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Methow Valley Rivers & Streams
2023 Regulations & Information
•Use only artificial lure/fly with single barbless hook.
•DO NOT play fish to exhaustion.
•Minimize handling by leaving the fish in the water.
•Use rubberized or knot-less landing net.
•Grasp fish by its back and head, gently but firmly, turn fish belly up while removing hook.
•If fish swallows hook, cut leader.
Additional Regulations for Methow Valley Rivers and Streams
NOTE: Additional Regulations May Apply
Consult the Washington Sport Fishing Rules 2022 - 2023 pamphlet, download the “Fish Washington” app, or check the WDFW website for more details: https://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations
METHOW STEELHEAD REGULATIONS: Opening and closure determined by WDFW. Check emergency rule changes on WDFW website for details.
WINTER WHITEFISH REGULATIONS: Consult the Washington Sport Fish pamphlet for details.
All threatened or endangered species - including Summer Steelhead, Spring Chinook Salmon, and Bull Trout - must not be completely removed from the water, unless retention is allowed under special state rules.
•Report violations to the WDFW Enforcement Officer 509-631-0903
This map was created by Greg Knab and Ben Dennis and updated by Methow Valley Fly Fishers and Methow Fishing Adventures. Questions - contact methowvalleyflyfishers@gmail.com
Campbell And
Davis is off of Bear Creek Road on Davis Lake Road a half-mile beyond the Bear Creek Golf Course entrance. To get to Campbell, go a few feet farther on Bear Creek Road, turn right up Lester Road and follow the map from there toward Pipestone Canyon. For Cougar Lake, head up Bear Creek Road to the WDFW Methow Wildlife Area headquarters, then bear to the right and keep going up, through the Cougar Flats burn scar until you get there. All three lakes are open year-round, selective gear only, no combustion engines permitted, minimum size 14 inches and two fish daily. Reports are always of a fun experience at both, although one is inclined to encounter the western pacific rattlesnake occasionally in the Campbell Lake area, just so one is aware.
There are a number of very aesthetic flowing water opportunities in the near vicinity of the upper Methow Valley. Some are wide open for all kinds of gear, some are closed permanently to protect endangered and threatened species, and to protect critical and sensitive habitat. Some are open here and not over there, and some are open for certain species and closed for others.
It is the angler’s responsibility to know and abide by those specific, and sometimes confusing rules, especially knowing one species of trout from another. In the streams, it is quite possible to locate rainbow, cutthroat, eastern brook and bull (Dolly Varden) trout. There are different limits on eastern brookies than with rainbow and cutthroat, and catching/keeping Dolly Varden is unlawful, so beware.
For detailed information, see the accompanying Methow Valley Rivers & Streams map.
Tiffany, Cutthroat, Rainy, Lake Ann and Blackpine Lakes are all basic statewide rules and seasons, again confirm all information by carrying and referring to the 202324 WDFW rules pamphlet. Ann,
Cutthroat and Tiffany are favorites for relatively short hikes that offer a real alpine flavor to the day with clear, deep blue waters, lingering snow fields dotting the slopes into late summer, and the possibility of stumbling on wildlife not normally seen along the highway or on the valley floor.
Backpacking into some higher mountain lakes provides an opportunity to discover less-visited waters, and therefore larger, more ornery fish. Gleaning information from locals on the best secrets is akin to coaxing fellow morel hunters on their favorite mushrooming spots, but some of the local outfitters and fishing guide people, who love to talk their passion by nature, will give you some excellent tips and ideas on where to go and how to hook some of the more picayune piscatorial species.
More information is available online, on the radio and word of mouth. A search for Methow Valley fishing will link you up with local enthusiast Greg Knaub and his You Tube videos fly fishing in the area, Leaf Seaburg’s weekly fishing updates on local radio station K TRT (the Root) heard on the FM dial at 97.5, and conversations with Lance Rider at the Outdoorsman, in Winthrop.
• WDFW Fishing Regulations: https://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/ regulations. Available at Ace Hardware in Winthrop, The Valley Do It Center in Twisp and downloaded from the link above.

• Washington state Discover Pass: www.discoverpass. wa.gov. Available at Pardner’s Mini Market in Winthrop, the Valley Do It Center, Winthrop Ace Hardware and at Pearrygin Lake State Park.
• USDA National Forest Service Pass Information: www. fs.usda.gov/detail/r6/passes-permits/recreation/?cid=fsbdev2_027010. Available at Pardner’s Mini Market and at the Methow Valley Ranger District office in Winthrop.