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EDITORIAL Movie Review: The Batman

Dear readers, if you are looking for some entertainment this coming weekend, allow me to IZAIAH REYES suggest a HERALD great film. EDITOR The Batman has just been released and I was able to see it this past weekend. In a word, I would call this movie a masterpiece and let me tell you why.

The story was awesome, it was complex but still easy to understand. I can usually see plot twists a mile away but the reveals of this movie threw me in for a loop. Without spoiling anything, the synopsis of this movie is as follows: Batman must solve the mystery behind The Riddler’s series of murders and put a stop to it.

Director Matt Reeves, hit a home run with his how the movie looks. The visuals of a movie could make or break it for me and if you’re the same then you can’t stand seeing elements in a movie like a place or an object that feels like it doesn’t belong. Gladly, The Batman did not have this issue. The look was very gritty, reflective of how the City of Gotham was supposed to be a corrupt and in decay.

The performance by each cast member was top notch, I was most impressed by Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman, Colin Farrell’s Penguin, Paul Dano’s Riddler, and ofcourse, See ‘THREE’ Page 7


Brice Carron, Grade 3

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Publisher Theresa Arnold publisher@merrittherald.com 250-378-4241


Editor Izaiah Reyes newsroom@merrittherald.com 250-378-4241 Reporter Morgan Hampton reporter@merrittherald.com 250-378-4241 Sales Representative Office Administrator Ken Couture kcouture@aberdeenpublishing.com 250-378-4241 Making Advertising Work For You.


You can comment on any story you read @ merrittherald.com

LETTERS to the editor Local 4-H club public speaking event


This past week 4H had our first public speaking event. The speeches were funny, informative and interesting.

There were 16 speakers and lots of topics talked about such as life on a ranch, the Big Bang Theory, sports like figure skating and barrel racing and also lots of animals like bugs, horses, cows, chickens, and bunnies. The Sr. Speaker winner was Silas Mcleod and the Jr. Winners were Mya Martindale (1st place), Stella Elliot (2nd place), and Zoe McVicar (3rd Place).

Thank you to our judges Greg, Andrea, and Tavish. To Mr. Shea for his classroom and Stella and Erica for organizing.

Keep checking for more fun things our club is doing.

Morgan Club Reporter, Grassland Homesteaders 4-H Club

Three hours of great entertainment

From Page 6

Robert Pattinson’s titular role of Batman.

Lastly, let’s talk about the film score.

It was very somber which goes with the look and feel the production team was trying to achieve. Also, I want to mention that this movie might have the best Batman theme music. In a weird way, it gave me the vibe of a western theme song.

Overall I give this movie a 10/10 and it definitely deserves a watch. Granted, I am a Batman fan so it would be easy for me to enjoy this movie but I’d wager someone who isn’t could enjoy it just as much. If you want three hours of great entertainment, go see The Batman, out now.

Bhangu on 2022 civic elections

Hi Merritt. I hope all are well. This here is a public service announcement.

The Merritt Civic Elections take place at the end of the year, and if you desire to represent Merritt at the Council Table, now is the time to prepare.

The first step is to learn the Community Charter and the Local Government Act, to which the links are below. These will be your dominant governing documents. If you have questions, please ask. Good luck.

Local Government Act https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/ civix/document/id/complete/statreg/ r15001_00

Community Charter https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/ civix/document/id/complete/statreg/03026_10

Mike Bhangu Former Councilor, City of Merritt


From the Herald archives: March, 1965


The physiotherapy service began in the Nicola Valley General Hospital last fall on a once a month basis. Since then the service has expanded with new equipment courtesy of The Legion and The Lions Club and a twice a month visit from Kamloops physiotherapist, Mrs. E. Wolfe. The service looks to expand even further as interest and support increase as well.


The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name and address. Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@



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