THE BSN ADVANTAGE Earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) immediately opens the gateway to an advanced degree in nursing such as a nurse practitioner (NP), nurse anesthetist (CRNA), nurse leader, or nurse educator. Recognition, merit-based salary increases, clinical ladder progression, and promotions in most hospitals rely on the completion of a BSN.
ADMISSION CRITERIA Completion of pre-nursing core with a 2.8 GPA overall and a grade of C or higher (no C-) in all science, psychology and pre-nursing courses, a passing score on a standardized admission test, required health screen, physical exam, & immunizations, be of sound mind, criminal background check, drug screen, an essay and interview. Students must show evidence of reliable transportation, and the ability to purchase required technology, uniforms, and equipment.
ADMISSION PREFERENCE Nursing Admission Preference candidacy is a unique opportunity to have priority consideration for admission to the Methodist University Professional Nursing Studies Program. This program applies only to high school seniors or entering college freshmen who declare Nursing (PreNursing) as a major on the Application for Undergraduate Admission. Applicants must have a minimum 3.10 cumulative, weighted grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) and must have scored a 1000 or better on the Critical Reading and Math Section of the SAT (22 ACT composite). Nursing Admissions Preference candidates will have a space reserved in the Methodist University Professional Nursing Studies program provided they maintain all admission criteria stated above.
CONTACT INFORMATION Office of Admissions 910.630.7027 1.800.488.7110 Mary Hall, RN, MSN 910.630.7063 Methodist University 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville NC 28311-1498 |
THE MISSION OF THE MU NURSING PROGRAM To educate nursing students to be professional, competent, and caring nurses who can think critically, communicate with compassion, and contribute to positive health outcomes for the people they serve.
THE METHODIST UNIVERSITY JOURNEY Methodist University students participate in an active, engaged classroom environment. They have the opportunity to pursue internships, workplace and community-based learning experiences, and student-faculty collaborative projects and research. Enriched by a community that values leadership, ethics and character development, MU students are exposed to diverse global and cultural perspectives. This journey empowers our graduates, preparing them for success in the workplace and graduate school.
U.S. hospitals need approximately 116,000 RNs to fill vacant positions nationwide. According to the North Carolina Board of Nursing, the state of North Carolina is expected to have a shortage of nurses in excess of 32,000 by the year 2020. Workforce analysts with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projected that more than 581,500 new RN positions will be created through 2018. Of these the Institute of Medicine calls for increasing the number of baccalaureateprepared nurses in the workforce to 80%. The Methodist University Nursing Program is poised to meet this challenge by preparing you for a rewarding career as a health care professional.
◆ Outstanding Nursing faculty who are proven nurse educators ◆ MU Nursing embraces students as part of a learning community ◆ A broad foundation in the sciences and a liberal arts core ◆ BSN instruction includes certification in Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and certificates in preparation to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) standards ◆ The opportunity to certify in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Neonatal Advanced Life Support (NALS) ◆ We include NCLEX-RN predictive testing and face to face review ◆ We strive to prepare you for your chosen nursing specialty career ◆ We provide success skills for Patient Care Boot Camp I & II ◆ Students are exposed to nursing immersion experiences ◆ Students in the MU Nursing Program may consider athletics, Greek life, international and national cultural experiences, and professional nursing student organization membership (MU Nursing Club, National Association of Nursing Students, Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society).
The MU General Simulation Hospital is complete with an admitting/discharge area, pharmacy, triage, central distribution, two Nurses Stations, four critical care rooms, a pediatric ward, and triage suite. Nursing students interact with life-sized computerized “patients” to provide care to six simulated patients—an infant, a six-year old boy, an expectant mother, and two adult males before working with live patients. In each clinical scenario with these “patients” developed by the faculty, students are exposed to situations and changes in patient conditions that they will experience in actual practice. Methodist University has the only known “simulated general hospital” for nursing training in North Carolina.
FRESHMAN (Pre-Nursing)
SOPHOMORE (Pre-Nursing)
PNU 101 ENG 101 IDS 110 MAT 105 (or higher) BIO 153 Humanities elective 17 semester hours
ENG 102 HIS 104 CSC 100 MAT 220 Humanities elective PSY 101 18 semester hours
PNU 201 BIO 306 CHE 151 IDS 210 Fine Arts elective Humanities elective History elective 18 semester hours
PNU 202 BIO 307 BIO 308 OCL 151 WEL 218 Humanities elective 18 semester hours
JUNIOR (Nursing)**
SENIOR (Nursing)**
NUR 300 NUR 301 NUR 304 NUR 311 15 semester hours
NUR 306 NUR 308 NUR 315 NUR 316 16 semester hours
NUR 401 NUR 403 NUR 404 LSS 305 15 semester hours
NUR 406 NUR 408 NUR 450 ENM 202 16 semester hours
* Please note that this is a recommended sequence. Check the academic catalogue for course descriptions, prerequisites and course availability for each semester. ** Requires formal admission to the Professional Nursing Studies Program (see admission criteria elsewhere in this brochure).
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING COURSES PNU 101 Notes on Nursing PNU 201 Caring, Healing and Compassion PNU 202 Critical Thinking and Communication NUR 300 Introduction to Nursing NUR 301 Health Assessment of the Adult NUR 304 Fundamental Nursing Care NUR 306 Adult Nursing I NUR 308 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing NUR 311 Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurses NUR 315 Nutrition for Health and Healing NUR 316 Cultural and Spiritual Issues in Healthcare NUR 401 Research for Professional Nursing Practice NUR 403 Trends and Issues in Healthcare NUR 404 Maternal Child Nursing NUR 406 Adult Nursing II NUR 408 Community Health Nursing NUR 450 Nursing Capstone Seminar ENM 202 General Principles of Industrial Hygiene LSS 305 Principles of Leadership All courses with the prefix NUR require admission to the Professional Nursing Studies Program.