The Light Within

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WHEN YOU CAN ‘SEE THE LIGHT’ WITHIN…IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW DARK IT IS ON THE OUTSIDE by Dr. Henry B. Naiken.Msc.D “This is not merely a book but a precious treasure. It is a torch of spiritualism, which endeavors to dispel the darkness of lies, deceit, violence and immorality from the whole world. It promises to lead the present and future generations, to that horizon where lies buried, pot of invaluable riches in the form of human, moral and spiritual values. It can form the basis of human life, by leading the entire human race from evil to good, and from death to immortality.”

 June 2002 – Henry B. Naiken.Msc.D


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 1 It was 09.30 pm, not entirely noisy, but with traces of the sound of silence dawning upon the night. The kids were long asleep, so my wife Maureen and I decided to have an early night. It is not her nature to sleep that early, but tonight was different. Her gazing eyes released energy of love that melted away the tensions and frustrations of the day. Yet at the same time many other thoughts entered my mind. The workers that kept away, the transport that was late, Oh, yes, Johnny made me hit him for he took his time when I called out to him. Our mind caters 300,000 thoughts per second I read from somewhere. Mine right now was capable of producing 600,000 or more. Currently, though, the only thought that I tried to permeate my mind was “it’s getting late… its time for love”. Our room was at the far end of the house over looking the ocean. The bed appeared to be waiting patiently. In fact it had been doing so for nearly two hundred years plus. It’s first rightly owner was my great grandmother. She gave it to my grandmother as her wedding gift. Then it was passed down to my mother. Now it belonged to me – us! It never complained. It’s always ready to take that part of my body that helps lift Maureen’s soul to celestial bliss with emotional contemplation. If there was one comfort it was that there wouldn’t be any delays, or mishaps this time. I laid down inside the warm water of a soothing bath, feeling those muscles relaxing...surrendering...I sensed Maureen watching me… Watching me like a cat...purring seductively...preparing to pounce. My muscles twitch in nervous excitement...and I became aroused. She leaped from her hiding place, an animalistic gleam in her eyes. Landing with a splash, she wrapped her arms around me. The wetness...the nakedness...of our


bodies...was like slippery silk. I trusted my tongue between her parted lips, and we shared a passionate kiss.

Henry B. Naiken As we shared a deep thought in each other’s eyes, she put her hands into the water...and explored. She guided the object of her desire to where she wanted it…and let out a pleased moan. Our bodies blend into one, as we seemed to travel...back. Back to the garden we have gone...another tree to plant. I gently bit her neck, as she applied the pressure from her nails in my back. The Dance of Lover's, we have learned it well together. There are no words to be said, instinct and primal desire made the decisions. She kissed my chest, and I rubbed her wet hair across my face. Our motions intensified, and she grabbed my shoulders. She teased my mouth with fleeting contact from her chest...then again...and again. The passion we that moment...was beyond words... beyond anything...her mind concocted deep inside her. I pulled her down...then under one fluid motion. The Lover's Dance continued. By the time we both...release...and return once again to our shared bath, there was little water left inside the tub. We took our time exiting, never disconnecting. I carried her...dripping wet...out of the room...and onto the bed. She turned me over; laying me on my back...keeping our connection... and taking the upper spot...the balcony seat. I couldn’t budge, she had me pinned. She created the rhythm...a hard...long...series of motions. I trusted my head back in pleasure...and the room spanned. She shuddered with an explosion...deep within her...taking in the passion. Then she disconnected...and let me taste. With not a single word spoken, we become even more animalistic, flying off of the bed and onto the floor. The passion continued to we worked...ourselves...up...along...the wall. She continued up...while I lingered down. She grabbed my head and


gripped my hair between her fingers. I felt the rush of her next release...and accepted it all.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… Returning to meet her, I turned her face the wall. I reached around and cupped we began our Lover's Dance anew. Our legs tightened in fatigue...but we refused to relent. The Dance lasted for several more moments...then...she reached around...took a hold of me...and accepted my release. We shared in our gifts to each other, as we once again fell onto the bed. Lying together, we took the warmth...of our heated bodies. And as we listened closely...for a moment...the twin beats of our hearts...united as one. Soon, the relaxing wind will put us in slumber...and we will sleep. Within that sleep...our Lover's Dance continues. We will never know for sure...when we were dreaming...and when we were not. By then I had laid my body into the Yoga position known as the death posture on the bed and began to relax. A feeling of calmness overtook my body and mind as I began to breathe more deeply but somehow slower. It is well known that one cannot remain alive without breathing, but by improper breathing too one remains only half alive. I leaned over to have a drink of water. Gazing through the glass of water I saw a mist of light emanating from it. Then a cloud rose above the water in the glass, and parting away like a curtain being jostled slightly apart with the wind I noticed that I was drifting away from my own body. I floated high above the bed and reached near the ceiling. I looked back, but down and saw for the first time my own physical body lying as if it were dead. I took it upon myself to see what time I had died…it was 09.45 pm.


Maureen threw her arms around me and when she didn’t get a response, smiled and thought ‘asleep already…poor guy’. I actually heard her thought.

Henry B. Naiken “How could this be possible…was this what they called telepathy…all sorts of things were going on through my mind now…how could I be ‘nowhere’ and ‘now here’ at the same time…is this what dying is all about…am I dead? Where are the angles to come fetch me? S—t what about the insurance…no Johnny can’t have it he’s too young…he’ll only spend it on booze and drugs…the thoughts just kept creeping in…” Maureen was wiping my face softly with a warm wet face towel. “What happened Maureen?” I asked. “You tell me” was her reply. “Maureen” I said. “I have seen death…I think I died”. Maureen answered back somehow surprised at my remarks. “Come on now, take control of yourself…it was just a bad dream…how can you have died yet you are here talking to me”. I ignored her question when in the far distance I heard the sound of an engine boat rumbling away. I glanced at the clock on the wall. The time read 09.45 pm. “What I exclaimed to myself softly…you mean to tell me all this turmoil happened yet time stood still”. Then as sure as the air I was breathing I heard a voice answer back to me. “Time waits for no man…if you love life don’t waste time for time is what life is made of”. I got up to follow the path where the voice was coming from.


“Where are you off to?” Asked Maureen.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… For the second time that night I found myself ignoring her question. I stepped out of the house and followed the path leading to the beach, for that’s where I had heard the voice. The boat was raised onto the shore. It wasn’t unusual to see a boat on the beach at night. The engine cap was removed. Behind the engine I saw a thin figure of a man smiling back at me. “You surely took your time. I thought that you weren’t ever coming”. He said. “F…this guy” I thought. “I shouldn’t have been here in the first place. I don’t even know who he is.” I even found myself prolonging this thought, “Funny though, I have lived here all my life, in fact I was born here on this island…have even helped in building boats but I have never seen this one or even this eccentric looking man”. Odd as it may seem, I had the feeling that he had been expecting me to come to his rescue – rescue of what though? A totally unlikely theory I felt, as I quickly released the thought. The man then leaned over to me, thrust out his hand and said, “Hi! Let me introduce yourself to me…your name is Randy. It’s good to see you yesterday for the first time. My name is Godorn.” I was shocked. First of the language he used, then of the man himself. I had never seen this man before. He wore khaki shorts and a Sprite T- Shirt. He appeared to be in his forties. He wasn’t tall.


His head was shaven and so too his face, but his eyes were his most noticeable feature. Even in the dim light of the quarter moon, one could see those piercing sphere and know they had lived forever. Such determination in those eyes, and yet, such compassion as well.

Henry B. Naiken Even though I noticed all these things at one glance, I kept staring at him all the while. He smiled. “We do need some rain,” he said. I nodded unresponsively. I couldn’t have cared less about the rain at that moment. “How did you know my name?” I asked astoundingly. “Oh, I know” he said. “Every one knows everyone here on this island, don’t they?” “But I have never seen you before, not here not there not anywhere”. I replied. Maybe this was one of those stories I heard from my parents and grandparents about people that have been killed through malicious and superstitious means and then later seemed to go about roaming the night. Perhaps he was intent on doing me harm, malicious or superstitious. I had the irresistible urge to leave and go back home – to bed, to sleep but his gaze held me there. “I see that you are concerned about your safety,” He said, seeming to read my mind. “You need fear not. Thanks for helping me with the boat. I thought no one would come at this hour, but then you came! People these days have no unity, among their neighbors, friends, boss, politicians, priests, yes, even with themselves. My appreciation to you, Randy.” Since I hadn’t done anything to help, I said, “Pa dekwa” (you’re welcome).


As I turned to go back home he raised his voice slightly and said, “We will meet again soon I hope”

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “Maybe” I mumbled, thinking how improbable that would be. Reaching the front door, I glanced back at the beach where the boat stood still; from that distance I could see Godorn waving at me. Timidly, I looked down and closed the door behind me. By now it was getting late and Maureen would definitely have been wondering what’s happened to me, or further to my mind? All seemed well until now. I entered the room and found Maureen to be sound asleep. I thought about Gordon, but tried to brush him aside. There was more important thing to do right now, like sleep. I needed a God’s nights rest, I felt as the dark was slowly giving way to the light of day. I put my head down to rest, then I caught myself looking at the clock for the third time during that night – it was 11.00 pm. Reflecting on the strange events of the night, I turned my body sideways, only to be startled by a call from outside. I got up and rushed towards the corridor breathing heavily, tensed. Opening the door, I shouted “Now what?” There stood Godorn with a puppy in his hand. Smilingly and in a soft and soothing voice he said, “Please, can you take care of my Dog as I am off to the disco”? I stretched out my arms and he laid him on me. For what seemed a second, I looked down at this beautiful creature


called dog, but as I looked back up I found that Godorn had literally disappeared into thin air. I placed the innocent creature down on the floor, nearer to my side of the bed and began to caress it so it did not wake up Maureen.

Henry B. Naiken It was the most therapeutic activity I had done for months for in just what seemed a second, I fell asleep - like a log, until‌


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 2 The sound of slurping from below the bed woke me up. I shifted my head to the side and saw Godorn’s dog licking water from the floor. My eyes looked to where the glass was supposed to have been, it was on the floor next to the dog. This in actual fact put me back into a deep trance. How did the glass end up on the floor in one piece? OK, maybe the quality of the glass made it unbreakable. But how did ‘Godorn’s dog’ knew that there was a glass of water on the table above? How did he get it to the floor and in total silence?” Questions, questions, questions. My movements on the bed woke Maureen. She sat up with her back to the wall and quizzingly looked at me. “What now?” I said. Maureen smiled back. “Good morning”, she reacted. Then with a poignant look she said, “What happened last night Randy, what was all that about?” All the while Godorn’s dog stayed soundless. “Maureen, do you believe in spirits?” I inquired. Before she could answer me back, the dog squealed. Maureen jumped off the bed and bent over to see what it was. “Randy, what is this thing doing in our room? How did it get here in the first place? Whose is it?” Then without waiting for an answer she rushed towards it and made it run out of the room. I ran after both of them getting Maureen to calm herself. After I managed to sit her down at the dining table, I took the electrical jug and plugged it into the socket. “Maureen” I heard me say,


Henry B. Naiken “Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind”. I couldn’t believe what I was saying. How could I say this? Since when was I considered to be philosophical? But yet here I was talking as if I had been accustomed to such knowledge. Maureen broke my thought pattern by telling me the water had boiled and that she is waiting to be served her breakfast, as this would indeed be a great action that would speak to her alone. I smiled at her humor yet honest comment. Certainly it had been a very long time since I had done her such an act of kindness. The kids prepared themselves for school while I said goodbye to them, kissed Maureen adieu, caressed Gordon’s dog and left for work. Without doubt it was a hot morning. The rays of the Sun heating on my back made me remember the story I once heard about the competition between wind, rain and the sun having to get rid of a coat from the body of a man – finally the sun won when it made it so hot that the man had to remove his coat. I got to the beach on my way to work anticipating to see Gordon and his boat. Certainly it was not there. “What a odd man,” I thought. “I feel as if I know him or have met him someplace before. Perhaps it was at a political meeting or a holy communion reception.” I arrived at my office and started my work schedule. Things weren’t going too well for me. I had been having problems with the supervisor as he was always reporting me to the boss. This reminded me of the astrological reading I read from the ‘Saturday Nation’- “You should be careful of becoming despondent or feeling that you are misunderstood.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… Be content to be a Daniel – to stand alone if necessary for your ideals, remembering if you do not get reward in this life that in the eternity that lies beyond the adjustments of things will come”. The call from my supervisor woke me from my daydream. It was the Boss. He wanted to see me about an urgent matter. The company produced building blocks. The production line had to close up one of its sections as the company was running out of funds to keep it economically feasible. I stood inside the Boss’s office waiting to be seated when suddenly the phone rang. The boss’s secretary said that there was a man on the phone for me and asked if she should tell him to call later. “No he’ll take it” the boss replied. He then handed me the phone. “Randy, this is Godorn. Listen, Fire the Boss and Hire Yourself”. “But…” I hadn’t finished saying what I started when he cut me short. “No Buts, that’s where the s—t comes out. Just remember, as a rule… he who has the most information will have the greatest success in life. Right now you have it”. Then he hanged up. “Randy, the loan we applied has been rejected” said the boss, as he fidgeted with some papers. “We are truly in deep s—t” he reiterated. Abruptly without any hesitation and fear on my part I said, “Mr. Higgins, let me take over the company. Sell it to me”.


Henry B. Naiken Mr. Higgins looked at me totally puzzled, then said, “How on earth do you think that you out of all people will be able to survive this crisis”. Again that same voice made its appearance into my mind and I heard it say, “Open your mouth and let me speak for you... go on do it now!” I did, and this is what came out: “In the early days of aviation a pilot was forced in a remote region of Brazil. Hiking to a distant village, he asked for help from the natives. Though not understanding what it was all about, the natives helped the pilot place tree branches in an open field, arranged in a definite pattern. When a rescuing airplane appeared overhead, the pilot explained that the branches spelled out HELP. The natives then understood how rescue could come from a Higher Source previously unknown to them. – Mr. Higgins, there is something in us wiser than anything in the world of men”. He looked at me amazingly and said, “Randy, my son, you can have it…right now if you want. The company… it’s yours at this very moment. I’ll just take my leave and see you later to finalise the papers”. He walked out of the office and left me alone with my thoughts. “Godorn – who is this man, how did he know that I was in the office with the boss? Why did he tell me fire the boss and hire myself…what now, how do I run the company? What do I say to the workers?” I heard my self-talk. I gathered all the staff into one room and began to speak:


“Gentleman…Mr. Higgins has evacuated the company and has left me in charge. In fact I will be taking over the company soon.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… So I have decided to call this meeting that we can all be part of reconstructing our aims and objectives as regards to our products and services. Now what is it that our customers want or need? What is it that our customers buy?” The supervisor who used to report me repeatedly to the boss answered, “What’s the difference? We are not interested in what the customer wants. We are interested in what the customer buys so that we can sell more of what we are producing”. I then said unto him, “Ok we can do that. So what is it that your customer really buys from you? Is it your product or your services? What is the value of your customer?” His response was, “I am not interested in that. I am interested that the people buys from us”. I said to him, “Even though they do not have the money? I want our company to have customer’s satisfaction, not buyer’s remorse. To do this we must know what it is that we sell. We do not sell building blocks; rather we sell churches, houses, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure of all kinds. Through them, we sell feelings, comfort, value, safety, security, convenience, piece of mind etc. Now do we understand?” The workers could not believe their ears were hearing me say these things – so did I.


As the workers returned back to work with their new mentality and positive attitude about the company I stepped into Mr. Higgins office and sat at the desk.

Henry B. Naiken The smell of cigar was still apparent in the atmosphere of the room. With my arms placed on top of my head and my fingers intertwined, I relaxed comfortably in the swirling chair that tilted all the way back to a 45% angle. I then made a phone call to Maureen to tell her the good news. “Maureen, do you want the good news or the bad news first?” To which she answered, “Both” I then took control of my excitement and said to her, “Right, Maureen, I have just fired my boss and hired myself” “Randy” she stammered, “Are you out of your mind? What do you mean you FIRED your boss? Are the police there? Are you on the way to jail?” It then clicked that she thought I had shot the boss. “No, no, Maureen, I have taken over the company from him. He has literally agreed to hand over the company to me. From now on I have a company that helps build churches, schools, hospitals…” Maureen seemed to want no part of this thus she hanged up. So challenging was the morning that I decided to leave the office for a while. It would be rejuvenating I thought to go for a stroll. I walked a few meters when I decided to swap route, which would take me past a Chinese restaurant. I loved Chinese food, especially sweetcorn soup. Just the thought of it made the juices flow from my mouth.


“Bon appetite” a voice said unto me. As I turned round, I saw Godorn standing and smiling as usual.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “Having a hard day Randy?” “Yes I’m having a hard day Godorn, but how come you’re here?” Ignoring my question he replied, “Mind if I join you?” “Of course not. I just wasn’t expecting to see you here” I said rather nicely. The waitress then came along and placed his order onto the table in front of him and said, “Enjoy your lunch Sir.” “Mersi” replied Godorn. “Godorn, you are mystifying me with your presence. How did you know that I was coming here? I asked. “I didn’t” replied Godorn. “I just had this very strong feeling that you were here. You know it’s like the times when you hum a song in your mind and then when you switch the radio on you find that particular song being played, or when you are walking along the street and suddenly the thought of someone comes to mind then as if by some sheer magic you see the person in front of you. Randy you can say I just had a premonition that you’d be here.” “Good, I have one right now Godorn, what happened to your boat? “Oh that…it’s on its way to heavens gate” he replied. Satisfied that I received an answer, I didn’t even ask where that was.


“But does it run better? I added. “Better than ever” was his reply, with a penetrating look, as his eyes seemed more intense than our first encounter.

Henry B. Naiken He appeared to search the inner depths of my mind, leaving me to feel that I could keep nothing away from him. “Had a feeling though that you wouldn’t have made it this time as well” as if talking to himself. “Excuse me?” “ Nothing, really…I think aloud sometimes” “Fine then, I have to go back to the office now that I am the boss. Don’t mean to be rude Godorn, duty calls”. “Are you filming ‘Rush Hour 3’ Randy?” “I have new responsibilities Godorn, and what makes it worse it’s your fault. Now I have to pay for it.” “No Randy, that’s called alimony – where two people makes a mistake and one continues to pay for it. What’s happened today has nothing to do with me. You are where you are, because that is where you have chosen to be. On top of that Randy, no man gives to himself but himself …no man takes away from himself but himself” “That causes a huge problem, doesn’t it?” I said. “The problem within…the problem without is neither, you’re the problem, you’re its solution” replied Godorn. I began to tense up with all his lecturing; yet I wanted to be as courteous as possible. So I said, “Its easy for you to say, I have a self-image to live up to now”. To which he replied. “The nicest thing about not having an adorable self-image is that you don’t have to live up to it. Things which make


a big difference to the false self makes no difference whatever to your true nature.” Godorn certainly had a lot of views about me and we had officially only met twice.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… I must admit too, that his philosophical conversations, were nourishing my hungry mind and in addition, there was some reality in what he had to say. “You seem to have things good and simple,” I joked. “How do you earn your living?” He seemed to look closer at me, yet deeply. “Actually I am retired, but I like to provide peace of mind for support managers going through change…see what I mean?” “Where did you work before?” I requested. “I used to be a member of a spiritual drifter group that went about lifting the souls of man from their spiritual trenches and putting them back on the path to God. That’s what I did for a living.” That made me think of another social activity in our culture, so I grimly asked “Did you work as a *bonnonm dibwa? (*A sorcerer)” Godorn laughed hysterically. “No I actually just rendered my services to those whom I felt were ready for it”. “So, you’re on holiday now? I asked. “I’ve always been, but now I am here to help someone find his true identity – his true self.” Then a thought entered my mind and I wondered whether I had asked him before or had just thought about it. Well, it was time to find out.


“Godorn will you tell me your age and by the way, from which island do you come from?”

Henry B. Naiken “You are making a big mistake if you’re considering age the duration between birth and death. It is but just a part of the continuance, which we term life. You are considering physical age as everything, in which I am performing my worldly tasks; but my spiritual age, which has witnessed my renunciation and the ultimate attainment, is beyond your viewing capabilities. Therefore, even if my physical age seems less, my spiritual age is eternal.” He then continued, “Whereas for the issue of my abode Randy, I am passing through all the islands, then I’ll be back home again.” “Well, I hope you find yourself a better boat,” I said with a laugh, flashing my mind to the night before. Smilingly, he changed the discussion back to my life. “So how’s life treating you Randy?” he asked. “I’ve been struggling for years, many years now Godorn. There are times when I thought I’d seen a light only to realize that it came from the fridge. I felt strange expressing myself like this. Normally I would never talk about my impediments to a total stranger, but somehow with Godorn I felt good. “Randy” he said, “In Europe nowadays, they have what they call escalators that goes up and down in big malls, supermarkets, commercial stores, at airports and hotels. Now if you take the one that goes down and try to get to the top well, you will be wasting your time, as the down escalator will keep moving you backwards. Rather than waste precious time and energy, you’d be better of just


stepping onto the one that takes you upwards. Then you get to relax, read a book or have a drink while it brings you up to the top easily and effortlessly.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… The same applies to your life. Why not allow the escalator of life to lift you up to the top position of where you want to be rather then step on the down escalator and expect it to move you up”. Occasionally, I did travel abroad and I understood exactly the metaphor he used. I was getting anxious to leave though, but it seemed that Godorn wasn’t ready to go. He bestowed a feeling that he had more things to say. It made me feel rather apprehensive, as I felt I wasn’t ready for what he’d prepared for me. At the counter on the way out, I settled the bill. He offered to pay, but I declined. He thanked me and I followed him behind. Outside he glanced at me sheepishly and asked, “How’s Rex?” “Rex”, I reiterated. “Yes, Rex the dog”. “Fine, he’s doing fine” I answered back. “Do you have a contact that I can reach you?” I inquired. “Why, do you need my help?” “Well, no…” “I am always nearby Randy…just call out my name when you need me and I am here.” A few steps ahead I turned to see where he was. I saw he did the same. We waved and walked on! I strolled back to the office.


At the office I traced my thoughts back to the lunch I had with Godorn and felt that he exuded a perfect blending of sobriety and sincerity.

Henry B. Naiken His eyes always radiant and lustrous extended a power beyond the ordinary person one meets. Now back at the office, the obvious mystery seemed to disappear. The afternoon went well, without incidents as the morning. Several times I glanced at the phone as if I was expecting a call. It did not ring. I got home earlier than my usual time. Maureen somehow seemed to be waiting patiently for my arrival. Yet as if nothing new had happened she made me a cup of tea, sat down by my side and looked at me straight in the eye. It was then she began in full swing. “Tell me now, about the boss you fired…the self you hired…tell me, tell me everything” she said. “Maureen”, I replied, “The company for which I work is in a storm. When you’re in a storm, it is either in front of you or behind. Now when Mr. Higgins was in charge, the storm was in front of us, and all his workers including me clinched tightly to whatever we could lay our hands on. But since I took over from Mr. Higgins this morning, I have let go of the straw I’d been clinching to and have now turned my back towards the storm. In days, weeks, or even months to follow, it will tumble and smash me against the rocks and thorns of life…yet in time as I refuse to clinch again it will lift me free from the bottom and I will be bruised and hurt no more”. Just as I finished saying that, the sky went dark. Godorn’s’ dog Rex’ had run to hide under the sofa as if contemplating something very serious out there. I began to shut the doors, and louvers before the storm broke out. Then rain started pouring heavily. The wind as if in another competition with the rain blew furiously lifting


and sending boxes, galvanized sheets and other material flying in the air. Maureen switched on the radio to listen for disastrous news, as she was fond of such information. We began hearing about roadblocks due to fallen trees in the northern region of Mahe.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… At Cascade, East of Mahe, water had risen to certain feet above, sea level causing problems for the traffic going home. One boy at Les Mamelles had fallen into the river and presumed dead. The list went on. At the end of the report the announcer said, “Make sure you don’t drive too fast”. Somehow, I could hear myself saying, there’s something wrong with that statement, shouldn’t it be “Make sure that you drive safely back home” By then the kids were running around looking for a place to hide. The youngest one Jeff, asked whether we needed to build an ark, and whether God was angry? Suddenly the lights went out. For a moment I thought God had answered his questions. I asked Maureen whether we had candles in the house? She came back with half a candle. “Maureen…this won’t last us till Kingdome come” I said, trying to lighten the air a bit. None was amused, so after having lit the candle we all found a comfortable place to relax and waited for the next episode to happen. Without realizing, I had started to fix my eyes on the candle and kept starring at it. I do not know for how long before it happened, but happened it did. I began to see an aura around the flame. Then it alternated from one to all the colours of the spectrum. Subsequently without actually conscious of what I was doing, I began to direct the colours that I wanted to see and got it to appear around the flame and stay put. After that the most amazing thing happened. The light became more dazzling and brilliant. Faces of people I knew so ‘young’ ago began to appear in the glow. Then I


saw the face of a worker Jack, looking or rather I should think peeping at me. This startled me back to my senses. Our eldest daughter Tiara came in from her room and exclaimed that she thought it a bit bizarre that on La

Henry B. Naiken Digue there was not one iota of a storm. She found this out by phoning her friend on La Digue. “It didn’t rain on La Digue,” whined Maureen”. “No” restated Tiara. Indeed it was bizarre to see a storm of such magnitude, yet only a few miles down the ocean it was as peaceful as an angels domicile. For no obvious reasons, I thought about Godorn, especially when he had said to me, “You are where you have chosen to be… and, no man gives and takes away from himself but himself”. Was this an experience I had chosen to give to myself so that I could have gained certain advantages towards the development of my mental faculties, or was the experience telling me something? Instantly, after my reflection on Godorn, a thunder roared across the sky accompanied by a dazzling flash of lightning and all the lights came back on. Maureen looked at me strangely. I thought about the method Godorn had said I could contact him. I did. There was no reply…


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 3 I woke up very early, at 5.00 am to be precise, got dressed and went for a run. It had been days that I hadn’t done my exercises, or seen my boys at the club. My body was feeling the lack of it. On the beach where I had met Godorn, I stood for a while listening to the waves splashing onto the shore. The light but fresh morning breeze caressed my skin. Above me birds were whistling away their morning tune. I raised my arms high up as I began to take deep breaths, first filling my abdomen, then my lungs. In the horizon, the sun began its morning rise. Then it happened again. That same inner voice got me to verbalize softly, “The light of the Sun enables us to locate different objects in the world around us. The light of selfknowledge enables us to locate different substance in our lives, so that we can determine what is essential to life and cultivate it, and discard all that is superfluous.” Maureen thought she had the answer to our company’s problems. Mr. Higgins, according to Maureen wasn’t a religious man. She based her presupposition on the fact that on Sundays Mr. Higgins would just drop his family to church while he himself would never attend mass. So she thought that it would be wise to have the building consecrated by a priest in order to remove whatever negative vibes existed. At least Mr. Higgins brought his family to church, I considered. I for one had been put off church since the age of 12. During the Christmas mass my eldest brother, Tom and I sat in our usual places waiting for the mass to begin. In the interim a lady came over and asked us to move our bodies some other place as that particular spot had been


reserved for the Governor. Seychelles at that time was under English rule.

Henry B. Naiken Tom found this rather bizarre since the church was supposedly the house of God and not the Governors residence. Arguments after arguments were exchanged until the priest interfered with the same disputation. Tom got up and left the church. I did so too. From then we vowed never to put our foot inside a church again. I must admit I have done so sporadically, but as for Tom, I think not. Father Francis, arrived minutes after I got to the office. “He requested a bowl of water and sanctified it with the following words, “Oh Mighty Element, I Conjure Thee By The Power Of The Heavenly Host; That Thou Shalt Be Clean Of Foul Creatures And Obtain Every Positive Virtue Unto Thyself And Work In All Manners Directed From This Time On. By The Splendour Of The Planets And The Divine Miracle Of Creation So Mote It Be! Amen” He then went around the building sprinkling holy water onto the walls. I followed him closely and heard him whispering, “I remove from you all evil, I remove from you all filth. As the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, you will be cleansed of all evil and filth.” We went into the office, where I offered him a cup of tea. He moderately requested a Seybrew! “Father”, I questioned, “Do you believe in spirits?” “Do I believe breathing is good for me”, trying to make his point on blind faith. He then continued, “Of course I do. But there are bad spirits as well as good ones. Why do you ask my son?”


“Well! A few days ago I have met someone that could be considered eccentric. Yet when I am in his presence, it seems that all troubles just disappear into thin air.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… He says his name is Godorn. Have you ever heard of him Father? “No, no, never. Godorn, umm, did he say where he’s from? “No father, not really, he says that he’s from here, there, everywhere and everywhen.” I replied. “Just be careful, Randy, you may never know what’s out there, especially now that a lot of people are traveling abroad to Madagascar, Africa…you know what I mean.” Said Father Francis. “Thanks for the advice Father.” We shook hands and he left the office. Only three hours had gone by, after the consecration when I heard yelling, shouting and swearing outside. Jack had an unexpected visitor his wife Jennifer that lived on Mahe. Someone, as usual had done her the favor of bringing to her attention that Jack had a lover on Praslin. At Jack’s residence, in his bedroom she had found Gstrings literally, floating around. She was so vexed, that she couldn’t wait for him to get home, so she decided to come and settle the matter with him, there on sight. Jack embarrassed in front of his workmates tried to cool his wife down, but to no avail. To end the dismay, I surmounted the issue by requesting both of them to follow me into my office. Having heard both sides of the story, I felt that same weird sensation overtake my body as I began to speak. “Jennifer, in your past life Jack was a friend that you deceived and caused him harm. At that time, he couldn’t retaliate and hence he has entered into your life knowing revenge.


To take revenge, Jack has entered your life as your husband to make it hell.

Henry B. Naiken The quarrels and ill will between you two may be part of the revenge, which he is now taking. Just think for a moment why do you not have a harmonious relationship with him, why is there no love, why is there constant mistrust, tensions between you and why is there no happiness in your life? On the other hand Jennifer, Jack has a soft spot for…” “Maureen” answered Jennifer. “Mau…Maureen?” I stammered. I must have glanced away, because as I looked back at them, I saw Godorn standing behind them in the office and he continued, “On the other hand Jack has a soft spot for a woman called Maureen, who is not his married partner and is even living far from him. Why do you have such feelings for her Jack? Why do you feel that she can prove to be a better life partner? Why do you feel happy and elated on meeting her? Why does her image remains constantly before your eyes? Why is it so? Now this was getting to complicated for me. In fact it was a repetition of an incident that happened many years ago. I was 19 years of age then. The girl I dated for two years got married to someone else after she conceived his child. Godorn continued with his speech. “Looking at your present life you may not be able to perceive any reasons for this. Though you have met Maureen many times, there is no possibility for you marrying her. But still you feel a deep longing to meet her often and your love for her grows immensely day-byday. Why?”


I felt I didn’t want to hear more. I was about to make it known to all present, but somehow Jennifer wanted Godorn to go on. “The cause of all these, lies hidden in your previous lives.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… The person for whom you experience so much love, who always remains in your thoughts may have been your lover or life partner in the previous birth. Due to social obligations you may not be able to establish marital relations with that person, but marriage is only a physical bond, not necessarily, a union of souls and lives. The soul will consider only the partner of the previous life as real spouse. The society may consider it wrong Jack, and that such a relation to be against social norms but the society is related only to the body and when the body perishes so do all social norms. The society may say that you cannot love someone other than your spouse. But in fact the life, the soul are linked only with one’s true love and shall remain so, inspite of all bonds and shackles. Even if you try you will not be able to banish the thought, the image of the person from your mind. You shall always have a liking for Maureen Jack. The fear of social disgrace will always be an obstacle, and may hinder your path to true love, but it will never be able to subdue the feelings of your heart. That is why there is a yearning in you for Maureen, this is why you feel pained, and this is why there is no love between Jennifer and yourself. At this point I had to intervene, for several questions were flooding my mind. “What about me Godorn, where do I stand in all this?” “The same applies to you Randy, to all of us. We cannot understand why there is tension in the married life, why we don’t trust each other, why we are so poor inspite of


such hard labour, why we remain ill, why we cannot achieve success in life without first studying our past lives. These questions may pertain to our present lives but they cannot be solved only by studying them in context to the events of our previous lives. Then everything shall become clear to us.”

Henry B. Naiken “Then I shall know that the person whom I consider my wife is actually my enemy?” I asked. “To know this you shall have to develop the ability to see your previous lives, Randy,” answered Godorn. How can we know where we were born, where we grew up, with whom we married, who all came into our contact, how we were related to them, how we led our lives, how we died and how we came to be in our present lives, were the imminent thoughts in my mind. But as I caught back my composure, I found that Godorn had already left. Jack and Jennifer were looking at each other in total silence as if trying to soak up all that had been said by Godorn. I realized now that when I began to speak about the issue to Jack and Jennifer that it was Godorn who was actually speaking through me. “Now what?” I thought. “When were my thoughts mine and when were it Godorn’s. How would I know the difference? Was Godorn controlling my mind?” This made it scary just to think about it. Jack then spoke, “Jennifer, I am sorry for what happened. I do not know if what we heard here today is exactly right or wrong. It is the kind of confusion you get when you learn to drive and the instructor tells you that the left side of the road is the right side of the road…and that if you drive on the right side of the road you would be on the wrong side of the


road. Yet, in America and France the right side of the road is the right side of the road. Within me Jennifer, something wants me to believe Godorn”.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… Jennifer picked up her bag and without a word left the office. Jack followed suit. I took a taxi back home. On the way I thought about Maureen and Jack. How occasionally I heard her pick up the phone and pretend that she couldn’t hear the person from the other end of the line and had hanged up. On one occasion she did pretend that it was Mary, her French lady friend that phoned her. I pondered as well upon the times when I had answered the phone and heard repeatedly the famous line, “Sorry…wrong number.” Smiling at my stupidity, I now contemplated, “Right number it was, wrong person maybe”…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 4 “Maureen” I called out as I walked into the house “I need to talk to you.” “What have I done?” quizzed Maureen. “Oh nothing…it’s what you haven’t done that I need to talk to you about.” Jeff our younger son appeared to be the brightest among our kids. Seeing I was home, he came along to test my IQ with one of his usual anecdotes. “Dad,” he said as I sat down removing my shoes. “I am going to give you a riddle but the answers are all clean. Just keep that in mind as you attempt to answer me. Right.” “Right” said I. So he began, “There was once a guy that had gone to attend his monthly meeting at his man’s club. According to the rules of the club all members had to wear a tie. He had forgotten his that night. So the guy at the door said. Well, in that case I will have to test you with our four coded questions – remembering at all times that they should be clean answers.” Jeff smiled before continuing with his story, “So dad the first question asked was: What goes in hard but comes out soft.” Straight away I thought you cunning little baggar. With my own analytical mind I said, “Umm Jeff, I rather know what goes in soft inside something pinkish red and comes out hard – and that’s bread in an oven. But the one that you’re asking I have no idea.”


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… So he asked the second question, “OK, Dad, what does a man do standing, a woman sitting and a dog on three legs?” I answered back “Piss!” “No, that’s not it,” answered Jeff. The third questioned was then asked, “ What is in front of a woman and behind a cow?” “Hmm I can’t think clean here Jeff so try me with question 4”. “Right dad, in which part is a woman’s hair most curliest?” Now these questions was really getting dirty to answer clean, so I asked Jeff to tell me the answers, since they were indeed intriguing questions. To which he replied, “The answer to what goes in hard but comes out soft, dad, is chewing gum. The answer to what does a man do standing, a woman sitting and a dog on three legs – well, shake hands. As for the answer to what is in front of a woman and behind a cow – the letter ‘W’. Finally, the answer to ‘in which part is a woman’s hair most curliest?’ – well, dad it’s Africa!” “Wow!” I thought and Jeff is only 8 years old. “Good lad, keep up the good work, maybe one day you will grow up to become a philosopher.” I said. By then, our other son Johnny who was 14 years old had been listening to our chat. He then came into the room and said,


“Dad, I had a better philosophical experience with the teacher this morning.”

Henry B. Naiken “Oh, did you “ I inquired.” “Yes”-replied Johnny. “So what was your test with the teacher?” “Well, dad it happened during our math’s class when she asked the following: ‘children…there were four birds on a fence. A bird hunter shot one. How many were left?” I raised my hand and was made to answer. I told the teacher that there was none left since all the other birds flew away from the gunshot. She said ‘No Johnny, there were three left, but I do like your way of thinking. It was then that I decided to test her too, dad, so I asked her… “Once there were three women in an ice-cream shop. One was licking into her ice-cream; the other was biting into her ice-cream while the third was sucking into her ice-cream. Now which one among them was married?” Personally I couldn’t wait to hear what she had answered. “The teacher thought for a while, then answered me back,” said Johnny. “Well, Johnny, I suppose it was the one sucking into her ice-cream.” To which Johnny replied back. “No teacher it was the one with the wedding ring – but I do like your way of thinking too.” This made me laugh so loud that my body rocked back and forth. Tiara, heard all the uproar going on in the sitting room so she came to have a look for herself. After explaining to her what happened with Jeff, then Johnny, she said,


“Strange, I had something similar happened to me today. I was asked by Danny to give the definition of a kiss.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… When I debated to him about marital kisses, friendship kisses, kisses one give when people greet etc, he cut me short with “No Tiara, a kiss is an interview upstairs for a vacancy downstairs.” I am still figuring out what Danny meant dad.” “Ask him again Tiara,” I said, with a laugh. The stories made me think back to one incident in school, when Joe had said to the teacher, “Teacher I had a dream about you last night.” “Oh really” said the teacher. Tell me then.” To which Joe replied, “Mon reve ou ti en zegwir e mwan mon ti en bren difil ki ti pe anfil ou” (I dreamed that you were a needle and I was a piece of thread that was threading through you). Of course he was sent home for the day. What a mind-boggling session I had with the kids after having had one with Godorn at the office earlier on. It was time now to settle things straight with Maureen. So I went into the room to have a word with her. From the look on her eyes I knew that she knew. Jack had got to her before me. I placed myself down leisurely by her side and said, “Maureen, we shall part from each other and leave space between us for someone better to enter our lives.” At that moment Jeff walked in requesting some more attention from me. I decided to solve the matter by


picking up a magazine to look for something that I could tear into pieces and create a jigsaw puzzle that he could do.

Henry B. Naiken I found the right picture, the map of world. I tore it into pieces and asked him to put it together. Before I could even get back to Maureen to further our discussion, Jeff walked in with the map of the world completely whole. He looked at me with sparks in his eyes. I had to give it to him. How on earth did he manage to put this picture back together so fast? So I asked him. “Well dad? He exclaimed, “Behind the picture of the world map there was a picture of a man. So I thought that if I got the man right…then the world would be right.” What an inspiring thought. That’s what I needed to do. Get myself right and my world would be right, I reflected. From the living room the phone was ringing. I stood up and went to answer it. As I stepped out of the room I saw Maureen looking at me with sympathy in her eyes. Viciously I thought in my mind as I walked away, “You can find sympathy in the dictionary between shit and syphilis” Jeff had already got to the phone before I did. He handed it to me saying, “It’s for you dad.” The boys at the club were wondering if I was coming for training sessions as we had our 1st UFC (Ultimate Fight Championship) in two weeks time…


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHPATER 5 Few of my boys were to compete against the whole country. We were the only club practicing a form of Martial Art that was different from the existing karate schools. All the other clubs were in the form of the classical tradition that had been passed on through generations It all began when I received a contract to train certain securities for a company. Seeing the enthusiast of the group and the need for genuine training methods I had decided to check if what I knew about fighting was competent by involving myself in a competition of No Hold Barred (NHB) in South Africa. The fight ended in only 40 seconds when my opponent choked me out. From then on I knew there and then that what I had considered deadly techniques were just gushy s—t. For the week that followed I went on to train with the club in S.A. and later brought their instructor along to train my guys – especially in ground fighting the area we had never been accustomed too before. Brazilian JiuJitsu was used for the ground game. The final preparation went well until Dhillip made the point that he heard Roger a well-known fighter was going to take part in our competition. Roger was 90 kilo + with an experience of almost 13 years in different Martial Arts ranging from boxing to karate to kickboxing. That statement brought fear into the eyes of all my students going to compete. I had no means of getting it out of their system apart from the usual positive thinking tricks that I had read along the years. “You know guys, You Can If You Think You Can. The formation of Ikendo was formed 4 years ago after we had a funeral for I Can’t. We can do anything if we set our minds to it. And remember, the word F.E.A.R. only means False Education Appearing Real”


Henry B. Naiken Benny whom always found it difficult to understand my comments in their context given surprisingly came out with a better meaning, “No coach – the word F.E.A.R means – Fuck Everyone And Run. His definition brought a smile to some of them until, Ron the youngest student among the lot reminded me of a story he had read from somewhere. He said, “Master, once there was a man and a woman that used to go to Sunday mass at a new breed of religion. They based their teachings a lot on positive thinking. So one day Mary, the wife of George went to church without him. During the sermon, the Pastor Rascal asked her why George wasn’t in church? Mary replied, George is sick sir. The Pastor then replied. No Mary, George only thinks that he is sick. The next Sunday, the same incident repeated itself and again the Pastor asked about George. Again Mary brought to the attention of the Pastor that George’s health was deteriorating even worse. To which Pastor Rascal remarked, that George thought that his health was worsening while in actual fact it was not the case. The following Sunday Mary went to church as you may have guessed, again without George. As Pastor Rascal took his position to begin his sermon, Mary raised her hand and said. Pastor Rascal, before you ask me about George, I would like to say that George Thinks He’s Dead! Ron was only 12 years old and already he had the brain to analyse deep philosophical teachings. Now that really shook me up. I was flabbergasted by such a simple yet brilliant example of reframing (meaning the way we perceive things). Only a week ago I had seen an article from the USSR about a meeting for the alcohol anonymous. In that particular meeting, they had got a professor to give a lecture on the danger of alcohol.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… To prove her point, the professor had put on the table in front of the drunkards two glasses. One was half filled with water and the other with vodka. She then inserted some worms in both glasses. The glass with water permitted the worms to swim happily. While the glass with vodka had the worms perished in seconds. Seeing the experiment go according to her plans, the professor smiled and asked the group, “Now…what does this prove to you?” To which one drunkard answered, “That when you drink vodka you do not get worms.” Now that’s reframing for you! Getting back to the boys, I said, “Well then, you will have to rely on your skills and may the best man win… “Or unless” I heard Godorn’s voice from the back of the room “You all close your eyes and do as I say.” “Guys,” I said, “This is Godorn. He’s a spiritual coach. For now just take it upon yourself to listen to him. Brace yourselves, find a comfortable position and do as you’re told.” Godorn then spoke, “With your eyes closed, think of your opponent. Think of him, that when he walks in, a little voice in your heads goes “Oh shit!” Just close your eyes and go back to that state. Look at him. As you see him walk in, hear precisely where that little voice comes from and notice how it makes you feel. If you make that picture bigger and


brighter, you probably feel worse. Right? Now try a different way.

Henry B. Naiken Picture a ravine with a mountain on either side. Blow it up till it fills a forty-foot by forty-foot screen. Down at the end of the ravine, I’d like you to put that person. Make him very small. You can put a touch of lighting and thunder on top of each mountain. Now in front of you, put a forty-foot puma/tiger/lion – one roaring big cat. Swell up in your mind as you step into the scene and inside that cat. From the viewpoint of that cat, look at your opponent hungrily. As you continue looking down at the person, paw the ground once and see it shake. See the fear in the person’s eyes. You can now hear the thunder rumbling very loudly, and you can roar louder. Now take this picture and make it bigger and bigger. Make the colours bright. You can now hear yourself say, as you look down at him, “YOUR ASS IS MINE!” If you don’t notice any changes check your pulse. Find out if you have one. Because as you blow that picture up, you can also turn up the volume. Now put two hundred black singers on either mountain singing, “Go Kick His Ass!” By then the students were breathing heavy from the mental bout probably…Godorn went on to say, “Take that attitude and begin to really believe that it is your job to WIN and by God you are going to do it. Call this attitude building. Now if you go in with that attitude, you need only to add generous amounts of skill. You make skills out of the same kind of building blocks.” I smiled at him and said softly give them more. To which he did, “Take that movie that you have now, and as you take that picture, I want you to make it bigger. I want you to turn up the volume for the singers louder and louder. Make it


surround sound. Bring that image closer. How does it make you feel?

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… Does it change the intensity of your feelings? If so keep turning it up until it gives you more and more internal personal power. Instead of saying “Oh Shit!” When you look down at him, you begin to say to yourself “Piece of Cake!” When you were young and little, the same method was applied to get you walking. You began with small steps, one at a time, then putting them together you build up a foundation that got you to explore a whole new world. You can open your eyes now!” Ended Godorn. At 3.45 pm on the 30th of April 2001, Dhillip weighing only 60 + kilos won the contest by defeating Roger in 3 minutes 45 seconds in the final. He did this by managing to bring Roger down, mounted on top of him and went on to deliver a volley of punches, elbows and head but to Rogers face. That’s when Roger tapped out…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 6 Two months had passed since I last saw Godorn, Maureen or the kids. They, kids, were supposed to visit during the weekends. At least that was what the court had ordered. But now the only energy they got from me was the money I left for them at the end of the month at the tribunal court for Maureen to collect. Jack had left the company and had gone back to Mahe, so I was told. On the other hand Maureen’s sister and friends had started a campaign of degrading remarks and stories about me. Maureen even confided in her priest friend. He in turn told his wife, at night, everything Maureen had related to him during the day. His wife went about gossiping at the hotel (Fisherman’s Cave) where she worked. One that really had people laughing was that Maureen caught me up with a man in bed. And she had left me for that. A chain of rumors kept flooding the Market Street and offices, around the island. Maureen’s sister got on the phone and gave a telling off to one of her friend whom she thought had an affair with me. She really had it going as if it was she that I was married too. “Poor thing” I thought, “Why didn’t she phone the wife of the fellow she was having an affair with that wrecked after she conceived a child for him? She also should know that there is no sinner who is without a spark of humanity just as there is no night without a star.” Upon hearing all these stories I reflected upon the saying “Rumors are spread by your enemies and accepted by fools without investigation…something to that effect.” At the office the situation wasn’t improving at all. Business was moving slow. The machine that Jack worked on was un-operational. This caused a backlog in production line, thus causing a fall in profits as well.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… Another financial crisis was fast approaching, and my accountant wasn’t too happy. Disaster after disaster had followed me around for the past few years. Relief came once in a while. Then, unexpectedly, Gules came to me and said that I must go with him to India! It would be a short trip, just for a week. Gules was running a hotel on Praslin. He wanted to go and check some furniture that he had ordered four years back, but hadn’t received. It was soon time to leave. No matter how many times I’ve flown, there’s always a sense of euphoria as I approach the check in point. The cultural exchange of travelers at the airport intrigued me, but this was a leisure trip so I wasn’t focusing on any major issues. After an enjoyable flight, it took only 15 minutes to get to our hotel in Delhi. A good days rest and I would be ready for anything Gules might have planned I thought as I was filling out the necessary registration forms. The desk clerk then smiled at me and said, “We have a message for you, Mr. Randy.” I opened the note. It stated simply that Mr. Karim would be with us soon. “Karim?” I thought. Who was he? Perhaps it was Godorn playing another of his joke on me. We went to our room, unpacked our luggage and took a quick shower. Then went down into the lobby. As we were walking across the lobby, a man stepped up to us and said, “Hi! I’m Karim. You’re Randy!”


“Am I supposed to know you?” I asked, briefly worried. “Godorn told me you were coming over and said to see if I can be of any help.”

Henry B. Naiken “Oh no, not again.” “Godorn, who is he?” asked Gules. “Randy knows him very well, worry not” said karim in reply to Gules question. I haven’t seen him in weeks. Who was this Karim, anyway? How had Godorn known about our trip, since Gules was the one that had organized it? Was Gules into this as well? Did he have a part in framing me, us – up? Knowing Godorn by now, maybe he had tried to contact me at the office and Anne my secretary may have told him that we had left for India. But my secretary had been informed to never give out such information. I must admit that I looked like something the cat had just dragged in standing there with Karim. He smiled at me pleasantly. “May you follow me to the tourist office for a meeting. We’ll continue our conversation there.” Dazed, we followed him to the car. When we were seated, I looked at Karim with obvious uneasiness. He was in his late twenties. A Muslim that showed so much remorse for the Americans anguish of the September 11th attack, that I wondered if it was all not a show. “For how long have you known Godorn?” I asked. “Oh, for ages,” he said, smiling. “I haven’t seen him for weeks. And I really don’t know him that well. Had him interfering into my life occasionally. Are you good friends?” “He’s one of dad’s closest friends. They’ve been through a lot together, when they went visiting people around.”


It made complete sense now. Godorn had visited or probably worked in India before.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “I still wonder how Godorn knew about this trip though,” I said, hoping that Karim would tell me what he knew. But all he said was, “By now you know Godorn well enough to be aware that he has his own ways of finding out things. After what I have been through with Godorn so far, I guessed that he was right. “You know he seemed to be trying to return you a good deed.” Said Karim. “What good deed? I didn’t do anything for this man, not until now anyway.” I thought. “Still a long way to go before we get to your office?” “Not too far away.” Karim replied. The driver stopped at a driveway between two adjacent buildings. It was hot, no hot was an understatement. It was burning hot. Luckily the office was air-conditioned. Inside the office other salesmen were occupied with their work. In fact one would think they hadn’t recognized our presence at all. Karim sat at his desk and requested us to be seated too. After that he said. “Gentleman, you have come here to visit Jodhpur. You can go by train, plane or car.” I looked at Gules irritatingly to see if he made sense of it all. He’s silence made me uncomfortable. Yet there was something in that silence of his that showed he was ready for the adventure. “We will take the car,” said Gules.


“Fine with me” replied Karim.

Henry B. Naiken “We shall go and have lunch, then get the driver to collect your things from the hotel and you shall leave in the evening. It will be an eleven hour drive from Delhi to Jodhpur.” The conversation at lunched settled mainly around economics, business, and even Martial Art. In fact Karim wanted to see a demonstration when we got back and hopefully learn a few tricks as he put it. Karim insisted that he paid for the lunch, since, “You’re my guests.” He said. We weren’t going to argue with him on that. As we left the restaurant, he wished us success with our trip and bending over he spoke to the driver in Hindi. We thanked him again for lunch and for the time he had spent with us. Then he mentioned something about me receiving a visitor upon my arrival in Jodhpur. The driver had already pulled off before I could question him on that. Since we didn’t know why we were even going there in the first place, I tried not to bother myself too much. On the way we began looking at the sceneries, cows, people of diverse social class, cultural monuments, historical sightings that occasionally the driver would point out to us. At a certain road restaurant, I asked if we could stop and get ourselves some chapatti. Ram, the driver agreed. After gobbling down three delicious chapattis, we went back into the car. Suddenly as I closed my eyes, a thought of us getting a flat tire crossed my mind. I told Gules about it in Kreol, preventing the thought entering Rams mind. As sure as the sun rises in the morning, just a quarter of an hours drive later we heard the sound of a flat tire. Ram pulled up at a repair station and we got out to let the tire be repaired. 45 minutes later we were on our way.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… We arrived Jodhpur, at 1.30 a.m, checked in and went straight to bed since there was no visitor. I definitely must have misunderstood Karim. I glanced to see how Gules was doing. He was sound asleep. I turned off the lights to sleep but it did not come easily. So I pondered over my life. Before I joined the company of Building Construction, I was a devoted youth worker, then a counselor. I felt that the more I served the society the better I felt. Yet, my mind had always remained turbulent. Whenever, I sat down all alone, hundreds of thoughts pervaded my mind and disturbed me all the more. I felt that I may achieve anything but until I attained peace of mind all my efforts would be in vain. Many times I thought whether I would spend my whole life in such a state. The people and society may benefit from my work but what had I done for myself? Then as if I had triggered something, I felt myself reflecting on my life in a way that I have never done before. I found myself asking of what use were these links to the outside world? Then these thoughts just came pouring into my mind – “The world after which you’re running is just a mirage, it is nothing but a treasure of sorrows, instead of entering into this thorny jungles you should seek the soothing shade of the divine tree, so that you can experience true joy and peace. You may go to heaven but until you do not realize your true basis of origin you won’t obtain even one drop of joy. All your ambitions, your dreams are the source of your sorrows and tensions. You’re striving hard, wasting the precious years of your life in achieving all that through which you won’t benefit at all. And you are endeavoring to obtain the happiness and peace, which you should.


This is my son, he shall bring me happiness. This is my wife – she shall help me in life.

Henry B. Naiken All these relations are useless and are nothing but obstacles to your true spiritual progress. You should develop a determination to liberate yourself from these shackles. If you do not do so you shall ceaselessly go on blindly following the unending cycle of birth and death. This much is sure that one day you’re going to die, then why are you wasting your time, why don’t you attain divinity and fuse yourself in the Almighty? You feel proud that you have achieved so much but it is all useless. When the last moment of your life arrive and your souls shall ask you what have you achieved, then you shall have no answer and at that moment you shall do nothing but repent.” As I was engrossed in my thoughts, I fell asleep. And as I slept, I dreamed. In my dream, I heard a knock on the door and at once I felt that the person outside appeared quite familiar to me. Opening the door I felt my feet go numb. Before me was standing an ascetic of sixty, his body replete with divine radiance. For a few moments, I remained as such and when I gained my senses I said. “Sorry I do not have food to give you. I have just arrived early morning.” “I have not come to accept your food. Instead you want my knowledge. You require my Sadhana and exalted thoughts. For how long will you wonder aimlessly?” It seems as if I had heard the same words somewhere before. A thought flashed through my mind. The reflection you were having just before sleep has befallen upon you. The person, from whom you wished to receive initiation, has himself approached you.


Mechanically I bowed in his feet.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… His hands touched my backbone and an electric sensation pervaded my entire body and my soul drifted into the sky like a free bird. I seemed to be soaring higher and higher. All around me it was dark and in this darkness heavenly bodies drifted by, shining like luminous lamps of various colours. The spectacle left me bewildered. Slowly the vision started to fade and I felt as if I was descending from a great height. A sudden impact, as if I landed brought me back to my senses and slowly I gained consciousness and I opened my eyes. Of course there was no one before me. The saintly figure had disappeared, although a mist and a unique fragrance still hung in the air. It was one of the most vivid dreams I had in my entire life. I looked at Gules still sleeping peacefully. I couldn’t hold the excitement any longer, so I woke him up and told him about my dream…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 7 “Gules…Do you think this is the reason we have come all the way to India…I mean the dream, do you think it’s connected with our visit? Before he could answer, there was a knock on our door. I said, “Here we go” There standing was a man from the reception to inform us that someone had arrived for us and was waiting at the reception with Ram, our driver. We got up had a quick shower and went downstairs. It was Karim. Totally surprised to see him I ask what he was doing here and how or when did he get to Jodhpur? He skillfully ignored my question and instead went straight into his. “Enjoyed your ride? I heard that you had a puncture on the way. Why didn’t you tell him Randy? It could have saved you some hour’s sleep.” “OK, I thought, Godorn is supposed to be a mystic, psychic or just sick, but now Karim? How did he know I had an intuition about the puncture? The flat tire that he must have got from Ram. My spiritual glass had already been filled and was over the brim, with all these coincidences. “Karim, yes, you’re right I did have a thought regarding the flat tire…” he cut me short and continued, “And you told it to Gules in your language” Wow! Now this was indeed getting more peculiar. “They call it mind over matter, Randy. But never mind, it doesn’t matter now” said Karim.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… In the car Karim informed us that we had an appointment. I kept my cool and decided that from now on I am just going to play along with whatever they had set up for us. We arrived at a very peaceful place of a temple. There were people moving about in the yard looking watching at the va et vien. Then we were made to enter the reception. Two staff sat at the table sorting out a pile of letters in front of them. They introduced themselves and left the room with Karim. There were picture everywhere of a Guru on the wall. The expression on my face must have been one of sheer bewilderment, because when I looked closely and in more detailed at the pictures, I recognized him to be the same person that I had seen earlier in my dream. Suddenly, the phone rang. Nobody came to answer it. I looked at Gules as if telling him to pick it up. He did the same to me. Finally I picked it up and said, “Hello, may I help you” It was Godorn. “Are you enjoying yourself, Randy? Listen we will be meeting soon. I know you haven’t heard from me for a while. But that’s fine. What do they say…no news is good news” Then he hanged up. At that point Karim walked in. I told him that Godorn had just called and said he would be with us soon. Is he in India, I inquired? “Yes and yes,” answered Karim. explain.

The he began to

“Randy you have been summoned here to ‘Know Thy Self’.” “To Know Thy self is to know God, for it is a spiritual gift from God that enables a man to know himself. A gift, very few possess, as may be daily seen.


Henry B. Naiken Knowing you to be a curious searcher after those sciences which are out of the common tract of study, we are moved spiritually to give to you our experience upon them, and to open your (spiritual) eye to as much information as may deem fit by the almighty. You are a man in whose soul the image of Divinity is sealed for Eternity. Think first what was your desire in the searching after these mysteries! Was it wealth, honour, fame, power, might, aggrandisement, and the like? Perhaps the heart says, All! All these I would gladly crave! If so, this is my answer, - seek first to know thy self thoroughly, cleanse your heart from all wicked, vain and voracious desires. When you shall accomplish this, behold nothing will be impossible unto you as far as God permits. Then with all speed apply your mind and heart to attain knowledge and wisdom; with all humanity throw your dependence on God alone, the author of all things that cannot die.” I glanced sideways at Gules, he was following well. Karim went on, “The psychic centers (or charkas as known in Indian philosophy) above the navel region has been delicately linked to the spiritual evolution of the human spirit. The opening of these centers will enable even you the ordinary human to realise God’s true being and even if you consider yourself a ‘small drop’ you can attain the immensity of the ocean.” “What about the centers below the navel?” I asked. “By making the part below the navel the soul foundation of your life, invites only worries, sorrows, problems, obstacles and afflictions. The descending part involves only one process and that’s reproduction,” answered Karim.


Looking at me to see if I was still focused Karim continued,

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “A drop from the ocean rises up in the form of vapour, forms a cloud, reaches the mountains, rains down in form of a drop, along with other drops forms a river, and flowing with sheer speed again merges in the ocean. This is a complete cycle in itself, as the drop from the ocean again merges into it after going through so many processes. Similarly, you’re a drop from the ocean that is God and Super conscience. You have to merge back into God from which you have been segregated. This very process is called life.” Can’t I learn that from Sunday school?” I joked. “It is vital at this point to note that no school or university can unveil to you the path leading to God.” Said Karim, being more serious than I had ever seen him. “To lead an ordinary life is unlearnt, while to unite with the Almighty one has to delve deep within oneself, where in the entire universe lies in the form of the soul. You have to envisage its true form and you have to reach out and touch it…ARE YOU READY RANDY???” I acknowledge by responding with my head. We were then made to follow Karim and one other staff up to a bathroom whereby we had to shower again. After drying ourselves, we were given some yellow cloth known as Dhoti that we had to wear, some rosaries, and a praying mat. We went up a flight of stairs and entered the temple. We sat down and waited for the next sequence of events to take place. I heard footsteps from behind. As I glanced sideways I saw a figure somehow familiar to me. I nearly fainted when the person became visible to me – YES, IT WAS GODORN! He asked Karim and the other staff if they were ready and if we had been properly prepared. Receiving the


affirmative answer, he sat in front of us on a stool and began the ceremony by stating the following words:

Henry B. Naiken “…Three great gifts we have. First a human body. Second the desire to be free. Third the help of a noble soul, who has crossed the ocean of delusion, as a teacher. When you have the three, bless, the Lord, you are sure to be free”. We were then told to follow certain instructions. Some doubts were rising in my mind as he began to chant his ceremonial mantras. Then he stood up and raised both his hand towards the sky. It was an amazing sight. Divine radiance was gathering in his hands and his whole form became bright and sparkling like the sun…his face became red with intense heat and the next moment he placed his left thumb at the center on my forehead. At that point all doubts and uncertainties vanished. I lost all sense of my being as the outer form and the inner conscience became one. My eyes were semi-closed and I was seeing Godorn standing before me but it seemed as if I was floating in mid-air. As soon as both thumbs came into contact with my forehead it seemed as if I had touched a live wire. A wave of electric current seemed to flow through my body and spread to each part of my physical existence. With this vibration there appeared before my very eyes the whole universe, clear and illumined. I saw all the heavenly bodies – the sun, the moon, and the planets moving in their orbits. I felt as if I was in an inert state of Samadhi (a state of deep trance) but my soul crossed all such states and lost itself in the divine form of the Almighty. The next moment I lost contact with this divinity but again, as if on the crest of a wave, I rose to the same spiritual plane. But this time I began to see all aspects of life as had been invisible to me. I was also marking that


time was changing fast and my life, too, was changing every moment.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… I saw scenes of my life to the point of old age…I even reached to the dead-end of my life. The last moment had arrived. I saw I was dying. I also saw it was not the end of the story… With suddenness the series of scenes in my state of meditation came to an end. I last opened my eyes I saw that I was sitting in the same position and that Godorn was before me smiling benevolently. He asked, “What did you see?” I felt terribly overwhelmed. I could not check tears overflowing my eyes. All my doubts had been vanquished in one stroke. I had succeeded in losing my own self in the state of true happiness and ultimate joy – through Samadhi. Then Godorn said: “You have seen not only this life to its dead-end but also the life to follow. You have been where you’re going to be born after your death in this life. As you have seen the life to come, so too will you see the life before. When you see your past life you will know the imperfections if any. Then only will you know how to overcome the imperfections of this life. Karim waited for us in the car with Ram. “I trust you had a brilliant experience,” he said with a rapid smile. “Out of this world,” I replied, and in addition I mentioned that no one had visited me. “Of course you got the visit,” he replied with a twinkle in his eyes.


“No! Nobody visited me last night,” I insisted, rather confused. “Didn’t you receive a visit from a Guru?

Henry B. Naiken And didn’t he tell you that you needed initiation and knowledge from him? Have you forgotten your dream? By the way tomorrow you will have another very prophetic dream. It’s about a nun in your country…something to do with her death” I almost fell over. I’d told no one about my dream, apart from Gules. Yet Karim knew about it. In fact, it seemed he knew exactly what dream I was going to have that night. I stared at him in trepidation. He seemed in many ways so similar to Godorn, especially in the way he articulated things. “Stay calm Randy. You have three more days in Jodhpur, and then you will leave for home. While there, more will be revealed to you” The next few days day we went back to the temple to finish off the mantras that we had to do. It lasted for three hours non-stop every day. On the way back to the hotel of the last day, Karim showed his appreciation for our visit and mentioned of his joy for having been able to be of assistance to us, considering we were friends of Godorn. “It wouldn’t be too long before all of us met again.” He said. I thanked him, longing him health, success and happiness in all his undertakings. Oh, Yes! I did get a dream whereby I saw school children walking along in town with two nuns in front accompanying them. I remembered phoning back home to see if there wasn’t any news regarding nuns – There were None! On the flight back home much as I tried to push the experience and so too, Karim and Godorn from my mind, a thousand thoughts rose from within me. Then as if to close this chapter I said to myself –


“What next?”

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… I didn’t have to wait long. I asked the stewardess if they had ‘Nation?’ She said yes and went along to bring one. As I opened the pages and glanced through, I saw on the 8th page this heading: Now That You Have Seen The Light Within…It doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 8 At the office the following morning, I couldn’t help but reflect on the events of the past few days. Without a doubt, the trip to India was an astonishing success. I wondered whether I would meet Godorn again and how soon. What would happen to the business now? Will it grow and prosper? The more I thought of it, the more intricate it seemed. My private phone rang and woke me from my daydream. The ringing troubled me since it was still early morning and I wasn’t expecting any calls so. I had made it a priority to change the business number as Mr. Higgins had an occasional obsessed lady from La Misere code named “Cat” that kept phoning him daily. Thus, Only three people had the number for my private line, Gules and two were extremely close friends. I picked up the handset. It was Godorn. “How did you get this number?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you first greet me?” he answered. Submissively I said, “Hi! Godorn?” followed quickly by, “How did you get this number?” Ignoring such questions as usual Godorn said, “After what you have been through, I’m sure you have a lot of questions and that’s why I called. Listen, Randy, we’ll meet at your home for dinner tonight and I’ll explain more.” He hung up — as hastily as that. I thought I’d disregard the meeting as I would have liked to be alone for some time, but my inquisitiveness got the better of me and I changed my mind.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… It was almost 5.00 pm, when I left the office for home. I was expecting Godorn at around 7.00 pm. I was now looking forward to some explanations for the mystifying experiences that had transpired. It was a lovely; evening and people seemed to experience a sense of peace as I walked passed them. I collected some vegetables from the shop and went home to start preparing for Godorn. While cooking the food I thought about an inspirational story I read on beans. A manager from a large firm was having his retirement party when his assistant in line for his job came and asked him how he managed to take decisions so fast and quick in his time of rule. The outgoing manager replied, “Beans!” “Beans,” exclaimed his assistant. “Yes, beans. For whenever I wanted to take quick decision and there wasn’t enough time, I always had a couple of beans in my pocket. I would insert my hand in my pocket and pick a handful. I would then let them fall back into my pocket while I counted them. If the amount that I had picked was an odd number, then the answer was yes. If it was an even number, then the answer was no. Of course on many occasions the decision was wrong, but I still got the credit for having taken a decision fast. Then I would always correct it along the way.” I stood there and tested the theory by asking some questions about the coming events at work and in my life. I must say I was amused with the results. I set the table for Godorn and myself and waited for his arrival. It was peaceful and, I sat chanting the Guru mantra I had been taught at the temple – Om Param Tatvay Narayanay


Henry B. Naiken Gurubhyo Namah! Slowly a nice feeling of calmness surpassed my body and mind. In the distance a Cow started his usual moo. As if that was a call from it to the Cock next door for it too started crowing as well. They tried to find a harmonious rhythm through it all. A light sleep befelled upon me. In it, I felt the presence of someone, as if looking at me so I opened my eyes slowly. Restless, I turned around and there was Godorn sitting down in a chair in front of me smiling. “Funny, I didn’t hear you walk in,” I said. This time he was dressed in a pilot’s uniform, as if he had been out flying. “Aren’t you hungry?” I asked. “O course I am.” He replied. We both stepped towards the table and began to help ourselves to the food I had prepared. There was a deep silence between us for a while, until I spoke out, “How did you know about our trip to India? How did you get my private phone number and anyway, who is Karim?” “One question at a time Randy. You’ve been wondering about how I know these things. Let me tell you. I know all things. You know them, too. However, you just don’t retain them. Some of us do. Go back to the time you have known things without knowing that you did actually know them. Like the incident about the flat tire, Jack the peeping Tom.” “Jack – what about him did I know?” I thought. Godorn read my mind again. “Yes, Jack…didn’t you see him peeping at you into the candle flame? He was checking to see if you were


home.” He had a cheeky smile on his face when he said that.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “Then there was the dream about nun’s. Who has passed away recently in relation to that dream? “Sister Gude” I said. “The most recent premonition you received Randy was on the plane back home,” said Godorn. “Premonition, on the plane, back home, what…which one?” I found myself questioning. Then Godorn hit me hard with the fact. “Randy, on the way back home, you asked for a ‘Nation’ to read. In there was the heading of an article – Now That You Have Seen The Light Within…It doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside…” “But that can’t be, Godorn, there actually was the article there in plain black and white.” “Did you read the article, Randy?” he asked. “No, I was supposed to read it later but then it slipped my mind” I said. “Show me the article,” requested Godorn. I went over to where the ‘Nations’ were kept by my maid Betty and looked for the ‘Nation dated 21st April 2002’. I browsed through the whole paper. There was no sighting of the article or the heading. Now it began to make sense. “So when our mind is made to go blank through some mystical means then we can see things,” I contemplated. In answer to my thoughts, Godorn said,


“Drop a tiny pebble into the still water of a pool and soon it is filled with ripples. It is in the very nature of water to break into ripples.

Henry B. Naiken But when the pool is frozen, even if you drop a stone in it there is hardly any disturbance in its smooth hard surface. “But our minds isn’t a swimming pool” I said “The mind reacts to circumstances by breaking into ripples of disturbances as well Randy. One would say it is but natural perhaps; - but is it inevitable? I am going to help you train your mind to resist stoically all outward disturbances and it will acquire a calm that nothing can ruffle.” “So what was the heading all about?” I asked. “Randy, the heading that you saw is actually the title of a book that you will be writing on your experiences with me.” “With you?” I squeaked as I felt a tingling sensation prevail along my spine. “After you have been through it all, you will be inspired to put it down on paper for everyone to read. The book will be an inspiring source for many generations to come. It will help guide them back on the path to me – GODorn…” My first response was to dash away from him, and as quick as possible. But sitting there with him, I actually felt an aura of incredible power around him and thought I should probably give this encounter a bit more serious deliberation. “So you mean to tell me that you are God in person/” I asked astonishingly. “YES! GOD in person…God Original RighteousNess. “And Karim,” I questioned.


“Karim is an angel sent to earth to work for me. I have sent many before him and still there are others all over the world doing a godly job.” “Then why are you here?” I asked.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “Daily I see your lifeless faces filled with sorrow, when I do so, I say to myself – Are these corpses, who have risen from the graves? Sometimes I feel disappointed and I think that either I am wrong, or my disciples are not capable enough.” “How can one recognize them, your disciples?” I said. “Firstly, such a Sage or disciple leads a simple but highly elevated life. Even in simple conditions he lives in complete happiness. He feels happy living in a palace and eating delicious food, as he feels equally satisfied, living in a hut and eating ordinary coarse bread. Secondly, his words are dynamic and carry a magnetic force. He is such a powerful orator; that words seem to be his humble servants. The people not only believe every word he speaks, but listen to him with bated breaths. The listener feels that he is hearing something which is rare and which cannot be heard from anyone else. He is a master of words.” “Politicians and leaders are good orators, too,” I hinted. But Godorn said “The words of a politician leaves rational marks on the brain of their followers, while, the words of the Sage leaves a distinct mark on the soul and heart of the people, thus the words of a Sage are his best identification marks.” “Thirdly, one feels very close to a Sage. A sage is one who shares all your joys, sorrows, problems and thoughts. A Sage is like the head of the family. He is a guide, a father and he thinks and cares about his disciples. He


feels sad to see them in sorrow and feels satisfied on seeing them happy.” “So why me, God, why have you chosen me?” “Randy, you do have a vigour, a zeal, yet your conscience was not fully awakened, you remain unmoved.

Henry B. Naiken In fact, your conscience is nothing but a rock and this is because you have not yet become one with me. I had thought you had a soul, but you turned out to be a mound of clay.” “I thought…” “Well you thought wrong,” said Godorn. “In many lifetimes I had wished to give you the form of a pot or a lamp to quench the thirst or lighten the lives of millions…but you Randy you were adamant to remain as clay. In each life, there has been a war going on between you and me. Each time, there has been a conflict, because you kept choosing the wrong path and I kept warning you against it. But you remained unmoved.” “How many lives are you talking about?” I asked with puzzlement. “25 Randy. For the past twenty-five lives, this is what you were doing. And I being I has been a witness to each life. I know everything about you, your previous names, your places of birth, relatives and each moment of your previous lives.” “Can you tell me?” “What I will tell you is that you never achieved true joy and you never even attempted to move towards me. But I shall not allow this mistake to be repeated in this life. This is not your life. Your friends and relatives shall not accompany you. All this is just an illusion in which your fathers and fore-fathers became lost and thus met with death. Why are you moving on this path of death Randy?”


As I listened to his words, again the wind of the illusioning world blew me away from him. Godorn noticed that and said, “Randy, that is why I am standing determinedly before you, not as a God but as a pillar of man. For the first time I have taken hold of your hand. For the first time I am trying to purify your blood and for the first time

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… I am striking you with blows. I will strike you with further harder blows that you will feel the pain and start moving fast on the right course of life. “And if I stop or fall short in my pursuit?” I asked reluctantly. “Then I shall strike out at you again, and whenever you shall feel weak I shall instill divine strength into you.” He said. “Many people have been condemning what I have been doing here as the devils work” I remarked. He paused for a moment before answering as if wanting to say his next bit in a way that would not offend anyone for they too were a part of him. “On the point of what people say about you…well, they are all my children, too…Randy, the mountain does not laugh at the river because it is lowly, nor does the river laugh at the mountain because it cannot move about. The true meaning of ‘Devil’ Randy, is ‘Lived’ – living ones life backwards. Read the word devil backwards and you will see that it reads lived.” I looked at him strangely. He smiled and said, “Randy, from the first night that I made contact with you I was trying to let you know who I was.”


At that moment Rex came in wagging his tail. Godorn massaged him as if he was doing it on a person needing to relieve some tension, and then said, “Yes! I am going to tell him Rex.” Starring at me, he said,

Henry B. Naiken “I even gave you Rex as a sign to recognize that GOD is everywhere and in everything, in a DOG too – read the word DOG backwards you get the word GOD! I am present in the thundering clouds. The sweet voice of a cuckoo, which you hear, is my voice. And I am present in the sun which sets with all its beauty” I must admit that I was plagued with all this information and didn’t know what to say or do next. Of course Godorn knew that too just by looking at me or from reading my thoughts. So he planned to leave me to it for some time. I gathered this from his next words, “Randy, I am going to leave now and I will see you in two Moons time. Take your time to digest what I have said to you. The next time we meet you’re going to have many, many more questions for me. Until then, I have many, many experiences lined up for you. And remember…God will never give you a challenge that you cannot handle.” Godorn left, leaving me in aloness overlooking the ocean. I remembered the times when I had questioned the existence of god - is God really there? The mind said, “Where is he? If he is there bring him before me? There is no such thing as God in this world” Luckily I did not say or think the same thing when I went out for dinner in a restaurant about the cook, I thought. Otherwise I would not have eaten! Thus the above


questions and doubts were all due to the impetus of my thoughts. Then as if in a hypnotic trance, I started regressing from the first day I met Godorn. The boat was just a way of getting my attention. So all that went on that night was put on as a show for getting him noticed. The machine trouble and all that went with it was props for the play. I wouldn’t have gone out to him in the first place, otherwise.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… To certain extent, when I thought about all that happened it was a great deal to soak up. Funny, before the experience I had always wanted to reach that level of mind whereby I could experience God. But now all of a sudden just like that you wake up one night you go out and lo and behold you meet God! How do you explain this to the ordinary men? Will they understand? I mean Christ was crucified, and yet he was the Son of God. Prophet Mohamed had his sufferings; others like Gandhi, Martin Luther King were killed. Then my mind jokingly thought…and still others like Hitler, Idi Amin – They Killed! Above, in the sky a plane glided quietly, its engine switched off. Straight away I thought about Godorn. Was he the one flying the plane? Was he on another mission of saving another soul from its own destruction? The time read 11.45 pm. I got up and went to bed…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 9 The months went by slowly. At work things were getting worse. Nothing was moving, the bricks stood vertically along the site as one huge pile of sand. The workers were getting more frustrated and impatient. Political meetings were being organized by the opposition party in order to gain support for change. The government on the other hand was taking time to educate the people about their programs and the reason for its implementation. “Leaders who win the respect of others are the ones who delivers more than they promise, not the ones who promise more than they can deliver. Right now people have no need for a political agenda, just an economic agenda…that’s what they need. The same money that once bought a car in the 1920’s now buys only a bicycle, yet leaders all over the world are talking about economical growth, when our money today is worth less and less.” I heard me say to myself. I found myself expanding more political thoughts. “If the leaders of the world slashed their own political power unrestricted technology would race forward like the unregulated computer industry in the 80’s. The world would steadily advance. Health would soar as rising technology broke through to new levels and drove down health-care costs just as computer cost were driven down to factions during their technological spurt. The result would be wealthy, healthy, families showered with technological breakthroughs for ultimate convenience and entertainment. Taxes would fall in half.” I decided to call a meeting with the staff once again and see what good ideas if any would come up for the betterment of the company. After having grouped all the staff into the meeting room, I began to speak.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “Ladies and gentleman. I have come before you to stand behind you to tell you something I know nothing about. Admission is free but pay at the door, pull out your chair and sit on the floor and we will discuss about the four corners of the round table…” I joked to them. It seemed to break the ice so to speak, since they all smiled. “Our company, ladies and gentleman have witnessed countless changes on an economical, social and personal level…these changes have given me food for thought.” I said in a more serious note, and then paused so that I could take a breath, before proceeding. “God has given us a mind to be wealthy, yet what we are doing is using our body to be poor.” There was some shifting going on as if the workers were adjusting themselves to better hear the rest of what I had to say. “We must stop working a graveyard shift where there is no value to our work. Folks you’re too young to die, yet you all are slowly dying.” I heard me say to them with such authority in my voice. Tony our foreman said, “Sir, I have a lot of problems of my own. Honestly I can’t be bothered with problems of the company. Unless you give me an answer to mine, then maybe I can think about B.C. Enterprise.” “Easy Tony, no one is immune to problems, even the lion has to fight of fleas,” I said, “But then, I have a permanent solution to your temporary problem. Just give me a gun. The only people without problems are those buried in the cemetery.” The rest of the workers laughed. Then another worker John said, “What we need is a formula to get us out of this crisis.” To which I replied,


Henry B. Naiken “The formula for growing wealth and happiness is building greater and greater values for society. If we have no growing power, then we slowly die. Without growing wealth and happiness, stress and stagnation creeps in. Our enthusiasm for life, love and happiness tires, fades, and then dies, as we grow older. “Shouldn’t we get a psychic?” requested John as if to change the line of thought. “What do you think your psychic can do?” questioned Tony angrily. “I have been to these so called psychic and all they do is cause trouble.” “In what way?” enquired John? “Well, they take what you tell them and use it against you later. They tell your wife everything what you have said and get her to pay them for information they have received from you.” The others laughed at Tony’s anger. Surely he had been a victim of such an impediment before. “I have seen many programs on such phenomena around the world, and I think that they were genuine.” said Clarence “Like what or whom?” asked Paul. So Clarence went on to give them a detailed lecture on psychics and their line of work. “Well people like Uri Geller has come and given the world a glimpse of this power at an early age in the history of civilization – whereby he bent spoons and forks with his power of concentration, read peoples mind, germinated seeds from the palm of his hands etc.” “That’s all trickery stuff, Clarence.” Said Tony still grieving over the loss of his self-image with psychics.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “On the same note we have heard of Kirtanya a Russian Lady whom by deep concentration of her mind she can accomplish several amazing feats like stopping the swinging of a pendulum and moving a spoon lying on the table ten feet away. “What proof do you have?” Tony was at it again. Quiet said someone from the group. Let him talk. “In November 1992 she demonstrated the shocking capability of her concentration. She concentrated deeply on a still car and then asked the driver to drive it away. The driver after putting the car in 1st gear, applied his foot on the accelerator, but try as hard as he could the car did not move. Then Kirtanya turned her eyes away and the car jumped into motion. It was indeed a great proof of the capabilities of her psychic power.” Said Clarence. At that point the group was getting excited with the Stories Clarence was giving. So he continued. “Lady Nina Wallace an American, who lives in Houston, is famous throughout the USA for her extraordinary powers of concentration of the mind. She is capable of giving out orders to a person two thousand miles away from her. And the person has to obey her, that such is the hypnotic power of her mental orders.” “How can that be?” questioned Tony again. “Once as a heart operation was going on in the city of Chicago, Nina sitting in her home thousand miles away in Houston stopped the heart beats with her mental powers. All the time the situation was being conveyed to her through a telephone. Then she restarted the heartbeat just by using her mind and thus proved how great and how so called impossible results can be accomplished through the powers of concentration.” Then Anne my secretary contributed her findings too. She said,


Henry B. Naiken “Researches in this field by the Super Powers have been under way for many years now. A few years back there was certain news in the American newspaper that the Russian scientist had made a major breakthrough in the field of concentration of the mind. And through it a submarine five thousand miles away could be forewarned about oncoming danger. By this method there was no chance of leak out and there was no danger of interception of the message as in a wireless.” “I didn’t know that you were interested in things psychic?” interrupted Tony. “Shut up, Tony.” Said another person from the crowd. “Otherwise I will shut you up.” Said another! Anne went on to say, “American scientist became anxious on hearing this news and they went to increase their efforts and after some time they also claimed to be able to accomplish the same feat. An American rocket sent to Mars on which billions of dollars had been spent went astray from its path and it seemed that all money and efforts of thousands of scientist would go down the drain.” “So much for using OPM. Tony replied. “What’s that?” asked another. “Using Other People Money” said Tony feeling very happy that at least he knew something the others didn’t know. “Sorry, that’s not it…OPM, means Using Other Peoples Mind” said Brian. “It may well seem impossible to you whose fed on immature scientific hypothesis, Tony, but it’s a fact that such capabilities are possible.” Continued Anne with her story.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “There was no method known that could bring the rocket back to its right path. Bill Armice at this time had been training his mind for almost two years to concentrate with the greatest power and had achieved great success. He was called out to the rescue of the rocket. Through his amazing powers of concentration, Bill Armice gave mental directions to the rocket, thousands of miles away, to return to its former path and as if by a miracle the rocket obeyed and moved back to its original trajectory.” At that point I decided to contribute what I knew. So I said, “During a seminar on DHE in the UK with Paul McKenna, Michael Breen and Dr. Richard Bandler, I bought a video tape of Paul McKenna’s Paranormal Phenomena in which the experiences of Vanessa Steele, and their scientific confirmation proved that auras of events and people do linger on even decades and centuries after, and that they can be picked up by a person that has developed his/her intuition (Sixth Sense) to the pinnacle of ones life. Vanessa, a self-proclaimed psychic was taken to a castle carefully chosen by the experimenters, which she could have never visited before. She was taken to a particular room in the castle and asked to express her views about what she felt had occurred there. The actual place indicated had been covered with a blind curtain. Immediately as Vanessa started to concentrate, tears welled up in her eyes and she said some tragedy had occurred in that place. She then said, “I see murder”. A young woman was brutally killed because she loved someone and out of wedlock had conceived a child. Her parents then buried her alive.


The wall was dismantled later on and the skeleton of the poor girl still lies there for tourist to see. Later in the experiment Vanessa went on to tell the scientist

Henry B. Naiken “The tragic Aura gave me a terrible shock, as if I had touched a live wire”. Tony was about to say something when David a strong fellow well built got up to put an end to his interruptions. On seeing that Tony sat down quietly. The crowd roared with laughter. “In the same video” I said, “A Russian man Viktor Maldiyev had been blessed with such powers of the Third Eye when out of curiosity he had undertaken to explore the world of spiritualism in the Himalayas. Victor returned to his country after gaining this super power to envision any person’s aura. Amazingly he could even pierce a thick wall with his intense gaze and know what lay behind by virtue of the newly acquired capability. His fame spread far and wide, especially as he undertook as a purely altruist venture to study the aura of ill people and diagnose their ailment. On the tape one can see him being subjected to several tests and each time he came up with perfect diagnosis by merely looking at the face of the person. Finally he suggested that the patient should not be brought in his presence. He sat down in a room and in the adjoining room, a woman he had never met or seen, who was suffering from liver damage and heart problem was asked to lie down. Viktor concentrated hard and then out poured the remarkable accurate analysis of the case leaving the doctors and experimenters at their wits end. “Can’t we get them to have a look for us, Randy since the world of business goes on with the help of one’s mind.” Said one worker. “We are all psychic. So why not do it ourselves?” I anticipated


They all looked at me strangely, as if I had soiled their minds or something. Then Tony said,

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “We are not trained for that, Sir.” “A trainee pilot has to train rigorously for several years before he can become an expert in flying. But a person wishing to travel in an airplane just has to go and purchase a ticket. He need not acquire all the information regarding the field of aviation. I said. “Still, Sir…we need to learn how to control our thoughts. According to scientific data, a human brain nurtures more than 300,000 thoughts in just one second?” said John. “Wow!” said Clarence. “How much pressure does the brain upholds if 300,000 thoughts are bombarded every second? No wonder we tend to weaken and become critically analytic.” Clarence went on. I tried to enlighten the group a bit more from what I had learnt. “For centuries we have been hearing that the human brain is the most complex and uncertain machine ever created. It is always active with new thoughts and new ideas forever flowing constantly. Not a moment passes by when the human mind is free of all thoughts. Until you do manage to keep some of the thoughts from invading your brain, the mind shall go on becoming more and more imposing and you shall always remain surrounded by suspicion and doubts. It is therefore necessary to give rest to the brain by stopping it from functioning for at least a few moments.” “Is there a way to release the brain from such an unwanted pressure?” asked Ron. “Yes!” I answered in the affirmative,


“And to do so one shall have to train the brain to achieve a state of thoughtless mind, through which lesser and lesser thoughts are nurtured in the brain.”

Henry B. Naiken “When this happens, the person’s brain shall become detached from the outside world and then he shall be able to enter his own soul.” Said Anne in delight. Tony wasn’t too amused by it all, so he said “A person alive is always thinking. Even while sitting, walking, standing, he goes on thinking. Events of the past or plans for the future keep appearing before his eyes. Sometimes life seems intolerable due to the overtly sharp attack of various thoughts. Even when I sleep, thoughts keep harassing me in the form of dreams.” To which I reacted, “Dreams are in fact, efflorescence of thoughts, Tony” “I never dream,” said David “That’s because your brain has shrink from taking drugs.” Said Tony. At that point David got up and ran after Tony. I shouted at them to calm down. They did. I continued, “There is no person in this world that does not experience dreams, David. You may not remember your dreams but this is due to your own mental weaknesses. The fact still remains that the moment a person goes to sleep he starts dreaming and continues to do so, until he wakes up. The reason for this is that the brain always remains active whether one is asleep or wide-awake.” “Our brain needs a lot of rest.” Reinstated Anne. “Yes the human brain should be given enough rest as possible and that can only be done by creating a thoughtless mind. This will see to it that the least possible pressure is put on it at a time. Instead of 300,000 thoughts in one second, slowly it will allow only


100,000 thousand thoughts to enter your mind. The aim is to decrease this number till you achieve the state of a thoughtless mind.”

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “How are we going to count these thoughts?” asked Tony “Of course one cannot count the number of thoughts but by the ease of pressure on the brain you shall know that the assault has lessened.” I answered back. Randy, was that the reason why you went to India?” enquired George whom had said nothing until now. “You see, for 2,000 years + Westerners have always looked for solution outside of himself – that is externally, while in the East, Easterners have looked for answers to life’s mysteries within. When the westerners have thought about putting oxygen in a bottle for survival, the easterners have taught themselves how to breathe properly. And in some foolish way for years, I had gone via the West for knowledge that actually belonged to the East. It was like I went looking for a sunrise towards the West instead of going East. Yes on many occasions I did see the sun, but it was a sunset and not a sunrise. Then I ended up being left in the dark wondering, “what’s with the sun that I had come to see?” I then asked for a show of hands to those wanting to start a meditational group. All hands went up. At that point it dawned on me that I had no knowledge to lead the group…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 10 It was clear that a big task lay ahead. As I thought about it, I got an idea to look for a quiet place within the house to meditate. Sure my rational mind intruded – but how? I only had the experience from India to pull out from. So finding a quiet spot, I sat down, on a cushion, and crossed my legs. Then I set aside a few sheet of A4 paper and a pen onto the floor of my right side. I put the stopwatch that I had set for one hour on the other side, closed my eyes and began to meditate, or should it be rather vegetate! Oh! Well, thoughts came in and went out, and traveled to all corners of my mind. At first, it rather made me uncomfortable. My legs were tensing up, but the more I persisted, the more I felt myself getting lighter and began to drift away. Then it happened again. “I felt the rising of a sun-like radiance. All darkness was wiped out and an immense source of divine enlightenment took its place, filling my heart with a sweet rhythmic music, which seemed to ring through my body and soul. Then I saw myself healing people with psychic energy and doing psychic work. I had succeeded in losing my own self in the state of true happiness and ultimate joy once again.” I do not know the exact time this feeling lasted, but it seemed for long. Then when I opened my eyes, I heard my self-talk once again. “S—t! I was supposed to meditate on ways of getting the workers to develop their mental powers. Now I am back with nothing to show. I glanced towards my right side where I had laid the papers on the floor and picked them up. The most amazing and miraculous result ever to reach my life was starring at me in my face. Printed on the papers were the following…


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 11 Lesson 1: Meditation – Necessity of One’s Life: The extent of the field of meditation has been limited in the modern times to just a process of disciplining someone else. In fact it is a complete science in itself dealing with various aspects of human life. Just like the other fields of ancient Indian knowledge, the Mantra, Yoga, Astrology, Palmistry and Tantra, meditation too is a distinct field, whose need is to being felt even more and more in the present age. Meditation is not a method for attracting a man or a woman to fall in love with you, but through it a person can instill such changes in his own self that he can become a great and famous personality of his times. Through meditation he can control all his senses, he can develop a strong self-confidence and he can achieve fame and respect in the society. The disparity in the inner conscience and outer conscience leads to mental tensions and anxiety. And only creating a harmony between these two consciences can cure such mental imbalance. The significance of this science is felt ever more today due to the increasing problems being faced by the common man. The changing lifestyles and the moral values have lead to a state of mental dis-balance among the people, which even the doctors are not able to cure. The reason for this is that people can only show and tell about their physical ailments to the doctor, whereas the actual cause of anxiety lies elsewhere, in the soul. And in the modern medical science there is no place for the soul. On the other hand the science of meditation gives first priority to a healthy soul rather than just a healthy body, because according to it, if the soul remains healthy than the body too shall remain fit.


Henry B. Naiken Your workers can use these lessons to their daily life for, true joy and not for material comfort alone. The cause for my statement above is because many a times, material wealth produces only comfort…you feel hot, you buy a fan or an air-condition – end result you feel cool from the mechanical appliance. You want to sleep…you look around there is only the floor. So you buy a bed, then a mattress that goes with it. A pillow for your head, blankets etc.; but true joy is something that comes from within – whether hot or cold, hard surface or soft you get by in complete harmony with the universe and all that lies within it. That’s totality in all its glory. The reason behind most of the problems faced today is an absence of a capability to attract and influence others. Due to this lack of confidence no one seems to be impressed with such a person and even his subordinates do not obey him. A strained relationship between husband and wife, a life full of tensions, disobedience by children, incompatible terms with senior officers all these situations are due to lack of an attractive personality. In fact, today, wherever we go we find hundreds of such people who seem tired and disheartened with their dull lives and are dragging their lives on and on. They do not have any enthusiasm; any zeal and their lives seem aimless. Only if such a person knew that his dismal life can somehow be filled with joy and happiness, only if he could learn the art of winning over the hearts of others with a simple smile and only if he could fill his eyes with a sparkle so as to become a source of inspiration, not only for his own family, but all other people in his social circle. Through the science of meditation both aspect of the life of a person can be brought into control that is an attractive personality can be developed and at the same time the mind can be made devoid of all frustrations.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… Through your efforts you will be able to utilise the science of meditation as presented here in its best form, for overcoming tensions and anxiety of the jet age. Training oneself into these mysterious principles, one attains amazing powers to witness any event in the universe, to interfere into those events and travel to any realm in the universe. The practice of Meditation forms a very significant part to developing your mental powers and so too for obtaining totality in life – experiencing true joy, happiness and success. For obtaining success in any endeavour the control of two things are necessary – ONES THOUGHTS and ONES FEELINGS. The mind and the body of a person are in fact totally controlled by these two. Yet, intelligence generally tends to stray a person from knowing the truth, by perverse argumentation. Fresh and complete unfounded thoughts keep permeating a person’s mind. Why has this happen? How did this happen? Is it right or wrong? Questions as these keep perturbing him and he continues to analyse everything he see, hears and feels. Another feature is the feelings that my heart prevails, devotion. Devotion means experiencing a state synchronization with any-one-thing or someone. means to offer oneself entirely and to realise totality one particular thing or person.

or of It in

Where there is devotion, loyalty and dedication, logic shall cease to exist. The human brain cannot hold the two together, because only when the thought process becomes obscure, the true feelings come up. Although in life there should necessarily be a balance between the two, it all depends upon how much a person, is able to control his mental faculties.


Henry B. Naiken For fulfilling one’s professional career, family duties and other social responsibilities, one does need the help of one’s mind. The fact remains that through questions like Why? and How? Deep research and discoveries take place. In fact scientists have the surest method of invention – they think of something new and then go all out to prove it wrong. In doing so they always come up with something else. Considering this model, we should have a new invention everyday. The human mind alone cannot be responsible for the total and complete development of humanity. Only part of it can be developed thus. I say this; because the mind can only provide one with means of comfort…it can only give birth to science. Through it we have seen technological advances in all fields, but that doesn’t necessarily mean one has attained true joy, bliss and satisfaction in life, through these means of comforts. True bliss and satisfaction in life is attained only through spiritual practices and thoughts, which can be nurtured only by devotion. Here a question arises at this junction. How can we control our influential natures? How can we hold back the thoughts developing in our minds? Without controlling our quarrelsome nature we cannot devote ourselves fully. That's why it is absolutely necessary to do so through the medium of Meditation. Only when your analysing mind is placed under control, can your devotional aspect of your nature come to the fore. In order to experience joy, comforts, fortune, satisfaction, mental peace, a tension free life, absence of sorrows and ill health…one should take the help of one’s devotion, rather than one’s mind.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… On entering the Kingdom of God Within he shall obtain the sight of his deity, all mysteries of the universe shall unravel before him and he shall then attain true joy in life. To achieve all this, the price to pay is to have a complete thought free mind. Looking outside is but a common procedure. Our eyes cannot see clearly, beyond a distance of five hundred feet. We cannot see anything happening even a mile away, thus there is no chance of witnessing what is going on in the universe. Our eyes are not for such remote viewing. Realising the universe present inside by entering our soul, we can see anything happening in this universe and we can see the whole universe at one time. For example sitting at one place we cannot see the whole of America, but if we draw a map and mark out the boundaries of the states and highlight the important places then we shall be able to see all of it, though we do know that “the map is not the territory”. Likewise, through our temporal vision, we cannot visualise the whole universe at a time, yet by entering our souls by crossing the 7 steps of spiritualism we can realise the universe present inside. In seeing the whole universe, we can see any event, taking place anywhere. Sitting at one place we can then see what is going on in Europe or any other continent. Not only that, we shall even be able to foresee the outcome of any event! The advantage of going and looking within is that one cannot only know about the forthcoming turn of events rather, one can even interfere in the happenings. If the outcome that you see is not favourable to your liking, then you can intervene and change the course of the event thus making the result positive to your satisfaction. Sufficient information on the value of entering into ones soul and looking within has been given to you here. Being able to do this is looked upon as being the greatest achievement of human life.


Henry B. Naiken That is why Meditation is considered to be the best and foremost practice through which totality in thoughts, actions and life can be achieved‌


When You Can See The light Within‌It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside‌ CHAPTER 12 Lesson 2: Before I explain to you the 7 Steps (or doors) of the State of Meditation I would like to touch on: The Mystery of Breath Breathing is living. Without air there is no life. All animals high or low are dependent upon breath for life and health. Even plant-life is dependent upon breathing for continued existence. The infant draws in a long, deep breath; retains it for a moment in order to extract from it its life-giving properties and then cries out in joy of having come to life through air. At the other end the old man gives a faint gasp, ceases to breathe, and life is over for him. From the first faint breath of the infant, to the last gasp of the dying man, it is one long story of continued breathing. Life is but a series of breaths. Thus it is well known that one cannot remain alive without breathing, but by improper breathing too one remains only half alive. What is Breathing? The process of activating the vital life force, the Prana is nothing but breathing. Thus by regulating the breathing process in a proper manner the life force too can be regulated. This process of regulating the vital life force is called Prannayam in Yoga. This vital life force or Prana is present throughout the universe. It is present in all living and non-living forms. It forms the sum total of all the energies present in the nature and in the human beings. In a way it denotes the entire universe. It is present in the lower forms of life as well as the higher forms. All living forms represent this Prana. Even the ether present throughout the universe is a form of this life force or Prana.


Henry B. Naiken This life force is linked to the mind and through the mind to the power of concentration and through it to the soul. And this soul is linked to me, the Almighty God. This life force is also expressed through speech and action in the material world and through the thoughts in the spiritual world. This life force activates all the parts of the body through the nerves. Prana or vital life force has no physical form. It is present in the air, but it is neither oxygen nor has any other molecular shape. It is present in the food we eat, but it is not vitamin, it is present in the rays of the sun, but it is neither heat nor light. It reaches the body through the food and the water that we consume and the rays of sun, which our skin absorbs. But these are just means of transferring this Prana into our bodies; they themselves do not constitute the Prana. Prana is in fact a form of force present everywhere. The gravitational force, the electric force, the energy that moves the human body, the power of thought all are different forms of Prana. This vital life force is the power behind the mental and physical work done by the body. It activates the recumbent spiritual powers in ones body. By controlling and regulating it one can gain infinite energy. The person who is able to regulate the Prana can attain the highest peaks of mental concentration. The working of the lungs in a human body is the most apparent form of Prana. If the lungs stop functioning a person can become lifeless. Also to regulate the vital life force, the easiest way to control one’s breathing process through various breathing exercise called Prannayam. Through these exercise the whole body is filled with a new energy and thus the person becomes healthy and fit. By this process the excess energy can be stored around the navel region and can be utilised as a storage battery.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… The brain and some other organs derive their energy from this source only. When we breathe ordinarily our bodies does not absorb the vital life force properly. The pranayan activates the body into absorbing the force better. And thus the body is filled with strength and vigour. A person who has attained this state can even activate the energy source in another person’s body. When such a person places his hand on the forehead of an ill person, some vital energy flows from his body to that of the patient and thus the patient gets cured. You may have notice that many a times a hurt person will hold the painful part tightly and withhold his breath. Actually, what is happening quite unknowingly the person concentrates some extra vital life force on the hurt portion by withholding his breath. The same thing happens when one picks up a heavy object. One withholds one’s breath and concentrates the Prana on the muscles of one’s hand and shoulders. Thus it becomes evident that when our breathing process is controlled the vital life force too gets regulated…. This had me think back to an incident that happened to me in 1979… I was chosen to attend the expedition to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa to commemorate the International Year of the Youth declared by the Common Wealth Organisation. After the adventure I returned home only to be hospitalised the next day after having fallen unconscious at the home of my parents. Taken to hospital, I stayed for a week with all sorts of test made upon me to diagnose the problem. Fortunately there was none in medical terms so I was put under strict observation with a nurse coming round every hour to do the normal blood pressure checks etc.


This went on for 3 days until intuitively I felt what the problem was. Since I had over drained my energy during the trip,

Henry B. Naiken I decided to start recharging my batteries with Prana. I remembered telling one doctor about my intuitive feeling, but he shrugged it off as immature logic. He pointed to some old patients by my side and asked me how come they do not fall unconscious since they seem to be drained enough just by looking at them. In fact they did hardly sleep at night but kept all of us awake. I listened to my intuition and while lying in bed I started doing alternative nostril breathing and belly breathing for 15 to 20 minutes at one go. I also had the privilege of a wonderful nurse at that time help me recharge my batteries by passing on some of her Prana through the occasional magnetic kisses, she laid upon me. 3 days later I got up went over to the doctor and told him that I was feeling fine. He gave me another week of much needed rest before I went back to work. The writings on the lesson then went on to read. “Here, do these experiments: Find a willing partner and have him sit on a chair. Get four other people to interlock their fingers, while pointing their index fingers straight ahead. Now each of the four people takes hold of the seated person on each side between the knees and the armpits and tries to lift him up, to your not too surprised disappointment find that you can’t. Now by placing and alternating your hands on the head of the person seated breathe in and out three times in synchronisation with each other (including the seated person). Then straight away go back to the original position for lifting him up and see for yourselves the end result. You will let me know what happened when we meet again, Randy‌ The miraculous powers acquired by great saints and sages are due to the regulation of this life force. Their thoughts remain immersed in this vital life force and


through them they are able to influence millions of people.

Henry B. Naiken By regular practicing the Prannayam one can know which parts of the body require more energy. One can thus regulate the flow of the vital life force in one’s body. A body becomes unhealthy only when life force is not distributed in a balanced way. The vital life force is like a huge ocean with limitless water, and through Prannayam we can derive as much energy as we wish from this huge source. Prannayam Prannayam is not just a process of breathing; rather it is a method of increasing the vital life force in our body. In Prannayam this force is injected into the arteries and distributed in a regulated manner to all parts of the body. Thus a physical as well as a mental balance is achieved. Through the breathing exercises of Prannayam one can control the Prana, the brain and even our nervous system. The life force is burnt each moment, as we work or think and this used up force is replenished with a fresh supply by breathing in the life force present in the atmosphere, in form of the air. When the Prana enters our body through our lungs, it gets concentrated around the navel region. Thus we can collect even more of this vital life force by breathing correctly and can thus prevent and even cure ailments like asthma, heart problems TB and blood pressure. Also the will power and the power of concentration increase several folds and one become capable of controlling one’s soul. The Process of Breathing and Your Life The duration of one’s life depends upon the way one breathes. A person who breathes fast and shallow does not live to an old age. The duration of one’s life is not counted by the years but by the numbers of time one breathes. If one breathes fast and shallow it means that one has exhausted his number of breaths in a shorter period of time and will die sooner.


Henry B. Naiken The deeper and slower one breathes more shall he go on to live, because by such breathing the heart beats slowly and the chance of heart failure becomes lesser. The Correct way of Breathing While inhaling, first let your stomach expand and then your chest. Inhale without any break. While exhaling first deflate your chest and then pulling in your stomach, let the air out of your lungs. Also contract your diaphragm at the end to remove all stale air within your body. In the beginning you may have to remain conscious about breathing in this manner, but after regular practice you will keep breathing in this manner naturally. There are several advantages of breathing properly. The body is hardly struck by ailments. One does not feel much tired, the thought process becomes clear and the mind gets rid of all tensions. Breathing in this manner you will find can transform your life. Breathing, Prannayam and Our Souls By regulating our respiration we can control the vital life force or Prana and controlling the Prana means controlling our minds and souls. The mind cannot work without the vital life force. The flow of the vital life force initiates the thinking process. Thus the mind and the Prana are linked together and by controlling the latter the former can easily be controlled. Breath: A Vital Necessity So when we think of it, there are three vital necessities, upon which man depend for the continuance of life. 1. Food, to be eaten 2. Fluids, to be imbibe 3. Air, to be breathed.


At first it would seem as if these three were of equal importance, yet when we take a closer look at the necessities we discover something different.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… That while man may be able to live for days on a diet of ‘nil by mouth’ and for a shorter period without fluids…without air he can live for only a few moments. Men have fasted either from necessity or from choice for periods of one to two months during which time no food entered their mouths – and yet they lived, and maintained a considerable degree of strength and vital power. Many men have also found them in situation whereby they have had to go for days without water and still survived – such scenes are popular in the Cowboy films of the seventies with Clint Eastwood and other popular actors. Sometimes even un-pure air can be a hassle to us. Just ask Michael Jackson about that. This proves the importance of breathing and so too pure air in the scale of vital necessities…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 13 Lesson 3: The 7 Steps (or doors) of the State of Meditation 1st Step: Is presented by the practice of breath control. There is no other way of entering oneself with the help of our breaths. After having reached adulthood many of us loses the correct method of breathing and thus end up breathing shallowly whereby the inhaled air seems to reach only the throat region. Breathing properly means the inhaled air should reach the navel region so as to produce a throbbing force in it. If you watch an infant or pet sleeping, you will notice that only its belly rises and falls on each breath. But in an adult this does not happen. You should practice by breathing slow and deep, first with the left nostril then with the right. The effects of breathing through each nostril are different. When we breathe with the left nostril, our true feelings are generated and on breathing with the right nostril, all doors of spiritualism in our body start to open up. Thus breathing alternately with both nostrils, our true feelings and emotions are generated. This in itself is a great practice. Here five steps are involved: 1. Close the right nostril with your thumb and slowly and deeply inhale through the left nostril while exhaling with same – left nostril 2. Close the left nostril as above and inhale and exhale with the right nostril 3. Closing the left nostril, you inhale with the right and exhale with the left while closing the right nostril


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… 4. Closing the right nostril, you inhale with the left and exhale with the right while closing the left nostril 5. You inhale with both the nostril and exhale. These 5 steps together constitute the practice of breath control. The air that you have breathed in deeply should be exhaled completely. 2nd Step: Retaining the air breathed in for as long as one can. One does not exhale for a long duration in step 2. The air inhaled is stopped from being exhaled with the help of a practice, which the respiratory tract is closed at one’s throat and thus the inhaled air is prevented from being exhaled. When the air is retained inside, it becomes hot and starts moving about very fast. Due to this fast flow, all the obstacles are cleared and a great pressure is exercised on the closed second door, in the delicate body. Opening up of the second door is possible only through the practice above. The longer one retains the air the better, for one should exhale not too quickly. 3rd Step: The third step or door of Meditation is known as Bhasrika. In the first two breathing exercises, the air is inhaled and exhaled, slowly and deeply, thus all the filth and phlegm inside is not removed and all the doors do not open. For this a greater force is required. That is inhaling and exhaling with a great speed. One should try to perform the following breathing exercise at least sixty times in one minute. You may not be able to do so in the first attempt, but regular practice of this will see that you do attain such a feat with time. So breathing fast is the process of opening the third door.


Henry B. Naiken The opening of the third door begins to make one realise the divine conscience and lesser thoughts tend to intrude into one’s mind. Only one-third of the number of thoughts occurring before tends to remain in one’s mind. When the pressure on the brain eases, the mind starts to become thought free and metal and spiritual peace prevails. Through this one takes note of the importance of performing the breathing exercise of inhaling and exhaling with a great speed. In the early morning one should get up and perform all the breathing exercises explained above. After this, he should also perform fast breathing for at least five to seven minutes. For this practice he should sit down crossed leg as the yogis do (if you can get into that position that is) or simply sit upright on a chair or better still stand up. For fast breathing one should inhale and exhale fast and loud so that there is a clear sound of breathing. You should apply full force while breathing in, as well as out. Remember; keep practicing till you achieve a rate of sixty cycles per minute. With the ongoing practice of this breathing exercise, the third door will open on its own. 4th Step: Entering the fourth door is possible, only after obtaining perfection in the above exercises. After performing fast breathing, one should sit still, peacefully, without any delay. Sit or lie down peacefully without moving your body, is the way to activate the fourth door. This practice is known as Dhyan or totality of life. At this point the eyes close, the mind becomes still, and there appears no movement in the body. For the opening of the fourth door, Dhyan is essential and it must generally be performed for at least five minutes through this process. A perfectly healthy person can go into Dhyan for thirty-two minutes.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… In this state the breathing is very slow and thus one should try to keep the body still and the mind cut-off from the rest of the outside world. In the beginning you are bound to hear the commotion going on around you. Later you shall be able to remain in this state for ten minutes at a stretch whereby all sounds shall seem to disappear. Even if they do reach you they shall have no effect on your body. This is the state of Dhyan. Closing of ones eyes alone does not determine Dhyan. Rather, it is a process of entering one’s own self and cutting oneself off completely from the outside world. The physical body becomes motionless and nothing happening on the outside has any effect on it. This allows you to reach the fourth door with the help of Dhyan. The practice of Dhyan begets certain advantages. The most beneficial is that it helps the practitioner to attain a thought-free mind by reducing the many number of thoughts that enter the mind to a minimum of probably 3,000 instead of 300,000 a second. This then allows the mind to attain its much more needed rest. As stipulated before, when you start to delve into your soul with the help of Dhyan, you shall see fresh, strange and divine scenes. It shall seem as if you’re sitting on top of a mountain or somewhere in a cave. You may feel as if you’re bathing in a pool. You may even see gruesome scenes of yourself being involved in murder or other atrocities. Whatever you see shall be scenes that you were involved in, in your previous lives. So on entering the fourth door, you shall know who you were and where you lived in your previous life. In more details, you shall know how you spent your life, when or why you died. In fact, all aspect of your previous life shall be exposed to you.


When one is able to remain in Dhyan for thirty-two minutes, than one must conclude that the first step of the practice is accomplished.

Henry B. Naiken 5th Step: Next to this state is the fifth door. The difference between this and the state of Dyhan before is that we do not remain absolutely still; rather the mind always remains with us. In the state of Dhyan, scene keep rotating before our eyes and we do not know which scenes to focus on in particular. One may see diverse scenes from businessman to farmer to murder. This may have to do with something from the past. Here you only see what appears before your eyes. In the fifth stage, you can see what you want to see. That is you are able to focus on what ever scene you want to see from your past and even present and so too future. In order for this state to happen, one has to take the help of Dharna Shakti. Dharna Shakti denotes going deeper into the state of Dhyan. On reaching the fourth door a person becomes cut off from the outside world, but on reaching the fifth door a person enters such a deep state of Dhyan that he feels nothing, even if someone shakes him down. Even if someone tries to prick you with a pin you feel no pain. This is the stage of Dharna Shakti. One can reach this state only through the doors of Dhyan though. The deeper you go into Dhyan, the more you shall enter into your soul. The moment thirty-two minutes pass in Dhyan, the process of Dharna shall commence. Then you shall be able to see any event in the universe. 6th Step: The sixth step denotes full devotion to ones God. On entering this door one becomes capable of traveling to any planet of our solar system. Reaching this door you shall realise the true form of your God and obtain all


knowledge in the universe without having had to study all of it.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… 7th Step: The 7 Step is called Samadhi! Samadhi means an eternal thoughtless fusion with God. Samadhi to the Indians means fusing into Brahma. Samadhi means reaching the state of Brahma (the ultimate power. The absolute Supreme Being. Also one of the trinities of God; the other two being Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma is the creator of the universe). Samadhi means a state in which one can say I am that I am. This is the practice, which opens to you, the seventh door. By crossing these seven doors you will achieve totality and eternal joy in your lives, and can also reach Siddhashram. Thus you can yourself attain the form of Brahma. May you and your workers have the will and determination to practice what I have given to you here that they may reach the state of Samadhi through these seven doors. I am awaiting your arrival… Godorn!


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 14 The meditational group at work didn’t last long. In fact it never started. George, whom seemed the more enlightened among the group had began a campaign of fear against meditation. He said unto the workers that in the end I would get them to act like chickens. He even notified them on how dangerous it was that it should be left completely alone. When the time came for the class to begin, there was only Anne, Clarence and David. So I handed them copies of the paper that Godorn had left for me and told them to begin in their own spare time. In an effort to relax my mind in a different environment altogether I left the office and decided to visit Vallee De Mai, since it wasn’t too far away from home. I took Rex with me, as he loves the fresh air and the exercise he gets from running about. The Vallee De Mai has a unique mystery attached to it. It is a forest with huge nuts in the form of the pelvis of a woman. Its counter part resembles exactly that of the male organ. Indeed legend has it that this is the original Garden of Eden. There are also other beliefs that the fruit inside once eaten acts as an aphrodisiac and that’s what actually got Adam to become so virile that he broke God’s promise and ate the forbidden fruit of Eve. Hypothesis or myths, who knows? Rex and I walked further up. It was quiet and peaceful by the trees. The evening sun streamed through the leaves and branches of the tall trees falling directly onto my head it revealed this message, “In every seed there is a tree, in every tree a fruit and in every fruit more seed in which you will find more trees that will bare more fruit. The truth is that in every seed there is a forest.” Then, I questioned.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “Where was the seed of my life, where was the tree, and where was the forest?” Somehow, it eluded me. The tranquility seemed to reverse me in time to the moment when I was a scout in my youth; it was a joy for me to spend hours in the mountains, hiking or camping. Meanwhile in the far distance to the East there was the continuous, delicate call of the ocean, a sea song enticing me away to distant places. The forests leaves also sang, different songs despite the same wind blowing over the mountain. Sudden footsteps from behind caught my attention. I turned round to have a look. There was a mother with her boy of three running away from her. Straight away I could distinguish that the boy was a polarity responder – that is someone who responds in reverse. The reason I say that is because whenever the mother said to him “Edwin come back here…I said don’t go there,” he would reply, “No, I am going to go.” This went on for some minutes. I noticed the tension rising within her for her face became red. That’s when I decided to help. So using the little knowledge I knew from the seminars I attended with Dr. Bandler, I said. “Edwin, I don’t want you to go to your mum.” Edwin looked at me strangely and then reacted, “No, I am going to go to her.” I repeated this four to five times in which he kept responding back to me in the same manner and each time moving closer to his mum. I then enjoyed using the technique to have fun with him and show his mum how easy it is to get control of the lad. I got him to kiss his mum, then sit, then caress Rex and


even come to me by just giving reverse commands all the while.

Henry B. Naiken The way I did this was, “Edwin, I don’t want you to kiss, your mum…Edwin I don’t want you to sit over there… Edwin, I don’t want you to touch my dog…Edwin, I don’t want you to come to me…” and each time his response was, “No, I am going to…”and he did exactly what was told at the end. Our fun was soon to be over when out of the trees came a man rushing with a knife in his hand. He grabbed hold of the lady and demanded money. I told him to let the lady go and that I would give him money. He told me to keep away from him and that if I interfered that he would hurt the lady. She began to remove her purse from her bag. I told her not to do so. That got him mad. “Do it…quick…now!” he shouted. I started moving towards him with full confidence. He let go off the lady and I told her to run. She did not but remained where she was, clinching to her son Edwin whom by then had become very quiet. She said, “I am not going anywhere.” He then became nervous from what, I honestly did not know. Somehow through his eyes I sensed that he was seeing something that I wasn’t. So I continued stepping forward, looking at him directly into his eyes. Unexpectedly I saw that he froze as if in a trance. I moved closer to him and gently took the knife away from him. He sat down and started crying. Both, the lady and I tried to console him. He then said to me, “I don’t have a wife anymore…she has left me…” before he said more, I replied, “You have a life though that you can go back to.”


“What life?” He asked.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “My life has been filled with crimes. Knives have been my sole companion for survival.” He said Then like all great intuition, one caught me in the middle of this forest of nuts, that made me feel really like I myself was nuts. I said, “It seems you love Bob Marley?” from the picture of Bob on the front of his T-shirt. “I painted this myself,” said the guy. “Wow…in that case I have an answer to your predicament. Instead of using knives from now on, use paintbrushes as your companions for survival. They will commit less crime.” He smiled and shook my hand and that of the lady and left. The lady introduced herself for the first time. “Hi, I am Brenda. Thanks for your help…” “Nice to meet you, Brenda, I am Randy” “I’ve read and seen such incidents happening in England where I come from. Honestly I never expected that it would have happened to me.” “That’s what everyone think, until they become a victim” “If you weren’t here I would be praying for my life while he preyed on me.” Said Brenda. That’s a good one I thought to myself. Maybe I could use that for an ad one of these days. “What do you do Randy…I mean for a living?” she asked. “Why, nothing…why work? I joked.


“To save money.” She replied

Henry B. Naiken “Why save money?” I said, “So that you can go on a holiday.” She replied “Why do I need to go on holiday?” I requested. “So that you can relax and be happy” “Relaxed and happy already” I answered back with a smile. Brenda seemed in deep thought for a while then said. “You know it all seemed easy and dismissive the way you answered my questions. But there’s a lot of truth in what you said.” “I Know” “Still, what do you do?” “I'm writing a book on angels, and have to interview one for my final chapter. Are you available for coffee right now or would dinner be better?" “Dinner of course. Where shall we go?” she said without hesitation as if she was anticipating the offer already?” “At La Vanille…I’ll pick you up at around 7.30 pm.” “You won’t have too, because that’s where I am staying,” she answered, smiling back at me. Gules picked me up at 7.30 pm. On the way I gave him an account of what happened at Vallee De Mai, and how it ended up in me inviting an angel to dinner at his place. Brenda was sitting by the beach with Edwin. They were both sipping away into a glass of Fanta. We greeted and I sat down opposite to her at the beach table. She handed me an envelope.


“What’s this?” I asked.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “An envelope” said Edwin. stupidity.

We both laughed at my

Seeing how beautiful she was I had to pass a comment of praise, so I said, “I came here looking for a perfect stranger and girl, you are looking pretty perfect tonight.” To which she smiled, thanked me and said, “Open it” pointing to the envelope. I did. In it was the following note, “Sometimes we need reminders in our lives of how much people care. If you ever get that feeling I want you to remember this… Beyond words that can even begin to tell you how much, I hold you and your kindness within my heart. I am so grateful for you, and so thankful for the help that you have given us… Brenda… & Edwin I stared at her lovingly, with unconditional love and said, “Thank you Brenda. This is very kind of you. We then moved up to the restaurant where we were joined by Gules and his wife and children. They enjoyed one of the most exquisite meals of the week. I say they, because I was on a strict vegetation diet since I was on a 40 days fast whereby I had a series of 100,000 mantras to


repeat in accordance with the ceremony we did in India. We chatted about our experience in Jodhpur, work, and world news and of course the incident at Vallee De Mai.

Henry B. Naiken After dinner, Brenda put Edwin to bed and sat with me at the beach for a while. She asked if I would like to take a walk on the beach. I thought about Godorn. Was this another of his tests? I told her that I was afraid of the dark. She smiled, left it at that and we bid each other farewell. On the way back home I contemplated about the business. What can I do to get it going again? Who can I turn to for help? Of course there was Sylvie. A lady friend that had always come to my rescue in times of troubles. I know she will be of great assistance if only I can get the courage to ask. I switched on my computer and opened my mailbox. Unbelievable, there was a mail from Sylvie pouring her heart out about how inconsiderate I had been after all the help that she had given to me during the years. I smiled, though, because I knew the way she felt or perceived things was definitely different then the way I did. “If only she looked deeply, she would have found that when she helped me up the mountain, she was close to the summit too…”


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 15 The walk to the office was done with reflections on the past few days. My acquaintance with Brenda had been most appreciated. Gordon was still missing after such a long time. There was no disbelief in my mind that he was God! For once, I wasn’t the first to get to the office I thought, for the lights were already switched on. As I stepped in I called out, “Good morning Anne…Nice of you to realise that the only way to make ones dream come true is by waking up.” thinking that it was her that arrived early. “Good morning Randy,” I heard Godorn say. I turned round and rush towards him and gave him a big hug. “Godorn…look at you, as bright as ever.” I said. “Of course, the torch of your life batteries included…but don’t squeeze me so hard Randy, I am not a lemon” He joked. I smiled, thinking that even God has a humour. “I came earlier because I felt that you will need to be more opened about your business today.” He was more serious than I’d ever seen him before. “What do you mean, Godorn?” “You’re afraid,” he said, “for your employees, your business. You’ve tried everything in the book so to speak to improve things and yet, you feel that results are short in coming.”


“Of course, Gordon. There’s truth in what you say. Last night I was going to mail Sylvie a note, instead she mailed me one that dropped me down like a bad habit.”

Henry B. Naiken “Randy, many times you have heard opportunity knocking at your door, but by the time you unhooked the chain, pushed back the bolt, turned two locks and shut off the burglar alarm – it was gone.” “No Godorn…a lot of times I’ve seen opportunities, have run after them but still it left me standing put.” “Randy, you started running after it to late.” It didn’t matter really, I was still concerned about my workers and so too the company. There is no failure except in no longer trying. To me, I thought, if one man could make a difference in B.C. Enterprise, it was none other than me. “Good thinking Randy,” said Godorn reading my mind. “But to be successful you will have to be prepared to do some tasks that you don’t enjoy doing.” “Like what? I asked. “The writing of a book.” “But that’s just an idea to play with, Godorn.” I said. “But nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” “Godorn…since the beginning, you created the universe and all its galaxies and so too planet earth. In the interim, you have sent many, many prophets, sages, from all walks of life. I have known the famous ones - Abraham, Moses, Jesus, to name a few…” Godorn interrupted. “Randy, all of you are my people. All of you have good things to say and do for bringing peace and happiness upon this earth. Buddha, Krishna, Mere Theresa, Rampa, Pele, Mohamed Ali, Bruce Lee, Elvis, Jim Reeves, Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendricks, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma


Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Shakespeare, the list is too long to name them all.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… Every one of these people had something to do to help bring back the humans of this planet to their senses.” As I heard him mentioned these names and thought about it, I agreed with him. I even heard my self-talk; “These people actually proved to us that what lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Yet, we found it hard to listen to them. I decided it was time for me to ‘Godthing’s’ right for once.’ So I sought from him some very profound information about prophets. On the reading of my thoughts, Godorn smiled and said “Follow me.” We went outside and began walking fast into the bushes at a sacred place on Praslin emanating cosmic energy similar to those found at Lourdes in France, at the Pyramids in Egypt, Taj Mahal in India and other mystical places around the world. Over there, Godorn looked at me and said, “There is a meeting going on right now in Transvaal, a province in the Republic of South Africa that you should attend.” “Now?” I asked. “Now, now,” said Godorn. “But how am I going to get there. The meeting will be over by the time I arrange to fly over there in the next few days.”


“No, you are going to go now.” “You mean…?

Henry B. Naiken Godorn interrupted… “Randy, eighty percent of your body is composed of water and sixteen and a half percent is earth, both of which are subject to the gravitational force of the earth. Due to this, you remain in contact with the ground; otherwise you would be flying in the air. You’re able to walk on the earth, only because the earth element is in such a great proportion, in your body.” I looked at him totally confused. Then he continued, “The astronauts who have been into space felt no gravitational pull there. When they walked into space, they experienced that just by giving a slight push to their bodies, they were able to fly at least fifty meters through space. There they became so much liberated from the effects of the gravitational force, that they could jump eighty feet without putting in much efforts!” “Where as on earth, I cannot take such a huge leap, because I am held back by the earth’s gravitational pull.” I said. “Correcto,” said Godorn, “The moment we liberate ourselves of this gravitational force, our lives shall become complete.” “Then why don’t we do so? Why do we have to remain rooted to this earth?” I asked. “The reason is that, we are not able to sever ourselves completely from the earth.” He said. Prolonging the idea he explained to me that, “You will be able to do so after your body is left only with the air, ether and the fire elements. The size of the composition of these is only as much as your thumb!” said Godorn.


“What you are trying to tell me is that these three elements together constitute the soul.” I asked.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “Yes! And one cannot enter into ones soul, with the help of the earth or water elements.” Said Godorn. “And that’s how you intend to get me over there without a spacecraft?” I replied somehow weirdly. “You may feel surprised on hearing all this, because you have never seen anyone doing this. But nevertheless it is a fact you will verify soon.” Said Godorn. This made me think about an aeroplane. Is this how it flies too? “Yes! It is similar to the principle on which an aeroplane flies in the sky,” Godorn said, once again reading my thoughts. “The propellers of the aeroplane rotate with a tremendous speed, creating a thrust which pushes it into the air. Only the blades of the propellers rotate and not the whole aeroplane. Similarly, there is a particular spot in your body which can be rotated, and thus so much energy produced that the body can be made to rise into the air” “And you think this is quite a natural process?” I asked. Godorn got me to sit in a certain position, and started to concentrate all my energy on the Navel Chakra. He said to begin rotating the energy emanating from there till it reached to twenty-four thousand cycles per second. Meanwhile I heard him whisper into my ear, that no matter what it weigh it will rise up in the air. Then as each cell into my body started oscillating twentyfour thousand times in one second, my body rose up into the air. As I flew I found that I managed the experience better by the controlling of my thoughts.


Then I heard myself mentally saying,

Henry B. Naiken “Hello, welcome on board this human flight to South Africa. Fasten your seat belts until the seat-belt lights are switched off. During the flight we will cruise at 3, 000 feet and fly over East Africa‌


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 16 I took a seat among the crowd in the hall where the meeting was taking place. “Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,” said the Speaker. “The subject of this evenings talk – ‘What the Bible says about Muhammad’ – will no doubt come as a surprise to many of you because the speaker is a Muslim. How does it come about that a Muslim happens to be expounding prophecies from the Jewish and Christian Scriptures? This Reverend, gentleman, was expounding Biblical prophecies. He went on to prove that the Christian Bible foretold the rise of Soviet Russia, and the Last Days. At one stage he went to the extent of proving that his Holy Book did not leave even the Pope out of its predictions. He expatiated vigorously in order to convince his audience that the “Beast 666” mentioned in the Book of Revelation- the last book of the New Testament-was the POPE, who was the Vicar of Christ on earth. It is not befitting for us Muslims to enter into this controversy between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. By the way, the latest Christian exposition of the “Beast 666” of the Christian Bible is Dr. Henry Kissinger.” I raised my hand in order to ask a question, “Why Kissinger?” To which the speaker replied. “Christian exegesists give progressive numerical values by sixes, to the English alphabet and add up to get the total 666. i.e. A=6, B=12, C=18, D=24 and so on. Progression by 6’s because the number of the beast in the bible is “666”. Try it for Dr. Kissinger.” I was Ok with this answer. The Speaker then went on to say,


“Christian scholars are ingenious and indefatigable in their efforts to prove their case.

Henry B. Naiken Rev. Hiten's lectures led me to ask that if the Bible foretold so many things - not even excluding the “Pope” and “Israel”, - then surely it must have something to say about the greatest benefactor of mankind - the Holy Prophet Muhammad. So he posed the question: “What does the Bible say about Muhammad?” Without hesitation he answered, “Nothing!” “The Speaker asked: "Why nothing? According to your interpretation the Bible has so many things to say about the rise of Soviet Russia and about the Last Days and even about the Pope of the Roman Catholics? He said, “Yes, but there was nothing about Muhammad!” He asked again, “Why nothing? Surely this man Muhammad who had been responsible for the bringing into being a world-wide community of millions of Believers who, on his authority, believe in (1) The miraculous birth of Jesus, (2) That Jesus is the Messiah, (the word “Messiah” comes from the Arabic and Hebrew word masaha, which means to rub, to massage, to anoint. The religious significance is ‘the one who is anointed’ – priests and kings were anointed in consecration to their offices. Messiah translated “Christ” in the Bible, (Isaiah 45:1) (3) That he gave life to the dead by God’s permission, and that he healed those born blind and the lepers by God’s permission. Surely this book (the Bible) must have something to say about this great Leader of men who spoke so well of Jesus and his mother Mary?” The Reverend replied.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “My son, I have been reading the Bible for the past 50 years, and if there was any mention of him, I would have known it.” The Speaker then enquired, “According to you are there not hundreds of prophecies regarding the coming of Jesus in the Old Testament.” “Not hundreds, but thousands!” The Rev interjected. “I am not going to dispute the ‘thousand and one’ prophecies in the Old Testament regarding the coming of Jesus Christ, because the whole Muslim-world has already accepted him without the testimony of any Biblical prophecy. We Muslims have accepted the de facto Jesus on the authority of Muhammad alone and there are in the world to-day no less than 900,000,000 followers of Muhammad who love, respect and revere this great Messenger of God-JESUS CHRIST - without having the Christians to convince them by means of their Biblical dialectics. Out of the ‘thousands’ of prophecies referred to, can you please give me just one single prophecy where Jesus is mentioned by name? The term ‘Messiah’, translated as ‘Christ’, is not a name but a title. Is there a single prophecy where it says that the name of the Messiah will be JESUS? And that his mother’s name will be MARY. That his supposed father will be JOSEPH THE CARPENTER; that he will be born in the reign of HEROD THE KING. Etc. etc.?” The Speaker said, “No! There are no such details!” he replied. “Then how can you conclude that those ‘thousand’ prophecies refer to Jesus?” The Reverend replied:


“You see, prophecies are word-pictures of something that is going to happen in the future.

Henry B. Naiken When that thing actually comes to pass, we see vividly in these prophecies the fulfillment of what had been predicted in the past.” The Speaker then said: “What you actually do is that you deduce, you reason, you put two and two together.” Reverend said: “Yes.” The Speaker said: “If this is what you have to do with a ‘thousand’ prophecies to justify your claim with regards to the genuineness of Jesus, why should we not adopt the very same system for Muhammad?” The Reverend agreed that it was a fair proposition, a reasonable way of dealing with the problem. The Speaker asked him to open up Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 18, which he did. He read from memory the verse. “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” He then enquired: “To whom does this prophecy refers?” Without the slightest hesitation the Rev answered: “JESUS!” The Speaker asked: “Why Jesus-his name is not mentioned here?”


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… The Rev replied: “Since prophecies are word-pictures of something that is going to happen in the future, we find that the wordings of this verse adequately describe him. You see the most important words of this prophecy are ‘SOOS JY IS' (like unto thee), - LIKE YOU-Like Moses, and Jesus is like Moses”. I questioned: “In which way is Jesus like Moses?” His answer was: “In the first place Moses was a JEW and Jesus was also a JEW; secondly, Moses was a PROPHET and Jesus was also a PROPHET - therefore Jesus is like Moses and that is exactly what God had foretold Moses –“SOOS JY IS”. “Can you think of any other similarities between Moses and Jesus?” Asked The Speaker. The Rev said that he could not think of any. The Speaker replied: “If these are the only two criteria for discovering a candidate for this prophecy of Deuteronomy 18: 18, then in that case the criteria could fit anyone of the following Biblical personages after Moses: Solomon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Malachi, John the Baptist etc., because they were also ALL Jews as well as Prophets. Why should we not apply this prophecy to anyone of these prophets, and why only to Jesus? Why should we make fish of one and fowl of another?” The Rev had no reply, to which he continued:


“You see, my conclusions are that Jesus is most unlike Moses, and if I am wrong I would like you to correct me.”

Henry B. Naiken In saying so, the Speaker reasoned ‘Three Unlikes’ with him: “In the FIRST place Jesus is not like Moses, because, according to you- ‘JESUS IS A GOD’, but Moses is not God, Is this true?” Rev said: “Yes.” The Speaker said; “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses!” SECONDLY, according to you –‘JESUS DIED FOR THE SINS OF THE WORLD’, but Moses did not have to die for the sins of the world. Is this true?” He again said: “Yes.” The Speaker said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses!” THIRDLY, according to you –‘JESUS WENT TO HELL FOR THREE DAYS’, but Moses did not have to go there. Is this true?” He answered meekly: “Y-e-s.” The Speaker concluded: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses!” “But Reverend,” the Speaker continued: “These are not hard facts, solid facts, tangible facts; they are mere matters of belief over which the little ones can stumble and fall. Let us discuss something very simple, very easy that if your little ones are called in to hear the discussion, would have no difficulty in following it, shall we?


The Reverend was quite happy at the suggestion. The Speaker than took another angle that of Father and Mother to justify his cause. “Moses had a father and a mother. Muhammad also had a father and a mother.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… 1. But Jesus had only a mother, and no human father. Is this true?’ the Reverend said: “Yes.” The Speaker said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses” 2. “Moses and Muhammad were born in the normal, natural course, i.e. the physical association of man and woman; but Jesus was created by a special miracle. You will recall that we are told in the Gospel of St. Matthew 1:18 ‘BEFORE THEY CAME TOGETHER, (Joseph the Carpenter and Mary) SHE WAS FOUND WITH CHILD BY THE HOLY GHOST.’ And St. Luke tells us that when the good news of the birth of a holy son was announced to her, Mary reasoned: ‘HOW SHALL THIS BE, SEEING I KNOW NOT A MAN? AND THE ANGEL ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HER, THE HOLY GHOST SHALL COME UPON THEE, AND THE POWER OF THE HIGHEST SHALL OVERSHADOW THEE:’ (Luke1: 35). The Holy Qur'an confirms the miraculous birth of Jesus, in nobler and sublimer terms. In answer to her logical question: ‘0 my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?’ the angel says in reply: ‘Even so: Allah createth what He willeth: when He hath decreed a Plan, He but saith to it “BE,” and it is!’ (Holy Qur'an, 3:47). It is not necessary for God to plant a seed in man or animal. He merely wills it and it comes into being. This is the Muslim conception of the birth of Jesus.” (When I compared the Qur'anic and the Biblical versions of the birth of Jesus to the head


of the Bible Society in our largest city, and when I enquired: “Which version would you prefer to give your daughter, the QUR'ANIC version or the BIBLICAL version?” The man bowed his head and answered: "The Qur'anic.”) In short, the Speaker said to the Reverend:

Henry B. Naiken “Is it true that Jesus was born miraculously as against the natural birth of Moses and Muhammad?” He replied proudly: “YES!” the Speaker said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses.” And God says to Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy 18:18 LIKE UNTO THEE” (Like You, Like Moses) and Muhammad is like Moses.” 1. “Moses and Muhammad married and begat children, but Jesus remained a bachelor all his life. Is this true?” The Reverend said: “Yes.” The speaker said: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses.” 2. “Moses and Muhammad were accepted as prophets by their people in their very lifetime. No doubt the Jews gave endless trouble to Moses and they murmured in the wilderness, but as a nation, they acknowledged that Moses was a Messenger of God sent to them. The Arabs too made Muhammad’s life impossible. He suffered very badly at their hands. After 13 years of preaching in Mecca, he had to emigrate from the city of his birth. But before his demise, the Arab nation as a whole accepted him as the Messenger of Allah. But according to the Bible - ‘HE (Jesus) CAME UNTO HIS OWN, BUT HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT.’ (John 1: 11). And even today, after two thousand years, his people-the Jews, as a whole, have rejected him. Is this true?” The reverend said: “Yes.” The speaker said: “THEREFORE JESUS IS NOT LIKE






When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… 3. "Moses and Muhammad were prophets as well as kings. By prophet I mean a man who receives Divine Revelation for the Guidance of Man and this Guidance he conveys to God's creatures as received without any addition or deletion. A king is a person who has the power of life and death over his people. It is immaterial whether the person wears a crown or not, or whether he was ever addressed as king or monarch: if the man has the prerogative of inflicting capital punishmentHE IS A KING. Moses possessed such a power. Do you remember the Israelite who was found picking up firewood on Sabbath Day, and Moses had him stoned to death? (Numbers 15:36). There are other crimes also mentioned in the Bible for which capital punishment was inflicted on the Jews at the behest of Moses. Muhammad too, had the power of life and death over his people. There are instances in the Bible of persons who were given gift of prophecy only, but they were not in a position to implement their directives. Some of these holy men of God who were helpless in the face of stubborn rejection of their message were the prophets Lot, Jonah, Daniel, Ezra, and John the Baptist. They could only deliver the message, but could not enforce the Law. The Holy Prophet Jesus unfortunately also belonged to this category. The Christian Gospel clearly confirms this: when Jesus was dragged before the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, charged for sedition, Jesus made a convincing point in his defence to refute the false



Henry B. Naiken This convinced Pilate (A Pagan) that though Jesus might not be in full possession of his mental faculty, he did not strike him as being a danger to his rule. Jesus claimed a spiritual kingdom only; in other words he only claimed to be a prophet. Is this true?” The reverend answered: “Yes.” The Speaker said: …Therefore Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is like Moses.” 4. ‘Moses and Muhammad brought new laws and new regulations for their people. Moses not only gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites, but a very comprehensive ceremonial law for the guidance of his people. Muhammad comes to a people steeped in barbarism and ignorance. They married their stepmothers; they buried their daughters alive; drunkenness, adultery, idolatry, and gambling were the order of the day. Gibbon describes the Arabs before Islam in his “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, 'THE HUMAN BRUTE, ALMOST WITHOUT SENSE, IS POORLY DISTINGUISHED FROM THE REST OF THE ANIMAL CREATION.’ There was hardly anything to distinguish between the “man” and the “animal” of the time; they were animals in human form. “From this abject barbarism, Muhammad elevated them, in the words of Thomas Carlysle, ‘Into torch-bearers of light and learning.’ ‘TO THE ARAB NATION IT WAS AS A BIRTH FROM DARKNESS INTO LIGHT. ARABIA FIRST BECAME ALIVE BY MEANS OF IT. A POOR SHEPHERD PEOPLE, ROAMING UNNOTICED IN ITS DESERTS SINCE THE 120


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… GENIUS, ARABIA SHINES OVER A GREAT SECTION OF THE WORLD.’ The fact is that Muhammad gave his people a Law and Order they never had before. “As regards Jesus, when the Jews felt suspicious of him that he might be an impostor with designs to pervert their teachings, Jesus took pains to assure them that he had not come with a new religion -no new laws and no new regulations. I quote his own words: “THINK NOT THAT I AM COME TO DESTROY THE LAW, OR THE PROPHETS: I AM NOT COME TO DESTROY, BUT TO FULFIL. FOR VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, TILL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS, ONE JOT OR ONE TITTLE SHALL IN NO WISE PASS FROM THE LAW, TILL ALL BE FULFILED.' (Matthew 5: 17-18). In other words he had not come with any new laws or regulations; he came only to fulfill the old law.

This is what he gave the Jews to understand unless he was speaking with the tongue in his cheek trying to bluff the Jews into accepting him as a man of God and by subterfuge trying to ram a new religion down their throats. No! This Messenger of God would never resort to such foul means to subvert the Religion of God. He himself fulfilled the laws. He observed the commandments of Moses, and he respected the Sabbath. At no time did a single Jew point a finger at him to say, ‘why don't you fast’ or ‘why


don’t you wash your hands before You break bread’, which charges they always levied against his disciples, but never against Jesus. This is because as a good Jew he honoured the laws of the prophets who preceded him. In short, he had created no new religion and had brought no new law like Moses and Muhammad. Is this true?” THE speaker asked the Reverend. The Reverend answered: “Yes”.

Henry B. Naiken The Speaker said: “Therefore, Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is like Moses.” 5. “Both Moses and Mohammad died natural deaths, but according to Christianity, Jesus was violently killed on the cross. Is this true?” the Speaker requested. The Reverend answered, “Yes.” The Speaker averred: “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is like Moses.” 6. “Moses and Muhammad both lie buried on Earth, but according to you, Jesus rests in heaven. Is this true? The Reverend agreed. The Speaker said, “Therefore Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is like Moses.” Since the Reverend was helplessly agreeing with every point, the Speaker said, “Reverend, so far what I have done is to prove only one point out of the whole prophesy – that is proving the phrase ‘LIKE UNTO THEE’ – ‘Like you’ ‘Like Moses’. The prophecy is much more than this single phrase which reads as follows: “I WILL RAISE THEM UP A PROHET FROM AMONG THEIR BRETHEN LIKE UNTO THEE…” The emphasis is on words – “From among their brethren.” Moses and his people, the Jews, are here addressed as a racial entity, and as such their ‘brethren’ would undoubtedly be the Arabs. You see, the Holy Bible speaks of Abraham as the “Friend of God”.


Abraham had two wives, he continued – Sarah and Hagar. Hagar bore Abraham a son – His FIRST-BORN – And Abram called HIS SON’S name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael. (Genesis 16:15). And Abraham took Ishmael his son…” (Genesis 17:23). ‘And Ishmael HIS SON was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.’ (Genesis 17:25). Up to the age of THIRTEEN Ishmael was the ONLY son and seed of Abraham, when the covenant was ratified between God and Abraham.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… God grants Abraham another son through Sarah, named Isaac, who was very much the junior of his brother Ishmael. If Ishmael and Isaac are the sons of the same father Abraham, then they are brothers. And so the children of the one are the BRETHREN of the children of the other. The children of Isaac are the Jews and the children of Ishmael are the Arabs-so they are BRETHREN to one another. The Bible affirms, AND HE (ISHMAEL) SHALL DWELL IN THE PRESENCE OF ALL HIS BRETHREN.' (Genesis 16:12). ' AND HE (ISHMAEL) DIED IN THE PRESENCE OF ALL HIS BRETHREN.' (Genesis 25:18). The children of Isaac are the brethren of the Ishmaelites. In like manner Muhammad is from among the brethren of the Israelites because he was a descendant of Ishmael the son of Abraham. This is exactly as the prophecy has it- 'FROM AMONG THEIR BRETHREN'. (Deut. 18:18). There the prophecy distinctly mentions that the coming prophet who would be like Moses, must arise NOT from the 'children of Israel' or from 'among themselves', but from among their brethren. MUHAMMAD THEREFORE BRETHREN!





The prophesy proceeds…AND I WILL PUT MY WORDS INTO HIS MOUTH…what does it mean when it is said ‘I will put my words into your mouth?” asked the Speaker. You see when I asked you the Reverend to


open Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 18, at the beginning, and if I had asked you to read, and if you had read: would I be putting words into your mouth? The Reverend answered, “No.” so the Speaker continued, “If I were to teach you a language like Arabic about which you have no knowledge, and if I asked you to read or repeat after me what I utter i.e. SAY: HE IS THE ONE AND ONLY;

Henry B. Naiken ALLAH, THE ETERNAL ABSOLUTE; HE BEGETTETH NOT, NOR IS HE BEGOTTEN: AND THERE IS NONE LIKE UNTO HIM (Holy Qur’an 112:1-4) would I not be putting these unheard words of a foreign tongue which you utter, into your mouth?” The Reverend agreed that it was indeed so. In an identical manner, the Speaker said, the words of the Holy Qur’an, the Revelation vouchsafed by the Almighty God to Muhammad, were revealed. History tells us that Muhammad was forty years of age. He was in a cave three miles north of the city of Mecca. It was the 27th night of the Muslim month of Ramadaan. In the cave the Archangel Gabriel commands him in his mother tongue: READ! Muhammad is terrified and in his bewilderment replies – I AM NOT LEARNED! The angel commands him a second time with the same result. For the third time the angel continues: Now Muhammad, grasps, that what was required of him was to repeat! To rehearse! And he repeats the words as they were put into his mouth: “READ! IN THE NAME OF THY LORD AND CHERISHER, WHO CREATED



When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… These are the first five verses, which were revealed to Muhammad, which now occupy the beginning of the 96th chapter of the Holy Qur’an. I looked around and not a single person was asleep or fidgeting. The speaker went on Immediately the angel had departed, Muhammad rushed to his home. Terrified and sweating all over he asked his beloved wife Khadija to ‘cover him up!’ He lay down, and she watched by him. When he had regained his composure, he explained to her what he had seen and heard. She assured him of her faith in him and that Allah would not allow such a terrible thing to happen to him. Are these the confessions of an impostor? Would impostors confess that when an angel of the Lord confronts them with a Message from on High, they get fear-stricken, terrified, and sweating all over, run home to their wives? Any critic can see that his reactions and confessions are that of an honest, sincere man, the man of Truth-'AL-AMIN'- THE Honest, the Upright, the Truthful. During the next twenty-three years of his prophetic life, words were 'put into his mouth', and he uttered them. They made an indeliable impression on his heart and mind: and as the volume of the Sacred Scripture (Holy Qur'an) grew, they were recorded on palm-leaf fibre, on skins and on the shoulder-blades of animals; and in the hearts of his devoted disciples. Before his demise these words were arranged in the order in which we find them to-day in the Holy Qur'an.


The words (revelation) were actually put into his mouth, exactly as foretold in the prophecy under discussion: ‘AND I WILL PUT MY WORDS IN HIS MOUTH.’ (Deut. 18:18). Muhammad’s experience in the cave of Hira, later to be known as Jabal-un-Noor – The Mountain of Light, and his response to that first Revelation is the exact fulfillment of another Biblical prophecy. In the Book of Isaiah, chapter 29, verse 12, we read: “AND THE BOOK” (al-Kitaab, al-

Henry B. Naiken Qur'an – the ‘Reading’ the ‘Recitation’) “IS DELIVERED TO HIM THAT IS NOT LEARNED,” (the unlettered Prophet, (Holy Qur'an 7: 158) “SAYING, READ THIS, I PRAY THEE:” (the words “I pray thee”, are not in the Hebrew manuscripts; compare with the Roman Catholics” “Douay Version” and also with the "Revised Standard Versions”) “AND HE SAITH, I AM NOT LEARNED,” (“I am not learned.” is the exact translation of the words which Muhammad uttered twice to the Holy Ghost – the Archangel Gabriel, when he was “READ!”). Let me quote the verse in full without a break as found in the “King James Version” or the “Authorised Version as it is more popularly known: “AND THE BOOK IS DELIVERED TO HIM THAT IS NOT LEARNED, SAYING READ THIS, I PRAY THEE: AND HE SAITH, I AM NOT LEARNED,” (Isaiah 29:12). It may be noted that there were no Arabic Bibles in existence in the 6th Century of the Christian Era when Muhammad lived and preached! Besides, he was absolutely unlettered and unlearned. No human had ever taught him a word. His teacher was his creator. “See!” Said the Speaker to the Reverend “How the prophecies fit Muhammad like a glove. We do not have to stretch prophecies to justify their fulfillment in Muhammad.”


The Reverend replied, “All your expositions sound very well, but they are of no real consequence, because we Christians have Jesus Christ the “incarnate” God, who has redeemed us from the Bondage of Sin!” The speaker asked, “Not important?” God didn't think so! He went to a great deal of trouble to have His warnings recorded.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… God knew that there would be people like you who will flippantly, light - heartedly discount his words, so he followed up Deuteronomy 18: 18 with a dire warning: “AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS,” (it is going to happen) “THAT WHOSOEVER WILL NOT HEARKEN UNTO MY WORDS WHICH HE SHALL SPEAK IN MY NAME, I WILL REQUIRE IT OF HIM.” (In the Catholic Bible the ending words are –“I will be the revenger”, - I will take vengeance from him - I will take revenge!) “Does not this terrify you? God Almighty is, threatening revenge! We shake in our pants if some hoodlum threatens us, yet you have no fear of God's warning?” “Miracle of miracles! In the verse 19 of Deuteronomy chapter 18, we have a further fulfillment of the prophecy in Muhammad! Note the words – “MY WORDS WHICH HE SHALL SPEAK IN MY NAME,” In whose name is Muhammad speaking?” The speaker opened the Holy Qur'an - Allama Yusuf Ali's translation, at chapter 114- ‘Sura Nas’, or Mankind - the last chapter, and showed him the formula at the head of the chapter and the meaning: “IN THE NAME OF GOD, THE MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL”. And after every chapter downwards 113, 112, 111, 110…was the same formula and the same meaning in every page, because the end SURAS (chapters) are short and take about a page each.


“And what did the prophecy demand? ‘WHICH HE SHALL SPEAK IN MY NAME,’ and in whose name does Muhammad speak? ‘IN THE NAME OF GOD, MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL.’ The Prophecy is being fulfilled in Muhammad to the letter! “Every chapter of the Holy Qur'an except the 9th begin with the formula: IN THE NAME OF GOD, MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL.’ The Muslim begins his every lawful act with the Holy formula. But the Christian begins: “in the name of the Father, son and holy ghost”

Henry B. Naiken Concerning Deuteronomy chapter eighteen, I have given you more than 15 reasons as to how this prophecy refers to Muhammad and NOT to Jesus. In New Testament times, we find that the Jews were still expecting the fulfillment of the prophecy of ‘ONE LIKE MOSES’; refer John 1:19-25. When Jesus claimed to be the Messiah of the Jews, the Jews began to enquire as to where was Elias? The Jews had a parallel prophecy that before the coming of the Messiah, Elias must come first in his second coming. Jesus confirms this Jewish belief: “ELIAS TRULY SHALL FIRST COME, AND RESTORE ALL THINGS. BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, THAT ELIAS IS COME ALREADY, AND THEY KNEW HIM NOT. THEN THE DISCIPLES UNDERSTOOD THAT HE SPOKE UNTO THEM OF JOHN THE BAPTIST.” (Matthew 17: 11 -13). According to the New Testament the Jews were not the ones to swallow the words of any would-be Messiah. In their investigations they underwent intense difficulties in order to find their true Messiah. And this the Gospel of John confirms: “AND THIS IS THE RECORD OF JOHN,” (the Baptist) “WHEN THE JEWS SENT PRIESTS AND LEVITES FROM JERUSALEM TO ASK HIM, WHO ART THOU? AND HE CONFESSED AND DENIED NOT; BUT CONFESSED, I AM NOT THE CHRIST.” (This was only natural because there can't be two Messiahs’ at the same time. If Jesus was the Christ then John couldn't


be the Christ!) “AND THEY ASKED HIM, WHAT THEN? ART THOU ELIAS? AND HE SAITH, I AM NOT.” (Here John the Baptist contradicts Jesus! Jesus says that John is “Elias” and John denies that he is what Jesus ascribes him to be. One of the TWO (Jesus or John). God forbid! is definitely not speaking the TRUTH! On the testimony of Jesus himself, John the Baptist was the greatest of the Israelite prophets: “VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, AMONG THEM THAT ARE BORN OF WOMEN THERE HAS NOT RISEN A GREATER THAN JOHN THE BAPTIST:..” (Matthew 11: 11).

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… We Muslims know John the Baptist as Hazrut YAHYAA Alai-his-salaam (peace be upon him). We revere him as a true prophet of Allah. The Holy Prophet Jesus known to us as Hazrut ISAA Alai-his-salaam (peace be upon him) is also esteemed as one of the mightiest messenger of the Almighty. How can we Muslims impute lies to either of them? We leave this problem between Jesus and John for the Christians to solve, for their “sacred scriptures” abound in discrepancies that they have been glossing over as the “dark sayings of Jesus”. We Muslims are really interested in the last question posed to John the Baptist by the Jewish elite – “ART THOU THAT PROPHET? AND HE ANSWERED, NO,” (John 1:21). Then the speaker said, “Please note that three different and distinct questions were posed to John the Baptist and to which he gave three emphatic “NO’s” as answers. To recapitulate: i. Art thou the Christ? ii. Art thou Elias iii. Art thou that prophet?


But the learned men of Christendom somehow only see two questions implied here. To make doubly clear that the Jews definitely had T-H-R-E-E separate prophesies in their minds when they were interrogating John the Baptist, let us read the remonstrance of the Jews in the versus following – “AND THEY ASKED HIM, AND SAID UNTO HIM, WHEY BAPTISTE THOU THEN, IF THEY BE (a) NOT THAT CHRIST, (b) NOT ELIAS,

Henry B. Naiken (c) NEITHER THAT PROPHET?” (John 1:25) The Jews were waiting for the fulfillment of THREE distinct prophesies: One, the coming of Christ. Two, the coming of ELIAS, and THREE, the coming of THAT PROPHET. If we look up any Bible which has a concordance or cross-reference, said the speaker, we will find in the marginal note where the words “the prophet” or “that prophet” occur in John 1:25, that these words refer to the prophesy of Deuteronomy 18:15 and 18. And that ‘that prophet’ – the prophet like Moses’ – “LIKE UNTO THEE”, we have proved through overwhelming evidence that he was MUHAMMAD and not Jesus! We Muslims are not denying that Jesus was the “Messiah” which word is translated as “Christ”. We are not contesting the “thousand and one prophecies” which the Christians claim abound in the Old Testament foretelling the coming of the Messiah. What we say is that Deuteronomy 18: 18 does NOT refer to Jesus Christ but it is an explicit prophecy about the Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD!” The reverend very politely parted with the Speaker by saying that it was a very interesting discussion and he would like him very much to come one day and address his congregation on the subject.


A decade and half has passed since I have given this lecture then but I am still awaiting that privilege. I believe the Reverend was sincere when he made the offer, but prejudices die-hard and who would like to loose his sheep? “What, am I listening to something that has happened a decade ago?” I thought. I tried to get the attention of the guy next to me, but somehow he seemed to either ignore me or he just didn’t know that I was there. The Speaker continued:

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “To the lambs of Christ I say, why not apply that acid test which the Master himself wanted you to apply to any would be claimant to prophethood? He had said: "BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM. DO MEN GATHER GRAPES FROM THE THORNS, OR FIGS FROM THE THISTLES? EVERY GOOD TREE WILL BEAR GOOD FRUIT AND EVERY EVIL TREE WILL BEAR EVIL FRUIT. ...BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM. (Matthew 7: 16-20). Why are you afraid to apply this test to the teachings of Muhammad? You will find in the Last Testament of God - the Holy Qur'an - the true fulfillment of the teachings of Moses and Jesus, which will bring to the world the much-needed peace and happiness. “IF A MAN LIKE MUHAMMAD WERE TO ASSUME THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE MODERN WORLD, HE WOULD SUCCEED IN SOLVING ITS PROBLEMS THAT WOULD BRING IT THE MUCH NEEDED PEACE AND HAPPINESS.” (George Bernard Shaw) In conclusion, I end with a quotation of a Christian Reverend the commentator of the Bible, followed by that of his Master:


“THE ULTIMATE CRITERION OF A TRUE PROPHET IS THE MORAL CHARACTER OF HIS TEACHINGS.” (Prof. Dummelow.) “BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM.” (Jesus Christ) May the light of truth shine in your heart, and mind. May it lead you to peace and certitude in this life and eternal bliss in hereafter. Everyone stood and gave the Speaker a standing ovation. I did the same. Then they gave the normal peace handshake at the end but I received none. They looked through me.

Henry B. Naiken I wanted to know more about the life of Jesus so I walked up to the speaker and ask him about it. Funny he did recognize me, for he answered back, “Soon you will get the chance to ask him directly.” I glanced to see if Godorn was around, he wasn’t…


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 17 It was getting late, and I was beginning to get hungry. I found myself a small restaurant and began to look at the menu. “How am I going to pay for the meal?” I thought since I did not come along with money. “A real optimist is someone who goes to a restaurant with no money and plans to pay the bill with the pearl he finds in the oyster,” the usual mystical voice within me said. A ghastly wind blew the tablecloth all over my face. Once I took control of the situation I saw Godorn sitting next to me. The waitress came along to see if we were ready to order. Godorn told her we wouldn’t have time as we have to leave soon, in fact right now. “Come on, up” he said. “But I am hungry Godorn.” “I am more interested in your character than your comfort, Randy. You see, character is like a perfume…not only you who wear it but all who comes near you will enjoy its fragrance,” said Godorn. “But I am still hungry, Godorn…especially after all this flying.” I replied back to him. “Randy…the purpose of this trip was to get you to reach higher, go father, see over and grasp something greater than you usually knew…” “I know, otherwise I would never have discovered my full potential.” I replied back quickly. “That’s exactly what my next words were going to be,” said Godorn.


Henry B. Naiken “More over, what you eat today walks around tomorrow…that which you were thinking to order surely would look ugly around you tomorrow…” implied Godorn “By the way how was it…?” “What?” I asked “The meeting?” answered Godorn. “Well, I can say that I have learnt more in one hour with your help then I would have done in one lifetime without it.” I said. Godorn just smiled back wistfully. “That guy knows a lot too Godorn?” I remarked. “Good…as for you, Randy, people won’t care how much you know, they will rather want to know how much you care.” he said…


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 18 The next day I went to the office as early as possible. I sat down in my usual morning contemplation. I thought about all the incidents that had happened so far, Godorn, Maureen, My employees, or rather Mr. Higgins employees. “Strange…Mr. Higgins never came back nor did he contact me again.” I thought. I sort of regressed back when it all began. One would think, upon entering my mind at that time, that this is where my life began, where it all started and not necessarily the day I was born. Looking at the bookshelf alongside my desk, I picked up a book and tried to gain some inspiration from it. The book was called Blood and Guts, by Dorian Yates – Winner of 6 Times Mr. Olympia. I always loved autobiographies, because in reading the lives of great man, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves…self-discipline with all of them was first. I also found that I was the same as I was many years ago, except for two things, the books I read and the people with whom I associated. My thoughts were interrupted as usual by Godorn, “Hi, Randy…feeling better today are we?” he said. “Yes…a lot better.” I replied. “So after all that you have been through…have you found the keys to success yet?” “I may not know the keys to success yet, Godorn…but the keys to failure is surely trying to please everybody.” I said.


“Fine,” said Godorn.

Henry B. Naiken “Now that you know where you are it is important to know where you want to be before you get there. Then we can pick the best route to get you there.” “Can I really pull myself out of the impossible stagnation-trap?” I thought. Then Godorn inspired me with the story, “Yes it can be done, in fact it has been done before, many times too. A great American hero did just that. He was a labourer at the turn of the century, a dockworker among the roughest ports of early nineteen hundred the American Hero dropped out of school early. He lived off the streets. He survived. He never had an opportunity. Like millions of others, he was headed for a dead-end life. A desire burned inside, though. He desired to pull himself out of the abyss. He desired to become a successful writer. In the early 1900s, an illiterate dockworker had essentially no chance to ever sell a piece of literature. But that man became the highest paid author in history! And if we adjust for inflation today, he is the highest paid author of all time. That man was Jack London. He wrote many adventure short stories and best selling novels including Call of the Wild, The Sea Wolf, and Martin Eden.” Then Godorn went on to explain to me how Jack London had done it. “He established four physical movements, four mini-days that would achieve his desire of becoming a writer: (1) reading, (2) intense grammar study, (3) self-education (a library-study program), and (4) writing. Those four minidays were divided before and after his 12-hour income mini-day.” “Even after he pulled himself out of his rut and off the docks, he never stopped the mini-day system” said Godorn.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “He stayed on the mini-day system through all his fame and glory to the last days of his short life.” ended Godorn. “Thanks Godorn…I am inspired by Jack London story and I will never let you down. Instead, I will lift my spirits high above the ocean of man and shower them with rain of words that you have passed on to me for their own evolution” “Remember…Time waits for no man, and if you love time don’t waste time for time is what life is made off.” Said Godorn. I smiled as now I knew, it was him that inserted those thoughts into my mind that faithful night way back then after the OBE (out of body experience) I had. “Get to work, Randy” said Godorn. “Start right now…it will all be over soon” I took some A4 papers from the printer tray on my desk and began typing, “It was 09.30 pm, not entirely noisy, but with traces of the sound of silence dawning upon the night…” Somehow in the process of it all, I must have fallen asleep. For when I woke up, I faced the most embarrassing scene to have ever taken place in my life. I was sitting down on the ground – on plain earth - with a pile of papers in my hand. To my astonishment, the building had gone. I was in plain view of every passerby walking along lazily going about his or her own business. But, I must admit that they did look at me somewhat strange, as if wondering what was I doing here in the middle of nowhere sitting on the ground with a pile of paper in my hands and a pen.


Some would whisper as they walked by and gave me the occasional his mentally ill look!

Henry B. Naiken I got up and started thinking that maybe I was indeed mental or something. I mean where were the building, the workers, the machines? Where’s this, where’s that, how come everything disappeared so fast and in one go? I picked myself off the ground and began to walk back home. While doing so, everything seemed the same, the route to and from work, actually nothing changed. The only mystery was the building. It had all gone – vanished. I strolled leisurely as if I was just on an evening walk. My mind kept going back and forth. What happened to Godorn? Was all this just a dream, an illusion? But No, I did go to India with Gules. We did initiate. We have pictures to prove that. Then of course there was the experience. All the while I was carrying the papers in my hand and for once I did not look to see what I had typed. On arriving home, I called out to Rex. There was no response. No dog, no tail wagging, no barking anything. I searched the whole house, for him, for clues leading to answers to what could have happened. None was available. Once again I found myself asking, if it was all an illusion or one long dream. Then an idea hit me, I’ll phone Gules to ask whether he remembered me coming to La Vanille with Brenda to have dinner? Gules reply shocked me, ”Brenda…Ummm we did not have a Brenda here Henry? And as for dinner, No you haven’t had dinner with us for months now.” “But, Gules, we did go to India, didn’t we?” I asked him. “India…oh! Yes Henry we did go to India. We went there to collect my furniture’s for the restaurant.” He said.


Now that surprised me, because Gules kept calling me Henry.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “Henry?” I muttered. “Henry…it’s you isn’t it.” Asked Gules. “Yes”-I said. I had to find out more, so I searched for further answers. “Gules” I asked, “We did visit a Guru in India?” “Yes…of course…we went over there for an initiation, remember” said Gules. “Is there a company called Building Construction Enterprise on Praslin…and does a Randy work for them?” I asked. “No…but he does live in a new building Constructed by a certain Bistoquet. “Bistoquet Constructed Enterprise” I felt myself thinking. “Is it so that he Henry could Enter and win a Prize from the Bistoquet Building on my name?” I continually questioned. It still wasn’t making sense. The time was 6.30 pm, outside the sun was setting and soon it would be dark. A drizzle had started to fall. I decided then to visit the site where the company had its infrastructure to have another look. I took the pile of papers with me and began the long walk back to the office…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 19 At the Junction of Baie Ste Anne, while fully engrossed in my thoughts, I attempted to cross the road. A car with 4 youngsters came driving along with such a speed that I had no chance of preventing the car from hitting me. What happened next is history as the saying goes: “I found myself catching my balance and then floating above my body. On the street, people had gathered to see if I was dead. They rushed all over the place shouting, yelling, “Give him air…give him air” in short there was real chaos going on. The drizzle that was dropping didn’t touch me; in fact it went right through me. The excitement was overpowering and I moved close to show someone what was going on, to sort of share the amazement of it all, but he didn’t see me nor notice my presence. I looked at my clothes that were exactly the ones my body on the floor was wearing and they weren’t getting wet. Everybody present that evening had managed to get a degree in paramedics, I thought, because they all tried to bring me back to life. As they continued, I started screaming at them to leave me alone. “Stop this nonsense, can’t you see I’m dead…leave me alone” Finally, they did and I remained outside of my body. One guy looked at another person shook his head and announced that I was dead. They then moved my body into an ambulance that had arrived. I rose up higher so that I could get a real good view. I had always been considered a kid no matter how older I got. But, now it was like being there again, I mean a real kid. The experience really got me all excited. The crowd, the people who was trying to see what was going on.


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… I was already used to being free of my physical shackles so that didn’t matter. Somehow, the emotional pain the people was feeling because of me did not sadden me at all. I watched as they loaded my body into the ambulance and took it away. Funny they could have just carried it to the hospital since it wasn’t that far off. The entire trip was cruised just above the car, zipping up, down and through the overhanging wires. Arriving at the hospital, my body was loaded onto a stretcher and rushed down the corridor to the emergency room. There they shifted it onto an operating table and proceeded to cut away the clothing. I watched from the ceiling as the doctor inserted a long needle into my chest and while a nurse rubbed some kind of ointment on both sides of the rib cage. I watched with great curiosity as they placed the small white paddles on each side of my chest and began jolting my body. It was at this point, for some reason, which I began to quickly lose interest in what was going on with my physical body. Where was Godorn now that I needed him? Answering my question, Godorn appeared in full form. Then he asked me to follow him. I did. I knew that in the presence of Godorn I could not die. I was enjoying the ride, its feeling, I was becoming one with what was happening to me, when I noticed that we were passing over Kaanan Shila. On envisioning its Splendour I was simply left dumbfounded. It is indeed a unique gift bestowed upon nature. I descended and touched it gently. A strange tingling sensation seemed to run through my whole body. Then Godorn made it known to me that this rock has been made divine by the chanting of hundreds of Mantras on it. “It is now like a highly coveted religious seat where Yogis long to perform Sadhanas.” Said Godorn.


Henry B. Naiken “Just being seated on it one is filled with such joy which perhaps nothing in the world could bring about.” He continued enlightening me. Pointing to the Yogi seated on the rock, he said, “That’s Vigyananand. He is truly an accomplished Yogi. He’s been sitting there for almost 25 days,” said Godorn. I watched him and saw only his lips move. Other than this his entire body was motionless. “Only a highly accomplished Yogi can remain so long in meditation.” Godorn informed me. Suddenly I heard a sound – “Chann! Chann!” it went, and I looked in the direction from which the sound was coming from. What I saw left me dumbstruck, for three feet away from the Yogi stood a remarkable beautiful woman! From where had this beauty appeared in this secluded spot – I wondered as I starred at her with my mouth agape. ‘True beauty is a joy forever’ it is said and to be able to appreciate beauty is a great virtue in itself. I had come across hundreds of beautiful women with exemplary beauty on earth. I had witnessed singular beauties playing and swimming with joy in the ocean of Seychelles, but such was the control I could exercise over my senses that not once had I felt attracted, no untoward feeling had ever spurted in my mind. To be quite candid, I was simply memerised by her charms. It seemed that all of a sudden, hot lava was gushing through the veins of my spiritual body. Who was she? I asked mentally. Yet Godorn made no attempt to answer me at all. The next moment I shook my head in an effort to break the spell and with utmost effort I controlled myself. Again when I looked at her she was smiling, perhaps pleased to see me retain my composure. The wondrous


smile seemed to have stolen all the charm out of the scenic beauty all around.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… Who would not feel eager to renounce all possessions just to get a glimpse of such a smile, I thought. With a composed mind I studied her – she was about twenty years old, beautiful, with a perfect well proportioned body and her skin seemed to glean with an aureate glow. Her face which was peach shape, had on it the shine of youth and her features seemed to be meticulously carved out, her eyes were deep blue, her lips appeared to be like two petals of rose, the dimple on her chin added to the singularity of her features, her red cheeks too had a dimple each which deepened as her lips flowered into a smile. Her breasts appeared ready to burst out of the top she wore and around her narrow waist she had tied a loose chain of gold. A blue saree was what she wore from her navel down. The saree, she wore like a Bharatnatyam dancer and her legs were well proportioned. Around her ankles were silver anklets, which produced a sweet musical note whenever she moved about. Her hair, tied up in a single plait reached almost to her knees. It was indeed a rare sight as I feasted my eyes on her charms. “Godorn…you seemed to have bestowed her with all charms one could ever think of. I think you must had been in a good mood when you created her” I said. Still no reply from Godorn on this one. Her complexion was very fair and seeing me starring at her, her skin turned crimson as a result of womanly shyness, which she exuded. Nowhere on earth or in the heavens could there possibly be anyone more charmingly beautiful than her. I was looking at her without blinking an eye and I could not decide how to welcome her, what to say to her or how


to address her. Perhaps discerning my consternation her petals-like lips opened and sweet words flowed out,

Henry B. Naiken “I am the heavenly nymph Urvashi and have come from the heavenly kingdom of Lord Indra. Vigyananand has won over my heart and I am simply overawed by his meditative capabilities. I have renounced all comforts of heaven to be with him. My heart is filled with love for this Yogi Vigyananand and I am compelled to choose him as my mate.” “A yogi and a beauty! How could it be possible?” I thought. As I continued to stare at her, her words seemed to cause turmoil in my thoughts. When she had spoken, it seemed as if divine fragrance was flowing out of her mouth and it seemed to fill me with an inexplicable joy. We then began to move through a tunnel. As seconds seemed to pass, we began to accelerate, but in reverse. Then as it happened before in my meditations and initiation with Godorn, I started to feel gentle warmth on the back of my neck. It began at the base of my skull and speed down and through my entire being. It wasn’t the kind of warmth we associate with a heater or radiator; it was more like a warmth of felling, of being. It made me tingle all over, everywhere. It began growing in intensity; and I began to feel really good all over. Soon it even exceeded the definition of good – then better – then great – then glorious. On and on, through definitions that don’t exist to describe it, the feeling continued to grow in intensity and completely filled my being. I turned to look for the source of this feeling and was immediately engulfed in the most brilliant and softest white light imaginable. At that time, I knew for actual fact that all I had been through on earth was authentic and that Godorn was what he had claimed to be – God Original RightousNess!


When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… CHAPTER 20 As soon as I got to the other side, I was told to follow Godorn into a room. At first it appeared dark, but soon I was to find out that Godorn had planned for it that way. Because as I entered the room, a radiant light came spattering into the room and voices emanating from different corners of the room, shouted Welcome Back Home! I looked around only to get another surprise of my life. There standing was all the people I knew from down under. Mr. Higgins, Anne, my secretary. Maureen, Tony, Clarence, David, Tom, Tiara, Jack, Jennifer, Jeff, Johnny and in fact each and every soul I knew back there. Even Rex was there. I went along and gave each and everyone a big hug. We talked about the good times and bad and they all said sorry with a smile, as it was all part of the play that Godorn had written for me. Rex came along wagging his tail and asking to be caressed. I could actually read his thoughts. So I did as was requested. Godorn suggested that I follow him once more. Entering another room, I was told to stand at the center. This he said to me is the ‘Hall of Memories’. Here, you will see everything that went on in your life from birth to death. Then it will be for you to judge for yourself what good has come from your mission on earth and if you did accomplish all that you had set out to do. I stood there, alone yet in total security. I felt at peace with myself. Then as if being pulled into a void, I saw myself going through all the experience I had on earth. I saw myself being born, then the days, months and years that followed. I saw every life, every experience that I


had gone through. Then the end came and I saw the accident again. After that I regained my consciousness. I saw Godorn next to me smiling as always.

Henry B. Naiken “What do you think?” he asked “Well, its OK…but it could have been better. I would have loved to have had the chance to learn more…for examples on Mantras and the benefit it could bring to the world.” I said. “Worry not,” said Godorn, “For that can be arranged for your next life. In fact you will create a mantra for curing aids. But for now who would you like to meet?” he asked. Without hesitation I said, “Jesus Christ!” “Fine, then…Christ it will be. Follow me,” said Godorn I stepped out of the room and glided along side him. Out in a huge garden stood all the might’s of men. They were conversing, exchanging views about their lives. Godorn approached Christ and said, “Please meet Randy. He would like to ask you a few questions” “No, only one” I said. “Sure” replied Christ, “Come have a sit” pointing down towards a tree. We sat down and I started. “Christ…” before I could go on, he said, “Did you know that the word Christ is not a name? It is a title. It is a translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, meaning ‘anointed.’ The Greek word for ‘anointed’ is Christos from which we get the word Christ.


Priest and kings were ‘anointed’ when being consecrated to their office. The Holy Bible confers this title even on a heathen king CYRUS (Isaiah 45:1).” Said Jesus. He then looked at me to see if I was following his lecture. Satisfied that I was, he continued, “St Luke reminded my people that,

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… ‘WHEN EIGHT DAYS WERE ACCOMPLISHED FOR THE CIRCUMCISING OF THE CHILD, HIS NAME WAS CALLED JESUS, WHICH WAS SO NAMED OF THE ANGEL BEFORE HE WAS CONCIEVED IN THE WOMB.” (Luke 2:21).’ The name that was given to Mary for me was JESUS and NOT Christ. It was only after my baptism at the hands of John the Baptist that I, Jesus, claimed to be the Christ. “Excuse me Lord,” I said… “Can I just quote to you John 17:3 for clarification?” Of course said Christ. “Fine… ‘And this is life eternal that they should know Thee the only True God and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.” He said, “I accept, for this is the same words that the Holy Qur’an has been telling mankind for the past fourteen hundred years – ONE AND ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY AND THAT I JESUS CHRIST was only a MESSANGER OF GOD.” Materialising a Holy Qur’an in front of me he showed me the following: “MOST CERTAINLY THE MESSIAH JESUS THE SON OF MARY, WAS AN APOSTLE OF ALLAH AND HIS WORD, WHICH HE BESTOWED ON MARY AND A SPIRIT PROCEEDED FROM HIM


SO BELIEVE IN ALLAH AND HIS APOSTLES…” Holy Qur’an 4:171 “As you know the Jews were not the ones to accept my claim on its face value. They wanted proof!” he said, “The scribes and the Pharisees came to me and asked,

Henry B. Naiken ‘MASTER, WE WOULD SEE A SIGN FROM THEE’. By the way this was recorded by Matthew (Matthew 12:38). What they really wanted was some ‘magic trick,’ some ‘sleight of hand’ like producing a rabbit out of a hat or walking on the water or flying in the air. This is the type of sign or MIRACLE they were looking for. The Jews mistook me for a sorcerer, a wizard, a charlatan.” “Did you give them a sign?” I asked. replied.

To which he

“With my righteous indignation I replied ‘AN EVIL ADULTEROUS GENERATION SEEKETH AFTER A SIGN; AND THERE SHALL NO SIGN BE GIVEN TO IT, BUT THE SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAS: FOR AS JONAS WAS THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE WHALE’S BELLY; SO SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS IN THE HEART OF THE EARTH.’ (Matthew 12:39-40) Honestly I could not believe what I was hearing – No sign…what about the sight of blind Bartimeous that he restored, what about the ‘woman with issues’ who was healed by merely touching him, or about the 2,000 pigs he had destroyed to heal ‘a man possessed;’ or the 5,000 or 3,000 people he had fed and satiated with a few pieces of fish, and a few pieces of bread. Reading my thoughts, Jesus said, “No sign, but ONE – THE SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAS!”


I thought how could this be possible for him to have put all his ‘eggs’ in one basket. His claim to having been the Messiah (Christ) was to stand or fall by the ONLY “sign” he was prepared to give. Did Jesus fulfill the only sign he gave? Christendom answers with a unanimous Y-E-S! Without heeding the Biblical advice – ‘not to take things for granted.’ – but “PROVE ALL

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… THINGS!” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Then I asked Jesus what was the ‘sign’ (miracle) of Jonah? “For that, we will have to go to the “Book of Jonah” in the Old Testament to find out.” Then out of nowhere, so to speak, he pulled out a Bible. He then continued, “God commanded Jonah to go to Nineveh and warn the Ninevites to repent from their ‘evil ways, and from the violence that is in their hands.’ (Jonah 3:8) But Jonah was loath to go as a warner unto the Ninevites, so he goes to Joppa instead of Ninevah, and takes a boat to run away from the Lord’s command. While at sea, there was a terrible tempest. According to the superstition of the mariners, a person fleeing from his Master’s command creates such turmoil at sea. They began to enquire among themselves and said, ‘COME AND LET US CAST LOTS, (like the tossing of a coin – head or tail) THAT WE KNOW FOR WHOSE CAUSE TIS EVIL IS UPON US. SO THEY CAST LOTS, AND THE LOT FELL UPON JONAH.’ (Jonah 1:7) Though there was a temporary lapse on the part of Jonah in fulfilling his mission, he manfully and most courageously volunteers: ‘AND HE SAID UNTO THEM TAKE ME UP, AND CAST ME FORTH INTO THE SEA; SO SHALL THE SEA BE CALM UNTO YOU: FOR I KNOW THAT FOR MY SAKE THIS GREAT TEMPEST IS UPON YOU.’ (Jonah 1:12)Jesus looked at me as if saying, “are you following


me clearly through all this?” Satisfied that I was he went on, “Since Jonah was selflessly offering himself as a ‘vicarious’ sacrifice there was no need for strangling him before throwing him into the sea, no need to spear him or break his arm or limb. In his own words: ‘TAKE ME UP AND CAST ME FORTH.’ The question now arises, that when the shipmaster threw him overboard was Jonah dead or alive?

Henry B. Naiken Any Christian child who has attended Sunday school will give an immediate reply: ‘ALIVE’ The storm subsides. Was this perhaps a coincidence? A fish swallows Jonah. Was he dead or alive when swallowed? The answer again is ‘ALIVE’ was he dead or alive when JONAH PRAYED UNTO THE LORD HIS GOD OUT OF THE FISH’S BELLY?’ (Jonah 2:1) I tried to share my bit, by saying of course Alive, because dead man don’t cry and don’t pray. “Good” said Christ, and then he continued, “For three days and three nights the fish takes him around the ocean: dead or alive?” “Alive” I answered. Jesus then said, “On the third day it vomits him on the seashore: dead or alive?” “A-L-I-V-E-, of course I spelled out to him. In fact it has been the unanimous answer from the Jews, Christians and Muslim all over the world I reiterated.” Then it was made clear to me that Jesus had prohesised about himself when he had said: ‘AS JONAH WAS SO SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE’. “If Jonah was alive for three days and three nights, then I also ought to have been alive in the tomb as I myself had foretold!” replied Jesus.


But Christianity hangs on the flimsy thread of the ‘death’ of Jesus for its salvation, I thought, so it has to answer that Jesus was DEAD for three days and three nights. The contradiction between his utterance and its fulfillment is obvious. Jonah ALIVE, Jesus DEAD! Very UNLIKE Jonah! “ You had said ‘LIKE JONAH not UNLIKE Jonah” I asked.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “If this was true, then according to my own test I am not the true Messiah of the Jews, and I would not be able to blame the Jews for rejecting me as the ‘CHRIST’. I then tried to reason with Jesus. In Matthew 12:40 under discussion, the emphasis is on the TIME factor – ‘as Jonas was THREE days and THREE nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be THREE days and THREE nights in the heart of the earth.’ “So?” asked Jesus. “THREE is repeated F-O-U-R times in this verse to prove that you were going to fulfill the prophesy as regards the length of time you were going to remain in the tomb, and NOT ‘As Jonas was’ in relation to being alive or dead.” I said. “If it is the time factor that I was stressing,” said Jesus, “Then let us ask whether I fulfilled that aspect of my promise to the Jews as well.” He went on to say. “The Christian dogmatist answers: “OF COURSE!” I said. “Randy, the question arises when was I crucified? “The whole Christian world answers FRIDAY.” I said. “What makes ‘good Friday’ so good? He asked me.


“It is your death on the Cross to wash off our sins. By the way it was good for us and not so good for you” I then joked. “So I was killed on a Friday?” asked Jesus. “Yes” I replied. He then opened the ‘Book’ and told me to read. From the Gospel records I gathered that the Jews were in a hurry to eliminate Jesus.

Henry B. Naiken Hence the midnight trial, and then dispatching him off to Pilate in the morning; from Pilate to Herod and then back again to Pilate. The vested interest was afraid of the general public. Jesus was their hero. He had been their benefactor. His enemies had to do away with him quickly, and succeeded in doing so. However, as much as they were in a hurry to hang him on the cross, they were in equal hurry to bring him down from the cross before sunset on Friday, because of the Sabbath. The Sabbath starts at 6 pm. On Friday and the Jews were warned in Deuteronomy 21:23 that the victim of crucifixion was an ‘accursed of God’ and was not to be permitted to remain hanging on the Sabbath day, ‘that thy land be not defiled which the lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.’ To satisfy the religious scruples of the Scribes and Pharisees the “secret disciples” of Jesus took down the body from the cross. They gave the body the Jewish burial-bath, plastered it with “one hundred pounds weight of aloes and myrrh” (John 19:39), and then placed the shrouded body into the sepulcher before nightfall. After that, he said. “Now according to my followers, I am SUPPOSED to be in the tomb on the night of Friday. I am still SUPPOSED to be in the tomb on the day of Saturday. I


am still SUPPOSED to be in the tomb on the night of Saturday. It will be noted that I have repeated the word ‘SUPPOSED’ three times. The reason is that the Gospels are silent as to when exactly I came out of the tomb. My ‘secret disciples’ could have taken me away on Friday night to a more congenial place. Don’t’ you think so?” “But you have no right to assume what the Gospel writers are silent about” I said.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… ‘That is why I have repeated the word ‘SUPPOSED’ three times.” He said. Then looking at me, he materialized a pen and paper and said, “In the final analysis, let us together see whether I Jesus was THREE days and THREE nights in the tomb: Friday – Day: nil before sunset).


1 (placed in tomb just

Saturday – Day: 1

Night: 1 (supposed to be in tomb)

Sunday – Day: nil sunrise)





You will no doubt note that the GRAND TOTAL is ONE day and TWO nights, and NOT three days and three nights.” Listening to all this, I thought to myself, then Jesus had failed a SECOND time. FIRST he was unlike Jonah, who was ALIVE in the belly of the fish, which is the exact opposite of what the Christians claim had happened to their Master Jesus, who was DEAD for the same period of time as Jonah was – ALIVE. SECONDLY, we discover that he also failed to fulfill the TIME FACTOR as well. The greatest


mathematician in Christendom will fail to obtain the desired result – THREE days and THREE nights. We must not forget that the Gospels are explicit in telling us that it was “before sunrise” on Sunday morning (the FIRST day of the week), that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty. So I continued. “You do remember the occasion when you returned to the upper room after your alleged crucifixion ‘and saith unto them (your disciples) Peace be unto you’

Henry B. Naiken (Luke 24:36) and your disciples were terrified on recognizing you?” “I do remember the incident.” He answered. enquired,

Then I

“Why should they be terrified? When one recognizes one’s long-lost friend or one’s beloved, the natural reaction is to feel overjoyed, elated and one wants to embrace and kiss the hands and feet of the beloved. Why did they get terrified?” To which Jesus replied, “My disciples though they were seeing a ghost? “Did you look like a ghost?” “No.” replied Jesus “Then why did they think they were seeing a ghost?” I queried. “Please let me explain,” said Jesus. “You see, Randy…my disciples were not EYE-witness or EAR-witness to the actual happenings of the previous three days, as vouched for by St. Mark who says that at the most critical juncture in the life of Jesus, ‘they all forsook him and fled.’ (Mark 14:50).”


Thus all the knowledge of you, their Master was from hearsay. I asked “Yes! They had heard that me, their Master was HANGED ON THE CROSS; they had heard that I had GIVEN UP MY SPIRIT; they had hear that I was DEAD AND BURIED FOR THREE DAYS. If a person with such reputation then the conclusion that confronts one is inescapable; they must have been seeing a GHOST. Little wonder these ten brave men were petrified” “How then did you disabuse their minds from the fear that gripped them?” I requested.

When You Can See The light Within…It Doesn’t Matter How Dark It Is On The Outside… “I reasoned with them,” he said. “Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:” I read it this way from the Bible, I said, “Handle me and see, for a spirit has no flesh and bones as you see me have.” (Luke 24:39). “And not only that… I even said ‘Have you any meat?’ (meaning something to eat). And they gave me a piece of broiled fish and of a honeycomb, and I took it, an did eat before them.” (Luke 24:41-43) Then he asked me, “Who is wrong, Me Jesus or the thousand millions of Christians of the world?” “The millions “ I answered, “Because you even said ‘The disciple is not greater than the Master.’ (Matthew 10:24). With that he left me sitting emptily as the tomb was found that mysterious Sunday morning…


Henry B. Naiken CHAPTER 21 I woke up and went looking for some attention. I saw my grandmother, my father, than other school friends that had got to the other side before me. We chatted about the good times we had on earth. At that point I said, “Oh s—t, what about the book.” I remembered that the papers had been flying all over during the accident. I never looked to see if there was any thing printed or written on it. So I went looking for Godorn again. I found him in deep meditation. As I approached him, he sensed my presence and requested for me to sit. “Godorn…what about the book?” I asked. Godorn looked at me and said.


“It has been looked into, Randy. I have been Mindxing it over to the person responsible for getting it to the people.” Said Godorn. “Since when?” I asked “Since the 1st of May 2002” he said. “To whom?” I requested. “Henry B. Naiken” said Godorn. “When will he get the last bit?” I asked “On the 9th of June 2002…the day he finishes his 40 days of fasting and the reciting of 100,000 Mantras…” “At what time?” I asked “Right now at 3.00 pm.,” replied Godorn…




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