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Supporting Our Community

In October, we “go pink!” Our staff loves to raise awareness about breast cancer and show support for those actively fighting, their families, and those who’ve lost their battle with breast cancer. Our hospitals honored Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October by participating in various activities, events, and more.

In honor of National Car Seat Safety Week, the Methodist Healthcare System hosted Car Seat Safety Checks at Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak, Wesley Health & Wellness Center, and Dixon Health & Wellness Center. Parents, grandparents, and anyone who cares for children were able to get their car seat(s) professionally checked by a certified Child Safety Technician. In partnership with Methodist Healthcare Ministries, the Bluebird Auxiliary, and Safe Kids, we were able to provide free installations and car seat checks to over 50 families, and gave away 17 free car seats to families whose car seats did not meet the safety qualifications.

On October 29, our annual Crush the Crisis gathered over 1,361 pounds of unused or expired medications! This event is aimed at educating our community on the dangers of opioid misuse and the importance of safe and proper disposal of prescription medications. Drivethru locations were setup at Methodist ER | Legacy Trails, Methodist ER | Nacogdoches, and Methodist ER | Alamo Heights.


When Joni Roquet was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), she was initially depressed and worried she would end up in a wheelchair. A monitor tech at Methodist Hospital | Atascosa, Joni first began having symptoms such as back issues in 2017. Then, at the height of COVID-19, she knew something was seriously wrong when she struggled to get out of her chair without using her desk for assistance. Pain radiated down her back, and she swayed when she tried to walk. Joni decided to get further medical help, which led to an MRI. The testing revealed that Joni wasn’t just suffering from a bad back; she had MS. Working with her doctor, she chose daily medication to eliminate back issues and pains. Though she was never really into exercise, she knew that exercise would help her stay mobile and keep her muscles moving, which helps with sleep. Many MS patients are always tired but can’t sleep to get rest. Then one day, while at work, Joni saw an advertisement asking employees to participate in the Bike MS: Valero Ride to the River, a two-day bike ride from San Antonio to New Braunfels. Joni thought this would be an excellent opportunity to be more active in combating her symptoms and raise awareness for MS herself, so she joined the MH vs. MS team, a partnership between the Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc., and Methodist Healthcare. She also hoped riding would provide the sleep she needed. After she signed up to ride, she purchased a Rad Rover bike, an electric bike for people needing assistance. The bike still requires pedaling but has different levels of assistance. Knowing she would have struggles participating at the level of everyone else. Joni began training for the event and would ride after work and on her days off, working up to 35 miles a day. Riding her bike helped her sleep, made her feel better, and felt a sense of accomplishment that was mentally rewarding. “Participating in the ride was really humbling,” Joni said. “I was doing it for myself and also for other people with MS.”
At the event, she met other people with MS who had been participating in the ride for years. This motivated her. “If they can do it, I can do it,” she said.

The ride taught Joni a lot. “Listen to your body,” she advises. “Don’t let people tell you it’s nothing until it can be proved. Also, don’t let the diagnosis define you. It is very easy to be bummed out and worried as I was for the first few months. Just keep going.” Team MH vs MS, comprised of Joni and 54 members, including staff and board members from Methodist Healthcare and Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc., raised more than $100,000 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. In addition to setting a fundraising record, the team also won an award for Best Jersey promoting the mission. “I am proud to work for a hospital that supports MS,” she said. “They matched my donations, and their support made me feel grateful to work for an employer who truly cares about people.” Joni said she has already signed up to ride next year. “I’m encouraging the nurses and other staff I work with at the hospital to ride with me,” she said.
Cycle Nation is a movement empowering people to be healthy while funding vital research to eradicate stroke and heart disease. We ride for those who can’t, those who have lost their lives, and for those who are still writing their comeback stories. The American Heart Association partnered with the Methodist Healthcare System to host a CEO Scrub Ride. The scrub ride was a two-hour stationary bike ride for CEOs and their teams to compete to see who could raise the most funds for the American Heart Association.
American Heart Association tracked the monies and ranked our teams: • Methodist Hospital | Metropolitan – $4,697.57 • Methodist Hospital | Texsan – $4,468.71 • Methodist Hospital | Northeast – $3,417.84 • Methodist Hospital | Specialty and Transplant – $3,213.71 • Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak – $2,581.85 • Methodist Hospital/Methodist Children’s Hospital – $2,301.38 • Methodist Healthcare System Office – $1,469.17