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New Member Spotlight

Remington Leather is a full -service leather shop offering custom work, promotional products, and pre-made goods. Repair services are also available.
Remington Leather is located at 23 S 1st Street in Fort Dodge.
The Growth Alliance Ambassadors will be celebrating Remington Leather with a ribbon cutting on March 23 at 4:00.

Little Paw by the Paw Print Pad LLC offer daycare, boarding, and grooming for small dogs weighing 25 pounds and under.
Little Paw by the Paw Print Pad LLC is located at 1644 Nelson Ave in Fort Dodge. You can reach them by calling 515 -269-3912.

OnMedia can help you reach your customer through any screen, on any internet, any time of the day. We will be a dominant provider of Multi-screen marketing solutions to the businesses we swerve, with original and creative advertising utilizing customized research and data driven strategies.
To see how we can assist you in reaching your customers call Renee McDonald at 515-422-8154 for further information.

Sign Up for Webster County’s Spring Break Manufacturing Tours!
These aren’t your grandfather’s factories, and Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance wants the next generation to know it. They have coordinated tours of CJ Bio America, Elanco, and Cargill on March 14, 2023, for Iowa college and tech students on spring break.
Each year, numerous technical and high -paying jobs go unfilled because the modern manufacturing industry sector is misunderstood. Historically, manufacturing was considered dirty, dangerous, and rife with layoffs due to cuts and automation. This may have rung true over two decades ago, but today, manufacturing is a whole new game functioning on technology and job security.
Long gone are the days of dark, dingy factories. Many modern manufacturing sites are high -tech production facilities that are safe, clean, and protect the well -being of their employees. Automation and robots are not stealing jobs; they are simply shifting them. Robots allow manufacturers to add more skilled human workers who can design, innovate, and think critically. When companies open their doors and unfurl the welcome mats for tours, it goes a long way to dispel negative impressions.
The Robust Manufacturing Sector in Webster County, Iowa
The Greater Fort Dodge area in Webster County, Iowa, is a hotspot for skilled talent entering the lucrative manufacturing jobs market. For online job postings, the national average for a comparably sized region is 31 postings per month, while there are 60 per month in Webster County. Likewise, the national average for employees in an area this size is 1,441, while in Webster, there are 2,424.
In 2022, the Gross Regional Product (GRP) for Webster County totaled $1.2 billion. Property income alone was $881.5 million. The manufacturing industry is dedicated to sustainability as well: 88.5 percent of energy used is from a renewable source.
The Story Behind Webster County’s Extensive Labor Pool
The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance’s Workforce Committee has been very thoughtful in the tools they have developed for our member’s needs. Recruitment, as well as retention, of a diversely qualified workforce is vital to the success of our members.
The Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance sponsors community and industry tours so students can see firsthand the types of jobs available. To better train high school educators about the workforce needs of area businesses, Iowa Central Community College offers externship programs to take teachers out of the classroom and into the field to gain hands -on experience and knowledge that they can take back to their students. These externships provide an opportunity for business leaders to communicate directly to educators the skills they seek in t heir employees. Home Base Iowa assists veterans entering the civilian workforce, thereby accessing a vast talent pool.
Sign Up Today to tour these innovative Webster County facilities on March 14th! Registration is required.
8:30 a.m. Breakfast - Bunkhouse at Starlite Best Western near the restaurant.
9:00 a.m. Welcome
9:30 a.m. Tour Elanco
11:00 a.m. Tour CJ Bio America
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Tour Cargill
2:15 p.m. Return to Starlite Visit the Growth Alliance website, under News and Events to sign up!