Business Connection

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ess ASSOCIATED REALTORS® 1728CentralAve.#1•FortDodge,Iowa 515-955-7000 Brought to you by essenger THE Q&A: C&S Products Board Member Spotlight: Fort Dodge Mountain Bike Club

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Terry Christensen PUBLISHER

Bill Shea EDITOR





ADDRESS: PHONE: 713 Central Ave. (515) 573-2141 Fort Dodge, IA 50501 FAX: (515) 571-4529

Fort Dodge BUSINESS CONNECTION is published monthly by The Messenger in cooperation with The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2023. Reproduction in part or in whole without the expressed written permission of Fort Dodge BUSINESS CONNECTION is strictly prohibited. Unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by return postage. Fort Dodge BUSINESS CONNECTION is not responsible for unsolicited photographs, artwork or manuscripts. The opinions expressed in editorial material are not necessarily the opinions of Fort Dodge Business Connection.

Fort Dodge Mountain Bike Club
CONTENTS July 2023 on the cover 5 6 Quality of Life and Workforce 8 Q&A: Fort Dodge Mountain Bike Club 10 Artist Spotlight: Tiffany Nelson 12 Board Member Spotlight: C&S Products Company, Inc. 14 City Connect 16 Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance Newsletter 20 County Connect 22 Shining Star: Abraham Fisher 24 United Way: Our Projects are Making an Impact 26 College Connect 29 Open for Business 33 Financial Focus INSIDE:
photo coutersy of Nick Oester


Communities with a higher quality of life generally experience both higher employment and population growth. Our region’s elected officials and leaders understand this and have invested in improving the quality of life initiatives, such as trails, arts, and culture, and other such amenities. Understanding that a vibrant business climate also impacts quality of life is in our wheelhouse at the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance. Having a solid business climate attracts customers, employs residents, and gives consumers more choice for buying everything from groceries to furniture to automobiles to a myriad of ancillary opportunity.

Reliable infrastructure is further a part of maintaining a good quality of life. Infrastructure covers everything from the physical assets like roads and bridges, to basic municipal needs like water, electricity, gas, and broadband. It also includes services like healthcare and specialized healthcare services, childcare, educational opportunities, and further amenities that support the necessary workforce which is also human infrastructure. Economic growth doesn’t happen without serious investments in that infrastructure. Without infrastructure support there are no new neighborhoods, shopping areas, office parks, or other quality of life support. City and County leaders have understood the importance of and the complexities and have continued to make improvements when needed, and have invested and are continuing to invest when and where needed to support development for the area.

Giving people choices is important to a good quality of life. All of the factors mentioned are necessary, however, job fulfillment comes not just from new employees moving to Webster County, but from infilling those jobs from our existing residents. One of the greatest allies of economic development is the educational opportunity available. Iowa Central Community College is

Growth Alliance News
Fort Dodge
Dennis Plautz

part of our support infrastructure that is invaluable when it comes to offering options for adult learning, workforce education, and skills development. The more well-rounded and capable a local workforce is, the more attractive that location is to companies dependent on a trained and available workforce for their viability and success.

So, what actually is considered as, “Quality of life” is constantly changing. Decades ago, the internet and access to it would not have been a part of the conversation, and now the City of Fort Dodge is preparing to offer broadband as a new alternative utility, understanding the importance access plays when companies are looking at locating or relocating, and to offer the citizens of Fort Dodge more choices. With these changes, we also further the need for educational opportunity. Iowa Central again provides those educational opportunities and support to our population and future population.

Economic development and quality of life initiatives only happen when collaboration occurs between stakeholders, Fort Dodge, and Webster County and we all understand that when one wins, we all win.



What is the Lizard Creek Mountain Bike Park and how was it created?

Ron Jacobson: Lizard Creek Mountain Bike Park is about 9 miles of trails made specifically for mountain biking. The trails are located south of the Lizard Creek in Ft Dodge and Phinney Park area. There is also a trail in Loomis Park.

The recent history of the area is in the mid 2000`s. A group who were working on the Lizard Creek Water Trails built the boat launch and the parking area. They cleaned up the area and cleared out a lot of garbage. They also cleared the trail that was in the area along Lizard Creek. I would ride this loop on my MTB. I rode some trails in the Minneapolis area and thought a larger trail system similar to those trails could be built in the area along the Lizard Creek. In 2010 I got permission from Lori Branderhorst to build more trails for mountain biking. I was able to build a small trail system to Highway 169. Some small bridges were built with some old decking. I was the only one riding the trails for a while. Soon the word spread and there were more and more people enjoying the trails. I talked with David Fierke and he was very much in favor of making the trails part of the Ft. Dodge Trail system which is now the Lower Lizard Trail. Sean Alstott joined me in building and maintain-

photo coutersy of Nick Oester



ing the trails. Sean and I soon wanted to add some more trails. We walked the area south of Railroad Tracks which had some city property and private land. 2018 David Fierke was able to lease the private property and said build some trails. Sean and I were able to build a loop through this area which was named Upper Lizard. The word spread and soon we were blessed with many other volunteers who helped expand the trail system.

With the added volunteers we were able to build a Phinney Park Loop and also trails were added to Loomis Park. For a total of approximately nine miles of trails. The Lizard Creek trails are well known throughout Iowa and have become a favorite destination to come and ride MT Bikes.

Travis Jass: The park is a collection of three separate trails of varying length and skill levels. The trails are all in one direction. The lower trail is easiest with lots of twists and turns through the woods. There are a couple of little hills and creek crossings, and a couple features to ride over if you chose to. The upper trail is more challenging, with lots of ups and downs, but nothing overly technical that requires special skills. There are some features there that are challenging but can be ridden around so as not to discourage newer riders, but once mastered, pose challenges to even the most seasoned riders. It is definitely a workout!

Watertower/over-under/Phinney trail is the newest and is similar in skill level to the upper trail. It starts off with a long climb up the service road to the base of the water tower. Two choices from there - over under twists up and down and riders pass over, around and under the namesake bridge. There is a challenging valley that merges into the Phinney trail. It will lead riders around near the country club and then drop back down along Phinney park and behind the water treatment plant, before letting them out partway up the service road. At the base of the water tower riders can choose to go to the right to do the original water tower trail. It is considerably shorter with a couple quick downhill sections and a rock drop before merging onto the Phinney trail about the same place the over/under trail does. All three loops can be completed at your own pace, so even the harder sections of the more advanced trails can be completed by anyone with reasonable bike skills. The trails are all hand built and maintained by the volunteer club. Again, the originals were Ron and Sean (Alstott), but everyone has played a role in getting them where they are today.

What is the origin story of the Fort Dodge Mountain Bike Club? How did it form?

Ron Jacobson: Many of the volunteers started meeting on a monthly basis to plan future trails and workdays. We also wanted to raise funds for needed projects.

Travis Jass: The club just kind of happened, Ron and Sean built the original trails, then a few of us others realized we could help maintain and improve on their concepts. We all kind of got organized and aligned our collective short term and long-term ideas, and the rest is history!

What do you enjoy about mountain biking?

Ron Jacobson: Mountain biking is a great way to enjoy a workout and nature at the same time.

Travis Jass: I enjoy all types of cycling, mountain biking breaks up the monotony of riding on the road, and challenges balance and bike handling skills. It’s also a great way to get away from the everyday hustle and bustle and disappear into the peace and quiet of the woods for a while.

How can community members help support the Fort Dodge Mountain Bike Club?

Ron Jacobson: Spread the word! If you know someone who may enjoy mountain biking have them give it a try. Our trail system has many ability levels from the beginner to more advanced trail rider. We also want to get the youth involved with a BMX track. The confidence that can come from riding a difficult trail system is great to see in all ages. Getting more people out enjoying nature. There is a High School MTB series in Iowa. It would be nice to have our local schools field a team.

Travis Jass: There are lots of ways the community can support us. Monetary donations are used for costs associated with maintenance including equipment, fuel for equipment, and building materials for replacement or construction of bridges or berms. We have placed QR codes around the park to make the donation process super simple, or contact our club treasurer, Lance Walding via our Facebook page. Community members can also help support us with volunteer work. We schedule workdays in the spring and fall when we make the most improvements to the trails, but also do string trimming on weeds encroaching on the trail as well as clearing fallen trees after storms. People can also help generally to keep the area clean. There are benches and a picnic area on lower, and the canoe/kayak launch in the parking circles, where a lot of trash gets left behind. The easiest way to show your support is to just plain ride! Leaving us some positive feedback and sharing your experience on social media after your ride helps get the word out. We really believe we are getting in on the ground level of something with so much potential that can, in turn, can bring so much to our city.


Tell us about when you first were exposed to music growing up.

I lived in a house that was always playing music. My mom sang in a few country bands and we were always playing music and singing around the house. When I was in 5th grade, I started playing in Band. My teacher didn’t want me to play the saxophone and told me I would never be good at it…….My first concert was front row at Garth Brooks when I was in 7th grade. It was the day before I auditioned for Honor Band. It was amazing. I never played piano or did anything like that until college.

What is your educational background?

• BA in Music Education Instrumental 5-12 from Northwestern

• BA in Music Education Vocal: K-8 and 5-12 from Northwestern

• Talented and Gifted Endorsement from Drake University

• Coaching Authorization from ICCC

• Masters in Music Education from University of Florida

Who has the greatest influence on you musically?

Growing up….I’m not even really sure. I did music because I loved it and wanted to be good at it. Now, there are so many people. I learn every single moment from the outstanding musicians I am surrounded by. The most influential person in my adult life would be the great Sam Pilafian. He was the Tuba player for the Boston Brass and an outstanding music educator and human being. He was my biggest supporter from the time I met him to the time he left us

due to cancer. He showed me how to be a truly great human, how to continually better my craft and how to be humble in all that I do. He taught me how to record and edit for CD’s and that the level that I demanded excellence to, from my students and myself, is where it needs to be and I should never settle for less than that level. I have his name printed all of the Converse All-Star shoes I wear. He always wore them, performing live across the world, or rehearsing with the Boston Brass. He bought me my first pair when I started teaching at the college level. It’s hard to explain, but the people who knew and were close to Sam, knows his teachings and his attitude and passion will live on through all of us. Every single day I teach or perform, his words are in the back of my mind. Every single day, I hope I make him proud. I am also pushed to be my best everyday

I’ve played in numerous big bands for the last 20 years and it has always been a dream of mine to create my own Big Band. When I moved to the Fort Dodge area, musically it was a really hard time for me. I was teaching outstanding ensembles but I was starting over completely in the music performance scene. I had performed in Northwest Iowa as a singer and saxophonist for about 20 years and then I moved to this area and no one knew who I was, no one knew that I sang, and no one knew that I played. I was just the “sax coach” for the Bari sax player in Lone Tree Revival…LOL. I am not a very patient person and when I see something I want I go and get it. I saw there was a need for Jazz Music in the Fort Dodge music scene, I wanted to created a Big Band of my own, and I chatted with a few of my great musician friends here in the area. And I decided it was time. Having the contacts and musician friends that I do, and those musicians wanting to play together, putting the band together was actually easy for me. WE ( SAY THIS AS IT IS NOT MY BAND, IT IS NOW OUR 515 BAND)now have an outstanding group of musicians from across the state of Iowa playing Jazz Music and educating our audiences on all the music we play.

Our goal is to continue to do just that. We want to continue to play, here and wherever our performances lead us (I hope places other than Iowa as well). We want to continue to bring our passion for Jazz music, from yesterday’s music all the way through today’s contemporary Brass bands, to any one who wants to listen. We want to educate and encourage the young jazz musicians in our school systems. Our goal is to do what we can to not let this genre of music die. We want to bring the music of the jazz legends of yesterday to the ears of today.

Profession: Instrumental Music Educator and Master Teacher. Performer.

If you had a chance to meet any performer, alive or dead, who would you choose and why?

I would LOVE to have met Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald! Although they are no longer with us, we have so much in common. It would be great to chat about being a Woman in the Jazz World. I would also have loved to have chatted with Duke Ellington, Johnny Coltane and of course Louis Armstrong.

I’ve been extremely blessed to have chatted with so many world class musicians….. EXCEPT the great Wynton Marsalis. Right now, I would give anything to sit down with him and talk to him about what we do. I want to structure the 515 much like Jazz at Lincoln Center. He, by far, is the greatest living Jazz musician of our time. Sitting with him would be a dream come true.

What advice would you give to a high school student looking to become a music educator?

Music education is one of the hardest but most rewarding professions out there. If you are truly passionate about music, do it!!! You won’t regret it. If you are going into music, be 100% committed to bettering yourself and your craft at all times. Surround yourself with as many great educators and musicians as you can because when you first leave college, you really know nothing at all about the music education world. It is a learned profession.

• Governor of Iowa Favorite Teacher Award 2008

I’ve taught in three different high schools

Been very successful in Marching Band, Concert Band and Jazz band. Jazz Band: 84 competitions. Never placed lower than 4th Been to Iowa Jazz Championships 6 times.

Marching Band: 76 Competitions: Never places lower than 5th

Concert Band: Always consistent I ratings and IHSMA Large group when we attended.

• Buena Vista University: Began the Athletic Band Program. 2017-2020

• Went from zero to 52 students in two short years: all instruments and full color guard

• Hosted DCI contests ◊ Began Jazz Festivals ◊ Hosted many hono

• Managed internships

• Conducted NWIBA Honor Band 2019

• Conducted SWIBA Honor Band 2019

• Conducted Diocesan Honor Band 2019

• Conducted Karl King Honor Band 2022

• Over 100 clinics and guest speaking honors 2018-Present

• Reggie Schive Big Band: Professional Jazz Band, 2nd Chair Alto Sax 2010-Present

• Dick Bouman Big Band: Professional Jazz Band, 2nd Chair Alto Sax 2013-Present

• Meryl Lake Orchestra: Professional Dance Band, 1st Chair Tenor Sax 2015-Present

• Jezebel All Female Professional Jazz Band, 1st Chair Tenor Sax 2017- Present

• Founder of the 515 Professional Big Band, 2nd Chair Tenor Sax 2021- Present

• Traveled with the Boston Brass

I also wrote “Culture Creates Success” a book on Classroom Management in the Instrumental Music Classroom while in Grad. School. It is at the University of Florida in the Library.



C&S Products Company, Inc. was founded in 1986 with the mission of producing the highest quality wildlife specialty food and feeding accessory products available for the U.S. Wild Bird Feeding market. Our company’s commitment to quality and unique innovative feeding products enables us to lead the industry in wildlife acceptance and consumer satisfaction continues to fuel our annual growth. The challenges this growth brings is what keeps our team of dedicated employees motivated to continually improve every aspect of our company daily. C&S is committed to continue being the wild bird feeding industry’s leader in the following:

• New & Unique Product Development

• Broad Wildlife Acceptance

• Customer & Retailer Value

• Consumer Satisfaction

• Shipping Lead Times

• Order Fill Rate

• GMROI (for all our customers)

Other wild bird supply companies had attempted to create the wild bird suet category for over 40 years before we started, but all were largely unsuccessful. What we did differently came from our agricultural background of using animal fats combined with information we learned from having our own EPA approved testing lab for over 20 years. This knowledge allowed


us to produce the best wild bird food attractants ever used in the wild bird feeding hobby. Consumer success in attracting a much larger variety of wild birds to their feeding habitat is what makes C&S the success we are today.

We continue to test, challenge, and reevaluate the Wild Bird and Squirrel Feed industry daily. We have seen the wild Bird Suet category grow from being a minimal item to become the #1 profit producing section of the wild bird category. C&S’s success has led us to expand into other areas of the wildlife and wild bird feeding hobbies. We released a squirrel food line with patented products, a bird seed cake line with unprecedented quality and developed a Wild Bird Nuggets™ line offering 7 flavors giving the Birders a new way to attract more songbirds. We also have unique patented Nuggets™ feeders for the serious hobbyist.

C&S Products was purchased by Central Garden and Pet Company in 2019. Central Garden and Pet is a Fortune 700 company with over 8,000 employees. In 2022, C&S won a very prestigious award from Redzone as Manufacturing Plant of the year. Over 1000 manufacturing companies competed for this title and the amazing employees right here in Fort Dodge won the award and hold the title!

C&S Products is delighted to be part of the Fort Dodge community and looks forward to many years of growth and partnership with Fort Dodge.


City Connect FORT DODGE

Midwest Travel Network’s 2023 Destination of the Year Award

In mid-June, Visit Fort Dodge was awarded the Midwest Travel Network’s 2023 Destination of the Year Award. Executive Director Kerrie Kuiper attributes the success of this honor to the impressive experience travel writers, bloggers, and vloggers have when they are in the community, including their interaction with business owners, volunteer leaders, and Visit Fort Dodge staff.

“We competed with communities from fourteen Midwestern states, many of which are larger or better-known destinations,” said Kuiper. “What makes this special is that our content creators nominated us for this award. They evaluate each community on their most recent experience; they don’t judge by perception or past reputation. They also see the value Visit Fort Dodge brings to the community and they want to help us promote our destination. We see the content creators as partners; they come, assess their experience, and actively and authentically promote what they enjoy. We, in turn, help them with line-up experiences, make their visits possible, and share their content.”

Online content creators have experienced Fort Dodge tourism assets through several opportunities. In 2015, staff worked with 2 Iowan content creators. In 2019, Fort Dodge hosted MTN Co-owner Sara Broers. By 2021, Kuiper was asked to present a session during the MTN virtual conference. Later that year, the CVB hosted an outdoor familiarization tour where five content creators and writers explored local outdoor assets and community-owned businesses. By the end of 2022, Visit Fort Dodge had hosted another familiarization trip, more than 15 individual content creators, participated in an MTN Writer’s Workshop, and hosted the MTN Pitching Workshop. Numerous Fort Dodge assets were included in Broers’ travel books 100 Things To Do in Iowa Before You Die and Midwest State Park Adventures. Each of these opportunities created original earned media content online, positively showcasing Fort Dodge attractions, restaurants, and other businesses.

“Our region has done a great job creating outdoor recreational opportunities for our community members and visitors. Not only does this allow our residents many ways to be active outdoors, but it

puts the Fort Dodge region in a unique position regarding outdoor adventure tourism. Visit Fort Dodge markets these trail systems to potential tourists with outdoor interests. The opportunities to spread awareness of and positivity about Fort Dodge through online presence have been bolstered by the many quality outdoor treasures within Webster County,” explained VFD Executive Director Kerrie Kuiper.

The list of outdoor resources VFD promotes is extensive. Gypsum City OHV Park is Iowa’s largest off-highway vehicle park, with 800 acres and over 65 miles of single track, ATV, and side-by-side trails. Brushy Creek State Recreational Area is known for its equestrian trails, while fishing and ice fishing on its lake is known statewide. Volunteers have developed the 9 miles of the Lizard Creek Mountain Bike Trails, and these trails have received excellent reviews as one of the elite mountain bike trail systems in Iowa. There are over 29 miles of connected, paved paths- called the Prairie River Trails- within Fort Dodge and extending to Kennedy Park, with a new section around Badger Lake being opened recently. Two water trails with multiple access points offer paddlers 70 miles of waterway and even a section of natural rapids. Many paddlers tout Lizard Creek as one of the most challenging paddles in Iowa. Volunteers from the Webster County Ice Breakers, a local snowmobile club, groom and mark 150 miles of snowmobile trails in the county to promote safe riding for snowmobile enthusiasts.

“Each year, the Midwest Travel Network gives out awards at the annual conference. They recognize members that have gone the extra mile in doing their work. The Destination of the Year award goes to the most recognizable destination within the network. There is an increase in interest and desire to visit, as well as enthusiasm when people start talking about this destination,” said Midwest Travel Network (MTN) Co-Owners Lisa Trudell and Sara Broers.

During Fall 2022, Visit Fort Dodge unveiled an innovative Fort Dodge and Webster County Destination Guide opportunity. Content creators who had visited the community were asked to pitch what they enjoyed most about Fort Dodge in an article, which was then adapted as a showpiece in the guide. Thirteen articles from 11 creators in four states were published to highlight the area’s assets.

“We are building interest in the area as a tourism destination and are creating a brand through the Midwest Travel Network,” said Kuiper. “As our brand strengthens through the network, content moves through the content creators to their niche audiences and keeps expanding from there. We connected with many writers and creators interested in visiting Fort Dodge. We have found that once we get them here, the content creators appreciate the diversity of our attractions and activities and are happy to share these with their audiences.”

Our region has done a great job creating outdoor recreational opportunities for our community members and visitors. Not only does this allow our residents many ways to be active outdoors, but it puts the Fort Dodge region in a unique position regarding outdoor adventure tourism.
“ “
Kerrie Kuiper

20 1 7N 20 23

The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance

JULY 2023 24 North 9th Street, Suite A Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Phone 515-955-5500

Fax 515-955-3245


Dennis Plautz CEO

Kelly Halsted Economic Development Director

Jill Nelson Community Development Director

Skyla Porter Organizational Administrator

Deena McCaulley Office Manager

Lydia Schuur Communications Specialist


Neat @ Sparkley Cleaning started four years ago and is owned by Tiffany and Zach Bass. The business started with residential cleaning and now includes commercial and window cleaning

Tiffany and Zach have met many great families and have amazing clients that they are grateful for, and look forward to gaining new clients. You can contact Neat and Sparkley Cleaning by emailing neatandsparkley@gmail com or calling 402-936-8591


“Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance is an efficient organization whose mission is to unify and coordinate accountable, economic and community development, to enhance the quality of life in Fort Dodge and the region.”



Egeland Express Cleaning Service is owned by Alexandria Egeland, and provides residential and commercial cleaning services in Fort Dodge and surrounding areas They will travel up to 30 miles outside of Fort Dodge

Alexandria has worked in the professional cleaning industry for four years before branching off and starting her own business in late 2022. She strives to give her clients exactly what they want, and takes pride in her company's standards. one of her favorite aspects of her business is helping clients reach their goals for their homes and giving them peace of mind After all, a clean home is a happy home!

Egeland Express Cleaning Service is excited to see all the community support and was named Best Cleaning Service by the Messenger's Reader's Choice Award in November 2022! They are excited to join the Growth Alliance and look forward to continued company growth and to serve local families and businesses

In 2021, Brady started his own nonprofit production company, Brady O'Brien Live He wanted to combine his love for live music, performing, and helping people. This new nonprofit specializes in hosting live productions that also double as fundraiser events. These events raise money for other nonprofits and families in the community Since 2021 Brady O'Brien Live has donated almost $10,000 to local charities and families

You can learn more about Brady O'Brien Live by visiting

The next live production will feature rock music on Friday, July 21, 2023, at the Oleson Park Bandshell Gates open at 6:30 pm with the show starting at 7:30 pm


The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance announces Astra Ferris as the new CEO, to replace Dennis Plautz, whose last day will be September 1, 2023

Astra Ferris has most recently served as the CEO of the Barton County Chamber of Commerce in Missouri She had been with the organization since 2012, working on economic and community development for the City of Lamar Astra will take over as CEO of the Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance on September 5, 2023 This announcement comes after a nationwide search, facilitated by Jorgenson Consulting, Inc A local search committee was put in place to make a final recommendation to the Growth Alliance Board.

“The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance Board is very excited to welcome Astra Ferris as our new CEO. Her proven leadership, economic development, philanthropic and management skills make her an excellent addition to our high-caliber staff. Our board has full confidence in Astra’s ability to build positive relationships and proactively lead the organization into the future. We would like to thank our staff, the selection committee, Jorgenson Consulting Inc., the City of Fort Dodge, Webster County and all our members for helping make this important transition successful.” Luke Hugghins, Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance Board President.

Astra Ferris has this to say about her new role: “It is clear to see that The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance Region is one of the most business-friendly and forward-thinking markets for economic development in the Midwest. It is a tremendous honor to work with current team members and community leaders to collaborate and strategize how we can build upon the successes of the past, and grow new opportunities in the future. My family and I are excited about becoming a part of this vibrant community.”

July 2023


The Laramar Ballroom

Congratulations to The Laramar Ballroom on your ribbon cutting and grand opening! Chris O’Brien, Brady O’Brien, and Joe Tuel formed Laramar Acquisition Co. LLC in 2022 and bought the building in June of that year. The Laramar Ballroom has undergone an extensive renovation in that time and opened to the public with a night of food, music, and celebration.

The Laramar Ballroom is located at 710 1st Ave North in Historic Downtown Fort Dodge.

July 2023 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS CONNECTION • 17 19 Alliance News

County Connect Webster

Access to the Great Outdoors in Webster County

Webster County Conservation is located in Central Iowa and is home to John F. Kennedy Memorial Park, and collectively manages twenty-four parks, memorial sites, wildlife areas, and prairies, encompassing over 2,000 acres of land in Webster County.

Whether you prefer structured activities or the ability to roam free and explore, Webster County offers something for everyone.

Summer Activities for all ages

Toddler Time Outdoors (ages 1-5)

Camp Wanoki – 2400 Camp Wanoki Road, Fort Dodge

Activities include:

• Short timber hikes

• Scavenger hunts

• Outdoor nature play

• Music/nature sounds

• Art activities

This informal and exploratory setting allows for interaction between toddlers and adults, to explore nature at their comfort level. Adult supervision is required, and older siblings are welcome. $5 per child

You can register at and direct any questions to

Upcoming dates:

• July 26

• August 2 & 16

• September 20

• October 4 & 18

Children’s Forest Story Walk

Children’s Forest, John F Kennedy Memorial Park

This a fun, educational activity that included a deconstructed story book posted along a park trail. The Story Walk is combines physical activity with learning that encourages fun outdoor play.

Stand Up Paddle Boarding Lessons

July and August

Call 576-4258 to sign up a private lesson of up to four people to learn about stand up paddle boarding. Each session lasts about an hour and costs $10 per participant. All equipment is provided and lessons will be held at John F. Kennedy Memorial Park.

Nature Preserves to explore

Lindquist Wildlife Sanctuary

At this outdoor classroom located on the edge of Gowrie, visitors can see waterfowl, songbirds, woodland mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. A short trail also runs through the property.

Skillet Creek Indian Mounds

3022 Skillet Creek Road, Dayton

This preserve is the site of a prehistoric Native American ceremonial ground with five conical burial mounds and one linear ceremonial mound overlooking the Des Moines and Skillet Creek valleys. These mounds are believed to have been build by an extinct culture called the Woodland Indians, 2,000 to 1,500 years ago. Found at the bottom of this area is the old mining town of Hard Scrabble, which was at one time a thriving town in the 1890s.

You can find more information on activities throughout the year and the various parks and facilities by visiting and selecting Webster County.



Abraham Fisher

Age: 17 • Hometown: Fort Dodge, IA School/Grade: 10th • Instrument: Drums/Snare

Who do you admire most? My Dad And why?

I admire his ability to teach. He is wise in so many areas. He has the ability to have fun and enjoy life under any circumstances, when things hit him and changes come, he goes with the change without a huge upset and follows the new plan. He has a great devotion to God, which allows him to do all these things.

If you could go visit anywhere in the world, where would you want to go? Norway. And why?

Because of the rich Viking history and culture. I heard it’s beautiful.

Walk us through a typical day in the life of Abraham Fisher.

Tell us about 2 of your most favorite experiences performing.

We took a trip to Tenn. and played for the Liberty Bowl, that was super fun. I enjoyed playing Cadences at home games as well.

What is the most challenging thing about learning a new instrument? Keeping myself motivated to continue learning new things about it, and not giving up when I couldn’t get something.

What do you most enjoy about making music?

The thing I enjoy most about making music is getting lost in it. Knowing the music so well that you just get caught up in it.

What other activities are you involved in?

Choir & Musicals, Speech, Coed Dance, Worship team, as well as Jazz/Concert/Pep/Marching band.

A typical summer day consist of wake up, have quite time with God, breakfast, do some programming, bike around town, then lunch. Afternoons are hanging with friends, babysit my younger siblings, go to the pool, draw or game, write, chores, or practice singing. It really depends on the day. Typically, my evenings are spent in different places depending on the night. Mondays are band practice, Tuesdays & Wednesdays I hang out with a friend, or spend time practicing for worship team, sometimes do a movie or game with my dad and brothers. Thursday is worship rehearsal, Friday is movie night, Saturday could be a number of things, and Sunday is more relaxed, I often go to our church for personal worship and prayer time. Of course in the school year it looks a lot different, school all day, and multiple activities at night depending on what I am involved in. I am one of 10 kids in my family so our lives can feel busy with so many of us in different places at different times. Every day is a little different, but it’s a good life. I am so blessed to have the family, friends, mentors, and teachers that I do to speak into my life.

July 2023 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS CONNECTION • 21 23 Shelly Bottorff, Executive Director • Go to for a list of upcoming events and our members….. Over 60 events each month! To become a member or let us know about an event contact:

Fort Dodge Community Foundation and UNITED WAY


The Fort Dodge Community Foundation and United Way is providing positive and innovative leadership to foster community betterment in many ways. Serving as a catalyst for charitable giving, we use our charitable resources to invest in the well-being of citizens, families and youth, and to advance our community’s vitality and quality of life. Our mission is to help Fort Dodge and Webster County become a strong, thriving community - a place where people will want to live, work, and raise their families. Here are few of our current projects :

Safe Haven Baby Box Project: Helped coordinate and raise funds for this project that will offer young mothers a safe and anonymous option for relinquishing their new born baby for adoption to a loving family.

Safe Communities Coalition: Established a Safe Communities Coalition to help engage our community in supporting local law enforcement and promote programs that will help prevent and reduce crime and violence in our community and county. The Safe Communities Coalition, in partnership with the Webster County Sheriff’s Office, landed a $200,000 Rural Violent Crime Reduction Grant from the US Department of Justice.

Women’s Support Network: Our Women’s Support Network program empowers women by providing mentoring support and connecting impoverished women and their families to resources and supports they need to overcome economic and social barriers that create family instability. Most of these women have children and are single parents. The Women’s Support Network serves as a central point of coordination, connecting women to resources and support services to help them overcome barriers to stabilize their lives, become more economically self-sufficient.

Wheels for Work Program: Not having a car makes the challenge of raising a family extremely difficult. It also makes it very difficult for a parent to get and keep a job if she or he lacks personal transportation. In partnership with Fort Dodge Ford - Toyota, our Wheels for Work program accepts donated vehicles and gives them to qualified families with children that are in desperate need of a car. Having a car gives these families the independence they need to hold a job and build family stability and self-sufficiency. Meals on Wheels: This program provides a warm, nutritious meal and a safety check to homebound senior citizens on a daily basis. Many of these seniors are lower income and are food insecure without their Meals on Wheels lunch provided to them.


Bridging the Gap Program: This United Way program accepts donated beds, furniture and household items and distributes them to low income families in need of furniture and other items to make their apartment a home.

Preventing Child Homelessness: Between 100 and125 children are homeless for a period of time in Fort Dodge each year. 1 in 6 children live in families that are at risk of becoming homeless. Most of these homeless children live in single parent households headed by the mother. United Way’s Homeless Prevention Fund helps these families in financial crisis so they can find affordable housing or remain in their current homes so the children do not become victims of homelessness.

Hope for Healing Fund: United Way helps low income families that have a child with cancer or other serious medical conditions and they need transportation assistance to get their ill child to a larger medical center in Des Moines, Iowa City or Rochester for lifesaving medical care. United Way provides these families with gas cards and help with other travel costs to help these families that are dealing with a serious medical crisis.

Emergency Support: United Way provides emergency assistance for families facing a crisis due to a house fire, a death of a parent or child, divorce, a parent’s job loss, a serious medical emergency and other emergencies that often leave families and their children in

desperate situations. Families facing an emergency often need immediate help for housing, food, clothing, transportation, and other critical needs. The costs for dealing with emergencies are expensive and can be overwhelming, for lower income families. Not only are these families coping with a family crisis that is extremely emotional, they are also having to deal with an immediate financial crisis.

Community Betterment: The Fort Dodge Community Foundation and United Way provides services and support for community betterment projects including trails, parks, public art, community beautification, etc. These projects help make our community a special place to live.

For more information on how you can support the Fort Dodge Community Foundation and United Way their programs, contact our office by calling 515-573-3171, or stop in and visit with us at our office located at 24 North 9th Street in downtown Fort Dodge.


College Connect

New Art and Technology Building Opens at Iowa Central Community College

A new space for students in photography, various art programs and technology is now open at Iowa Central Community College. College staff and faculty cut the red ribbon to officially open the new Art and Technology Building (ATB) on July 11th and provided tours. The new building will allow students to work in collaborative spaces and share materials in a light-filled, modern environment. Previously, technology and art students were scattered in several different buildings. “By bringing everyone together, our students will have a more well-rounded experience academically and with their fellow students,” points out Dr. Stacy Mentzer, Vice President of Instruction. “Students will be able to share materials and ideas which enhances their ability to turn their visions into tangible art. This space is truly transformational,” notes Dr. Mentzer.

The ATB is the former Student Services Center building and was completely transformed. “One of the areas students will benefit from is the new natural light studio. An addition to the building created an area that is primarily windows, bringing the outdoors in,” notes Dr. Mentzer. “The new studio will give students a unique area to be creative and work in differ ent natural light settings.”

Other areas of the building include a makerspace studio for students in art programs as well as the engineering and design technology program. The makerspace will house 3D and large format printers. “This area will provide an op

portunity for students to do their work, collaborate with others, and print their work all in one building,” says John Hansen, Academic Dean. He adds “The cross-program collaboration is an important part of a student’s experience. It allows them to build friendships and learn as a team.”

Students studying fine art will also enjoy updated spaces. There will be rooms for ceramics, sculpture, painting and drawing as well as photography areas which includes a dark room for developing photos, and a green room. To learn more about Iowa Central’s programs in art and technology, go to or call

July 2023 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS CONNECTION • 27 29 Willow Ridge Golf Course and Restaurant 1788 Madison Ave. • Ford Dodge, IA • 515-576-5711 Summer Menu Weds, Thurs, Fri Nights Best Party Store BUSINESS! FOR Contact your Messenger Sales Consultant to have your business here! Willow Ridge Golf Course and Restaurant 1788 MADISON AVENUE • WILLOWRIDGEGOLF.COM • 515-576-5711 5 Course Meal Served Wednesday through Friday 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. $30 Reservations are not required, but always appreciated Go to our website for upcoming menu Hassle-free health plans for small businesses. Get flexible plans that fit you and your employees’ needs. Brenda Eckard Melanie Myott Sierra Lavender Casandra Mueller 130 N 25th St., Fort Dodge, IA 515-576-1800 800-657-8033 Call us Today Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa is an independent icensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa is an independent icensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. W-2021184 09/20
28 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS CONNECTION • July 2023 30 822 Central Avenue | Suite 320 | Fort Dodge, IA 50501 | 515.573.2377 | ALLERS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS, PC Thoughtful DESIGN for You We provide value in design by listening, learning, and skillfully creating unique, affordable, and efficient building design solutions. Janet Hubbell Licensed Funeral Director Pre-Planning Consultant Certified Celebrant Employed Since 2002 Helping Families Connect, Honor & Remember Fort Dodge Community Foundation and United Way Investing in our community to enhance quality of life and to build stronger youth - stronger families – and a stronger community
July 2023 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS CONNECTION • 29 31 OTIONAL OOLS tter for members to , information about munity involvement ccess to the mailing on for our members Get a $300 ad in The Messenger for a member rate of $35 My Business, My Alliance Ad Enewsletter Mailing List An opportunity for a business spotlight or feature in the Messenger's monthly Business Connection publication Business Connection Publication Submit your business news to us and have it featured on our website, Enews and/or social media Member News Distribution WWW.GREATERFORTDODGE.COM Contact us at 515.955.5500 or visit our website for more information!
30 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS CONNECTION • July 2023 32 32 To advertise in the Business Connection Contact your Messenger Sales Consultant! CONNECTION FORT DODGE Monthly in your Messenger Mortgage Interest Rates 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% Source: Edward Jones 6.325 5.875 6.80 6.325 6.325 5.850 6.250 6.0 6.325 6.625 M 6.250 6.750 J N F M A Airline Boardings Source: Fort Dodge Regional Airport Building Permits Source: Fort Dodge Planning Office 150 125 100 75 50 25 S O 77 59 M N 90 122 M 65 D 49 Business Connection Economic Pulse D Auto & Truck Sales Cars Trucks Source: Webster County Motor Vehicle Dept. 48 20 M 50 32 A 54 21 J 125 100 75 50 25 10 31 33 A 59 51 S Ryan C Kent, CFP®, ChFC®, ABFP™ Financial Advisor 1411 First Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501-4950 515-576-2771 > Member SIPC MKT-5894M-A Stocks. Bonds. CDs. IRAs. Mutual funds. Rates average of those reported by Fort Dodge financial institutions 30 Year Fixed 15 Year Fixed


When you retire, you’ll experience many changes — should one of them involve your living arrangements?

The issue of downsizing is one that many retirees will consider. If you have children, and they’ve grown and left the home, you might find yourself with more space than you really need. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you must pack up and scale down yourself. You might love your home and neighborhood and see no reason to go. But if you’re open to a change, you could find that moving to a smaller house, a condo or an apartment may make sense for you.

Let’s consider some of the advantages of downsizing:

You could save money. Moving to a smaller space could lower your utility bills and upkeep costs.

You could save effort. A smaller home will mean less maintenance and cleaning. You could de-clutter. Over the years, most of us accumulate more possessions than we really need. Downsizing gives you a chance to de-clutter. And you can do some good along the way, too, because many charitable organizations

will welcome some of your items. You could make money. If you’ve had your home for many years, it’s certainly possible that it’s worth more — perhaps a great deal more — than what you paid for it. So, when you sell it, you could pocket a lot of money — possibly without being taxed on the gains. Generally, if you’ve lived in your home for at least two years in the five-year period before you sold it, you can exclude $250,000 of capital gains, if you’re single, or $500,000 if you’re married and file taxes jointly. (You’ll want to consult with your tax advisor, though, before selling your home, to ensure you’re eligible for the exclusion, especially if you do own multiple homes. Issues can arise in connection with determining one’s “primary” residence.)

While downsizing does offer some potentially big benefits, it can also entail some drawbacks. First of all, it’s possible that your home might not be worth as much as you had hoped, which means you won’t clear as much money from the sale as you anticipated. Also,

If you still were paying off a mortgage on your bigger home, you may have been deducting the interest payments on your taxes — a deduction that might be reduced or lost to you if you purchase a less-expensive condo or become a renter. Besides these financial factors, there’s the ordinary hassle of packing and moving. And if you’re going to a much smaller living space, you may not have much room for family members who want to visit or occasionally spend the night.

So, as you can see, you’ll need to weigh a variety of financial, practical and emotional issues when deciding whether to downsize. And you will also want to communicate your thoughts to grown children or other family members who may someday have reason to be involved in your living space. In short, it’s a big decision — so give it the attention it deserves.

Financial Focus
Edward Jones
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
32 • FORT DODGE BUSINESS CONNECTION • July 2023 34 Non-Surgical Airway Enhancement & Anti-Snoring Treatment • Non-Invasive • No Pain, No Scapels, No Sutures • Increases Sleep Quality • Lessens E ects of Snoring • Safe & Patient-Friendly Treatment • High Success Rate • Laser Light Therapy Tightens Tissue & Opens Airways NIGHTLASE® Ask About Skin Resurfacing Laser assisted skin resurfacing No harsh chemicals. Learn more about Laser, Botox & Fillers by calling today 515-576-8727 804 Kenyon Rd. Ste 120, Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Dr. Eric Knox Board Certified in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery ATTENTION VETERANS & SPOUSES OF VETERANS In WEBSTER COUNTY • Compensation for Service Connected Injuries • Enrollment in VA Healthcare • Rent & Utility Assistance* • Funeral & Burial Assistance* For more information or to see if you qualify Contact: Dan Lewandowski WEBSTER COUNTY VETERAN AFFAIRS OFFICE 723 1st Ave. South • Fort Dodge 515-573-1479 Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30am-4:00pm *Must meet income guidelines Never Slow Your Roll Trek Electric Bikes | Reid Bikes | Magnum Bikes Road Bikes | Mountain Bikes | Fat Tire Bikes Hybrids | BMX Folding Bikes Cruisers | Electric Bikes | Scooters 808 1st Ave N. Fort Dodge, IA 50501 • 515-576-3330 Homeof the 5 StarReview
Experts at Carpet One Come check out the Flooring Experts! Photos for illustrative purposes only. ©2017 Carpet One Floor & Home. All Rights Reserved Let your hometown experts at Carpet One help you choose the right floor for you. Photos for illustrative purposes only. ©2017 Carpet One Floor & Home. All Rights Reserved Let your hometown experts at Carpet One help you choose the right floor for you. Photos for illustrative purposes only. ©2017 Carpet One Floor & Home. All Rights Reserved Let your hometown experts at Carpet One help you choose the right floor for you. 3557 5th Ave So. Fort Dodge 515-955-2207 • JIM’S Tim COME IN and see us for all of your KITCHEN and BATH CABINET needs, custom fit to your lifestyle and budget. Danielle Michalski CLTP General Manager Abby Dorsey Assistant Manager Jennifer Brown CLTP Abstractor Joy Schauper Executive Assistant Hannah Campbell Abstractor Pam Trausch Administrative Assistant Pam Haack, Abstractor Brenda Row ey Abstractor Cassondra P agge Abstractor Destiny Fitz Abstractor Aviana Rodriguez Nolte, Abstractor Ashleigh Wright Administrative Assistant Debra Litwiller Administrative Assistant Gwen Wilson, Administrative Assistant Fast. Accurate. Friendly! Calhoun, Franklin, Webster & Wright Counties 515-576-7922 - 822 Central Avenue, Suite 304 - Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501 11 time winner! Danielle Michalski Jennifer Brown le nif We provide Abstracting service to Buyers, Sellers, Realtors, Mortgage Lenders, Attorneys, Builders and Developers. Thank you for choosing us! Facebook and Instagram @abstractiowa
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