4 minute read

An Unconscious Father Fought COVID-19, Unaware of Admitted Son Rooms Away



COVID-19 invaded the Davilla home, severely infecting more than one family member.

David Davilla

could not catch his breath, so his wife rushed him to Methodist ER | Boerne. He was transferred to the ICU at Methodist Hospital | Texsan, where he spent a month in the ICU fighting for his life. During that time, his 20-year-old son, Blake, was admitted as his symptoms progressively worsened. He was down the hall for four days, and his father did not even know.

David’s wife, Crystal, an ICU nurse, returned to her own hospital to care for her patients with COVID-19, while her husband and son were hospitalized. She spent her time off driving around the hospital praying for her family. "I would sleep in the parking lot because I couldn't come home and have my son's room be empty, as well as my husband's. It was a little much,” said Crystal. Fortunately, David and Blake never stopped fighting. Blake was released after four days in the hospital. After the third intubation, David began improving, but he wasn’t strong enough to go home. He was transferred to Methodist

Hospital | Stone Oak Rehabilitation Center

for the next phase of care and recovery. “When I initially evaluated him, it did take three people to transfer him from a bed to a chair,” said Pauline Castro, physical therapist. Due to David’s hard work and determination, as well as the incredible care he received across all three facilities, he is now able to get out of bed and walk on his own. Three months after contracting COVID-19, David walked out of Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak Rehabilitation Center and returned home to his family. He continues his rehabilitation and is making progress every day.

Here are the letters David wrote about his rehab therapists

Pauline Castro: “I would like to take this opportunity and express my sincere gratitude to you and your team. In particular I would like to recognize Pauline Castro, my physical therapist. Pauline did an outstanding job in rehabilitation. Pauline is a natural motivator and an excellent therapist. When I began my stay at Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak Rehabilitation Center, it took three people to move me from my bed to my wheelchair. I am now walking at 160 feet at a time, my personal best, and walk approximately 400 to 500 per session. This is in large part due to Pauline‘s tenacity, commitment and dedication to her patients. I reached these goals because of Pauline. I greatly appreciate her guidance in making me stronger and in reaching my personal goal of walking. Please understand it was no small feat. It took tremendous guidance and professional insight on Pauline’s part. I did the heavy lifting, but it was Pauline who laid the roadmap to success. I am grateful to all her hard work, guidance and support. Now, as I prepare for my journey home, I wish to nominate Pauline Castro for outstanding Physical Therapist. I wanted Pauline to be recognized for changing the life of someone who was intubated three times, put on dialysis and trached all in an effort to save his life and combat the adverse effects of COVID-19. With my muscles atrophied, Pauline began her work. Valerie Gutierrez: “I wish to pass on my most sincere gratitude to Valerie Gutierrez. I wish to nominate Valerie for most Outstanding Occupational Therapist of the Year. Valerie, as my OT, embodied all of the characteristics to help me in my recovery from COVID. I have been intubated three times, received a trach and dialysis. Valerie was kind, patient but challenged me in my development to improve. Valerie is a compassionate individual who was very encouraging and utilized techniques which continued to strengthen my core. Valerie showed a deep concern for my well-being and pressed me to increase in my development. She did all these steps in a compassionate and committed way. I cannot thank her enough for her dedication and commitment to me as a patient. On days where the doctors were adjusting my meds, she listened and worked around any issues I was encountering. What most impressed me about Valerie is her dedication to improve her patients regardless of their issues. The words that best describe Valerie are kindness, caring, committed, dedicated, collaborative and professional. Valerie consulted with Pauline on my improvement. She always checked on my oxygen levels to make sure I was fine. During bath time, she showed me ways to make it easier and more efficient. She did all these therapeutic guidance directions with great ease and a positive attitude. During my six weeks, Valarie always had a positive attitude, reflective guidance, was encouraging and very professional. Today, I walked over 160 feet with a walker with a total of over 450 feet for the day. Valerie has been a big part of my success in therapy, and I believe she should be recognized for her efforts. Many blessings to you and your unit and your entire team.” -David Davilla

She has an abundance of energy, enthusiasm and intelligence. Her professionalism is of the highest standard. I think it is important that you hear from your patients on how your team directly improved their lives. Please accept this letter as a token of my appreciation of Pauline and her encouraging spirit, get-it-done attitude and her willingness to help her patient regardless of their deficits.” -David Davillax

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