Extended domesticity by metasitu

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生 活 を 拡 張 す る 物 質

A project by METASITU Translations by Fumiko Uchiyama Realized whilst in a Research Residence at Tokyo Wonder Site, Sumida, Tokyo. (Summer 2017) Special Thanks to: Fumiko Uchiyama, Yuko Suzuki, Ayumi Uno, Wakana Arai, Hiromi Fujii, Moe Furui and Ljosha Chashchyn.




「拡張生活のためのオブジェクト」(生活を拡張する物 質)は、東京都内で見つけた、通常家の中で行う習慣・行 為を家の外で可能にする31の道具のコンピレーション である。 これらの物は、半公共的でありながら、商業的で あったり企業の影響下にある環境の中に副産物として置 かれている。 例えば、無料で使える電気ポットと椅子があれば、 コンビ ニの機能性に新たな用途が与えられ、食事を調理してそ の場で食べることができるという、生活環境を提供する ようになる。 それらは、建築のトポロジーを再定義し得る アイテムである。 このプロジェクトにおいて、私たちは家という空間を非常 に政治色の強い領域と位置づけ、社会階層やあらゆる習 慣および空間配置が、 より大きな政治課題を支持するた めに導入されている場だと考えている。 政治が住居という、 もっとも個人的な領域に入り込むと き、公共空間で家の中での生活を行うことにより自由を 取り戻すことはできるのだろうか? 「拡張生活のためのオ ブジェクト」 は、逆境を跳ねのける力を行使するシリーズ と捉えることもできる。家の中で行う生活的行為を家の 外ですることで、家という概念の中に埋め込まれた政治 色を取り払うことを提案する。 私たちの日常生活のある側面が急速に都市化、 グローバ ル化したことにより、伝統的には家と結びついていた多く のニーズを、低労働・低エネルギー・低価格で、都市が満 たし、解決できるようになっている。新自由主義の論理に 従うと、経済特権が伝統に取って代わることで、商業や企 業による空間が家という観念基盤を侵食している。 3 1 の 道 具 は 、架 空 の Yo u Tu b e チャンネルのため の、YouTubeチュートリアルの台本という呈で、31の生 活行動術として提示される。 このメディアをしばしば特徴 づける、 あっけらかんとした楽観主義、簡潔さ、軽薄さを まといつつ、抵抗の戦略を広める新しい方法として示さ れているのだ。




‘Objects for Expanded Living’ observes the role of items that are used for daily domestic routines (eating, sleeping, washing etc.) outside the confines of the home, taking today’s Tokyo as a case study. The project falls under a larger research topic about expanded and extended domesticity, which dissects forms of power inscribed within the structure of the home, and explores the unfolding of the domestic rituals into the urban fabric, reading them as both a subjugation to, but also as forms of resistance to, power regimes. Within the framework of this project, we are positioning the domestic space as a highly politicized territory, where social hierarchies, everyday practices, and spatial set-ups are put in place to support larger political agendas. In Western tradition, the notion of the ‘domestic’ is often understood as civilized and progressive a space where the nation-state manifests itself through tradition and the pivotal societal structure of the family. The dwelling as the ultimate space in which to exercise power. Far from a shelter, it is the ground zero for societal demands. When politics seep into the most private of abodes, can we reclaim freedom by performing domesticity in public? ‘Objects for Expanded Living’ can be seen as a series of exercises of resilience; tactics for queering up the traditional domestic sphere. By performing domestic activities outside the dwelling, we propose to subvert the politicized aspects that are embedded in the idea of home, and to bring the discussion to the public arena. Due to the rapid urbanization, and globalization of certain aspects of our everyday lives, the city can satisfy and resolve many needs traditionally associated with the domestic environment - cooking, resting, sleeping, interacting, washing - at a lower labour, energy, and consumption costs. Following neoliberal logic, commercial and corporate places are eroding the ideological base of the home by replacing tradition and social norms with




economic services rate.

access and privilege; offering of domesticity at a discounted

It is a series of small objects, those essential totems to perform domestic rituals, which program and reprogram any given space, rather than the enveloping architecture. We understand these ‘domestic objects’ as Trojan horses of sorts, vehicles that allow for the expansion of the domestic beyond the boundaries of the house. Operating outside their regular habitat unlocks many possibilities that allow them to evade many of the norms that are imposed within their heimat/original space, aimed to support and further the nuclear family: the core of society and its values. ‘Objects for Expanded Living’ is a compilation of thirty-one objects that allow for domesticity to take place throughout the city of Tokyo, often located within semi-public commercial and corporate environments; sometimes existing as a byproduct of the offered service. For example, once there is a hot water kettle for customers to use free of charge and a stool to sit down, the convenience store's functionality is repurposed to accommodate domesticity - to cook your own meal and eat it there. You can organise dinners. You can hold meetings. You can have a date. Those objects are able to redefine architectural typologies and their program, becoming crucial building blocks of a city of services, rather than a city of typologies. The thirty-one objects are presented as thirty-one domesticity hacks in the format of scripts for youtube tutorials for a fictional youtube channel (the communication tool that is often used in P2P communications to share make-up or fashion tips), as a new way of funnelling and disseminating tactics of resistance, coated with the pervasive optimism, brevity and shallowness that often characterise this medium.




LIVA: Hello and welcome to OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING METASITU, with Eduardo Cassina and Liva Dudareva


EDUARDO: Today, we will explore an object that really challenges the notion of publicness in Japan: the ashtray. LIVA: In Tokyo, unlike many other cities, you cannot smoke in most streets -yes, in the open air - but you can do so inside most restaurants, clubs and bars. Most of these venues have fantastic ventilation systems that make the atmosphere a lot less smokey. EDUARDO: This situation means a slight redefinition of what is public and what isn’t, and what does it mean to behave in public. LIVA: Many kombinis would have smoking rooms that sometimes look like telephone booths for people to take a smoke break. EDUARDO: But another fascinating venue where people go, just to smoke, are pachinkos - slot machine arcades. If you can bear the noise of all the different machines playing at once that is - Pachinkos tend to be very loud and smokey.




LIVA: Other very interesting spots are the open air smoking areas, designated normally by just an ashtray and the sign of a cigarette inside a green circle. It is not uncommon to see ‘sarariman’ hanging out at these spots. EDUARDO: Alright, thank you so much for joining us again And see you next week on more tips how expanded domesticity works in Tokyo! LIVA: Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello people, thank you for tuning in for another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU. LIVA: With Eduardo Cassina and Liva Dudareva EDUARDO: So, today we will be talking about one of our favourite object, which is... LIVA: The hot water boiler !!!! EDUARDO: It is like a kettle basically ... LIVA: This is such a fascinating thing, because many konbinis, such as 7eleven, FamilyMart, Lawson’s... have these hot water thermos that have continuous supply of hot water EDUARDO: You can put in your instant ramen noodles there and basically prepare and eat them at the shop itself. LIVA: So these otherwise cold environments with fluorescent lights, become 24/7 eateries, where you can get your meal ,prepare it and eat it on the spot.




EDUARDO: Of course, a lot of people that tend to use these spaces as kitchens eat alone, but we have alsoe had dinners there with other people. LIVA: As convenient stores are dotted everywhere, they are just such a fascinating dining environments and experiences EDUARDO: These objects burr the programming of a regular convenience store... LIVA: And it’s free...well I guess with your purchased noodles EDUARDO: You can also find hot water boilers in other places, such as, corporate plazas LIVA: Thank you so much for listening and we hope to see you soon again! EDUARDO: Don't forget to subscribe to our channel by clicking on the link below!




EDUARDO: Hello people! Welcome to another episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU! LIVA: With Eduardo and Liva! EDUARDO: So, today we are going to talk about an item that perhaps is not only domestic and everyone is kind of used to see it, but we think it really creates a sense of domesticity and privacy. LIVA: It is the AC EDUARDO: Why? LIVA: Well we have seen it on ourselves how we tend to try to hold gatherings and meetings with people in air conditioned rooms, in particularly, in the Tokyo summer where outside it is so humid and hot. EDUARDO: You know, when we are just walking the street or meeting friends that we can’t host in our home, we will just meet in shopping centers or interior spaces that have AC, such as konbinis ... sometimes we use metro stations too.




LIVA: Sometimes we have seen people in parking lots meeting inside cars... EDUARDO: The AC helps to create a comfortable climate, and we think that in the future, not so far away, the AC will be controlled at an urban level. Say, how Louis XIV introduced streetlights thus controlling day and night - opening time slots for new activities, something similar will happen... we will live in an eternal spring. Sort of. LIVA: Well, for now AC units remain indoors, particularly within homes and workplaces, then expanding to commercial and semi-public and semi-private spaces. EDUARDO: Thank you so much for tuning in again! LIVA: Shout out if you enjoyed this tutorial on how to live outside the home in Tokyo. Leave your comments below! EDUARDO: Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello youtubers! LIVA: Here we are at yet another episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU with Eduardo cassina and Liva Dudareva, where we explore how objects inform domesticity in the city of Tokyo EDUARDO: Today we will be looking at a fascinating object/objects The toilet wall, or well, the neighborhood notice board LIVA: At first they might seem to be a very different objects, but in fact they serve the same purpose - the idea of communicating and meeting with a large group of people in a shared geography... Which is something you can do at home by leaving notes to your family on the fridge or the main door, but here you do it in public. EDUARDO: I mean, they can sometimes seem a bit of a stretch, but at the same time in the local communities there would always be a notice board located outside the building or in the main plaza, or at popular crossings. LIVA: A place where neighbors can leave notes about missing




pets, meetings that they are going to have, and they can communicate... EDUARDO: Of course, then you have the toilet wall which is directed more towards the universe rather than directly to a specific community... LIVA: However, also toilet walls often have very informative stuff. Although Tokyo is a city in which graffiti and tags are difficult to find, therefore toilet walls remain pretty bare in comparison to toilets in any other large metropolitan areas. EDUARDO: Thank you so much about joining us again LIVA: We would love to hear how you use notice boards in Tokyo in the comments below.Stay in touch and see you next time! EDUARDO: Bye!




LIVA: Hi people! EDUARDO: Welcome to another episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU LIVA: Today we will look at yet another object that makes home outside the home possible. EDUARDO: So, today we are looking at the headphones - an object that we tend to carry outside of home with us, so perhaps it is not domestic object per se. LIVA: However, we find that this object creates an aural independence and isolated environment that could be compard to the comfort of one’s living room EDUARDO: In a city like Tokyo, where the cultural context is largely Japanese, we often find that the audio is used as the ultimate barrier in order to create privacy LIVA: So, for example, in the public toilets you would have that noise that mitigates the noise of someone using the toilet. We have often found situations where people spend time at




different locations with their headphones on, thus locking themselves out - creating a barrier between themselves and the urban fabric EDUARDO: So creating a space within their heads rather than physically in the surroundings. We find that very interesting LIVA: In fact, headphones are so popular everywhere in Japan that you can find them at most convenience stores for very cheap... and even vending machines! EDUARDO: This was another tutorial of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING LIVA: And see you next week! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel! EDUARDO: If you like it, give it a thumbs up!




LIVA: Hello again! EDUARDO: Welcome to OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU LIVA: With Eduardo Cassina and Liva Dudareva, where we teach you how objects inform domesticity outside the domestic space in Tokyo EDUARDO: Today we will talk about an object that is a bit different - a non-object... LIVA: It is the lock! EDUARDO: Basically, lock allows for what we consider the ultimate form of privacy, because it regulates access that people may or may not have to a given space. LIVA: You would find it in every toilet, of course, in shopping malls, Mcdonalds and KFC. EDUARDO: In that locked space you can do pretty much whatever, and often more than one person can go in.




LIVA: You would have locked booths in gay saunas or in manga cafes and internet cafes - some of them have curtains, but some have little panel doors with locks, as well as karaoke booths, although the doors there would tend to have some sort of transparency. EDUARDO: And of course the car. LIVA: The locks are really all about the access - creating the idea of safe space to engage in activity where you feel you need that privacy, or non-disturbance by other people. We find that as a remarkable quality of domestic space, where you regulate who comes in and out of your house EDUARDO: When this happens in public, we find it interesting how that triggers ideas of extended domesticity LIVA: Thank you so much for joining us and don’t forget to sign up for our channel! EDUARDO: Share this episode and don’t forget to comment! Bye!




LIVA: Hi, viewers in the interweb! How are you today? EDUARDO: Welcome to another episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU! LIVA: Today we will be looking at the locker! EDUARDO: We find the locker as one of the ultimate domestic objects that facilitates domesticity in the city of Tokyo. LIVA: Well, because they allow you to store anything you like for as long as you want... EDUARDO: There are lots of lockers of different sizes located everywhere, mostly outside metro stations, that you can rent by the hour or the day. LIVA: Some neighborhoods are more popular for lockers, such as Shibuya, Shinjuku or Akihabara. That has to do with the fact that many travelers and commuters are going through these places. EDUARDO: You can also find lockers outside onsens or inside the




large shopping malls. LIVA: The lockers come in different sizes, and we have seen people using them for several consecutive days. EDUARDO: The thing is that the lockers in Tokyo are not that cheap. In very popular neighborhoods it can be as much as 400yen per hour. LIVA: Alright, well this is the locker tutorial, hope you enjoyed it!! Don’t forget to suscribe on the link below! EDUARDO: See you next week for more tips on how to live in Tokyo outside your home!!




LIVA: BOOM! We are back with OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING and many tips on how to practice domesticity outside your home by METASITU!!!! EDUARDO: So today’s object - we will be looking at the mirror!! We want to talk about a very specific type of mirror that allows you to change and put on the make-up... LIVA: You find mirrors in public toilets, but also konbinis and in metro stations you can find our favorite type of mirror. EDUARDO: As soon as you have that mirror, we have seen how lot of people use it to put on makeup, touch-up on their hair outside the home, but also for other kind of procedures LIVA: Such as changing clothes or like wiping their face. Mirrors can be recognized by their very specific design, and perhaps for us the most unexpected place to have them is metro stations, as you step outside the metro. EDUARDO: I guess it is for those people who come in and out of climate controlled environments a bit sweaty and crowded, to fix up their look.




LIVA: Thank you so much for joining us today! EDUARDO: Don’t forget to subscribe! LIVA: Bye!




LIVA: Hello curious urbanists! EDUARDO: Welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU! LIVA: With Liva, EDUARDO: And Eduardo! LIVA: Today, we will look at one of the most defining objects to facilitate domesticity outside the house - the stool! EDUARDO: Basically, the stool or the most basic structure to sit on, is essential for organizing meetings, but also to support other activities, like eating, reading, studying, working... LIVA: You can find them, of course, in many parks, streets And inside konbinis!!! amazing. EDUARDO: It is indeed absolutely amazing. Fascinating how these little four leg platforms can completely change any environment into a living room.




LIVA: Places where you are invited to sit and hang out... Alright, thank you so much for joining us today at OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING!! EDUARDO: See you next week!




LIVA: Hello, and welcome to another episode at OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU! EDUARDO: A series of tutorials that look at how objects allow for domestic functionality in the city of Tokyo! LIVA: Today we will look at table. EDUARDO: It is a very simple object, similarly to stool - an object that we have looked at previously - but it helps to work outside the designated working environment, or your home. LIVA: Basically a table or counter with stool and open wifi network provides the basics for a working environment. This is something you can find at most konbinis, as well as in places like shopping malls, Starbucks, transit zones in stations, and corporate plazas sometimes. EDUARDO: There also many outdoor spaces in the more office and business districts of the city, such as Roppongi Hills and similar. LIVA: Highly designed Privately Owned Public Spaces though, but




where one can leisurely work or learn, if they are allowed to stay by the guards :) EDUARDO: The final object that we are perhaps missing to complete this set - is the socket. LIVA: But we will talk about it soon! We promise! EDUARDO: Stay tuned! LIVA: Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello people! LIVA: Welcome to another episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING where we explore domestic living outside the home through mundane objects, in Tokyo. EDUARDO: And today we will look at the tap, and how the tap provides the space to drink fresh water. LIVA: Drinking water is always available from drinking fountains in all the pedestrianized walkways in all parks and square that we have visited in Tokyo EDUARDO: You can also find water fountains in most metro stations, for example. LIVA: Or, in corporate lobbies. EDUARDO: Taps are so ubiquitous, and they really help you with providing drinking water. Whereas in many other countries you would not be able to gain free access to drinking water outside your home.




LIVA: This is very unique for Tokyo! EDUARDO: Thank you very much for joining us today! LIVA: And we are looking forward to another episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING, and another strategy to discover together! EDUARDO: Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello and welcome to another episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU, where we analyze objects and their impact on providing a sense of extended domesticity in the city of Tokyo LIVA: Today, we will be looking at the ultimate device that we need to clean our clothes, which is a very domestic device - the washing machine!! EDUARDO: In Tokyo, of course, you can find many laundromats! LIVA: In the city where space is so scarce, and washing machines taking up so much space and not really being used every day - laundromats seem to be the way to go. EDUARDO: But we were thinking of other places, where we have found washing machines or where we should find washing machines. Public toilets seem to be an answer for this. LIVA: They would make the ultimate domestic space! Can you imagine a washing machine in a public toilet? That’s amazing!




EDUARDO: For now, however, they are confined to laundromats, which is a paid for service - not so expensive, as you can wash a load for around 500yen. And it is a dedicated space for washing clothes, even your most intimate underwear! LIVA: Thank you so much for joining us today, and looking forward to more episodes to explore domesticity through objects in the city of Tokyo! EDUARDO: Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello! LIVA: Welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by Eduardo Cassina and Liva Dudareva! EDUARDO: Where, we explore extended domesticity through everyday objects and their importance on facilitating life outside the home! LIVA: So, today, we will look at workout circuit in public space, which allows you to exercise! EDUARDO: Basically, beyond biking or hand weights ... LIVA: ...let’s remember how great of a city for biking Tokyo is! People bike everywhere, although parking spaces for bicycles seem to be limited. EDUARDO: So, yes, there are several workout circuits, which often are targeted to the retired- they have more time to go to outdoors to the park and workout, whereas people on salaries can opt to go for gyms, where climate is controlled




LIVA: With those facilities, i don’t know though why would they go to gyms! EDUARDO: I know right? The workout areas really act like spaces where you can exercise outside the home... LIVA: And there are information boards describing in detail on how to use the equipment! EDUARDO: Thank you so much for joining us today! LIVA: See you soon! EDUARDO: Bye!




LIVA: Hello youtubers, and welcome to another episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU! EDUARDO: OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING examines how objects facilitate extended domesticity in Tokyo LIVA: Today we will be looking at a fantastic object..! EDUARDO: Which is very very private - the toilet seat LIVA: You can find toilet seats everywhere: shopping malls, Mcdonald’s, KFC ... but also public toilets that can be found even in parks, or metro stations. EDUARDO: And they are always free. LIVA: It's a fantastic space, if you think about it,the toilet is traditionally, or the way we perceive it, something very private. Something you do at home. EDUARDO: But I mean, when you are out, you are out... LIVA: Thank you so much for joining us!




EDUARDO: Looking forward to having you at OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING again! LIVA: Bye!!




LIVA: Hello friends of the expanded domestic space, and people who have tuned in here today!


EDUARDO: This is a video tutorial on how objects facilitate life outside the domestic space by allowing you to perform ultimately domestic habits within the city of Tokyo and outside your home. LIVA: Today, we will explore portable wifi router. EDUARDO: A lot of you might have noticed, that when you are in public space, you would get a trillion of SSIDs. LIVA: Many of them have a very particular format, lot of letters and different numbers that make not much sense to us. EDUARDO: In fact many of our friends who have come to Tokyo and stayed at airbnb’s where provided by their hosts with portable wifi routers! LIVA: It is seen as a very utilitarian object, as well as nonportable wifi that you would find free WiFi access in trains, konbinis, and many shops.




EDUARDO: WiFi allows them to become spaces of learning - to access the information when you do not necessarily have a 3g plan or you want to work on your laptop LIVA: So it is pretty amazing! EDUARDO: And also the whole areas, like Omotesando or Ginza, would have their own free wifi service available to its visitors. Thank you so much for joining us today. LIVA: Thumbs up if you are streaming this on public WiFi! EDUARDO: Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello people, and welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING, where we explore how objects facilitate life outside the domestic space in Tokyo. LIVA: Today’s object is the mattress - basically a horizontal padded surface that invites you to lying down. EDUARDO: Mattresses are everywhere in Japan, meaning, they are really easy to see outside the domestic space. LIVA: You can see a lot of capsule hotels, basically, a mattress filled space to lay down. EDUARDO: Or the metro seat - padded seat that really invites us to relax or to take a nap there, but also a karaoke that have comfy seats and people go and spend a night there. LIVA: To access those spaces, the karaoke is like 3500Yen for few hours of sleep and capsule hotel is between 2000 3000yen for few hours of sleep. To spend a whole night there will be around 5000yen. A metro ride is 110yen! EDUARDO: It means that it is cheaper than a normal hotel which




would usually be around 7000yen per night, and it does allow a lot of people to catch up on their sleep. LIVA: Thank you so much for tuning in and subscribe to our youtube channel below. EDUARDO: See you next week with a new object that helps to make Tokyo your expanded home.




EDUARDO: Hello, and welcome to another tutorial at OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU! LIVA: Where we look at how objects allow for extended domesticity outside your home, in the city of Tokyo. Today we are looking at a very very important object for Tokyoites the bathtub. EDUARDO: This is such an important object, and the houses are so small that many Tokyo appartments do not have bathtubs. LIVA: However, there are series of semi private and public spaces that provide this facility, such as sentos and onsens. EDUARDO: Then, of course, you get gay saunas and other spaces where you can find baths, like gyms and swimming pools. LIVA: They are fantastic places, where for a small fee you can indulge in the bathing ritual. EDUARDO: It is important to remember that in general tattoos will not be allowed in these public bath houses, because they are associated with the yakuza organizations. This doesn't




really apply to gay saunas, though. Also neighborhoods this rule does not apply.



LIVA: Thank you so much for joining in! EDUARDO: See you again next week with a new tutorial on how to inhabit the city! LIVA: Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello friends and followers! LIVA: Thank you for tuning in for another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU EDUARDO: With Eduardo and Liva! LIVA: Today we will be talking about the reflexology board. EDUARDO: I know that for a lot of people who are perhaps are not familiar with Tokyo, this might seem like a bizarre object. LIVA: Basically in Tokyo, in different parks and pedestrian areas, you would find these surfaces, where there are little stones stuck on the concrete, forming different configurations EDUARDO: This is quite popular, also because it embeds chinese ideas of reflexology and other types of medicine that people in other parts of the World might not be that familiar with. LIVA: Tokyo is one of the most pedestrian friendly cities that we have been to, and it is also the World’s largest.


健康こみち (足つぼ刺激の小道) THE REFLEXOLOGY BOARD

EDUARDO: It is one of those amazing things - people walk a lot but also people have access to different forms of medicine! LIVA: So for those boards, you take off your shoes and follow a determined path, through stones set in different positions that affect different parts of your body through the soles of your feet. EDUARDO: We tried it and it is amazing! It is available for free and at different locations throughout the city. LIVA: Well and therapy is something that before was confined to the domestic space, so we find that those boards are very successful for bringing that out from the home. EDUARDO: We hope you have enjoyed today’s tutorial! LIVA: See you next week on more tips on how to live outside the home in Tokyo! EDUARDO: Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello and welcome to another EXPANDED LIVING, by METASITU!





LIVA: Where we look at how objects facilitate domestic living outside the home. EDUARDO: Today, we will be looking at a very particular object... LIVA: You can find it most houses, and just by looking atthis particular object it allows you to learn a lot about the dweller. Have you guesed what? EDUARDO: It is the book!!! LIVA: It helps with learning new information. Inspiring. EDUARDO: In a society obsessed with manga it is very common to find people reading through books in konbinis, and of course in bookstores and libraries. LIVA: It is such a great phenomena that you can even find signs - don't read here - or manga books that would come taped so that the potential buyers would not open them.




EDUARDO: We guess that is what lead to the emergence of dedicated reading spaces such as manga cafes. LIVA: Multi-storey bookstores are also a fantastic phenomena, where you can wander from floor to floor and find literature ranging from comics to business leadership to anything erotic to postindustrial urbanism. EDUARDO: It is like having a massive book shelf within the city. These spaces can have small seats, or any other surface, that can become seats, allowing for a living room type of environment emerge LIVA: Tell us about your favourite reading spot in Tokyo. EDUARDO: And thank you so much for joining us today! Bye!




EDUARDO: Hello! and welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU. LIVA: So, in today’s episode we are cheating, because we are talking about an object that you will not exactly find within the interior of a house... EDUARDO: However, we find that this object makes extended domesticity possible to a certain extent... LIVA: ...it is the car! EDUARDO: And it allows you to sleep inside. This is something you get to see a lot in Tokyo. Although there are not many cars on the street. LIVA: And how do people sleep inside? Well of course they park their cars in parking lots. EDUARDO: We have heard, and often seen, when someone goes for real privacy - it is at robot parkings. LIVA: These are spaces where you drive in your car and it is




lifted by an elevator to another floor. EDUARDO: How do they get out, this is something we have not figured out yet, but i think it is because some of those robot parkings are activated by an app, and people can remain inside the car. LIVA: It provides you with a place that is sort of a capsule hotel - absolutely private as no one would come and knock on your window, and it is quite safe as well. EDUARDO: Although, I don’t know how safe would that be during an earthquake... LIVA: Anyways, the parking solution can get rather pricey, and that would depend on the area. The price could range from 100 to 400yen, to even more yen per hour. EDUARDO: As always looking forward to hear about your practices of extended domesticity. Subscribe below and let us know! LIVA: Thank you so much for joining us today, and see you soon! EDUARDO: Bye!




EDUARDO: Welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU, with Liva and Eduardo. LIVA: So, today we will talk about an object that lot of architects love, and they have designed different version of it... but for inside the house - the chaise longue! EDUARDO: Right, chaise longue! What do they do? LIVA: They help you to fall asleep, spend a night or have a long siesta ... but usually at your home. EDUARDO: But manga cafes tend to have them, or onsens, and of course also airport terminal buildings! LIVA: However, in central Tokyo most people would go for onsen or sento - Japanese public bathing facilities, or manga or internet cafe to use them. EDUARDO: Chaise longues tend to be quite simple, covered in real or fake leather, proposing a sort of reclined position of your body.




LIVA: In internet or manga cafes they tend to be situated within small cubicles, which tend to be smoky and rather noisy. You leave your shoes outside, and there is just enough space for one person, well sometimes two people. EDUARDO: This is where a lot of youngsters would go on dates to these places to seek a bit more privacy. LIVA: However, the walls are so thin that you don’t really get much acoustic privacy. EDUARDO: At those cafes there are usually lots of soft drinks available, or you can browse through some manga of our choice throughout the night LIVA: The rates are usually around 2000yen per night EDUARDO: Thank you so much for joining us once again at OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING! LIVA: See you soon!




EDUARDO: Hello dear followers and welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU with Eduardo and Liva... LIVA: ...where we look at how objects facilitate domestic living outside the home in the city of Tokyo! EDUARDO: Today we will look at the condom! LIVA: The condom, of course, facilitates certain types of safe sex, but it also kind of changes the meaning of the room. For example, you go to a love hotel, and you know that it is a love hotel because condoms are provided on the bedside table. EDUARDO: Regular hotels don't tend to do that. LIVA: Love hotels tend to become spaces of exception, because there is a little control on who goes in and who goes out to maintain the privacy of its clients. EDUARDO: Although, sometimes we have been denied entry of being two men, or one of us not being japanese, or being more than two.




LIVA: Also, love hotels are great for relaxation, and sometimes have close-to spa facilities, and they can be rented by the hour. EDUARDO: Often, they would have insane interiors to explore different fantasies, although lately the role of love hotel has been really that of providing a sleeping space. For naps or overnight. They are cheaper than regular hotels. LIVA: Condoms can also be found in gay saunas and sex bars... we will soon make an episode about more places for sex outside the home. EDUARDO: Alright, thank you so much for tuning in and all the amazing responses we have got... you are amazing! LIVA: See you next week with more meta domestic hacks! EDUARDO: Bye!




LIVA: Hello again and welcome to OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU with Eduardo Cassina and Liva Dudareva. EDUARDO: Today we will explore one of our favourite objects that inform domesticity, which is the curtain. LIVA: Why the curtain? The curtain, basically, is the object that creates a sense of a dressing room. EDUARDO: Well, actually the other week, we were going to a fancy costume party, where we had to dress up, and we could not do it in our home. It was logistically a bit complicated. So we decided to pop-in the karaoke, where there are those dress-up booths - just a curtain on rails - where we could change just really quick LIVA: Sometimes you would also have these curtain basically, at metro stations.



EDUARDO: They are great spaces to change and refresh, although they often don’t have mirrors, which we needed for putting on make-up.




LIVA: However, there are other places with plenty of mirrors ... we will make a tutorial about that soon. EDUARDO: Alright, thank you so much for joining us again And see you next week on more tips how expanded domesticity works in Tokyo! Don’t forget to suscribe! LIVA: Bye!




LIVA: Hello youtubers! EDUARDO: Thank you for joining us for another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU! LIVA: Where we talk about how objects facilitate domestic life outside the confines of the traditional home! EDUARDO: Today we will look at the maze and the glory hole, and how these objects invite for sex-!!!LIVA: There are, for example, a number of gay saunas or other spaces that perhaps do not correspond to any concrete typology, like bars, semi private or semi public spaces, that would have a structure of a maze and sometimes even glory holes. EDUARDO: People can engage in intercourse there with people they have never met before. Yes, we mean cruising. LIVA: These spaces also tend to occur in a very characteristic Tokyo typology, called happening bar - basically swingers clubs. They are literally everywhere




EDUARDO: We find it very interesting that as an object it allows for sex outside your bedroom. LIVA: A place where traditionally sex has been happening... Alright, thank you so much for tuning in EDUARDO: We are looking forward to see you again next week with more objects and tips on how to live outside the home in Tokyo. If you have any ideas, leave them in the comments section below!! See you soon! LIVA: Bye!




LIVA: Hello youtubers and other extended domestic animals! How are you today? EDUARDO: We are Liva and Eduardo, and welcome to OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING! LIVA: So, today, we will be talking about quintessential extended domesticity object - the microwave!!! EDUARDO: You can find microwaves at many konbini stores, in fact, at most of the konbini stores, such as 7eleven, FamilyMart and Lawson’s. LIVA: And usually microwaves have disposable cutlery, as well as chairs or stools to sit down, which basically transforms those spaces in mini kitchens with a basic form of oven. This allows you to cook ready-made rice, or heat up your prepared food from home ... or any other heating up activities you can think about. EDUARDO: It is amazing, because then those spaces become kitchens and dining rooms for those outside their home!




LIVA: You can also find microwaves in corporate canteens and semi public spaces, but we have not explored those as much, because you might need access granted to use those spaces EDUARDO: Don’t forget not to put any metal inside! Alright, thank you so much for joining us today LIVA: Don’t forget to subscribe and see you next week EDUARDO: Bye!




LIVA: Hello youtubers! EDUARDO: Welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU - Liva and Eduardo... LIVA: ...where we teach you how objects allow for a form of extended domesticity in the city of Tokyo. EDUARDO: Today we will be looking at ... the shower head!! LIVA: It is a very special object, because it allows you to take the showers outside your bathroom! EDUARDO: Many places, that you would not necessarily expect to have the showers, do have the showers in Japan, such as internet cafes, manga cafes, of course gyms, but also karaoke bars. Going to a manga cafe to take a shower, is not uncommon. In fact some people we know of, do that very often.Or using your gym’s membership to pop-in for a quick shower... not uncommon LIVA: Although use of these showers come at a price of 500 to 1000yen - pricey for a shower, but priceless for the




feeling after-- clean and nice! EDUARDO: Ok, thank you for tuning in today LIVA: And see you at OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING next week! Suscribe to our channel!




LIVA: Hello youtubers! EDUARDO: Thank you for joining us for yet another amazing episode of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU, ran by me Eduardo Cassina, and Liva Dudareva. LIVA: So, today, we will be looking at a object that has defined the household for a long time, which is the idea of the sink. EDUARDO: And it is because the sink is one of the most amazing things ever - not only it is a container for the water or where you directly receive water, but it is also allows you to brush your teeth, clean your clothes and yourself And its available in so many different places! LIVA: You can use it in public toilets, konbini stores, bars and cafes, but also at the laundromats they have those large sinks for washing that you can absolutely use for free... Alright, we think that sinks are incredible. Of course there are also sinks for drinking water at the drinking fountains, which Tokyo has everywhere.




EDUARDO: Probably, one of the few last big cities that have as many drinking fountains - check out the previous tutorial about taps and drinking water! LIVA: And don’t be shy to use the public toilet to brush your teeth! We do it all the time! EDUARDO: Thank you so much for joining us today and don't forget to subscribe!!!! LIVA: Bye!




LIVA: Hello people, and welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU with Eduardo and Liva. EDUARDO: Today we will look at very cute object that we find is very unique to the idea of expanded domesticity in Tokyo, which is the platform. LIVA: It is a small platform that you often find in toilets at metro stations and konbini stores. EDUARDO: This platform allows you to change without your barefeet touching the floor. LIVA: So, basically, it is a small platform where you can step on without your shoes. You can take off your pants and shirt and things, and then change into your new clothes and slip into your shoes afterwards. EDUARDO: We find that toilets are very private spaces, where you can perform this sort of activity and changing rituals, getting ready for a new part of the day. LIVA: And public toilets are non-monetized spaces.




EDUARDO: They allow for everyone to access and claim them for that very personal and intimate uses. LIVA: Like the little lock that we looked at in the tutorial a few weeks ago. EDUARDO: So they are absolutely powerful spaces, where a range of domestic activities can take place. LIVA: Thank you so much for tuning in and hope to see you again soon! EDUARDO: Bye




EDUARDO: Hello beautiful creatures, and welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING, where we explore how objects facilitate life outside the traditional domestic space in Tokyo. LIVA: Today’s object is the mobile charging station - basically a sort of locker where you can put in your phone and, charge it. EDUARDO: With the arrival of power banks, these objects are probably doom to dissappear soon, however they are still quite popular, particularly in large shops in central Tokyo, and in the main commercial districts, such as Akihabara or Shibuya. LIVA: The way they work is that you normally pay 100 yen, and insert your phone in one of the lockers. Each compartment is equipped with several different cables, making sure that you can find a cable compatible with your device. Then, you lock the door, and off you go shopping. When you come back, after an hour or two, your phone is charged! EDUARDO: That is if you don’t forget to come back! --- it happens.




LIVA: These devices allow us to do something that a few years ago we would mostly do only at home... EDUARDO: ...and at night... LIVA: Right! Which was charging our phones! Now we can do it everywhere!!! You can also find a free version of these charging stations at some international airports, normally sponsored by big telecommunications or electronics companies! EDUARDO: That’s right. Well, Thank you so much for tuning in and subscribe to our youtube channel on the link below! LIVA: See you next week with a new object that helps to make the city of Tokyo feel like your home!




EDUARDO: Hello people! This is Eduardo LIVA: And this is Liva. EDUARDO: Welcome to another week of OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING, where we look how objects facilitate domesticity outside the home in the city of Tokyo. LIVA: Today we will be looking at the clothes peg - a very useful device that helps to store elements outside the home. EDUARDO: Basically in Japan every building is separated by just a few centimeters. These liminal spaces between buildings often hold a lot of storage LIVA: You would sometimes see people creating lines with clothes’ pegs there to hang brooms, and things on pieces of cardboard. EDUARDO: Clothes’ pegs are also used by a lot of homeless people to organize their stuff - to hang plastic bags that are attached to a side of their walls, like hooks in other type of homes, but they use them on the outside, as exterior




storage, and they keep their possessions neatly organised. LIVA: We find it very interesting how the peg is used as a hook outside one’s home... EDUARDO: And you can buy a bag of 50 pegs in a 100yen shop... LIVA: It’s actually 20 pegs EDUARDO: Haha! True! See you next week! Bye! Next week we will look at how to work outside the home!




LIVA: Hello! And welcome to another tutorial at OBJECTS FOR EXPANDED LIVING by METASITU with Liva Dudareva and Eduardo Cassina EDUARDO: As promised last week, today we will talk about the quintessential element to complete the pack of learning, working outside the home - the socket for charging your devices! LIVA: Sockets can be difficult and tricky, if you remember that previous episode on those small charging devices? EDUARDO: Well sockets are different because you might want to plug your laptop or many other things that would not fit in the charging machine... which is aimed at mobile phones only. LIVA: Of course there are sockets in public toilets for shavers, or in some konbini stores you can find them on the floor, they use them for vacuum cleaners. EDUARDO: We use them sometimes, although we are pretty sure that they are not strictly for customers...




LIVA: Great place to find sockets are the lobbies of many corporate buildings, or even hotels. EDUARDO: Have we missed a plug hack? LIVA: Subscribe and tell us your story on the comments below! EDUARDO: Thank you so much for joining us today, and see you next week LIVA: Bye!




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