10 minute read
Q&A: Golden Day Adult Day Program
artistspot Tim Salter
Age: Old ! Lol! Old Dude’s Rock! I consider myself an old guitar with new strings! Hometown: Born in a Chicago Suburb. Have lived in Fort Dodge most of my life. Artistic Medium: Contemporary Country, Rock, Alternative, Funk. Seems like have played just about all of it over the past 40+ years of performing.
Did you grow up in a musical household? How did you first become interested in music? Not really a musical family per se but a very athletic family. I played football, basketball and baseball all thru school. Also, I played in my first bands all thru junior high and high school as well. This is certainly evidenced with the incredible concert productions of today as compared to 20 years ago, it is an unbelievable ramp up in production. Not suggesting my projects are anything near concert level but we try our best to apply this to a cover bar band presentation. I also enjoy the challenge of creating set lists that can bring people up, as well as bring them back down at strategic points, then back up again. I believe people want to be entertained, not just played to. I think all these things are challenging and I personally really enjoy the challenge, not to mention having a lot of fun doing it. Playing live is also the very best way to hone you’re chops as they say, to become a better player with an emphasis on consistent improvement from a live performing aspect. It’s challenge enough to become a great player, it’s even more of a challenge to improve as an entertainer. Needless to say, after 45 years, I’m still learning!
What is the biggest challenge for musicians these days? I’m really encouraged to see a younger demographic that are starting to form bands. Whether their goal is to create original music, record, or go on tour performing live, or a combination of all of these things, we have been somewhat missing the next generation of kids starting as garage bands and evolving. Kids getting off the Xbox and picking up a guitar or a bass or buying a drum set. I hope this continues.
Tell us about your musical journey from high school to today. Actually played my first paying gig at age 14 and was in a number of bands in junior high school playing for talent shows, house parties etc…Breaking in to high school, I played in a high school band called “Legacy” thru out my high school days along with four fellow classmates. We played high school dances and some college events all over Iowa. In 1981, the year we graduated from high school, our band Legacy won the annual Iowa Battle of The Bands held at Iowa State University at the time. The event was pretty big back then and was sponsored and judged by KGGO rock radio out of Des Moines. There were over 20 bands competing from all over the state and a few from out of state in front of a huge crowd. What a thrill for we were the youngest band to ever win the event. It was and still is a great honor to share with my fellow classmates and bandmates. Bill Saxton, Steve Donahoe, Jeff Abrams, Tony Bald and Marshall Dodge.
What groups are you currently performing in? SaltyView is celebrating a 20 year anniversary in 2022. SaltyView is an acoustic based newer contemporary country cover band that also ventures in to classic rock, funk, you name it. I am so blessed to have played with an incredible roster of talent in this band over the past 20 years, most of whom have provided long term support to the band. All incredibly talented musicians and singers. We are blessed to play many higher end clubs, lake resorts, casinos, corporate functions. SaltyView has opened for many national acts such as Granger Smith, John Michael Montgomery, Mitchell Tenpenny and most recently opening for Bailey Zimmerman this past summer, who has since exploded in to the newer country scene. Our current members include incredibly talented singers in Alyssa Albee and Jared Benson.
Also, currently in power rock band called Section 7. This band is an entirely different animal in terms of genre from SaltyView. This band plays power party rock that leans to a bit heavier side but a fun mixture of 80’s, 90’s classic and power rock. It’s a pretty high energy production and a family affair consisting of my brother in law Lance Rossow on Bass and Harmony Vocals and nephew Jake Rossow on drums and lead vocals.
What do you most enjoy about gigging? For me personally, I enjoy the production of a pro live show in terms of both audio and visual presentation. The challenge of creating a professional show. In all of my ventures, I certainly strive to create a small concert like atmosphere within small to medium sized clubs. This approach certainly requires more time and investment, but I believe in the concept of a show. I also have years of “Front Of House” experience and worked with Saucy Jack for nearly 15 years, as well as several other bands in the past providing sound engineering and production consulting. Learned so much from one of my mentors and great friend Andy Anderson on FOH production and creating the best audio mix possible and continually investing in audio and visual technology. I think it is well worth the additional time and investment and I certainly hope our incredibly loyal followers that come see us think so as well. From a pro light show to vertical hazers to fire flash pots and pyro on occasion, I think it is fun to create this kind of atmosphere in smaller clubs if we can.
In the late 80’s and mid 90’s there was a huge emphasis on building the show with the agencies we booked through. That was a bit different time but I recall some of the best advice from one of our booking agents gave me, he encouraged us to never underestimate the impact of a pro show, he always said that people “Hear what they See” often times and that has always stuck with me. The music business these days is so much different than it was 20-30 years ago. There are so many technological tools and social media dissemination assets available these days that in a way I think it’s a bit easier to carve your path. We have people with a lot of talent, but very little experience that are acquiring major record deals in this day and age. The social media influence has created a platform for discovering overnight sensations. From exploding on Tic Tok or You Tube or any number of social media assets, there seems to be a much more efficient and expeditious means of creating massive audiences. Those things just simply did not exist when I was coming up through the channels. In addition, instructional tools to learn and video assets to teach you. Social and mainstream media such as “The Voice” and “American Idol” has forever altered the traditional pathway from acquiring and building awareness. I think the most significant challenge is to trying to retain your uniqueness in what you are striving for to become or accomplish. In a world filled with overwhelming pressure to be part of a cookie cutter template, don’t be afraid to celebrate your own unique personality and style.
Fort Dodge is filled with talent, what do you like about living in an artsy community? You are right, I hope the people of this area truly appreciate the vast amount of talent in this town and surrounding communities. What I like most is simply is the constant inspiration I take from each and every one of them. I have been beyond blessed to play with an incredible array of musicians who have crossed my path over the years. We have a very strong support and camaraderie amongst our local musicians. It’s important in the evolution of a strong local music scene. I’m very proud to be a part of this awesome community and to learn from each and every one of them.
What inspires you? Love! Who you love and what you love and how important is to always have something to chase.
Give us an example or two of some crazy live show shenanigans. Omg, I could write a book on this. Lol. I have fallen off and on stages for 40 years it seems so there are so many stories, most I probably should not share. I do recall back in the day a show in Southern Iowa, Ottumwa I believe. The band had a converted 66 passenger school bus that we used for both hauling a massive amount of gear, but also served as our lodging and dressing room at the time. It was actually very nice with paneled walls fresh paint etc...We had some built in sleeping bunks and a plush 70’s funky sectional sofa etc..I believe it was June or July of 85. We decided to not spend the money on motel rooms on this multi night show venue and opted for a camp ground not far from the club. It was brutal hot that time of the year and a few band members opted to sleep on the roof of the bus for there was no AC! Well a torrential storm came rolling through in the early morning hours and we all just braved the storm. I will never forget the other campers were horrified when we rolled in! They didn’t know what to think! Lol. The next day to cool off we all went to the theatre for it was air conditioned and recall watching “Back To The Future “and stayed for both afternoon showings to get relief from the heat. Six long haired rockers wandering around in jean shorts and army boots. What a site! Lol!
What’s your favorite music to listen to while relaxing? Brothers Osbourne seems to be my jam lately!
You meet someone who’s interested in learning guitar....what advice do you have for them? Patience grasshopper! Lol! Don’t get in a hurry, enjoy the journey of learning. It will provide you with a lifetime of solitude and enjoyment!
Braden Kammerer
Age:15 • Grade/School: 9th Grade at Fort Dodge Senior High • Hometown: Fort Dodge
If you could attend any concert, who would you see and why?
If I could, I would love to see a Broadway show in person!
Do you plan to be involved in music after high school? If so, in what ways?
To continue in the arts after high school, I would like to direct or be in some local shows that my town hosts.

When was your first performance on stage? Do you remember how you were feeling?
My first show was Honk Jr through Stage Door Productions. Although it was quite a while ago, I do remember being very excited but nervous on opening night.

What do you most enjoy about performing?
My favorite thing about performing is the people there and the experiences you have making and preparing for the show.

What was your first role? And, what has been your most favorite role to play?
My first role was Downy Duck, the brother of the ugly duckling in Honk Jr. But, my favorite has been being the Bigger Badder Wolf at Hawkeye Theatre’s production of Mother Goose’s Golden Christmas and Pete in FD Middle School’s The Little Luncheonette of Terror.
What is the most challenging part about performing?
The hardest part about performing is definitely tech week. It is very chaotic and has long practices.
Who is your favorite musician/performer and why?
My favorite performers are the actors at College Humor, an improve YouTube channel.

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