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Whitesville City Commission
Editor’s note: Each seat on the Whitesville City Commission is a nonpartisan elected position. Candidate profiles have been edited only for spelling, grammar and punctuation, and otherwise appear as submitted. Multiple attempts to reach Joey Beatty, a candidate for Whitesville City Commission, were unsuccessful.
DATE OF BIRTH March 16, 1959
ADDRESS 10363 Hwy 54 Apt. 3, Whitesville, KY 42378
EDUCATION Graduate of Trinity High School (1977)
OCCUPATION Meat Manager Houchens Ind., Whitesville IGA
ELECTED OFFICES HELD Whitesville City Commissioner (6 years)
What is the greatest challenge facing Whitesville today, and what would you do to address it?
Our greatest challenge (is) the continuation of updating our sewer system. Once finished, the city will have an energy-efficient system that meets all government regulations and will fill the needs of the city for many years to come.
Excluding your answer to question No. 1, what are three other issues that would be top priorities?
In most small cities, population and business are the two topics most often discussed. Our community is limited in each area. The upkeep of city roads, sidewalks and curbs are always under review, as is new construction. Third would be the amenities afforded the Whitesville community; our park, with its walking trail, picnic shelters, ball diamonds, disc golf course and playground, is our best amenity.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
I tend to look at situations/opportunities from a business perspective. What are the costs, manpower needed, accessibility to citizens, availability of grants, (and) service to the community that are involved in the particular situation or opportunity?
What do you see as Whitesville’s greatest strength, and what will you do to promote or build upon that?
The people who make our community their home are our greatest strength. They believe in each other and support each other. They are willing to share knowledge, growth, personal ability and adaptability with other members of the Whitesville community.
DATE OF BIRTH Oct. 30, 1977
ADDRESS 10288 Kentucky 54, Whitesville, KY 42378
EDUCATION: electrical degree, Owensboro Community & Technical College (2015)
OCCUPATION bumper technician at Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana
SPOUSE/PARTNER & CHILDREN Wife Rachel Crabtree; daughters Paige and Piper Crabtree

What is the greatest challenge facing Whitesville today, and what would you do to address it?
The greatest challenge facing Whitesville, Kentucky, is bringing revenue in our community.
Excluding your answer to question No. 1, what are three other issues that would be top priorities?
The other is our sewage facility and the drug issues. ... The ways I (would) like to address these issue(s) (are by) helping my mayor conquer the challenges she faces and what the community faces.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
I get involved in our community school by raising money and get involved in fundraisers. I’m with the Whitesville Historical Society, and we help restore our community history.
What do you see as Whitesville’s greatest strength, and what will you do to promote or build upon that?
Whitesville’s greatest strength is having events in our community — for example, having fireworks in the park and having tractors (and) car shows. The way I would promote this (is by) getting more advertisements out there and build upon it.
Editor’s note: Each seat on the Whitesville City Commission is a nonpartisan elected position. Candidate profiles have been edited only for spelling, grammar and punctuation, and otherwise appear as submitted.

What is the greatest challenge facing Whitesville today, and what would you do to address it?
I would like to see our sewer system project complete with the most beneficial system for our city.
Excluding your answer to question No. 1, what are three other issues that would be top priorities?
I would like to work together with the county to get law enforcement in our city.
I would like to create a safe and drug-free park environment for our city.
I would like to create a strategic plan to rebuild and bring in new businesses in our city area.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
I have been a resident of Whitesville for 33 years, along with my wife. I have raised four children in this city, of which two are raising their own families within the Whitesville city limits. I have been a Whitesville City Commissioner for the past nine years. I recently retired from 33 years of service to the Whitesville Volunteer Fire Department. I am also proudly a Vietnam veteran.
What do you see as Whitesville’s greatest strength, and what will you do to promote or build upon that?
Deep roots. Whitesville’s greatest strength is the generations that have lived here and their strong ties. These strong ties lead to pride of the city and support for programs that impact the community. I would like to promote that community pride into “Supporting Locals,” which would help bring in new businesses to our city.
DATE OF BIRTH March 15, 1949
ADDRESS 10322 Highway 54, Whitesville, KY 42378
EDUCATION Graduate of Mary Carrico Memorial High School
OCCUPATION Green River Steel and Kimball International. Currently retired.
ELECTED OFFICES HELD Whitesville City Commissioner (2011-present)
SPOUSE/PARTNER & CHILDREN Spouse Janice Mattingly; children Tim Mattingly, Cristi Edge, Carrie Mills and Shelley Howard
ADDRESS Highway 54, Whitesville, KY 42378
EDUCATION High school and some college
SPOUSE/PARTNER & CHILDREN Spouse Edward; son Michael
Sept. 3, 1958

What is the greatest challenge facing Whitesville today, and what would you do to address it?
The sewer system is the biggest issue, and I will work with the current commissioners and mayor to get this completed.
Excluding your answer to question No. 1, what are three other issues that would be top priorities?
Community and people come first. (The) sidewalk project needs to be discussed with other commissioners to come up with a plan for updating the sidewalks. There are other projects that are on the agenda that need to be discussed and voted on before they can be released to the public.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
I feel I would be an asset to Whitesville with my positive attitude and respect for the community. I love our small town.
What do you see as Whitesville’s greatest strength, and what will you do to promote or build upon that?
The community is the greatest strength. I am willing to help anyone that needs help, or I will find the answers and report back to them.