Career Services

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MEAGAN McCABE Associate Director 910.630.7335

ANTOINETTE BELLAMY Director 910.630.7257

DEBORAH V. OWENS Assistant Director 910.630.7334

Office of Career Services Berns Student Center (Lower Level) Phone: 910.630.7333 Fax: 910 630.7651 Methodist University | 5400 Ramsey Street | Fayetteville NC 28311-1498 | Methodist University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability for otherwise qualified persons in the administration of its admissions, educational policies, scholarships, loan programs, athletics, employment, or any other university-sponsored or advertised program.


The Office of Career Services hosts a variety of workshops and events throughout the school year designed to help students reach their career goals. Students and faculty are encouraged to visit the office for information on specific workshops and events. MISSION The Office of Career Services supports the mission of the Office of Student Development & Services and provides career services and resources to all students and alumni from the first year of college to graduation and beyond. The Office of Career Services guides and instructs students and alumni in the development of the skills necessary to obtain meaningful employment and career satisfaction, to succeed in a diverse and rapidly changing workforce, and to manage their life-long career strategies.

WORKSHOPS & EVENTS  ◆ Resume Writing & Interview Workshops  ◆ Professional Development Workshops  ◆ Career Fair Success Workshops  ◆ Career Services Week  ◆ On-Campus Recruiting  ◆ Career Fairs  ◆ Fall & Spring Etiquette Dinners  ◆ Mock Interviews  ◆ Speed Networking  ◆ Dress For Success  ◆ Employer Information Sessions ADDITIONAL RESOURCES

◆ Job & Internship Search Strategies  ◆ Career Coaching/Advising  ◆ Career/Major Assessments  ◆ Optimal Resume Online  ◆ Career Liftoff Online  ◆ College Central Network Online

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