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Habitaren Kansainvälinen Ystävä vuonna 2022 on brittiläinen arkkitehti, kuraattori, tutkija ja toimittaja Joseph Grima. Hän on Design Academy Eindhovenin luova johtaja, Milanon triennaalin muotoilun pääkuraattori ja Domus-lehden entinen päätoimittaja. Kansainvälinen Ystävä vierailee Habitaressa, valitsee kiinnostavimmat ilmiöt ja tuotteet Habitaren tarjonnasta.
Joseph Grima Arena-lavalla
7.9. klo 13 Kansainvälisen Ystävän Habitare 2022 -valintojen julkistus
7.9. klo 15 Joseph Griman keynote-puheenvuoro: The World We Want
Joseph Grima, an architect, curator, researcher, and editor based between Milan and Eindhoven, will be the International Friend of Habitare in 2022. The International Friend explores Habitare and the field of Finnish design through global eyes, selects the most interesting content available at the event, and enters dialogue with Habitare.
Joseph Grima at the Arena stage
Wed 7 Sep 1 pm Habitare 2022 International Friend’s choices
Wed 7 Sep 3 pm Keynote of Joseph Grima: The World We Want What kind of world we want to live in after this pandemic passes, and what choices designers – and the general public too – in building such a future? The present crisis is tragic in all sorts of ways, but it is also a shock to the system that allows us to rethink all sorts of aspects of our lives that we had assumed could simply not be changed. For example: how are cities organized; our dependency on travel; where and how the local economy interfaces with the global economy; and the role design has to play in all of this?