2 minute read
The world is my parish too
Zachary Yong
To me, being a Methodist is to view the world as our parish. We can do this in three simple ways:
Firstly, as the parish system provided access to churches and Christ for everybody, we can be that sign of Christ's welcome, work, and ministry in every aspect of life for everyone we know so that others may encounter Christ through us. Personally, I've had interesting conversations with some friends who wanted to know more about God.
Secondly, we can extend care to others. Parish priests were responsible for people living within their parish, and they could not choose to solely help those deemed worthy of their time and interest. We can look out and pray for others, regardless of our relationship with them. Being a volunteer has shown me that we need to manifest his love.
Lastly, we are uniquely placed to do God's work. The Church is universal, yet it is deeply personal to each community. Our parishes may not be defined by geography, but by common interests. In our spheres of influence, do we proclaim his Word?
I draw inspiration from my great-grandfather, Leng Boon Hee, a Methodist layperson who preached in colonial Singapore while selling bread. He recognised that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God's mouth. I pray that we may all view the world as our parish, and "go, do thou likewise".
by Kopikaki team
4 February–13 May 2023 (alternate Saturdays), 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Via Zoom except the first and last sessions in-person at Cru Centre (18 Verdun Road, #03-01, S207280) Register before 24 January 2023 $120 per couple (inclusive of GST and workbooks)
The Art of Parenting is an 8-session small group video-series for couples to bring them, as parents, on a journey of growing in awareness of God, child and self. By applying biblical principles, parents learn to disciple their children for the glory of God. Details on cru.sg/aop Note: • For parents of children 12 years and below • Attendance as a couple is required • Payment is non-refundable except when the course is cancelled at FamilyLife Singapore's discretion
Organised by FamilyLife Singapore, a ministry of Cru Singapore
5–25 March 2023 Chiang Mai, Thailand or Zoom Register before 30 January 2023 at https://acti-singapore.org
This course has two intakes yearly, each running for 3 weeks in Singapore or Chiang Mai. It is conducted in hybrid mode with those on-site and those on Zoom. It is totally interactive. ACTI provides cross-cultural missions knowledge and training for: • Long-term missionary candidates of church or mission agency • Short-term workers of 6 months and above • Current cross-cultural workers • Professionals or Tent-Makers thinking of working abroad • Mission leaders and staff of church or mission agency
Organised by ACTI
28–29 July 2023 Wesley Methodist Church Register at https://d6family.sg before 30 June 2023 Register by March 2023 to enjoy the promotional price of $110 per person (fee includes printed conference materials and tea breaks for both days)
Be inspired to sharpen church and home partnership towards generational discipleship with all our heart, soul and strength. Glorify God with a stronger and better-connected family and church!