Channuka & Purim
2 Spheres of Human Perfection –––––––––––––––––––––– Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim
hy were Channuka and Purim alone made into holidays? Joshua experienced a miraculous victory over Jericho when the walls sank into the ground. God sent giant stones from the heavens on behalf of Joshua as well (Joshua, 10:11). There were many instances of miraculously-won wars. What is present in the Channuka and Purim miracles, that they alone deserved to be rendered into perpetual holidays of Pirsumey Nase—proclamations of God's miracles? And what is the objective of Pirsumey Nase? Examining these two holidays more closely, we find additional features that increase our questions... During that Maccabeean war upon which Channuka was created, we note an oddity. Channuka's famous miracle of oil occurred "after" the war had already ended. For what need was this miracle, being that the Jews were victorious? We also note that it was the Hasmonian Cohanim—the priests—who fought that war. We understand this was a fact, but why was this necessary for Maimonides to state in his Laws of Channuka? And why does he mention that lighting the Channuka light is a "Mitzvah Chaviva"—a beloved mitzvah? In what manner does this mitzvah surpass all others? Turning to Purim, Mordechai omitted God's name from the Megilla. For what reason did he do so? While we appreciate the fact that there were no overt miracles, nonetheless, it was God who orchestrated the timing of many events to deliver the Jews from their (CONT. ON NEXT PAGE)
NOV. 26, 2021