Scholarships for United Methodist Students Brochure

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Methodist University realizes that financing your education is a primary concern. Through the financial aid process, we strive to make a Methodist University education affordable and financially feasible for each student. In addition to substantial academic and need-based scholarship and grant opportunities offered through the University, there are a number of scholarship and loan programs targeted specifically toward students who are members of a United Methodist Church.


Office of Admissions 910.630.7027 1.800.488.7110 Methodist University 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-1498

THE PASTOR’S CERTIFICATE This scholarship is offered by Methodist University to any incoming full-time day student who is sponsored by his or her UMC pastor. Please have your pastor complete the form included with this brochure and return it to the Methodist University Campus Minister. Amount: Up to $1,000 per year Renewal: Full-time day enrollment, 2.0 or better MU GPA Application: Enclosed MINISTER’S DEPENDENT SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is offered to legal dependents/spouses of active, retired or deceased full time, licensed, local ministers who are members of the United Methodist Church. The student must be attending Methodist University as a fulltime student in the day program. Amount: Half of tuition Renewal: Full-time day enrollment, satisfactory academic progress, renewal application Application: Contact the MU Office of Financial Assistance

Methodist University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability for otherwise qualified persons in the administration of its admissions, educational policies, scholarships, loan programs, athletics, employment, or any other university-sponsored or advertised program. Design 1.0


BLACKBURN SCHOLARSHIPS The Bishop Blackburn Scholarship has been established by the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church to enable deserving Methodist youth to continue their education at Methodist University, Louisburg College or North Carolina Wesleyan College. Students planning to attend Methodist University must apply to the chairman of the Scholarship Committee of the Division of Higher Education of the North Carolina Annual Conference. This scholarship is rotated each year among the three institutions.

DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation will provide a $1,000 matching scholarship for 475 churches that raise and provide $1,000 on behalf of student members enrolled or planning to enroll in a United Methodist-related college, university, or seminary. Methodist University participates in the Triple Your Dollars component of the United Methodist Dollars for Scholars program. Students selected as Dollars for Scholars recipients will receive $1,000 in matching funds from MU for a total award of $3,000. For more information and an application visit

The Mary Jeanne Blackburn Scholarship is awarded annually to students who are members of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church and who maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average.

UNITED METHODIST HIGHER EDUCATION FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS In addition to the UMLS and Dollars for Scholars programs, there are many other scholarships sponsored by the UMHEF.

Amount: Varies Renewal: Varies Application: contact the MU Office of Financial Assistance UNITED METHODIST LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP United Methodist Churches and United Methodist-related colleges and universities in the southeast sponsor the United Methodist Leadership Scholars (UMLS) program. UMLS is supported by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) and the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF).

For more information and applications visit and select the icon labeled “Scholarship Info.” GENERAL BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND MINISTRY SCHOLARSHIP AND LOAN PROGRAMS The United Methodist Scholarship and Loan Programs are a church-wide educational service providing scholarships and loans to help supplement the financial needs of today’s students. Funding for these scholarships and loans are provided through offerings, wills, annuities, and other designated gifts. Through the Loan Program, students may borrow up to $5,000 per year at 5 percent interest (Five for Five program). The 135-year-old United Methodist Student Loan Fund is the oldest student loan fund in the United States. For more information on GBHEM scholarship and loan programs visit and select “Loans & Scholarships.”

Campus Ministry at Methodist University provides opportunities for diverse styles of worship, biblical study, music, community service, pursuit of justice, and leadership. Participation in Campus Ministry and its programs is optional.

This scholarship program is designed to encourage active United Methodist students to attend a United Methodist-related college or university by offering up to $3,000 in scholarship funds. Through the UMLS program, local churches are encouraged to provide $1,000 scholarships on behalf of the students planning to enroll in a participating United Methodist-related college or university. These institutions have agreed to match local church funds for a total award of $2,000. In addition, UMHEF has agreed to provide a limited number of $1,000 matching scholarships for a total award of $3,000 (local church, UMHEF, and school funds). For more information and an application visit |

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