Methodist College Belfast
Senior Prize Distribution
Friday 14 October 2022
Rev Dr Janet Unsworth
Guest of Honour: Christina Bennington
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others.”
Nelson Mandela
Music will be played on the Mitchell Organ by Mr Graeme McCullough MA (Oxon)
Senior Orchestra Carillon from L’Arlesienne (Suite no. 1)
G.Bizet arr. David Stone
(The audience should remain standing until the platform party members are seated)
Hymn For the Beauty of the Earth arr. C. Kocher arr. Mack Wilberg
Prayer Mr Ian Gibson
Senior Choir Magnificat Bridge Over Troubled Water
Chairperson’s Introduction Rev Dr J Unsworth
Chapel Choir
G. Pergolesi
P. Simon arr. C. Sechler
And Can It Be? arr. Dan Forrest
Principal’s Report Mrs J Lendrum
Girls’ Choir
How Great Thou Art
Address Miss Christina Bennington
Distribution of Prizes
Presented by Miss Christina Bennington
The Band Mambo No. 5
Vote of Thanks
School Song
Head Girl Head Boy
Soloist Hannah Gheel U6PQ
Stuart Hine arr. Dan Forrest
Damaso Perez Pradoarr Jay Bocook
Sofia Gray Peter Unsworth
Piano Emily Wilson L6X
Opportunity Diversity Excellence 3
For the beauty of the earth, For the beauty of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies, Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise.
For the beauty of each hour Of the day and of the night, Hill and vale and tree and flow’r, Sun and moon, and stars of light, Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise.
For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child, Friends on earth and friends above, For all gentle thoughts and mild, Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. A-men.
The School Song
(Verse one, men only)
(Verse two, ladies only)
(Verse three, all sing)
(Choir only)
Latin words by Professor RM Henry MA DLitt, Music by FH Sawyer MusBac FRCO MA
Omnes condiscipulos confidenter oro, celebrent Collegium carmine canoro; optimum pulcherrimum ludum qui habemus, hilari, laetissimo cantu celebremus
Situs in monticulo callide delectus, omnibus rivalibus invide conspectus, omnibus fautoribus solitus amari, prohibet scientiae lumen occultari
Floreat Ultonia; floreant Hiberni; floreat Collegium nominis aeterni
Dumque cum laboribus vitae concertamus, semper in memoria ludum habeamus
Confidently now I beg scholars here before us, celebrate our College with tuneful praise and chorus; best and fairest MCB honours still await thee: now with joyful mirth and song let us celebrate thee
Pile of beauty, fitly placed on a site commanding, thou, on whom thy rivals gaze envious of thy standing, whom thy sons regard with love, fealty and affiance, thou dost radiate afar culture, art and science
Let our Ulster flourish well, all the Irish flourish; flourish our most famous school which the arts doth nourish While we fight together the toils of life that claim us, let us ever keep in mind Methody the famous
Opportunity Diversity Excellence Hymn 4
Prize List 2022
Description of Prizes
Special Merit Prize
This is the highest award for academic achievement in each Form. It is awarded to the pupils who have attained the highest standard across all the subjects they take.
Subject Prizes
These prizes are awarded to pupils, after the award of Special Merit, who have gained the highest marks in each subject. For subject areas that teach all pupils in a year group, this normally numbers six prizes allocated per subject.
Form Prizes
These prizes are awarded to the pupils who have not won a subject prize but who have made significant progress in their attainment over the school year. Six prizes are awarded per For m.
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Special Merit Prizes
Charley Bell
Kiera Craig
Subject Prizes
Isaac Allen
Lola Armstrong
Mori Asaolu
Jack Bailie
Sarah Bamford
Katherine Bradley
Eve Burns
Beatrice Campbell
Austin Caroux-Fyson
Aditya Chaudhari
Yoonsung Choi
Joseph Creasy
Romilly Daines
Lola Goldrick
Christopher Handley
Riya Johnston
Cait Kremenstein
Hanniel Kumar
Coco Li
Jingtao Lin
Leo Majury-Del Signore
Theo McCafferty
Sofia McGarry
Beth McRoberts
Harvey Mitchell
Lara Mockford
Sophia Murray-Twinn
Annabel Parkinson
Charlotte Phillips
Sonya Podgurskaia
Tara Stevens
Conor Trimble
Sharan Varma
Eve Woods
Fatime Xhemaj
Ze Lun Xue
Kelly You
Lucy Zhang
Form Prizes
Ibrahim Akram
Emily Dong
Prize List 2022
Form Four
Sarah Johnston
Henry McDowell
Darcy Monaghan
Sinead Quah
Digital Technology (Programming)
Government and Politics
Biology, Mathematics, Religious Education
English Language
Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Geography
Biology, French, Spanish
Digital Technology, Mathematics
Moving Image Arts
Biology, Chemistry, History, Spanish
Classical Civilisation, English Literature, Religious Education
Mathematics, Physics
Further Mathematics
Music, Physics
Geography, Latin, Religious Education
History, Spanish
English Language, English Literature, French, German English Literature
English Language
Business Studies, English Literature
Business Studies
Food and Nutrition, Physical Education
Further Mathematics, Religious Education
Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics
English Language
Jenzo Galvan
Christopher Handley
Alfie McGarrigle
Sophie Patience
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Special Merit Prizes
Luke Armstrong
Katy Doherty
Ella Hanratty
Subject Prizes
Inshaal Aamir
Seayada Abdelal
Isabella Austin
Elizabeth Barr
Lochlain Briggs
Ryan Connolly
Butros Copty
Isabella Davies
Joshua Emerson
Izzy Fitzpatrick
Ben Flanagan
Ben Gallagher
Maggie Gilmartin
Daniel Graham
Ruby Green
Hannah Harvey
Amy Hunter
Zayan Imam
Katie Jack
Francesca Jones
Rudy Jordan
Akash Jose
Elead Lau
Kairl Lau
Sophia Lopes
Hannah Magill
Mira Malinova
Estelle Marlow
Sophie Maxwell
Lucy McAllister
Jane McCarroll
Lucy McCarron
William McKinney
Rose Mulvaney
Sarah Murphy
Oliver Neill
Eddie Petersen
Simrik Sharma
Charlotte Spence
Virag Sugar
Naomi Tedford
Honor Turnbull
Matthew Wang
Jenny Wu
Form Prizes
Ross Bolan
Max Costa i Fassunge
Prize List 2022
Form Five
Ashwin Iyer
Seth Massey
Henry McCorry
Maya Watson
Oscar Whiteman
Moving Image Arts, Drama
Business Studies, History
Art, Religious Studies, Technology
Digital Technology (Programming)
Biology, Geography
Chemistry, Digital Technology (Multimedia), Spanish Biology
Government and Politics, Religious Education, Technology
English Literature
Biology, Chemistry, English Language, Physics, Spanish
Chemistry, Physics
English Language
English Literature
Geography, History
Food and Nutrition
Physical Education
Mathematics, Further Mathematics
History, Spanish
Government and Politics
English Literature, German
Religious Education
Religious Education
English Language
Further Mathematics
Religious Education
Further Mathematics, Physics
Economics, English Language
Chemistry, Further Mathematics
Religious Education
Classical Civilisation
Mathematics, Physics
Biology, English Literature, Geography, Physics
Robert Cucu
Pearce McCrory
Aine McGoldrick
Kate Weir
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Subject Prizes
Laura Agnew
Christopher Austin
Keira Barry
Carrie Bell
Aayush Sunil Bhari
Zara Bolan
Logan Brown
Akarsh Choudhary
Emma Cooper
Patrick Cosgrove
Hannah Fitzpatrick
Sophie Forde
Carmen Gray
Niamh Green
Mosab Hamal
Emma Honeyford
Lewis Keys
Jen Lamont
Susannah Lawrence
Katie Leitch
Alice Monaghan
Clodagh Nangle
Keelan Nolan
Emma Owens
Jessica Palmer
Jennie Park
Sorina Paun
Anna Pim
Gughan Ramakrishnan
Keir Robertson
Mimi Rodgers
Michael Ross
Maurya Shukla
Benjamin Sloan
Peter Unsworth
Colleen Villamor
Zainab Waly
Sean Whelan
Benjamin Wilson
Callum Woods
Noah Wu
William Zhang
Prize List 2022
Lower Sixth
Art Biology
Government and Politics
Business Studies
English Literature, History, Drama
Geography, History, Physical Education
English Literature, Russian
Classical Civilisation
Chemistry, Spanish
Health and Social Care
Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Physics
Environmental Technology
Media Studies
Nutrition and Food Science
Moving Image Arts, Psychology
Chemistry, Latin
Business Studies
Physics, Computer Science
Religious Studies
Mathematics, Physics
Biology, Chemistry
Business Studies
Art Biology
Design and Technology
Travel and Tourism
Biology, Geography
Further Mathematics
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Special Merit Prizes
The Alderman Carlisle Prize
Prize List 2022
Upper Sixth
Yifei Shen
This prize is awarded to the student with the highest attainment at A Level
The Pembroke College, Oxford Prize
This prize is awarded to the student with the second highest attainment at A Level
Subject Prizes
Art & Design
Mrs Shannon Prize
Philip Johnston Prizes
Business Studies College Prizes
Philip Johnston Prizes
Classics College Prize for Classical Civilisation
SJ Wilson Prize for Latin
Drama College Prize
John Hogg Memorial Prizes
English Falconer Centenary Prize
Margaret Grant Cormack Prize
Lindsay Prize
Environmental Technology College Prize
Joan Graham Prize
Stewart McCartney Memorial Prize
Government & Politics College Prizes
Anhu Karthikeyan
Tori Wright
Hannah Alderdice
Matthew Fon
Harry Pratt
Anisa Price
Jack Reynolds
Benjamin Tughan
Patrick Humphreys
Brian McCollum
Daniel McCurdy
Anisa Price
Nina Moore
Catelyn Maxwell
Louisa Alexander-Law
Cristian Cummings
Matthew Fon
Gemini McKee
Summar Smylie
Theo Falls
Victoria Senninger
Hugh McDowell
Martha Stewart
Louisa Alexander-Law
Eva Somersett
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Prize List 2022
Upper Sixth
Health & Social Care College Prize
Jonathan Halley Memorial Prize
AJ Tulip Prize
Dr Hugh Turtle Prize
RE Geale Prize for Further Mathematics
JE Campbell Prize
FJ Cleaver Prize
EH Clokey Prizes
Media Studies College Prize
Modern Languages
Alice Ritchie Prizes For French For German For Russian For Spanish
Moving Image Arts College Prize
SW Henderson Prize
Nutrition and Food Science
The Joan Balmer Prizes
Sir Robert Evans Prize
Psychology College Prizes
Religious Education
Wallace Memorial Prize
Technology College Prize
Special Prizes
The Ernest Walton Physics Prize
The Todd Prize for Mathematics
The Ryan Prizes for Art & Design
At A Level
The Patrick McConkey Prize for History and Politics
The Ernest Lewis Prize for Science
The Roderick Paisley Prize – University of Aberdeen
Best Overall Student in English and Maths
Beth Rodgers
Adrianna Cutrona
Summar Smylie
Nina Moore
Sherry Wang
Grace Ferguson
Zara Handley
Reuben Austin
Angela Liu
Sophie Bleakley
Rebecca Morris
Hugh McDowell
Gemini McKee
Catherine Campbell
Summar Smylie
Garbhan McEnoy
Lucy Boyd
Arlo Kilpatrick
Gemini McKee
Ella Flynn
Denna Detty
Martha Stewart
Rebecca Carrothers
Daniel McCurdy
Patrick Humphreys
Tori Wright
Elead Lau
Abigail McGreevy
Christopher Bradley
Katy Doherty
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Prize List 2022
Awards & Prizes for Extra-Curricular Activities
Chess College Prize
Rosaleen Kyle Debating Prize
Dr Hugh Turtle Drama Prize
Lindsay Music Prizes
CS Neill Award for Hockey
Tennis Waterpolo
Rosaleen Kyle Squash Award
Robert Gillen Awards for Cricket
WSH Lavery Award for Rugby
Charlene’s Project Award for Hockey
Special Awards
The Lord Grey Award for Excellence
The JT & G Coppel Award
The McClintock Award for Drama
The Sheila Smyth Poetry Award
The Neil Robinson Technology Award
The Hazel Ker Vocal Award
The Lynda O’Kane History Award
The Reverend David Neilands ‘One More Step’ Award
The Dr and Mrs Smiley Awards
Former Pupils’ Awards
College Ambassador Award
Principal’s Awards
Head Girl
Head Boy
Deputy Head Girls
Deputy Head Boys
Senior Prefects
Ashwanth Subramanian
Hannah Fitzpatrick
Conor Cox
Taran Adams, Rebecca Moore
Hermionie Morgan, Niamh Mullaney
Ella Armstrong
James Clark
Patrick McElhinney
Adam Kennedy
Rachel McCrum
Hugh Murphy
Aimee McConnell
Andrew Hunter
Adam Kennedy
Patrick Fullarton-Healey
Eve Mockford
1st XV Boys’ Rugby, 1st XI Girls’ Hockey
Oliver Neill
Bethany Murray
Jane McCarroll
Lucy Grant
Eibhlin Eddy
Rebecca Morris
Hamza Baleed
Hugh McDowell, Eve Mockford
Nina Moore, Jack McCrum
Anna Pim
Rebecca Morris
Patrick Humphreys
Dasha Crozier
Erin Reid
Theo Falls
Garbhan McEnvoy
Taran Adams, Louisa Alexander-Law, Ella Armstrong, Reuben Austin, Sophie Bleakley, Emma Campton, Conor Cox, Joe Dickson, Ryan Lindsay, Abi Lopes, Jack McCrum, Hugh McDowell, Suke McKegney, Eve Mockford, Nina Moore, Anisa Price, Morgan Shuttleworth, Stefan Van Walstijn
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Prize List 2022
Honours/Colours Awards Winter 2021/2022
Emma Campton, Adriana Cutrona, Sophie Moffett, Ruby Tindal, Anna Pim, Jiwon Hong, Zara Bolan, Jen Lamont, Holly Moffett, Enya Darby, Katy Doherty, Rebecca Glass, Sasha Tindal, Sarah Johnston, Erin Pim, Patrick McElhinney, Re-award – Ella Armstrong, Amy Hunter, James Clark
Colours Special Award
Theo Falls, Stefan Van Walstijn, Adam Kennedy, Harry Lynch, Murray Birnie, Prasidh Pentlavalli, Marco Robb, Ryan Connolly, Brandon McEvoy, Benjamin Tremblay, Dylan Scully, Seth Massey, Carl Lewis, Joel Gheel
Patrick McElhinney, Anna Pim, Enya Darby
Callum White, Johnny O’Kane, Finn McAdam, Harry Palmer, Ryan Kidd, Patrick Fullarton-Healey, Michael Crothers, Josh Stevens , David Armstrong, Ryan Lindsay, Joe Dickson, Lorcan Hanratty, Peter O’Hagan, Christopher Bradley, Ben McFarlane, Matteo McLaughlin, Benjamin Wilson, Harry Pratt, Benjamin Neill, Joshua McAdam, Jacob Kelly, Liam Black, Lewis Doherty
Lorcan Binding, Nathan Clarke, Lewis Clarke, Rory Maruna, Ethan Campbell, Eoghan O’Mainnin, Jay Rogers, Conor Ferguson, Benjamin Wilson, Lewis Booth, Jonny Allen, Joshua Irvine, Benjamin Watson, Aayush Sunil Bhari, Dylan Braik, Jude Campbell
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Prize List 2022
Honours/Colours Awards Summer 2021/2022
Peter Gray, Ella Hanratty, Elsa McCallum
Luke O’Brien, Ben Gillen, Christopher Duncan, Tyrese Abolarin
Adam Kennedy
Re-award – Amy Hunter
Conor Ferguson, Andrew Hunter, Benjamin Wilson
Zak Reynolds (Services to Cricket)
Re-award – James Clarke, Theo Falls
Rugby Special Award
Honours Special Award
Josh Stevens
Luke Monaghan, Patrick Collum, Max McCartney, Iain MacRae, William Gillen, James Goldrick, Amy McGivern
Re-award – Jack Chambre, Christopher Duncan, Scott McIlwaine
Hugh Murphy
Hugh Murphy
Note: Colours awarded in a second sport are listed as re-awards.
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Alexandra Clarke
Hannah Gheel
Ryan Joseph
Ishika Kinney
Isabel Mallon
Evie Mills
Emma Owens
Nia Phelan
Megan Riddell
Beth Russell
Benjamin Tremblay
Peter Unsworth
Amber Ball
Darya Dultseva
Rose Fennell
Sofia Gray
Olivia Herity
Hope Kennedy
Tory Kirkpatrick
Susannah Lawrence
Anna Logan
Nicole McKinney
Mia Robb
Maurya Shukla
Ed Storrs
Hannah Wilkinson
Johnathan Zhang
Prize List 2022
Honour Awards Music 2022/2023
Alexandra Clarke
Peter Unsworth
Honour Awards Drama 2022/2023
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Prize List 2022
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Congratulations to the following participants who completed their Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award:
Emma Campton
Dasha Crozier
Tina Dong
Patrick Humphreys
Daniel McCurdy
Hugh McDowell
Gemini McKee
Alice Patterson
Anisa Price
Holly Reid
Yifei Shen
Sameeh Tareen
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
General Certificate of Secondary Education 2022
The following gained at least five grades at C or above
Inshaal Aamir
Seayada Abdelal
Tyrese Abolarin
Fred Adgey
Reuben Aiken
Alishba Akram
Ashley Alex
Zack Anderson
Kojo Antwi
Luke Armstrong
Michael Armstrong
Nora Attwood
Isabella Austin
Emma Ayerst
Faris Ayyoub
Jack Ballentine
Umair Baloch
Elizabeth Barr
Oliver Berry
Fergal Black
Ross Bolan
Kirsten Bowes
Abbie Boyd
Alex Boyd
Dylan Braik
Lochlain Briggs
Holly Bryan
James Bryan
Rohan Caldwell
Ross Carson
Samuel Cheung
Antoni Ciesielski
Bea Cocon
Elijah Colgan
Alexander Colligan
Ryan Connolly
Butros Copty
Max Costa i Fassunge
Lucy Craven
Kyle Crawford
Matthew Cree
Sean Cruz
Robert Cucu
Niamh Cuming
Adam Cunningham
Ben Davidson
Leo Davidson
Isabella Davies
Jessica Delizo
Fay Dickson
Lucy Dixon
Katy Doherty
Lewis Doherty
Zack Earls
Ahmed Elimam
Gus Elliot
Molly Elliot
Joshua Emerson
Nehir Erk
Ellie Finn
Natalia Finn
Adam Fitzpatrick
Izzy Fitzpatrick
Ben Flanagan
Mollyann Flynn
Felix Forde
Grace Fung
Ben Gallagher
Isaac Gavaghan
Sophie Gaw
Joel Gheel
Rory Gibbons
Finn Gibbs
Leah Gibson
Ben Gillen
Maggie Gilmartin
Alexander Gilmour
Rebecca Glass
Niamh Godfrey
Finn Gormley
Joshua Gould
Daniel Graham
Peter Gray
Ruby Green
Max Gribben
Alexander Hadjiev
Daniel Haffey
Ella Hanratty
Alicia Hardy
Hannah Harvey
Lucy Henderson
Aoibhe Hennigan
Connor Ho
Alex Holmes
Zara Hosam El-Din Gamal Omar
Josh Hughes
Amy Hunter
Oscar Hunter
Zayan Imam
Sophia Irvine
Rabbi Islam
Daniel Ivett
Ashwin Iyer
Katie Jack
Ashly Jacob
Niah Jamison
Shuaib Jeetun
Olivia Johnston
Alexander Johnston
Francesca Jones
Rudy Jordan
Akash Jose
Emma Kavanagh
Izem Kazanci
Naoise Kearney
Megan Kelly
Suzanna Kelly
Zoe Kerr
Elead Lau
Kairl Lau
Clara Lavery
Tom Lavery
Christian Law
Serenah Leahy
Carl Lewis
Jacob Lewis
Leo Lin
Matthew Long
Sophia Lopes
Erin Lungley
Hannah Magill
Maya Magill
Poppy Magill
Harry Malangeni
Mira Malinova
Estelle Marlow
Ella Martin
Ibraheem Mashal
Seth Massey
Sophie Maxwell
Tess McAleavey
Ruby McAlindon
Lucy McAllister
Elsa McCallum
Brooklyn McCann
Jane McCarroll
Lucy McCarron
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Max McClintock
Corin McCollum
Gabriel McConkey
Charlotte McConkey
Henry McCorry
Pearce McCrory
Scarlett McDowell
Oliver McFarland
Ethan McGladdery
Aine McGoldrick
Katie McGrath
Calum McGreevy
Codi McIlwrath
Ethan McKee
Liam McKinney
Harry McNeice
Aisha Mohamed
Yaroslava Mohyliuk
Abigail Molloy
Caidan Moore
Anna Moriarty
Fabio Moscato
Rianna Mulgrew
Rose Mulvaney
Dan Murphy
Sarah Murphy
Zach Murphy
Adam Murray
Jago Murray-Twinn
Oliver Neill
Rowan Nicholl-Quail
Fionn O’Doherty
William O’Dowd
Anna O’Hagan
Molly O’Shea
Naomi Oyebode
Yuv Pahuja
Daisy Paul
David Paunksnys
Isaac Penaflor
Prasidh Pentlavalli
Eddie Petersen
Pirabakaran Pirathesan
James Plunkett
Phoenyx Quinn
Ryan Raffo
Sam Rainey
Mohammed Rakeeb
Erin Reid
Jack Reid
Ted Reihill Ingman
Conor Reilly
Peter Robinson
Ryan Robinson
Rhys Rodgers
Sian Rosales
Eva Russell
Adam Ryciak
Ayesha Salem
Jessica Sanderson
Michael Sandstrom
Niamh Sargeant
Chelsea Scott
Oscar Scott
Dylan Scully
Bethany Shanks
Simrik Sharma
Nicole Shek
Gethin Shuttleworth
Ellie Sinclair
Evelyn Skelt
Sorcha Skelt
Tori Skelton-Scott
Olivia Smyth
Ivan Songcuan
Charlotte Spence
Anna Sprules
Lauren Stanley
Molly Stewart
Sam Stock
Virag Sugar
Naomi Tedford
Maya Thomson
Isaac Thornton
Jack Tindal
Dylan Torrens
Honor Turnbull
Ethan Turner
Christian Van Niekerk
Matthew Wang
Maya Watson
Kate Weir
Nicky Weng
Oscar Whiteman
Lucy Wilson
Ethan Wong
Jenny Wu
Yasmine Xu
Mohammad-Ali Yassin
Lucas Yin
Opportunity Diversity Excellence 17
Advanced Level
The following passed in at least two subjects
Sarah Abdullah
Taran Adams
Diba Afrasiabi
Hannah Alderdice
Lars Alexander-Law
Louisa Alexander-Law
Alexander Allen
Catie Allen
Jonny Allen
Jamie Anderson
Johnny Anderson
Karl Andreasson
Ella Armstrong
Theo Armstrong
Reuben Austin
Rory Aylward-Maruna
Evelina Bajoraitis
Hamza Baleed
Ellen Beattie
Lorcan Binding
Liam Black
Sophie Bleakley
Daniel Blease
Shriya Bommaraveni
Romaissa Bouazza
Lucy Boyd
Scott Boyd
Christopher Bradley
Reuben Brush
Suzannah Bryant
Ella Buchanan
Anna Caldwell
Catherine Campbell
Ethan Campbell
Finian Campbell
Jude Campbell
Joshua Campbell-Smyth
Emma Campton
Lewis Carlile
Oliver Carlisle
Rebecca Carrothers
Pancheewa Chalmers
Jack Chambre
Lucy Charlton
Deepa Chidambaram
Jathin Chinthalapudi
Minsur Choi
Hang Tung Chung
James Clark
Lewis Clarke
Molly Clarke
Nathan Clarke
Jenny Clynes
Sasha Coburn
Eidaan Coles
Patrick Collum
Matthew Cooper
Conor Cox
Bronwyn Craig
Jolene Craig
Liberty Crothers Gibson
Michael Crothers
Cristian Cummings
David Curry
Adriana Cutrona
Benjamin Dang
Meg De Jesus
Denna Detty
Eden Dickson
Joe Dickson
Tina Dong
Christian Drennan
Luke Dunlop
Eibhlin Eddy
Stephanie Ekwueme
Patti Elliot
Ellie Falls
Theo Falls
Ella Farrell
Isabella Fennell
Sophie Fennell
Conor Ferguson
Grace Ferguson
Katie Fetherston
Ella Fitzpatrick
Oliver Fleming
Timothy Fleming
Ella Flynn
Ellie Flynn
Bradley Fon
Matthew Fon
Celeste Forde
Patrick Fullarton-Healey
Sheryl Garrett
Lauren Graden
Lucy Grant
Dasha Grichtchenko Crozier
Rogina Guirguis
Sri Gummadavelli
Carla Hamill
John Hamilton
Zara Handley
Leah Hanna
Lily Hanna
Lorcan Hanratty
Gracie Harper
Kathleen Holland
Samuel Holohan Duffy
Charlotte Houston
Patrick Humphreys
Andrew Hunter
Matthew Ivett
Mihika Jain
Harry Johnston
Sara Jordan
Anhu Karthikeyan
Adam Kennedy
Arlo Kilpatrick
Sienna Kinder
Jack Lambe
Fang Shaw Lau
Anthony Laverty
Finn Laverty
Charlie Lavery
Soma Lengyel
Queenie Lin
Ryan Lindsay
Katie Linton
Angela Liu
Abi Lopes
James MacRandal
Marius Manalo
Ben Marsden
Ellen Massey
Catelyn Maxwell
Phoebe May
Finn McAdam
Toby McBrien
Amy McCann
Peter McCarron
Max McCartney
James McClean
Maeve McClelland
Victoria McCloskey
Brian McCollum
Ita McConville
DeAndre McCourt
Olivia McCrea
Molly McCreary
Jack McCrum
Rachel McCrum
Daniel McCurdy
Clara McDevitt
Hugh McDowell
Patrick McElhinney
Garbhan McEnoy
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Amy McGivern
Abigail McGreevy
Scott McIlwaine
Benjamin McIntyre
Jamie McKay
Gemini McKee
Arthur McKeever
Suke McKegney
Max McKenzie
Matteo McLaughlin
Connie McMurray
Henry Megarity
John Joe Millar
Lukas Milliken
Eve Minnis
Eve Mockford
Sophie Moffett
Rayaan Mohamed
Yasmin Mohamed
Fakhri Mohd Faisal
Luke Monaghan
Nina Moore
Rebecca Moore
Hermionie Morgan
Rebecca Morris
Anas Mousa
Enas Mousa
Niamh Mullaney
Orla Mulvey
Anna-Louise Munro
Hugh Murphy
Bethany Murray
Erin Murray
Ruben Murray-Twinn
Matthew Mussen
Cameron Nannery
Rosa Newman
Benjamin Nugent
Niamh O’Connor
Peter O’Hagan
Johnny O’Kane
Eoghan O’Mainnin
Hannah O’Neill
Sophia O’Neill
Brian O’Shea
Alice Patterson
Jamie Patterson
Teddy Patterson
Emily Petersen
Renee Petersen
Muthisan Pirathesan
Eve Pollock
Noah Poots
Sasha Porter
Harry Pratt
Anisa Price
Robyn Prince
Mee Ramanathan
Rowan Rea
Erin Reid
Holly Reid
Isabella Revill
Pippa Revill
Jack Reynolds
Zak Reynolds
Jonathan Riddell
Nathan Robinson
Lara Roche-Voskanyan
Freya Rocks
Beth Rodgers
Olivia Rogan
Jay Rogers
Jude Ryan
Olivia Ryan
Orlaith Ryden
Eldhose Saji
Victoria Senninger
Dara Shaw
Rhianna Shaw
Yifei Shen
Morgan Shuttleworth
Summar Smylie
Eva Somersett
Martha Stewart
Alyssa Suthakorn
Sameeh Tareen
Ruby Tindal
Sasha Trainor
Ben Tughan
Katie Tully
James Turkington
Michelle Valderrama
Stefan Van Walstijn
Lesedi Vellem
Lily Wang
Sherry Wang
Amy Weir
Nathaniel Wharton
Callum White
Benjamin Wilson
Tori Wright
Ankita Yakkundi
Amber Young
Ella Young
Artila Zekaj
John Zhang
Chloe Zhao
Opportunity Diversity Excellence 19
Public Examinations 2022
(Pupils gaining at least five grades at C or above)
GCE Advanced Level (Pupils gaining awards in two or more subjects)
Higher Education and Employment
Russell Group Universities
Oxford and Cambridge Universities
Queen’s University Belfast
Ulster University
Stranmillis University College
Belfast Metropolitan College
South Eastern Regional College
Republic of Ireland Universities
English Universities
Scottish Universities
Welsh Universities Gap Year
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Apprenticeships Institutions Overseas Employment Unknown 107 8 39 18 1 13 2 4 85 35 6 39 2 4 5 3
(98.8%) 263 (100%)
Entrance of Former Pupils to Universities, Institutes of Further & Higher Education & Employment
Sarah Abdullah
Taran Adams
Diba Afrasiabi
Hannah Alderdice
Louisa Alexander-Law
Lars Alexander-Law
Jonny Allen
Alexander Allen
Catie Allen
Johnny Anderson
Jamie Anderson
Karl Andreasson
Theo Armstrong
Ella Armstrong
Reuben Austin
Rory Aylward-Maruna
Evelina Bajoraitis
Hamza Baleed
Ellen Beattie
Lorcan Binding
Liam Black
Sophie Bleakley
Daniel Blease
Shriya Bommaraveni
Lewis Booth
Romaissa Bouazza
Lucy Boyd
Scott Boyd
Christopher Bradley
Lauren Brown
Reuben Brush
Suzannah Bryant
Ella Buchanan
Anna Caldwell
Catherine Campbell
Ethan Campbell
Finian Campbell
Jude Campbell
Joshua Campbell-Smyth
Emma Campton
Oliver Carlisle
Rebecca Carrothers
Pancheewa Chalmers
Jack Chambre
Lucy Charlton
Deepa Chidambaram
Jathin Chinthalapudi
Minsur Choi
University of Bolton
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Kent
University of Edinburgh
University of Exeter
Gap Year
Liverpool John Moores University
Ulster University
Ulster University
Queen’s University Belfast
Newcastle University
Edinburgh Napier University
University of Bath
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Nottingham
Bangor University
Gap Year
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Stirling
Gap Year
University of Liverpool
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast
Gap Year
University of Nottingham
Belfast Metropolitan College
University of Glasgow
Ulster University
Durham University
University of Manchester
University of Oxford
Trinity College Dublin
Ulster University
Further Education
University of Glasgow
University of Aberdeen
University of Liverpool (Deferred)
Belfast Metropolitan College
Queen’s University Belfast
SGS College
University of Glasgow
University of Nottingham
Cardiff University
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast
Nursing Associate
Biological Sciences
Politics and Geography
Law and Business
Politics and International Relations
Film Studies and Production
Royal Navy
Mechanical Engineering
Environmental Science
Sport Business Management
Media and Communication
International Relations and Politics
Foundation Degree in Mechatronics
Veterinary Medicine
Mechanical Engineering
Actuarial Science and Mathematics
Business Studies
A Levels
History and Politics
Neuroscience with Psychology
AS & A Levels
Foundation Dip. in Art and Design
Aerospace Engineering
Psychology Cognitive Neuroscience
Economics and Finance
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Hang Tung Chung
James Clark
Molly Clarke
Lewis Clarke
Nathan Clarke
Jenny Clynes
Sasha Coburn
Eidann Coles
Patrick Collum
Matthew Cooper
Conor Cox
Jolene Craig
Bronwyn Craig
Michael Crothers
Liberty Crothers-Gibson
Dasha Crozier
Cristian Cummings
David Curry
Adriana Cutrona
Benjamin Dang
Meg de Jesus
Denna Detty
Eden Dickson
Joe Dickson
Tina Dong
Christian Drennan
Samuel Duffy
Luke Dunlop
Eibhlin Eddy
Stephanie Ekwueme
Patti Elliot
Ellie Falls
Theo Falls
Ella Farrell
Isabella Fennell
Sophie Fennell
Conor Ferguson
Grace Ferguson
Katie Fetherston
Ella Fitzpatrick
Oliver Fleming
Timothy Fleming
Ella Flynn
Ellie Flynn
Bradley Fon
Matthew Fon
Celeste Forde
Patrick Fullarton-Healey
Sheryl Garrett
Lauren Graden
Lucy Grant
Rogina Guirguis
Sri Gummadavelli
Carla Hamill
John Hamilton
Zara Handley
Lily Hanna
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Nottingham
University of Greenwich
Ulster University
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Liverpool
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast Metropolitan College
University of Aberdeen
Notre Dame College, Ohio
University of Salford
Belfast Metropolitan College
University College Dublin
Queen’s University Belfast
Trinity College Dublin
Gap Year
Liverpool John Moores University
University of Manchester
University of Dundee
Swansea University
Gap Year
Ulster University
Newcastle University
London School of Economics
University of Bath
Ulster University
University of Liverpool
Royal Northern College of Music
University of Salford
Lancaster University
Cardiff University
Durham University
Liverpool John Moores University
University of Brighton
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
University of Strathclyde
University of Glasgow
Belfast Metropolitan College
Gap Year
Queen’s University Belfast
Edge Hill University, Liverpool
Trinity College Dublin
University of Leeds
Gap Year
Durham University
Newcastle University (Deferred)
University of Glasgow
University of Liverpool
Gap Year
Belfast Metropolitan College
Belfast Metropolitan College
Ulster University
University of Liverpool
University of Strathclyde
University of Plymouth (Deferred)
Belfast Metropolitan College
Sports Rehabilitation
Business Management
Business Studies
Economics with Finance
A Levels
Sports Management
TV and Radio Production
A Levels
Law and Criminology
Environmental Science
Criminology with Criminal Justice
Business Management
Economics and Geography
Mechanical Automotive Engineering
Vocal Studies and Opera/Music
Children & Young People’s Nursing
Mechanical Engineering
Politics and International Relations
Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Science
Economics and Finance
Economics and Finance
A Levels
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Primary Education with QTS
International Business
Finance and Mathematics
Veterinary Science
Foundation Degree in Art
A Levels
Financial Technology
International Business
A Levels
Opportunity Diversity Excellence 22
Leah Hanna
Lorcan Hanratty
Gracie Harper
Kathleen Holland
Charlotte Houston
Patrick Humphreys
Andrew Hunter
Matthew Ivett
Mihika Jain
Harry Johnston
Sarah Jordan
Anhukrisha Karthikeyan
Adam Kennedy
Arlo Kilpatrick
Sienna Kinder
Jack Lambe
Fang Shaw Lau
Anthony Laverty
Finn Laverty
Charlie Lavery
Soma Lengyel
Queenie Lin
Ryan Lindsay
Katie Linton
Angela Liu
Abi Lopes
James MacRandal
Marius Manalo
Benjamin Marsden
Ellen Massey
Catelyn Maxwell
Phoebe May
Finn McAdam
Toby McBrien
Amy McCann
Peter McCarron
Max McCartney
James McClean
Maeve McClelland
Victoria McCloskey
Brian McCollum
Ita McConville
DeAndre McCourt
Olivia McCrea
Molly McCreary
Jack McCrum
Rachel McCrum
Daniel McCurdy
Clara McDevitt
Hugh McDowell
Patrick McElhinney
Garbhan McEnoy
Amy McGivern
Abigail McGreevy
Scott McIlwaine
Benjamin McIntyre
Jamie McKay
Newcastle University
Gap Year
Gap Year
Belfast Metropolitan College
University of Cambridge
University of Northumbria
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Glasgow
Royal Veterinary College London
Queen’s University Belfast
Gap Year
Liverpool John Moores University
Newcastle University
Ulster University
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast Metropolitan College
Ulster University
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Plymouth
University of Leicester
Gap Year
Gap Year
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Exeter
Queen’s University Belfast, Deferred
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast
Stranmillis University College
Queen’s University Belfast
Gap Year
Gap Year
University of Manchester
University of Bristol
University of Dundee
University of St Andrews
University of the West of England
Durham University
Loughborough University
University of Edinburgh
Gap Year
Queen’s University Belfast
Newcastle University
Durham University
University of Nottingham
Cardiff University
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
University of Bath
University of Cambridge
Ulster University
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast
Accounting and Finance
A Levels and Employment
Sports Management
Economics and Mathematics
Biological Sciences
Sports Nutrition
Food Business Mgt & Marketing
A Levels
Business Economics
Applied Clinical Psychology
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Civil Engineering
Primary Education
Modern Languages
Product Design and Technology
Archaeology & Ancient Civilisations
Biological Sciences
Business Management
Veterinary Medicine
Politics and International Studies
Politics, Philosophy & Economics
Criminology and Social Policy
Computer Science
Opportunity Diversity Excellence 23
Gemini McKee
Arthur McKeever
Suke McKegney
Max McKenzie
Matteo McLaughlin
Connie McMurray
Henry Megarity
John Joe Millar
Lukas Milliken
Eve Minnis
Eve Mockford
Sophie Moffett
Yasmin Mohamed
Rayaan Mohamed
Fakhri Mohd Faisal
Luke Monaghan
Rebecca Moore
Nina Moore
Hermionie Morgan
Rebecca Morris
Anas Mousa
Enas Mousa
Niamh Mullaney
Orla Mulvey
Anna Munro
Hugh Murphy
Bethany Murray
Erin Murray
Ruben Murray-Twinn
Matthew Mussen
Cameron Nannery
Rosa Newman
Benjamin Nugent
Niamh O’Connor
Peter O’Hagan
Johnny O’Kane
Eoghan O’Mainnin
Sophia O’Neill
Hannah O’Neill
Brian O’Shea
Teddy Patterson
Alice Patterson
Jamie Patterson
Emily Petersen
Renee Petersen
Muthisan Pirathesan
Eve Pollock
Noah Poots
Sasha Porter
Harry Pratt
Anisa Price
Robyn Prince
Mee Ramanathan
Rowan Rea
Erin Reid
Holly Reid
Pippa Revill
University of Cambridge
University of Amsterdam
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Hull
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Newcastle University
Queen’s University Belfast
Gap Year
Ulster University
Gap Year
Keele University, Staffordshire
Loughborough University
University of Dundee (Deferred)
University of Aberdeen
Newcastle University
Queen’s University Belfast
Gap Year
University of Oxford
Gap Year
University of St Andrews
University of Manchester
Ulster University
University of Manchester (Deferred)
Ulster University
Gap Year
Ulster University
Queen’s University Belfast
Newcastle University
University of Leicester
Bournemouth University
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Queen’s University Belfast
Northumbria University
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
Newcastle University
Gap Year
Gap Year
University of Strathclyde
Gap Year
Ulster University
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Strathclyde
Oxford Brookes University
University of Liverpool
Ulster University
Heriot-Watt University
University in Australia
University of Oxford
Imperial College London
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast
Bournemouth University
University of Bath
University of Liverpool
University of Surrey
History and Politics
Business Studies
Civil Engineering
Human Nutrition & Food Marketing
Business Technology
Sport Technology
Civil and Structural Engineering
English and Philosophy
Archaeology and Ancient History
English Literature and French
Chemical Engineering
Law, Politics & International Studies
Film and Theatre Making
Politics and Sociology
Business Economics
Business Management
Mechanical Engineering
Biochemistry & Modern Language
Business Accounting and Finance
Business and Law
Employment & Travel
Marketing and Psychology
Language and Linguistics
Biomedical Science
Computer Science
Fine Art
Applied Mathematics and Physics
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Economics with Placement
Law with Criminology
Opportunity Diversity Excellence 24
Isabella Revill
Jack Reynolds
Zak Reynolds
Jonathan Riddell
Nathan Robinson
Lara Roche-Voskanyan
Freya Rocks
Beth Rodgers
Olivia Rogan
Jay Rogers
Olivia Ryan
Jude Ryan
Orlaith Ryden
Eldhose Saji
Victoria Senninger
Rhianna Shaw
Dara Shaw
Yifei Shen
Morgan Shuttleworth
Summar Smylie
Eva Somersett
Martha Stewart
Alyssa Suthakorn
Sameeh Tareen
Ruby Tindal
Sasha Trainor
Benjamin Tughan
Katie Tully
James Turkington
Michelle Valderrama
Stefan Van Walstijn
Lesedi Vellem
Lily Wang
Sherry Wang
Amy Weir
Nathaniel Wharton
Callum White
Benjamin Wilson
Tori Wright
Ankita Yakkundi
Ella Young
Amber Young
Artila Zekaj
John Zhang
Chloe Zhao
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Ernst & Young
Ulster University
Queen’s University Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Edinburgh
University of Dundee
Strathclyde University
Belfast Metropolitan College
Liverpool John Moores University
University of Edinburgh
Gap Year
University of Manchester
Gap Year
Gap Year
Gap Year
University of Cambridge
University of Liverpool
University College London
University of Glasgow
Gap Year
Queen’s University Belfast
Gap Year
Gap Year
University of Liverpool
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast Metropolitan College
Northumbria University
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Edinburgh
University of Leicester
Kings College London
London School of Economics
Queen’s University Belfast
Loughborough University
University of Strathclyde
University of Strathclyde
Cardiff University
Keele University, Staffordshire
Strathclyde University
Weatherford College, Texas
Liverpool John Moores University
Lancaster University
Gap Year
International Business Mgt
Accountancy Apprenticeship
Civil Engineering
Biomedical Science
Electrical Engineering
Forensic Anthropology
Foundation Degree in Art & Design
Business Studies
Russian Studies and Politics
Employment, Travelling
Mechatronics Engineering
Employment, Travelling
Irish Studies
Scots Law
Mechanical Engineering
Communication and Media
Hospitality Apprenticeship
Criminology and Forensic Science
Biomedical Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Biomedical Sciences
Mathematics with Economics
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Finance and Marketing
International Business
Maths, Finance and Statistics
Sports Science
International Business with Mgt
Opportunity Diversity Excellence 25
Vice Principals:
Academic Staff 2022 - 2023
Mrs J Lendrum BA MEd
Mr P Gardner BA
Mrs A Logan MA
Mrs J Reid BA
Assistant Principal Teachers:
Dr S Anderson BSc
Mr P Armstrong BEd MSc
Mrs A Kennedy BA
Mr R McReynolds BA
Art & Design
Dr A Moore BA MSc
Mrs G Braband MFA
Miss J Irvine BA
Mrs G Steadman BA
Dr RP Campton BSc
Dr S Anderson BSc
Mrs J Evans BSc
Mr C Finlay BSc MEd
Mr A Gallagher BSc
Mrs N McCann BSc
Mrs L McCluggage BSc
Mrs J Marrs BSc
Mrs J Oliver BSc
Dr F Quinn BSc
Dr M Dorrity BSc
Mrs R Burton BSc MEd
Mrs A Drumm BEng MSc
Mrs L Forsythe BSc MEd
Miss L Hamilton BSc MEng
Mr E Marron BSc
Mrs A Sowney BSc
Mrs P Hammond BSc
Mr C Gallagher BSc
Mr S Wilson BSc MEd
Dr A Dempsie MA
Mrs L Leigh Livingstone MA
Miss J Williamson MA MAT
Miss J Richmond BSc MSc
Mr N Wright BEng MSc
Miss L Anderson BA
Dr M Devlin BA MA
Economics & Business Studies
Mr G Davidson BEd
Mr P Armstrong BEd MSc
Mr K Holland BSc
Mrs A Logan MA
Mr C Thompson BEd
Mr R Bleakley MA
Ms T Artherton BA
Miss S Coll BA MPhil
Mrs M Cooney BA
R Devlin BA MA
Mr W Latimer MA
Mr N Maltman BA
Mrs H Parker BA DASE
Mrs C Webster BA MA
Food & Nutrition
Miss J Lloyd BA
Miss K Freeburn BSc
Mrs C Hart BA
Mrs J Kelly BSc
Mrs K Steenson BSc
Mrs A Duckett BA BSc
Mrs N Bedi BSc
Dr T Crawford BSc
Mr P Ferguson BSc
Mr P Kirk BA
Mr T Welshman BSc
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Academic Staff 2022 - 2023
Mrs J Maguire BSSc MSc
Miss U Corrigan BA
Mr P Gardner BA
Miss B Leitch BA
Mr R Livingston MA PDip
Mr A Lynas BA
Miss J McDonald BA
Mr M Johnston BSc
Mrs J Barry BSc
Mrs J Campton BSc
Mr W Leacock BSc
Mr S Lindsay MSc
Mr S Lyttle BSc
Miss A McIntyre BSc
Mrs E McKay BSc
Mrs S McKay BSc
Mr C Martin BSc
Mrs S Morgan BSc
Mrs A Scott BSc
Miss K Walker BSc
Modern Languages
Mrs K Marsh BA (Spanish)
Mr W Carrothers MA (French)
Mrs T McCrum MA (Russian)
Miss O Moore BA (German)
Mrs R Cairns BA
Mrs L Callaghan BA
Miss R Keaveney BA
Mrs A Kennedy BA
Mrs S Maddi BA
Mr R McReynolds BA
Mrs K Young BA
Mrs R McCartney MBE BMus
Miss E Orr BMus MMus
Mr R Parton BMus
Mrs L Rolston BMus
Physical Education
Mr J Lowe BA MSc
Mr D Dougherty BSc
Mrs L Fulton BSc
Mr J Kennedy BEd
Mrs F McIlwaine BSc MSc
Mrs C Moreland BSc
Mr N Wells BA
Miss E Quinn BSc
Mr M Forsythe BSc
Mrs M Corrigan BSc
Miss C McManus MSc
Mrs K-A Savage BSc
Mrs A Stott MSc
Dr C Triguero
Mr A Lynas BA
Miss U Corrigan BA
Mr R Livingston MA PDip
Mrs G McKee BSc MEd
Mrs T Rea BA
Mrs L Wright MEd
Religious Education
Mrs T Macartney BEd
Mr I Gibson BEd
Mr R McComiskey BA
Mr S Mallon BSc
Mrs B Bell BEng
Mr J Farquhar BEd
Mr J McKee BEng
Mr N Thompson BEng
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Preparatory Department 2022 - 2023
Head of Department:
Deputy Heads of Department:
Mr A Jennings BSc MEd PQH
Mrs A Cunningham BA PGCE
Mr C Allen BEd PGDipEd
Mrs D Allen BEd
Mrs C Booth BEd
Mr G Dando BA PGCE
Mrs E Davey BA (QTS)
Mrs D Doherty BEd MSc
Mrs H Glasgow BEd
Mrs D Gray BEd
Mrs E Gregory BEd
Mrs R Hart BEd
Mrs R Keaveney BA PGCE
School Secretary
Mrs S Hampton, Downey House
Mrs R Forsythe, Fullerton House
School Assistants
Mrs A Creighton
Mrs S Allen
Classroom Assistants
Ms A Drayner
Ms L Garcia-Fernandez
Mrs M McCloughlin
Mrs E Rafferty
Mrs L Rawding
Mrs G Williamson
Ms R Wilson
Ms F McBrien-Harrison BEd
Mrs E Martin BA PGCE
Mrs R Massey BEd
Mrs L Moorehead MA PGCE (QTS)
Mrs G Morrison BEd
Mrs A Shanks BEd
Mrs C Stewart BSc PGCE PGDipEd
Mrs R Watson BEd
Fullerton House Preschool
Miss M Boyd BA
Mrs E McCulla
Downey House Preschool
Mrs A Hanna BEd
Mrs J Beattie
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Administrative & Support Staff 2022 - 2023
School Business Manager:
School Executive Officer:
Mrs L Allen-Antuna
Mr D Annett BSc MSc
Mr C Aranha
Mr J Ardies
Miss J Bertille
Ms V Bisignano
Mr D Blackledge
Mr P Bovaird
Mrs D Boyd BA Dip SCM
Mrs K Brand BSc
Mr S Bright
Mr T Carson
Mr F Cassidy
Miss S Cassidy
Mrs L Cesnik BSc
Mrs D Chaudhari
Miss E Collier
Mrs E Dalton BA
Mr G Douglas
Miss C Edgar BA
Mr S Fagan
Mr M Finch
Mrs J Foster
Mr D Galway
Miss S Gilbey
Mrs H Gharini
Mrs A Graham
Mrs L Greer
Miss R Guildea
Mr B Holmes
Miss G Houston
Mrs V Hunter
Mrs O Jancsurak-Kerchner
Dr V Jesumani
Mrs L Johnston
Mr A Jordan
Mrs W Kalitowska
Miss K Kee
Mr L Kelly
Mr W Kelso
Miss L Logan
Mr P Lewis
Miss M Lynn
Mrs C Macpherson
Mr P McCartney
Mr T McCarroll
Miss C McGuigan
Mrs L McKeown LLB LLM
Mrs T Mathews
Mrs F Woods BSc FCA Mrs J Jeanes
Mrs B Millar
Mrs P Millar BSc
Mrs P Montgomery
Dr S Moore
Mrs K Moscato BSc MEd PGCE
Mrs F Murphy BA
Mrs N Murray BA
Miss S Molloy
Miss S Neale MSc PGCE
Mrs L Nesbitt
Mrs P Oldroyd
Miss E Patterson BA MSc Dip LIS
Mrs N Pullin BA
Mr P Quate
Mrs C Service BA PGCE
Mrs S Shields
Mr S Shortt
Mrs C Simms BSc PGCE
Mrs M Smeathers
Miss K Sneddon
Mrs G Startin
Miss A Stewart
Miss S Stockman BA PGCE
Mrs P Sutton
Mr M Taylor
Mrs N Taylor
Mrs D Thompson
Mrs C Turner
Mrs S Varma BEng
Mr D Wilson
Mr G Wilson
Mrs S Wylie
Miss S Yang
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
Chair Vice Chair
Hon Treasurer
Hon Secretary President
Board of Governors 2022 - 2023
Rev Dr JM Unsworth MA MDiv PGCE PGDip (TE)
Mr J Magee FCA
Mrs E Shaw BA (Hons) PGCE Dip RSA
Rev D Nixon BTh MA
Rev Dr JD Alderdice BA BD MA
Dr DRS Gallagher BSSc MEd
Dr S Gallaher BA MPhil
Mrs C Hart BA PGCE
Mr TR Haslett BA (Hons) BLegSc LLM(Bar) CPCI
Rev N Johnston MA BTh
Mrs J Liddicoat BSc (Hons)
Mr J Lowry LLB
Mr S Magee KC LLB (Hons)
Dr D Magill LLB
Rev PNW Maxwell BD (PTFI)
Mr M McElhinney LLB (Hons) MSC FCA
Mrs E McKay BSc PGCE
Rev Dr HME Morris BSc BD
Ms O Oluwalana BSc
Mr Richard Pengelly CB PG Dip FCA
Ms V Wallace-Grzymek MBE MSc PG Dip MSc ADM RM RGN
Mrs R Watson BEd
Mr D Galway, Mr M Johnston, Mrs T Mathews, Mrs L McCluggage, Mrs L Nesbitt, Mrs N Pullin, Mrs S Shields
Opportunity Diversity Excellence
© 2022 Methodist College Belfast
Christina Bennington
Born and raised in Belfast, Christina is a Northern Irish stage and screen actor. She is best known for creating the leading role of Raven in Jim Steinman’s Bat Out of Hell the Musical which she performed in Manchester, London, Toronto and New York.
Stage credits include leading the West End run of Heathers in 2021 as Veronica Sawyer in the Theatre Royal Haymarket, Christine Daaé in Phantom of the Opera in Concert, Johanna in Sweeney Todd and she has just finished filming for series 2 and 3 of Nova Jones for CBBC as Bobbles Smithsonian.
During her time at Methodist College, Christina was a keen participant in many activities, especially the Drama and Music Departments, and was honoured to serve as Head Girl. She is delighted to be returning to the College for Prize Day.
Opportunity Diversity Excellence 31
rights reserved. No Part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.
Methodist College Belfast, 1 Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 6BY 02890 205205
Principal: Mrs J Lendrum, BA (Hons), PGCE, MEd, PQH (NI)