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EKLEKTİK STUDIO 2019-2021 Chosen Works



e-mail: berkemeder@gmail.com


Istanbul Technical University


Aura Istanbul

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University


Boğsak Archeological Site

Architectural Design Master’s Program 20132018


Architecture Department

Participant/Researcher Participant


Cengiz Bektaş Architecture Intern


“ARASI” Student Union Co-founder


DENIZ AKYUREK e-mail: akyurekdeniz95@gmail. com


Istanbul Technical University




Institute for Advance Architecture of Catalonia Master in Advance Architecture


Aura Istanbul


Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University



Architectural Design Master’s Program



Architecture Department

SPArchitecture Intern


Norm Architecture Intern



e-mail: merveozgur1@gmail.com



Istanbul Technical University


Yilmaz Deger Architecture & Design


KU Leuven Erasmus+ Architecture Master’s Program


Tuyap Artist Exhibition


Ozyegin University


Architectural Design Master’s Program

Architect Architect

Architecture Department

Aura Istanbul

Participant/Researcher 2014

Leodikeia Archeological Site Intern

e-mail: onursalengel@gmail.com




Istanbul Technical University


Aura Istanbul


TU Delft, Erasmus+


“Kadıköy Hasanpaşa Gazhanesi” Restoration Project


Yıldız Teknik University


Architectural Design Master’s Program Architecture Master’s Program Architecture Department


Intern 2016

Tabanlıoğlu Architecture Intern


EAA - Emre Arolat Architecture Intern


As people who graduated from architecture in different schools with different backgrounds, we nourish from the intellectual environment of the academy but also we are eager to deal with professional practice. We think together within the artistic and social contexts instead of seeing architecture solely as a construction process; our enthusiasm to produce and say something new, brought us together in a common place.


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Competition Projects Page





Through Komurciyan’s Path



YK-0 Visitor Center



Meserret: An Alternative Street Model

Competition Projects

Buyukada Phaeton Square Urban Design Competition

Eremya Celebi Komurciyan Tomb Design Competition

Theodosius Harbor Archaeological Site Architectural Project Competition Meserret Street Life and Culture National Architectural Idea Project Competition

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2021 *

** BirarADA 2nd Mention Prize

Buyukada Phaeton Square Urban Design Competition Two-Phased Urban Design Competition Organizer: IBB Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Team: Yılmaz Deger Zühre Sözeri Sera Tolgay Melih Bozkurt Onursal Engel Berke Meder Deniz Akyürek Merve Özgür Cem Özhatay Prince Islands. Istanbul, Turkey

Competition Projects

*Birarada: Together in Turkish **Ada: Island in Turkish There are certain things that every islander feels through their personal lives, and that the professionals in the field of design feel and trace in the square through their profession. Within the framework of this project and during the discussions throughout the process; There have been intellectual associations and sometimes disagreements with people who have ideas about the island, who live on the island, who feel the pain of horses deeply, who are deeply affected by the steps taken without question, or who have passed there only once in their life and still feel, think, discuss and question about the island. Therefore; There has been a significant experience in how to implement participation in a discussion. For this reason, even our indecisions throughout the process are very important in terms of the emergence of the project. In a way, this shows how difficult it is to touch a piece of the city… And we set off towards today… The real adventure begins the moment you set foot on the island, the principle should be the same again and again, again and again, actually SLOWING TIME…

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Layout Plan of the Square and the Surrounding

Historical Background of the Square It is possible to determine the traces of the transformation when we look at the story of the spatialization of the space, which is the subject of the competition, from a historical point of view. The cliff, which continues from the Police Front Square to the Anatolian Club and forms a ridge, is also effective in the Clock Square and the competition area. As a result of ongo-

ing urban developments; stratified space, first defined parcels and an adjacent occupancy that defines the center of the settlement, followed by the transformation of the area in front of the Panaya Church with the first great fire, and the transformation of the entire area into a void with the second great fire.

Historical Background of the Square and Apprehensions of the Future


• 9 Designing a Square with Phases The project proposal prefers to define the process by dividing it into four separate phases, but the phases sometimes overlap or even transform into each other. These stages, which the project divides into phases, contain uncertainties from time to time, and even show permeability. The activities that will be described in the whole process have enabled the phases to be transformed into calendars and defined as a meeting ground between time and coincidences.

Phase 3: Governmentality

Phase 4: Governmentality

Beginning of Phase 4

Beginning of Phase 2

Beginning of Phase 2

Phase 2: Governmentality

Beginning of Phase 1

Beginning of the Participant Process

Phase 1: Governmentality

Nature Islander Tourist/Visitor Local Stakeholders

Participant Processes


Building Strong Civil Society


Destruction, Transition, and Transformation

Interaction with Memory memory Annihilation Processes

Competition Projects

Including the Perimeter to the Square

Facing the Scars of the Square


Interface Processes PHASE 4

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Layout Plan


• 11

PHASE 3: Technical and Design Infrastructure The goal of the square design is to optimize the space with as few touches as possible. The works to be done at this stage can be listed as starting the cutting operations on the asphalt and converting the pieces obtained in this way into flooring materials, preparing the cuts for their new functions, arrangements for infrastructure such as surface water flow in the area, electricity, and landscaping. The main objective of this phase is to complete the construction activity as a whole and in a short time. For this reason, it is important that the design is easy to implement, that every material removed from the site is reused in the field, and that all proposals to be produced in the next phase, apart from the titles suggested here, are prepared on the basis of temporality.

Competition Projects

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Cutting the current asphalt

Ground Strategies

Greent Belt

Green asphalt cuts

Reusing cut asphalt blocks

Lighting Strategies

Lighting element type-1

Lighting element type-2

Ground lighting

Ground lighting on asphalt cuts EKLEKTİK

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Green and Water Infrastructure Strategies

Permeable groundwork

Rainwater collecting pool

Bioswale System

Permeable asphalt cuts

Aged treees

Climbing plants

Bushes and other plants

Bioswale plants

Vegetation Strategies

Competition Projects

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Through Komurciyan’s Path Participant Project

Eremya Celebi Komurciyan Tomb Design Competition Organiser: IBB Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

Balikli Armenian Cemetery, Istanbul

This project is a research-based design of Komurciyan’s tomb relying on his historical narrative of Istanbul, his relationship with writing and printing, and his historiography and mapping studies. The 8-part book “History of Istanbul”, completed by Kömürciyan in 1681 upon the order of Archbishop Vartan, presents a narrative of Istanbul at the intersection of history and geography. These two works of Komurciyan, who also has historiographic studies such as the “Map of the Armenian World”, constitute the starting points of the research process in the background of the design. The route map (left), which is re-generated based on the 8-part Istanbul historical narrative of Komurciyan, constitutes a combined itinerary of all the places he stopped during the trip and, the people and events he mentioned. Also, current marks of the city and everyday life elements are juxtaposed with the 17th-century narration of the city. It is a good start to follow Komurciyan in a boat from Yedikule to the waters of the Bosphorus, to trace the past in this ancient city, to watch the life of Istanbul, to understand his feelings, and to follow his events. To think about Eremya Komurciyan today; brings together the traces of Istanbul’s past and present, seeing the Armenian presence and culture in Anatolia, and revealing the multi-layered historiography. “Let’s watch the surroundings carefully, let’s contemplate...”” -Eremya Celebi Komurciyan

Competition Projects

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A Historian, a Poet, a Typographer, a Traveller

Eremya Komurciyan, who conveyed to us the palimpsest city of Istanbul, where the traces of the past and the present are mixed, with its social life and built environment in the 17th century, he is not only a historian as an Armenian from Istanbul, but also a poet, typographer , traveler…. EKLEKTİK

• 17 An Interlingual Typographer Although writing Turkish with Armenian letters became common in the 19th century, Eremya Komurciyan has written text in Turkish using Armenian letters. As a result of history progressing in different ways, although writing Turkish with Armenian letters is a practice that we have forgotten today, its possibility continues to be tried and tested among the alternative layers of the past.

Creating a Hybrid Writing of Istanbul The city of Istanbul, which Komurciyan wrote extensively on, has been known by different names for centuries and written in different alphabets. Thus the practice of “writing Turkish with Armenian letters” is adopted from Komurciyan to create a hybrid language

Writing Istanbul Today in Turkish (Latin Alphabet) and Armenian (Armenian Alphabet) Alphabets

Istanbul Lathyrus Lathyrus Odoratus

An endemic plant specie specific to Istanbul that can survive on its own

Data obtained from researches on Komurciyan are used as an inscription on the surface of the gravestone design of an abstraccted Istanbul map juxtaposed with the corten trace of the Komurciyan’s Istanbul route on his book

Andesite Stone

Two monolithic parts of the gravestone is engraved with Komurciyan’s name


The Istanbul route of Komurciyan and the Armenian word for Istanbul (Stanpol) are sculpted with corten


Reinterpretation of the post-burial ritual of watering the plants of the grave


The plant representing Istanbul was placed in the soil between the andesite blocks, which were designed as two pieces. Competition Projects

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YK-0 Visitor Center Katılımcı Proje

Theodosius Harbor Archeological Site Architectural Project Competitions Organiser: IBB Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

“…sual eylen bizden evvel gelene kim var imiş biz burada yoğ iken” -Karacoğlan Yenikapı district stands out as a palimpsest piece of city at the southern end of the historical peninsula, where the multi-layered historical topography of Istanbul overlaps. Although it has become an important rail-based transportation transfer center for Istanbul today, the region has always been a place where urban life is intense from the neolithic layers to the port of Theodosius and then to the Langa orchards. The fact that, the land that an urbanite steps on today while transferring from Marmaray Train Station to the metro station, is the same land that the workers who carried cargo to the ships at the port of Theodosius during 6th century and the farmers who produced crops in the Langa orchard during 16th century demonstrates the palimpsest structure of Yenikapı. Thus, the main objective of the proposal is to ensure that the traces of different temporalities and historical layers on these lands can become possible to walk among, where different time periods overlap each other through everyday life practice.

Yenikapi, Istanbul

Competition Projects

• 20 1 CE

2 CE

3 CE

4 CE

5 CE

Neolithic Period

Footprints, tombs, tools, pottery, organic remains

6 CE

7 CE

8 CE

9 CE

8 CE

5 CE

YK-6, YK-7, YK-8, YK-9, YK-18


5-6 CE

11 CE

10 CE

9 CE

YK-19, YK-29

YK-34, YK-35

10 CE

12 CE

13 CE

14 CE

15 CE

16 CE

17 CE

18 CE

19 CE

20 CE

21 CE

12-13 CE

Kilise Kalıntısı

9-10 CE

YK-3, YK-26


8-10 CE YK-25

Langa Orchards

8-9 CE


YK-15, YK-30, YK-32

OTTOMAN BYZANTINE Constantinople's growth and mega projects


Bayrampaşa (Lycos) Stream filling the harbor with alluvium

Becoming a waste disposal area

7. CE

12. YY


4. CE

Building the Theodosian and Julian Ports

8.500 years before today Neolithic Settlement

The port lost its importance with the cessation of grain tradE

MS 330

-6.30 level

The establishment of the Byzantine Empire and the change of the Byzantine name to Constantinople

2012 ve 2020

International Competi



Conquest of Constantinapolis

Shipwreck excavations

Visitor Center

Wall Ruins Küçük Langa


Abandonment of Jewish the Port communities settled in the filled area of the harbor (called Yalı Neighborhood today)

Aralığı Caddesi Küçük Langa Caddesi

Gardens and Archeopark

Archeological Pit

Gazi Mustafa Kemal Paşa Caddesi





Atmaca Sokak


Namık Kemal Caddesi

k La




Residential Area

Katip Kasım Bostanı Sokak

Lab-2 aşa





Archeological Site



d Ca an



afi nN


h rra




cı Tah


Gazi Mustafa Kemalpaşa Caddesi

Davu tp

Tram, Bicycle and Pedestrian Line İnebey Parkı


k Soka

Yalı Mahallesi

Station 100 Ada

Yalı Parkı

Yenikapı Kumsalı Sokak

Redesigned Overpass Kenedy



Layout Plan

Considering that the area is an important historical focal and transfer center connecting Yenikapı and its surroundings, the flows of the urbanites have been redesigned; the pedestrian connections of the neighborhood have been strengthened and, also an pedestrian and bicycle route that allow the

Designing Views with Pedestrian Flows and Stops experience of the Theodosius Harbor promenade by urbanites and tourists have been designed. By determining the stopping points on these flows, views from the human eye to the square, the archeological pit, the visitor center, the subway, the walls and other interaction points are intermingled. EKLEKTİK

• 21 4. Year

5. Year

7. Year

8. Year

9. Year

10. Year


Langa Orchards and Urban Park



6. Year

11. Year

12. Year

13. Year

14. Year

15. Year

Construction of the Museum Building

3. Year


2. Year


The Square


1. Year

Nature Locals Archeolog/Research Tourist Transit Urbanite Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Step-6


Step-7 Step-8 Step-9 Step-10 Step-11 Step-12 Step-13 Step-14 Step-15 Step-16 Step-17 Step-18 Step-19 Step-20 Step-21 Step-22 Step-23 Step-24


6. 1.






Step-9 Excavation of other areas within the borders of Theodosius Port and not included in the excavation area carried out between 2004-2012

Designing with Phases The project proposal aims to transform the entire region around the archeological pit and its interaction area within a process design. Because the competition area and its immediate surroundings are seen as an area where urban problems overlap, beyond a scale that could be built and transformed in one go. Competition Projects

Proposal is developed by designing the whole process transformation as an archaeological site, as well as how the development as a laboratory, museum and archeopark will be shaped around the focal area, in stages over a 13-year period, with people that can be involved and affected in this process.

Phase 4

Step-4 Construction of Tram-Bicycle-Walking route, Step-5 Reconciliation and transformation of the parcels on Kaleboyu Sokak, Step-6 Beginning of excavation work in the pit Step-7 Construction of Lab-2/protection of potential archaeological site, landscaping of 100 islands and providing Lab-2 connectivity, Step-8 Excavation of the area between Namık Kemal Street and Kaleboyu Street


Phase 3

Step-1 Pedestrianization of Langa Bostanları Street, implementation/arrangements on the square and subway floors Step-2 Reopening of the old street between Namık Kemal Street and Kaleboyu Street, reconciliation and transformation with the tradesmen in the region Step-3 Construction of Lab-1 and excavation of Lab-2


Phase 2

Phase 1



Step-10 Arrangement of Kuleboyu Sokak Step-11 Providing additional structures and vertical connections of the station and tram route

Step-12 Reconciliation and transformation of zone-1 Step-13 Beginning archaeological excavation in zone-1 Step-14 Completion of landscaping and axes in zone-1 Step-15 Reconciliation and transformation of zone-2 Step-16 Beginning archaeological excavation in zone-2 Step-17 Completion of landscaping and axes in zone-2 Step-18 Reconciliation and transformation of zone-3

Step-19 Beginning archaeological excavation in zone-3 Step-20 Completion of landscaping and axes in zone-3 Step-21 Reconciliation and transformation of zone-4 Step-22 Beginning archaeological excavation in zone-4 Step-23 Completion of landscaping and axes in zone-4 Step-24 Construction of the Archaeological Museum of Theodosius Harbor

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Bisiklet Parkı


Bisiklet Rampası



Layout Plan


• 23 Fast and Slow Square Design

Semi-Transparent Canopy Slow square canopy created around the visitor center

Load-Bearing Structure Steel load-bearing structure that creates visual cross-sections along the canopy

Corten shipwreck routes shaped according to different uses and flows in

Çukur İzleme Basamakları


Pavement Slow square pavement tracing the projection of the Info Points Information wall about the routes on the shipwreck findings

Corten bridge connecting Aksaray axis, metro level and fast square level

Archeological Excavation Pit Metro Tear on the Square

Shipwreck Routes Traces of the points where the shipwreck findings are found

Pit View Stairs

At the square level; Existing subway entrances were changed, and a single long floor tear is opened parallel to the archeological excavation pit, allowing the subway floor to be illuminated and the square to function in two parts on the eastwest axis. In addition, a second tear on the floor is opened in the western part of the square, which covers the short side of the excavation pit, leading directly to the visitor center from the metro level. The eastern part of the square -in relation to bus and sea transportation- has been considered a “fast square” for the use of transit passengers. The western part on the other hand, is designed as a “slow square” where users can spend time, access the research laboratories and the visitor center. The landscape of the square is designed based on the balance of hard ground and green, considering the usage practices of this slow and fast square. In addition, the street above the excavation pit is proposed to be pedestrianized and considered as an intersection area of fast and slow square to establish a relationship.

Corten Flooring Corten flooring on the subway floor for the visual continuity of the bridge

Pit View Axis The first axis of the metro floor facing the pit is opened and became a part of the transit flows.

M2 Metro Escalator

Station Security

Slow Square

Landscape Detail of the Pavement Competition Projects

Fast Square

Landscape Detail of Urban Furnitures

• 24

YK 0 | Ziyaretçi Merkezi The visitor center structure is located in the slow square within the framework of the general decision taken in Yenikapı Square. It is located on the short side of the excavation pit, which is an urban anomaly, and provides an extension of the layered accumulation inside the pit to the square level.



A -6.65


+4.00 -1.10






Visitor Center Plan

1/200 C-C Kesiti

Section A-A


• 25

Steel Structure

Polycarbonate Panel Facade

Visitor Corridor Researcher Rooms Seminar Room High Ceiling Working Section Overhead crane, analysis and conservation area, working pool, freeze dryer Security

Conservation Laboratory Design Conservation Pools

Rack System WareConservation Pools

Competition Projects

The laboratory structure, which is designed with a detailed research on the shipwreck removal, preservation, restoration and storage processes, can be used both as a study area and a center where the works can be visited and monitored. The structure, which was designed as a steel structure considering its temporality, consists of the main working section with a high ceiling and two masses attached to it.

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Meserret: An Alternative Street Model Equivalent Prize

Meserret Street Life and Culture National Architectural Idea Project Competition Organizer: Merkezefendi Municipality (Denizli)

Meserret Sokak is located in the middle of the city center of Denizli, forming a section from the residential and commercial area to the commercial area, extending in a long and narrow axis parallel to Lise Street with high-rise construction and intersects with the pedestrianized area of Çaybaşı ​​ Region. Despite the fact that it exists disjointedly along the street line, at the beginning of the 2000s, with the suggestions of the famous architect Cengiz Bektaş, the water feature consisting of rill and pools and the granite-marble designed flooring formed the design language of the street. After this intervention, Meserret Street developed and functioned in a way to be associated with the people of Denizli in its immediate vicinity and took its current form. Based on all these, design decisions; The central location of the street away from historical references, the current situation consisting of the waterline and flooring, which were tried to be created with a qualified design language in the past, were tried to be taken in line with the analyzes of the objects, events and actors on the street. functions are intended to articulate with the existing situation and to reproduce spontaneous situations.

Merkezefendi, Denizli, Turkey

Competition Projects

*This project is chosen by the municipality to be developed by our team. Currently this is an ongoing project soon to start construction.

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Urban Scale Desicions





The Language of the Street

New Entrance to the Street

Pedestrianization of the Surrounding EKLEKTİK

Language of the Street

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The water element (rill and pools), granite stone and travertine flooring and various elements that make up the Meserret street form a language along the street and speak to the user. Locals, tradesmen, citizens and municipalities who currently use the street are articulated to this language with their own elements, materials and usage.

Competition Projects

• 30 Playground


B Square


Meeting Arena


Urban Interface


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Competition Projects

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Competition Projects

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