11 minute read

In Loving Memory...

In Loving Memory of Leonard & Audrey Frank Marla Black, Marty Frank, Chad Grell

Goodbyes are not forever Goodbyes are not the end They simply mean


We’ll miss you

Until we meet again

Loved & Deeply Missed by Family & Friends

Andy Anderson



Missed by:

In Loving Memory

Steve Springer


Steve, the same but try to carry on your great ways.

Give Sean a hug from us.

Loved & Missed by Juli, Shea & Sawyer

In Loving Memory

Dick Marsh

3/25/42 - 9/28/21

In our hearts your memory is kept alive, cherished and never forgotten Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear. Memories keep him near.

Miss You Always & Forever

Your Wife Marilyn, Carl, Rick, Jason, Amber, Grandkids and Great Grandkids & families

In Loving Memory Brendon P. (Passow) Nicholas


We miss you everyday. You were taken from us way too soon

Loved & Missed by: Dennis, Mom, Heather, Shawn, Amber, Blaine, Joseph and Kyler

In Loving Memory Mattie Lewis


Comforting Memories will always keep you in our hearts.

Missed by: Gwenda Nayor & families

In Loving Memory Dee Rosalez

11/6/37 - 7/6/19

We miss playing dice and cards with you. Loved and missed by Dennis, Doreen, & family.

In Loving Memory

Bill Yoder


Dad, You don’t know how much we all miss your jokes, your great attitudehow much fun you made life! We luv & miss Ya! Give Sean a hug!

Missed by Juli & The Boys

In Loving Memory Sean Springer

2/10/91 - 4/2/23

Sean, I can’t believe I am writing on this for you. Still can’t believe it. Just know our hearts hurt and we want to talk to you, say goodbye, we will try to move on and live life like you did. Live big and be generous. Take the trips and leave the tips. I miss your big smile and huge laugh. Loving on Benny & Briggs for you!

Luv to my 1st born son! Mom

Missed & Loved by Mom, Shea & Sawyer

In Loving Memory

LeeAnn K Gillespie

8/2/61 - 10/7/17

Always on my Mind Forever in my heart

Sally Brown Terranova 1935 - 2014

Jon Terranova 1958 - 1992

In Loving Memory



5/13/30 - 12/21/21

If love could have saved you...

You would have lived forever.

Loved & Missed By Your Daughter Diane

We miss you now, our hearts are sore; as time goes by we miss you more, your loving smile, your gentle face. No one can fill your vacant place.

Loved and missed by: Gary & Family

Joe Terranova 1953 - 2016

JoAnn Bentson 1954 - 2022

Loved and Missed by, all your family

In Loving Memory Bob Derrig

12/27/31 - 2/2/19

It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn’t go alone. A part of us went with you, the day God took you home.

Loved & Deeply

Missed By: Wife Pat & Daughter Candi

In Loving Memory Jerry Black

7/6/53 - 12/21/18

We miss you and think about you everyday. Still can’t believe you are not here. You may be gone but you will never be forgotten. Your memory lives forever in our hearts.

Your loving family, Mary Ann, Carrie, Jade, Braylon, Luke, Amy, Layla, Lainey, Nick, Sara, Bo and Claire

In Loving Memory Timmy Mersch

9/22/64 - 4/18/82

In Loving Memory Johnny Mersch

8/1/22 - 8/31/20

Gone are the faces we loved so dear, Silent is the voices we loved to hear; Too far away for sight or speech; but not too far for thought to reach; Sweet to remember them who once was here, and who thought absent is just as dear.

Sadly missed by: Mom and Family

In Loving Memory



5/1/24 - 10/18/07

Because someone we love is in Heaven there is a little bit of Heaven in our home.

Missed by, Your daughter Diane

In Loving Memory

Brian Ray Pringle

You were a BIG man with a BIG heart! Thank you for loving the Lord and your family. Hug our daughter Jaclyn in heaven. We miss you so much and thank God that you are no longer in pain.

Missed by, Jennifer, Jessica, Josh, Jonathon, Jacob, Julie,

In Loving Memory BenjaminJohnsonJeffrey

In Loving Memory Chuck

5/14/72 - 4/8/21


6/9/48 - 3/1/03 along life’s quietly remembering everyday. No longer in our hearts, you’re always there.

Missed by, Your Sister Patty

“Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again.

Sadly missed by Family and Friends.

In Loving Memory Chuck Bloomcamp

In Loving Memory Chuck Bloomcamp

6/9/48 - 3/1/03

6/9/48 - 3/1/03

Sadly missed along life’s quietly remembering everyday. No longer in our hearts, you’re always there.

In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place no one could ever fill.

Missed by, Your Sister Patty

Missed by: Your sister Patty & Family

In Loving Memory Chuck Bloomcamp

In Loving Memory Rev. Kenneth Fogelman

5/12/83 - 4/3/99

6/9/48 - 3/1/03

Sadly missed along life’s quietly remembering everyday. No longer in our hearts, you’re always there.

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

Missed by, Your Sister Patty

I Thessalonians 4:13

Sadly Missed by, Mom, Dad, Gabe & Family and Fogelman Family

In Loving Memory Alexander Jon Jensen, Sr.

11/29/19 - 7/27/13 and Marilyn Fogelman

5/6/28 - 8/8/03

Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Mathew 25:21

Missed by, Fogelman Family

In Loving Memory Danny Dwight

In Loving Memory Chuck Bloomcamp

7/19/93 - 11/3/16 along life’s quietly remembering everyday. No longer in our hearts, you’re always there.

It’s been a long day without you, Alex. And we’ll tell you all about it when we see you again.

Missed by, Your Sister Patty

Missed by, Friends & Family

In Loving Memory Audrey Gleason

5/6/86 - 7/18/22

It broke our hearts to lose you but you didn’t go alone, A part of us went with you the day God took you home.

Missed by: Mom, Dad, Abby, Thomas, Mya & Lily

We think about you always We talk about you still. You have never been forgotten, and you never will. We hold you close to our hearts forever!

Missed & Loved by Grandma Kim & Papa Todd

In Loving Memory

Nick Montgomery

11/30/86 - 5/19/17

Our Son, it broke our heart to lose you; but you did not go alone. A part of us went with you the day God called you home. A million times we’ve thought of you. A million times we’ve cried. If loving you could have saved you, You would have never died. Forgive me Lord, we’ll always weep. For our son we loved so much but yet we could not keep.

Loved and missed by Mom & Dad

5/17/70 - 3/11/86

He walks with us down quiet paths, and speaks in wind and rain. For the Magic power of memory, gives him back to us again.

Missed by Mom, Dad, Denny, Michelle & David

In Loving Memory Kyle

6/26/82 - 9/11/04

We don’t need a special day to bring you to our minds; The day we do not think of you is very hard to find. They say time heals all sorrow and helps us to forget; But time so far has only proved how much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to bear it, and courage to take the blow; But what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. Always remembered, loved and deeply missed by Dad, Sheila and family

In Loving Memory Ryan Gage Detmering

5/27/09 - 7/24/11

An angel opened up the Book of Life and wrote down our baby’s birth. Then she whispered as she closed the book, “He’s too beautiful for Earth”

Missed by: Daddy, Mommy Alec & Cole

Because of you we live fully, Laugh louder, Love deeply.

In Loving Memory Charles Anderson

7/30/61 - 1/26/2022

In memory of a special Brother, so full of loving deeds, who always thought of others first, and helped fulfill their needs.

Someone who loved to bring a smile, as he went on his way, and never failed to brighten up. a dark and gloomy day

Someone who’ll never know how much, he’s missed an thought about, for when he left, it seemed as if, the stars had all gone out.

Brother you meant so very much, in every single way, and you’re remembered with much love, today and every day.

Loved & Missed by, Sisters & Brother In-laws, Brothers & Sister In-laws, Nieces & Nephews

You were lying in my arms, As I tried to say goodbye, ‘It might be for the best,’ they said, But I knew that was a lie.

I gazed at your little handprint, Given to us that day, You wouldn’t feel pain again, But I wanted you to stay. You fought for every breath you took, Never letting go, Until one day God made you His, Leaving all of us below. Although you couldn’t walk or talk, Or even count to ten, Your short life had more impact, Than a hundred million men.

We Love and Miss you so much Daddy, Mommy, & Ella

There are no goodbyes, wherever you are, you will always be in our hearts.

Loved and Missed by: Your

In Loving Memory

Our hearts still ache with sadness even after all the years and many tears still flow, what it meant to lose you no one will ever know. We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain. To walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again.

Deeply loved & missed always

In Loving Memory Marvin Axman

1/2/40 - 2/12/23

You are dearly missed by your family. We will cherish the memories that will keep you near forever. We know you are at peace with God.

Missed by: Karen & Your Family.

Never more than a thought away. Loved and remembered everyday till we meet again. Love and missed by, Marilyn & Bill Miller Sr., Bill & Heidi Miller Jr. and family

Tanya Brokaw and family Jon & Tracy Miller and family

We miss you mother dearest and love from all seven siblings.

Missed by: Mike, Dan, Dave, Don Jr, Alan, Annie & Pat.

To my wife...

I know you an feel my tears and you don’t want me to cry, yet my heart is totally broken because I can’t understand why Someone so precious to me had to die. I pray that God will give me strength & somehow get me through as I struggle with the heartache that came when I lost you. I was NEVER prepared to live my life without you. I’ll love and miss you forever.

No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye, you were gone before we knew it and only God knows why.

We love and miss you so much everyday!

Landon, Aurora and Dalila Dad and Karen Jen, Quint, Harper, Oakley and Collins

In Loving Memory Carol Busse Harklau

9/12/32 - 12/11/15

The greatest joy in my life was Carol Ann my sweet beautiful wife. We had a wonderful family and a blessed life. In my heart she will always remain until in heaven we meet again.

Memories, family, time and a new lady friend have made by life more complete again.

Missed by, Roland Harklau and family

We miss you beyond words. Peace & Love to You.

Missed by: Liz & Family

In Loving Memory Lori (Hill) Cook

6/27/60 - 11/28/22

To lose you was a bitter wrench, The pain cut to my core, I cried until my tears ran out and then I cried some more. I know I can’t be with you now and you can’t be with me You’ll stay inside my heart and that’s where you’ll always be. Your death left me a heavy heartache that no one else can heal, love leaves us memories that no one else can steal.

Deeply loved & forever missed Rod & Lisa

In Loving Memory Matthew James Ellis

01/02/79 - 05/04/07

A gift for such a little while, your loss just seems so wrong, you should not have left before us, it’s with loved ones you belong. No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye, you were gone before we knew it and only God knows why.

Miss You Buddy, Dad, Mom, Katie & Matt, Tara, Tia & Abel

In Loving Memory Brian Sandvig

12/17/82 - 08/09/99

Time enhances all the memories we shared, the fun we had and the special person you were. Miss you always!

Missed by, Mom and Dad; Dawn and family; Scott and family

My biggest fear in life was to be away from you. Ive been living a nightmare since that came true. Day after day I’m stuck in loneliness and agony. Why did fate have to take you away from me. Love you forever and miss you always. The most time I miss you is during horse racing season.


May the winds of heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear, how much we love and miss you and wish that you were here.

We don’t need a special day to bring you to our minds; the day we do not think of you is very hard to find. They say time heals all sorrow and helps us to forget; but time so far has only proved how much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to bear it, and courage to take the blow; but what it meant to lose you no one will ever know.

Always remembered, loved and deeply missed by: Mom, Dad, Benny, Michelle, & David

Loved by many, missed by many. Looking down from that big hayloft up above.

Missed by Annette, Archie, Iain, Alex Autumn, Forrest, Family and a ton of friends


Ps. 89:48: What man is he that liveth, land shall not see death?

1 Tim. 2:5: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

Eph. 2:8-9: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any man should boast.

John 11:25-26: Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

Missed by, Dad, Mom Jerod, Kat, Everest, Aspen, Kyle, Janae, Kordan & Kaden

It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone, for a part of us went with you, the day God called you home.

Your touch, your smile so

Kathi Ponsar

8/26/50 - 4/22/23

God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be, so he put his arms around you, and whispered with Me”

In Loving Memory

Kathi Ponsar

8/26/50 - 4/22/23

A heart of gold stopped beating Working hands at rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us he only takes the best. Leaves and flowers may wither, The golden sun may set, But the hearts that loved you dearly are the ones that won’t forget.

Missed by: Libby, Steven, Thomas, Hannah & Evah

In Loving Memory

Gerald W. Whitehlll

3/9/27 - 5/7/98

Dad, Your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.

Loved and Missed go away. They walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Your Baby Daisy and of course the rest of your family!

Jesse C. Holmes (Father) December 22, 1977 lips cannot tell how I miss them. My Heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how I miss them in a home that is always lonesome today. In

In Loving Memory

Marvin Cervene (Sparrow)

8/18/29 - 3/22/14

On angel wings you were taken, but in my heart you will stay.

Love you always your wife, Ducky

In Loving Memory Abbie Jean Hankel

7/2/1980 - 3/4/2010

The world changes from year to year. Our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you, shall never pass away.

Deeply missed and Forever loved by, Dad, Mom, Justin and Family

In Loving Memory

Carl Zuspann

7/29/33 - 7/20/15

Miss you always and in our hearts forever..

Loved & Missed by Family

Memory Leonard W. Webb 2/2/31 - 3/28/23


Deeply Missed. I will always remember you.

In Loving Memory

Brett Nissen

05/25/76 - 04/24/13

Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard but always near. Still loved, still missed and always near.

Love and miss you, Mom, Traci, Chloe, Tim, Jacob and Carlyn

In Loving Memory

David Nissen

04/02/51 - 01/30/19

God saw him getting tired a cure was not meant to be, So He put his arms around him and whispered.... “Come with me” Love and miss you, your wife Laurie, Tim, Traci, Chloe, Jacob and Carlyn

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