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Looking Ahead
12 Mar 2021 (Friday), 8 p.m. “Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days”—An Evening of Lenten Song and Meditation 19 Mar 2021 (Friday), 8 p.m. “Being in the Kingdom of God” Live online via ZOOM Register at tinyurl.com/lent2021 (ZOOM links will be emailed separately) 6767-5258
Lent is a season of preparation and repentance during which we anticipate Good Friday and Easter. Come be a part of a series of online events comprising of webinars and a worship service that have been specially planned to help you make your heart ready for remembering Jesus’ passion and celebrating His resurrection.
Organised by Methodist School of Music
20 Mar 2021 (Saturday) 9.45 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. Bible House (7 Armenian St, Singapore 179932) if situation permits or via ZOOM as an alternative Attendance is free. Registration is required. Love offering will be collected. Register at ethosinstitute.sg/conversation2021 6304-3765
In 2018, the government made some amendments to the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act (MRHA), a Singapore statute which was enacted by the Parliament on 9 Nov 1990. What are these amendments and how will they impact the ministry and mission of the churches in Singapore? What is the relationship between religion and politics in Singapore as set out by the MRHA? Does the separation of religion and politics imply that the Church has no role in public debates and that religious leaders have no right to comment on societal issues?
Organised by ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity
23, 30 Mar / 6, 13, 20, 27 Apr / 4 May 2021 (Tuesdays), 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Via ZOOM Please register online via TTC website at www.ttc.edu.sg $100 (Fee waived for TTC Alumni) We spend the most healthy and energetic part of our lives working. Yet we seldom reflect on the significance of faith in our work. What does the Bible have to say about work? How can we affirm that the whole people of God are serving in “full time” ministry Monday to Friday, and often Saturday as well? Starting with the definition of work as “purposeful activity, whether manual or mental or both, whether remunerated or not” we will explore both the biblical basis of a theology of work and then wrestle with the contextual implications. Having a theology of work is critical both for those people engaged in a societal occupation and also for pastors, whose primary challenge of equipping the saints includes empowering people for the primary arena of their service to God in the world.
Organised by EQUIP
30 to 31 July 2021 (Friday and Saturday) Faith Methodist Church, 400 Commonwealth Drive, S(149604) d6family.sg fb.com/d6familysg family.min@bible.org.sg 6304-5286
D6 is based on the principles of Deuteronomy 6 and it urges the church and home to work together to implement generational discipleship within the churches, homes and families. The objective of D6 Conference is for the attendees to understand how they can best apply the principles of Deuteronomy 6 in their lives in order to pass on a spiritual legacy for future generations. The D6 Conference 2021 is a place where parents, pastors, church and ministry leaders can look to be equipped with practical next steps and strategies in discipling the next generation.