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Cathedral Record

Cathedral Record

“They will always be part of the global FCJ family”

Staff and students at Bellerive FCJ Catholic College have been celebrating the success of the class of 2021 in their A-level results. Despite the challenges of learning in a pandemic, students secured some excellent results and many are now looking forward to starting their first choice university course. Students have accepted offers in courses in a wide range of institutions including the universities of Oxford, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, Keele, York, Lancaster, Nottingham and Salford. Students have been accepted into some exciting courses such as medicine, pharmacy, geography, environmental sciences, psychology, history, politics, philosophy, music performance, fine art and maths. Mrs Howlett, headteacher said: “We wish all of our departing students good luck in the opportunities and challenges which now lay in front of them. “We will keep them all in our thoughts and prayers and we remind them that they will always be part of the global FCJ family.” Some of its successful students were Ellisa who has been accepted to study medicine at the University of Birmingham; Sophie, Megan and Natassia who are all off to the University of Liverpool to study geography or environmental science; Megan, Lucci-Jae, Jessica and Audrey are leaving Liverpool to continue their studies. Megan is going to York to study history and politics, Lucci-Jae to Chichester to study music performance, Jessica to Brasenose College, Oxford to study geography and Audrey to Nottingham to study pharmacy.


Anas aims to fulfil his ambitions

Students from All Saints Sixth Form College in Garston were jumping for joy as they received their A-level results. The doors of the sixth form opened promptly at 8:00 am to Year 13 students who were eager to receive the envelopes containing their results. Grades have been teacher-assessed for the second year in a row after exams were cancelled due the pandemic. The sixth form, which is part of All Saints Multi Academy Trust, has seen significant improvements in A-level physics, chemistry and biology whilst Alevel English literature and A-level history continue to go from strength to strength. Student, Anas achieved outstanding results gaining an A* in A-level biology, chemistry and an A in Arabic which has ensured that he is now able to fulfil his ambition of studying medicine. Anas has had a difficult journey moving to the UK at the later stages of his academic journey – at the end of Year 11. His dream has always been to study medicine and he made the brave decision to repeat year 11 in order to ensure he had the best GCSE results possible. He then studied for his A-levels, meticulously planning his revision and taking part in various work young medics programmes with Edge Hill University and Plymouth University. He is now off to Plymouth to realise his dream of studying medicine and is the first medical student and will inspire the All Saints students of the future. Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Lawson, said: “It is wonderful to see our Year 13 students once again. As expected, there was a nervous atmosphere at first but this soon lifted once they received their results and confirmed their next steps.” Headteacher, Mrs Sing added: “I would like to congratulate our students on their hard work and dedication over the past couple of years – it has not been easy but they have shown resilience and determination despite the challenges they have faced. On behalf of the staff at All Saints Sixth Form, I would like to wish them the very best of luck as they move on to the next chapter of their lives.” There was a fantastic atmosphere at Maricourt Catholic High School on GCSE results day. Not only was the school very proud of the incredible results, but also the spirit of the phenomenal young people blew staff away. The pupils were just as excited to share their friends’ results, as they were their own. Pupils Sophie and Anjelu opened their results together alongside friends Sinead and Olivia, the excitement at seeing a page full of 9s and 8s is a memory that will last the pupils a lifetime. Parents also soaked up their son and daughters’ achievements with Connie, Tom, Abi, Charlotte and Aofie now looking forward to starting their journey in The Maricourt Sixth Form Centre. Jasmine Rowe, gained 9s and 8s across the board and is planning on becoming a doctor. Sonny Stewart also achieved 9s and 8s in all subject areas. Headteacher, Joseph Mangan said: “At Maricourt all our students stand out to us as they are all amazing in their own special way. “The parents and carers loved being in on the action as pupils received their results, and the school will always be grateful for their on-going support. “We can’t wait to support the students further in The Maricourt Sixth Form Centre as they start the next chapter in their educational journey. “For those students moving on to new destinations, thank you for being part of the Maricourt history and take our school ethos everywhere you go! #maricourtfamily.”

Incredible atmosphere

Majd makes it from war torn Syria to top of the class

Students and staff at St Mary’s College in Crosby are again celebrating excellent A-level results this summer despite the widespread disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Building on the high standards set in previous years the ‘class of 2021’ recorded a 100 per cent pass rate in the key examinations, with more than a third of students (34 per cent) achieving three or more A* or A grades. Top of the class at St Mary’s this year is 18-year-old Majd Kweder from Bootle who only arrived in the UK from Syria three years ago. Majd joined the St Mary’s College Sixth Form on an Edmund Rice Scholarship (assisted place) and has achieved an incredible four A* passes in biology, chemistry, maths and further maths. Majd is planning to study economics in London. Majd said: “Having escaped war in Syria, I never thought I would be in this position in my life. The last two years at St Mary’s have been the best two years of my life. “I want to thank my teachers for all their help and support. It’s been hard work but I’m really proud of my results. It just shows that if you work hard you can achieve anything.” St Mary’s principal, Mike Kennedy, said: “Majd is an exceptionally bright and motivated young man and despite the challenges he has faced in his life he has thrived at St Mary’s and we are incredibly proud of his achievements.” Majd is one of five St Mary’s students to have recorded straight A* grades this summer, the other high achievers being head girl Hope Brown, Daisy Davies, Lauren James and Laura Kearns, who all achieved three passes at the highest level.

New adventures ahead

Congratulations were sent to the class of 2021 from Carmel College who received their exam results. The atmosphere in college was amazing as students celebrated their success with friends, parents and teachers. This year students achieved a very impressive Level 3 pass rate of 99.4% with 66.1% top grades (A*-B / Dist*-Dist) and 86.7% high grades (A*-C / Dist*-Merit). Carmel College principal, Mike Hill, said: “We are very pleased to be able to celebrate with our students as they now embark on a new adventure whether that be a place at university, an apprenticeship or employment. “The Class of 2021 have had another tough year having to contend with a changed timetable with a mix of face-toface and online learning throughout. They have coped really well with the changes and should be so proud of not only their academic achievements, but also their personal achievements too. Congratulations from all the staff here at Carmel and best wishes for the future.” This year, five students are continuing their studies at the prestigious Oxbridge Universities and a further six students will be studying medicine, dentistry or veterinary science.

Successful year at Maricourt

Maricourt Sixth Form Centre celebrated another successful year as students collected their A-level and BTEC results. The school was delighted with the range of courses and universities the students are progressing to, they really do show a high level of aspiration. There are so many standout results and exciting destinations on the horizon, amongst them was Megan who is off to study biochemistry at The University of Oxford after picking up three A*s. Danielle Lawler, associate assistant headteacher at Maricourt, said: “We took friends Mary, Kate, Megan, Amy, Louis and Reece on an Oxbridge trip in Year 12, today they celebrated with 11 A*s and five As between them. This shows how important university trips can be in helping raise aspirations. “There were lots of outstanding results, but the best achievement of all, was how they waited around to support each other and celebrate together. “Parents were keen to join in the fun and we cannot thank them enough for their support. The students went on to celebrate over breakfast together. “Well done to all Year 13 students, we are so proud of you all, we will miss you and look forward to catching up next term to hear about your new adventures.”

“Our students should be proud of their work”

Students at St John Bosco Arts College are celebrating another excellent set of results at A-level and GCSE in a year of huge disruption caused by the pandemic. Headteacher Mr Darren Gidman, said: “Our students should be very proud of their achievements this year. They have worked with determination and have shown huge resilience in navigating a new assessment system. I am incredibly proud of everyone involved. “Students, teaching staff and support staff have worked tirelessly in the most difficult circumstances. We now wish all of our students every success in their future studies and careers.” Amongst a number of achievements at Alevel were Milli Grier who achieved three A*s and will now be studying mathematics at the University of Liverpool, Bruna Da Silva who achieved A* A* C C and will now be studying law at the University of Liverpool and Macie Holloway Dwyer who achieved A, B, Distinction* and will now be studying medicinal chemistry and pharmacology at the University of Liverpool. At GCSE, Abbie Fletcher achieved seven grade 9 and two grade 8 qualifications and will be returning to St John Bosco Sixth Form to study art, biology and mathematics. Niamh Moorcroft achieved six grade 9, two grade 8 and a distinction* qualification and will be going to Winstanley College to study for her Alevels and Millie Pates McAllister achieved eight grade 9 and one grade 8 qualification and will be returning to St John Bosco Sixth Form to study biology, chemistry and religious education.

High achiever Bruno de Silva with headteacher Darren Gidman

Resilience is the key word for Nicholas

It was all smiles from the students from the Academy of St Nicholas in Garston as they eagerly received their GCSE exam results. Staff at the academy, on Horrocks Avenue, welcomed back the Year 11 cohort at staggered times and handed them the envelopes containing their results. The academy, which is part of All Saints Multi Academy Trust, were very pleased with outcomes for students under such challenging circumstances this year. There has been an improvement in the percentage of students obtaining higher grades (7 to 9) with an increase in English language, mathematics, biology, chemistry, computer science and history. The school has had many individual personal triumphs this year. Nicholas, above, through his personal dedication and relentless hard work achieved a 9 in mathematics, 8s in biology, chemistry, computer science and a Level 2 Distinction* in the DIT BTEC Tech Award. Nicholas opted to attend school often during periods of lockdown in order to obtain support from staff and to ensure the best personal outcomes. He will be returning to All Saints Sixth Form, which is part of the Trust, to study A-levels in chemistry, maths and biology. Many students have embodied one of the school’s core values of ‘resilience’ whilst studying for their GCSEs. Headteacher of the Academy of St Nicholas, Mrs Jeniffer Sing, said: “It has been a difficult year and a half for our students but they have remained resilient and continued to work hard even when the opportunity of sitting exams was taken away from them. “Many will go on to study A-level or vocational courses at All Saints Sixth Form College, which is here on campus, or move on to complete apprenticeships. Whatever their next steps, I wish them all the very best for the future and remain incredibly proud of each and every one of them.”

Overcoming challenges

Students at St Mary’s College in Crosby have been praised by staff for overcoming coronavirus-related obstacles to achieve excellent GCSE results again this summer. More than half (52 per cent) of all passes at the school were at the highest 9-7 grades, and 41 per cent of candidates achieved seven or more passes at these top levels. Staff at the school believe these results reflect the broad and balanced curriculum at St Mary’s, and the fact that the college does not restrict the number of GCSE subjects that students can choose to take. In terms of individual achievement Sami AlMachhoor from Prescot and Victoria McKinley-Smith from Mossley Hill were top of the class at the Crosby school this year. Sami achieved a full house of eleven top grade 9s in biology, chemistry, physics, English language, English literature, maths, further maths, French, Spanish, history and religious studies. Meanwhile Victoria achieved grade 9s in nine subjects biology, chemistry, English language, English literature, French, German, history, music and religious studies - plus 8s in maths and physics. Sami said: “I’m really proud and thrilled with my results. It’s been a tough few years and I’m really glad all the hard work has paid off. “I can’t thank my teachers and family enough for their support. I’m really looking forward to joining the Sixth Form at St Mary’s to study biology, chemistry, maths and further maths at A-level.”

Ready for a bright future

Students from St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School, in St Helens, have been celebrating another great set of GCSE results this year. The school's Cafe's Conservatory was filled with smiling faces as students received the results that would take them onto the next stage of their lives, from starting colleges or apprenticeships, to moving into employment or undertaking further professional training. A total of 52% of students achieved five grades 4-9/ C- A* including maths and English. The results are testimony to the hard work of St Cuthbert's students and staff - and underline the school’s determination to help every young person achieve the highest possible standards. Many will now progress on to their career choices, or on to further education. Headteacher Mrs Catherine Twist said: “Every one of these results, whatever the grade has not been 'awarded by teachers’, but earned by the hard work and determination of our students and staff. “The last 18 months have not been the easiest but when we continued to ask exceptional things of our young people, their families and our St Cuthbert community, time and time again they responded with maturity and determination and I am extremely proud of what we have achieved together.' “Everyone here at St Cuthbert’s would like to wish the Class of 2021 the very best of luck. The St Cuthbert’s community cannot wait to see where their next steps will take them and the bright futures they all have ahead of themselves.”

Staff, students and parents were celebrating again as Bellerive’s Year 11 class of 2021 received their GCSE results. After the trials and tribulations of multiple lockdowns, remote learning and the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, the excellent results achieved by so many students were all the more impressive. The college were pleased to see improvements in the number of students achieving a strong pass in maths and English. Equally impressive was the increased number of students achieving passes in the English Baccalaureate group of academic subjects. Almost half of its students achieved one grade at 7 or above with an impressive number of students achieving nine grades at 7 or above in all subjects. Particular mention goes to Millie T who achieved a grade 9 in all her GCSE subjects. Students entered for vocational BTEC subjects also scored well in terms of the number achieving merits and above. Headteacher, Mrs Howlett said: “We are very proud of all of our Year 11 students, many of whom coped with great personal challenges these past 18 months and who have achieved such impressive results this summer. They have shown great courage, perseverance and resilience. “Their formation as young women in the FCJ tradition will give them the values and character needed to succeed in whatever the future holds for them. Their success is a testament to the hard work and support provided by their teachers and the encouragement of their parents who, this year above all others, played a major role in helping their children to achieve these results.”

A mixture of emotions

Year 11 students returned to the Academy of St Francis of Assisi (ASFA), Kensington, to collect their GCSE results. Staff were on hand to welcome students as they arrived at the Academy, with the students happy to see one another again. There was a mixture of emotions all around as they opened the envelopes containing their results. Similar to last year, the Year 11s were unable to sit the exams they had worked so hard towards, due the pandemic, and so grades have been determined by teachers. The academy, which is part of All Saints Multi Academy Trust, saw an overall increase in the number of top grades awarded to students with the number of good and strong passes also increasing. Headteacher of ASFA, Mr Kevin Maddocks, said: “GCSE results day can be a stressful day for students but we hope we have made it as relaxed as possible after how hard they have worked this year. Whilst it is disappointing that they couldn’t sit their exams, our assessments have been fair and we hope this allows them to go on and fulfil their dreams. “On behalf of all the staff, I would like to wish our 2021 cohort the very best of luck for the future - we just know that they'll be successful in everything that they do.”

Bellerive super stars

Jovitha J and Abeena Q were very pleased with their results

Picture special: Schools celebrate results

Staff and students from around the Archdiocese came together to celebrate A-level, BTEC and GCSE results in what has proved to be a very difficult and emotional year for many. Carmel College

All Saints Sixth Form College

The Academy of St Francis of Assisi

Bellerive FCJ Catholic College St Mary’s College

Bellerive FCJ Catholic College headteacher, Mrs Howlett congratulates one of her students

Maricourt Catholic High School

The Academy of St Nicholas

St Cuthbert’s Catholic High School

St John Bosco Arts College

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