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GOVERNMENT ALBAS: When will Parliament return? VIEWPOINT

Heaven Sargent, Grade 10

Normally, the House of Commons is back in session during the third week in September, meaning we would be well into the fall session by now.

Obviously with Prime Minister Trudeau having called an election on September 20th, the normal Parliamentary cycle was delayed.

Recently I have been increasingly asked the question when will the new Parliament be up and running in Ottawa?

For some context, the 2015 general election that was held on Monday, Oct. 19th and just over two weeks later on November 4th, Prime Minister Trudeau announced his cabinet and the new Parliament resumed roughly one month after that on December 3rd with a Throne Speech being heard on December 4th.

We are now four weeks past the September 20th election and I would expect the PM to announce his cabinet within the next week, with Parliament likely returning with a Throne Speech sometime potentially as late as December.

It also should be noted that the first action of DAN ALBAS



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LETTERS to the editor

From the Herald archives: October, 1915

Dirty politics and my battledress



Dirty politics. Dirty politics. The City Elections are next year and the games have begun. So I dust off my battledress and prepare for a year of nonsense. Once again I step up with my pen to once again defend and here’s my rendition: Ten million words read and written, my sacrifice before I sought a public position, and now, my tries are questioned by dirty tricks and racist narratives. Perhaps this is a badge of honour, for if not a contender, why would any person bother to invest time, thought, energy, and resources in my direction. Nevertheless, gossip, in Merritt, can become a truth if frequently repeated. So I step again, dust off my battledress, unsheathe my silver pen, to protect what I’ve worked at for two decades.

Dirty politics. Dirty politics. The instrument most utilized is hate. It’s a hate game and the goal is to attack the name. The tactic is evil and it causes a rift amid the people. Can we rise above this, for we deserve more than these dirty tricks? Perhaps we can tear down this nest of nasty politics if we refuse to listen to the ugliness? A person who spreads hate is not to be feared, for he or she is a minority, and if we stand together, we can triumph over the bully. So I dust off my battledress, and with my pen, I draw a silver heart. Only one force in the Universe is capable of conquering all foes for a prolonged period and that be love.

Mike Bhangu Merritt, BC

Word was received in Merritt last Friday that the Kettle Valley Railway Company will take over from the CPR its tenmile branch from Spences Bridge to Merritt; also, the seven-mile branch from Merritt to Nicola, and, beginning about the first of the coming month, will operate them as a part of the KVR system from Midway to Parliament must make decision on Spences Bridge. future of CERB program, says MP Arrangements looking to this end have been under consideration for a considerable From Page 6 period.

Parliament, once it returns, is to elect a new Speaker.

Opposition parties will also be announcing who their critics will be as well as their House administration officers such as the House Leader and Whip.

The reason why I am often asked when will the new Parliament begin sitting relates to another question I am also receiving frequently that relates to the Canadian Recovery Benefit (CRB) program that replaced the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) program.

Currently the CRB, much like Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and Canada’s other pandemic relief benefit programs are set to expire on October 23, 2021.

Many Canadians are awaiting news as to what will become of these programs.

While there have been hints that discussions around extending these benefits are being held, no conclusive statement has emerged from the Trudeau Government.

From my perspective, I would expect the Prime Minister would have a new cabinet in place ASAP and the fate on the future of these programs would be a priority topic of discussion.

With Statistics Canada announcing that Canada’s unemployment rate has now reached pre-pandemic levels, some are suggesting these programs should be wound down.

As the National Post recently reported on October 9th:

“A chorus of business, academic and political voices wants an end to the CRB once and for all, claiming it’s hindering productivity and worsening labour shortages…”

My question this week:

What do you think should happen with Canada’s pandemic recovery programs on October 23?

I can be reached at Dan.Albas@parl.gc.ca or call toll free 1-800665-8711.

Dan Albas is the Member of Parliament-elect for the riding of Central Okanagan Similkameen Nicola. This riding includes the communities of Kelowna (specific boundaries), West Kelowna, Peachland, Summerland, Keremeos, Princeton, Merritt and Logan Lake.


The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name and address. Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.



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