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Tell us about 2 of your most favorite experiences performing.
We took a trip to Tenn. and played for the Liberty Bowl, that was super fun. I enjoyed playing Cadences at home games as well.

What is the most challenging thing about learning a new instrument?

Keeping myself motivated to continue learning new things about it, and not giving up when I couldn’t get something.
What do you most enjoy about making music?
The thing I enjoy most about making music is getting lost in it. Knowing the music so well that you just get caught up in it.
What other activities are you involved in?
Choir & Musicals, Speech, Coed Dance, Worship team, as well as Jazz/ Concert/Pep/Marching band.

Who do you admire most? My Dad And why?
I admire his ability to teach. He is wise in so many areas. He has the ability to have fun and enjoy life under any circumstances, when things hit him and changes come, he goes with the change without a huge upset and follows the new plan. He has a great devotion to God, which allows him to do all these things.
If you could go visit anywhere in the world, where would you want to go? Norway. And why?
Because of the rich Viking history and culture. I heard it’s beautiful.
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Walk us through a typical day in the life of Abraham Fisher. A typical summer day consist of wake up, have quite time with God, breakfast, do some programming, bike around town, then lunch. Afternoons are hanging with friends, babysit my younger siblings, go to the pool, draw or game, write, chores, or practice singing. It really depends on the day. Typically, my evenings are spent in different places depending on the night. Mondays are band practice, Tuesdays & Wednesdays I hang out with a friend, or spend time practicing for worship team, sometimes do a movie or game with my dad and brothers. Thursday is worship rehearsal, Friday is movie night, Saturday could be a number of things, and Sunday is more relaxed, I often go to our church for personal worship and prayer time. Of course in the school year it looks a lot different, school all day, and multiple activities at night depending on what I am involved in. I am one of 10 kids in my family so our lives can feel busy with so many of us in different places at different times. Every day is a little different, but it’s a good life. I am so blessed to have the family, friends, mentors, and teachers that I do to speak into my life.