THE MAAP PROGRAM The Methodist Academic Achievement Program (MAAP) is a two-semester program which is designed to provide you the opportunity to experience academic success. Academic Services Associates will work with you to facilitate your successful transition from high school to college by providing guidance, referrals, counseling and other support services. MAAP SUMMER ACADEMY As a MAAP student, you are qualified to participate in an exciting summer enrichment program. The Summer Academy at Methodist University will provide you the opportunity to start early on your collegiate journey. Together, MAAP and the Summer Academy are designed to help you strengthen your academic skills and provide the support needed for you to succeed in college.
I had a blast when I first came on campus. You get a head start in your English class and you will get to check out the Fayetteville area. —Mike Reilly West Palm Beach, Florida
This will be an exciting program filled with many rewarding experiences. Your freshman year is an important time for you to develop a strong academic and social foundation to support you throughout your years at Methodist University. Over the course of this four-week academy, you will be given the opportunity to complete a three semester hour course in English 1000 and a two semester hour course in IDS 1150 - Learning Strategies. You will also participate in seminars and social activities that will assist you in becoming a productive student here at Methodist University.
Office of Admissions 910.630.7027 800.488.7110 Eugenia Johnson Academic Services Associate 910.630.7588 800.488.7110
Enrollment in the MAAP Summer Academy is limited to 20 students. Be sure to submit the enclosed reservation form, your University enrollment deposit ($300 for residential students, $100 for commuting students) and the $200 book reservation fee to reserve your spot in this program today!
Quincy Malloy Academic Services Associate 910.630.7151 800.488.7110 Methodist University 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville NC 28311-1498 |
MAAP SUMMER ACADEMY DATES Move in: Sunday, July 14, 2013 Last day of classes: Friday, August 9, 2013
Methodist University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability for otherwise qualified persons in the administration of its admissions, educational policies, scholarships, loan programs, athletics, employment, or any other university-sponsored or advertised program. Design 1.1
“The Summer Academy was one of the best things I could’ve experienced here at Methodist University. I got an opportunity to meet new people and experience what college is like before I actually attended. I enjoyed the English course and I wish the best of luck to the next group of students entering the Summer Academy.” —Stephanie Perez Fayetteville, North Carolina
“My summer experience was very beneficial. I felt like ‘OK, I know I can make it now.’ It is always tough walking into any new situation not knowing what to expect. To be able to come in ahead of time and get a feel for the classes before everyone else was amazing. And, to top it off, we got credit for it. It gave me great confidence and assured me that I could make it.” —Jamaal Doran Kernersville, North Carolina
LIVING AND LEARNING The MAAP Summer Academy program allows you to transition to college life both academically and socially. Great care has been taken to provide a residential and learning environment which is conducive for student success throughout the Summer Academy and beyond. SOCIAL EXPERIENCE MAAP Summer Academy students are able to get to know each other and their surroundings through regular excursions in and around Fayetteville. Trips to see Fayetteville Swamp Dogs baseball games, shopping and Fayetteville’s Fourth Friday are among the social highlights of this four-week program. The MU student life staff also plans many on-campus activities designed to allow students to get involved in campus life and bond with other students in the program. These on and off-campus programs take place during the week and on weekends. HOUSING AND MEALS Students who participate in the MAAP Summer Academy will be provided (and required to live in) on-campus housing. Every effort will be made to house MAAP Summer Academy students together in the same residence hall. Meals for the MAAP Summer Academy will also be provided for each student who participates in the program.
“The summer program helped me out a great deal. I knew I made a good decision in coming to the program because I was able to get a head start on school and in campus life. The result of my attending the summer program that I knew people on campus before school started and it taught me how to manage my time.”
—BJ Minter Raleigh, North Carolina
ACADEMIC SEMINARS An integral part of the academic transition to Methodist University, regularly planned academic seminars are scheduled for topics such as developing leadership skills, and dealing with transitional social issues faced by University freshmen. ENGLISH 1000 MAAP Summer Academy students will take English 1000. This three semester hour course is designed to prepare students for the rigors of college-level writing, which will be emphasized throughout the Methodist University curriculum. IDS 1150 MAAP Summer Academy students will also take IDS 1150 Learning Strategies - a course designed with the University freshman in mind. This course will emphasize the skills necessary to make a successful transition from high school to college, emphasizing time management, note-taking from lecture and text, and methods for reading college-level texts.
ACADEMIC SUPPORT MAAP Summer Academy students will have ample access to all Methodist University academic support programs throughout the four-week program. There will be scheduled sessions in the Methodist University Writing Center as well as scheduled study-hall and tutoring sessions. MAAP SUMMER ACADEMY TEXTBOOK INFORMATION: The textbooks that will be used during the MAAP Summer Academy are available in the stident store upon arrival. However, the texts can be purchased online if you prefer. ENG 1000: “ALONG THESE LINES: WRITING PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS” Sixth Edition, John Sheridan Biays and Carol Wershoven ISBN 10: 0205110134 ISBN 13: 9780205110131 IDS 115: “CORNERSTONES FOR CAREER COLLEGE SUCCESS” Third Edition, Robert M. Sherfield and Patricia G. Moody ISBN 10: 0132789353 ISBN 13: 978-0132789356
MAAP SUMMER ACADEMY COSTS This outstanding Summer Academy experience is available to you at no charge for tuition, room and meals. The participation fee for the Summer Academy is only a $200 book reservation fee. There is no charge for housing or meals. However, some of the social components of this program will require a small fee. This amount will be determined when the schedule is finalized and the students will be informed of any additional fees before they arrive on campus. A TYPICAL MAAP SUMMER ACADEMY DAY 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Breakfast - Cafeteria 10 a.m. – Noon English 1000 Noon – 1 p.m. Lunch - Cafeteria 1 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. IDS 1150 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. Academic Session - TBD 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Dinner - Cafeteria 7:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Seminar - TBD 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. Social Activities 11 p.m. In Rooms