Methodist University viewbook

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Office of Admissions 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-1498 800.488.7110

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“ Every Monarch has a journey. Methodist University is committed to delivering on the promise we make to each student to be successful in pursuing excellence in the classroom, on campus, and in the community. These experiences will enable students to be successful in graduate school or workplaces, and will ultimately result in lives of meaning and purpose.” —President Ben Hancock

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Majors Investment Leadership and Community Engagement Premier Programs Experiential Learning Career Preparation Honors Program & Lecture Series Study Abroad Internships Athletics Campus Life Clubs & Organizations Residential Life Master Plan Outcomes Location/Visit



future. hen you visit and take your tour at W Methodist University, you will start to feel as though there is no place in the world you would rather be—that is how you will know MU is for you. Methodist University is the place where I have found who I am and what I truly love.” — Shamar Johnson ’18 Psychology with a Minor in Military Science Marion, North Carolina

PRE-PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS Pre-Physician Assistant Pre-Dentistry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Engineering Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Law Pre-Speech Therapy Pre-Medicine Pre-Veterinary Pre-Optometry Pre-Occupational Therapy Pre-Theology

MAJORS Accounting* Applied Forensic Science Art* Art with Teacher Licensure Athletic Training Biology* Business Administration* Chemistry* Computer Information Technology Computer Science* Elementary Education Engineering English* Entrepreneurship* Environmental and Occupational Management Exercise Science* Financial Economics* Forensic Science* Global Studies Graphic Design Health Care Administration History* Justice Studies* Kinesiology

Management* Marketing* Mass Communications* Mathematics* Middle Grades Education Music* Music Composition Music Education (K–12) Music Performance Nursing Organizational Communication and Leadership* Physical Education and Health Education* Political Science* Psychology* Religion* Social Work* Sociology* Spanish* Special Education: General Curriculum (K–12) Sport Management* Theatre* Writing*

AREAS OF CONCENTRATION AVAILABLE WITH MAJORS Accounting, Business Administration, Financial Economics, or Marketing Health Care Administration PGA Golf Management Professional Tennis Management* Resort, Club, and Hospitality Management* Sport Management* Art Ceramic Sculpture Graphic Design Painting Printmaking Chemistry Biochemistry Environmental Chemistry Forensic Science Computer Science Business Information Systems Interactive Multimedia Application Development English Writing Environmental and Occupational Management Regulatory Compliance Natural Resources Justice Studies Human Services Mass Communication Journalism TV/Video/Multimedia, and Radio Middle Grades Education Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Music Arts Management Political Science International Relations Public Administration Psychology Counseling/Clinical Human Performance MINORS NOT AVAILABLE AS A MAJOR OR CONCENTRATION Church Leadership, Cyber Crime, Education, Gerontology, Global History, Human Resource Management, Interdisciplinary Studies of Clandestine Labs, International Business, International Relations, Leadership Studies, Legal Studies, Philosophy, Professional Writing, Sport Media and Women’s Studies GRADUATE PROGRAMS Master of Business Administration Master of Education Master of Justice Administration Master of Medical Science— Physician Assistant Studies Doctor of Occupational Therapy— Proposed 2018 Doctor of Physical Therapy

* Indicates program is available as a minor

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During my senior year, I auditioned and was blessed with a full music scholarship. This, along with many other scholarships, including the outside scholarships I received, made the decision easy for me. At Methodist, it is easy to develop a relationship with your classmates and professors. With classes typically less than 20 students, you are a person, not a number.”


— Hannah Boyles ’17 Music Education with a Minor in Music Performance Vale, North Carolina

of freshmen receive a Presidential Scholarship



inancing your education is one of the most significant investments you and your family will ever make. It is also the most important. We can answer any of your questions about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), analyze your need and eligibility for various awards, and put together a highly competitive financial aid package that will make Methodist University the best possible value. When you visit MU, we will arrange for you to meet with an admissions counselor who will help you explore your financial options.

25 million


of institutional funds are allocated for academic and need-based aid “ There are so many opportunities for scholarships and financial aid, and that makes paying for college much easier. From the small class sizes to the soccer program, Methodist had exactly what I was looking for in a school.” — Joshua Lee ’17 Biology Denton, North Carolina

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average first-year Presidential Scholarship

ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS Merit Scholarship: Ranges from $5,500 to

of MU students qualify for financial assistance

$12,500 per year

Presidential Scholarship: Ranges from

$9,500 to $24,500 per year

Transfer Scholarship: Ranges from $10,000

to $19,500 per year

Wright Scholars: Competitive full-tuition

merit-based scholarship

average financial aid award for incoming freshmen

Valedictorian/Salutatorian Scholarship:

Ranges from $1,000 to $3,500 per year, awarded in addition to Presidential Scholarship


Methodist University offers a broad program of financial assistance through the use of federal, state, and institutional funds. In order to determine your financial need, you must complete the FAFSA.The FAFSA is the only form that needs to be completed to be considered for all need-based financial assistance at Methodist University. WANT AN ESTIMATED FINANCIAL AID PACKAGE?

Log on to admissions and select the Financial Aid Calculator icon to get an estimate of your financial aid eligibility, including academic and need-based financial assistance. YELLOW RIBBON PROGRAM

Methodist University is a participant in the Yellow Ribbon Program for full-time students who have served on active duty for at least 36 months since September 10,

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2001. Military Times named Methodist University one of the “Best Schools for Vets.” Contact the Office of Veteran Services at 910.630.7174 for more information. APPLY FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE

To be considered for all types of need-based financial assistance at Methodist University, you must first complete a FAFSA. You can complete the FAFSA online at The Methodist University Title IV School Code is 002946.

full-tuition scholarships for new students funded by the Wright Scholars Program each year

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tudents committed to making a real difference in their communities and the world have an avenue for personal development in the Leadership Fellows Program. If you are driven to acquire the knowledge, values, skills, and practical experiences that will empower you for extraordinary leadership, you should consider becoming a Leadership Fellow at Methodist University.

We are empowered to grow as individuals.


• Academic minors in Leadership Studies and Church Leadership • Leadership courses, internships, and practicums available • Opportunity to complete the Franklin Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People curriculum and receive Covey leadership certification • Army and Air Force ROTC programs available • General Shelton Leadership Challenge— immersive summer leadership training program

students volunteered in 27 agencies in a single day of service

hours of community engagement



I began my leadership journey by joining Alpha Delta Pi and the Student Leaders at Methodist (SL@M) program. During my four years here, I have served as the new member coordinator and executive vice president for Alpha Delta Pi, secretary for Greek Council, secretary for the Methodist University Chorale, student involvement counselor, university ambassador, peer mentor, and orientation leader. This university has allowed me to expand my horizons and leadership capabilities more than I could have ever imagined.

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meals packaged with Stop Hunger Now during new student orientations

“ Methodist University has provided the perfect environment to develop into a person I did not even recognize I had the capacity to be.” — Hannah Moore ’16 Psychology with a Concentration in Clinical Counseling and a Minor in Sociology Jacksonville, North Carolina

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local community organizations currently have partnerships with MU

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Business/PGA Golf Management

I found out about Methodist through a friend at home who was already planning on attending MU. At the time, I was getting very serious about golf and the golf industry, so he told me more about the PGA Golf Management Program here at Methodist. It seemed too good to be true, and I came to the realization that if I wanted to work in the golf industry, Methodist was going to give me the best opportunity to do that.

hands-On experience.

“ The PGA Golf Management faculty and staff are more than just teachers—they are role models and parental figures while we are away from home. Whenever problems arise, they are always willing to talk, and I find that very comforting. MU has the resources available for everyone to succeed, and fortunately, I have taken advantage of these resources to build connections that I would have never imagined possible.” — Liam Mulligan ’17 Business Administration with a Concentration in Professional Golf Management Mickleton, New Jersey Kinesiology/Pre-physical Therapy

“ I chose the Kinesiology Program because I plan to go on to physical therapy school. The courses I have taken are definitely preparing me for what is yet to come.” — Nicole Heinrich ‘16 Kinesiology Verona, Virginia


Forensic Science

“ The exciting field of forensic science is a premier program at Methodist and I am proud to be a part of it. The program uses the latest technology and we gain hands-on experience. The forensic science faculty at Methodist are nationally recognized, which means more networking, hands-on training, and real-life simulations. My job prospects are bright; MU graduates are employed in major cities across the nation and I am proud to be following in their footsteps.” — Scottie Gendron ’15 Justice Studies with a Concentration in Forensic Science Fayetteville, North Carolina

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“ My goal is to be a tennis racquet engineer at a major sporting company. I believe wholeheartedly that Methodist University is providing me the best opportunity to achieve this dream—through both the new engineering major and the Professional Tennis Management Program. The faculty members in both fields have been more than willing to do whatever it takes to work with and accommodate me.” — K.J. Hardie ’19 Engineering with a minor in Professional Tennis Management Oxford, North Carolina

of students applying to law schools have been admitted in the last decade

of students applying to medical professional programs have been admitted in the last decade

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is the average first-time PANCE pass rate for Physician Assistant Program graduates in the last five years


The Methodist University Biology Program is challenging and intense, yet encouraging and fulfilling. The professors take a personal interest in each of the students—recognizing our potential and pushing us to be our best. Though this makes our program even more

demanding, I believe we are prepared for both postgraduate education and the [dreaded] real world.” — Peter Wildeboer ’17 Biology with Minors in Chemistry and History Castle Hayne, North Carolina



engaged learning.

Premier programs offer practical experience. Health Sciences

“ The most useful lesson my Methodist University instructors taught me was to go into clinical situations with confidence and an eager desire to learn. That confidence saw me through to many light-bulb moments during clinical, when the classroom knowledge and hard work clicked into place in the real world. “ One of my most memorable experiences came during my maternal child clinical, when I was working in the Labor and Delivery Unit at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center. I was in my senior year, near the end of my shift one day, when the physician told me I would be the one to deliver a baby. “ Everything went smoothly. With so much practice in the simulation labs, the clinical knowledge seemed nearly like clockwork. However, I will never forget the parts that were different from all the practice: the feeling of brand new life in my hands, the love and vulnerability that filled the room, and the mother’s and father’s expression upon first seeing their child. These experiences will never be gained from a textbook, but are the reasons I know nursing is my calling. “ That day, when I left the hospital, I sat in my car with tears of happiness running down my face. Methodist University was helping me fulfill my dreams and make them a reality!” — Dallas Bradley ’15 Professional Nursing Studies Nashville, Tennessee

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I found out about Methodist while looking on the Internet for a ‘private small school in North Carolina.’ I immediately started looking at Methodist and fell in love. After a lot of convincing, I talked my parents into bringing me to North Carolina to see the school, and all three of us fell in love. We knew that because of the faculty, staff and small family environment, Methodist was the school I was going to call home. “ I am an elementary education major and would not picture myself anywhere else. I love my field of study because I wake up every day looking forward to seeing the minds of children transform before my eyes. “ I would say I am definitely a leader on campus. I am a resident assistant, I am in the National Residential Hall

“ I would describe my MU journey as engaging and influential. “ If you are trying to decide if MU is the place for you, I think there are a few important questions you should ask yourself. Does MU offer a degree in the field you would like to study? Do you want to attend a small school in which you will feel as though you have a family away from home? Do you want to attend a school in which your professors will truly care how you are doing in

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Honorary (top 20 students or the top one percent of students on a campus), I participate in Campus Ministry, and I am an international and school ambassador. Alongside my activities, I am doing undergraduate research with Ms. Beth Ruff, and we are studying the benefits of using math manipulatives in the elementary classroom and how the use of manipulatives improves test scores. “ My journey at Methodist has been an ongoing memory that will last a lifetime. I will never forget Methodist, and I will continue to return throughout my life to visit this place I call home.” — Connor Kingdom ’17 Elementary Education Franklin, Pennsylvania

your classes? Do you want to attend a university in which you can truly make a difference before you graduate? If you answered yes to these questions, then Methodist University is the place for you. I can honestly say Methodist University is my home. I love being here, and I have never had a thought of going anywhere else.” — Taylor Ross ’16 Elementary Education Elon, North Carolina

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My MU journey has been powerful, influential, and life changing. Last summer, I completed an internship with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in Washington, D.C. My internship was a challenging and rewarding experience. Overall, I learned to embrace challenges and overcome barriers, and I ended up loving the whole experience. At Methodist University, you will have the chance to learn what you love and explore your interests. Because of its diversified population, Methodist offers a great way to meet new people. The professors go beyond teaching—they focus on each student individually, and they truly care about you and your success.” — Leslie Lingo ’16 Social Work Las Vegas, Nevada

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“ I have to tell you the Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium is one of my favorite days of the year. Next to opening of the year and commencement, this is really a way to celebrate excellence. It’s Methodist University at its best. It’s our students at their best. It’s our faculty at its best. And that’s why I’ve got the best job in America.” —President Ben Hancock “ By practicing how to properly work in a lab, conduct scientific research, and present my research in a professional manner, I gained valuable experience for my future academic and professional career. My research experience has made me a viable candidate for graduate school.” — Steven Moran ‘16 Biology Lillington, North Carolina

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The MU Advantage Internship Program provides you the opportunity to gain valuable work experience. You will be able to develop entry-level skills in a specific occupation and practice the basic career management skills necessary to obtain, sustain, and advance in your field.



The Office of Career Services

The Office of Career Services offers the resources you need to turn yourself into a distinctive candidate in the competitive workforce. Take advantage of workshops, career fairs, major/career assessments, information, and counseling that will help you with the following: u Assessing your values, interests, and skills u Career exploration u Career planning u Mock interviews u Résumé writing u Career counseling u Job search and internship opportunities The Center for Student Success

The Center for Student Success (CFSS) develops and implements student support programs that promote academic achievement, student advancement, and the holistic development of all students at Methodist University. CFSS and Student Affairs Support Programs

The Monarch Tutoring and Testing


I am beyond satisfied with my experience at MU, and I know the opportunities I had on campus helped me get where I am today. The same determination and drive I developed at MU is what I am using in graduate school, and I know it will only get better. MU did not just prepare me for graduate school—MU prepared me for life.” — Bernard Minter Jr. ’15 Master of Science in Project Management with a concentration in Leadership College of Professional Studies, Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts

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Center: free peer tutoring services and supplementary instruction tutoring u The First Year Experience Program (FYE) and the First Year Seminar (FYS) class supported by the Peer Mentoring program u The Office of Multicultural Affairs: speakers, small groups, and clubs designed to enhance the academic, cultural, and social experience of ethnic minority students and other historically underrepresented backgrounds u The Student Solutions Office: a central support and referral office for all MU students who are seeking information, assistance, or guidance in their college careers u The TAS-L program (“The Art of SelfLeadership”): a 13-week seminar series open to all MU students

The Academic Advising Program:


academic advising services for all students through faculty-based advising assignments u The Academic Recovery Program (ARP): personal counseling and guidance for students on academic probation u The Methodist Academic Achievement Program (MAAP): advising and academic support for students conditionally admitted to the University Davis Memorial Library

The newly renovated library has more than 127,000 volumes, 20,000 full-text electronic journals, 35,000 eBooks, more than 1,000 videos, and hundreds of periodicals and newspapers. Technology

New technology is used throughout campus to ensure safety and enrich the blended and hybrid learning experience. Some examples include: • Alertus Technologies® mass notification system, which provides advanced technology for crisis communication • A state-of-the-art communications lab • A clinical skills teaching lab, human performance lab, mobility courtyard, motion analysis lab, and physical therapy/ occupational therapy motor control and pediatrics lab, all housed within the McLean Health Sciences Building • The General Simulation Hospital in the Nursing Building, which includes two nurses stations, four private hospital rooms, a pediatric ward, life-sized manikins, and state-of-the-art simulation technology The Writing Center

Tutors at the Writing Center help you learn about research techniques, writing, editing, and proofreading. You will have access to resource materials on writing and the Computer Assisted Composition (CAC) Lab Network.

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second to none.

Honors Program

The Honors Program is a reading and seminar discussion program that immerses students in the Great Books as a supplement to the University’s cores and majors. This interdisciplinary program fosters critical thinking, models ethical decisionmaking, promotes awareness of the liberal arts tradition, and broadens awareness of culture. Completion of the program distinguishes students for further education and employment. Established Lecture Series

Methodist University invites renowned speakers to serve as guest lecturers throughout the year. Established lecture series include the Presidential Speaker Series, Executive in Residence Lecture Series, the Bullard-Templeton Lecture Series, Terry Sanford Lecture Series, Nimocks International Business Speaker Series, Womack Lecture Series, and Tally Leadership Lecture Series, among others.

I can say in all honesty that as far as personalized academic experience is concerned, MU is second to none. The staff and professors take the time to make sure I understand the concepts and apply them properly. I wanted to have a great university experience that would cause minimum disruption to my child’s life, and MU provides a unique opportunity for veterans in my situation. “ My advisor, Dr. Kline, has not just motivated me through my journey, but he has also helped me stay on track. Dr. RohrerWalsh, co-director of the Honors Program, offers a valuable volume of knowledge that in my mind is priceless. In saying this, I know I’m being unfair because I haven’t had a professor I dislike.” — Richard Kurr ’16 Psychology with Minors in Biology and English Fayetteville, North Carolina

“ Methodist University’s president is one of the most incredible people I have met. He is so genuine and authentic— he truly cares about the campus and students here at MU, and I can see that he loves his job. President Hancock has the unique and highly sought after skill of being able to lead and demand respect while simultaneously treating you as though you are on the same level—he treats you with respect and makes you feel valued. In my time here at MU, he has already become one of my life-long role models. “ There are so many opportunities to truly develop into a leader and really make an impact on the MU community. This is a great breeding ground for developing leadership skills, and one shouldn’t overlook the incredible diversity that is present on campus—we have students from literally all over the world!” — Noah Sachs ’18 Marketing with a Concentration in Professional Golf Management Basel, Switzerland

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“ My challenge to you is to bring about a mind-set of preparing for peace instead of preparing for war.” I didn’t plan to join the Chorale, but I happened to cross paths with the director, Dr. Michael Martin, at the New Student Orientation Organization Fair. Then, during my second year as an alto in the chorale, I found myself on a plane over the Atlantic Ocean on my way to Europe. The Chorale travels every spring break to perform for schools, churches, and other organizations. For 10 days, Dr. Martin led 45 students in Amsterdam, Brussels, Germany, and France. Not only singing, but actually being engrossed in the culture of these four countries was unlike anything I have ever experienced. We sang in multiple cathedrals (including the Cologne Cathedral), ate waffles in Belgium, went inside one of the Kinderdijk windmills, saw the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, drooled over the sparkling Eiffel Tower at night, took a cruise tour of Paris on the Seine,

and so much more. Our bus driver and tour guide stayed with us the entire trip and told us about each place we visited. It was humbling to be thousands of miles away from North Carolina, surrounded by cultures that speak a different native language and eat food I still can’t pronounce. The atmosphere was unique in each country, but the landscape and architecture were breathtaking in every one. I have no doubt traveling abroad brings light to so much more than what we know and understand of the world.”

— Kathryn Wasserman Davis Davis Projects for Peace

International Scholars


“ I would say Methodist is what you make of it. You have so many opportunities on campus that you would not have at other places. This place has changed my life. I came in quiet and reserved, but becoming a resident assistant during my sophomore year made me step out of my comfort zone. As a student athlete, I was able to study abroad, and that is not very common at other schools. You get that one-on-one attention in the classroom, and that is very important because these classes are not a walk in the park.”


— Kayla Pless ’16 Sport Management with Minors in Business Administration, International Business, and Entrepreneurship Hampstead, North Carolina

Popular study abroad destinations include: u France u Australia u Honduras u Brazil u Iceland u Canada u Ireland u Chile u Italy u Colombia

— Amber Suits ’16 Biology Clayton, North Carolina


Methodist University is one of 91 Davis United World College Scholars partner schools in the United States, and one of just four in North Carolina, along with Davidson, Duke, and UNC Chapel Hill. Since 2007, Methodist University students have been awarded over $90,000 by the Davis Foundation to implement peace projects in Afghanistan, East Timor, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

Japan Korea u Mexico u Spain u u

Language courses offered at MU: u Arabic * u Greek* u Mandarin u French u Hebrew* u Spanish u German u Italian * These courses offered with sufficient student demand and faculty availability

“ Going to Italy showed me how many things I take for granted every day: public bathrooms, Wi-Fi, paved roads, cars, and even English. Study Abroad opened my eyes to a new world where everything is different, yet we are all the same. Things like laughter and kindness reach over the language barrier easily. Sometimes it isn’t about where you are or what historical monuments you’ve seen. It’s about the people who share the adventure with you and make it great.” — Sharon Moran ‘18 St. Pauls, NC Environmental & Occupational Management

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to Excel.

I worked in the Global Strategic Pricing Department of Estee Lauder in New York City, in the company’s offices in the Flatiron District. I met the company’s CEO, Fabrizio Freda, at an intern event held at the company’s headquarters on Fifth Avenue. CEOs of Fortune 500 companies tend to seem larger than life, and there he was before me, talking to the interns about the company’s history, what it means to be an employee at Estee Lauder, and the future of the company. It inspires me to INTERNSHIPS AND say, ‘If they can do it, why can’t I?’” EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING —Olorato “Condrad” Mbi ’16

Amber Bayton ’17 completed an internship with the Richmond Flying Squirrels. Chris Broyles ’15 is a finance coordinator with the National Republican Congressional Committee. While Chris was a student at Methodist, he interned in the office of U.S. Senator Mark Kirk in Washington, D.C., and served as campaign finance assistant to Mr. Terry Hutchens, an MU Trustee and managing partner at Hutchens Law Firm.

Samantha Clark ’17 completed an internship in journalism with an organization that hosted a cycling tour competition around the Netherlands and Belgium. She reported on the events in both Dutch and English, and traveled as part of the concourse procession.

Taylor Buchholz ’17 completed an

internship in the area of psychological services with Cumberland County Schools.

internship with Greenwich Country Club in Greenwich, Conn. Daniel Burns ’17 completed an internship

at The Golf Club at Newcastle in Newcastle, Washington.

Sarah “Abbi” Carpenter ’17 interned

with Alpha Delta Pi’s Executive Office

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in Atlanta, Ga. She worked with nine other interns from colleges and universities across the country, and lived at Memorial Headquarters during the summer.

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Chris Giacomini ’17 worked firsthand with Mr. Terry Hutchens, managing partner of Hutchens Law Firm and an MU Trustee, to create a fundraising event for U.S. Senator Richard Burr and Governor Pat McCrory. Isabella Graf ’16 completed a tennis

internship at The Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, Calif.

David Cleveringa ’16 completed an

After completing three internships with the Fayetteville Observer, Patrick Cortes ’17 has secured part-time employment with the local publishing company.

of students indicated participation or planned participation in internships or significant workplace experiences

Linsey Gabris ’17 and Jacob Groce ’17 interned with Philadelphia Cricket Club.

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Mariama Jabati ’16 completed a paid internship in organic chemistry with Novartis in Cambridge, Mass. Jonathan Kepcke ’17 completed an

internship with Inverness Golf Club in Inverness, Ill.

Olorato “Condrad” Mbi ’16 completed

an internship in the Global Strategic Pricing Department at Estee Lauder in New York City.

Kadejah Melvin ’16 worked with Duke’s

Talent Identification Program (TIP) Summer Studies Program assisting high-achieving middle school students.

Erin Morgan ’15 completed one of her

clinical rotations in the Physician Assistant Program with Dr. Cordero at Cape Fear Valley Pediatric Endocrinology. Erin is now working in primary care in Lillington, N.C.

Eric Morton ‘15 is one of two graduates

nationwide to be selected for a two-year post-graduation internship at Augusta National Golf Club.

Leigh Ann Philbee ’16 interned with

the North Carolina Field of Honor in Fayetteville, N.C.

Jorge Rivera ’16 volunteered with the

U.S. Geological Survey to collect data and improve on existing data for more than 100 structures in the Cape Fear region.

Nicole Spink ’16 interned with DC Water in Washington, D.C. The company is one of the world’s most advanced wastewater treatment centers in the nation. Nicole’s internship led to a job offer for a full-time position with the company. Dorothy Vega ’17 completed an internship

with the Fayetteville Publishing Company.

Austin Warren ’16 interned with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation. Mariah Wright ’16 completed an

internship in the area of psychological services with Cumberland County Schools.


Steven Moran ’16 participated in the Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program at the UNC Chapel Hill Institute of Marine Sciences in

Morehead City, N.C. He conducted research with two well-respected microbiologists, Dr. Rachel Noble and Dr. Brett Froelich, and plans to pursue a Ph.D. in microbiology and/or molecular biology after graduating from Methodist.

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I wanted to be part of a team that is competitive, but can have fun while supporting one another. Coming to Methodist was the best decision I have ever made.” — Isabella Graf ’16 Business Administration with a concentration in Professional Tennis Management Harrington Park, New Jersey

20 NCAA DIVISION III TEAMS Men Women Baseball Basketball Basketball Cross Country Cross Country Golf Football Lacrosse Golf Soccer Lacrosse Softball Soccer Tennis Tennis Track and Field Track and Field (Indoor/Outdoor) (Indoor/Outdoor) Volleyball

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INTRAMURAL AND CLUB SPORTS Baseball Soccer* Basketball* Softball Bowling Table Tennis Flag Football* Tennis* Ice Hockey* Volleyball Pool Tournaments *Club team NON-NCAA SPORTS Men and Women’s Cheer Women’s Dance

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“ My MU journey has been memorable and opportunistic. I have really enjoyed being involved on campus and challenged in the classroom. There are so many activities to participate in, and you never know where they could lead you in the future! My MU journey has involved being part of the ambassador program, playing lacrosse, being active in the business school and in business clubs, meeting a ton of new people, and much more. I would not trade this experience for anything!”


NCAA Division III Team National Championships


NCAA Division III Team National Runners Up


Conference President’s Cups


Conference Championships


NCAA Division III All-Americans

47 1,642

— Andrew Ruskey ’17 Marketing with Minors in Accounting and Financial Economics Holly Springs, North Carolina

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Scholar-Athletes Recognized with All-American Academic Honors

All-Conference Selections


Conference Players of the Year


Conference Rookies of the Year


Conference Coach of the Year Awards

Nimocks Fitness Center: State-of-the art center with a full line of cardio equipment, such as treadmills, striders, ellipticals, recumbent bikes, and spinning bikes, along with weight machines, and an indoor track. This facility has a multipurpose gym available for basketball and volleyball. March F. Riddle Physical Activities Center: Multipurpose arena with basketball


and volleyball arena, weight room, athletic training facilities, and classrooms

Gene Clayton Tennis Center Eight hardcovered tennis courts, gazebo, and bleachers Richard L. Player Golf & Tennis Learning Center: 18-hole golf course, 70-station

driving range, short game practice area, clubhouse, pro shop

Monarch Stadium: Football, lacrosse, track

& field stations, all-weather track, press box, and adjacent football fieldhouse

Armstrong-Shelley Field and Armstrong-Shelley Baseball Fieldhouse:

Lighted baseball field, covered hitting facility, and state-of-the-art Armstrong Baseball Fieldhouse

Price Field: Lighted softball field, press box Monarch Soccerplex: Two-story



fieldhouse, press box

Our Great Outdoors: Volleyball courts,

basketball courts, cross-country and fitness trails, Cape Fear River Walk Take a virtual tour of our athletic facilities at www.methodist. edu/#virtualtour

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Get involved!

In the past few years, MU has become my second home. I struggled for a long time with homesickness, but as time passed, I found myself falling more and more in love with Methodist University—especially as I got more and more involved with my studies and in organizations and clubs. My decision to come here is hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made in my entire life—it has changed my life in so many ways, and for that, I am grateful.” —K atelynn Taliaferro ’17 Business Administration with a Concentration in Sport Managementand a Minor in Accounting Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

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100+ 8 20

Clubs and organizations provide options.

Clubs and student organizations

Academic u Accounting Club u American Marketing Association u Association for Computing and Machinery u Biology Club u Chemistry Club u Club Managers Association and Resort Management Club u Computer Science Club u Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Association u Dr. Harvey Estes Society (Physician Assistant Club) u Environmental, Occupational and Industrial Health Club u Exercise Science Club u Golf Association u Health Care Administration Student Club (HCA) u International Business Club u Mathematics Club u National Association for Music Education u Physical Education and Health Education Club u Political Science Association u Pre-Physical Therapy Club u Professional Tennis Management Association Club (PTM) u Psychology Club u Novelties (English Club) u Social Work Club u Sports Management Association u Student Athletic Training Association (MUSATA) u Student Nurses’ Association (MUSNA)

National on-campus fraternities and sororities Residential buildings, including traditional residence halls, Greek housing, and on-campus apartments


like B.o.B., Bebe Rexha, Matt Nathanson, Nick Jonas and Wild ’N Out have performed on campus




“ At Methodist, there are so many clubs, groups, sports, majors, and minors a student can be a part of—you get to experience what a big school has to offer, but in a smaller setting. My MU experience has been life changing. I have learned and matured so much, and I have become a better man through it all.” — Gregory Johnson ’17 Business Administration Goldsboro, North Carolina

Cultural u African American Culture Society u Amnesty International Student Group u Black Women United u Global Ambassadors u Lector Club u Linguasphere Foreign Language Club u Men of Distinction u Rotaract u Social Justice Committee (SoJu) u Unseal It Greek Organizations u Alpha Delta Pi u Alpha Kappa Alpha u Alpha Sigma Alpha u Beta Sigma Phi u Kappa Alpha Psi u Kappa Sigma u Lambda Chi Alpha u Pi Kappa Alpha Honor Societies u Alpha Chi (National Honor Scholastic Society) u Alpha Kappa Delta (National Sociology Honor Society) u Alpha Lambda Delta (National First Year Student Honor Society) u Alpha Phi Sigma (National Criminal Justice Honor Society) u Alpha Sigma Lambda (National Honor Society for Adult Learners in Continuing Education) u Beta Beta Beta (National Biological Honor Society) u Chi Delta Chi (Veterans/Family Members Honor Society) u Delta Mu Delta (National Business Honor Society)

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Engage. Enrich. Empower.

Gamma Sigma Epsilon


(National Chemistry Honor Society)

Iota Tau Alpha (National Athletic Training


Honor Society)

Kappa Alpha Omicron (International


Interdisciplinary Environmental Honor Society)

Kappa Delta Pi (National Education


Honorary Society)

Phi Alpha (International Social Work


Honor Society)

Phi Alpha Delta (National Legal Honor Society) u Phi Alpha Theta (National History Honor Society) u Phi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science u

Honor Society)

Sigma Delta Pi (National Hispanic Honor Society) u Sigma Tau Delta (National English Honor Society) u

Leadership and Student Government u College Republicans u Enactus u Ethics Bowl u Forensics and Debate Club u Leadership Fellows u Model United Nations u National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) u Omicron Delta Kappa (National Leadership Society) u Peer Educators u Residence Hall Association (RHA) u Army ROTC-Raider Team u Sigma Alpha Pi: The National Society for Leadership and Success u SL@M (Student Leaders @ Methodist) u Student Activities Committee u Student Alumni Association u Student Athlete Advisory Committee u Student Government Association u Student Veterans of America u University Ambassadors u XIII (The Thirteen) u Young Democrats Performance and Fine Arts u Chorale u Fayetteville Symphonic Band u Noblemen u One Voice International Gospel Choir u Photography Club u Treble Tones u Triple Threat Step Team Religious and Spiritual u Campus Ministry Leadership Team u Campus Ministry Work Team u Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) u Interfaith Council u Men’s Bible Study u PGM Fellowship u Women’s Bible Study Sports and Recreation u Billiards Club u Outdoor Adventure Club u Campus Recreation and Intramural Program (CRIMP) Student Publications u smallTALK (Student Newspaper) u Tapestry (literary and art magazine)

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HOME. ost first-year students ease into college life by moving into our traditional residence halls or suites. All rooms are equipped with telephone service, voice mail, HD cable service, free laundry, direct Internet access, and wireless access. There are several options:

Two residence halls offer two-person rooms and common



floor bathrooms u North Hall offers two-person rooms with bathrooms in each u Village Housing offers 25 beds per house, a common living area, and a common study area u Four residence halls offer two-person suites with shared bathrooms u One apartment complex offers four-bedroom, two-bathroom units u One apartment complex offers four-bedroom, four-bathroom units

I knew Methodist was for me when I came for my first visit. My MU journey has been the best four years of my life. I have made life-long connections and memories I will cherish forever. If you like small classes, interactive teachers and a family atmosphere, then MU is the place for you.” — Kasey Conley ’16 Applied Forensic Science and Justice Studies Marion, North Carolina “ As a freshman, I was so nervous about sharing a living space with girls I’d never met before, especially since I’d never shared a room with anyone. Little did I know, my roommate and suitemates would become my best friends. From living in the residence hall during my freshman year to having the privilege to move into the Alpha Delta Pi house during my sophomore year, the sense of family within the residence halls is amazing. Methodist University isn’t just a school, it has given me a home.” — Nicole Spink ’16 Environmental and Occupational Management Havelock, North Carolina

There’s a meal plan for every appetite.

Our flexible meal plans allow you to dine in the Green & Gold Dining Hall and the Lion’s Den. Campus food service facilities offer: u Fresh fruits and salads u Homemade soups u Hot, home-style entrées u Freshly baked pizza and pasta u Deli selections u Ice cream and fresh desserts u A Mongolian grill u New brands in the Lion’s Den, including a full-service Starbucks®, a Chick-fil-A® Express, Sandwich Shack, and F'Real milkshakes u A “Grab and Go” convenience store with prepackaged food u A “Monarch Dollars Program” connected to meal plans to purchase pizzas from a national chain and to use at a number of campus locations

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Price Field & Softball Field House



major construction projects are supported by the capital campaign


buildings have been constructed in the last 10 years to accommodate MU’s growing programs and enrollment


Armstrong Baseball Field House


he University is in the second phase of a 25-year Master Plan, the signs of which are everywhere on campus. Completed projects include the Thomas R. McLean Health Sciences Building, the new Nursing Building, Armstrong Baseball Field House, North Hall, and multiple sidewalk, landscaping, and campus entrance projects.


Soccer Athletic Facility

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will be invested in new facilities in the next 10 years



Campaign for Methodist University — Building Excellence

he “Campaign for Methodist University­­— Building Excellence” is the largest fundraising initiative in Methodist University’s history. It will fund scholarships, endowed faculty positions, academic programs, campus life enhancements, new and renovated academic buildings, and expanded athletic facilities. The capital projects in the campaign include: The Thomas R. McLean Health Sciences Building u John M. Reeves Fine Arts Building Renovation u Sharon and Ron Matthews World Ministry Center u Linda and Ralph Huff Concert Hall u Student Union and Berns Center Renovation and Expansion u Improved athletic facilities, including those for golf, baseball, softball, soccer, football, track and field, and lacrosse



Berns Student Center, Northeast View

Berns Student Center, Northwest View

Football, Track and Field, and Lacrosse Facility

Huff Concert Hall

Gene Clayton Tennis Facility

Matthews World Ministry Center

Berns Student Center, Interior View

was raised by early 2016

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EXCEL. ecent graduates have been empowered to excel in graduate school and the workplace. Take a look at what a few of our recent graduates are up to: EMPLOYMENT Latisha Allen ’15 is the central district

supervisor with the North Carolina Department of Insurance.

Antonio Alston ’14 is a safety manager


for Amazon.

Bryan Bing ’15 is a graduate assistant

and defensive football coach at Heidelberg University.

Carolyn Bloomer ’16 is employed by

Merrill Lynch.

Jennifer Christian ’13 is a chemist for

Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Wilson, N.C.

Josh Clarke ’15 worked as a site director

for YouthWorks in Ghana. He is currently employed by Manna Church.

Michael Connor ’14 is an analyst for

Chatham County Bureau of Investigation.

Adam Davila ’14 is a graphic designer for

Immersion Media.

Cheryl Davis-Triplet ’14 is a nurse at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center. Daniel Desseaur ’13 is working for

Mary Catherine Pilkington ’14 is a labor

the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the John Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio.

Talia Rodriquez ’16 is the director of

Michael Duprey ’13 is an education analyst

Sonia Rosa ’15 is a senior accountant for

patron and audience services for the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra.

at RTI International, a research institute in the Research Triangle Park.

Cape Fear Valley Hospital.

Elizabeth Garcia ’15 is employed by Cape

for Amazon.

Fear Valley Medical Center.

Qëndresa Krasniqi ’13 works for European Stability Initiative, a small think tank, and for Kosovo Diaspora, which uses digital diplomacy in a quest to improve the image of Kosovo. Leslie Lovette ’14 is a physician assistant who works in Robeson County Health Department’s Adult Health Clinic. Duncan Miller ’14 is the head tennis

professional at Navesink Country Club in Middletown, N.J.

Shawntavia Odom ’15 is a healthcare

administrator for Fayetteville VA Medical Center and is attending graduate school at Columbia Southern University.

Ronald Patterson, Jr. ’14 is a nurse in

the emergency room at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center.

Methodist graduates score big.

and delivery nurse at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center.

College Scorecard measures the average income of students 10 years after they start at a particular institution. In the first published College Scorecard data, the salary of students 10 years after they started at MU ranked 10th among the 52 four-year institutions in North Carolina and second among the 29 institutions that primarily award bachelor's degrees. The average salary was approximately $2,100 per year more than the average four-year school student's salary in North Carolina.

Delrico Rowe ’15 is a safety specialist

Anja Sakotic ’13, ’16M is the assistant director of admissions at the Art Institute of Raleigh-Durham. Samantha Scoggins ’16 is an information technology associate for Duke Energy in Raleigh. Zack Sweet ’14 is the assistant golf professional in the winter at Everglades Club in Palm Beach, Fla., and the assistant golf professional in the summer at Cape Cod National Golf Club in Brewster, Mass.

Ranking among the 52 four-year institutions in NC for the highest salary 10 years after beginning college

Taylor Tipton ’15 works as a lab technician

for Albaugh LLC.

Isuru Wijesundara ’13 recently accepted a position in Duke Energy’s IT department. Darren Wilson ’11, Dylan Rose ’14, Andrew Poole ’14, Michael Poole ’14, and Krista Zentner ’15 are employed by

the Fayetteville Police Department.

Ranking among the 29 four-year institutions in NC that award primarily bachelor’s degrees for the highest salary 10 years after beginning college

Mary Catherine Pilkington 40 | Methodist University

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DEGREES. Lisa Amsden ’15 is in graduate school at Penn State University.


Kayla Beavers ’15 teaches English at SDA

Sahmyook Language School in South Korea.

Gavin Daniels ’15 earned a full scholarship


to attend George W. Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University.

Anita Djonlic ’14 was accepted to four

Diverse majors, minors, and areas of concentration

universities to pursue a Ph.D. in organic chemistry: Duke University, Vanderbilt University, University of Tennessee, and Northeastern University. She is currently attending Duke University.

Dzenana Dzanic ’14 secured a job with an accounting firm and will pursue a master’s degree in accounting at North Carolina State University. Erin Fegley ’14 is pursuing a master’s degree in biology at East Carolina University. Jasmina Gobeljic ’13 was accepted into

graduate school at the University of Oxford.

Andrew Harper ’14 is attending Duke

and is attending George Mason Law School.

Cierra Murphy ’14 is pursuing a dual master’s degree in counseling and educational development at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Bryan Hockaday ’14 recently earned a

Syntina Nesbitt ’14 is pursuing a master’s

Divinity School.

Maeve Harper ’14 interns for a law firm

master’s degree from Durham University, which is one of 24 major research-intensive universities in the United Kingdom.

degree in counseling and educational development at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Emily Huneycutt ’13 is attending pharmacy

Miguel Fernando Tevez-Rosales ’15 is attending University of Richmond School of Law.

school at Presbyterian College in Clinton, S.C.

Emily Huneycutt

Miguel Fernando Tevez-Rosales

Jeremy Kamphuis ’14 is pursuing a master’s degree in computer security and information assurance at George Washington University. Leslie Lingo ’16 is attending graduate

School at University of Nevada–Las Vegas.

Bernard Minter ’15 is a graduate assistant at Northeastern University, where he is currently pursuing a master’s degree. James Moran ’14 was awarded a graduate teaching assistantship with full tuition remission at North Carolina State University. After earning a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing, he plans to pursue a doctorate.

42 | Methodist University

of graduate survey responders indicated that they had a job or were in graduate school within six months of graduation

of freshmen live on campus

opportunities for travel and study abroad are offered each academic year

countries are represented

Zhane Ruffin ’16 is pursuing a master’s

degree in sport industry management at Georgetown University.

Lindsay Tippett ’15 is pursuing a graduate

degree in accounting at North Carolina State University.


Jacob Trigoboff ’14 is pursuing a master’s degree in high-technology crime investigation at George Washington University. Tijana Vasiljevic ’14 was accepted to four

universities to pursue a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry: Ohio State University, University of North Texas, Drexel University, and the University of Waterloo in Canada.

Engage. Enrich. Empower.

Student-to-faculty ratio

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1. Welcome Center 2. Joe W. Stout Hall 3. Horner Administration Building 4. John M. Reeves Fine Arts Building and Huff Concert Hall 5. William F. Bethune Center for Visual Arts & David McCune International Art Gallery 6. Alpha Delta Pi House 7. North Village Housing 8. Pi Kappa Alpha House 9. Kappa Sigma House 10. Lambda Chi Alpha House 11. North Hall 12. D. Keith Allison Hall 13. Dr. & Mrs. M. Elton Hendricks Science Complex 14. Nimocks Fitness Center 15. The President’s Home 16. North Administrative Building 17. L. Stacy Weaver Hall 18. Bishop Paul Garber Hall 19. West Hall Health Center 20. Richard W. Pearce Hall Personal Development Center 21. Terry Sanford Hall

22. Cumberland Hall 23. Chris’s House 24. Gene Clayton Tennis Facility 25. Price Field and Softball Fieldhouse 26. Practice Athletic Field 27. Armstrong-Shelley Baseball Field 28. Pauline Longest Nature Trail 29. Golf Course “Down Back” 30. Golf Practice Facility 31. Richard L. Player Golf and Tennis Learning Center 32. McLean Residential Complex a. Thomas R. McLean Hall b. Elizabeth E. McLean Hall 33. Cape Fear Commons Apartments 34. March F. Riddle Athletics Center 35. Fannie Farmer Park 36. Basketball Courts 37. Berns Student Center 38. John W. Hensdale Chapel 39. Yarborough Bell Tower 40. Davis Memorial Library














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32 a IVE











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The beauty of our campus and friendliness of our community will win you over. We hope you visit our campus to experience our brand of Southern hospitality. Let us know you are coming and we will arrange a personal tour based on your interests. You may visit at any time, but you will get the best sense of what it feels like to be a Monarch if you come while classes are in session.
















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41. Monarch Stadium 42. The “Sink” Recreation Area 43. Professional Nursing Studies Building 44. Margaret and Walter Clark Hall, Reeves School of Business 45. Trustees Academic Building 46. Coach Sink Field 47. Football Field House 48. Maintenance Offices 49. Maintenance Warehouse 50. Monarch Soccerplex 51. Mallett-Rogers House 52. Campus Services Building 53. Thomas R. McLean Health Sciences Building 54. BB&T Bank 55. Physician Assistant Program Academic Building 56. Medical Lecture Hall 57. Anatomy Lab 58. O’Hanlon Memorial Amphitheater



Methodist University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability for otherwise qualified persons in the administration of its admissions, educational policies, scholarships, loan programs, athletics, employment, or any other university-sponsored or advertised program. Methodist University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees. Contact SACSCOC at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404.679.4500 for questions about the accreditation of Methodist University. In addition, Methodist University has been approved by SACSCOC to offer its first doctoral-level program—the Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

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