7 minute read
Q&A: Sharon Stroh, Executive Director, Main Street Fort Dodge
artistspot Michael A. Baird, MFA Age: 45
What inspires you?
Creativity. It may sound strange, but that is the core of all things that inspire me. I have become a bit of a creativity snob, though. If something isn’t particularly creative, like zombies, I am not terribly interested. But if something is wildly creative, like the snallygaster, I cannot get enough. I study folklore creatures from around the world, but predominantly those in American folklore. I have found that the most intensely creative thing in all human experience is monsters. I could talk all day about what the word “monster” means and how it is the pinnacle of creativity, but for the sake of brevity, I can safely say that monsters are the coolest thing ever.
I… am not quite sure what to say in response to where my hometown would be. I suppose, statistically, I would have to say “Cape Girardeau, MO.” I was not born there, but I lived there for the most years so far.
Instructor of Art, Iowa Central Community College
Preferred Artistic Medium:
As a sculptor, I am diametrically opposed to choosing any one medium. Sculptors, I find, tend to believe that any medium that will do the job best is the best answer. But I do rather like using various plastics, furs, and animal remains. I am also a graphic designer and illustrator, so I use a lot of soft pastels and PhotoShop to make things, too.
In what ways were you exposed to art and culture as a child? : Both of my parents were artists throughout my young life. I grew up under the folding table my folks brought to wood carving shows. My father was a very talented wood carver and my mother was a painter and various other art media, too. Both of my parents were educators, too, so they have always encouraged me to explore whatever academic field of interest I desired. But more specifically, I would say that some of the most influential aspects of my childhood art exposure would be looking through art books from my parents’ bookshelves, watching my parents make artwork, and the day I was Stan Lee’s personal assistant. (That’s the kind of day that sticks with a guy.)
Tell us about your educational path through college.
I graduated from a community college in Neosho, Missouri, Crowder College, with an associate’s degree in art. I went on to obtain an MFA (sculpture) from Southeast Missouri State University before I earned my terminal degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. It took me approximately twelve years to complete my higher education due to working through college as a sign-maker.

What do you most enjoy about being an art instructor?
I love helping students find those “aha” moments. Those moments when a student who was struggling with some aspect of their project finally has a revelation. Seeing the excitement when a student finally overcomes their struggles and suddenly begins to develop their skills much more quickly than before is one of the best feelings in the world.
What most appealed to you about Fort Dodge, when you were considering your move?
I did not know Fort Dodge existed before I found the job listing at Iowa Central, honestly. I grew up visiting my grandparents in Ames nearly every year, but I never knew much about any other cities in Iowa. But once I did my research into all the jobs that were looking for art instructors, Fort Dodge immediately rose to the top. But as an educator, I have to admit that the selling points that sold me on coming to Fort Dodge was Iowa Central itself. I was immediately impressed with the college and could tell that it was not only a great place to work but a great place for students to succeed and proceed in their education.
What is something you’d like us to know about you?
I love monsters. I know that is a shocking revelation for anyone who has made it this far through my interview.
Favorite Artist & Why?
Ugh! This is always the worst question for me. Anyone who makes artwork is inspired by a myriad of artists who could be considered favorites. If I were forced to answer this with one name, it could be different each time I answer. So,… I’ll go with Jim Lee, the iconic comic book artist, today.
Favorite Food?
Rhubarb pie. Not strawberry rhubarb, mind you. No, no. I want none of that ruining my rhubarb’s bite, thank you very much.
Favorite Musician?
Oh, geez. This is the same case as “favorite artist.” So today I will choose The Midnight, a synthwave band I have been particularly fond of for quite a while.
shiningstar Age: 18 • Hometown: Fort Dodge Owen Obrien
Area of Artistic Interest: Music, Songwriting, Sound Production

In what ways were you exposed to art and culture as a child?
I was first exposed to music because of my Grandfather, Tracy Ernst. In fact, he was the one that made me become passionate about music in the first place. So my main exposure to music was through him showing me all kinds of music, and watching him play live shows when I was growing up. I owe it all to him.
How did you learn to play bass? What other instruments do you play?
I learned how to play bass about 5 years ago. When I began, I pretty much just learned the instrument via several YouTube videos, and trying my best to learn difficult basslines. I definitely tried to go way over my skill level when it came to learning techniques but, I think it worked out. Trying to learn hard songs made me more determined. I also play drums and guitar, but bass is definitely my main focus.
Tell us about the gig you’ve played that has left the biggest impression? The gig that’s left the biggest impression?
Hm. For me, Honestly it was quite recent. The band I’m in, Aka The Tank Anthony Band, recently played at the downtown country jam, which is an event put on by shellabration. I have to say, playing that show, with the amazing musicians and people I play with made me feel on top of the world in that moment.

What inspires you?
What inspires me? Creative people. People that want to inspire the world through their art. The thing I love about music, or art, is that they can bring all people, from any ethnicity or believe system, together. Not many things can do that. I find that inspiring.
What are your plans after Iowa Central Community College?
After Iowa Central, It’s been my dream for a while to go to the Berklee College of Music. The things they offer there, I mean it would perfect for a career in the music scene. Plus, the music scene in general around Boston, is quite nice.
What is something you’d like us to know about you?
Something I’d like the people to know about me? I’m not sure at this point besides what I’ve mentioned. I can make a mean packet of Ramen I suppose. hahah
Favorite Musician & Why?
Favorite artist/musician Honestly, I would say Victor Wooten. He’s not only an incredible bass player and composer, but he also is a very inspiring and wise person, and finds ways to relate music analogies to everyday life. He’s like.. the Yoda of Bass.
Favorite Food?
Favorite food? What a way to end! haha. I’d say a good chicken wing would do the job.
What do you most enjoy about being a musician?
Being a musician, I think, is one of the greatest feelings you could have. Creating music, learning music, playing live shows, I mean it almost gives you this euphoric feeling. Being a musician means you express your creativity and emotions in a way that anyone can hear it, whether it be through an instrument, or your voice. It’s incredible.

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