Film Making and Direction Course in Chandigarh
Film making and Direction course in Chandi garh
, Turn Your Dream of Becoming a Filmmaker into reality with our Adv Filmmaking Certification
Our innovative film programs are designed for a new generation of storytellers. With an unrivaled approach to hands-on, interactive learning, students find themselves completely immersed in their course of study from day one. Classes are taught by award-winning industry professionals, in a real-world environment with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.
Metaverse Film Academy workshops, each student writes, directs, shoots, and edits a series of short film projects of his or her own using high-def digital video, film lighting packages, and digital editing software. Classes in directing, writing, editing, cinematography, and production cover the creative and technical demands of telling a story with moving images. Learn Diploma in Film Making and Direction Course in Chandigarh, Acting, Film Direction, Camera and Scriptwriting Make a film with us at an outdoor location. 100% Job Oriented course in Film Making in Chandigarh 2023