quilchena Ave ., Merritt, BC 250 378-8831 Jackie .Tegar t.MLA@leg.bc.ca Monday -Friday: 6am-9pm•Weekends &Holidays: 7am-9pm Located 7kmfrom town on Highway 8West Johnny’s on the Rez Store: 250-378-9557 #154 Hwy 8, Merritt PIZZA &SUB SHOP: PIZZA, SUBS, BAKERY, DELI and DAILY SPECIALS Pizza Orders: 250-315-0087 COME IN TO SEE OUR NEW PRODUCTS! Great Gift Ideas •Gas &Diesel •Snacks •Novelty &Gift Items •Cold Drinks •Ice •Photo Copying• Faxing •Lotto Centre PASSING SAVINGS ONTO OUR CUSTOMER WE’RE MORE THAN JUS T ME AT Cheese – Milk – Yogurt – Pies – Eggs – Spices – Baked Potatoes Local Honey – Jarred Salsa & Pickled Items – Perogies – Party Trays 2051 VOGH T S T RE E T, ME RRI T T BC •250 - 378 - 5817 WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT - WE CAN CUT ANY SIZE YOU WANT! S T R I PL O I N S T E A K $20.47/LB RI B S T E A K $22 .41/LB B U RG E R PAT T I E S $9.99/LB PA R T Y T R AYS ME AT & C H E E S E P R IC E S IN EF F EC T JUNE 2 9 - JULY 6, 2 023• W HIL E QUA N T I T IE S L A S T Shop One StopLove KAMLOOPS: 743 VICTORIA ST • 250-377-8808 CHILLIWACK: 44310 YALE RD 604-392-9969 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK XL-7XL sizes in stock NEW LINGERIE ARRIVALS & MAGAZINES

MITRA: who keeps Canada, god or the government?

reward/As waiting for the better day/We ever stand on guard/O Canada, glorious and free/O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

What an important message for our nation today! The good news is that our “Ruler supreme” still hears the humble prayers of His people, and He still desires to answer with His transforming power.

of freedom or want to hear the hammer of justice, but are tired of prolonged authoritarian bureaucracy.

It is certainly true that the government that governs least governs best. That is why Paul’s views on authorities and governments, depicted in the book of Romans, chapter 13, might surprise us.

Paul had still more reasons for his teachings on obeying civil powers. They apply just as readily today as they did in his time.

For example, Paul knew that no man can completely disassociate himself from his community. Being a member of a society brings responsibilities as well as privileges.

anthem has a long history.

First written by Sir AdolpheBasile Routhier and Calixa Lavalee,“O Canada” became the national anthem on July 1, 1980, a hundred years after it was first sung on June 24, 1880.

Over the years our anthem saw several English versions and revisions. The anthem we sing today is from the 1908 version by Judge Robert Stanley Weir.

Weir’s version is an inspiring composition, yet few Canadians have ever heard what he intended to be the final verse. The words go like this:

Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer/Hold our dominion within thy loving care/Help us to find, O God, in thee/A lasting rich

When we sing the deeply spiritual words in our national anthem (or, read the prophetic words from Psalm 72:8 inscribed at the entryway to our national parliament), they present a stunning contrast to the moral degeneration and erosion of values we have witnessed in recent years.

These things can discourage us, but as people of faith we must take heart because God is still at work. Imagine what could happen if believers from “sea to sea” committed themselves to pray for the nation and spread the gospel message in every community across this blessed land.

Most Canadians are lawabiding citizens. But there are others who are fed up with the unfairness, the corruption, the unconcerned inefficiencies, and are starting to take the law in their own hands.

They like the ring of the bell

Speaking to the church at Rome, Paul says love is the only law we need. His prescription for a smooth relationship between government and its citizens is based on a strange combination of officialdom and love.

What does love have to do with paying taxes or staying with the speed limit on road? Everything!

Paul does not simply fill up space in chapter 13, but is serious to encourage the faithful to obey the civil government whole-heartedly.

Wherever there are people, there’s bound to be a government of some kind. To Paul, all governments are in power because God has put them there.

This means that all governments – cruel, despotic dictatorships included – are part of God’s plan and permissive will. Tyrants carry out His purposes along with the saints.

A man has duties to his nation as well as to his church, even if he does not agree with everything the government stands for or does.

Controversies over governments – what kind, how much, how little – has raged since time began. But there is little doubt about the necessity of it.

Without the organization and protection of the state, we would all be forced to live by the law of the jungle, the survival of the strong and the vicious.

But perhaps Paul’s most important reason for counselling the church at Rome to support the government of the day was because he saw Rome as God’s tool for keeping the lid on an otherwise hopelessly explosive situation.

Paul believed in using the peaceful situation that prevailed during

VIEWPOINT Community members, teachers, and students SUBMIT YOUR ARTWORK for a chance to be featured each week! Submit your art to newsroom@merrittherald.com. Submissions are printed on a first come, first served basis. Autumn Bangsund, grade 8 2090 GRANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE 250-378-4241 MERRITT HERALD Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. This Merritt Herald is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact newsroom@merrittherald.com or call (250) 378-4241. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at www.mediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information. Publisher Theresa Arnold publisher@merrittherald.com 250-378-4241 Sales Representative/Office Administrator Ken Couture kcouture@aberdeenpublishing.com 250-378-4241 Making Advertising Work For You. Editor Marius Auer newsroom@merrittherald.com 250-378-4241
Canada’s national
Page 7 A6 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com
You Gotta Have FAITH

LETTERS to the editor Looking for a new “Friend”


Hello Merritt and area friends!

My name is Chelsea Werrun and I help run the local Merritt Friends of the Library. We are a small grassroots group of individuals that support the Library. I am looking for an interested individual to take over the Friends of the Library program in Merritt. There is no formal

From Page 6

Rome’s rule of his time, pax Romana, to the advantage of the gospel.

As long as there was peace, Paul saw greater opportunity to spread the gospel. In Paul’s mind, the Roman government was helping him to do his missionary work.

For this reason, the wise Christian would always try to help, not hinder, the state.

society and the position is very much driven by you, working in collaboration with our library.

Our Friends of the Library (FoL) group started in 2000 when the Merritt Library was built. A small group of dedicated individuals started the FoL project to help provide the space with new furniture. FoL was successful in their endeavor, and raised over $40,000 for the

And so, Paul gives a refresher course on good citizenship in Romans 13: Obey the laws of the land, cooperate with the authorities, pay your taxes, and give honour to high offices.

The Christian citizen’s first question is not: What are my rights? Am I getting justice? His first concern is: Am I living by the law of love?

The Christian who lives by the law of love does not see authorities as a threat. Nor does he see imperfections or

library and continue to support the library with new initiatives and programs that are not always covered by the Library budget.The goal of FoL is to encourage all citizens to use the wonderful community space. Membership is $5 for life and supports the mini train operations, guest speakers, presentations and new programs including 2023 Newcomers’ Tea, and

even gross errors in government as reasons to riot or demonstrate unlawfully.

On the other hand, the Christian is not a bystander in his society. Actually, he should be in the thick of the battle for justice, morality and righteousness.

But the Christian operates with a different motive. He seeks justice for all, yes, but justice is primarily a negative concept based on avoiding or preventing the doing of wrongs to others.

the recent Wildflowers & More talk June 20th.

Please feel free to share with anyone you may know that would be interested they can contact me directly for more information.

Chelsea Werrun

250-936-9015 or nvlibraryfriends @gmail.com

The law of love goes beyond justice. It seeks the positive doing of good to others. It is the only law a Christian needs.

If we are looking for a life verse, we might consider Romans 13:14: Ask the Lord to help you live as you should and don’t make plans to enjoy evil (LB).

“God keep our land…” Happy 143rd, Canada!

AUER: redefining what it means to adventure this summer

FromtheHerald archives: June, 1990


Canada Day in Merritt was celebrated with cake, games, prizes, and loud, colorful fireworks.

On Sunday, a group of youngsters participated in the bike rodeo which was organized by the Rocky Mountain Rangers with the help of the RCMP.

Mountain bikes were offered as prizes for the top riders in each age group.

What are your plans this summer? I can tell you what mine are not: joining an expedition to the wreck of the Titanic in a private

submarine. I have been very successful at avoiding any kind of news in the recent weeks; my husband is interested in what’s going on in the world and he keeps me in the loop with anything he thinks might interest me. I am not sure why he thought I need to know about a submarine getting lost during an expedition to what remains of the Titanic – I don’t even go on a regular boat without being sedated due to motion sickness – but he shared it with me anyway. Apparently, there is a company that offered submarine rides for $250,000 per person, and there is no happy ending; the

submarine imploded and all five people on board died. Tragic, but nothing I really worry about, because I would never do that. And if you would do that, then we could not be friends because you would find me insufferably boring.

My ideal summer adventure involves knitting (preferably outside) and spending time with the people I love. Sounds like an everyday thing? It is. Because how you spend your days is how you spend your life and I don’t want to reserve special moments for the summer. There are not many things we can control in life, but how we choose to spend our free

time is one thing we have control over. The relationship we have with ourselves and the people we love is the most important thing in life, it’s what defines us; it’s one of the key indicators for longevity and happiness. I don’t want to participate in a world where a good life is measured by how extravagant my summer was. Family BBQ over thrill seeking? I’m here for it. Splash park over casino? Sign me up. Backyard fire over adrenaline? You got it. I’m fully embracing the joy of missing out this summer and by doing that I won’t miss any of the important things in life.


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Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name and address.

Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.

OPINION Speak up You can comment on any story you read @ merrittherald.com
THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A7 www.merrittherald.com Two week SPECIAL EAT IN OR TAKE OUT Star ting June 29 - July 12, 2023 HOURS: Monday to Friday: 10:30 am to 6 pm 250-378-6292 2052 Quilchena Ave. BUTTER CHICKEN • SAMOSAS • FRESH FISH & CHIPS HOT SOUPS, FRESH SALADS, COLD SANDWICHES AVAILABBLE! 1450 + tax Large Poutine and pop Only..... 14 50 Bacon Cheeseburger with fries & Gravy Only..... + tax Club House with fries and gravy Only..... 14 50 + tax








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• Full-Size Gymnasium

• Library

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THE LOWER NICOLA BAND SCHOOL INVITES ALL CHILDREN (First Nations/Non First Nations) To Register for Kindergarten to Grade 7 Education Comes

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A8 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com
Lower Nicola Indian Band School
Education Comes


Merritt Secondary grad weekend a success


It was all Pomp and Circumstance as the Merritt Secondary School (MSS) Panthers graduating class held their annual graduation march and ceremony on Thursday (June 22). Over 100 students graduated from the school this year, ending a thirteen year educational journey, with the real journey just beginning.

Graduates gathered for photos and conversations with peers and family on school grounds, before embarking on a policeescorted march through the downtown core to the ceremony site at the Nicola Valley Memorial Arena. The ceremony was presided over by MSS Vice-Principal Gian Cavaliere, and included speeches and bursary presentations by district and school staff, local community groups, elected officials, and local Indigenous representation in the form of drumming and a prayer to open the ceremony.

Cavaliere noted that ensuring the red carpet is rolled out for graduates is key to ensuring the community retains them.

“We only have one high school in this town, and I always feel that the high school should be the heart of the community, so I think it’s important that our youth are celebrated, and it’s done in the right way, so that a lot of them will stay in Merritt,” said Cavaliere, whose own nephew graduated this year as well.

“I think we lose a lot of our kids to other locations and other opportunities, and then some come back, but it would be great if more came back and helped be a part of that goal, and help lay that same foundation for future kids. It’s important that kids are show love and care, and that

We a re exci ted to announce D r. Jae Cho w i l l be joi n i ng Cascade Fam i l y Denta l on Ju l y 17t h as a fu l l-t i me dent i s t.

even though you graduated, it doesn’t mean we’re going away, if you need support or help, we’re always going to be here.”

Throughout the course of the ceremony, graduates collected their diplomas and moved their tassels before walking down the aisle through the crowd filled with proud parents, friends, family, and community members. The school also hands out tens of thousands in scholarships and bursaries, including more than a dozen to students who will study at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology’s Merritt campus this fall through the school’s Immediate Entry Bursary.

Following the ceremony and traditional toss of graduate’s caps, graduates joined their families to celebrate the occasion and take photos. On Saturday, graduates gathered once again for the annual grad parade and subsequent prom, with this year’s theme being Hollywood. Grads dressed up and were escorted by a number of vehicles and other transportation methods in a procession through downtown Merritt, where hundreds gathered to cheer on their successes.

“This has been a 13 year journey for these students, so it does need to be a really special event,” said Dave Andersen, also a vice-principal at the school. “They’ve put in years and years of hard work to get here. It should be special for the students and for the families too, I think it’s important to honour all of those families’ contributions, and community people that put time and energy into raising these young people. It’s just a great celebration for our whole community.”

MSS graduation is a collaborative effort between the school district, MSS, students, teachers, and parents who put in countless hours to ensure the success of students is celebrated on a large scale.

D r Cho i s th r i l led to be joi n i ng the Me r r it t commun it y! Ra i sed i n Vancouve r, he at tended the Un ive r sit y of B r iti sh Col umbia w he re he ea r ned h i s Docto r of Denta l Med ici ne deg ree. Seei ng h i s patients sm i le b r i ngs h i m i mmense p r ide, and he a l ways st r ives to del ive r exceptiona l results. D r Cho’s t reatment ph i losophy revolves a round patientcente red ca re, w he re you r opi n ions and conce r ns a re a l ways va l ued and hea rd. You r comfo r t and wel l - bei ng a re h i s top p r io r ities. D r. Cho i s excited to wo r k a longside the wonde r ful team at Cascade Denta l to p rovide comp rehensive denta l ca re to the residents of Me r r it t and w i l l be accepti ng new patients.

I n D r Cho’s f ree ti me, you’l l of ten fi nd h i m on the golf cou r se, enjoy i ng the outdoo r s and refi n i ng h i s sk i l l s on the fa i r way. He a l so loves snowboa rd i ng, play i ng g uita r, and spend i ng qua l it y ti me w ith h i s bo rde r col l ie, Roy

The Merritt Secondary School graduating class of 2023 poses for a photo on the school’s field as they begin marching to the Nicola Valley Memorial Arena, escorted by RCMP, for their grad ceremony. Matthias Wiegan/Herald
THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A9 www.merrittherald.com
#110-1700 Garcia St. (Located downtown in the Railyard Mall) Cascade Family Dental welcomes you to contact us, for your dental emergencies 250-378-4000
New patients always welcome!

Kittens rescued from Lower Nicola Eco-Depot

It was a happy ending for a bundle of kittens that were found at the Thompson Nicola Regional District (TNRD) EcoDepot waste facility in Lower Nicola, as the found felines will soon find their forever home.

According to the TNRD, the five kittens, just weeks old, were found inside a wood waste crib on site after being heard by staff nearby. Workers at the site rescued the kittens, who received veterinary care in Merritt before being handed over to the Nicola Valley Animal Rescue.

“The kittens are approximately 1-2

weeks old, and were born feral with no previous owners,” wrote the regional district in a social media post. “Staff on site rescued the kittens, and they are now receiving veterinary care in Merritt, and will eventually find a home.”

The TNRD clarified that it believes the kittens were not dumped at the waste facility, but rather born to a feral mother.

“Thank you to staff for going above and beyond to bring the kittens to safety, while also continuing to support customers at the busiest TNRD solid waste facility!”

For more information on the Nicola Valley Animal Rescue, visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ groups/1754477741492055.


Amaral, Jessica

Ardiel, Monica

Bermingham, Amanda

Billy, Katherine

Bishop, Lindsay

Blades, Rhys

Boesem, Emily Brown, Skylar

Campbell, Cory Clark, Colin

Clarke, Loretta

De Marni, T Durech, Adam Evans, Ryan

Ferster, Hugh

Hulka, Abigail

Humphreys, Cooper

Kleemaier, Manoah

Liang, Krystal

MacLean, Sarah

Madzarovic, Tatijana

Merenick, Diego

Miller, Bryce

Moss, Carson

Nestel, Zoey

Nixon, Maxwell, Osborne, Lexie

Pasay, Sage

P Peterse, Sarah

Radloff, Christopher

Sayles, Joseph

Shkrabuik, Peyten

Van Rensburg, Nathan Ware, Reilly

Willgress, Miste

Winwood, Kate

Woodward, Brianna York, Kaelan

Collingridge, Casey

Klymchuk, Andrew

Mack, James Rempel-Price, Alexander Spychalski, Jordan


The kindle of kittens was found by staff at the Thompson Nicola Regional District’s Lower Nicola Eco-Depot on Friday (June 23) morning. Photo/TNRD
A10 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com
NEWS Online Auctions • Retail Galler y of Ar t, Potter y, Textiles, Accessories 4th Meridian Art & Auctions Online Galler y & Shop: w w w . 4 t h m e r i d i a n . c a info@4thmeridian.ca Visit in person: Thurs - Sat CALL or check Website for current hours #104 1475 Fair view Rd, Penticton inside the historic Canner y Trade Centre Accepting Consignments: ART, POTTERY, small furnishings unexpected & curious finds
LEARN AT HOME. Visit our website for more infor mation https://www.scides.org
Principal Dan Duncan, the staff of SCIDES and the SCIDES PAC would like to congratulate…
Central Interior Distance Education School DISTRICT AUTHORITY SCHOLARSHIP ($1250) Abby Hulka Sage Pasay Reilly Ware SCIDES PAC SCHOLARSHIPS ($750) Abby Hulka Diego Merenick Sage Pasay NICOLA VALLEY PRINCIPALS’ & VICE-PRINCIPALS’ ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP ($500) Abby Hulka CITY OF MERRITT SCHOLARSHIP Reilly Ware EVES FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Reilly Ware Congratulations CLASS of

Logan Lake’s 39th grad

On Friday, June 4, 2023, parents, stepparents, grandmas, grandpas, friends and acquaintances all gathered in the Logan Lake Elementary Secondary School (LLESS) gym to honour and celebrate the graduation of a group of students who have, for the most part, been together since Kindergarten. At the same time, Logan Lakers, past and present, were gifted with the opportunity to share in the school’s 39th graduation ceremony, which first began in June of 1984.

Corporal Jarett Duncan led both staff members and award presenters into the gym and who were followed by the members of the grad class, who arrived to a mixture of smiles, tears, and cheers. Then guests and grads were led in the singing of the national anthem by a fabulous LLESS performer, Sienna-Marie Lobb.

First among the special guests to bring words of wisdom, life. and humour was Ms. Vessy Mochikas who, prior to becoming the Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive Education for School District #73, started as LLESS principal at the same time this year’s class began their education journey in Kindergarten, marking many milestones which were to come including: “a balance of fun and hard work while recognizing the support given you by ALL those who have supported you on your educational journey”.

Representing the Board of Trustees at School District #73 was Ms. McKelvey who, while acknowledging the dark shadows brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, recognized that the class of 2023, soldiered on with an extraordinary ability to shine!

Mayor Robin Smith, herself a LLESS grad, verbally and emotionally recognized family, friends, teachers and the larger community who together supplied these young people with advice such as: learn the best you can from your mistakes, be sure to thank those who have helped you, and fly physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

The MLA for Fraser Nicola, Jackie Tegart, shared the thought, “if you follow all the rules, you won’t have fun, but follow the important ones so you’ll be successful

and happy.”

The always inspiring commencement address came this year from LLESS Vice Principal Mr. John Blakley, who offered memories from the long ago year, 2005, when grads were born.

Most importantly, Mr. Blakley offered encouraging statements including this one:

“Over the past 13 years, you have been a part of a team: a team of family, friends, and teaching staff. This team has been working with you to find your passion, to embrace your skills, and for you to become a better person. And, let me tell you again, the real reason for school is to give you one very competitive skill – and that is the ability to learn. So, take the tools you’ve been given and journey through life as a learner because if you commit to lifelong learning then your success is limitless. And, now is the time to show that you have developed into the caring, capable and courageous individuals we know you can be.”

Then, an exciting and emotional highlight of the evening came with Mr. Collins presenting the commencement diplomas to the grads followed by Summer Fox delivering the Valedictory Address.

Then it was time to go to the bank, with Summer Fox winning the following school and business awards: District Authority Award, LL Secondary School Fellowship Award, Kamloops Thompson Principals and Vice Principals Association Award, KTTA School-Based Bursary, Nicola Valley Institute of Technology bursary, the Kamloops Honda Bursary, the Carson Murray Memorial Scholarship, awards from the Logan Lake Fire Department, the Logan Lake Arts Council, the Logan Lake Community Forest Company, Logan Lake Lions Club, the United Steelworkers, Local 7619, and Logan Lake Realty.

Also sharing in the financial reward was Rylan Falcone, with the Spectra 500 Top Science Student Award with at least 900 hours of work in trades and two others, including one from a long-time community and school supporter, Logan Lake Realty.

And, the evening with its theme of A Winter’s Night came to an end copying the beginning, with an emotional mixture of smiles, tears and cheers! Don’t forget, grads, Logan Lake will always be your hometown!

The Logan Lake graduating class of 2023 throws their caps in celebration. Photo/Barrie Ogden
THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A11 www.merrittherald.com
2023 Congratulations CLASS of 2023 from Merritt Central PAC

SCIDES celebrates grad with hybrid ceremony

Highlighting student success locally and across the province, Merritt’s own distance education school hosted a sunny outdoor ceremony to celebrate their class of 2023. South Central Interior Distance Education School (SCIDES) is located on Merritt Avenue, and serves students from across the province as a provincial online learning school.

Principal Dan Duncan led the festivities on Thursday (June 22), which featured a small ceremony of 11 graduates that were able to make it in person. A total of 46 students graduated from SCIDES this academic year, and all graduate names were read out during the ceremony. The event started with a prayer and drumming song from Nooaitch Elder Esther Shackelly, followed by a rendition of O Canada by three SCIDES teachers. This was followed by School District 58 superintendent Stephen McNiven’s address, and then Duncan’s own.

“This is a special day, a very, very special day, and it’s not just because of the students sitting in those chairs right now, it’s for us as well,” Duncan told the crowd.

“Anybody in this game, that is our ultimate goal, to produce graduates and productive members of society. It’s what we strive for, so anybody in that works in this system, this is a huge day for us, we get to actually see physically the culmination of

what we do and what we strive for.”

Graduates were then presented with their diplomas, a blanket, and a bouquet of flowers by district trustees and SCIDES staff. The school also handed out a number of bursaries and scholarships to highlight student success and support future learning endeavours, such as post-secondary education.

During his address, Superintendent McNiven stressed the importance of taking challenges and turning them into opportunities, a skill he had no doubt the class of 2023 had acquired throughout their education.

“If you look at the list of graduates in your document, there’s 46 students who have all taken a different path, had a different experience, and have worked extremely hard to be here,” said McNiven to attendees.

“Graduates, you are entering a world now where there are more opportunities than ever before, and sometimes they look daunting, no doubt, but I’m confident that with your life experiences, what you’ve learned through the schools you’ve attended, including SCIDES and the important work they’ve done to provide you with skills and abilities, you have what it takes to face challenges head-on and turn them into opportunities.”

SCIDES is one of two local schools offering secondary education, with the other being Merritt Secondary School (MSS), which also held its graduation ceremony later Thursday.

A total of 11 graduates attended the in-person ceremony for SCIDES, a distance education school, but their total number of grads is much higher. Photo/Merritt Pro Photo
A12 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA
NEWS Help f ill gaps in BC Government ser vices. Take the BC Demographic Sur vey Visit antiracism.gov.bc.ca/BCDemographicSur vey or scan the QR code Take the BC Demographic Sur vey. Information collec ted will help us identif y inequities in government ser v ices and improve access for more people. We need people of all backgrounds to par ticipate. Do your par t to help address s y s temic racism and make BC more equit able and inclusi ve.
THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A13 www.merrittherald.com m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a • 3 7 8 - 6 1 6 6 • m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a #3416 $418,900 1376 PARCEL STREE T Fresh y renovated 4 bedr m 2 bath home located close to shopping and nearby amen ties Has ecent upgrades such as new furnace H/W tank fresh pa nt floor ng & roof Amp e room or RV park ng w th a arge fenced back yard w th attached garage #3420 $399,900 1164 HOUSTON STREE T Move n ready 2 bedr m 2 bath rancher w th a fu y fenced & n ce y andscaped ya d Bright l v ng room & for ma d n ng room w th bay w ndows Upgraded A/C furnace & newer appl ances RV parking #3411 $899,000 3383 WILDROSE WAY New custom bu lt home with 3 bedr ms up 3 down 3 baths open concept v ng d ning & k tchen area overlooks the c ty w th spectacular views The basement s eady & p umbed for a suite GST app es #3395 $949,900 2515 ABERDEEN ROAD Pr vate and peacefu 3 bed m 2 bath home on 3 65 acres w th severa outbu ld ngs Shop s app ox 1000 sq ft Has fenced garden a ea ch cken coop and detached bu d ng w th carport & wo kshop area 2 we s #3401 $625,000 2625 QUILCHENA AVENUE 9 bedrm uxury execut ve home great fo a arge fam ly Has arge grand entrance w th spi a sta case open iv ng/d n ng rooms 4 bed ms & 3 baths up arge fam y room A so has 2 bedrm g ound eve su te #3404 $499,000 1840 GRANITE AVENUE Charm ng 3 bedroom 2 bath home ocated n p me ocat on Th s we ma n a ned p operty boasts beaut fu andscap ng & curb appeal Has bonus space o enc osed sunroom Has enchant ng pat o a ea for summer BBQ s Doug Beech (O wner) 250-378-7392 Don Gossoo Managing Broker Bailee Allen 250-315-9648 Brad Yakimchuk Per sonal Real E st ate C orporation 250-315-3043 Jared Thomas 778-694-6804 #102, 2840 Voght Street, Box 236 Merritt, B.C. V1K 1B8 Moving Real E state BC LTD. CEN T U RY 21 ® movingrealestate.c21.ca 250-378-6166 |1-877-841-2100 #3403 $769,900 1531 COWAN WAY L ke new 2 sto ey home n good area w th open concept on ma n floor spac ous k tchen w th Quartz counters & S/S app ances gas F/P n l v ng room 4 bedr ms up 3 baths and master bedr m w th 3 pce ensu te & W/ c oset Has EV out et or electr c car RV park ng #3425 $679,900 1580 CHESTNUT AVENUE West Coast contemporary 3 bedr m 1705 sq ft rancher w th 10 ft ce ings open concept iv ng d n ng & k tchen Kitchen has huge is and quartz countertops S/S app ances Centra A/C Huge maste bedr m w th 5 pce ensu te & W/I c oset Fu y landscaped fenced back yard #3418 $325,000 6411 MONCK PARK RD Located ust 3 hrs rom Vancouver th s 1 05 ac e ot on Nico a Lake s where you cou d en oy the ong hot summers The nearby boat launch and ove y Second Beach means you cou d be on the wate n minutes Th s dream bu d ng lot s wa t ng or you! #3264 $1 ,800,000 2845 NEIL SON STREE T 15 9 acre s te ocated n Merr tt’s c ty l m ts and border ng the Coldwater R ver Amaz ng opportun ty Has c ty water & sewe connect ons Incred b e potentia fo the future w th a zon ng change Cal for more deta s #3397 $525,000 1769 SPRING STREE T Br ght & cheery basement entry home n good a ea & w th n walking d stance to amen t es 3 bedr ms up & 1 down Home s n top cond t on & ready to move nto La ge l v ng room br ght gal ey k tchen covered sundeck & RV park ng #3431 $854,900 2770 PEREGRINE WAY Fantast c v ews f om th s two storey h gh end home featur ng open concept sty e v ng 3 arge bedrms 3 baths zeroscape andscape unfin shed basement and 2 car garage Has beaut u k tchen w th Quar z counter tops s and and F ench doors opening to pat o #3439 $665,000 1524 COWAN WAY Qua ty bu t 1304 sq t anche s very des ab e a ea o o he qua y homes G eat home for e ree o young p o ess ona s Newe home n mmacu a e cond t on & move- n ready w h open k tchen k tchen v ng & d n ng K tchen has a ge s and & W/ pan ry Mas e bed m has 3 pce ensu te Fenced back ya d RV park ng #3430 $659,900 2070 ASPEN STREE T Wel bu l home n n ce ne ghbourhood on cu de sac be ng so d by or g na owne Th s home features 3 bed ms w th potent a for 2 mo e 3 baths open concept k tchen/d n ng and iv ng room w th gas F/P N ce y andscaped & fenced back yard C ose to schoo & odeo ground #3432 $125,000 #29, 1401 NICOL A AVENUE Na u a ght fo days open concept updated & brand new appl ances are ust some of the features n h s ove y 2 bedrm modu ar home n E dorado MH Park Short wa k to tenn s cou ts o go cou se Pad rent $380 95 pe mon #3402 $699,900 2126 PRIEST AVENUE Recent y bu t 3 bedr m 2 bath fam ly home with 2 bedr m ega su te n bsmt plus 32x24 shop 2 car garage & RV park ng Features sunroom off k tchen gas fireplace A/C C ose to shopp ng #3435 $410,000 SL .23, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL In very des rable area th s 9042 sq ft strata lot has fantast c v ews of N co a Lake and mountains Serv ces are to prope ty ne GST s app icab e Ca for more deta ls #3422 $84,900 #25, 1500 SPRING STREE T Th s 1970 one 1 mob e n Spr ng s and MH Park has ust had a renovat on w th new floor ng k tchen cabinets pa nt bathroom new app ances p us new plumbing nsulation drywal & e ectr ca upgrade #3436 $285,000 SL .28, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Bu d your dream home on this 10 516 sq ft st ata ot n new deve opment on N co a Lake Fan ast c v ew and access to the wate St ata fees are $125 per month & month y ut ty fees are $131 02 GST appl es Ca for more deta ls #3299 $275,000 SL .5, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Great place to bu d your dream home n th s st ata ot deve opment on N co a Lake Fantast c v ews and access to wa er A l se v ces are to the property ne GST s app cab e Ca for more deta s #3298 $285,000 SL 4, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Fan ast c v ews from th s strata ot on N co a Lake per fect fo you d eam home or recreat on retreat Grea v ews and access to water A serv ces are o the prope ty ne GST s app cab e #3400 $749,900 1537 COWAN WAY 2 storey mmacu ate home w th open concept sty e k tchen w th Quartz counters 4 bed ooms up w th ve y nice master bedroom & 3 pce ensu te w th walk- n c oset Back yard s fenced & yard is n ce y andscaped #3408 $999,999 2201 BURGESS AVENUE Beaut fu 4 bedrm fami y home on 0 64 acre n des rab e area Home features open concept floo p an master bedrm has 5 pce ensu te Open k tchen has arge is and & S/S app iances Bonus room ove garage Has detached shop & RV park ng #3429 $325,000 1413 CANFORD AVENUE Don t be foo ed by the exter or th s charming character home has 2 bedrms, 1 bath and s tastefu y updated ns de C ose to schoo s dog park track & r ver tra ls Zoned R2 a ows for a ca riage house or shop n back #3428 $2,646,000 LOT 7, MIDDAY VALLE Y RD 3 78 Acres of M-1 (Light Industr a ) and Subject to C ty of Merritt approva of subd v s on Located on truck route Serv ces at ot l ne Ca l L st ng Agent for more deta ls #3438 $125,000 #9, 3260 SUNSE T STREE T Cute & cozy 2 bed oom mobi e n Sunny V ew T ai e Cou t a 55+ park Has approx 763 sq ft p us a 332 sq ft add t on unheated Home has had some reno’s over past years Ya d s fencd Pad rent is $310 per month #3406 $549,999 Fantast c fami y home on the Bench c ose to e ementary schoo hosp ta & park On corner lot this home has 5 bedr ms 3 baths arge rec r m w th woodstove Fenced back yard w th RV parking fire pit & arge gazebo 2163 PARKER DRIVE #3413 $284,800 2 bedroom 2 bath home w th oads of potent a on corner lot and centra ocat on zoned R2 Needs updated but has good so d home w th basement Easy wa k to shopp ng, arena, post office As is where s 2075 CHAPMAN STREE T #3348 $450,000 LOT 1 , MIDDAY VALLE Y RD Attent on House Bu lders – a Deve opment property w th R3 zon ng (Sma Parce Res dent a ) of approx 5 ac es in size and pr ced to se at c ose to assessment value #3424 $259,900 2707 PEREGRINE WAY This 9903 sq f ot n Grandv ew He ghts subd v s on o fers fantas c v ews or on Moun a n and N cola Va ey C ose to f eeway access & ocal amen t es Ve y des able Bench area w h south ac ng sunny s ope Approved subd Deve opmen house p ans & wo k ng d aw ngs avai #3409 $215,000 #315, 1703 MENZIES ST Why rent when you can own? Great 2 bed oom apartment great for first t me buye s or as an nvestment property Has ba cony & sto eage Strata fees $262 94 per month #3419 $989,900 6377 MONCK PARK RD Spectacu a N co a Lake v ew home on 1 05 acres w h open concept w h a wa kout basement and detached garage Home has 2 bed ms up 2 down 3 baths gourme k chen v ng oom w th F/P A/C p aw ng cove ed deck ra sed garden beds ru rees & RV park ng #3427 $949,900 2760 PEREGRINE WAY Spec acu a 4 bed m Bench home w th panoram c v ews Th s custom bu t home had open des gn p an k chen w th S/S app ances & Quartz counters master bedrm w th 5 pce ensu te fu y fin basement w th fam y rm & bedrm #3434 $399,900 #8, 1717 GRANITE AVE Adu t v ng n this char m ng 2 bedr m 2 bath townhouse nest ed in the sen o -or ented Woodlane V lage comp ex Has upgraded floor ng on the ma n and downsta rs is an unfinished bsmt Strata fees are $400 per month SOLD REDUCED Call us for a Market Evaluation of your home.


Upper Nicola Band signs historic BC Hydro agreement

A long awaited solar project near Merritt is one step closer to harnessing the power of the sun after the Okanagan Nation Alliance (ONA) and Upper Nicola Band (UNB) signed a historic agreement with BC Hydro.

Under the terms of the new Electricity Purchase Agreement (EPA), the UNB and ONA have jointly developed a groundbreaking 15MWac solar project located on Upper Nicola Band’s Nicola Lake IR No.1, situated 30 kilometers northeast of Merritt, in close proximity to the BC Hydro Nicola substation. The EPA was committed to under the Interior Lower Mainland Final Agreement, which was reached between UNB, ONA, and BC Hydro in 2011.

After signing the new agreement on Friday (June 23), UNB Chief Dan Manuel said in a press release that he was hopeful that the project was the start of further meaningful action on environmental issues.

“We are excited to bring this historic solar project into reality after many years of project development and negotiation with BC Hydro,” said Manuel.

“It is a testament to our shared commitment to environmental stewardship and

sustainable development. Together, we are paving the way for a greener future while creating economic benefits for our people. As we move toward net-zero emissions globally it is projects like this that set the foundation for meaningful participation of Indigenous communities.”

The new solar plant will will interconnect to the BC Hydro distribution system, further bolstering the region’s renewable energy capacity. According to the press release, the solar plant will be one of the largest in B.C. at over 100 acres. Officials with the ONA said that the project is located in an energy corridor, and will not only contribute to the province’s cleaner energy goals, but also generate economic opportunities and job creation for local communities.

ONA’s tribal chair said the new deal marked a significant milestone for the Syilx Okanagan Nation.

“We are proud to be at the forefront of renewable energy initiatives, and this solar project exemplifies our dedication to self-sufficiency and the well-being of all Syilx communities,” added Chief Clarence Louie.

While a timeline for completion of the project is not yet available, officials hope to break ground as soon as possible on the historic new project.




As a Proper t y Manager, your main responsibilit y is ensuring that each rental proper t y runs smoothly and ef ficiently S ome of the Key Duties include:

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Upper Nicola Chief Dan Manuel (second from L) waits his turn to sign the historic agreement with BC Hydro. Photo/Okanagan Nation Alliance
A14 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com

Junior reporter reflects on news experience

an amazing group of people. I have learned about the field of journalism that I have been able to apply towards my in-school academics, while spending only one to two hours a week working on articles, and a 15-minute lunch hour meeting once a week. Working on these articles and collaborating with my classmates, friends, and my cousin has been fun and easy.

Parcel Tax Review

Parcel Taxes are imposed for Water and Sewer. The roll is available for inspection at City Hall (2185 Voght St) during the City’s regular office hours

Any person who owns a parcel and believes that the roll should be amended regarding that parcel may appeal, on one or more of the four following grounds:

• an error or omission respecting a name or address on the parcel tax roll

When I was approached by the English teachers at Merritt Secondary School (MSS) to write for the Merritt Herald as a junior reporter, I was unsure about the opportunity. It seemed like it would be just another task to commit to, and my life was already too busy. Nonetheless, I decided to give it a shot as I figured it would look good on a resume one day. This is true, it has set me above every other applicant for scholarships. But it has turned into more than that throughout the past year with

A huge thanks goes out to Izaiah Reyes for leading the program at the beginning of the year, and to Marius Auer for taking over the program halfway through the year. The skills learnt and the memories made have all been thanks to your time and effort to help lead the program. As I venture into adulthood and post-secondary education, I am able to stand out amongst my peers thanks to this program. For those of you that want an opportunity to learn, report, and create, this is the place for you. I cannot wait to read the paper in future years and see more young voices being heard through the Junior Newspaper Reporters at the Merritt Herald.

• an error or omission respecting the inclusion of a parcel

• an error or omission respecting the taxable area or the taxable frontage of a parcel

• an exemption has been improperly allowed or disallowed

If you wish to appeal, you must inform the City in writing no later than 5:00 pm on Sunday, July 9, 2023 You may provide this notice:

• In-person at City Hall

• By letter clearly marked PARCEL TAX APPEAL 2023 to Box 189, 2185 Voght St, Merritt BC, V1K1B8

• By emailing parceltaxes@merritt ca

THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A15 www.merrittherald.com NICOLA VALLEY NEWS Your hearing helps you stay connec ted to those who matter most, enjoy all the sights and sounds around you, and maintain a good qualit y of life Get your hearing check ed by a licensed hearing care professional at your local Connec t Hearing clinic Don’t miss out on the sounds that you love. Check your hearing. Book your FREE* hearing test today! 1. 888. 850.9979 • connec thearing.ca VAC, WCB, WSIB ADP & ODSP accepted Par t of the WorkSafeBC provider network ®CAA and CAA logo trademarks owned by, and use s authorized by, the Canadian Automobi e Assoc ation. CAA RewardsTM used by the Canadian Automobi e Association. Hearing evaluations/tests are free for all customers over the age of 50. Some conditions and exclusions may apply See clinic or details.†Based on na iona physician referrals over the tenure of the corporation s Canadian business operations compared o the d sclosed referral count of eading competitors ‡Save up to $2,000 on a pair of Select technology level Sonova hearing aids; 15% off Advan ed level; and 10% off S andard eve with a valid CAA membership This offer s a tiered reba e determined by which evel of Sonova Hearing Technology purchased Offer exp res September 30 2023 Some conditions apply See clinic for details S ave up to $2,000 on a pair of Selec t level hearing aids
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TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2023 | 5:00PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS | CITY HALL | 2185 VOGHT ST W W W . M E R R I T T . C A This Notice is published in under section 94 of the Communit y Char ter Note: this is the first of t wo consecutive Public Notices PANEL


Council axes fee for name reclamation

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City council passed the change unanimously at their June 13 regular meeting, with the exception of Councillor Dana Egan, who was not present. Photo/Herald File

Kerstin Auer


Merritt City Council passed an amendment to the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2355 during their regular June 13 meeting, waiving the fingerprinting fee for Indigenous persons in the Merritt area reclaiming their ancestral name. The vote in favour of the change was unanimous, with the exception of Councillor Dana Egan, who was not present.

“In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada made 94 Calls to Action in order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation,” said Greg Lowis, director of corporate services for the City of Merritt, during the meeting.

“Call to Action 17 called upon all levels of government to enable residential school survivors and their families to reclaim names changed by the residential system by waiving administrative costs for a five year period for the name-change process and the revision of official identity documents.”

Other agencies involved in a name change, such as the Vital Statics Agency, previously already waived their fees; the City of Merritt still required payment of $55 for the mandatory fingerprinting process up until now. Taking fingerprints is a required step in the name change process and while the RCMP does the fingerprinting, the fee for it was charged by the city.

“The City of Merritt has been working to advance reconciliation in

recent years, and is cognizant that changes need to be made in order for this to continue. As things stand, a person dealing with the Federal, Provincial, and Municipal governments in order to reclaim an Indigenous name in the Merritt area would only need to pay administrative fees to the City, and if that continues then it could call into question our commitment to reconciliation,” added Lowis.

After the unanimous vote of all councillors present, the fee is now waived, clearing any financial hurdles for those who wish to reclaim their ancestral name. The bylaw amendment is part of the City’s ongoing efforts to prioritize reconciliation with local First Nations, as laid out in Section 6 of the Official Community Plan Update 2020-2021.

The community plan document also calls for a Merritt Reconciliation Action Plan to be developed in collaboration with First Nations. Further objectives are the creation of opportunities for public education and storytelling around Indigenous culture and history, providing Indigenousinformed training as well as intercultural competency and anti-racism training for council and city staff, and working with local First Nations to incorporate Indigenous language and arts into wayfinding and signage, street, park, and civic facilities naming, reads the document.

The full document can be viewed on the City of Merritt’s website: http://www.merritt.ca/wp-content/ uploads/2021/10/section-6.pdf.

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A16 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com

Nicola Valley skaters shine at annual awards day

The Nicola Valley Skating Club recently wrapped up their current season and quickly jumped into planning for their next with their annual general meeting and awards ceremony. Students successes in CanSkate, Figure Skating and PowerSkating programs were highlighted, including the presentation of more than 20 awards.

The following trophies, medals, and plaques were presented to skaters during the awards ceremony last month at the Civic Centre:

Most Improved - Club Trophy and Keeper medal

CanSkate - Katie Nelson

Junior STAR - Addison Illingsworth

STARskate - Meera Dutt

Skater of the Year - Club Trophy and Keeper medal

STARskate - Abby Thoms

Most dedicated - Keeper Medals

CanSkate - Gracynn Mackay-Smith, Beck Wilms

Junior - Lillian Heppner, Ailenah


STARskate - Olivia Boone

Most Sportsshiplike - Keeper medal

Avery Starrs

Improved Skaters - Keeper Medals

CanSkate - Maya Dutt

CanSkate - Harleen Bhullar

CanSkate - Addison Boone

Junior STAR - Sloane Mulyk

Junior STAR - Mackenna Forman

Junior STAR - Savannah Cox

Junior Academy - Olivia Kim

STARskate - Claire Lorenz STAR 5

Skills & Ice Dance

STARskate - Iggy Connolly STAR 4

Ice Dance & STAR 4 Skills

STARskate - Everley Russell Freeskate & Ice Dance

PowerSkating - Most Improved - Nico


PowerSkating - Most DedicatedRyker Starrs, Linden Russell

PowerSkating - Dedicated & ImprovedAva Charters, Belle Garcia

Diligent Skater - Keeper medal

STARskate - Aziza Earle

Leadership & Axel Club Awardplaque & Keeper Medals.

Leadership, STARskaters - Jayda Starrs, Claire Lorenz, Abby Thoms

Axel Club - Jayda Starrs

For full results of the awards, including paper awards, check out our online coverage. For more information on the Nicola Valley Skating Club, visit their website at www.nicolavalleysc.uplifterinc.com.

a sports story tip? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing newsroom@merrittherald.com.
THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A17 www.merrittherald.com

WOW what a race weekend! We are overwhelmed with the huge Community Support! Thankyou so much to all our Sponsors, Volunteers, Trail Buildin g Crews, Sweepers, Checkpoints, Orga nizers, Racers & Families, Relay Race Organizers and Manned Crossing Crews, MJ Concession, Marking Vac Truck Services, LN Group, Merritt Printing and 2nd Ave Signs. We couldn’t have done it without you all!


A18 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com

Food bank benefits from Western Family fundraiser

The Nicola Valley and District Food Bank recently received a $1,540 donation from Save On Foods, the proceeds of this year’s Share it Forward campaign.

As the Herald previously reported, the annual Western Family Share it Forward event ran from May 25 to 31, 2023 and 50 percent of net proceeds from any Western Family product sold in store or online went directly to local food banks. At the time, Dan Huang-Taylor, executive director of Foodbanks BC said that the need for support is greater than ever and encouraged everyone to purchase Western Family from May 25 to 31 to support the hundreds of thousands who rely on food banks and hunger relief services across Western Canada every single month.

Derlanda Hewton, general manager of the Nicola Valley and District Food Bank echoes the increased need for support and donations. While upwards of $3,000 have been raised locally in previous years, this year’s donation of $1,540 is appreciated just as much.

“It just helps us pay our bills,” explained Hewton. “We appreciate any donation that

comes in, no matter if it’s $5 - we have someone who gives us $5 monthly - it all helps, and it all goes towards being able to feed the people that need to be helped in the community.”

The local food bank has seen a huge increase in demand over the past year, but unfortunately, not in support and donations. Donations in response to fires and floods as well as emergency funding enabled the food bank to provide to their clients comfortably, but those sources are no longer available. The whole community is feeling the pinch of the current economic reality, and costs have increased for the food bank as they have for everyone else. The latest donation from Save On Food will help pay the bills for one week.

“Our bills for product, it averages out to be about $1,500 per week, that we purchase,” added Hewton.

In addition to more demand from the community, the food bank has also seen a whole new demographic, with seniors and immigrants needing support.

“Seniors are on a limited budget, not all of them are fortunate to have pensions behind them, except for whatever the government pensions are, and it’s kind of sad that they work all their life and they come through our

doors with tears in their eyes because they never thought they would find themselves here,” said Hewton. “We have seen a huge increase in immigrants coming in and needing support. We invite them in, we help them, but it’s just a new demographic that we’re starting to see more of and to be able to help.”

Educating youth about this shift for food banks and how clients are supported in every possible aspect is important. According to a recent Facebook post by the food bank, they welcomed grade 6 and 7 students from Diamondvale Elementary School for a tour to pass on the message that needing to use a food bank is not a shameful experience.

“I really think it’s important to relearn what a food bank does with the people who have the use of the food bank, that it’s changing. The education needs to be out there as to what we do and who we help,” added Hewton.

For more information on the Nicola Valley and District Food Bank, including donation and volunteering opportunities, visit www.nicolavalley-

foodbank.com, or call 250-378-2282.

Fresh fruit and vegetables grown by anyone in the community in their garden are always welcome and can be dropped off during regular business hours. The food bank is located at 2026 Quilchena Avenue, and is currently open Tuesday through Thursday.



Crossroads Community Church 2990 Voght St • 250-378-2911

Ser vice Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m

Merritt Baptist Church

2499 Coutlee Avenue (at Omre)

Sunday ser vice 10 am, Phone (250)378-2464

Merritt Lutheran Fellowship in St. Michael's Anglican Hall • 250-378-9899

Ser vice Time: 3rd Sunday each month 1:00 p m

Sacred Hear t Catholic Church

Corner of Jackson & Blair • 250-378-2919

Mass Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m.

St. Michael’s Anglican Church 1990 Chapman St • 250-378-3772

Ser vice Times: 2nd and 4th Sundays only - 10:00 a.m.

Trinity United Church

Corner of Quilchena & Chapman • 250-378-5735

Ser vice Time ever y Sunday - 10 am

Somang Mission Community Church (SMC)

1755 Coldwater Ave. ( The Cadet Hall)

Sunday Ser vice Time: 4:00 pm • 250-280-1268

Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church

1950 Max well St • 250-378-9502

Ser vice Time: Sundays 9:00 am and 11:00 am

COMMUNITY Do you have a community story idea? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing reporter@merrittherald.com.
A representative of the Nicola Valley Food Bank accepts the donation from this year’s Share it Forward campaign from Save On Foods manager Shawn Ashdown. Photo/Q101
THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A19 www.merrittherald.com ■ A p p r o v e d m i n i - s t o r a g e ■ O n - s i t e r e n t a ■ S e c u r e d ■ S a l e o f N e w & U s e d s t o r a g e c o n t a i n e r s
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David Scott Tweedie McLean

August 3, 1932 - June 9, 2023

We are sad to announce the passing of our father David Scott Tweedie McLean. He is predeceased by his wife of 69 years, Elizabeth (Betty) and is survi by his three sons Stewart, Stephen and Colin as well as two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Dad was born in Glasgow Scotland, and immigrated to Canada in 1957. He moved his family to Merritt in 1959 where he worked as a carpenter during the construction phase of Craigmont Mines He stayed on for 10 years working at Craigmont, then for the next several years worked in other mines in the Yukon and Northern BC He eventually returned to work in Lornex mines, living in Logan Lake His next work took him to the lower mainland where he worked for the City of Chilliwack until his retirement After retiring, Dad taught WCB safety courses until the age of 81.

Dad was a finishing carpenter by trade and was happiest when working with his tools He loved building things for family members or close friends He was a selfless, devoted family man and was always quick to help others when they were in need. Amazingly in his 80’s Dad, with assistance of close friend Larry, wrote and published a biography as a novel detailing his life from childhood. Dad was an exceptional man and we will miss him dearly

We would like to offer our thanks for the kind, compassionate staff working in Gillis House in Merritt who made Dad’s last few years comfortable They are truly amazing people

As per Dad’s wishes, there will be no public service, there will be a family and close friend gathering in mid-August to celebrate his life

Edward Morris Hunter

September 2, 1946 - June 20, 2023

It’s with great sadness I announce the sudden passing of Edward Morris Hunter at the age of 76, born September 2, 1946.

Ed will be fondly remember by his parnter Ardell, son Chad, daughter Kristen, grandchildren Sitarah and Ayden, brothers Keith and Vince and other family members.

Ed was predeceased by his parents Henry and Mary, brother David and sister Sylvia.

Ed worked many years at Highland Valley Copper, he had a love for classic cars and at one time enjoyed fishing.

Service will be held on Thursday, July 6, 2023 - 11 am at Merritt Funeral Chapel, 2113 Granite Avenue, Merritt.


Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.


1. Excited movements 8. Soap opera actress Patsy 13. Unknowing 14. Dangerous mosquitos 15. Exaggerated and sensationalized 19. Military policeman 20. Touch softly 21. Wrap 22. A story of one’s life 23. Midway between east and southeast 24. Toward the mouth or oral region 25. A list of dishes available at a restaurant 26. Changes the meaning of 30. Semitic Sun god 31. Sneaker parts 32. Capital of Zimbabwe 33. Breezed through 34. Partner to pedi 35. Becomes less intense 38. Bottoms 39. Tested 40. Vistas 44. Take care of 45. Traditional rhythmic pattern 46. S. African political party 47. Cologne 48. Men 49. The Science Guy 50. Gospel author (abbr.) 51. Act of signing up 55. Human feet 57. A very short time 58. Streetcars 59. Cuplike cavities 1. A type of pool 2. Malaise 3. Seasoned 4. A pair 5. Young male 6. Make a mistake 7. Experienced 8. It often accompanies injury 9. Old world, new 10. Commercial 11. Course of lectures 12. Promote 16. Female horses 17. Greek mythological figure 18. Small amount 22. Orthodox church altar 25. Actress Tomei 27. Excited 28. Looked directly at 29. Popular cold desserts 30. More reasonable 32. Disk above the head of a saint 34. Devoted to the extreme 35. Make an effort 36. It’s in the surf 37. Member of aboriginal people of Japan 38. Discounts 40. Cliff in Hawaii 41. Extremely wild person 42. All persons 43. Aromas 45. Popular kids’ game 48. A difficult situation 51. Popular Georgia rockers 52. It’s in all living cells 53. Unspoken language 54. ‘Talk to you’ abbreviation 56. Influential lawyer DOWN ACROSS @KamThisWeek Follow us @MerrittHerald A20 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com
Located at 2101 Quilchena Ave (Old Barber Shop) Winter Hours Monday: 1:00 - 4:00pm Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm Friday: By Request Your Recover y Specialists Meghan Blackmore : (250) 574-4574 Sherr y Peterson : (250) 574-4885 www.merritthospice.org Emai : merr tthospice@shaw ca MERRITT & DISTRICT HOSPICE SOCIETY Healing from grief does not mean forgetting. Moving on with life does not mean we do not take part of our lost one with us. P: 250-280-1701 2113 Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC 250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 REGULAR OFFICE HOURS Mon.,Tues., Thurs.&Fri.: 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Ave., Mer Wednesday: 1:00 p m - 6:00 p m www.MerrittFuneralChapel.com ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Celebrating each life like no other On Call 24 Hours ADay Merritt Funeral Chapel
peace my love.
CASUAL CASHIER R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T LEARN MORE 4MERRITT.CA/CAREERS CIT Y O F Work in the Merritt Civic Centre or Nicola Valley Aquatic Centre on an as-needed basis Greet customers, handle point-of-sale transactions, address inquiries, and provide general clerical support
Deadline for placing a classified ad is 5 p.m. on Monday. To place an ad please call 250-378-4241 or email: publisher@merrittherald.com Announcements Announcements In Memoriam In Memoriam Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted



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Sch o o l D i s t r i ct N o 5 8 (N i co l a - S i m i l ka m e e n) s e r ves t h e t wo co m m u n i t i es of M e r r i t t a n d P r i n ceto n, s i x F i r s t N at i o n s B a n d s, t h e M ét i s co m m u n i t y, a n d t h e Co n a y t F r i e n d s h i p So ci et y I n o u r d i s t r i ct, we re co g n i ze t h at we l e a r n, te a ch a n d wo r k o n t h e a n ces t ra l t ra d i t i o n a l a n d u n ce d e d te r r i to r i es of t h e N l e?e Ke p m x a n d Sy i l x p e o p l e, a n d we a ck n ow l e d g e o u r M ét i s co m m u n i t i es a n d t h e i r co nt r i b ut i o n s to t h e A b o r i g i n a l wa y s of b e i n g, k n ow i n g a n d d o i n g T h e m o u nta i n s, l a kes a n d va l l ey s w i t h i n t h e d i s t r i ct m a ke i t a n at u ra l s et t i n g fo r fa b u l o u s, ye a r- ro u n d o utd o o r a ct i v i t i es We of fe r a wa r m s m a l l -tow n at m o s p h e re w h e re re l at i o n s h i p s a re f u n d a m e nta l to o u r s u cces s M e r r i t t, w h e re t h e of fi ce i s l o cate d, i s i n t h e N i co l a Va l l ey a n d i s t h e h u b of a h i g hwa y s y s te m t h at l i n k s Ka m l o o p s Ke l ow n a a n d t h e Lowe r M a i n l a n d Ra n ch i n g, fo res t r y, h e a l t h, l o ca l g ove r n m e nt, a n d to u r i s m a re t h e m a j o r i n d u s t r i es i n t h e va l l ey O u r St rate g i c Pl a n h a s a “ Su cces s fo r A L L Le a r n e r s” fo cu s, s u p p o r te d by a d e d i cate d s ta f f e n g a g e d s ta ke h o l d e r s a n d p a r t n e r s w h o s h a re a g e n u i n e co m m i t m e nt to t h e d i s t r i ct T h e d i s t r i ct of fe r s r i ch p ro g ra m m i n g to j u s t ove r 2 075 s t u d e nt s, 4 8 % of w h o m a re I n d i g e n o u s We a re p ro u d of o u r o n g o i n g wo r k towa rd s Tr ut h a n d Re co n ci l i at i o n S ch o o l D i s t r i c t N o. 5 8 (N i co l a -S i m i l ka m e e n) i s a cce p t i n g a p p l i ca t i o n s f o r U N CE R T I F I E D Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l T h e d i s t r i c t i s se e k i n g h i g h l y s k i l l e d a n d d y n a m i c i n d i v i d u a l s t o j o i n ou r l i s t o f Ca s u a l, U n ce r t i fi e d Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l . P re f e re n ce w i l l b e g i ve n t o i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h a d e m o n s t ra t e d wo r k h i s t o r y o r vo l u n t e e r ex p e r i e n ce wo r k i n g w i t h ch i l d re n a n d you t h Re q u i re d q u a l i fi ca t i o n s a n d t ra i n i n g i n cl u d e: • B a ch e l o r’s d e g re e o r ot h e r p o s t- s e co n d a r y e d u cat i o n • Re ce nt s u cces s f u l te a ch i n g ex p e r i e n ce a n d/o r t ra i n i n g p refe r re d • E f fe ct i ve i nte r p e r s o n a l a n d co m m u n i cat i o n s k i l l s • D e m o n s t rate d i nte res t i n wo r k i n g w i t h ch i l d re n a n d yo ut h Sch o o l D i s t r i ct 5 8 i s wo r k i n g to e n s u re a n i n c l u s i ve, d i ve r s e, a n d re p res e ntat i ve wo r k fo rce Su cces s f u l ca n d i d ates w i l l re co g n i ze t h at co n s i s te nt w i t h t h e U N D e c l a rat i o n o n t h e Ri g ht s of I n d i g e n o u s Pe o p l es (U N D R I P), t h e B C H u m a n Ri g ht s Co d e a n d t h e Ca n a d i a n Ch a r te r of Ri g ht s a n d F re e d o m s, e m p l oy m e nt p ra ct i ces a n d p ro ce d u res at a l l l eve l s m u s t refl e ct a n d d e m o n s t rate a n u n d e r s ta n d i n g of a n d res p o n s e to a d i ve r s e p o p u l at i o n I nte res te d a p p l i ca nt s s h o u l d g o to o u r d i s t r i ct we b s i te at w w w s d 5 8 b c ca, w h i ch p rov i d es g u i d a n ce o n h ow to a p p l y fo r te a ch i n g j o b s i n o u r d i s t r i ct A p p l i cat i o n s m u s t i n c l u d e a Cove r l et te r res u m e co p i es of p o s t- s e co n d a r y t ra n s c r i pt s a n d n a m es of t wo s u p e r v i s o r refe re n ces ( i n c l u d i n g t h e m o s t re ce nt s u p e r v i s o r) O n l y s h o r t- l i s te d a p p l i ca nt s w i l l b e co nta cte d PL E A S E N OT E: D u e to t h e vo l u m e of a p p l i cat i o n s re ce i ve d, t h e d i s t r i ct i s u n a b l e to p rov i d e co m m e nta r y o r fe e d b a ck re g a rd i n g a n a p p l i ca nt’s q u a l i fi cat i o n s/a p p l i cat i o n, n o r a re we a b l e to p rov i d e ca re e r a d v i ce/co n s u l tat i o n A p p l i cat i o n s w i l l b e rev i ewe d, a n d h i r i n g w i l l o ccu r o n a n o n g o i n g b a s i s

Nlaka’pamux Health Services Society

Employment Opportunity

On-call Home Care Assistant

Nlaka’pamux Health Services Society is currently looking for an On-call Home Care Assistants to work with our Elders Home Care Team serving to support communities within the Nlaka’pamux Nation Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (28-35 Hours per week/1hr lunch)

Our ideal candidates are those who would like to add extra hours to their already existing work schedule or would like to maintain their skill level while working casually Hours are available immediately

REQUIREMENTS: HCA Diploma from a Canadian university or equivalent institution Registered with BC Columbia Care & Community Health Worker Registry Valid BC Class 5 Driver ’s License, First Aid/ CPR Level 1, or willing to obtain

For full detailed listing send request to the HR Manager at: elliott a@ nlxfn com or phone: (250) 378-9772 / Fax: (250) 315-0283

This posting will remain open to maintain a position registry; please apply early Preference will be given to persons of Aboriginal ancestry as per Section 16(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act

Coldwater Indian Band School Job Posting


The Coldwater School is inviting qualified applicants to apply for the position of Education Assistant.


• Completion of Grade 12 or equivalent

• Education Assistant Cer tification preferred, but not necessar y

Valid BC Class 5 driver’s license with clean driver’s abstract

• Experience wor king with school age children in a classroom setting

Experience assisting in multi-graded classrooms an asset Food Safe Cer tificate

• F irst Aid Cer tificate (or be willing to get)

Ability to communicate effectively using cour tesy and tact in the routine exchange of information.

Duties and Responsibilities will include:

Provides assistance to the teacher and students

• Collaborates with Teachers on strategies and accommodations that suppor t student learning Assists in preparing the classroom and other school facilities for student learning and activities Assists in the super vision of students in and outside the classroom, including field trips

• Wor ks individually with students in the classroom as assigned and under the guidance of the Teacher, to include reading to students, listening to the reading of students, assisting students with assignments and the reinforcement of overall Teacher expectations of students. Assists in preparing materials for suppor ting student learning and ability as assigned and under the guidance of the Teacher

Par ticipates, as required or directed, and as a team member in periodic meetings with Teachers, students and parents/guardians to plan and revise educational programs and activities.

Preference will be given to those applicants who: Have a minimum of two years’ experience

• Have Aboriginal ancestr y (as per Special Program with the BC Human Rights Tribunal)

How to apply

Submit a resume with the following:


• Copies of required cer tificates

• Copy of valid driver’s license and current driver’s abstract

*Successful applicants will be subject to a vulnerable sector criminal record check.*

Closing Date: On-going until this position is filled. Only Shor t Listed Applicants will be contacted. Postion will star t in September 2023. Please send your application to: Principal, Coldwater School Box 4600, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 • Fax: (250) 378–9212 Email: principal@coldwaterschool.ca


M e rrit t Prop e r t y M anag e m ent Ltd . in M errit t, BC is immediately looking for a vibrant, organized and detail - oriented O f fic e M anag e r. We are a fast paced of fice needing a team player with a positive demeanor and excellent communication skills

Re quir e m ents:

• E xperience in an of fice set ting in an administrative role

• K nowledge and proficiency in M S O f fice ( Word, E xcel and Outlook)

• Maintain accounts payable and receivable including payroll

• Familiarit y with QuickB ooks or similar accounting program

• Abilit y to communicate ef fectively - both writ ten and verbal

• Prioritize time management in a multi -tasking environment

• Develop social media plat form marketing

Joining this team provides oppor tunit y for advancement and education in Proper t y Management General of fice hours are M onday to Friday, 8:3 0 am to 4:3 0 pm (sometimes occasional af ter hours and weekends required) S alar y commensurate with experience and ex tended healthcare benefi ts package available

To advertise in Employment call 604-630-3300 Catch your next job in our employment section. To advertise in Employment Call 250-378-4241 Share your event with the community KamloopsThisWeek.com /events merr ittherald.com THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A21 www.merrittherald.com
M e rrit t Prop e r t y M anag e m e nt Ltd Pl e as e e m ail wit h “cove r l et te r ” and “r e sum e” to m e rrit t p rop mgmt@ou t lo ok .com Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

Coldwater Indian Band School Job Posting TEACHER

The Coldwater School is inviting qualified applicants to apply for the position of Teacher


Bachelor’s degree or higher qualification in education

• Valid BC teaching cer tificate required (or be in application of) Experience integrating technolog y in class lessons

• Experience with F irst Nation schools an asset

Experience in developing and implementing IEP’s

Excellent communication, leadership and interpersonal skills

• Knowledge of the BC curriculum and experience with Saxon Math, Readwell, and Reading Master y are an asset

• Willing to continue to gain new knowledge and skills, be flexible, positive and a team player

F irst Aid Cer tificate or willing to obtain

Criminal Record Check

Preference will be given to those applicants who:

• Have knowledge of Nle?kepmx language and Nle?kepmx culture

• Have classroom teaching experience

Have experience at the Primar y and Elementar y levels

Have experience with formative assessment practices is an asset

Have additional professional experience and/or post-secondar y courses in ear ly childhood education, ear ly learning and ear ly literacy

• Have Aboriginal ancestr y (as per Special Program with the BC Human Rights Tribunal)

Salar y - Comparable to area schools

How to apply

Your application por tfolio must include the following documents:

Cover Letter

• Resume

• Copies of valid required cer tification

• Three references

*Successful applicants will be subject to a vulnerable sector criminal record check.*

Closing Date: On-going until this position is filled. Only Shor t Listed Applicants will be contacted. Postion will star t in September 2023.

Please send your application to: Principal, Coldwater School Box 4600, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 • Fax: (250) 378–9212

Email: principal@coldwaterschool.ca

Coldwater Indian Band School Job Posting BUS DRIVER/MAINTENANCE

The Coldwater School is inviting qualified applicants to apply for the full-time afternoon position of Bus Driver/Maintenance Wor ker


• Completion of Grade 12 or equivalent

• Must have a valid Class 4 Driver’s license and current driver’s abstract

• Ability to communicate effectively using cour tesy and tact in the routine exchange of information Physical ability to perform the required duties (e.g lift and carr y 50 lbs.)

Experience operating a 35 passenger bus and following all BC motor vehicle laws and regulations F irst Aid Cer tification (or be willing to get)

Duties and Responsibilities will include:

Transpor ts students to and from school in accordance with defined routes

• Performs all bus maintenance and required travel logs

• Performs a variety of minor maintenance and repairs, as well as grounds keeping tasks in and around school buildings according to approved position description and schedule

• Basic maintenance of the school heating and cooling systems

Preference will be given to those applicants who: Have a minimum of two years’ experience

Have Aboriginal ancestr y Salar y - Comparable to area schools

How to apply

Submit a resume with the following:

• WHMIS Cer tificate

• 3 references

• Copy of valid driver’s license and current driver’s abstract

*Successful applicants will be subject to a vulnerable sector criminal record check.*

Closing Date: On-going until this position is filled. Only Shor t Listed Applicants will be contacted Postion will star t in September 2023

Please send your application to: Principal, Kathy Oppenheim Box 4600, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8 • Fax: (250) 378–9212 Email: principal@coldwaterschool.ca


We are currently inviting applications for the position(s) of:

Qualified candidates are invited to apply online at https://www.makeafuture.ca/bcschools-and-districts/nicola-similkameen-school-district-no-58/

All applicants must provide a cover letter and resume outlining relevant background and work experience and three (3) professional references for each position they want to be considered .

Only those applicants selected for an inter view will be contacted.

Volunteering SPEAKING FOR ANIMALS spca.bc.ca/volunteer We can’t do it without you The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned, abandoned and abused animals each year. Volunteers are urgently needed to care for animals and assist with BC SPCA events. If you can help, please contact your local shelter today. Your Community Newspaper call to place your ad A22 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com Reliable Towing Merritt Ltd. 2900 Pooley Ave the following vehicle will be auctioned on July 6, 2023 for non payment 1995 Ford Contour VIN 1FALP6539SK104370 Debtor: Cameron James Smith Amount owing: 1,729 18 2017 Hyundai Elantra VIN KMHD84LF7HU365745 Debtor: Shae Lawson Amount owing: 10,332.00 SD 58 is HIRING!!! Wea We are Sa ary wi l be in accordance with the C U P E Loca 847 Col ective Agreement RELIEF CUSTODIANS & BUS DRIVERS (PRINCETON AND MERRITT OPERATIONS) RESUME’S MAY BE SUBMITTED TO JODY MCGIFFORD AT JMCGIFFORD@365 SD58 BC CA
Success for ALL Learners, Today
POSITION JOB CODE CLOSING DATE F ir st Nations Suppor t Worker 3259682 Ongoing Early Child Educator 3529726 Open Until F illed Relief Education Assistant 3259613 Ongoing Relief Clerk Typist 3256003 Ongoing Relief Custodian 3259601 Ongoing Relief Bus Driver 3255978 Ongoing Noon Hour Super visor - 3322609 Open Until F illed Merritt Bench Elementar y
en Until Filled Route ME18 Blair Coutlee Jackson May Or me & Quilchena Ave 118 Papers Diamond Vale area Thursday's Deliver ies Paid Per Paper Great First Job Any age ok Can have papers delivered to your door or they can be picked up at office Please feel free to call or stop by the Office for more info 2090 Granite Ave (250) 378-4241 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Legal/Public Notices Legal/Public Notices Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 A23 www.merrittherald.com L o c a l B u s i n e s s D i r e c t o r y F ww E ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE SPA SERVICES GET YOUR BUSINESS NOTICED! IF YOU’RE READING THIS, THEN YOU KNOW IT WORKS! Call Ken or Theresa to reserve your spot at 250-378-4241 This is a full colour business card size space on a 1, 3, 6 month or more contract ADVERTISING CLEANING SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES EXCAVATING • Small Job Specialist • Dump Trailer Service • Fencing & Post Pounder • Fully Insured Call Gary Sedore for FREE ESTIMATES: 250-378-4312 Gary ’s Mini Excavating Service email: garylsedore@gmail.com Cell: 250-315-3174 LICENSED CANNABIS Quilchena Cannabis Co. Call 250-378-5 420 Unit B-1937 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC Quilchena Canna Company 19+MUST BE 206 4 Coutlee Ave. Ph: 250-378-4943 email: nicplumb@telus net FULLY QUALIFIED TRADESMAN IN: Plumbing, Heating, Bonded Gas F itters Ser vice work, furnace ser vice and custom sheet metal. www.nicolaplumbingandheating.com N i c o l a P l u m b i n g & H e a t i n g Cer tified Plumbers & Gas Fitters wanted - apply today! P L U M B I N G & H E AT I N G 797 Coldwater Rd., Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 electrifriendscontracting@outlook.com Contractor license # LEL0212539 Sam Charette 250-378-7465 Cer tified Master Electrician ELECTRICIAN TREE SERVICE CALL JIM at 250-378-4212 Solutions for your tree problems! ➤Schedule your FREE Estimate JIM POTTER MERRITT TREE SERVICE • Fully insured, certified faller • WSBC covered • Dangerous tree assessment
A24 THURSDAY, June 29, 2023 www.merrittherald.com Royal LePage Proper ty Management - For all rental inquiries call Kevin or Crystal at 250-378-1996 or email: proplepage@gmail.com email: rlpmerit@telus.net www.royallepag e .ca SERVING MERRITT & AREA FOR 40 YEARS! 3499 Voght Street, Merritt BC, V1K 1C6 250-378-6181 email: rlpmerit@telus.net Helping you is what we do.™ Visit: www.royallepag e .ca/merritt for a complete list of current listing. Owner/Broker CL AUDETTE EDENOSTE Ph: 250-280-0689 claudetteedenoste@ royallepage.ca Managing Broker JOHN ISAAC Ph: 250-378-1586 johnisaac@telus net JENNIFER KIGHTLEY Ph: 250-315-3256 jenniferkightley@ royallepage ca TONY LUC K Ph: 604-217-5825 tjluck@royallepage ca DENISE DESILETS Ph: 250-315-8395 denisedesilets@ royallepage ca FRED SINGER Ph: 250-318-8392 fred singer@royallepage ca STEVE BL ANKEN Ph: 250-819-2918 steveblanken@ royallepage ca DELIA JONES Ph: 250-682-8350 or 604-613-6235 www.deliajones.com KEVIN DUNN Ph: 250-525-0073 1kevindunn@ protonmail com COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 3649 MERRITT SPENCES BRIDGE HWY 8 $1,10 0,0 0 0 MLS #171795 2125 QUILCHENA AVE. $850,0 0 0 MLS#172662 2049 QUILCHENA AVE $255,0 0 0 MLS #173423 1898 BLAIR STREET $635,50 0 MLS#172520 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 312-1703 MENZIES ST $214,90 0 A great 3rd-floor 2-bedroom unit or a first-t me buyer investment, or someone looking to downsize Perfect for retirees fi MLS#172467 1434 DOUGLAS STREET $299,0 0 0 A de gh u s ar er home o he fi s - me buyer or a grea proper y o downs ze n o On y 2 hours from he owe ma n and W th n ne-o -s gh of D amond Va e E ementary Schoo abou ha f a b ock away La ge New y Fenced Yard New Roo (2019) and o s o New D s nct ve Renos ecen y comp e ed MLS#171766 1680 DOUGLAS STREET $284,0 0 0 This is a great oppor tunity for an investor or first-t me home buyer No strata ees! This clean 3 bdrm full basement ownhouse has 1.5 baths storage and a amily room. It is move-in ready or you can keep the amazing current tenants The unit has had many updates over the last number of years fi h MLS#172481 1475 COWLEY STREET $334,90 0 Looking for a nice clean home! Look no fur her his nice y updated 1/2 duplex has 3 bedrooms with 1 bathroom & it is located on a quiet cul-de-sac near schools & bus stops There is new vinyl flooring in the living oom & entrance area. h h i MLS#173126 1688 COLDWATER AVENUE $345,0 0 0 Don miss out on this immaculate beautifully decorated 3-bedroom rancher close to schools and shopping This home has had numerous upg ades while maintaining the heritage interior f l d d MLS#170783 2226 GRANITE AVENUE $369,90 0 Charming home close o all amenities! This 1050 sq. ft rancher has had new vinyl windows and the roof redid, a new furnace siding complete plumbing update including the water line o the city main since approx. 2017 f h MLS# 172789 29-1901 MAXWELL AVENUE $425,0 0 0 Nice layout with a sitting oom at the entry that eatures a gas fireplace The central living area has an open concept with a good-sized kitchen plenty of counter and cupboard space and an island. Living room with sliding door opening onto a back-yard patio MLS#173018 1320 VOGHT STREET $399,0 0 0 This attractive 70 x 254 f lot with R2 zoning o ers a ot of potential for a multi-family develpment or a large home with a coach house providing an oppor tunity or additional income Its close proximity to iver trails and ecreation areas makes it an attractive location. f MLS#173467 NEW 2199 PARKER DRIVE $540,0 0 0 New oof gutters and flooring in 90% of the main floor plus new hot water ank 2019. This is a good-sized our-bedroom, 2 and 1/2 bath home with a bench location that backs onto the school park area and has plenty of room for the amily Three bedrooms up with ensuite in the main bedroom. i fl l MLS#173165 2556 CORKLE STREET $568,50 0 Beautifully fully updated 3-bedroom 2-bathroom modu ar home sitting on a 0.33-acre private lot in Lower Nicola. This home has a new kitchen, new flooring new paint, new trim, both bathrooms fully updated, new roof 2016, new siding 2016, hwt 2017 furnace 2017 & all new appliances d MLS#173228 2625 IRVINE AVENUE $644,90 0 This beautiful home provides spacious & modern liv ng a ong with a desirable central location close to schools, parks shopping & more! The main floor eatures a bright living room that flows to the kitchen & dining area, providing a good design & a great layout or enter taining MLS#172274 1925 NICOLA AVENUE $665,0 0 0 This type of unique proper y doesn become availab e o en. Heritage home has been owned by same amily for more than 40 years! Fantastic investment oppor tunity presently configured as a triplex with 3 long erm enants b MLS#173354 2126 PRIEST AVENUE $699,90 0 Enjoy this great newer 2020-built amily home close to all amenities and within walking distance o downtown. Features nclude a sunroom of the galley-style kitchen, a gas fireplace upstairs in the large living room as well as one in the basement suite l MLS#171582 2669 QUILCHENA AVENUE $699,950 Fantastic Oppor tunity o own a 6-bedroom, 4 ull-bath home Oversized living room with gas fire leading into a large open kitchen and dining area. Four bedrooms the main master bedroom offers a 4-piece ensuite bath with jet ed tub and walk-in closet. b h h MLS#173022 1648 FIR AVENUE $729,90 0 Looking or a mor tgage helper? This home has a selfcontained LEGAL 2-BEDROOM SUITE currently vacant! The lower level also of ers a large ec room and hobby oom or added living space upstairs Welcome o this 3100+ sq. ft ranch-style home with a fully finished basement. h MLS#172562 1741 SUNFLOWER AVENUE $790,0 0 0 Wonderful near new amily home ( no GST ) in a g eat bench location. Many wonderful eatures include a large open kitchen with quar tz counter ops, a breakfast island, soft-close drawers and a separate wine cooler b h MLS#171628 2731 PEREGRINE WAY $959,0 0 0 Enjoy the sunrise with a cof ee on your deck w h fabu ous mountain views! The spacious custom kitchen is perfect for enter aining eaturing granite counter ops & a large island, sale will include an appliance credit. f b MLS#172917 1550 WILLIAMS CRES $1,280,0 0 0 Beautiful 2,819 SQFT custom-built rancher home located on 1.22 acres This home has been astefully finished from the inside o the outside When you walk into this home you are greeted with a floor-to-ceiling ock wood fireplace that gives the home a warm & cozy eeling l d MLS#172972 241 BIRCH CRESENT Logan Lake - $459,90 0 Attention amilies and investors! This well- ocated amily home is in a quiet cul-de-sac and has excellent curb appeal. It is situated conveniently close to schools and amenities l d MLS#172023 8 JADE COURT Logan Lake - $368,0 0 0 Welcome home!!! This 1488 sq.ft anch style 3 bed 2 bath home has undergone a beautiful acelift. Upgrades include kitchen, bathroom, exterior and flooring 23’x12’ deck perfect for enter aining!!! This beautiful home sits on a level .13 of an acre b d b h MLS#173410 281 POPLAR DRIVE Logan Lake - $479,90 0 This 3-bedroomed, 3-bath home is situated on a beautifu fenced lot with plenty of room or enter ainment. The kitchen has great counter space and plenty of cupboard space There are three oomy bedrooms on the main floor with a 4-piece bath and a 2-piece ensuite b f MLS#173021 433 DALADON DRIVE Logan Lake - $749,0 0 0 A bright, beautiful, and well-maintained home ocated n he very desirable “Ironstone Ridge subdivision. This home has 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down, with the convenience of 3 full bathrooms With an outstanding view of Highland Valley you can watch the sunsets over the mountains to the southwest d h MLS# 172604 SL3-6528 WATERSIDE TR. $ Looking for a lot that of ers you a view of he ake while only being a shor t walk o the lake look no fur ther This fully serviced lake view lot is Iocated in the beautiful Nicola Lakeshore Estates with a monthly strata fee of $125.00. RURAL h k h MLS#173128 537 WILD ROSE DRIVE $299,90 0 This 4.6-acre proper ty is located just 15 m nutes f om downtown Merritt in an area of small acreages Bring all your toys to explore this amazing area full of pothole lakes unlimited quadding horseback riding side-by-siding and ons of fishing nearby Call or fur ther details! RURAL MLS#171247 4472 IRON MOUNTAIN RD $525,0 0 0 If you are looking or a little piece of pa adise no too ar f om own, look no fur ther! This 2-bedroom 2-bath oom mobile home sits on 1.49 acres only 10 minutes south of Merrit loca ed on Iron Mountain Rd. This proper ty is close to lakes and recreation & is the ideal location for anyone who loves the grea outdoors MLS#173130 RURAL 1438 BOSTON BAR TRAIL $599,0 0 0 Th s beau u ny home s s on 10 pr va e acres ocated n Co dwa e Es ates Ranch The home a ows you to k ck back & relax, mak ng eve y day fee ke a vacation En oy he com o ts o eve yday e n a cab n a mosphe e ea u ng 10 ongue & groove p ne ce ngs & tr m made rom 100-yea -o d ec a med barn wood RURAL d MLS#172874 3225 PETIT CREEK ROAD $799,90 0 Plenty of room or your horses or? on this private 5.6-acre proper y with a lovely 3 bed, 3 bath Chalet style home featuring open concept living/ dining/ kitchen, g anite counter tops in kitchen & all 3 bat RURAL i MLS#170 050 481 K ANE VALLEY ROAD $898,0 0 0 Welcome o the 4 seasons ecreational parad se! This 1 1/2 story 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home sits on 10 acres with endless trails & access o crown land & lakes ight out of your backyard. Bring your motorized oys horses or your hiking shoes o enjoy the endless countryside you have right at your finger tips RURAL ! Th / MLS#172498 2160 ELLIS ROAD $974,90 0 Beautiful flat 8.72 acres located in Sunshine Valley on y 15 m ns from Merritt. This 2-bedroom 1 bathroom home is nestled in a private setting with a large built-in garage The kitchen is bright & inviting with a large pantry and a patio door to access the large deck with a hot tub that looks out onto your manicured yard MLS#172688 RURAL 5972 BEECH ROAD $980,0 0 0 An exceptional & rare proper y located on Beech Road approx. 22 minutes nor th of Merritt. This 14.15-acre proper y consists of a 3 bed, 2 bath beautiful country home that sits west facing with stunning views The home is bright & open with a warm eel with hardwood floors h R d MLS#172350 RURAL 5120 STEFFENS ROAD $1,225,0 0 0 This stunning proper y was designed by an archi ect, and s located on over 12 acres and boasts breathtaking mountain views and lots of privacy The home is a spacious one-level ancher with 3 bedrooms and wo baths RURAL h d MLS#173156 2173 TOMKINSON ROAD $1,576,0 0 0 Breathtaking ‘one-of-a-kind find’ private acreage located n the beautiful Sunshine Valley The serenity you feel when you are at this proper y is rare with spectacular views The home is open concept & with a blaze king wood stove in the living room, so you are super comfy during the winter months l d MLS#172509 RURAL 6881 OLD NICOLA TRAIL $2,388,888 Looking or an amazing lakefront proper y you and your amily can enjoy? This beautiful, custom-built luxury home sits on .95 acres and is situated on the east side of Nicola Lake in the exclusive Old Nicola Trails development. d MLS#172203 RURAL 2893 ABERDEEN ROAD $3,10 0,0 0 0 75 Acres Zoned CR1 (Minimum 2-acre parce s) and (SH1 Minimum 5-acre parcels). This proper ty is all flat useable land and ready for development into 2-to-5-acre parcels which are in g eat demand in the area. ) d (SH MLS#167169 RURAL SOLD NEWPRICE NEWPRICE NEW NEW

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