Jewishtimes – Dec. 3, 2021

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Fortune Yosef’s confrontation with immorality

Rabbi Reuven Mann

THIS WEEK’S PARSHA, Mikeitz, depicts the great miracle, which transformed Yosef’s life and that of the Jewish People. Yosef, had been cast in prison over the false accusation of rape, which was hurled at him by Potiphar’s wife. His great success in his master’s service, led his wife to become fatally attracted to him. For all his wisdom and ability to handle situations, Yosef lacked a solution to this problem. He responded to her advances with a seemingly firm refusal: “…see my master concerns himself about nothing in the house, and whatever he has he has placed in my control. There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has denied me nothing but you, since you are his wife; how then can I perpetrate thus great evil and have sinned against G-d!” (Bereishis 39:8-9) (CONT. ON NEXT PAGE) WWW.MESORA.ORG

DEC. 3, 2021

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