his is King David’s critique of those who slander:
May God cut off all flattering lips, every tongue that speaks arrogance. They say, “By our tongues we shall prevail; our lips are with us, who will master over us?” (Psalms 12:4,5)
King David shares the underlying psychological dynamics. Those inspired by God like King David, articulate God’s brilliance with His perfectly selected words. Let us be highly sensitive to his words so we derive the most possible divine wisdom. Here, there are 3 primary critiques.
The Evil & Harm of Lashon Hara Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim
“May God cut off all flattering lips, every tongue that speaks arrogance”
Speech is a social phenomenon; we don’t talk when alone. One seeks support from others for their emotions, explaining why these verses refer to “our” tongues, “we” shall prevail, “our” lips, and over “us.” These evil people are insecure and require peer support. The Spies too didn’t stand on their own legs, but first mustered support by inciting others to join in their evil claims. What is the arrogance of these sinners? They destroy others with selfish motives like monetary gain, fame, or power. Another dominant motive is to destroy those whom they envy; others who are truly good and righteous disturb the sinner. Rashi (Lev. 26:15) identifies 7 stages of self-destruction, where sinners must “scorn others who practice the commands”: (CONT. ON NEXT PAGE)
APR. 15, 2022
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